- only on ares or four occasions had it failed. be r opimans wire ei- oe opieebetie or in the kast distorted, he hind never Pp nial alts she admitted i b.d 'bo her by two estimable ladics who. sey ond that was. her, suff- ~cint; "They and would, of cours*, never exaggerate to the length of 4 lie. Dinner the ladies Hickman qudtniyeell were left to and gosXp. He was certainly a very oo Ugly man, and al 6 avericd an over- bearing : OR, THE GIRL IN BLUE i rae dengh er you win," in ickman, 6he induced him to explain his new ie nese Aisha just as he had explained it t Car-)" The trend ot te: Corie aan wae: 16 tT at wever, lost lo me, -My ears'c' retired, and! romark addressed t amoke shown himself - Bc very pleasant and graph. afluble towurds {he deor had maly positive ubout" aveoihine mi "tt wou us good an enter! nment 5 lo Induce her lo eoband her views up- on religions matlers* I remerked as cig you know 'Nice well?" he ing ed, affer reflecting.a moment. "Tyo 8 spent winters there," 1. Sswearr, "And: al Monte Carlo, ped Lior zou Ye ts. of cour rey" si ne 'Sa, so. "One season J won sand francs. In tach: Tike the whole souson, genaratly joan Ss) bet al roulette Cie are alt frauds," L answer 4 flye thow: , pial c Do. 'ou believe" in "any 'ec 4 f "Poor Miss Worl" he leeabed, ater Pinte cheed, prom: yas, to me, of rereatest j ad, days be fore my blindness, made a Sludy of the} er a. anes al roulette, and had Played corefu'ly upon principles whic had, to 'The result had -- nol (keg f was true--but it was r n | one's money to swell the oonpaye oe "The sys' Sa can 'ae claus Rosoyyou'll nd that poured day the largest number of timé@s elih-r color comes vip in s ocssion fsnine. Now, all you have to dk is to go to a table at the opemng + f tla play, and taking one color, redo! black, it nukes no difference, stake a on it, and allow your money to accumu- late until it is swept away. If the bec 20u stake upon comes up elght fy succession, and you have Sian Slaked twenty francs, your guins lyir ng on the 'table will amg fo two thou- sund five hunde he law of averages, come up MMession cach day, tak- If comes up, come up nine times, but it et -siborentg oun. in nine limes on Wo OCCAaSiO wW, and so the average aways righ's itself." His theory was certainly a novel one ressed da found that For half an hour or so 'he sat lucidly vid gonta the results of his studies of the with the air of a practised es these 1 became at ence in- he has found the ret of how to ge' the right*Side of the bank; bul we were a! lJength compelled to pul davn our cigars, and the way into the crawigss m, where the ladies wwaited he room was @ large, ihegrony one, denis furnished, and lit by tw great ria which shed a soft, subslued Tight from beneath their huge shades was attting at the: ha candlelight using the beautitul diamond star in 2 leome, A second time I glanced around that Spacious apartment, then next instant stood breathkvs--transfi I could Fe Reese tes own scemed a truth wes "tore In the Gispos tion of the Hides: and eyes. It mits, elibles Yet the all aoubt ra new sys-| a C- on my thea position room Upon that pits 'couch Th '| swinging beneath the trees, ene fs the mantelshelf, ticked out law and miusically, just as it had done on that fateful sven Tn an instant, as I sat-with hegd 1 ae my com-| panions ona pues eyes shut, the whole of that tragic scene wns 're-cnac acted. « gabe the crash, the wiman's scre me westricken -- exclamation "hat tol tow 4 in the inner room. "1 heard, too, the low sw sh <f a woman's ekirls, the heavy bly struck by an asssssin's hand and aa lh fell. the 'warm life-blood 4f the pate v.clim as it trickled up- | Mebel uA tenly ran her while fingers dver the key8. and the music Helier ie Ne: back t> a real'zation of my true po- silion, I had at length Bence the actual house in which the ie ieebicted tragedy had heen enac'od, oe it became impressed. uj~m-me that by th> exercise of grealest care | ane 'uate be en- eblol to prosecute se ret iny: st gations to a succ aaah issue, and at bk sizth solve the en: My pon fixed themselves upon the couch, It was the very spot whore J had rested, sightless. quand ee while tlose slrange