T vO Passes Trains Met Head-on Near Medicine Hat. , uted Bul of the oh "ats coc and the: conductor had-or- a by drawing ~ J wers haye _ ders to meet the Spokane flysr-at Cole. | ao The pa :} that town, when, W assenger was run: ag into] ¢ without a moment's i Spokarie around an Baie ee curve sad in an tn- stant a cloud of-sieam told the tale of the ayn coe T injured: w wri Mra where Engin- cer cher oor few hours later, Brakesman Black - condition _-- will the were found dying later ond only lived a Short (me. Baggigemin: foptniatt nas killed when the cars teltsoped. Several nents had miracu'ous 05 OPES, fa apnetiz'ng. 'sim. off the crusts and cut inks neat s' On hot ral dusty. day: 'the Z ee MEDICAL USES OF HEAT. A general unders'anling cf th> medi- eal uses of heal and of the different ways cf applying it is casily acquired, and may be haste le bg its posses or. sufe ani sinple remedy in sine & peers and may ke applied si ti Alt umber of ways. A Tew yeurs ag? t nite holisehold way of gelling ¢ centina- ' nd ie constantly sewed 'bo be Dey heat can be apolicd by means of be. water-bags, flabirons, | sand-hugs, bric ks, oF thivugh eketrie:ty, For the pain of rheumutism, 4) tt neck, sciatica, and in fect most wecul o-ntinuous pains, extra- ay several thicknes-es of + ne m such eitaa cet and ih: ra a way oO aGS heal while beta M les ie ent is obtat hot water or skam duuches, pousl: and i entatinnes tbat is lo say. Te ing cloths on the affected part saturakd) with hot walter or any other Niquid- thu') is to be use In miking use of peek for medic' nal purposes it must not be forgolcn that used: j oF er of the sereon body wis i ae ts an admirabe way la in coo) anid at. the nae ine * nil, leaving tne end well oul, Tuke ding the weight, Borel ike means ( oN ~ ils. : ae te borne at a muct higher degre: thin | Hand wa'er, while dry a water, ond rd Sate Pause the hel (he perspiration helps to wilh bl Heat, may eat elther for a sumu-| "W lant or for'a sedative. In cases of héurt | ested 4 wick upplication of het, y Heshshs i "the Iedy with holt-watir bags, brick or any cther Seeds: method, will help Peo. "Yte'draw the blocd to the surface cf the | ht Jody and pada the heart by re ie eit Used-ns aseda tive, itacts again: the. hlosd from the large vess 'Is to the surface, relieving ten-ion, end bri nging a wonderful snsit'on of comfort and rest. A simple way of testng this is by hoking a hot wet towet or chith to a tind face and eyes fr a little while, elite Leg ie nervous insomnia. have 4 oon hol bath, or a het mae bath. ae inet 'hing befoie tel ring. Youth's Companion. HEALTH NOTES. For burns put on sonp of any kind over the burned surface and it will re- eve the pain and will net blister. Apply ollen, rubbng well inte peisuned surface, To remeve an cbstinate slver too short to get bold of with the finger hatiss use pal CY small tweezers, Jeu can tetual' y get hokl cf it in the 4 Hot water will g.ve ins! eed reli t se mosqitity bites, ud ci of eczema of the hands was rnc with hot waler and pure soap, the water must be bo', almost sca For wld.i af athe in ata simplest aad yet oat: rehable ve, is t© pour warm lard down the nostr. L. The lanl shaukl be as hot as-one can ap it, Lie dawn ras back and have Some one pour in wilh spoon, A siniwich fiequen'ly recommended by dectors for invalids who require meat ncurishment, but wh i dig stive been weakened, is mnade hy finely chopping a piece of lender uncooked steak. season ny it with pep- saind. sail. and placing it between +abfficull pleces of work By cannection hy's "I wa ae a wale i, it possum, Turn" Den Sour Te head. and its Bone. "They run with}, ce rapidily," ----+--__ PUSIING NORTHWARD FAST. a ee from Toronto sa --| stvel lias been. laid across the D Diifiwood Raver onthe Temiskaming & Northern Ontario Ra lway to a gaint within thir'y niiles of the juncbon with the National Transcontinental Railway, across the Drifiwood, one af wilh the extension of the railway. was commleled on the 4th a NEE The lay- ing of the steel, which is now down lo au point 218 miles north «f North Bay, cn the last section of the voad, will be ccnunenced. on the a of next month. KILLED BY "gh oe ntaldi dae Little -Son ot Me Oliver. 