Listowel Standard, 15 May 1908, p. 5

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? ' t cafeterias a New York Boy Cuts 'the Throats of Five Persons. aixicen- th: ts of his employer, Antonio Per Mire: Pern'o 'and three barbers, sabe 1 Perasos apart- le they lay asieap ir rent at 107 Fulion street. The Vea a a the aelers are serious, bu! probly" nol fatal. The Loy e. scaped, The p police have a heney that the boy was -An ogent of a Black Hand gan awa ied uso under threat of doing him in- fury, ¢ and rok the onan lace {he boy in the shop in order to punish erase a his relial lo satisfy their demandg. used a paik of scissors, and a razor in his atlack upon the barber ind his employes. Frank . Stranno, by a slab in the ne ck, and before he }ecukt resist the boy pyae a@ razor across his throat, inflicting o severe wound. He was stil conscious ond saw the a os he sae fo the bedside of end Maccro and cut their throats while they sept. Peraso, who with his wife was asleep by a stab ene in his neck and en- geged the a desperate strugg'e. He was Sata: 'and the boy, clutch- against the barber when, his three as- sittants-staggered into the room al- ee the boy. Together they drove, hin from the rooms inlo the street and summoned assistance, It was then kaind dhot Mrs. Peraso's throat had been ui and that she was lying. in | bed = in an eelolning room, was awakened |» nd, slashed his | OoMce - "i aa 53 4 d . 4 4 t Fashion -} > oe * d t ints. ; FY 7 rei f-4-t-+ FADS AND FANCIES, ee coin spotled foulard ts ernioe: again Many of most fesbionabie dresses this een are ngs Sol gee Never hes taupe enjoyed orger meed of popularity than it will i sea- Whate ver else be the figure of 1908, the shoulders must be broad und Jroop- 8. White is scheduled to lead in Baste ayn, though colors will not be neg- res eau feature where hats are the return to favor of os- trich oes 3 A decidedly novel trimming scheme is fo use velvet battlements and bies bends on chiffon broadcloth Never before has diclared that the season's fashionuble costumes shall be of silk Lane straight. lines, refecting the ea of feminine drapery, are ews. le and & popular. athe foulard 'mT alk colors a and designs A een from New York says: A Strato: was awakened from his sleep} has he wi *» ed Paris so persistently ¥ Earl Grey Pe unve ad Queen Vic- at Hamilton toria ststue The new tobacco act comes into on Tune 1. 1, The United States customs office al Stratford will be clased. The Port Hope eletro-tight ond pow- er erat wes burned on ay. here Is reported to be: a large deficit mae ue Bl, John's, Quebec," peak ec C. P..R. mechentoal'u ions have cette a Tages which | Gebrsces the Ww The Dominion Government have offer- for = capture c{ A new pede comany, which pr>- oses to cover ominion, is ng 0 igohteall a Montreal, Qu hed on ene ee; the ears day as the On- a Michacl. Rebonts and Joseph Macero, the ee barbers. were first attacked by the boy, ond yortaly conscious whtic-the fight nhs with the boy was in progress. LEADING. MARKETS BREADSTUFFS. Ria. May 12.--Manituba Wheat-- 1 Nocliern, $1,193 Day 2, 81.1536: Ne. 8, $1.103¢; [eek wheat, 66; No. 2 feed, - Georgian Bay por orts. Ontario Wheat--No. 2 white, 4c lo rouse, 90c . 3 yellow, hc Ue 7c, To- runto relight: No. 3 mixed, é a ee pees special brands, $6; , $5.40; strong bak- ers', $5.. ms; Ww: piiee wheat patents, $3.45 Barley ae cae rs usk 60a Ry. io. 2 scnrve ape wanted. 88e Buckwheat--No. Oals--No. 2 white Age outside 490 o1 done Toronlo; No. 2 50 to $25 are: ce) . Bhoris. $i: at the mills. COUNTRY PRODUCE. ae quotations are:-- Eggs--The @r-ce is stil firm and un- heer high for this time of year. New- ai $ Butler--Prices are firmer again on small off: rings. + ++ Welodste Oe spsiene '$50 i to" 'G0e; pares {Se tosi, in car lots on track Beans--$1.70 {o 81.75 for primes and $1.80 to $1.85 for hand-picked. Honey--Slrained steady at tle to 120] chaico- tag pound. for 60-pound patis, and 12¢ lac for 5 lo 10 vara rele Combs al $1. 