FROM BONKIE E SCOTLAND " und. ; CAPITAL OF THE SOUDAN 15 A WIDE ANVAKE TOWN. "Edndgn Journalist Describes the Great City of Central Afrira--Grave ~ ol Gordon. Sidney Low, writing in the London Standard, gave the wel ing account tle city of Khdrlum--the grave cf ngo, when it fell into the 'aaine: ot Aha Viclors of Kerreri, Kbar- tum was a p of ruin aa LU ncrapay Founded by Mehemet 835, it bad been a lown of some seiporintice and pretension-as the centre: of Egyp- tian rule in the Soudan. UTTERLY DESTROYED. For that reason, as soon as Moham- ulurly. public 'iuildings were burned, oe private dwe clings, mosuy "ff mud, were dismantled, the desk fants, or ss of them as pee ped massacre, were commanded {to "transfer themselves to Omdurman, some aie away on the opposite bank of the This village became an immense hu- nan warren, and, under the Khalifa, il 4vas probably the largest town, mea- sured by population, In all. Africa. Within sight of its festering alleys Khartum crumbled fo du: st i the sun n Septem- the Gnnerat ser- « lif nd va- cant. An entirely new city hod to be er A FAIR START. So fur this was on advant tage. ee had no hampering vestige oe t to deel todas They 1b , y plan of an Paster their efforts afier light and era thwarted hy the existence o twisting lanes and qalerioekings courts, mathematical symmetry for which niu nicipal refyimners at home sigh in vain. bs Its nant' Stralors are more fortunate such, for inslance, as India and Egy ibe ar and revolution had paper th u for them, and they couki } fieie own. foundation and shite! the Poe A GROWN-UP TOWN. Kharium reveals. the results of a bold and far-sighted embition. Hs sec- und {iunders were-convinced from the piutual that they. werelthe holders of n> mean city. Though il is so new and young, it bears the aspect of a chpital; it. seems - be preparing itself for a}- great futur I faders that alee 1 considered the siluation of Khbart and the swift ess Ww wih w typ it "had sprur own decay, ed 4 'and it makeshift and eae self as a sort of [ron- , like some of thing has a -hasly appe prepared for aban' who were not Kile long residents, but only temporary s0- jeurners under atien stars. But there is nothing of that irene: ent fecling about Khavlum: it has n rawness. despite ils youth, and, though still one. it hus a settled if it v work of men w es woaltznt t hqu This is typical of much else in the Soudan burgh ot his" Ee Py wwmou at gait 'on the Sunday by visitors air. Us} to t NOTES OF INTEREST FROM [ER BANKS AND BRAES. What Is Going On in the Highlands and Lowlands of Auld Scotia. Elgin 'Smallpox Hospital has now teen completed. .It has cost $7,250. During the past month the cusloms revenue rdcen. anrounled te Si11,005, 4 The $10.000 necessary do cstablish a ite school in Cowdenheath has Forfar n Council, with a view t+ japulatuing: 'the fown, have appointed wired rls Committee. jet in Dune Shore Dues Office Bie wehsconded. ia detaications ate estimated at The Lyceum Theatre, Govan, was re eentiy. entered by ig ree 'and about n money was stolen Mr. J. Matheson, teacher, Claddach, Kirkabost, has been presented wilh purse of sovefeigns on This retiral. About fifty men are employed doub- ling the North British Railway between ing hig comrnent ey tn Arbroath an "The late) Dr. McBain's Inverness Gaclic Diclionary has been out of print for some lane, and a new edition is lo be pubis Clydebank "enjoyed the sensation olher day of seeing a real live Russian baron. eed a motor car, mound into a piebeian Sweeping ma if is stated that"the late Ma ais of Lule offered to restore yrood from 10 to 25 per cen ants because of the had hary licenses cpl he in, empower Gorbals SE bE aws to do splendid work amongst the th 11 o | ae abel: Pe bul Queen Victoria akan of fies fe tention to it. i] ous. and davn of the nerves, which was follow- od by partial paralysis of the face, one fely drawn out cf TO PREVENT = sits +A NERVOUS- -- BREAKDOWN fake Dr. Williams' Pink Pills When the First Symptoms are Noticed and Save Yourself Much * -Safering Are you troubled with pailor, loss of Spirits, waves of heal pissing over the body, shortness of breath after slight i 4} f the t beat, poor digestion, or ak, or a fecling of weight and ful- ness? Do not make the mistake of thinking that these are diseases in themselves and be satisfied with relict the time being. his is the way that