Listowel Standard, 13 Nov 1908, p. 1

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-* yes a VOL, AAXI: ENO. 41 Be : oe a eee >. » Ta > y eoliing 5 eS eS Se ee 2 ee re Seni : is Pa RO ee ae ey Ae een, WALTER BROS. eee ee as ws 30 Days' Fur Sal who anticipate in the GREAT BARGAIN cent. Look at our price list. 53s Ladies' Astrachan Jackets on sale at SS an eee ee Nae aoe ae a Ea ae es ae a eT Pe 45 Cloth Jackets from $1.50 to ~ SMALL FURS----Ruffs, Muffs, Gauntlets, Caperines, Etc. Muffs from $2 to $50. $5.50 and $6 Ruffs on $3.50. and of 50 Ruffs on sale at $4.50 to $5. ho ilagi on sale $2.50. 25°Capes on sale: for $5. $25 Furlined Capes on sale for $7.50. Men's Furlined Coats, small size, sale price $10. Men's Young Buffalo Coats, size 40, "sale price $10. Men's Brown Calf Coats, size 36, sale price $12. 50. $5, $6.50 aa ee Se a ee ee Oe ee hee eee a Te Men's $45 Coon Coat, large size, sale price $33. Save Money. a tae fae A ee , Terms of Sale---Cash or Produce. To Commence on Saturday Next. This_ sale will be long remembered ey those You will have close on $5,000 worth of URS to choose from at a saving of from 25 to 50 per ep 15.7 30 " " a sable trimmed, on sale at 37. ts 60 te a% " 42 2.50 85 Furlined Jacket, mink trimmed, on sale at 62.50 60 ba "* sable - '" ne 47.5 50 " os " ot ot 42.50 oe oe " ae "a 35.00 $18 Girls' Jackets, all sizes, at 1-3 discount off the regular price. Men's $60 Coon Coat, Ist class i in every way, sale price $48. Be With Us During This Slashing Sale and We Pay Highest. Price for All Farm Produce. |, _------- a - , Pe ee ee NE A Ne ee OR Seen enh etd oe o The - Store the - Corner. on ' Sit | aN any a ee oe eee 7 , Watter Bros. : Neen tee Bagare thing teen, Carprath teating Gariraty ing errs eeting ey November 1 1908. 22nd 3 Trinity. ~ pads Prayer and § 230p. m.-- y School, \_ 7 p. m.--Evensong and Sermon, Elections are over, time to enter Listowel B For oSALE.--Seemnid 7 and ge half f yearly, on acres in aiyietnel, Ample % We 304 Queen St« FARM FOR SALE.-- joinin; ; A free bs oway. gift for you. 'Come: Beha Lange t of $2 & eth oat ton een store on F Here are the yore ever package you JENKINSS TAILOR and MEN'8.% Office on Main street, over hoe storey? eee '~ Amy anny regent gmt nn daegiay egies et ym diet wry enh WONDERFUL BARCAINS Grey and Brown Mixtures. eR aren ag" rr Han Nt eat og yood Italian Cloth, 36 to 44, well worth § lot for se. S50. Remember Thess Are All 175 in the let. loose fitting. All prices from $1.90 to $25, chance. People's Cash Store. Dried Apples, Poultry, Etc. Men's Suits 48 Only, in fleavy English Tweeds in Dark Men's Suits, three button- ed single breasted, sack style, heavy English Tweeds, in dark grey and brown mixtures, lined with sizes Now is your chance as we intend clearing + out this Ladies', Misses' and Children's Stylish Coats. Tight fitting, semi-fitting and Ladies requiring Coats should not miss this Cash or Trade Paid for Butter and Eggs, oa a oe 12. [or ee er eS es le ee et ee et el eS et A i Mt Bi el a ee ll ee ee ee et ee ee Robert Thompson. ya a Lot ak tt tt ba i I i a te Aa i ----- ai ee aes a, te» sb at te fe ~~ --_ * a tl, SE (Denta' Office over Schinein a Store, entrance as Mu & Carthew, Terhune and Dr. OSs CoNeess WINGHAM BUSINESS (C0 Most modern and popu ness Schoo! in bie yg vod Widely experienced, bi cated, arupathete, staff. The synonym of sucé very essence of modern, ing : business systems, Stenography, Telagraphy, and Commercial Courses. Preparatory course for jhoae~ whose education has -been neg- en courses, in any subjects, for - ose who wish to study at: home. individual instruction. Exiter an day. Write for handsome Sard opus GEO. SPOTTON, PRIN, 2040644: BEOREB PLAN WELL and take a course in the Listowel asians College REOPENS SEPTEMBER' 1ST, EDUCATION PAYS. Write for particulars to $ 4444464 4444444 Graduate Detroit on of sae is 1 Departmen a 4 AL. MoH KT YRE. ALittle Light On a Dark Su ject. We are mau % to take care of all orders for Coal and Wood at the lowest and solicit a fair we and hard, containing good as quali- ties, equal to any coal mine merica, We thank the public for 'helt liberal business | patronage since we commenced b: and ask for-a continuation of the same, And would ask those who have not al. ready given us atrial todo Re. member we have both Wood. and Coal, -- > ah Mie at ee oe oe Ek Ke) lie i a i a ee 4 arr # Ps BS OS'S e'S0 Se GO'0044 OU '3 Nov. 17th, opening at 2 p.m. this week are as likely as not to be fol- ~ebed by more open weather before sete in, SEATING Rink Frres.