'Burton of Vaughan Stabbed in Breast. A despatch from das Says: A fatal ace.deut occurred en Thursday on the ses ble Oliver Burton. ninth No, 1. Vaugiian township, ents old, n the wagon. The horas started sucideniy. overbalancing the hired nian. As he fell the f rk plese. ep the child's breast. He died shortly ter, SURES uasabetios Ae DROP LETTER RATE. WH Probably go Inte Effect on First of Next Month. A despatch from Ollawa says: The drop letter rate of one cent an ounce thin slices of scantly-butlerad bread. Ty make the sandwich louk dainty and) o will probably go into eff : in the cilies { Canada on August firs JUSTICE IN THE FAR YUKON Russian Murderer Captured by "Mounted Police and Convicted in Short Order. A despatch from Oltawa says: The Royal Northwest Mounted Police execule speedy justiog in the Yukon, On June Sly last word was received ee Dawson that a Russian "named Elfors shot and killed a companion named Birgma iwilve mikes below Selkirk, and also weunded another companion name dorsin. Policeman Thompsan promptly sturted in a cance in pursuit of Elfors, end captured him the following day. Gn Tuesdsy Comptroller W bea received hs wie from Commissio Dawson stating that Ettors had ane convieled and sentenced to be hanged = 5 7 on Oclober Glh. The capture of the! wor jolt the influx o prisoner, the trial and the sentence was th oo effected within one month of the er: But, though the Mounted Police in | Yukot are Soilig m most Sffectivd Hark, Commissioner hoa a in view b dissolute women, iboats abor agi- lowest lery now consists of only 7%,-of whom actual a a robably die. Hlision 1s not deftly CONDENSED NEWS ITEMS | MAPPENINGS FROM ALL OVER THE GLOBE. ws ee eee ee Events, Ss Land on Yonge street, Toronts, sold for more than $5,000 : - Chainbers was drowned at Port paign for 25,000 hiarvesters fur the west. It is said Brilish- capital'sis are ne ei al the purchase of the oc ane Ele ~ tm $10. ner Ass naboln as, Mi: Hays ee i increase th» faodi- t " lies oe the G. T. RB. for handling milk in Montreal. + akan la d shoal near Sarni The oe to Detember, 1907, ae Gade a his - lithe son, six! wits ; on:the rocks n and | tor and will probably be a -- 'en workm Sold gsi: lable for police ~ [Slate Bank of Gaeo woes fee Telegraphic Brielg From Our Own and' Ww C. P. Re are se santad their cam- go- Tilbury There is an enormous growth in the number of stutlents at the Un: versity of he Hudson's Bay Railway will be 'le "wittout delay," says Hon. G._P.. ham. an four-réomed addition is to be but vat Ovittia Colegiate Institute-as a-cost 0. Port Arthur Board of Trade has pre- sented a flag to the new C. P. Ry lake The: Dominion Govermnent has under- ree pe reevallydise werd etl ne Ds tenes Ministor ot Education, 1) one oan nto study the | 2° CANADA. 5 New rect in Thee Rivers ara tobe eoneatd wide. Hendler planing mill at Lindsay flyer appeared | was Friday, cr, baler on milk t Canada smn * The annua valbe to ie ood of ali Canadian $94,000,000. was no milk pi in Canada; now, there are several factories with an output valued g at nearly one million do' SHIPPING OF MONTREAL. The Port Makes a New Tonnage Record This Y despatch from Montreal snys: Mont- reat harbor has made o new record in the tonnage of scagoing vessels." ies number which eve arrived im port u fo July 1 Is ae: lepresenting a qannage o* 655.455. crens® of twenty- cight vss on "and 79.467 tons over 1907. 