events taken place about ne. Was it any 'wonder that I became with apprchen Ss. or that T a ee petrifi:d as 6ne turns to stone Th: caine dark-green antimacassar | had been placed in the extreme centre of ths couch, and sewed down in order lo kee in its place. Where 1 was sitting sorteniety in the shadow, and when Mabel com: played a 7 wal ore," 'a Aneel by i others S, succeeded stitches w! inch tacked the antimacassar to the brocade. The fi: 'ab se bales a difficult one, for one does not c lo be detect- @1 tearing the rarnitare | of one's hos-| 5 tess, Nevertheless. afler ten minutes or 85 I swoecded in bosening it, and then as: if by the natural movement 3 oa, my bedy, ©-mmenced to work it asi The music cénsed, and even though all my attention was not centred upon my. investigations, I congratulated Mobel upon her ecuraie executio ilckman was standing beside her, and tcgether they began to search for some piece he had requiastod her lo play. while Miss Wells, with her nesets and ele 5 phants sngling. turned fo me and com- menced to talk. By this : was, of co upted; nevertheless, some urse inte fen minutes later, I rose. turned back to straighten the rum antimacassar, In ers the brocade. -- I the mark of the iiteloed of that thin, \ welt dressedunknown victim, who had. an instant. been struck aA The shock of-its discovery caused' me fc slart, but next instant [ smoothed out the antimacassar into ifs former piace in the general 'appointments of that handsome eves, the olf the woman without attracting any atention, and add-d --*O! course, she added: then, taining : tol ftelien masier. took, been while the foul tragedy tnd been enact-| 2f n thal My. a Loe "The grea : ulum representing the figure | ; Portia zt es any Ww Pel. my "Yo ines £0 ng T shu "Bu verse which i. latest make retaan sme parities gon n| style, passed across the room with the motive ela ngestine. a frie breaking the} who h lady novelist. or a ' the | pa my entre accord w this discussion w amine it, 1 took in was Bsaide the soush. as f turned 'again to that a large skin rug hed ee in her hair snzzied 4 d, and now that 4 reflect I am|™, 'oe ard | fear tha oi hadaned suprised Way Loa relainin, - inlelligibie. -- were a page "vious souls, | 1) ony nessof a V.ola,| he ae a intellect. i a gether ae cqually bari: ae. thal Eco: y that one quality petamincial ther... Her dignity was. im een nee patton ve, end thus she stood |seholy dist net in a Sweetness from an I had € eet her and u are really very sponded; lak I Fear I of -you me. Nt at all 'T hastened to ass: me her: "i_always enjoy our walks eer: ig She smiled, but a moment later said-- "T fear that I shall be prevented from are tomorrow, as he making calls with mother. We've Pood neglecting ue call of late, 'and have such a host to make, "Then ft shan't see you at all stds row?" Tsaid in deep disappointment. "No, 1 fear not," Ps answered. "As oa matter of Inet, my-movements for the next few days ure rather unc . Hanover t youll write and you sre free?" 1 urged carnest' "Tl you wish,.she responded, "smil: ng svertly, Apparently She was in no Wise canpanicnship, a fact me to me now that she had macs her mother 1 * fo my had_Leco to inv#e me fo thelr I¢ eavored to extract from her some ap 'po: niment, but she only Sh cas at our member Dont let i's change the then she began lo discuss several of the novels, She had apparenily.a wide snow lelee | pe of French fiction, for she-explai , an old schoolfellow, rench ba lived in Paris, Sent her AL ye = the nolable novels. a was evidently o constant yeaa for he told me much about recent novels: nd of ad m & O! Englis deep ect. "One would almost think you were a a book-reviewer," 1 re . in response to a sweep'ng con made regarding . style of a much-belauded writer, Mel ation which she i sh personally. grit in them." con't stand ¢cither the so-called probiem ap or a story inlerlarded clic A lee! let them spend a few ahillioee ok: in 'the works of certain French writers, who ~ ks on mes they can fandly 'pellets futennitnes rex e@ don't want these queuedeaiecls works the to sept © aye sonathy and J expressed her opinion. But only in onder to are no ing be mistake