--A third at- tiary, also some mothers' hearts being broken over + thelt sons' di DAIRYMEN"S MEETING.--The list of district meetings of the Dairymen' 8 As- sociation of Western Ontario is announc- _ Fg The Listowel meeting will be held in McDonald's hall on Tuesday next, Cheese- factorymen and patrons are in- 'vited to ae together to discuss such ey feel are of interest to q '} both line and regal A a * (| tendance is looked for. PouLTRY pane furarna,-- - | The annual | moecting of the Listowel ill be held in the committee room of the Public Library on Friday evening, 18th inst., for the purport of the election of officers for the comirg year, and other business. All imesobers of the Association are urged to be yap An invitation. is ex- ed to all poultry and pet stock fanci- era @ither from town or country. eee W. BELL's 40TH ANNIVER- Forty 'years ago v. J. W. saat Bell M. A., now of Kew Beach, was or- d and inducted as minister of Mburch, Listowel. The anniver- ye n's majority was ss it 14 instead ine Ste Lare 'a vote was us e the town 'mmerchants know that his ser- vices are at their command when thoy have bills 'to oe alee to deliv- er, or want his helyTn any wa The Rey. N. A. F, :Bourne, rector of Christ , fave notice on Sunday last of a special vestry to be held on Friday, 20th inat.. in the parish room, at 8,15 p. m., to deal with his resiguation. The annual~meeting 'of the _ North Perth Conservative Association will be held in Mlvera n Thursday, Nov. 26th, at 114. m.,in Groach's hall, official notice of which is given in another ool. umn. * Miss Fowell, who has been the guest of Mrs. EB. C. Thornton for the past two a, left 'ee er home in Exeter on Wednesday, g@ via London to bear the Sheffigld noir Mrs. Fowell leaves on Saturday. Pn a T. J. MeDowell was among package f ag |, SOX, selected s! ties, a er a: t, and several parcels those who spent the holiday irs aa in town were Miss Mar- : Mins Lena je seme gor ; Mr. Me- rake Riggs, Hamil and Messrs, Harry Living Tesi John -- and Morton Scott, ton, whom ; jeweller and salesman. Bovcar deze Pe, ne i os --Mr. Hallman farm rit the 6th Sones of Howick, about 's mile and a Ford from half from | welcome to pastor and family. In Mornington Ran- Teduced by 2. In Elma one or two chauges were made, but these left MacLaren's majority in the township the same ' was, Listowel two rejected ballots were counted for MacLaren, making his ma- -- i=] - | jority in town 58 instead of 51. S. S. ANNIVERSARY.--The anniver- sary services of tle Methodist Sunday School were held on Sunday last and were unusually interesting as well as being largely attended. At the morning ice Rev. R. D, Hamilton, the peas gave an "illustrated oil sermon," being practical demonstration of the anal rocess of obtaining petroleum and 'its purifying for lighting purposes and the mannfacture of bi-products, all of which were used to typify moral and religious truths. "A little child shall lead them," was the subject of the evening discourse, which was listened to with deep interest and appreciation by the large congrega- tion presen 6 choir and orchestra furnished excellent music. The child- ren's entertainment on Monday evening was also very successful, the drills, choruses, recitations, etc., eliciting hear- tiest applause from all present. *RECEPTION TO NEW PastTor.--On November 8rd the congregation of the U. B. Church gave their pastor the Rev. J. Geach a very hearty reception. Over 70 persons were present, The evening was spent in a pleasant manner, con. for the evening, and gave the address of Rev. Mr. Geach replied in a very able and kindly manner. The Mayor of Listowel, Mr. Foerch, was then called on for an ad- dress, and responded to the satisfaction of all present. He'gave Pastor Geach and family a-hearty welcome to " town, wishing them every success their labor of love. By this time the ladies had unloaded their baskets of pro- visions, which were of the very best. All partook heartily, and left for home rejoicing, not forgetting to leave behind them an ample supply for the pantry. STEALING PoULTRY.