the neryes give warning t y are phere down. means that the blood bas become fh and nerves 16 keep them healthy and able to do their 'ork. There is only one way to prevent the finut breakdown of the nerves and: the the only medicine 1 promplly and clfectively, ss do' of this medicine helps make new blood of st aig tit the weik worn-out as nee J.. Tapicy, Fredericton, cured. by Dr. Williams' at Pils atiet suffering from. nervous kdown, which resuiled in partia j D. Wikinson, ticens cer, Cou Cupar, who is in St. John's U. F. Church, rendered his ticense to sell int LOTS. Sir Henry Lillejohn ha iS ted consultin; gerry health and surged fn Oe pol former: sal: per annum as chief. - The parish church was recently re-opened | Renaralion: and alterat ior, yas kiken exception to ys new sinu His Friends." The: Carneg) making Na: ib nee ity. £11100; "Aberd Glasgow n silys:, = University, £8,600, and St. Andcews University, £7,500. A steamer ran ashore in aiericen Bay, near the mouth of the Don, the other day, and lie Interest was 40 great that the s fhe neighbo! ond af Do: iu b were quite emptied he se: For the "ear in succession a that anes were: planning for t ure. LIES IN. DESERT. It lies in the midst of a brown and yellow wilderness, which we do wrong desert, since it necds but water to reclothe it wa iy garment of ver- . 'The water is there, in the two mighty riv aie with the scour from fhe Abyssinian hills and white with fo »-That mingle their streams at this point. = ot 2 - O ij 5 22 = wealth of greenery foe and rn nustting eaacle; which delight the tired senses afler the glare and bar- renness of the léng, hot journey from the north. BEAUTIFUL PICTURE. AN along the river front and in the . ound + especially in Jonder, wil- lewy date palins bow their aatty newde like tall young princesses, in ac know fedgement ul the nosegays of re aw blossoms, which the Park- SCugan-and other soaser te their knee The Pveinte "have wen planted, as 1 have said, with a generous amplitude, though {here ape many vacant Spaces in them sill. they give of becoming handsome boulevards with Already enterptising Greeks and established thriving siesps, which give to the tain thoroughfares a busy and mercantile appearance, LIKE, TO BE COANED. Senie days TP sit and wish that I ee ruled as a tallliansuire,, For Sie TI woukl have con te buy My wife Um clothes she wants {9 wear. " # . Bul other days Tm very glad have no ready coin to blow, For every new thing she has had She's hud to love 'and CouN me 50. aon Urather--""You cant think how nerve sous 1 was when T proposal." Sister--- "You cant think bow nervous she was ualil you did!" h pinckbird has one its nest in a chan- delier in of the North Ber- wick Parish ranted Mall. The bird flies in and out at one of the windows. to and is quile undisturbed by the pres- cnse uf people in the building. - aL ee RULERS WHO COURT DEATH. Assassinated After Being Adysed of ' Danger. Thal soing twenty rulers, clective as weil as hereditary, have been assassinal- ed within largely due sone Sigoseshd has closely approached fcolhard:n The tate King Carlos of Portugal. for perfectly well that a plot against his dynasty, had been hatched by desperate men, who would stick at wothing {0 accomplish their ends. Yet he drove througl the capital i. his death in an open carriage, tak- y even the most ordinary precantion The URMDpy brig Lerche of Rus- aguin, was rned, urged, im- . not is agate forth on a quilting his sleigh ounded, instead of driving straight hati:, with the result that he imet the death he might almast be said to have vohintarily soug Then there was ihe case of President Mekinier. who Could not be dissuade) from shaking hands with all the rag. tag, and boblail of Buffato, although warned by Is secret police phat he was risking his life in so doing, Simi- jariy, Presdent Carnot might a Sesig ps in repel the -general introduc. {uon: of wireless lclegraphy, a appears t have Leen overlooked up now, sateans threatened useesness gis ane car- One result of the ron. Mies the introshiction i! ise rail- way, eaieibiied with the 'adv electric telegraph, sea'od the ite of the post-horse an his hes Mar coni's wonderful invention lar, Ply dered useless for most practica bee poses. the relention of These swiflly- flying birds, once cansidered so indis; pensable in inilitary and naval opera- t The Genmnan authorities