"f iain Ci ae The Savings of Years Dropped Into the dt has ils advantages cver_some hiding 'places favored by srg 1 wives. Aruth a ative. Broine Quinine. wenn THE WORLD OVER TO CURE A OLD It ONE BAY. tes cs Always remémber the fall name: Look for this signature on every box. ------SSSE "260.. GD The Utility 0 bose never oe sore dos than , the cu ' For the odd message to the a. call or important oe Cone these peerless models ri pnd Siiver Ribbon, ph peaniges oe ee Brantford, imperi- j d Rambler--the wheels fo Canada Cyrle and WEST TORONTO, petrol | | _Sieaning! WANTED= ' to bear from owner haring A @OOD FARM doc the Seg ot all radios ride the wheel. WRITE FOR BOOKLET ee f the Bicycle |i 'al dhe present time. The busi- rate, the teacher, the farmer, slore:or into town, for a hurry the wheel solves the' problem. built in rigid ond cushion" Motor Co., Limited Ne Re Schenk had no court be: low hich to beat it, so dorectt for the moment the bonds oe ciate PETERBOROUGH CANADA, "HOW THE BANK WAS SAVED" Tells how a young man saved benk by a wise investment.' Every stock baa beak end inveslor 'should read this ees sale, Sse' ger 2 ries nam HH] ond fe Wri ea agro Exonange Bidg. 331 +) Benver, Cole. 2 igi ce FREE BOOK'=: nad "recelved. "They i up thelr few belong. "moved to betler eauarters in eee Rue Cha ionnet. the next few days: Hommet pave evidence that poverty had robbed t world of a prince at fposian tt He fides 750. in with a hai luvish thet it ould pti sails Monte 'Cristo himsel! turn green with envy, 44 5 of fine wines was ordered and the stoneculler and his wife did not give an opportunity of accumuleling the #3 MONEY WAS IN THE BED)" Semmes: - THE HOUSEWIFE HUNG MATTRESS * OUT OF THE WINDOW. Hands of a Dishonest Neighbor. Although the ordinary 'savings bank has its drawbacks, has n rather rudely home to Mme, Margucrite Schen ives in a modest oP: een in the Ruc Leibnitz, Paris, Fra Like the seach "at french women, is the cconomist of her Her husband is all very it comes to earning the mmoney. bul it°was his wife who held the purse strings and out of his smail salary had manuged {9 accumulate A surprisingly large bag of savings. Not having an overgreat belief! in the hon- esty of others, and having a very sal- istactory faith in her owf care and watchfulness. she kept her savings dur- ing all the years of her married jife in a constiunt'y growing pouch hidden away IN THE FOLD OF A MATTRESS, Of days she could keep her cyes almost aiways upon it and at night her siurm- bers were more peaceful, knowing, as she did, that her fortune ceposed salcly beneath-her . brought A coupk a see ago Mme. eahenk, of hed an attack of spring-cleaning [ever. Every husband knows what that means. Ming. goes hy it in its most violen form. in the litte rae ment was Titcrally pulked up by the mitted to no end of dust- wipin an washing. articles thus treated was e family iS also true that}i , the Rue. Leibnitz com slernation had had ils reign and' re- nierse and re Aoi t had followed. After mpleling her cleaning, Mme, Schenk had bethought herself of her bonds and her bank noles. With the pale [ace of fiar and the cold perspiration of appre hension, the good wife repaired in a hurry to the hii which now re- sed once more on the bed. Scarch as ch might in its folds, she could not THE PRECIOUS BAG. A trip to the strect below was equally fiuitiess, So she returned to her rooms despair to await the homecoming af her husband. When that worthy -arriv- ¢d he had a whole let lo say thal is net orintabie® and then decided to cali in a lawyer. Accordingly, M. Hamard, a well: known Parisian ullorney, was sent r and the situation explained te him. Analg" fhe other undoubted talents. M Hemard seems lo possess a keen scent for a trail thet woukl make a a serious rival cf Sherlock Holmes. any rate, sffer a few preliminary in quiries in the neighborhood, he m straight for the petal ein new chart ments of the departed stoneculter an With a t » apartment in the Ree Champ onnet svell, for he reached there just when the feast to the relatives