they once made in trying to follow the French and are returning to the gilimate novel of actin the one that eotagee reg grips from the first page face any I had over Hi i ae kz ai an The Plain, Safe Man Who Helps to France. Armind F » President of ai Fieach Republic,is e robust and jarge bodies ok g of ere pao ae is con the Mal, the south that pro 'France with oMoeholders as ineviably! t Jost, tne | a g,ihe low ¢ chair}. a nas n though linbound- r met, the 'falowrind day 'was ono on which |< she was-due te lake her -n &nd J inquired whether I might. BS -Usu- and escort her across the yusic-lesson, kind," she re Cieke u up [ur te fi ertain." tell nie when more apparent restings a the m overtienr ubject."_ ned how aron and » 'oo, ike books with e@ declared, "1! 4s Inland provides Ncw Yo 1k with po- Says the Paris treat ~ oa Like trom. ar ort acerwlin s ve for he one high ae Staff were cut 0! Presidential et tele canin ; fs always a frugal meal, seheld down with a -mild clarot, the pireient of the Loupilion vines, M. Fal- liercs's native place. He dines prompt- scarce- me at 7, and if there is nothing to pre oe t him doi ft Ho spends | auelly is th in is ery ag sp fle second, French Renubiloan prepay ere laid down as an axiom that the President should never te whet Is commonly ae & man of se iy ok might be interfere w he decisi ct his Minis'erd and © peel on times try to lead them. led Armand Failiexes in opposition to Paul Doumer bevause they I ee CRAMP RINGS. Once Highly Recommended by the Medi- cal Profession in England, Formerly it was customary for kings of England on 'Good Friday to hallow certain rings, wearing of which pre- vented eae or epilepsy. They were made from the metal of de- ns and consecrated with an y, some They. of which are still preserved. "highly recommended by the medic pro- fession" about 1557, for An 4 ates in this. malter in hal- veaneel Urampe Ringes without money or sionally ye bat eg playgd & per- suasive part in diplo: y. Lord Berners, British Am lor 6 Charles V., aie in 'Cardinal's' grace" ae "crampe Tyngs," with trust to Spesione them well, by God's gra a ARMY GROWING SOBER. Figures Which Show That Sone At- kins ts Drinking 1 _ The Brit'sh army is coined more 'T every day, In every military con: te the Army Temperance Soc'cty growing in size end influence. Tommy we Atkins is becomng a model of s_b.iety. Among the wd ar garrison--exclu- sively composed o jard--thtre is 90 little d rinbennass 3 ong oo dig or el- ther horse or foot, maha he Windsor magistrates have not had : Soldier be- f them charged with drunkenness tal av me an little wine is mow drunk at { Z Brigade of Gua oa. gg oy aloes @ the plecé of strong drink at lunch- a and even at dinner the officers are very 4 a Pg t-met-a- woman to-day I hadn't en for years, "Did she know your?' yee: sho- recoghized hy th's okt mé hat." Then the silence becanie oppres- sive, ae OWN _MuGt LAND Tey Have MMfons of Pounds Invested fa Every a e World, ers ot a tame when winter still rules over thewhole ofthese northern islands; while Mr. Arthur Wilson has Lought | . land for-building- near Villefranche. In Italy you will find a*great deal lond in the cwnership of English pco- ple The Deweger Lady Curnarvon spends much time in a villa built by her tate husband «at Rapalio; while Lord | Rosebery has near Naples a property of which he is very fond. Lord Wes' oat is another His estate is in Florenc>, ily Lond Bridport pessosses a home ant beautiful vineyards which have been in his family's sion ever since ' were originally granted to his f orient Loru Nelson, efter the Battle f the Nile. the Casiel'o di N semetimes known as "Bronte" is grown there. IN SUNNY SPAIN. Speoking of grants of fore Mio Spantsh property which " oy nation gave to the Iron ne afler sh Peninsular colnpaign, is als je Rama, near Granasla, rr consis's on fon thousand acres, which give 4 fev nue of someting Like $10,000 oie «© Duke ef Wellingtyn is Duke Redr'go in the Pecrage LS, mense amount of Brit's) money invests] In Spain. We now draw a ¥ery -arge proportion of both ouc tren and coppe? ore from that coun'ry.. 