were the first fo move in the m . Then the French Government Rood. that "pigeongrams" shoukl ceam moaeeiae th t SeCOeEN: | oi as tegerdi the umd the And now news that ont British 'Admically has de- ra fo do away with its carrier pig oon service, 50 for as home stations are concerned, and that the pigeon lofls Portsnicuth, 5 He a Army the 'beginning "of the inevitable "end. Even the Various commerce: nm postal services existent in yarious 'parts of the world, have been, or. are continued. incl g the famous one es- tablished belween Auck'and, New Zca- 'Jand, undthe isolated Great Barrier Is- jand, in the summer ©) Pap short, the bird. considered simply oa news carrier. sal had its day. It hes been a long eee a Bas ing back it least 5 a a of Modena, 43 B. ©., when Satie pe Brutus kept UP a reguuar correspond- ence tw their d --_-- -- CHILD'S SEVERE BURNS. led by y Zam-B Buk. The litte aad of Mrs. Lewis Best of Cirlisile P. O., recently fell against the steve and bumed her bodiy. Mrs. Best 'say oa about the size of a fifty cent piece and was near the bone, It made my little girl's eve swell till it almost shut, and then she got cold in if. It began to-day had he followed) the M. Casimir-Perer, and refrained Thom gol ng = Lyons on thal fatak day in! hs King a iunett was warnsl. but many times. of the imminent pre ger he was in after the politi cal c risis| ot June 18th. Yet we find ip | only six weeks later, driving unese ed amongst the fametical and sctae i > of Monza, where he was} fataliy «het. : Of course, there are exceptions, King Alfonso. for instanoe, ch se to drive 10 a_steel-clad omb-proof oonel:. ho wise pre. evution is due the fact that he and his queen ure ulive to-day. = -- -- That hacking cough continues system is usted and i your powers of reletaadd Wiakéned. aS ' ~ "Take Scott's Emulsion. It builds up and strengthens your entire system. It contains Cod Liver Oil and Hypophosphites so prepared that it is easy to take and easy to digest. ALL DRUGGISTS: 50c. AND $1.00 Because your = & wee S| | & vevvvwrvvuvuve wv we to run matter very badly, and J could viot stop it, although 1 bathed it good -- night and morning. At Jas t f some Zam-Buk which svon pres cil d the matleration and very quick- iv healed the wound, IT have never seen a burn heal so quickly, and I am sure Zum-Buk has no equal: for curing culs, er burns. Every home needs Zam-Buk! All dis- enses of the shin quickly yields to it. Ail druggists and stores 50 cents a box. _----+--__ DENE-HOLES IN ENGLAND. A large group of the singular exca- vations hnewn as dene- okesS Was re = oS y Two of hed ho en explor SS 4 Circ shaft Sroat bcos pty n.diameter, with holes in the sides, apparently intonde for the support of ladders, 1oles run down about 50 feet through earth, then pass through. or 5 feet 'of chalk, and expand into caverns 18 fect in height. mbers grouped radially round the bottom of the central shaft, Th's is the ordinary grain used about man occupation of Britain, or cartier. carnek carryy &l/ enough nourishment to the of the} educal ------ BABY'S TEETHING TIME WA TROUBLOUS 'TIME Jes. whieh? ee since- ul the Home Tw were fined pouching i {| Lords, recen eighty ond a r Sessions, yours wanin Live Ie = Galiery and Wyre street, pun hreaeine Co., thing. ways confiid Aller a se There is Graves' Wo siroying wor tion we have hat he can her fram an age. Karl Cawdor has resigned Pears of the Carmarthenshire ng - recentiy held in a When baby is aac is upsel re inflamed and swollen per ex = Workd, 1884 has te been ear, IN MERRY OLD ENGLAND| ¢ NEWS BY MAIL ABOUT JOIN BULL AND IS. PEOPLE. Occurrences in the Land That Reigns Supreme in the Commercial such a decrease in British chipbe iding us ntl oe past The King las Pessoa the Imperial Serve nidal to nae 02 retired members fe 'Son Price, of French trawlers al Dover for British waters. tly celebrated the n woman of about the wiiich he has held f as jelte named not ly Upwards of a ill ori peipiend eis to be exact--visiled the Na Lord Gwydyr, father of the House of inely- Na ato! 7 of his birthduy. wp of Kingston has just con- firmed at Richmend an oli sumc the chair- |. c 33 Mrs. Priscilla Crees, aged cig' eh who has becn employed rier at Blandford for thirly Wah Ane | just reti d Carter, who had been an-inmate-of-the bocal-workhou s | for some years, died recently a tWwey- sejancuth im her 10lst