Listowel Standard, 2 Oct 1908, p. 5

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RAILWAY. TIME-TABLES: Trains Leave Listowal Stations Daily as Follows : ee WIARTON, OWEN SOUND AND PORT DOVER--Going soot: Passen- r 858 a. m ; passen lpm Taseneee 423 pm Going north : Paseenger 809 a.m ; passenger 11. 31 a.m and 7.20 p m. PALMERSTON AND KINCAR- ass Sikes Palmerston : panes pi 3 passen; p pas- sees v3.42 p a ed For Kincardine bh Passenger 10.10 S. m. ; passenger 1.10 Pp. m., and 8.22 p. a ae press leaves Listowel 8 45 a- m., p.m __ Express wel3 15 Ps m, AOVInE at Guelph 4,43 p. m., Toronto 635 ieeturning leaves 'Toronto at Ba. Guelph 9.55 a. m., arriving at Listowel 11 30 a: m.. Leaving Toronto 4.15 p m., neon : 22 p.m., arriving at Listowel | "Connecitons made at. Linwood tion with cite for Goderich at 10 43 a, m. and 7. .m. Morphy & Carthew, TNARRISTERS, SOLICITORS &C. Solicitors for the Ban milton. Nutaries Public and Comititanlouers: Money J, M. Cantaew ce MB. Mourny, Blewett & Bray ARRISTERS AND ---- a Publicand Monit fossil donc! f = Scott'. Banking 'Honan a Ont. sy a erm. Bldg & Loan Association AT 4 sige PER. CENT. AY. B. A. MOREE 'TO. LOAN ¥ R. Rrewerr. Cecil Hamilton, B. A. Barrist *, Conveyancer. MONEY TO LOAN ar 44: PER CENT ORcas Main St., noxt to Dr. Foster, Dentist. Rranch ies 42 Atwood every Wednesday afternoo R. G. Roberts, SHIPLEY, ONT. forthe London and Lancashire A noe Com ¥ pany. Also Monoy to Loan any sama from q200 and spear at alow rate of nlereat, y on Gany torma. 4 FRED. VANDRICK, t ----! LICENSED AUCTIONEER the Counties of Perth, Huron and the Fagbehin of Maryborough lam prepared to handle ail 'kinds of asles na first-class manner, . Orders left at A. J. Vandrick's store, Lis- towel, will be civen prompt attention! DAVID N. WATSON, LISTOWEL. LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR PERTH COU -- LOUIS GABEL, te LICENSED AUOTIONEER. sean ie EL P. 0. Sales conducted in hs my part of Perth or Wellington Counties at moderate charges, -- guarantee sles may be arranged for at Standard office, 36--o. ENTIRELY NEW STOCk OF Pure Drugs and Chemicals. --o-- R. A. HUNTER having acquired the sole interest, will in' future attend to the want ot his Customers personally j Family recipes a specialty. 2, A. Hunter. BUGGIES FOR SALE Top Buggies, Open Buggies, Road Carts and Wagons If vou want'anything in the vehicle line now 1s the time to buy, as 1 hav ob se sell at closest price, A,call at_my carriage shop will convince, J F WLUSON, Main Street. Liatowel, 60 YEARS' myer MUN Gps New York Trowbridge C Cider Mill. 2a Giiee i will be baer dn Tues- fin facturing bide MH yeh eT Aron ufac i vat elly pple mpt service. Butter. AS. McORAE, ti Junc- | 'ONTARIO NEEDS HIM. _| Province Can. Employ All 'the' Idle Laborers In the 'East. Stick to the Ontario farms is the advice which is now being bended out by ane: imamigration To- ci ronto to farm laborers who express a | des: to go out west on the harvest- ers' excursions, the dates of which for work the Sniigralion shies a the Union Statio:: are mow encoura ing men who call upon them to go on the harvesters' excursions to the west. The dates of the excursion for this year have not been fixed by the railways, but already there have beet. a number of inquiries at the Toront: immigration offices as to the prospect for work and the probable cost o! transportation. Those whose minds are made up to go west are referred to the railways for information as the locel officers are only supplying-men to the farmers o: Ontario and with but. few exceptions to those living west of Cebou re There appears to be a good dem: a for good farm Is borerg in all parts the provinee, despite the faet that 2000. Pris "sous have be ven a on _ whe n the Tt was Pon oe out that r my men last year fuve up positions here to go on the harvesters excursions, and in most instances they drifted back here without ™inoney or friends and were out of work most of the winter. With the sons of farmers