--A case of con- siderable interest to sar > farmers of El- maand W. was thrashed out in the police court this ok Four young men were arrested by Chief Hardwick appeared on T Police Magistrate Tichase. _ hall was crowded : 4 4 bia appeared for the prosecu on and Mz. F F. R. Blewott for the defanco. Mr. John Hamilton, Reeve of Elma, was the complainant, and identified one of the stolen Gack: which err turned up -- at the sh vi aces Thanksgivin; Seay The accused par yee fa ie Jobn Kaufman, M. The slight snow falls | °* : oe a? fall plonghing. Robb, cane was pressed. Magistrate Terhune intimated Phat i in fature he would show no leniency to poultry ves, «| PUBLIC MEETING TO-NIGHT. eg Oo To Discuss the Piano Factory : By-law. a A public meeting of the ' citizens will be held in the town hall this," Friday evening at 8 o'clock. The meeting been called by Mayor Foerch for the purposé of discussing the Piano factory By-law and agreemént, and as every property owner in town is interested in this matter, all should make" it a point to be there. r. W. R. Tudhope of Toronto is oxpected' to be present and lay before the meeting the proposition of tive DOW Company i in more detail than is set forth in the agrecment. Mr. Tadhope's statement will have an im- rtant bearing upon the, and will doubtless furnish every a that the Company mean business and are prepared to make good their i of the ihe Seeeanent providing the By-law is The By-law snd ogreament have been submitted to Mr. Guthrie of Guelph, and in his opinion the town's interests are carefully safeguarded therein. It is up to the ratepayers, then, to get as fall knowledge of the proposition, via what it means to them collectively and in- dividually, as possible, pe this can best be done by attending the meeting {& -- and hearing the whole question Assuming that the proposi- | tion i is satisfactory, the interests of the town and of every property owner in it demand thatthe By-law be carried. Listowel's future very largely depends upon the Piano factory being rebuilt. TOWNLINE EAST. Fall ploughing is mostly all done, a having 'finished 8 few woeks tone farmer has his gun all ready waiting for the thioves ies' Aid of Hunt's Church met last Thursday at the home of Mrs. John Barnett and was largely attended. Officers were elected for another year, and a good programme was rendered, which was enjoyed by all who were present. The vext meeting will be held atthe home of Mrs, Edward Hunt on the first Thursday in December, Mr. James Fenton and Mr. Robert Fenton of Conestogo spent the holidays at the home of Mr. Thos, Landerkin. Thoses who went tothe Northwest this summer have returned and are well pleased with the country. The merry chime of 'tite sleigh bells will be a welcome number on the town line. . Mrs. Gordon ond her daughter, Mrs. H, Jackson, have removed to Glenallan, e latter's new home. Her many friends wish her much happiness. © Mr. Walton, accompanied by a friend, spent the holidays with his sister, Mrs. '. Hay. A number of young people spent a very pleasant evening last week at the "-- . Mr. R. Coghlin. haan spent Thanksgiving in Taxon Miss me Bartley has been visiting at Trowbridge this week. Beechnut picking has been a very pleasant pastime, as the boys were not compelled to go alone. The town line' people have proven themselves to bea little sharper than the poultry thieves. TOWN LINE WEST, Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Smith spent a4 few days last week visiting their ter, Mra. W: E. C fifty acre farm belonging to Mr. Sharpin, west of Molusworth, for one "Mis ss S, Hammond, teacher in U.S. 8. No. 5, has resigned. s8 Lottie Holmes is visiting friends in oe don Mrs. Jno. Coghlin spent i i holidays with fri -- in Tor a weg in our Dame rumor reports neighborhood in the near futur Mrs, A. Robertson spent the " fuslidaye with her sister in Toronto: CARTHAGE. Some of our farmers have already