Listowel Standard, 8 May 1908, p. 8

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a vere --~ ee ' CAN. PAC. RY.C0.'S Homeseekers' Excursions To _Manitoba, Seek siche we and erta, 14th and 28th, | Sere esares 85 00 and 29 other points. Ticketa to return for two months. weal extension of time of two montks al- ed on tickets sold in April, June and July one: on payment $5 for each month. perorer mersohe at an 'een Wolf, and apply early. a particulars, J. LIVINGST ONE, Jr. Ticket Acent, C. P. R; J. W. Scott & Son, 'BANKERS, ESTABLISHED 1872. : Ganeral Banking Business transacted. DRAFTS BOUGHT and SOLD, Payable in all parts of the DOMINION, UNITED STATES and CREAT BRITAIN NOTES DISCOUNTED. DEPOSITS RECEIVED. Current rate of interest allow A large pennant of private (cake to lend farm sezurity st current rates, with privilege of re-paying annuall ye Marriage Licenses: Issued. ]. W. Scorr & Son, Listowel. 5 (Coistixiued from first page.) Clarke 183, Earl Burke 181, Charlie Bennett 97. Second Class, max. 700 -- Julin Gra- ham 586, Arthur Kraft 545, Gertie Cam- 639, Albert Phinkett 528, Carl 520, Frank McDonald 6519, Keeso 515, Gordon Sew Krotz 495,..John Walker 481, rene Arkens Peffers 470, Marshal Foerch 453, Clark | Hamilton 462, Annie Wahl 427, Minnie Riddolls 420, 'John Grab 406, Flo. Wakeford a Lola McCallum 870, Elgin Hay 316, Gladys Purcell 315, Roy Tuttle 313, Wille Wenzel 215, Alfred Fleet 68. I. CAMPBELL. "ROOM. VIL Part Second Claes, max. 400--B Yates 366, Irwin Doadt 365,~ 5 Redvers. Bourne 542, Martha Bennett 337, Herbert Clarke 824, Gladys Hall 333, Ruth Dixon 831, Wesley Sewell 326, Minnie Nickel | 318, Jennie Hymers 317. Fre B11, Arthur Partridge #06, James Murdock 302, Muriel Partridge 292, Charlie. Mc- Keever 288, Jean Hardwick 288, Gerald Hill 285, Roy Hicks 276, Greta Brown 275, Gordon Forbes 27:3, Raymond Kemp 273, Laura Kaufman 272, Percy Wilken 264, Margaret Logie 259, George Twamley 256, Edith Blackmore 255, Hannah Upper 252. Thelma Barber 248, Davidson Hamilton 246. Graham Ter- hune 245, Alvin Goldiner 242, Hazel Runge 24], Myrtle Davey 238, Joe Washburn 230, Loretta Wakeford , 228, Marjorie Wakeford 216, Annie McDon- ald 212, Alvin Fritz 209, Ethel Frank 203, Eddie Hammer 195, Milford Mason 185, Edith Gingrich 176, John Jackson _ 160, Morley Hamilton 154, Marjorie 'fremain 110, N, CAMPBELL. ROOM VII. Sr.I. Class. total 100--Colonel Foerch Mabel Forbes 96, Bert Washburn Filsinger 92, Edna Stewart Viola Zilliax celott Anderson 66, Henry Horn 46, Frank Washburn 46, Cecil Vandrick 86, earl Gilkinson 6, Egbert Forbes 84, Irenc Mason $1, Karl Alexander 80, Mabel Reihm 80, Clarence Hamilton 79, Margaret Foster 79, Cecil, Pollock 78, Lorne Hicks 77, Carl Gray 77, Hattio Strach- an 76,Glen Blackmore 75, Johnson » Tremain 74. Della Walker 72, Gladys Jermyn 69, Norman Kraft 68, George Motoux 66, Archie Dell 49. Junior First Class-- Good--Evelyn Cluff, Ida Wenzel, Kathleen Kemp, Hazel Hamilton. Myrtle Wildfong, Verne Ellison, Walter Hardwick, Willie Dixon. é..T. HAWKINS. * ROOM VIIL sr. I. Class, total marks 100-- Agnes Gray 91, George Bourne 86, Aldythe Harknesd 82, Zelma Gabel 81, Maggie Hall 78, Cora Gabel 74, Mary Stevenson 57; Willard Huff, 44, Clarence Johnson 47, *Clara Hartsvell 45, Cecil Stewart 44, Myrtle Parker 42 Absent one'or more exeniteations, Jr, L., Grade I1I.-- Excellent-- Mary McGillivray, Walter Schmidt, Elgin Fritz, Gord Philp, Harold Zilliax, Law- rence Kritzer, Robert Sewell. (iood-- Roy Tremain. Earl Keeso, Fred Goldner, Clara Peatchy, Nellie Fallis, Charlie Huff. Jr. 1, Grade I1.