75 to eas theese--The spake is Thor offerin very freely, but "puiticiently s) to mect the demand; 1 r isrye and 144¢ for "pins, in job Jols here; ee: mene to: large and 12\e for tw Migle Syrup--81 to 0 por gallon. w---$8 or lon. 15.50 in car lots on tracks here, _ppassrONS, short cut, Ea to $21.50 per bar- to $18 ri; mess, §17.50 Lard--Tierces, ie: tubs, 11%c; pals to 150; ereen is out of pickle, Ic less than amoke: MONTREAL MARKETS. Mentrea?, May 12.--An active jocal business is being done in flour. Choice $5.25; do.. in bags, Oo $2.50; extras, $1.80 Lo $1.90. Millleed--Man.toba bran, $22 lo shorls, $23.Lo $24; bi grain, shorts, fo 822.50; midd}:ngs, $24 to $25; Shorts, 825 to $27 Pei ton, including bags, ond pure grain mouilie at $32 Io Oats--Rolled oats, 83.1234 per bag; cormmenl, SLG73g to $1.75 per bag. Butter--Round lols are now selling at 2c and jebbing lots to grocers ol -29e New make is selling at 11% ¢, Gf muke is quoled at 126 to are sh ceps in jobbing lots ao ikke por dozen, single Eggs--Fre ebiitey at 18¢ - to a e at ad Maree sherl cut mess, $21; half barrels, $10.75; clear fat backs, Sx to ; hong go hag | $20; hail barrels do., $10.50; salt long clear backs, 10%c; barrels 'atone beel. $13:50 $1 ; hel{ barreis do., $7.25 to 87.75; barre Is heavy mess beef, $10 to $11; half $23; | Customs -duties: bariels do., $5.50 fo $6; compount lard 8'ic fo 9c; pure inrd. 14X%c bo 14% c; belle rendered, 11%4¢ lo 12c; hams, 12¢)~ & 19%c. according to size; breakfast}. been, 1é¢ lo 150; Windsor bacon, 143c | * {) 153ge; fresh killed abattoir dressed | he La $9.50 to $9.75; ae $6.85 to $7. | UNITED ST ATES MARKETS, Bulfato, May 12. -- ale -- Spring strong: No. 1 No $1.1034,° car- loads: Winter higher, No. 2 ret, $1.07. Cor 34 Dees ne yellow, choi [@) ed, Sige; Ni erie lo 85. Rye em, veel {o 07% to 81.07%; First patents tents. $5.35 a 30, t.. $13{c. Flo Sep rian scone Tovouto. Ma hana rabuiols = ine Of 0 up lo bet two at et pee 4thin Choice heey export bulls. in several insiances sold at $5. ay were a ight few spec which 'sold as high as $6, but the great mals asians not et ene as bet 1%¢ , appriathed $5. while eine that cot al less than 83 was of very poor or ecanners were higher at s1. = fo. Sek ene mathy stockers were offered are nol advanced, The offerings of calves have been very. heavy of late und the market is becom- landed uy with them. The prices have eased off considerably. Sheep and Inmbs are steady -- set Spring lambs ae uodted unchanged The hog marke, is we ae mand is rather quiet. as as orlaon A trade is dull at this season pas a WIIALERS PAY DUTIES. Americans in Hudson Bay Acknowledge Canadian Authortty. A despatch from Ottawa says: Am¢ri- Mackenzie River and eastward a: ong the oo & of the islands as far as Beaufort have for a first time on record ehaoticlend Canadian authority in remote regions hy the payment af The amount collected has been compuratively small, but the principle is important as establishing what has already Been admilled in hee sn Bay, the undoubted - ownership 3 ese northern lands by -- the British Crown- * ee FLEET TO PRECEDE PRINCE. Tour Battleships and Two Cruieers to Visit Quebee. A despatch from Portsmouth. Eng- land, says: It is stated that the battle- ships Exmouth, Albemarle, Duncan and Russell, and the cru'sers Venus ond Arrogant. under the command of Vice- Adniiral Curzon Howe, will precede the Prince of Wales to Quetec, 'Two war- Ships will also escort the Prince. who will probably sail on the Indomitabte, The report: jhat he will fly an admiral's flag is uncorroboraled. GREAT BRITAIN'S BUDGET Estimated Revenue for 1908-9, $788,850,000--- Estimated Expenditure, $764,345,000. A despatch from London says: Tne budget was presen the House 1! Commons on Thursday by Mr. H,_H. Asquith, the Premier, instead of by the Chancellor of the Exchequer, This de- Asqui t commenting briets ly on the ahi. at slackent fig od trade proug ul the world, {foilo oni 1907, announced that. Greal Britain's realized surplus for the year 63 1907-1 $23,630,000, AT iis, he said, weuld be largely applicd to the riductiog ef (he natlopel debt, which had Mready be uced by spproxi- Fnately 890,000,000 during the past year. r. Asquith estima the total ex- oo pra for 1908-1909 at $764,045, a revenue on the existing