it is not so. They are usually attracted to the west primarily through a desire to sce the country, and these excursions afford thenr-a~splendid opportunity; the expenses of the by working for farmers. ure ready to return they eome back and go on farins in Ontario, Thos re ers eo now have work i pro- vince nre advised to perc), being told that they ill in all probability potter off in the long run if. they decide to stick to the Ontario farms. "Ontario has a big crop to harvest, and men are needed here just'as well as in the west," said one official, Piscussing ue farm labor ghoaten invariably 4a! 8 LS ae "UNCLAIMED MONEY. Thousands of Dollars Awaiting Own- ers In Canadian Banks. Hon. Mr. Fielding has just made ao report of dividends, unclaimed bal- ances and drafts or bills of exchange remaining unpaid in the chartered banks of Canada for five years and upwards prior to December 31, last year. The Bank of Montreal heads the list with $121,688 unclaimed balances, ve - 124 unpaid dividends, and $3,988 u paid drafts on bills of exchange. _ vaniatned pe of this bank r 1906 were $111 "The unclaimed -- of the Montreal City and District Savings Bank have grown from $90,060 in 1806 to $103,175 in 1907. Other banks with large balancea ly- 0 unelaiemd are: Bank of British orth Amerien, with $54,379, and Conndian Bank of Commerce with $53.266 Those with the smallest amounts unclaimed are: the Bank of St. John, with $8.29; the Sovereign Bank, with peo a, and St. Stephens Bank, with 06.78. "The total figures show an increase in unclaimed balances over 1906 (the rg nee year , mE $554,574), and 1907, of $536 Purse For Archbishop. The and the sum ot $1 "200 to ees Arch- bishop Jonnor was an event of no little interest in connection with the annual "retreat," which has been in progress several days at St. Michael's College, Toronto, and which has just yen brought to a cone Sixty priests have been in attend- ceromontals and Rev. , C.SS.R., St. Patrick's Church, delivered four sermons daily. Archbishop McEvay also addressed the gathering. @ ceremony was: impressive in its evidence of the regard in which the former archbishop y Priests and laity of the diocese. It was regretted that his grace was un- --_ through ill-health to be present to receive so splendid a tribute from his former clergy. The memorial re- viewed the progress made during his occupancy of the high office and bofe eloquent testimony to the esteem and affection of the clergy and their - gret that he has been unable to co 'inuc his responsible duties. LEAPED INTO NIAGARA. Nervy Feat of Robert Leech to Cele brate Dominion Day. More than two thousand peopk who had gathered ot Niagara Falls on Dominion Day witnessed a sight never before seen at Niagara. This was the plunge of Robert Leech, of Chippawa, Ont., from the upper steel] arch bridge to the surface of the lower river. It was just 1.10 o'clock when Leech sprang out from the railing of the bridge and Sr song towards the current 200 -- para- c 8 meal 4 nd in less than a half minute he had made the descent and he struck thy water with a softness that hardly caused a splash. That was in no way overcome was evident from the fact that he quickly struck out to an by the rapids trip. He been abroad. Those who knew of his rapids performance pe not think he would make the flight ears ago another party dropped from the same level, assis by a rubber cable that broke the_fall, but no person has ever made the leap un- nidad and lived fi For Over Sixty Years Mra. WINSLow 8 ce bas Roormire SYR dean millions of mothers for thelc sbildren imslow's Boo Ohnares Tanking: It will relieve' rete post little sufferer immediately. mothers, there is no mistake about It. \ EMA here SER who is an about' jam ne withont a parrchute The umbrella was quickly fixed, how- ever, and it was raiid to a sma eT and ia Raid with the other and yell- ed: es the. went for 30 feet like a flash, ak his descent was halted when the umbrella opened in the wind and veere