--Excellent-- Gordon Fritz, Beatrice Hill, Gertie Mc- Laughlin, Viva Barber, Cloise Bastedo. Good--Nelda Damm, Erie Glenn, Alfie Keeso, Alvin Kelly. Fair--Koy Miller, St. Clair ee Cora Karges, Rose Ludw dr. £., Grad --Good--Lester Davie. Wesley Sewoll, W ilfred Walters, Maric Fritz, May Spencer, Harold "Cameron, Fair--Koy Ebcl. Roy Keeso, Manford Tremain, Loretta Hawk, Mildred Brooks, Edith Climic. Lauia BAMFORD. Five hundred i teachers from and an mber from the Unived States will visit England next Winter, $32'00 Pe SSSssssase May, tof ation be- Tillie | BANK OF 'THE MOST MENT OF. SAVINGS HAMILTON IMPORTANT FACTOR IN THE INVEST=- is SECURITY Capital = = Reserve | Bank of Hamiiton = $2,500,000 = 2,500,000 _ Deposits of $1.00 and upwards received. Listow HinBRANOGHe J: M. CAMPBELL - Manager. ~e, N CARTHAGE, House cleaning is the order of the day among the ladies of our vente: Owing to the very disagreeable weath- er last Friday, Arbor Day will be held next week. Miss Etta Kerr is at Cane rg visiting friends in Toronto and Newm Mr. J.T. Curtis of iverton y belt's short visitt to our village Sai Mr. Chas, Snider, we are sorry rds SRY: is suffering from an attack of grip. TOWN LINE EAST. Folens is the pace of U; S.S. No. 1, Elm and Wallace, for the ae Cleve Heard, Alex. Cameron, Coghlin, Harry Fallis, /Annie Benen, {absent.) sae : Haden Neill | in thy¥ec. or four: feet of water, and often their heads would be u Mr, B Sait : Mr. fete DSm Weber have sour ere e after atten iB conference t. at Mr. C. Fisher's. sk Miss Maggie a] enough to secure a 'eto _ they 'splashed noisily back .t Mr and Mew Zorbrieg apent: Sunday |e the shore and disappeared in the black TRALEE. The following is the report of U.S. . PEN Mornington, for the month of 2 O'Grady 88, strong 77. Jr.JV.-- Ethel Quinn 83, Clarkson weet 69, Thos; Mackey 69, Thos. Armstrong 66, Frank Hanley 65, Michael Dietrich 4 Sr. I11.--Edward Scott 83, Sylvester Linseman 82, Cecil Jackson 77, May Jackson 73, Mary Cum: mings 65, Laura O'Grady 63. Jr.ITI.-- Nettie McWatters 77, May Doherty 77, Myrtle Armstrong 67, Thos. Deitrich 75, Robt. Cummings 66. Sr. Il.--Evelyn Burnett 68, Mary Scott 56, Maggie Cum- mings 56, Leslic Wright 45, John Han- ley 45, Geo. Querin 35, Rosy _---- 85. Pt. 11--Mary Hanley, Della C mings, John Donegan, Sam'l Jackeou. Sr, Pt.I. --Morgan Welsh, Irene O'Grady Lloyd Nurse, Hazel Armstrong, Rolls, Mary Donegan, Agnes Rolls. Jr. Pt.1.--Joseph O'Grady, awe Querin, Orton Burnett, Robert Jac Best spellers for month, Dey "O'Grady Ella Burnett, Edison Armstrong, Ethel Quinn, Sylvester Linseman, Edward Scott, Cecil Jackson, May Jackson, Net- tic McWutters. Wm. Burnett. Teacher. Mr. Jessie Curtis of Milverton Spent Arbor day at "Apple Grove Farm.' Mr. Paul Hammer, who has been ser- iously ill, is at this writing some bettes Mr. and Mrs. W. Lickford are renewing old acquaintances in this vicinity. Mr. M, Roach of Arthur was the guest kk. d and son Ww ees spent Sunday at. "Shamrock De Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Wright spent San- dey i in Glenallan. essrs.A.and W. Burnett spent a aay last week in Linwood. Mr. and Mrs, Robt. Knox of Atwood spent a few days last week at "histle De Prefer Marringe In Canada. The new Rag. law regarding li- York State has driven many ae 'compan to the oad side of the border to "tie the Buffalo records show a big 'talling off in weddings. The young people go to Fort Erie and other Canadian points because prospe ctive brides object to appearing at-the dey office to be stared at by strang In Canada the bride daes not esi to make.a personal ap- plication, as in New York State, where both parties must apply. eenses in on Exception "You k "began Lov ett, "it 1s said that 'love 'evets all things.' "Yes," remarked the ouiy hachelor, "it may level all things cxcept the lev- er's head. Every man bos just as much vanity as ho lacks understandi:g.