was at its he'ght. With the delicacy and pdlilencss whi ch mokes arrest one of the -pleasures of Freuch life, he interrupted the geveties and took Homme! and his weeping wile an to the nearest police station. There they both confessed and the former handed over Ans his captor a 50-centime NCC. the surviving -parlion tie $730. Nal consklering them of any value, Hommet and his guests haa amused themsety?s by Iehting their cignreites with the Russian bands, French Government for a considerable ferm of years, while his wile, whose youth and comeliness appealed to the susceptible heart af the French judge, has been set at liberty. Mme. Schenk has ih: consont'on of knowing that. be- ing prudent enough to keep the num- TROUBLED THIS Up to five years with a red rash the scalp ee the bair. Miss , 313 Stadaciaa St, Hi Pope uy bavel Thave found I began Buk. ES and p and ser I el eae' mone soap pen my peda LADY TILL ZAM-BUK -- Zam-Buk an excelent rent fer Spring I Fewg uted: ogo l pimples and sores'On my face ores gg are 1 --_s would cen this rash fromthe salve bas effectually and I '| Pills can make, very few peo There are le now, alive who saw Sir Waller Sco One wh paseed stage al the patriarchal etch gg of a His name was R Fade, and his, aren r Al the age of twenty-four he emigral- ed to Australia ond started sheop-farm- ing near Melbourne, wht ch at that time was a little scatte fet a a hun- h At his SKIN say EPS : AND PINELYS | Disappear Tnder a Treatment with | Dr, Williams' Pink Pills, 'There can be health and vigor oon when the blood i are have no tire out at the least exertion, and wlio feel by the time they have their day's work, ns though the day was a In some cases there is 6 }that a complete may Tn this erigegency 'Dr. Watinis Pink d { Fills is the ung 2 macau bam avert pills pciuatly ake They clear the ski ifommet has gone to be a guest of the} +} mezsies or other contagion-e: see od. mnie aa eruptions and bring health, strength and é! 'Here expericnce, Mot Adolphe} 5a: an Oo Mest i a iL acoduanly grew } ed to abandon | eS A tot fair tele alr car dis- Ags henda ural 1 Sciatica, Indigestion, bles peneral wen cen 'folk: know. oe avi Haine' ink | Pills nre the one ie i right to the poot Pr the te trtite it 1 food, They: change the bad lo good: Bloods was thus: =e Neath »| strength a . You can get inte pills peel a dite desler, or. Asin "it 50¢ 0 box. or six boxes for 82: Pf from the Dr. Willianis' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Ree es = out |GET AND KEEP MILK PURE Ay fal nee pry and jewelry speed- td ily followed, an nal effort, the A pea invited all their relatives who} ®¥ OBSERVING THE FOLLOWING lived near encugli to a grand feast. RECOMMENDATIONS. Ontario Board of Health Sends Import- aut Rules to Local Boards: Resoninendations drawn up by Ontario Beurd of Health with a view tc securing pure milk have been sent te the loca! Boards of Health by Dr, Chas A. Hodgetts, All milk containing less than thirteen yer cent. <f total sol ds, of whch three and three-quarters: percent. must" be chemically dry butter fat, should be deemed below the standard requir when the sune is- intended fer human consiunption. KEEP BUILDINGS CLEAN. All buitdngs for stabling cows should . the liedrs "she tight and «f some non- peo abi materi- a', and properly graded and draine ,No building used for dairy purposes shoukl be within 100 yards of any mar-hy or stagnant water, and ne chick- <n coop. hog pen, privy or water closet ahoue we within 100 feet of the build. ing used [or keeping or handling m('lk. The surroundings of all peg gna be kept clean and in good order. stables where cows are kept Bbauld be used) fea no other purpose. COWS MUST BE WELL. Rach cow shoukl be allowed at least SM cuble feet of air space. The herd from which tne milk is sold shall not include any sick cows, and cspee.aily none :howng signs of tuber- Culusis ur contagious abortion, or one dhul is within thirty days of calving, or len days aller calving, The cows should be kept clean and fo this purpese should be groomed