boss = Of tuxalion at $78,850,000, The new budget reduces the duly on sugar from 4s 2d to 1s 10d per hun- dredwei The reduction wilt become effective on May 18 on raw and refined sugar and on July 1 on erticles manu- factured with sugar. * The budget pyeeigs for Depsions o° $1.25 per week let all persons over cep mg criminals, lunatics and pau: is estimated that the 17 tive nti} January, ccipt of more than $2.50 a week come will be admissibig, te drongeueend tor c 'cows | ¢ and bulgs for butehering purposes. and | the prick of some of "best of these and | be cae denund continues steady, but prices st brought outp nm tavor haces. L deal of colored tuelle and acoind jens is used for hal crowns, for to be modish a crown must be high ba gathered fuli--a kind of raised Tam sh ter, The combination of taffela.and, cloth ig not ea novelty; nevertheless it forms & most Texcluatva type of costume, and y 5O not in black of uw subdued Calor. A important innovation which hes crept into the alel Paris and 'ed bb the most ie lenihiaeinetle milliners : las not sori that the "Merry ted wil midsummer. , is W2s}any that the favor. has Bees (0 eae and arene the hat is be- Sorat 1 ns cuming ming Som. ; eS ist tears, S88 fo oO} "Reel ved IL white dresses p 1 romise 'aah 'onable ar ever. eer ely trimined (insertion of 'all eedihe: "possibly four-or | five different tintin appeal ial in one saben seen as a trimming 4 Aa xe onl : John Morle: i also Money of Blackbu tario as Nesta. Cans, who B® wanted i in Colunbas, Ohio, for paving frauds, wes rrested at Hamilton. "Tw wo Japanese were acquitted at Van- couver on a@ char fe ol slabbing three hints oe New 8s morning. ord tt the Doukhobors at Yorkto, and f rip tonroy gucsts are esting pean Hon Fr ot been pointed Judge in the Ontario eo Court In Succession to ih suemee Ma caniwich hos a protection and the ners 'eluse fo pay a con- stable oe Ha! Hon announced in Soot Senate that ¢ the Ross Rifle Company 2 been awarded a contract for 52,000 bay- nels. The Dominion a Martane has perts to daairoct gaged two the toba and curers in im- proved y ¢ McLennan. the only surviv- of the expedition of 1853 to scarc for Str Tohn Franklin, is in Winnipeg. lis 8 old. & Be Gov mene a leamer en calm 'was rammed by the i aya 53 who} P. R. steamer ' Rae Gavennes et Socal on 'decker ape the t boat was badly d GREAT BNITAIN. ys bien lille is Viscount nwich sista the ery of the ath pelelinne ve Jupi- Oiing i the Slump in business 200 members ure not secking een to }the London Stock Exchsn The nd reading of a bi ib ta repeal the Irish Laetaan act of 1887 passed the British Heuse of Commons on Friday. Five hundred school teachers from Canada and en equal number from the | wine. States will visit England next unis -- Sat mal 7 wae, SF of fon meerticon Faced cloths are more beautiful than over, ee fine; and finished with 4 beeoponte t ied harm by: lee of ite ey in shade nie sheen, for all t re re. ing woven and interwoven in os mi av mine or twelve strands end caught in front with a huge buckle of the same like the frame ofa sla i ca are neat ing their pert in the sc the latest examp'e ing carried out in brown with while speckled straw. Straw is playing so many i sepia role in the scheme of ne gear a5 render not a fow om yi models aapendent of any extra adornment, injmense straw rosettes taking the place uf tne feather and maraboul pompons ond being designed in two or three dif- ferent tones of the color with signal success "ie GLANDERS IN GRENVILLE, Outbreak of Dread Disease--Two Ani- mals Were Shot. A derpatch from RBreckville says Gianders has broken oul among ine horses i Grenville County. Two ar mals ares ing fo &@ man named see, - hill vere placed under, quarantine, oe. a epidemic hes been nipped mt ---- } -- NO REDUCTION EN WAGES. Grand. Truuk Managemetut Gives Denial to Report. A despatch from Menireai says: The Grond Trunk managenient ennounced on Widiesday that thee was no truth tu on report ts the effect that a general cecrense of 10 per cent, ha m dc. edd upon in the wapes of employes under the rank «f superintendent and the -- officers, to come into effect on