--Vl ope, Nine corpses have now been found in the murderers' clearing-house kept by Mrs. Belle Guinness at Laporte, Ind. young "peop dod the caeotag at the Mennonite Chisch on Sunday oe evening. - FEED ON POND LILIES. Moose Are Exceedingly Fond of These Pre' : At Grst thought it would appear im- possible that such large, gaunt deni- eis of the forest as moose could in wuy way be interested in fowers. They are, however, exceedingly fond of all kinds of water lilies. Few people know that these flowers grow from thick suake-like root stocks which are so firmly attached to the bottom that the stropgest man cannot loosen them. It ls from these trmly moored root stocks that the much admired leaves and tiowers strive toward the light. A well known naturalist who studied the habits of the animals {n northern Mimmesota, where moose are more nu- merous than in any other part of the "world, often found two or three big bulls bas in gathering their morn- on. sees lake bottom. Tbe ould slowly stalk about nder. water eon the moose find a spruce, lily pond they continue feeding in it exter- ernie the plants are almost MEDICAL FALLACIES, --_--- Some 'Fanciful Notions About Boile and Fi 'evers. "The fanciful notion that a breaking out of bolls, pimples or other -erup- tlons rids the system of polson is firm- ly rooted in the minds of ninety-nine of every hundred persons," sald a phy- sician the other day. "When any one bas a large boil or. carbuncle his friends tell him it is good for him be- cause 'it lets out all the bad blood.' There is as little reason in this as there is in the remarks attributed toa tenement house mother to ber instruct- or in the hygiene of children. 'Miss Brown,' she said, 'well, seein' that I've buried ten, I don't see as no one bas any call to tell me how to rare up ba- ules, 'speshly some one as never rared up any of ber own.' "As u matter of fact, boils, carbun- eles nnd similar cruptions are collec- tiuns of germs and pus and not blood diseases, whose origin is usually at the location found. <A sweat gland be- comes clogged with germs and dirt, a wir tarns in with its numerous bacte- 'ja, or, a8 is the case of the so called 'pone felon, the germs are seratched in with the polit of a file or by chip- ping the matrix of the finger uall Wherever there are swelltng, reducss, hedt aud pus you may be sure there werins Will be found. st Boils do not mean lnpoverished teed and are not a blood disease. al though popular opinion, fostered by sume medical men, wonld so indicate. Infections on the skip such as those mentioned, eczema, the Itch, barbers' Infection, ringworm and many others have absolutely no counection with the biond or internal conditions. They are skiv Infections, pure aud simple, and as a cule do not influence one's general health favorably or otherwise. Licre once wore the popular supposition of 'better out than in' Is floegical and un- supported by the facts. "Mothers who give children with measies and other eruptive diseases home remedies to 'bring out the rash' do barm tu many wosceen ways. The worst and most fatal cuscs of measles, searlatina and smmalipos are those with the dark red eruptions--the well named 'black' measles, scarlatina and small- pox. "There are very few todkiy who still cling to the old method of withholding water from the buruing, dry, parched lips of the fever stricken. Yet who of us still Hving fails to recall the tor- tures inflicted upon the thirsty suffer- er with pneumonia, trpboid or otber burning mdlady? "It has been finally demoustrated as a perpetual truth that water Snterually and externally is the best autipyretic known. Cold water administered fn- ternally in uullinited amounts ts the -- fever redycing agent. It is harm- desired by the sufferer, reduces et 'temperature, dilutes the toxins, re- places the destroyed fluids and washes out the bacteria and accumulated waste products. The antipyretic drugs, however, are all depressant to the heart, destructive to the 'blood cells' and injurious to the other organs." May § 8, that he has agreed to each in respect of the first I born i town during specially registered, on their attain- ing the , re one zea ee ~ sory or the pound, pays the condition stated, will hand istration, eight hours after Simultaneously thy the offer the of chi si movements working