'The who5ks town and d'strict of Rio Tints, in the provinee of Huelva. is in the hands '| ofa great Brilish svnilica'e, who parent the copper and susohur mines for ~« thing like $20,000,000, and.axho scapiay ever ten thousand hinds. Those m mes : Y look them out of their ca orale perily "gre 'ayia close cages lo give them a litle exer- 1 "Shere ifno Et Eurapeon auntey in which otse'on the docks. i English people do not own large areas. Fully half of the valuab'e petroleum lands on the Caspian sre in Use lands 0! Brilish companies, und so is a greal ceal of the fumous Donelz coaltield, which covers ler thousand square miles. In 1899 a second British c hupany --'the Russian Collieries Company--began op- #rations in this déstric!. So ig it has Batis oweership Lesome to Rus- sia that M. de Witte revently snodied the cuunting law of land ownership sole ly ow their behalf, IN THE HOLY LAND. Even in such disla countries Egypt and the Holy Land you find Eng. ksh pete putas auroptaiy, both 1 Ti h a ise Sutisbury--bought a tract of land ining ruins end tombs. He Lady Cecil have spent muct Line dig- ging and delving among these :elics of the ancient Pharaohs, The Ry ptt iand ow nod by lishmen in of a lerge estate in Soulhern Dukala. The ranch of the Hen. Olver Wallop, brother of Lord Portsmouth, is al Big Hern, in Wyoming. and is the largest end most pr-sperous m Sheridan Coun- ty. Is owner married a Chieago lady. and lives on his American jFoperty. But the list is « In the Argen- tine, In Peru, and Chili, thousands of square im'les are in British hands. Even {he islands of the sea are bought up When climate or commercial resources promse ploasure «er pri. Sir Alfred ones, {% instance, hus bought a larpe tract fn the bes ain where he grows In 8 as entirely due to this «n'eryrsng British Meamship owner, _-- FRANCE'S PREMIER A WORKER. M. Clemenceau Dwolls im Modest Apartment. : M. Georges Clemencean, Pri'mier of the French Republic, hes bron calla busiest man in France, and one 'o the least obirusive. He cams bth el but has an immens: capacity at "tone ad of mg in the magnificent palace provide! for the an' oerusying friends, which means very few poole. The sac gd is on the giound vg ed Lull terrier and many large birds, such os storks, peac barnyard fowl. Each morring at 5 o'clock M. Clemen- ceau gels up and gocs through gyimnus- tic exercises, which are followed by a cold plunge. At 7 he has his breakfast, which is his ean meal, and consists of-about a dozen ¢ and some cold meat. He never leks , paren but water, exeept when ob! {> co other. wise at-a banque Poople seliom impre rove when. they haye no otherimodel ye themseives ta oopy, ' "% A well-known musio-hall manager re- |, lease of the --_ well haw weak thos LIONS AND TIGERS, AHOY! aon we ee TRAVEL WITH A _ CARGO OF WILD BEASTS, Exciting Incidents of a Stormy Voyage --A Keeper's Experience With ; F The. job of managing wid beasts is millionaire {o the Bronx crouchod al the foot of the ladder which ee fo the bridge on which they were ing. Two of the men on watch were cing themsalves up on tup of the deck-house for safety. Refore they could say or do anything, a keeper rushed up, armed with a light Grapged it from its crouching position, and' struck it unmercifully with the mailith, 'towed by the storm and by sea- sickness, it suffered him to drive itumeck- Ir back to prisan. Later on the mate praised the keeper for his pluck, "Oh, that's nothing!" he said. "I'm never scared of a lien; but | wouldn't dare fo do that to a leapard." LEOPARD ON DECK, Thret days later one of the leopards pot lease, and held pussessian of the deck fer nearly two hours before it was put whind bars agam, <All the men were ardered below--you muy were glad enough lo go--und lo shul the deors tighly. The skipper and the mate, armed wilh revolvers heid the bridge. Five keepers pursued Mie leopard up and | pe -- {he ship very warily, and at lnét) re lied Ninn over in a net. but not-before He had breken into a cage which held @ smail proboscis mankey and killed il. That monkey's fate was quite a blow G the writer, as it was quite a pet of his, senate dawn | insade his jacket in tho friendliest mann There were some gis ips: . wl the ke saul t On en c at the rare l l v F ANTELOPE AND COOK. Back he went through the on bop of a s'ove, with the curry all over his {me ond his while jackel, He never teesed the antelopes aguin, fia every key. 