is course towar tire Canadian side. he got off in fine style. The rowboats were about r eet north of the bridge, the boatmen figuring that the stew would carry Leech that far at leas e was not 500 feet from 'the bridce when he struck es water, amd the boats were rowed to his side prompt- ly. He ra 8 his bead above the water by floating. The parachute was red, white, on i blue, and bore advertise- ments. The junip netted Leech $150. It was a hazardous jump on account of the outlet of the Ni Power Co., j A cheer went up from along the angpol bp Leech $ struck the water. He cked up and ear- ried to the Maid. of Pthe Mist landing. ust as the parachute sprang fron iss fastenings i ere it was join in the sidewalk among the spectators, byt no one was hu A COMET'S TAIL. The Way This Filmy Dust Train I: Tossed About by the Sun No bridal vell was ever so filmy us n comet's tail. Hundreds of cublie wiles of that wonderful appendage are out- welghed by a jarful of air. By means of the spectroscope we have magically transported this fairy plume to our laboratories and have discovered that {It Is akin to the blue flame of our gus stoves;.for the gas by which we cook and the delicate of a comet both consist of com- binations of hydrogen and carbon, 'ap- propriately called by chemists "bydro- carbons." When it first appears in the heavens, far removed from the sun, a comet fs a tailless blotch of light. As a comet swims on toward the sun the hydrocarbons of the tail split up under the increasing beat into by- drogen gas and hydrocarbons of a higher boiling point With a still closer approach to the sun, these more resistant hydrocarbons eventually yield to the increasing beat and are decom- posed in the form of soot. Interplanetary space is airless; hence the soot canuot burn. It must pursue the comet in the form of a dust traln The particles constituting that train are small enough to be toyed with br the pressure of sunlight. No matter where the comet may be In its orbit, whether it bas just entered the solar system or is speeding away, that plume Js inevitably tossed away from the sun, just as If a mighty wind were blowing it from the central Ju- minary. The appendage of shining dust is the symbol of the triumph of light over solar gravitation. THE PLANET JUPITER. What the Man of Science Has to Say About Its Wonders. The jolly Jovians are sald to be real- ities and not myths. Not only are there sald to be inhabitants on Jupiter, but also on some of his moons, in the midst of which the vast planet, 1,300 times the size of the earth, spins at such tremendous speed that it cnuses nround the equator a furious wind that blows perpetually at the rate of 230 miles an bour. Those who believe in the Jovian say that bis belght runs from fifty to fifty-five feet and that hie exists for about 800 to 1,000 of eurth years. The Jupiter year, bow- ever, consists of 144 months. The ocenus of Jupiter, torn Into fury by the hurricanes, would pay no attention to one- moon such as moves the tides of our earth, and It takes no fewer than five of these satellites to perform this work for Jupiter. They travel at vn rious rates of speed, some flying close to Jupiter's surface, others far off. They have atmospberes like ours on earth, and a moonlight on Jupiter is {indecd a glorious sight. for these moons have a variety of color; two are blue, one {s yellow, and one red. Jupl- ter needs all her moons at night for INumination, for without them ber five hours of darkness would be black in- deed. So distant is the sun that brond daylight 1s hardly brighter than twi- light on earth, and one Jone moon would not reflect enough of the sun's rays to guide the Jovian footsteps, e Human Touch. "Janie had a dott thas would say 'Papa' and 'Mamma. "What became of !t?" "Jane's mother is an advanced per- son, and she said the doll was an inex- cusably cebildish reminder ofa grossly benighted period "And what did she du?" "She threw {t in a dark closet where Janie didn't dare to