year. Mr. Andrew. Carnegie tc give $300 towards a scheme {to form 6m the ¢lementary se has promised and villages of Dorset. William Smith Skper. on wh Aly an inquest was held recently at rpeai, dicd from blook poisoning Seer by sittiig on a necdic. iny, soft-coated dogs, larger {han cee al the dog show f Ae ndon ie valued much ach. tio Nationa} Gallery, rat the nee Art at Millbank during feate, it is said, Pro tao ths Haym jn which {he poet's) M rasa mon. rally anmounces that | The A |mirat Ss. os Holland has been placed on eyelired fist at his own request, and cation, 'before the Royal sore of Arts, oly ; was devoted tc ----- teething The rest Bait ot Baby's dar ' Tablets and they did her so le go that cannot suy enoug re that I alwass the Tablets in the house now." by all melicine dealers or by m 'arriving in London this Gower Several remals have di "ald City ure "of St. Mi ire, Yast arket rs' ussocia- bun- selley Ad- pra: { who tender one Lol the House-- Yes. she's poor liltte child suffers @nd offen Pere 0 be officially gay and mighty mcaring the mother o' y the of the family on Own sags: "My first 7d heir favor. keep Sold ail at {rom The. Dr. 'Williams' Brockville, Ont. --_k--_ After saying that you intend to do a it, ed amade main flinishe: job he closes the factory --_-- nothing q equal to N rm Exterminator for Most men are "mt ag ugly. as they look. Don't confide in a person who is ak ing in you. CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Tableta, Take LAXATIVE rooney iit tll ve care. et are iowa 'en eack bo: nw. s the Afler a girt baby aed lg big lo play with her loes she 'bez! oO flirt. fother de- ms. No article of-its kind has given such senieeenon, NEXT. A sentimental poel wriles: "Hew can 1 met my darlin Afler some delibera lin over the ques- come ta the conclusion mel her + Rust and Storm Proof Ose} killed four tigers Fire, Lightning Durable and Ornamental Let us knew the size of any roof you are thinking of covering and we will make you an Interesting offer. Metallic Roofi ing es MAN UPACTU R TORONTO and WIN Rites TIGER SHOOTING RECORDS. An India Deputy Commb:i:her Who Kour in Ten Minutes By 'accounting for seven tigers with hi: own during -® recent shoot 'n Gwator Lord -Minte, Viceroy of India, hes accomplished a feat of which the t successful of big game shoolers night well be proud, afihough he has net rivalled the sensational perform- ance of a Mr. Walker, whe when De- puly Commissioner 'at Nimar actually s in a miinules, suys Westminster Gazelt C, Selous, why had a phenomen- nl record as a sluughterer of big game, ence brought down three full grown fons, with four shots. while his bag in- cludes more than a hundred elephants, nearly all of which he shot on foot, and twice as many buffaloes, In four years (1877 lo 1880) Mr. Selous killed 100 buffaloes. twenty clephants, thirleen Fons. and over 500 other big "ume, ranging from om feighteen) ty zebras and antelop. Sir Robert Hiarvey's guns havo Pennie terrible havoc in many parts of the world, from Atvica and India to Icelund. a Very many persons die annually from cholera and kindred suinmer com- plaints, who might have leen suave proper reniedics had been used. Hf ot- ce do nai delay in gelling a bottle Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Dysentery Cor- tial the medicine that never fails lo effect a cure, Those who have used it it' acts promptix. and thoroughly | subdues the pain and disease. the F a ~ '- Mrs, Bacon--"Why, that piano has several keys that make no sound al all!' Mr. Bacon-"Yes; and there are some other good features about it." WMIAT CAUSES HEADACHE. (| From October to May, Colds are the most fre- uent cause of Headache. TAR AaAY agro UININE removes cause, aed . Gro ve on box A vain man always makes a great hit with himse . Music at a iynching parly is render- by a string ban Hallaway's ya ae is the medicine fo remove all kinds ef corns and warts, and only costs io "small sum of tweuly- five cents. "Wailer these are very small oys- ters Cue sir." "And they don't ap- pear resh, either.' oe it's lucky they Te emal 8 wan't § & SKIN THAT suns with ecanmee, and te ea with eruptions that discharge 'in fuld, "Bat this e may be be ooth and sightly with Weaver's -But ly should be used ify Ge conjunction with Weaver's Syrup. Lady Visilor--"That new girl of yours seems very nico and quict." Mistress " very