June ist. J --___ SAPS ATTACK FRENCHUMEN. . A despatch from 'Tokio says: An of- fieal report from Miyazaki prefecture stales that 9 mob of eighty persons al- tueked oa tunber fortory, owned by Frenchmen, in Villuge of Liina, Mi . doing censideruble damage to the Tattoty and the Frenchmen, whe either took refuge in the mountains or Iett for Kobe, No person wos Injured. Forty arrests have been made in conneclion with the af. fair. The nb for the attack has not yel been' damage cone is estimated 'at about $50,000, ----_F --_---- $21,000 FOR SILVERWARE. © | Record Price for. Ninely Ounces at Lon- don ee A despatch from Léndon says: At an auction sale at cheties of the tate Marchioness of Coyngham's art collec- tion. sidverware and dishes, weighing tcgether 90 ounces, a gift of George IV , to an ancestor of tho Marchionass, so for $21 & record pr: Outbreak Against Operatdrs of Timber | - Fact ONITED STATES. maco has done great damage in Gtlacctet and southern Ilinois, 4. Edward Boeck has pleaded guilly at New York to a, charge of stealing jew: els poe al $200,000. ar' Kuppe, aged a music thé | teacher, of Cleveland, ile his invalid elf, dougbter and ea himse Rev. Charles Brent, a grad. Right uate of Trinity University. Toronto, has been elec Bishop o pksion of a kilchen gas st ove at St Johnsbury, venhone von Fri Sy const paper bdiudedtirers are propesing that girs pong should yse black _ paper and while A New York. boy ight pa old has confessed thal he murde red on chum by throwing him into the Thirty-lve miles of maeatnaciesll highway are to be built in Oklahoma, Carter and Murray counties, by con- < 2 The treaty providing fer the more coinplete definition and demarcation «f the boundary belween the United States and Canada was ratified ot Washing- ton. At Los Angeles, afler an unbroken slcep for a period of 85 days. Mrs. Beu- lah. Hawkins, o patient al the counly Yicking bulfercups is injurio cn ldren's health, and in Holland wick. ing then is forbidden A hundred and twenty persons were drowned by [the capsizing of a ferry. boat on the River Dneiper, near Byk- hoff, Russla Japanese Government bonds. have fa}- Jen below 80, Fo greal is the depression in the countr Russia, expect ng war with Turkey? ss hurrying troops and supplies into the Caucasus. -- FLED THE WAT PINS. Pittsburg -- ; Routed by Thirty Young Women. A despateh ge Piltshurg says: burglar who got the rooms of the Young =e Christian Association, on Collins avenue, early on Thursday morning is probably thanking his lucky star that he escaped wilh his life Thirty young wemen live in the rooms, Mrs. Garrison, the matron, was Bwaken- et carly Thursday morning by sin noises. jes «of a'arm brought thirly women, armed with brooms, cur. . hat pins and similar wea- The burglar Her was doing the and one glance at the attacking party was sufficient. He willingly took a chance' on jumping out - ~_ secon. sicry window. In his has om ae fhe cracksman left ebind. his bat an his kit of burglar's tools. = -- BOMB UNDER CARRIAGE. ~ ~ Russian Govrroor thd His Wile. Es. caped--Passet-by Killed, A despatch from Veronczt},. Russia, sare: A A bomb was thrown on Wédnes- day. eh. Governor of t ime as driving with his. wife to church. Neither the. Governor nor his wife-was injured, but a woman who was caning ai the ingtant of -- explosion w killed. on May 25. | man force ebec Provincia] elecMons will. be | Sweredk hospital, awakened and . asked for 4} th drink of milk. GENERAL, Mount Etna is pouring out clouds of slones ashes on the village of é ie reale, nar fully at -his col- lection of eee, "alleys" and. "glas- sies," he « "I wond who first thought of Shing marbles?' A" go » 'bu pone it is pretty certain that boys then two thousand onl ago.' "I don't sec how any one can tell a boys aid 50 jong tae," said Leo nord, doubtfully. . Bil I went to niar- morning," she said, "I found oeer ate in the alley back of the house, How do you suppose they camé there? some of the there!" boys must have stl would like u can be so sure they » mamma, course they do! Who else would use them?" A you see the boys?" persisted ma mtNo but I'm sure they were