'Ths beats ail records excepting in 1905, | when the total number of vessels up t) duly 1-was.253, represent'ng a tonnage | of 2.185. th's Since the ojening of navigation for the pre:cnt.seassn the revenue reovived a by fhe harbor commis- sioners of Montreal has amounted to RO0.710, as Sinha 87 697 for last ae ey an increase of $14.013. In the p -------- BIG Coat shalisdancldtd SALE. despote teh from Victoria, a. B.C. sa of ate. largest dcais mn Vancouver Island or. Nyinnined. and oo pe eanes. 0 of of seven ve-sels, bufa decreas? of £2.- a By te cae lots titre 'ciear bacon, dic to Ud rity that | te 10: alt $1.50 Rolk BREADSTUFFS. Toronto, July 14.--Ontario Wheat -- or mixed, Tec to "Tic. | $1,013. 'a, No, 2 white, st fo 43¢, ts--Ontar: cutside; No. 2, mixed, 42c; Manitoba No. condensed | 2, 42c lake ports; rejects, 37¢ 'eka ports. Barle ley--Nu. 2, 53c fo S5c. ReasNo. 2 quiet, nominally quoted ¥ Ryo_No, 2, none offering; quotatians | about Bu: Acwheat -- No. 2 nominally quited usted sy $15» «$16 in bulk sales: shorts. eae ns ine, d. livery in bags 82 our = Manitsba patents, special brands, $6; seconds." rong. buk- érs', $5.90; winter wh-at puesto s.ling al $3.10. COUNTRY PRODUCE. "Butter--Creamery. prints, 230 to 2c; ercamery, solids, 22c to 23c; 'aniry prints, choice. "ic 16 22c; dairy pr. inaas So: ary, ce fo 2k¢; Senna tubs, 19¢ to 20c; ink rior, 16c to.1 Eges--New-lald are she agg at 48 to Chie dozen in case. dosless . ue tw vi it oney=_New strained is 10c Pipe uns--Pr: a gee to $2.10; handpi-k- ea, $2.10 to $2. Potat-es--Oll 'oul arios are worth $1.- 10 to. $1.20 per bag, and new Americans « here. ; PROVISONS. Pork--Short cal $23 to $23.50 per bar- rel; men lest 'o $19. Lard-- ere tubs, 12}{c; pails, 123¢c. Smoked and Dry Salted Mesle---.0nG | © es, hams. ined um und Vght, 15c; hams, large, 123¢¢ to 132; we 1734c; Siudirs, 10c lo 1 10 td Wie; breakfast bacon, 15¢ 15%c; green guats, oul of pickle, 1c es thun smoked. * MONTREAL FAL MARKETS. Montreal, July 14.--Fhour--Manitoba soring wheat patents, $6.10 to $6.20; sec d patents, $5.50 to $5.70: winter ve al pale: a 8&5 to $5.50; stra gh'. rol- $4.25 to $4.50; in ligs, $1.95 lo to $1.70. ais--$2.75 in xd bags of 90 | pounds. s Ouls--No. 2. $9 lo 542; No. 3, 46c to 463g0; No. 4. 45¢ to 45lge5 re} soted, 44c, Manitoba rejfocted, 46 i63gc. Cormmmeal--$1.75 lo $1.85 per bag. Millfeed--Ontario bron. a hags, 320.- 50 b> $21.50; storts, $23 lo $24; Man to- ba bran, in bag, $22 lo $23; shorts, 834 to $25. Pr.vis'ons--Bb's short a mess pork, $23.50; half bair Is, $11.50; clear fat sdry sad long c'ear backs. 11¢} | od 85.7 half barye's La burrels plate beef, $17.50; H exe | to 9%ey y bacon, 1c to 16c; fresh k lied te in the Scns dressed hogs, $9.75; live, $7 lo "S began a Wednesday, "raha the forty-four pri- 'third fe pen bill passed 'the 'British Conimons. The Lusitania, on her first day out dat eT G43 miles, |. previous--records..- The second reading of the bill 'giving. an chen day lo miners wilhin five years - pussed the' Brit'sh Commons. statement 'cf the British Péard a Trade shiws decresses of £8.