in con- junction am expected to bring 'about n in the intantie mee rate for 'the borough. | That, at all > c a 'events, is the object which both have in) view. .is one of the many phenomena nich be traced to "the indirect influ ne King Edward. The marriages of his relatives, and, perbaps, more espe- those ens to oo Snaile pr tg d 60 years, 630.. Births, 43, dea' L. i WALLACE, The assessor of Wallace returned his roll on the 28rd of April, from oe -| following figures were uwiber of acres resident, 49,862 ; non- aallad } acre; acres cleared, 40,816 ; acres * glashlands, 3,136; swamp, etc., 1,550. Value of real prop- erty, exclusive of buildings, $1,289,250 ; value of buildings, $701,100; real prop- erty (no buildings.) $2,700; Businees assessni 8,400: 'Number of persons in families, 2,517. k. G, Roperts, Clerk. DIED. MILLER--I Listowel, on Sunday morn- ing, May 3rd, ve. Elizabeth Bricker, beloved wife of Isaac cae aged 68 years, 7 months and 1 LISTUW EL MAKKETS, Mav 7. 108. Wheat, per bushel . weoes- Standard... os Ie Oe S8b8ssus5 European courts many nk pe gad much ppaveres jon of a unmistakably ently have more than its half-share of daily use at the pa alace in Ma he Czar and Czarina, the King and Queen of Norway, the Crown Prince and Princess of Greece, Swe- den seer Roumania speak English with one guctties a and with their chil- dren constantly if not But perha tact ne ae a@Sean other cases, '| good; her : fieh is Das 'mutually convenient ve- hicle of communication when Nicho- las 0 and William wish to correspond. LSS eS 'Lord Avebury on Life. Lord Avebury (Sir John Lubbock), rd Rector of St. Andrews Uni- versity, Hee just delivered a charming rite o the students. In it erin the best sense everyone may be great if he chooses, a fact, he "is ie oh make him- eis great. _ ene powers, unities, in his ee unhappy ive i an axel ng. ey saaetitel, and aetna sour full of interest and promise; beyon and all around in the 'far Bk lies a vast, silent, and shadowy a awiul and mysterious, and t hich we can imagine no limits all Shave the satisfaction of repaying in a mensure that debt we owe to St. Andrews and to your teachers--that you may each of you add something to the science, the 'happiness, and the civilization of the wo Made Practical Use of It. An aged Anglican clergyman in the sea-girt province of Nova Scotia re- shore," which included two or three strapping young men. Just as the cere- ny was concluded, the parson was astounded and some >what scandalized by the father of the family ------ with great earnestness and f "Praise de Lord, dey're all "British subjects n "Careful subsequent enquiry elicit- ed the fact, that the young men were employed on schooners wading with the Southern States, and slavery be- ficates, by which, necessary, could prove their pritien citizenship. This practies was very common among the Nova Sco@igm negroes of the last generation. ---- de Religious Instruction. Sergeant (preparing squad for chureh narade)--Recruits! 'Shun! Those as van rend will follow the reglashuns. Those as can't read wall go through the requisite motions, as Extend lef' 'and *olding prayer level of thumb ao' hover page! Persistent Girl. Ethel--Have you heard of Jack's en- gagement to Eleanor? Harold--Dear me, no! Then Jack bas finally suc- ceeded? Ethel--No. Succumbed -- London Tatler. Pratty Short. . Barber--Pretty short, sir? Customer --Well, yes, 1om. Just put it down on the slate, will you? Much obliged to row for epeaking of it--London Tit- Bits. semaine The carrier pigeon was In oso by the state department of the Ottoman em- pire as early as the fourteenth cim- tury. em ae SS Round-Trip Excursions TO eae = MANITOBA SASKATCHEWAN ALBERTA GOING DATES April 14,28 June 9,23 Aug. 4, 18 May 12,2 July 7,21 a 1, 16, 29 Tickets good toreturn within 60 deys VERY LOW RATES trom al ours t Tickets issued to all North-West points TOURIST SLEEPERS 4 t Sleeping Carn wil excursion, fully equipped etc. Berthe should be secur through local agent at te before excursion leaves, Rates and full information contamed in free Houmeseekers' parm sblet. Ask nonar at C.P.1 for a copy, or write to Ke C. B, FOSTER, District Pass. Adt., C.P.B., Toronto PIGS FOR SAL B. ee The undersigned has all classes of pigs for sale. .