there paying . -- and ost these. Jor no- Ledy- but boys care' for marbles. "Very. cng -- mamma, "and | presume the nv found marbles Pom rt marches were only. uaeeneniaion Stones, ver ferent { from the fine ones you have a to-day opin looked al his marbles criti- cally. ed "Who do ag s'pose made the first real ones?" he ¢ "No one 'ies. said Mrs. Reese, "bul A» carly as 1620, or nearly three hun- d ago, they were sent from Holland to England, und the litte Dulch boys had played With thenr fur years before that tim "Where are --_ made?' asked Leonard, curiously. "Nearly. perliaps quite, ai of them are made in Germany, and the little Ger- wman children do a great dea! of the He work "How do you know they do that, mam- ma?" "Because | once vis:led a marble fac- tery in Germany, and saw them making the common gray ones, like se. Pointing lo sem= upon the bed. "The: ey Were made from a 'kind of stune found xi pond Coburg in Saxony. €li me uboul them! cagerly. "The nes are quarried in large blocks and taken to the factory. where with a hammer they are broken into little cubes. Sometimes as minny as a hundred of these cubes are placed in circular grooves in a round stune, some thing like the millstone in a a waler, horse4pov round and scl all . While tiny streams of waler are owing ids the greves and over the bits of 1 "Above this ee stone is a nero stone, or stoul oaken plate, 'runner,' = comes just low enue press cn the bils of stone as they ae aie round and round. and by this means in a very short time--nolt suid Leonard, a: more than fifteen -- they huve become perfect sphere "Why cried Leonerd. "| didnt suppose that was the way to make them! K's Just the way the sea makes the round stones we find on the beach." "Yes, the principle is the sume," re. plied mamma, "but these are omy cheaper ond coarser marbles, "When they want lo ineke them a lit- T tie betler the tiny spheres are pul Into a wooden cask lined with stone cylin- inskes the smovth, and they are afterward polish- ea with some of their own dust mixed y are . S , ore stained different colors, and they are n os colored marbles. It ans considerab'e Isbor, doesn't it?" ended mother, Leonard looked at his marbles with new interest, Pi: the alleys made in + _somc--wa, "No," part eres Rees, "Ihose fare made from clay.. They are pressed in wooden molds, painted in fine circles or broad and afterward bak ese are only the cheaper kinds: the better el eare mo'ded, painted The jespers and ogates sre of glazed and unglozed china, mar- bled with and brown. As lor the glass marbles, some, | beheve, while others are rounded rings, ' and fire-giazed. ew Youth's 'Companion. a SUGAR REFINERS FAIL. "Largest Manulacturers in the World Owe $20,000,000 A despatch from Odessa says; The fuilure is annaunond ef two of the larg. est suger munufacturng &nd refining works jn the world. Chariionehe: and sons, and the Cherkassky Refining (o, The liabilities of the foriner amount to £16.500.000 ond of Wie latter to $3,750, --_--_--_--_f- TEN PRISONERS ESCAPED. a. They Struck Down Their Guards at Alexandrovsk, Russia. A despatch from Alevandrovsk. says: A group cf important political prisoners made an allempt & regain liberly here n Wednesdey. Some of them were killed, and, in turn, lhey succeeded Jn striking down some of the prison 4) suards, but ten got away. The pris eners were led by Hlin=hy; the man who Alexsis P. 'two of the escaping men were our were wounded. Three others were _Tecaptured, -| dale, Ont., ajal the district schoolhouse and inquired Nelson Smith Shot His-Wife and Committed Suicide A despatch from Huntsville, Ont., says: A' double = tragedy was enacted here on Friday, resulting in the death of Nelson ri formerly of Allan- is young wile, formerly Miss Mariha. Goldie of has be The details of 'the murder and suicide ore follows:--Mr. Smith, who has been for some time past un employee uf the Galt, Hespelor & Berlin Raitway, arreved in Huntsville early Friday morn- ing, and after breakfasling at an hotel receed.d to the home of his wife's par- ents on the opposite bank of the river from the town, ® the way he called! of} ns lite