daily. RE CAREFUL OF FEED . No inguldy hay, decomposed vege- fables, wet brewers grains or any other inuterials that ure unsound or will al- feet the taste op chirucier of the milk shail be led the cs. Every duiry should be supplicd swith ee water, the source of which shalt ¢ be contaminited by any barnyard, ory. er olher possible source of con- tamination, Cows should not be allowed to drink {rom slegnent pools, and shall have free acccss at al) times to a pure walker supply. EMPLOYES ALSO. » Employes should be clean" in ther hab.ts, and free from cortugious dis- ner person connected with > dairy shait enter a house where smallpox. typhoid: fever, diphtheria, scare lever. ih or ts im wn {9 have ox'sted; until it has been dsinfe: energy; | 2 "Thee te an! ae od te ek in same a, of of Tok'a, and an and dried. COOLING "THE 'MILK. The milk heuse should be Separately partitioned from any part ofthe dairy bulldings area ately after each- cow is milked, the milk should be taken to the milk rouse, romp wire ga ce sho uid be used in Cooling ani should be pe tists. es ructed, of non-absorbnt material, and frequently cleaned. NO PRESERVATIVES. No preserva atives or olher su pase, 2 femoved. The delivery of milk of cans for xclusion sf the municipality, Ne milk Alt mie Deak prea vessels or ule the delivery wat milk noel os 50 ae as to protect them pase rain, sun, dust or m milk \ : achvery of milk should ST tie aon y. thoroughly washed and sterilized. ey | ge Bod | gn | sha. joung roe. "Tosmorrow," she atte: Meinl to the esse] or viene used 'in the be used for any other murpose, and shiuld not be usal lime without owing been DONT 'DRINK FROM jonas person should drink from any eee or oe cover of any ensil, used | t the delivery if tives a. "pgons or other per- Sons engaged in the sale er delivery Hii should: it é feo from contagious disease. The collection. at empty bottles or any essél used in the delivery of milk, or milk Hokels, froin any house where a wmtagious discase is Lown fo exist Shall he made only after the house has umiguted end such bottles steri- -- Mother Graves' use Peruinalor ihe nol require any pur- ameticine fo complete the cure. ive it a trial ard eed convinced, . e's hands should be thoroughly washed es 2 2 ro eee e Bee 'top go arly cul, paper, ange by the va dey r to be sacred--is p' . This forms of temporary Basi before which other articles a offerings are cast away, eilher in the river cr by Use Toadside,. to tou only by dogs and anend:can!s. Simultaneously with ad ox, bathe themselves. in red Jecfioerag h water, which is pro- uced by red beu The spe réceive no gifts which are nol rendered prominent by red. They this peculiar institulion would appear to be that the god of smalipox stays fo* twelve days in one' family; so that during ~~ short sojourn they must ccax r him as much as possible, that pat not leave any disastrous fleets behind him." ----t----__ SLEEPING DRAUGHTS . SOOTHING MIXTURES: Aw mother wilh never give her little w one a sleoping draught, soothing mixture or opiate of any, kind except uson the advice of a competent doc- wT, wh Is seen the child. oe things contain deadly poison. Whe you Bive your baby or young child Baby' & Own Tuablels you have the rs me of a government enalyst that (Bis t contain one particle ot opiate cr narcotic, and therefore ca de > Mrs. = M. Kempt, fon Place, Ont., says:--"I have given eid s Own Tablets to my buby since he was two weeks old. was 4 very small a Tablets bey." § mail at 25 ce Williams? Ont. Sallcine &., Broce kville, HH Willie--"T say, father, what is the dil- ference between 'well and 'good'? Father--"I have noticed, my son thar about the only linie when you ure yood is when you ure not well! 7 | QUEEN OF ACTRESSES - PRAISES PE-RU- NA, --. Heartily." AN remedy that benefits digestion oo the nerves, -- The nerve centers require nutrition. | If the digestion is impaired, the nerve centers b ic, and indigesté is the result, Peruns_is not a nervinc nor a stimalent. [t beuefits the nerves by benefiting digestion. Peruna frees tho