quiet. She dosn't even disturb the dust when she's cleaning the room.' Mange Prairle Scratches and every form of contagious I'ch on human _| cr animals cured in 30 minules by Wel- ford's Sanilary Leticn, It never fails. So ld by all druggists. Prospective Employer--"Your parents | * left yiu something | when they died, dia they not?" Boy--"Oh, yes, sr." Em- ploser--"And whal did they. leave you, my Loy?" Rey--"An orphan, sir It is astonishing to find how far a fey gallons ef Ramsay's Paints will go to make a house look fresh ond sunny. Everybody should sa the fine color hig with suggestions for orgs | and ra wor carried by your dealer, Write a Ramsay & Sen Co., eral, for pack a Souvenir Picture Post Cards &f Ilomes: "Billy Green's nothin; ng but a coward." '3 "Is he? "Yes 1 called him a cowar right to his face, I did, an' he didn't dast say nuthin." "Then he is a cow- ard.' "you hel he is. An' the next tine TE call him a coward Th say it right oul loud, so's he can hear i "ay Lays a Stilling Hand on Pain.-- For pains in the joints and limbs and for rheumatic : Pre an * Eclectr manently relieves the affectedspart. Is value lies in its magic properly of re- veving pain frem the hody, and for that good quality it is prized. They were returning [ram the spell- inh bee, "Mr. Spconamere," she said, "why did youmiss thateasy word? You spelled 'honor with a 'u" "I know it." ne answered, "The feckng came cover me all at once thal T just couldn' gel sane without 'u,' Miss Daisy, With which old, oki story he won her. which has been and is sald wu where the oulward application. asked for. sample and do not accept a sub it. Price 25 and 50 cents. or whole Lyman, Knox & Clark Lyman Bros. & Co., Our readers to nole that the celebrated Fregth remedy, PANGO, moneys paid will be refunded-- withstanding the large ana increasing 'sale, has a refund been Recounmended for neuralgia, gout, calarrhal colds, stiff joints, The Pango Company, Toronto nder a guarantee--thal in casts as directed, fails to relieve pain, still stands. In no case, nob headache, rheumatism, ete. Ask your druggist for a stitute. You will be pleased with sale som, Limited, Toronto. Moatreal, Toronto. TRAINING HIM, Ascum--I ~iw you punishing your boy toawlay hal was il ail about? Ascuin--Oh! well, you cant expect a Loy 4o tell the truth all the tine. iy i i but when he doesn't tell the truth I want him to ad bright as not to be caught ali +t A mpons matnnfucturer of machin- ery was Showing a stranger over his factory. "Fine piece of work, isn't it?' he said. when they were looking al 3 very ingenious machine. "Yes," said fhe visitar, "but vou cannol candte to the goods we are turn ng out." "indecd!" said the chagrined manufac: turer, "and what is your line?" "Gun- powder," was the reply. The Most Popular Pill.--The pill is the most gee of ath forms of medi- cine, & nd of pills = Lg pe spular are armel e's \euele able Pills, because they do Ww { is asserte they can de, and are not put forward on any ficti- tious claims to excellence. They ate compact aml portable. they are enst'y flaken. they do not nuuseate nor gripe, and they give relief in the mest stub born casts, HELP! A girl seldom has occasion lo a" for help when a young man kisses --pruhably because he "ts linble to help himse:f, SEWING MACTINE BARGAINS. real ones at Ringer stores. Bu with the manufacturers, The Limes Company eo always at ban Ww heeleré Wilson machines. 5 my beautiful act of jen LEANING » "3s CA BiNG © sia SarTien AMERICAN bYaine ce. MONI SEAR, TORONTO, OTTAWA & QUEBEG WANTED= to hear from owner having A GOOD FARM ior 'of particular about locatios- Bmp rece and description, and pons = for selli: Btate when pons be bad. Will deat with owners only, L. Darbyshire, Box 064, Rochester, N. ¥. PETERBOROUGH NOE CO. Ltd., | if you want We bellé them We have |, and can au 2 ply ny a the complete or skier |ouy, and zoe | urwest ean instal your | Gance Launch own motur, for the bh you buy a | and Skiff Summer [Launch see that | Factory write us. | it bears elin Canada. stamp of _The Peterborough Cano Co'y. rond os the jewelry to well ato: SOLID GOLD heed tsekan sold esa rae eet Sets italichargespald, Be t+ sarnameas sanda STAR MFQ. COAG Rey Bt, PROVIDENCE RLU U. rr FREE BOOK outenir pl of Ontario. Free for ashti ° He---"Did you hear me your windsav dast night? bo hope juther didn't hear {17 She--"Yes, ts