#H. 4LS, Lots 44, 45 and 46, let Con. Elma. TOWN OF LISTOWEL Tenders for Street Sprink- ling. Tenders for Street reet Sprinkling will be received b: gg undersigned 7 o noon on pha lly May 16th, for supp! ie team and driver for street. sprin seas to be at so much per hour ann n C. LEE, Chairman F. W. aa L, Com., istowel. SUPPLIES. The time to get your photograph taken is when your Easter hats and spring clothes are fresh and new. C.4.LEE Has a Nice Line of NEW SPRING PHOTOGRAPH CARDS. CALL . AND . SEE . THEM. C. A. LEE. | Many Imitate But none can equal THE GENUINE KING HATS.- Guaranteed too. BROWN STIFFS IN ALL THE LATEST SHAPES. $2.00 TO $3.00. WE SELL THEM. JENKINS, 'Tailor and Men's Furnisher. J. M. SCHINBEIN. LISTOWEL'S GREATEST STORE. EXTRA INDUGEMENTS "Saturday and Next Week. A Saving from 25 per cent. to 79 per cent. and just the Goods You Require. 25¢ regular, for 1s¢---Cushion Tops with enough em broidery floss'to work them, regular 25c and 35c, Saturday and next week 15c. 3oc and 35c for 25c--Bath Towels and Hemp Huck Towels, extra long and heavy quality. 35¢ for 25c--Silk Finish, Black Hose for Women, extra fine quality, 25¢. 25c will buy an extra quality of Black Cashmere Hose on Saturday. Elbow length Lisle Gloves in Black, White and Tan at 5oc. $2 Pants for $1,25, extra nice Tweed Pants, nice stripe and plain goods, Saturday and next week $1.25. $1 Shirts for 59c.--Your last chance. A regular $1 percale goods, all the newest patterns, well make, fast colors. Ties, 35¢ to soc--In four-in-hand make, all new goods, Saturday for 25«. Men's Felt Hats and Boys' Bargains in these Saturday, SATURDAY SPECIALS--20 !bs best. Granula- ted Sugar for $1. Lantern Glasses, 2 to one customer 5c. 35c Japan Tea for 25c. J. M. SCHINBHIN. KEEP YOUR GRASS THE RIGHT LENGTH BY BUYING Hats and Caps--Special We offer you the choice of cithera W OODYATT or MAXWELL, we sell them both, and will guarantee you the BEST GOODS AT LOWEST PRICES. We also have Special Values in SCREEN DOORS and WINDOWS. ADOLPH & BONNETT, LEADING HARDWARE MERCHANTS, LISTOWEL. s1Eecesooe: PESOS OEM LOOSE 0000000 6 + fF : $ riday and Saturday, Bargain Days. $ o N. KROTZ, MAIN ST. @ &) "7 Cube and Saucers, oe regular price : z -10, $1.25 and $1.50, bargain day price ner - ©) y eee Tea "3 1-2 Ibs. for... 0. ee 95. @ Japan Tea 4 1-2 Ibs. for......-..... 0.005 - 95 > Roasted Coffee 8 Ibs. 1) ee eee 95 2, @) Green Coffee 8 Ibs for.......... ....02005- 95 $ 1 can Peas, Corn and "Tamewes for........ 25 (3) 6 4 1-2 lbs. Dates for....--.. 0.00... eee ee eee 25 r 5 1-2 Ibs. Figs for........ 2.00.00. cee eee es 25 (x) (=) 4 lbs. selected Raisins for.........-..-..+5- 25 e 7 Ibs. Rolled = POP ccrie TRG SSR GS Raa 25 € (ES) 7 bars of Soap for...... 2... .--.ce cee eees « 25 * 3 bottles Mixed Pickles FOF -e eee scene eee 25 +3 3 bottle Chow Chow for........ -.-- 3lbs Mixed Cakes for.... White Wine and Cider Vinegar per gal .... 25 Clover and Timothy Seed at Reduced Prices, Highest Prices Paid in Cash or Trade for Buster and Eggs. oN. KROTZ. POO SOLOS OS OC OS OS OTS OT OC OTOSOSOS Ets! ee 0503 = > of Se: APPL PLDI ON ON Olle lt Olle, OSSD SISSSA SoD ADAADPADAA PPP RARADRAAS It is Always Dry Weather In- side Our Raincoats. A Raincoat . : Is what you need for the spring showers, Take a look at ours. We have now a large stock, all Shades and Patterns. Style and Workmanship will impress aS soon as you see them. Large Range of Prices, $6.50. to $15.00. Ready-to-wear Clothing for Men and Boys at Remarkably Low Prices. B. F, BROOK & SON. MILLS. LISTOWEL WOOLLEN

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