stomach of tatarrhal t. In othor worde, Peruna goes to the bottom of the wholo difficulty, when the disagreeable symptoms disappear. Mrs, J.C. Jamison, 61 Marchant strect, Watsonville, Cal., writes: "I was troubled with my stomach for six years, I tried many kinds of medi- cine, also was treated by threo doctors. "They said thot I had nervous dys- pepsin. I was putan ao liquid dict for threo months. congestions and normal digestion is the meniced go again. "T took the medicine for two years, then I got sick again ead gave up all of getting cured. "leaw a testimonial of | Peruns, so I thought I would givo it a "I procured a bottle at anos and oom- taking it. I have taken scrveral bottles and afi entirely cared. "«] have B ¢ atre and foe! Hike a Seoreat vine jal bee pore irene is all &s claimed ir § Nervines, such as coal tar prepara- tions, are dalig ® great deal of harm. Sleep medicines and headache powdere aro all alike, -- depressants, and should not be used. The nerves would be all right, tf "ey @igestion Were good, Peruna correcta the digestion. They are Carefully Prenared.--Pills which dissipate themselves in the sto- ach-eannot be expected to have much «fieck upon the intestines, and to Over- camer costiveness the medicine admin- istercd must influcnce of these canals, Parmeloe's Vegetable lee are so made, under the swpervis- io of experts, thal the substance in them intended to operate on the intes- tines is retarded in action 4 they sg through the slemach to the bow < "Mamma,' | said 'ite will wonduct me to the a There," s Lire Sinilizigly,, "ns" eadership will TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Braga ian moni ochre Bray) pare oe ey oe ai One of the contemporary peels asks: "Where are the bright girls of ie past?' Our own observation is that some of them are administering cautious doses of poregoric to the bright girls of the future. pada Mange, Prairie Scratches ani form of contagious Itch in human apineats cured in 30 minules by Wol- ford's Sanitary Lotion. Jt never fails. Sold by all druggists. Any man who is smart bis Sern lo miske a political leader is capable cf earning an honest living if he wants "A man should thi th'fik iw'ce before he steaks." "And a woman three Umes be- fore she sngs. It Retains Old. ar and Makes Now Friends.--Time was when Dr. Thomas Felectric Oi} had but a 'Snail field of ctstribution, but now its territory js widespreai Those wha first recogni iz ed its curative qualitics still value it as a specific, and while it-retains its old friends it is ever making new. It is certain that whewver once uses it wili nol be withont it, a girl is petty ake knows it just gs need as aman does, bul she won't think hail the less he him if he tells her . ET is the best at a dict, yet it wit lag er uakeae and st " Ferrovim Try it. AJL drug and cenenal atores, $1 He~"If you loved me. why did you tt first, refuve me?" She--"I wanted to see how you woukd "But [ might have rushed off wv ra waiting for an explanation," "id locked the door PILES CURED IN 6 TO 18 DAYS. teed & re any vane he Ral haga ty Sioeding oF ae Preteding Piles fa @ to 14 days tat money re FATAL. Nell--"A girl shouldnt many a man i hin & Belle--"Good gracious! 'If she knew all ge him she wouldn't. vik to marty sain KIOQNEY Belore commencing miking, the milk: eat ciclo gman ll my dear. What makes you ask - cause | never sce any pictures of an ela % vith whiskers." "Well," said the pair, thuughtiully, "some men do &° i ee but they gel there by a clo shiv --_-- 'Let a coat of paint turn your heuse into a home. Let Ramsay: '» Paints do it for you, "They are made ior purily fear. Every can Your dealer hes them. Son Co., Montren!, for pack of Souven ir Picture Post Cards of Homes. She--"I dreamt Just night you present- cl me with o lovely walking costume He--"You did, eh? . lry again to- night, and see if you ca n dream who Tha never failing medicine, Hollo- way's Corn Cure, re:noves all ot ot corns; warts, ele.; even the m <dliffi- cult to remove cannot, svithstand this wonderful remedy. egg