did; bul you ay Int worry, he though! it was the cats your PILES CURED IN 6 6 TO 14 DAYS. PAZO OINTMENT fs guarantee! to caxe of Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Protuding Piles in 6 to 14 days or money refunded 500. Life Insurance Fxaininer--"Of what did your ig ae, "1? Pat--"I don't know, > but Pm sure it was nothing serivus." DO NOT A LLOW yourmit to beoome alarmed because you hare ozent te and are } Sok, ber cummenee taking arovims " the will bulld you up quickly ABOUT ANONYMOUS LETTERS. Abowth the meanest thing on eurth is the person who writes anonymous Het- fers, unless it be the person who re ceives and pays any attention to ther. Signals of Dungir.--tlave you lost your appetite? Have you a coated tongue? Elave vou un impleasant laste in the mouth? Dees your head ache and have you dizziness? If so, your stomach is oul of order and vou need meoane, But you do not lke medi- cue, He that prefers sickness to me- divine must suffer, but under the cir- cumstances the wee cure a box ef Parmelers Pills and speedily gel hinieif in health, and strive to keep TEMPTING FATE. "Dost hear that?' asked the fair maid. There was . sounl of a heavy step. "Tis father, Fly, sweetheart, | singing under | ~i| WAS SAVED" "HOW THE BANK Tells how a young mun saved the bank wise investment, sale. Sent [ree on request. name on a postal will bring it Write to-day | R. W. BAILEY 381 Railway Exchange Sidg., Benver, Colo. A. J. PATTISON & COMPANY BANKERS AND FINANCIAL AGENTS 33 SCOTT STREET, TORONTO Stocks bought and solkt on New York, Bostun, Montreal and Toronto Exchanges 'or cash or margin, Orders fox Cobalt Stocks execut- on Toronto Miping Ex- ao or .Boston and New York curb fur cash PRIVATE WIRES. Correspondents--Chas. Hend & Co., members of the New York and Boston Stock Exchange. "You acsta flee," corrected the ' "As you like," said the maid, "rept nis is no time for ent lugical dis ' " "pene Shiloh "Stee be wort co Cure Cures Coughs . and Colds doesn't actually U it y ow even & a 34 years of ELEPHANTS OF LOMAGUNDI. Protected Betsts That are Destroying Property and Killing People. The Rev. Mr. Grantham, who is in charge of the Wesleyan Mission at Lo- by opposite direction. The Pember SiOn8| 4 Ayer A SPECIAL SALE! | DURING ALTERATIONS, 18 INCH Natural Wavy 8 Swilehes in brown shades $3.15 Please send Cash with BEND FOR CATALOG order. UB. The Pember Store ONGE STREET, TORONTO, " ONT ISSUE NO. 1908, --. has again had occason to cmpkiuin of the destrucliveness and viciotaness of the elephants that rav- age ~that) district A few years age there wus only one smal} herd of about a dozen, bul to-day Mr Grantham piaces their mumber al over 100. This has been corroborated by olher seodienen, who have placed. boys al Various points of the country for the special purpose of ascertaining tbe num- erical strength of the brules. They g) about the district in small herds of wbout fitteen, ond have Bye: {lo fast Tane months been a source of terror, Nothing is safe from thet a sau they arc apparentiy foarless, They raid the kraals at ni ett, satlering the fires in the lands. and w hat Ve y do not eat of the crops they destroy in pure wantan- ness, Already three kraals have been deserted owing to their frequent visi- lations. The whele of the Umvokwe QUICKLY ee Range, which extends fer a, good many nedles, bears traces of their depreda- tions, Trees are rooted up and breken dawn all over the hills and the view are cov. «red with the pils made by the animals Almost avery berd con- tuins a number of calves, and the okler elephants are vieiobs in the extreme, and woe belle any unsuspecting na- live who happens to come upon a herd, Their agikity and the yapidity with which they travel is wonderful, ard they con glide through the veldt alimast nuise- lessly . The natives that have already been injured were usually unaware of lhe | 'presence of the brutes until they came charging down upon them. Vicsuus a estruclive, they are a source of danger to life. Representations are beng made fo the Government und it is possible that special steps will t token to rid the district of the pest. a, MISSED THs CHANCE. Hs Methuselah hed Leen as wise a8 some medern finaiciers fe would have owned the earth jeng before he was guthered to his fulhers. A TTI The Name of Black Watch On a Tag on a Plug of Black Chewing Tobacco Stands lor Quality.