go. And then a day or two later she happened to step on it in the dark and It shrieked 'Mam- ma!' so naturally that she fell over in a faint and bumped ber bead and had two buckets of water poured over her before she recovered consciousness." The report of the British Postmaster- General -- a large increase in the number o sent to Canada | Street in Lot 151 ; thence wes y along since the sleds of the postage. nee Bos ge inte : " Nineteen persons were killed in a col- | tion of the easterly limit of Wellington lision caused by a snowstorm on the | street with the foxotbs err limit of Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad | Bolton street + theses nentherly slong in Montans on Friday last. - Juced northerly' a distance of 49.5 yout to a point of beginning ; said tract Corns C Jor 25c containing 0.100 acres more or leds. ured for 25c, TumpLy.--A By-law for opening up ; and of a street. between A guarantee of painless cure William and Mill street and be- sort agate wetn goee "pu Corn Ex: | ing Gaperibed Es ald : A strip of tractor. Use Putnam's and your corns a feet in width in Lots 16L and go Beware cf wabetistien, east of Wellington street and Lo c line of the Linwood and Listowel branch © "Pehara" pipes are What a Reach Means to Me "BELOW--You see how I just turn on the tap and instantly get hot water for my aishes, wash = scrubbing, preserving, etc, "ABOVE-- you see how the bath and basin--no waiting for a bath=no carrying hot water upstairs." "Pandora" Ranges can be supplied with a hot-water attachment if you haven't already "got One, and the attach- ment does not either take extra fuel or in- terfere with baking. M'Clarys London, Toronto, Montreal, Winnipeg, Vanceuver, St. John, N.B., Hamilton, Calgary, Hot-Water © connected to the ADOLPH & BONNETT, Local Agents. The Corporation of the Town of of Listowel Notice of ~ Opening and | ole ea to. b the 5th day of October, 1908, at the hour of eight o'clock in the after- at the Council amber in the several by-laws, as follow: First y :--A By-law fon ekadoge stop- ping up, ek and conveying all that portion of Wellington street in the town of og aahaper southerly of a line which = 15 feet» northerly from and concen ric with the centre line of the Lin si Listowel branch of the Guelph ' and Goderich Railway, as the gets is finally ocated and construct: erly - a line wh which is parallel limit of oo right of Railway we street, and -- 60 feet norther] with ae in of way limit ; a line which jis 60 feet no Bicg and parallel with said northerly limit of e runk Rrailway right of way a distance of 545 fee erly limit of Wellington street ; ge northerly along the said easterly limi of Wellington street t pro- entre of the Guelph and eric way a distance of 113 feet toa point on the westerly limit of Wellington street in Lot 111; thence southerly along the said westerly limit of Wellington street int of beginning ; "7 tract con- ning 0.503 acres more or | SECONDLY .-A By-law for "closing, stopping up, selling and comveying all those portions o street in the town of Listowel which lie east of Mill street and west o ---- street, more particularly a as follows : Commencing at intersection of the northerly limit "% Bolton street with the easterly limit of Mill street ; thence easter] , the said Jip 213 2 Bolto ah 5 Ere of 'Bolton street ; d to the southerly Himit limit along the sontivarty, it thence wester' 273. street ; thence northerly along easterly Jimit of Mill street produc northerly a distance of 49.5 thea i beginning, wor les tract' wn O e the easterly limit " Wellington steast and a line which is 15 feet easterly from at the imnit of imit at hy ! 