- 34 EO): im imports and £20,789.500 in ex-} The. Peon Railway wit Soon be} perts. Finished. The riso and fall of the British Hmer- faire from Six- anny poslul orders were ges while ths year the number is-under half a ick traze is Shown by the ry millon, UNITED STATES. + James Hart was arrested at Sheeps- dead Ray fer betting a dinner on a re- S Hayes. a Weslinghouse em- pleye a Same. Con., is alive after a shock 1,000. volts. Four qniidren and the father at two «f 'them were killed near Los . by an electric car striking heer wag- gon, Jinige Gary.of the United Slates Steel | Corporaton says that Ihe iron and steel st eit has been betfer the last fert- Mth D amocrals at Denver, en Friday. nuninited W. 2. Bryan. for ene . Kern of Indiana for. Vice indred wealthy lumbermen in States of the south and middle west are plinning t) firm a merger with a capi- tat ef $300.000,000, Nathan Levine, a youth of twenty, confessed to the New York polies that he had roblxd nearly every first-class hotel in the city. William Reiman, a New York jewel- ler, has o:dered a house fo be built at L revolve "hike a w England manufacturers have pro- lested against the use af khaki cloth of Britsh monufucture for the uniforms of | United States soldiers " GENERAL, A revolution has broken. out in tho republic of Honduras. German officers on "active service are ot wear swords Nic aravug ts recru: ling an army to ad V Honduras Lanures, Neariy a thousand Goreans have been nS by Gorein insurgents in the ast four months The Russ'an Mtn "st r®ar Finance will probably. lost anothor loan of $230.000,- re in the autumn, Between one hundred and one hun- dred and filly persons were killed in the Paraguayan revolution, -The Swiss referendum to prohi bit the Sn er on iP grid on - absinthe car- sete - Fe mooie Be papery Regu "of St. John's, near Petty Har- her--fight---against revel Nfid., ran n St. Pet- Annamite officers have been be- headed st Hanol, Cochin China; for complicity in "a pkt to poison the French gartiagn. \- fo familiar and hott Princess M i aaa Souhinott Bing Emillanoff. The gibi expected 4o last len da S. --F recipes gis ln mam om perce Woman Gets One Worth $1,000 for Elevon Cents. A despatch {rom Bloomfleld, N. J.. says: Fritz Weber, a grocer ut No, 25 Washington -- sfr.et, oe sold eieven cents' worth of cheese to-a wo- man cusiomer ¢n Ghedae, A few vache later dhe woman fore and asked Mr. Weber if ho had Tost a diamond ring. He said "No," for * had never ebigecl one Hous ~ wo- a ring, 'set w three flsiening ao which she Ra Weber } found in the cheese he had soki her. The woman va very hay the grocer her spas would enable her to 'take a needed v sation. The ring is worth $1,000. QUEBECS 6 SURPLUS. Troasurer Weir's Estimate of a Millton Dollars Largely Exceeded. PSs Vespatch from Montreal says: Some 92% ime ago Hon. W. A. Weir. Provincial ater, predic'ed c surplus of $1- (00,000 for this year, The fiscal year Sina June 30. Aftar paying "ali ordin- ary and extraordinary expendilures for Ai past year, including items that are sometimes charged fo capital account, and uffer paying oe of $100.000 vot- ed for. the Quebec Tercentenary, the bobs le of whith could kegtmately have held over to the following vear. Seay after settling up a number <f back abligations, which have been left in su- gjense from previous years. there still remoing a sum of several thousani's _ exces of the round million, with 6°m further collections yet lo be m ae ee . HARVEST IN MANITOBA, ances Ten to One in Favar of a Very Heavy Yield. A Jon from Montreal says: At avor of an eS eget -- yield one a the old-time-harv ba e is the precipitation in that could be desired. peri of cuady weather has had the result of giving exceptional root to the plant, and what is now w-shed for im the west is hot, dry weather d the remain- der of July and in the month of August." ------_--__4--___. ~ ise 4 =) +x ges was everything | lon KILLED CHILD WITH SCISSORS. Waltress in Moose Jaw Hotel Commits Crime While Insane, A gy from Moose Jaw, Sesk., esys a temporery fit Ol-insanity, on