'The crew know oniy too cages were, and Other suns will shine as golden, Other skids be just as blue Other south winds blow as softly, Gently drinking up the dew; Other golden-nod and aster. With the sun and skies agree; These for other men and women-- Just Wiay for you and me. Other frnit Of winey Javour Wanderers will pluck and eal; Others lirds with winsome veces r songs will sing as sweel. * duppled brook will midgots Dance an hour, then oease to be; All the wor 'd may have to-morraw-- But to-day's for you and me. Other Bards ns will be planted -- ba wenipn, Gld-fashioned flowers, All the Hories of the sunset In the sunrise one may see; That which others call the dawning Is the night for you and me. THINK GVER THESE, Experience is a good school, fees are hi Wisdom i< mere ly a stronger form of COMMINOD-SscHse, better to slip with the foat than wilh the longue. Learn to say "No," Jess you mean it. With old age comes the knowledge of lust opportunilics Sone men are "\warthless, re wait'th jess still, but the t is but never say it un- and others i. s poston, M. Clamenvean prejers to} Uist the depth of a man's leve that ell in a modest ri orth: Bue) Cetmnta se meh as the fengtts, Franklin, which ha ciiad tar? The opisien of the aman wha argues many yeers. Tle lives atti ear. oye AE hes tint is ou tally respect al, cept fer a cook acd a tis rat ood The fri crite is te wi ean appre. eMertaing ouly his mest intra hite te daw and apens on a garden overlooking the. Seine and a "pebt ful panorama of the cily. His pets are a handsome white i n Aohutdiake always sees se "stupid pte someone else ons made it, A man who is proud of his'small feet needs a mig brain ts feo! that way. Its better to be poor than dishonest, -- it's better still to be neither than i 8 Just as well lo watch the man svho is always harping upon honesty being- the best policy, "How do you like your new ccokery- beok?" "Fine! Lats of slirring events in it." Many farmers neglect to kill alk the we ds in the garden ani fleld ctas at becun, thinking that itis > Inte for them fo. do any damage. Weeds will ripen.sasd if they do nat coms up until August | ON THE FA "wry ee heep them cloun and the graph gives map onsec ug reasm why rahul, hept clean it should cans compuralively sweet, and in that cose will nut luke the quickly aos when the whey is returned pg 'abd and sour, kipt perfectly clean and the ke ---- in order Ci an nt just the is tiscienien > ite h t Corn giowers are pul ta (Tews, Upon thur cota, wawwe a KEPT. IN RUSTY CANS. In the 24th Ann of Wits ooms'n Experim-ntal Station Ait valu- work 2 1eyarding the fect of differ a ful dn = fea "ies lip Bok pr yy Cag on Spier ected , and'm wardly the Theatre, in . : al wi "m at sea enoug t 3 10% ee - es : nary in thal; but what is so: is soci a man's hair grey overnight. [cums may require fron m nuts~ ere Seti el oe at ms Bema fo nu) ye aaa, | sd Bel bt pn gag lease was signod by Messrs. Joseph and} German teas from Hamburg to New a " : ae ne ts aes 'household! The thing adee absolute. giri Arthur eee In, 8 Uwners, Says Notiey wwii 0 collection at oni. ge cee ne vo As -- . Iso {a0 dary tov recognized th: London Ans' r the' Baer Zoo, and reali: hown laced in Apanuquoy)-- AIX valAviD) cect 1 had once explored with lvér Very few w (people have the 61. ange ee d the troubles wilh which Noah | Tusty pan. for 8 hours at 68 F. required 7 Cai ' BTC ny seins of touch--the room aan idea of w an immense am and his sens must have contended. 