son. who was in allen. = c, : Ea nivther was al home, and on "ytoan affirmative answer, i reed! ' ihe house Upon being admitted he was shown into the parlor and received by-his hy and mother-in- law, Mrs. Jarnes Gol and he engaged r friendly possi a with them 'or some time, exhibiting no signs a anger or excitemen Mrs. Goldie, sen, leit the room for a = moments, and was horrified to hear terrified screams und lwo revolver shots in quick succession, her out lo the ground, and, putting the revolver to his head, bkw his own brains ou * The cause of the tragedy is not defl- nilely known as yel, bul is belleved lo n insnne and unreasoning jecal- ousy on "the part of the husband. The murdered woman was about 30 years of aye. and very pepular and highly Te- sported in this her native town. is |] 2 JAPAN IN A BAD WAY. Long-continued Financial Depression is reashy A despatch from Tokio says: The long-conlinued finenc:al depression is 'n- ereasin he -eauses are varied, There are rumors thot the elder statesmen n- tend to change the Government polics radically by postponing the approve mililary expenditures and by offering the Stule railways as securty for a fer- eign kau, Meanwhile it is significant that recent ¢leclions show thal the coun- try districts ure not in sympathy with the Oppcsit.on's oulery against uncreas- taxafton. This may be ultribuled to sapere Est sentiment, The war vet- erans are in faver of maintaining the military prestige of Japan at all costs. ---- FELL DOWN THE SHAFT. he Robert Levigne Killed én Helet: Mine, A despatch from Cobult says: Robert Levigne. a preremeans Se ay aged 22 years, fell vn the shaft of the Naney len mine on Thurs tae, receiving ile 3 from which he died shertly after go oremoy the Red Cross Hosea fal. = Deree need under fround at ihe foot to the bellom of the shuft, Coroner Co'd held an inquest over Une remains on Friday gfternoon. and the jury cen red the company for nol having guard the shaft the Nancy Tu:!s al oc-e MONTCALM SUNK. Lies on Bottom ofS St. Lawrence--Likely bought from a breeder neer Hiklesheim and placed in the ditches and pools and gmail lakes at Finkenburg, a smali place in the woods to the west of Berlin, lo which thousands of Berliners and their families iovk on Sundays. Lanals, which breed in millions and make fife in the woods or wherever there is marshy ground unbearable. Frogs ure porticuiarly Sond of the larvae of the nats. and {t is hoped thal in this man- her the plague will be reduce a SHOT HIS BROTHER. Tuo Young Boys Hunting on Near Claresholm, Alberta A . eee from Clareshotm. Alta., : George Miller, aged fl, and Wil- aged 9, were trying lo kil gophers, the one w:th a gun and the ether with a sling. 7 elder boy shot the younger in the breast, causing a lurrb'e wound, from which he died on Tuesday night. a JUVENILE EMMIGRATION. Nearly Forty Thousand Children Came Ie! .ast Year A despatch from Othiwa "Uys: Dur ng ve last fiscal vear. of nw foto! af 205,157 iomigrants roving oan Canada via ocean forts, 12.208 were male ver ty dlve sears of age. 43.541 were femnics und S823 were children under twelve. THE HOME DOCTOR. To prevent We sk n tecouung discol- to be Total Wreck. desoatch from Quebec sa The Government steamer Ms: vate salm, whieh rond. eX the vessel is probably duamet to be a tetul less, as she is badly wrecked on the slarbourd si ---- SIXTY AFGHANS KILLED. i. Reswit of the Recent Fighting 'in Khy- ler Pass. A despatch from London says: Sixty Afghans were killed in the fighting which took place between a Jorge force 41 Afghans end the British troops last Saturday at a point in the Khyber Pass near Landikeatal, uccord'ng to a despatch sent In by @ ce Tacsapadenl with the British column. A message is publish- «wi here to-day from ; ' Afghan dead st 300, but ths communi cation ts discredited. The Rrntish Charge d'Aff res at St. Pelersburg lins slaled to a journalist that the troubles in Afghan stan ure due to the feebleness of the Arneer, lucks authority over his s that they are nol cnused Ly the Rago: Russian agreement. ee FROGS TO EAT GNATS. Seven Thousand Imported to Rid Resort of Nuisance. Gerinany, A