159 and 160 west of William street in | uae a a Listowel, Br sty es rom | may ae moet e particn ws ; Commen 'ion nor the northerly | nga a the the right of with the rand Trunk Railway e anterky limit of Wellington ce westerly along sai nortiecly limit of said right of way a f 2 to ntersec- tion of the easterly limit of Wellington street b-jpaad be northerly limit of said right of ; thence northerly along said sentaic limit of Wellington street a distance of 56.8 feet to a point in Lot 161 thence easterly on s ge os is am ze e runk Railway adistance of 452.2 feet toa street in t 160; thence southerly along said westerly limit of William street adistance of 57.7 --< to the point of | beginning ; said tract contain- ing 0.519 acres more or less. ae astrip of land50 feet in width and 124 south at Bolton Lots 126 and 127 west of Wallington s street in the town of Listo- wel, said strip lying northerly from and adjacent = ; " fg comer of the right of w: il- way and wich Ba be more aidicciae ly described ollows : Commencing at the intersection _ the northerl sims its of the right of way of the Trunk ce, wide the westerly limit of We i ei stree ence westerly along sai eee limit of bose right of way a i a point on the easterly limit of Mill street In ; thence northerly along the said cuatexty | ary of Mill street a dis- 3 Yo ; thence easterly on }. a arent line Sshich | is 50 feet norther- ] and parallel with the said northerly limits of the right of way of rand Trunk aebway a distance of fe to e westerly limit of Wellington street in Lot 127 thence southerly along said westerly limit - Bid a ge street a distance of 4 to the point of beginning ; " tract culttaniing 0. 344 acres more -- --A By-law for cineiee ing up and acceptance of a street be- tween Bolton street and Wellington street, being described as follows: A strip of land 33° feet in width in Lots 142 and 143 north of Bolton street and Lot 181 south of John-Rosa street, all of said lots lying east of Wellington street inthe town of Listowel, said strip lying easterly from and adjacent to the easterly right of way limit on the inwood and Listowel branch of the Guelph and Goderich Railway as the same is finally located and constructed across said lots, and which may be more particularly described as follows : Com- mencing at the intersection of the east- erly limit of said right of way with the northerly limit of Bolton street, which point is 72.8 feet easterly from the in- tersection of the ---- limit of Bol- ton street with the terly limit of Wellington street, Sorts northerly along said easterly limit of said right of way a distance of 148.0 fect to a point on the easterly limit of Wellington street in Lot : thence northerly along said easterly limit of Wellington street a distance of 73.5 feet to a point in Lot 181; thence southerly on a line which is 88 feet easterly from and par- allel and concentric with the said east- id limit of [7 right-of way of the Lin istowel branch of the Guelph and Goderich Railway a dis- tance of 229.0 feet toa point on the northerly limit of Bolton street in Lot 142 ; thence westerly along the norther- ly limit of Bolton street a distance of ra +4 feet to the point of beginning ; said ract containing 0.143 acres more or lesa FIFTLY. --The opening up of a street between Reserve street and William street in line with the production south- easterly of John Rosa street to Reserve 'street, or in the alternative, in line with the production south-easterly of Bolton street, or at a point northerly of said production line. All persons interested or whose lands may or might be prejudicially affected by such proposed By-laws are required to attend at said meeting, when they will be heard in person or by counsel or solicitor with reference thereto upon petitioning to be so heard, Dated this 26th day of August, A. D., 1908, WILLIAM BRIGHT, y . Clerk Town of Listowel, CAPITAL PAID UP REST - OF CANADA. D R. Wilkie Pres. Hon, R. Jaffray Vice-Pres, CAPITAL AUTHORIZED «- $10,000,000.00 4 of responsible Notes Farmers' Business a Specialty, nie notes cllected snd vances made thereo #3 Cheese Cheques posit Siteort ereon. ET clhacogs or - taken on de- without charge, H. ©. SECORD, LISTOWEL BRANCH, or New Fall Shades. -- SEE goc a yard, S. GEE'S: Dress Goods. All New.Lines in Stock. Shadow