gg tte docter ant me 1 must Be fo @ cure," --"Did he at Sour tong a Husband---"No r told him ances» 7 yours. Lite CAUSES 'DEADAGIT. Barber--"Preity short, sir? Custo- mer--"Well, yes, | Just put it down on the sist, will you?) Much obliged to you for speaking of it.' ONE 0 F THE BEST old time remedies for all skin affections, such as ma, Ringworm, Acald- pene and _ lar aifactions ie Weavers Coeste, 8 an ointwent that as rought relief to Hous keeper--"You'te a big. heulthy mon; why dkuavt you po 6 work? Tramo--"Lady, Vil tell ver me trouble. Im an 'unhappy medium, you mean by thet" "Weil, Tm too heavy for Tight work, hght for heavy w. yer see, an' too A small Pill, but) Powerful.-- that judge of the powers vf a pill 's size, would consider Parmeke's Ve gelable Pills to be locking. It is a Til- Ve wonder ainong pills, = = it -- in size it mukes up In patency, he remedies cng it carries are put u n these small doses, beca & capertal that oniy small dbese ere ra ge The full strength of the ex- acts is secured in this form und do their work thoroughly. Gentleman--"But am afraid he woukin't make a good watchdog." Man (with bull ferelerye Not a good watch. dog! Why, lor' bless your 'art, it was only lust week thut this very anima! ~ a busglar down by the thnoat. and eat hig brains out with his tail." Black © Watch "Se. VS wot 'Biggest end Best"' +. on ' 4 slyle, purity of color and wear and |}. the mischist is going to oh fir it these], ec they are} * asked for, it, Price 25 and 50 cents. » WANTED Our readers to note that the celebraled French remedy, PANGO, which has been and is sok] under a guarantee--that in cases where the oulward application, as directed, fails lo relieve pain, nee ped ttt be reftunded--sttli withstaning the large ana increasing sale, Recommended for neuratg a, goul, calarrhal colds, stiff joints, etc. sample and do not ueceph a SUBS wets The Pango Company, Toronto or wholesale Lyman, Knox & Clarkson, Limited, Toronto. Lyman Bros. & Co., Montreal, Toronto. stends. In no. case, not has a refund been headache, rheumulism, Ask your druggist for ao you whl be pleased with MANUFACTURERS INTENDING TO LOCATE IN TORONTO WILL FIND Ideal Manufacturing Premises IN TRUTH BUILDING Flats 2,000 to 10,000 Square Feet Each LOWEST RENTALS, INCLUDING Steam Power, Heat, Electric Light Fire " Sprinkler System, Most Central Location, ~ Freight Elevators, §. Frank Wilson & Sons, 73-81 Adelaide St., West J ) « Lowest Insurance, Four Large 1MOW HE KNEW, "Ww. hal' s Jimmy give yer fer ver Li:th- "What do | day' " This here brass ring." ear d yersanow il ckert nothin' but bri "the g@ve it ter me." We have no hesilotion sn sas.eg that Dr J. dD. Kellogg's Dysentery Cordis | is without deubl the Lest med cine ever introduced for disentery, cholera and all summer coy: sickness. ele. Jt pronuntls ver fails fo effect a past Ue when Qeir children are wety WHAT WAS WRONG, haf ratte Why, "Georg", dear. whut is the trouble? iusbund "Oh. thers wis someth ng 1 was going to yo obout and & r the life of me cant think what it is. ---- a --s MUCH JOY, "I was awlully worried shout Johnny when he had that last sick spell," said Mrs. Lapsiing, "and de ie fold me he was going to get jvell I went fairly deleterious with joy. a " A wise son week 4 a lot of his talk. "Se any. man can do wrong, 1 fakes a good"man to do right. Russia leads te world in planting forests, America in devastating them. Frediy-- "es. does your mother ever pe Agel your' J i "Worse that. She By Send 25 cents for 1908 ecli:ion of 5,000 Facts About Canada Frank soln | wonderful compilation arerreNg & 'anade in o Mutchell 20,000 ava in 1007, Agents wantod. Libo:- al ter CANADIAN FACTS ae co, 7 Hpapina Ave., Toro A. J. PATTISON & COMPANY 'BANKERS AND FINANCIAL AGENTS 33 SCOTT STREET, TORGHTO Stocks bought and sold New York, Boston, Montreal and forents 'Stock Exchanges 'or cash or ee omer ie -_ saat or pat a kag . Exs aiagl webs" seme New York med ier cash, PRIVATE ¥ WIRES, Correspondents--Chas, Head & Co., members of the New York Boston S!ock Exchange.