despatch fram Berlin, have been says: Seven thousand {regs rod athe & biow. trun a paste of tine. Ty-powe's tea slutet I over the spo!. Ths sho uw a te di he Mute se lely. By moxing two teas;aonfuls of ecemme with one tlablespounful of line water cinl ane tensy onful of pien 1 you ae nenc lent pargle fo the For Burn Saturate a wad «cf colten Wills amiimnena andi pal the bura with ik. Keep doing ths un'il the fire is all drawn sut wheh wal be in tau or ff. teen om nutes. Webef wil Le elm gt in- Stintine us. Olive ol is very guod for weak pra- poor those whe suffer from und preston, tshocld be laken with the food when ever poss ble, and a lebiespoonful taken befure poung be bed will de wonders in ke p ng ite digestive orpaiis in werk- Ing Gruci Ta Nianove Waris. 'to destroy warts diss*lve as mich cemmon washing su- da as the walter wor like & warts wth this for a munule or lef thm dry wohout wip ng water ing bottle und repeat the wash- < 7 = ing offen, and it will. it us said, take away (he largest waits, There are ine. Kinds of oup. the {rue or membranes er awe tuise, Tho first generals proves Hots neat i . ae sy Kigd, ike fulse ¢ cre 'in. and there nt that cruw ng seund as in the tal. Fase: croup the one se cour, Is net a disease that need exci e alarin, asiy Jields to simple retnedtes. aT the cause uf your headache as a disordered s'o:nech. give days rest by ad pling a si mpie det and laking u_ lttte sola inca glass af het water. n Cup of hot water before every meal, even-after the dny of rest is over. and keen up this trentinent uns ti' all trace of indigestion bas disup- prared. ' «VICTIMS NOW NUMBER NINE Indiana More Bodies Found in House of the Assassin. A despa ia from Laperle, Indiana, SHYS 'rors of the murder mill at the late he re of Mrs. Belle ---- are increasing with the finding of ad tonal bofies, and there ts lithe eau put the number of uurders may be roimore when all the the sixth, was added to the fst on Woduces sday, when dipgers unearthed the remains of a man. amd wilhin an hour the delach- ot bones of two other viclims were found. The work of digging goes an stowly, but the sheriff is arranging to have the ground cf the cntire pny excavated fo a a . live or six fee experiences on owing thal it is not only the 'soft spots" that hide the bones of human beings, for some of the murders were conwnitled so long ago that the ground has stt- led so compactly -- il is as hard as that which surrour the victims' graves & ha toy never disturbed. The ody found on Wednesday was uncovered about five fect from where four of the a es were found on Tuesday appare occupied a wooden ina moet live Teak The box was thin, and had rot- kele- fon wes lying face downward, and ha anperenOy Jes carelassly dumped in o t then covered. deteches bones ar also found on Wednesday among a pile of stones on os tbe Gunnoess premises, A search of (he barnyard this affern sin wevealed two inore Lodics, making four for Une day, and a tolal of mine, y Vet is th Thess was not burned home, ne that 'he at Mrs. Gene is thot the head «of the budy suppose! to rs, Gunness' is missing. The aulansy held imunediately after the fire revealed that while the head was spparently burned off, the rest b. fhe body was scarcely scorched. Many persons think Mrs, Gunness is now on her way to Norway, The Fasement and walls of the burn- ec Gunness' home were examined on Wednesday, and the tappings disclosed several hollow plices. Shariff Smulzer icre these down to hunt fur other bodies, Mrs. Gunness was supposed to havea been burned to death with her three children in a fire which consumed ber house on- April a fast, and Guy Lum-- pere, a carpente under arrest on suspicion of paving set fire to the place. It was while a search wes being made for remains that the discovery of: five bodies was made on Tueslay, one being suppesed fo be that gicin, wale came fron with the rpose of marrying Mrs. Gun« ness, and 'he other that of Jenny Gun- a Chicogo girl, who was adopted ty Ree. Gunness and who disappeared in September, 1996. The cther three bodies were unidentified,

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