aay 'atlern2on, Mary bere Ibraith, a the Commercial Hotel, took MSE DL bir ew ford chil we ith a smell pair of embro! scissors young women fe 8 dau ter of Andrew Betraith, a farmer of each and for| formerly of Seaforth, Miss Galbrai is now ie tie haphal, cn jaced under arrest, urned the] ¢ 87.25. h-ese--Westerns quolkd at Mie to Fggs--s { stock were made at we No, 1 at 19¢ and No. 2 at 160. per UNITED STATES MARKETS. Buffalo, July 14 -- Wheat -- Spring scat No, 1 Northern cark: ads, 2 Ww. inter ay No. 2 la 72. Cana! freighis, 'wheat 5c to New 'Naneapel's, July Sb age gc rs] 1.10%; Sestemher. 92c; No. J he No. 1 Nerthein, Ls : :-No. 3 Eling si. 00%. F'our--Firs) patents, $5.40 to $3.- $5.30 to $5.45; first Mj, sccind patents, clears, $4.35 to 55: second clea's. $3.- 50 $3.60. Bran--In Bulk, 818.50. Milwaukee, Wis.. July 14.--Wheat-- No. 1 Northern, $1.15 to $1.16; No, 2 Northern, $1.12 to 81.14; September, 88% to AB%e Did. Ry. 1.430 Tac. | that fag 2, Shc; sumple, 55 --No. 3. cush, 71 to Re; Sep miter. 725; ¢ bid. 4 Duluth, July 14.--AWheat--No, 1 hard, $1.1 +, 1 Northern, 81.12}; No, 2 Serie, $1.00; July, $1.00; September, New es duly ean Spot firm; No. 2 te 97e lo 9c ¢ alor; No. 2 red, 9c ive af 1 northern, fob, afloat; Noe? hard f.o.b, afloat. ; "ia . puta! h, '$1. 1984 winter, $1.04 LIVE STOCK MARKET. Toronto. July 14.--There is still a good demand for good butcher cattle | s!6 at prices renging from $4.75 lo $5.35. Choice cows are still high at $3.75 to £4.50, but common cows are slow ond heavy. Not many slockers ure on the market. and the oe of prices is wide, from $2.25 <l light up to as high as $3.75 for hea Sheep and Gate ae pat. are yerhaps a Jillle fir In spite of the large i 'ot hogs, the ti of them was up to $6.85. fed and watered off cars, Toronto, énd in in- Calves slances higher prices than these were} pad for hogs of extra choice qual:ty. _----y- -- WEAPONS WERE IMPOUNDED. he Halfan Laborers in New Brunswitk Dis- armed of Guns and Knives. A despatch from St. John, N. B., In consequence of recent murders, 'ee Brunswick nuthorilies decided to all Italians coming to work on the Grand Trunk Pacific. revolvers to equip on infuntry company. The Italians strenuously objected, but were overcome. _---- CHILD CRIMINALS. An Alarming Increase in the Number in New York. A pg yg {from New York says: Ace], cording to the _ issued by Police Commissioner Bing! crime among the eldren of of 11 great So er city is alarming. ) iat drew 2,860 children under Is reached the total Jast year of 2.319, while so far this year 6,133 have been rm No. 2 yellow, higher at sic to| per ¢ | Of the,country into transpacfi | slories of rich placer g.ounds. sacied to the , rease in| nes _ScAGREAT PORK IN EAST BOSTON Loss a Million and a Half, Mostly Upon Boston and Albany Railroad. h from Bosion, Msss., says: Fannea by a'brisk north "wind. a fire, Lelieved to have been caused by spon- tancous Spark, swept nearly a quarter of a mile of the harbor front of East Boston late on Wednesday, causing a properly bss estimated at nearly $1.500,000. Much of the ints falls upon the Boston & Ab bany Railread. Daniel Sullivan, a weichman at the Cunard Lines pier, is missing. it is feared that he jer- ivhed in the flomes. - Wednesiay's fire was the most de- sbuctive that has éecurr-d along the herbor front in many 'yta:s, The flames spread with remarkable rap'dity, and by the time the first fire-fighting ap- areatus arrived the fire was a e-ntrol and leaping from pier 49 pier. Wilhn e half-hour after the first burst af wis discovered four plers, tree warebous.s, a gran elevalor con- tanng 30,000 bushels of grain and combustion or a keomotive] mony k loaded {freight cars, had