2 minutes to ooagulat. and contained ful exh@:tion sath poles dude aed wick liad ssa oon that ghastly, | side was tape dlsgve: trom e the ae Brideh ela is "Invested in in foreign Most of the Lemporary cages in which at eal ae a dood Rll re m mys'erous, médn 4 as apart from our the wild beasts were conlined were on rane the rrkcgaepincfosgpel a} Beers * myself the eee e -- - avyk aim gg Joaked BONISS as and what huge areas efi abroad /the main deck, and they were flimsily re ret rust coe cl yed a . vows) tree web spr fF CHAPTER XV. : been struck eee are in the s of sh Owners. | made. ¢. ship experienced terribly satel hint gird eeowreeeaags 7 "4H gossip!" Mabel ex | ana: ore Taree OLE. ioe still re- Maton on 'About & Noe 60, en Crown Sai rought weather, with heavy S86 Bweep- 176 per ee or relaniodac perfor ; low raat men Olaf of Norway rece! & present oO} ing from stein to stern noarly every day. hoason f are not only inartist:c, but i 3] claimed, turn g upon the wlanio-etool; arated: as evidence 0! whe high 'imps i ly chance; ani, 4sland on tho coast of tho country over Tine and again some of the cages were | 0n of rennet which cheese-makers of- always somet offensive | ond Jauph ng merely, hat 'ent in use; there w mn gal to deity he will aegis some day rule. | washed adrift or smashed to picces, and | "2 ¢x-e-ience may possibly be altri- Wy Unedr" character, while the orgies) 4) wWaen't aware that we had been very Ween eat ce ane nd was not given t> him by one | th. animals set tree lo roam the docks, | NUld to some extent at teat upon the er the 'Gaal Se abantiisly: digrack: Hel pioaliiwes trae er a tagetbege! paling. and in ihe wee electro. a liad BT 6 ae ns p fother's ee ust by Ene: As there were two lions, three leopards, hele po rely to th an ate totacd fe ful. The whole thing is artificial, aint "The fact is, thal Me. Husk. Then, at the doot, 1 noticed the switch, there.| hod. which fs Anawayfas roel Bras, Regerent ceclitrer avai tank it | Present in the miik as was formerly sup- Sache 2 support at all from winter mun was explaining a new sys'cm of an -- peat it shy by It's}. er Sunbeam Island, lies in tho fam}1s be imagined tit the crew contin- posed. Milk w.th more than 2 pr cent. vane Anson, far once, did not agree| © h. x Fie tare at ons {cie leaving the ho make a servant nd, in the midst of exquisite | uutly went about iio pitgry same fg e " r. smant" . sc. ; with this sweeping nation, while} ;,, "Oh, Me. him. "Do explain it, and}. At ihe end : ' TERROR OF THEIR LIVES. bs quite possible t ot from patrons, Rab declared that. she ataiae enjoy Lil {ry it when we go lo the Riviera." {c'ding-d » No, @ro a once ON THE RIVIERA. , ' L the | ™4K Which really has develo ~ ud the fun of tha batiles of Mowers and} Gyr) ny doar." taimed her mo-| tains. It was curough these very Acar went €agerly in 'search of them Gait: e writer was tuking his turn a than 2 per cent. acd.ty, but whch can- itted sel matlirs heed Os that Edna, my mysterious protectreas, (To be Continued Many of the finest sites in that coun what one night, in a heavy gale, when | )'0 5 led by t : or. paper confetti, although she cdmilted) (noe soandalized, "you'll do n ol eon se tihat hanes nucd. lry of beaut ful views and exquisite Clie] te heard ate mate by his side 'give a | 2 revea y acidmeter ~ that she never had the cou lo go outline kind, 'You knew I dun't Spnrate of me saritsbiee seb ea ee sound nat pie Riviera, are owned by Eng-| startled c texc 'vras & low, gubvinnt ge the acid is partly neutralized by hose days when tho pe lets oi lie gambling." tun ne eharnnmyne heli unoorked end thee: lsh Feople. Miss Alice Rothschild, for | prow! in a faking round he saw | 'MC, !pon of the 'etanatesit eatin." Gee er "hard confclh," are perm 'Oh, I think it's awfully good un, her be heey en instance, hts a house at Gresse, and | big Senna gift of a famous Ameri | 7! ickman and myself supported Mubel devin we. Esl ig « * gardens which produce exquisite fow-] oan m:k nd ore' and brought to the factory. The umount of inficerce of the fusty iron of the can on the mikk wil switch, and tried lo.drive the lion back ieptad 'erigsli on the iemperatire, tho {e Ils cage. The ship was rolling 80 |) noth of tine kept in the can. and tho heavily that he lost his fouling, and e amount of rusty surface of the can to right under neath the beagt's head. which the milk is exposed.' ho rose to his feet he seized its ma ae, The Dairy Instructors have always made war on rusty cans from¢e sani- tary standpoint. It is impcssible ta above para Ley should be In teking up thet year the que-t usteurizng the whey the wr: ter n of "relt that this would ke one of the