Stripe in All - Plain Cloths, Superior Finish, Venetians All Shades, From 50c a Yard Up. OUR -- Special Leader in Venetians In all shades, this is a very superior Suiting Venetian, only Some JOB LINES just received in Heavy Fall and Winter Weights for Ladies' Suitings will be sold at half price. No trouble to show you through our lines Tabling in Linen, this week for 25c a yard, J.S. GHB, Special 35c Listowal Sash and Door Factory. BAMFORD BROS. Buiiders and Contractors are prepared tn coutract for the ee of allciassce of buildings. Plane and specifi- catioas drawn, and cstimatea furnished on application. SASH, DUOR FRAMES, BLINDS, 'ete,, tarnished on short notice. Plani: oe to order, Everything in the oui ing line will be given prompt attention po Firat class Workmasebip guaran' Charges - Mosorats. Bamfcrd Bros, New Telephone Directory. THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA Ts about to publish a new issue of the Official Telephone Directory for the District of Western Ontario, including LISTOWEL. . Orders for new connections, chan of firm names, changes of street a dresses, or for duplitate =e should be handed in AT ONCE J. H. aun Local Manager.- Executors' Notice to Credi- tors. Notice is horeby given pursuant to = Prori- sions of Chapter 12, Section ) tes of Ontario PL cel "Amend f tise they shall ot bart e had potics art said distribution.. o" Dated at Listowel this 8th cay of September, A. D, 1908, J. KE. TERHUNE, Solicitor for Executors. HOUSE and LO LOT FOR SALE Solid brick eg Be Havelock street, Listowel, nine | airy rooms recently decorated and pint inside and out, new ey i "4 acres a land, aaetane fruit iremn, h e8, concrete. sidewalk and Streets on three sides of the lot. Ap- owner. 'R. O. DICKSON. FRESH MEAT OF ALL KINDS, et ng purchased the Butcher Business of S. J. Stevenson, are continuing the business in Shop on Wallace St., where they handle only the Choicest Meats of all Kinds, Home-made Sausages, Summer Sau- Our stock is always the v best, and prices rie te. bea Give us a trial and you will come again. S: L- KIDD & SON Garbutt Kidd, Manager TOWN OF LISTOWEL. ------ COURT OF REVElGN RE VOTERS' LIST. ges" Notice is hereby given thata Court will be held, pursuant to. the Ontario Judge of the aged Court of the County of Perth, at th TOWN HALL, LISTOWEL, on the? 3rd Day of October, 1908, a os o'clock p. m., to hear and deter- the. several complainta of errors andi omissions in the Voters' List of the Municipality of the Town of Listowel for 1908, All persons having business at the Court are required to attend at the said time and September, 1908, WM. BRIGH Clerk of Listowel. Executors' Notice to Credi- tors Notice ta hereby given pu Parenant a ine Statutes' in that baba' that al! credito inst the ontate -- ee ry Preders having cli ick Youn, Tate of the towns' hip of Wallace, ut es County of Porth blacksmit deceased," on or about the 2nd dav Hg August, A. bis oy atthe said blebres of Waik reqnested to send by or deliver tot the undersigned Executlors, 0 osars. Morp! rony Carthew, their serie ea. or before the 3rd day uf October, A D. 1908, their name, address and fall. particulars of their claima, and 'the their securities tare of is 'any |b ot beld paretie and that after the last na: 'xecutors will distribute the isauots de ong entitled poet only to theclatme of which notices. will not be liable for Seek at Listowel this 3ist day of August, A, CHRISTINA YOUN Executors, an HENRY NUHN,) Gowanstown, By i MORPHY = CARTHEW, their Solicito oe NOTICE TO DEBTORS. TAKE NOTICE that all persons indeh catate of the nid ene Pecan lateot Gt Gow: Tistsiel: Ont. snstown, Blackamith, deceased, are required to "| ere neitio with the Executor, otherwise their accounts may be placed in court for col- CARIeriE As. YOUN, town, Ont, Executora, Gowanstown, Got. §. L. KIDD & SON, place. ' Dated a Listowel this 10th day of . ' 4 4 ' 4 4 4 4 ( ' 4 q q 4 4 P P| 4

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