ben de shove Severa! vessels and lighters n narrowly escaped destruction. The big Leylond Line steamer Devonian was moored one of the piers which was des"royed, but the craft was warped out into the sircam w'thou! su:ta'ning any damage, Less foriuna'e was tho Larque Belmont af Yarmouth, N. The Belmont was y the pier "where the fire start lime the vessel wés s-ructure and raging Be cally destroyed. The anes schoon- ev Paul Palmer ané the four-masted schooner O. H. B:own were cons'é rab ly damaged. The fire started af 4.15 p.m. in a ware house on picr No. 1 filled with combus tible material such as Egyptian cotton and oil. _A hundred lsborers were at work on the pier at the dime, and wilh ail of them it was a race for life. CHINESE DRAGON AWAKES. Orienfal Merchants to Establah Big Steamship Line. A San Francisco despatch says: Tak- ing ndvontnge of the boycott jeclared » China against Japan, the represen tues of a syndicate of Chines» capi- falists are on bourd the liner Siberia cn the way, to San Francisco '!o make preparations to establish . $12,000,000 Steamship line . Chine end Frisco. The synd cite will nol only mun Liners betwoen ports. bul will éstablish @ system of river ronles and by using emali beats will dra"n al! the shipping e vessels. Sir Lang Chan Doan, the former Afin- ister to Amirica. who wes Knighted by Queen Vicloria, is Ihe lead'ng figuwe in awakening the Chinese dragon. He or- ganized the syndicate. which includes some of the highest officials of China. ---.------- WHEAT CROP ABOUT AVERAGE. Report of Comdition by Qiates Agricul atch "from Washington says: 89, the United ;. Wilh corn acreage esti an 'ed at 110.996.000. an mcr inci 1.1 per cent. from las! year. 5 was the Auricultdr. al Department's July report announce on Welnsday, Oats condition uverag- per cenl.. 81 iast your, ten year average 87.5. Amount cf wheal remain- aug on farms July 1 was 5.3 per cent. ot last year's crop, equivalent lo 33,797,000 ushels, ' A RICH GOLD STRIKE. Upper Chilliwack Country Now Enjoys a A despatch from Vancouv: ys: Reports have ree ; gold strike en the upper reach's éft the Chilliwock River. "0 orlgaial ' ¢ Seatle mun. reported to have taken oul $12.000 in a 7" ~w days, * prospectar Game Several days deawn, the river. bringing a handful of nugpeis. A ru folk. wed. The place the strike has long figured in joneers found it inaccess ble, lie Indions jooked upon the ground as spits of the dapurted. ~ 9 WILL NEED MUCH TWENE, Supply TE Harvest Likely to n Short. A despat-h from Winn peg says: Bas- ing the cstmate on a crop area of nre million six bundred thetisaitd acres in western Canada. of whirvh six million at. it is final out by deniers that ut least) twenty-four mil 4 pounds of twine will be requ al the farmers this +O:Soth. "Consider. sible difficulty is expect. a in fillng or- ders. but prices at pressnt are about a cent avd on quarter under these of lust yeu, Dealers had le n figuring on a nermal crop. und nea tind Uhunselves fully a quarter short of the requ Teme nis, ---- GREAT UNION STOCK YARDS. Three Big we-* will Unite at Win- nipeg. A sesynteh from Winnipeg says: A n _ foot hiere 'for has nouncement of Mr. Whyte of to the a Ra his pone i to gether wth the N. R, and G P.. were preparing io build pose soa mea! union geo = soon as the pro- ject could ked cut, in which amall shippers would have their inber- ests fully safeguarded ur the matter of charges. This is regarded a5 one of the mogl importan! announcements al- fecting the live steck indu-ly. sen Hints. gs} not indu'g> CREE ret ttt Fashion eo oe er ar rr Riri FADS AND FANCIES. Light, summery fabrics are fascinal- in g. In Paris the shert sleeve ts already passe. ; The