means to he end « ast of Sim: ny rusty. To proventng to s. cuns becom: Whey is heated properly ard the Kh ext mt at When tanks home in the fin off marly so T-tHoamainta n that ! the whey which s return d in m Jk th should be? from tanks which ore to cep sum sopel that the lar ge number of it wie adp i year the system of past uring the w hey wei do the work properly so that a fair teval piver Sy ste HF Ih abny ta 5 ~ ms res, and done every day at the proper sie and (hat The cook leasingly offered one.of these |is before the Whey has started ta take "beasts a coe mess-lub full of curry.) en any more acu than what ft had al which he had got ready for breakfast.| (opping and the tanks uriist be hegat The aHnA looked ut him disdainfully, | ¢han.--Frank ores, Cant Dery fae end then charged, butting him full -in | Sttu tor, W.stern O clare AN EFFECTIVE Each year REMEDY FOR CROWS Senso advances fo ther wis) oud Slop the depredations caused bi the us th It was rather wierd and hair-raising at Teere are many night to go through the ailey-ways on! y ys «f combating thee cesiroyers of ths main deck, with cages all round you. Jeng Comm. Sume "keep them in chek and see glaring eyes in "the darkness, and | by means of scarecrows of different hear blood urdling growls afid snarts | kinds, ranzing om string stung around the Led. to Lright colored sacs, end ko le Lord Bule, pen . . A ' > ry@ane of them heaved a sigh of rojo! mau. These are wil more or jess al was devoted to fe aleaine woe ft liet when lhe mo fern Noah's ak safely tetive, depending upon Aho indiy'duul. Neate lan fie " NULL iden charged her cargo at New York, They | tly of the chews ané their past assoc:a- shea Powe ene and nouse: ished 'ite fell they had eurned their pay, if ever 'io ns. dwughter, Lady ralargeiel Chichin Blew. | Stilors did! An effectual remedy, however. that , i © . p art. In Eyypt, Lord William Cecil the --_----t--_-- be rocun: from eetaghta i elder--not the of the present FOR YOU AND ME, F F eal, i Flains of -trychnine. |W.th the pom of a small ac break open the smal ond "a few fresh bens eggs, place a Portion ef the strychnine in and mix up the ¢ one tents of the eges with the strychnine vy weans of a bothpick or other suitable instrument, Carefully seal up the ap on- ings, wilh some wix, or paste peeees of pauper over tee holes. Bele you iebhre nt omght. place these eges in the corn fic biostaking them in order that you may be able to find them the next day. Bifore you have amsen the next men . the crows will be on hand i you have provided, ewrearly (opto the fidld and you wi fied your onem es, the cruws, slark onisiff uvon the cornfield, or not far from it. Gather up th> eggs that tema n in order that stock may not be pu son- et The owriter has: tried this remy and knows whe cel he speaks, His «ffeclve one, bad ah ts n greet sake er to be able ie walk out in tn fie'ds and quiclly plok up the-cr: as that bef re were so exape eratin FARM NOTES. Farming is one oceupation that a man can engage in with linited means ond ns mang ted of @ reasonable degre at Ss Wi " ih tie health of the chicks every vo f you soe one looking dumpish, ook hd a CAUSE, it seems to hive i sll el 'L may be from lack of gra, Or 'Ou Sh Tpy or sour food, or perhaps an overf meat, Correct the fault at once, tetor more of the flock are if- = td, that the drinking water is always, oan and fresh, _, Heep flocks of different ages apart, r unger ones will be crowded away {r i the fecd. Harm is oft none y the ttle feliows Leng hg to yo on short rations, b-fore it is fica td; Cnd ther it is too late to m: ie up fit lost time. The safest Way is to watch fer these little (hings, asvent them, Tather than to try to cure them ufier- wards, One of the mast important fe tures of rombmaking is Without drainages i mi into n ' fo d roads, Toul w alter tron: Biche ni must by kept off Usually the w ihanowr all sbi > PUP s- ssa is srr ¥ the sgh is ugh rt ses ge tie -ditebes should ip ut lea its t three fest behav theéu face of the crdad, ant {hey showd bave a t MAS. The betlom should have a unit vin zi ype so that waler will nét stunt, but ali flow o- = shining tun and dumuny = -eatatve >,