cre.e de chine coat is a great fav- rite, All atyles of coat suils are being {esh- iened of Laen, crash, and the populat pongec, The snarte: ; collars the summr are those of strip-d midras cr lincn embrob dered in on around the edge The salin c-alis an excellent example of present craze of ass cating a clolb un ve ye sk rt with a wrap of satin. Th: happies! results may bs achieved Ly the seeker afler sienc derness througn a medium of the corsage skirt. Pompadour ribbons applied as skirt borders and waist decorntions make & delgh'ful trimming for a dress. The wonian of smali means should accordion plaited nintines gown, It is but a s'e vorty of the clese fitting tailarad sle-ve fo one of the most Beg vers.ons cf the deep or-ental a ile, The empire and the Grecian are a pat tecuw'arly happy combination for a sum- mer evenin gown, the tunic lending itself admirably to the lon sirt, © cape is a prachical garment which Mery one rejoices to weloome this year. of the ut- the shirt wuist fost importance with suil, wh Simplicity demands greaicst. nicety in all of ils ace-ssorles. Wuaists have bloused Httle at the belt line fur some time pusl, bul the corsage skirt tobs thom of even the shgh> fulk ness ordinarily allotted them, an almnest imperceptible thread of blue im the design of calhoo which was seized on a nh excuse for the vive a of the iincn coat that ac- om, Hive a pe teal or two of unattached chiffon floatine r gown will be ostabl shed. For 'the more dressy tailor made suit a mw combination of white skirts and coloi¢d couts is mak ng ibs appearance. "he little red golf jackel also has re appeared, One of the best examples of the ty- peal smnail sieve is used in the lail- leur. Il is full length, of course. close fitting, and with no perceptible fulness tt the urnho'e, No suminer frock Ls complete without its yard or twe of surerflucus chiffon, is a fad presenting such allur ng |-0s- slibtes to the femihine mind that jt ernnet be ignored, Not yet has the long skir£ coms to be accepied for other than drés yet the makers of fashion recommend V for mere ¢ nstant use and women ere Acopiing it show! Aiew use has --_ found for bal'ste. It now mak«s its appearance in the gu of coats heavily cmikroidered und brald- 4 wlored gowns -or wn gee. wand ¢ ashmcre, Coast are ae «cf wde wll over lace, the ng e=pecialy smart and ef- k Th Y require Util fitting and ai finished with-a iin-ng of chiffon and silk. or are unlined as may be fancied. The smal sie ve, wh on net carriid to an extreme, is aiways heeoming. It is ene of the few fashion manifestations which the s'oul woman may gaze on with equancmily and the slender women without -- distrust, Le will t a powerful magnet to draw the mothers atiention from tho childrun's frocks to her own. But whe can see the mew "ole > and mulls and linens in the sile shades of delft and gobeln blues, dryad-greens, und manuves without being selned by a mad Gesre fo plunge recklessly inte the manufecturifiy of lingerie . dresse ses, Ine ) suits, and trailing evening gowns? A WELL-DIGGER'S ESCAPE --aereren "|Cooped. in Narrow Space by Suspended. Horse--Climbed Out Just in | Time. A _ dene from Eneei\ocn, a drov e the hic i buckets of earth, The be Page to gstint and ar the - unn'ng Sask., flons of the harness.and running gear. Hearing his brother's shouts above, and startled by the sudden obstruction of the light, the man at the tothom af the well Jooked up quickly. Realizing h's rid, proped his pick on e an crouched upiler it, hoping to werd olf the falling ho He then se to catch the buckel, which swung about . e gave way, and the animal fell to bottom of the wel, 1 botlem and, de met wk RAS, Fy Rn ee ae t2 siue peers