teacher, spent the 6 Cleubisiting holidays at her home in ead Stratford. Mesars. Mooré and Waddell dhipoed two car loads of cattle and lambs from the station oe on Monday'to Toronto. Miss Cora of Listowel was @ Thanksgiving valour in this vicinity. Miss 5S. TB. Hickey spent ere in Linwood. The-cheese factory closed operations last Friday ater a successful season ne Mr. Ben. Tobiason of Milverton was a rties | visitor one day last week in this vicini- The funeral of the late Mrs.: Ewing, beloved wifo of Mr, John Ewing, took in her + ' BALANCE OF YEAR Stan-| had been down to Hesson on many sorrow: '| dard will be sent to new subscribers in| and in coming home Sunda ih oes attended by rgd ing and sym- a from now up to the of Teete:- Haution taipiehsith see <osaaaan Won ma woske wi Bape visited and the ducks taken. The eves one.-address to end of next year for | 78! M Kaufman be- WALLAGEVILLE, $1.50, cash in advance. iW Peg ars aon ora pay $8 tat Boy. \ ae Sod get the balance sf the present year il ue! pherhors apron clea perse- hoa errs and Mrs. H. Farrel and family of Chesley viyited for a few the homes of Mr, Peter ter Wiederhold she Sin- clair Adolph. Mr. friends in M: Mr, Louis - Ado); spent afow. days the guest of his teoiticg, Mr. John ae at Owen-Sound. Mr. R. Docking of Hibbert vis ited at 'the home of his icshbsne tala law, Mr, Jas. gaia = during T' ving holi« Mr. Fred. Wiederhold of" "Milverton visited his brother, Mr. Peter. Wieder. hold, whois peti ill ~ present. We hope for a speedy reco were married in "Tavistock las, T DONEGAL, Messrs. J. E. Belfry and Harry. Dan- eke spent their Thanksgiving in To- a Elliott .of Monkton occupied the pot t inthe Church here on Sunday in nce of the pastor, who was tak- re the anniversary services in Monkton, Mrs, Nixon is very if at areas hav- ing had what appears tobe another . Very little hope is entertained for hér ecovery. . He tors at Brantford during the T giving holidays. Miss Ida Danbrooke, who was hoe daying in Stratford for a week, has re -- home. and Mra. E. W. Vipond f ne at Ethel. _ 'WALLACE. RB good d B ther "0 good dose of cae ay "We are informed | Sch Wilsen, Tdones Te Walter Krotz, Lizzie Schneider. Jr. I1I.--Ellie Wolfe, Clarence Perkin, ~¢ A gem Dan- nie Bender, Russe Abner Elliott, George eh, Mil- ton Krotz, Clinton Moore, Norman Dehling. Willie Bender. Jr. 11. Viola Bender, Oswald Elliott, Burt Bender, Lillian Kro' iB. TORRANCE, 'Teacher. TRALEE, The following is the cn of U.S.S. No. 10, Mornington, for O 6 names are in order of mei Sr. IV.-- T. Armstrong, F, Hanley, T. Mackey, C, Wright, Jr. 1V.--Sylvester Linse- man, Edward Scott. Sr. IIl.--Nettie McWatters, May,Doherty. Myrtle Arm- strong, Thos. Dich Jr, UL--Evelyn tt, Maggie Cummings, negan, Leslie = John Hanley, Querin, Della Cummings, Mary Hanley, Donegan, Samuel, Jackson. » Hazel Armstrong, Irene O'Grady, Mary Donegan, Lioyd Nurse, Harry Rolls, Morgan Welsh, Agnes Rolls. Sr. Pt. I, --Orton Burnett, Annie Querin, Joseph O'Grady. Jr. Pt. I--May Armstrong, Clifton Faulkger, Aloysius Scott, Bella Rolls, Robtert Jackson. 'aM, BURNETT, Teacher. James Burnett of Linwood spent 1L-- John il.-- Mr. . H. Armstrong returned home last Saturday after spending the sum- mer as game watden in New Ontario. Mr. Wm. O'Grady returned home last week from the West. Miss Stricker 'of Linwood and Miss Nurse of Macton spent Thanksgiving at Mr. S. Burnett's. Miss Loretta, Scott spent Thanksgiv- ing in Linwood. " Mr. and Mrs. W. D. McWatters spent heir Thanksgiving in Chippewa. Miss Lanra Waddell of Burns is visit- ing her baie Mrs, R. Welsh. We pleased to ly that we have an seas ot Tralee sta' . Scott and Mee "Wright spent Thankegiving i in Elmira. . Jas, Hanley spent Thanksgivin in Linwood. Tralee sports amused themselves op Thankagiving roaming the woods and at the shooting match in A true bill has been returned against the corporation of Guelph for maintain- ing a nuisance at the sewage disposal plant. Both the Dominion and Provincial Governments have instituted an inquiry into the quality of coal oil being sold in Manitoba, in view of recent accidents. S ieiead Felker of Fergus shot himself while bunting and died almost instantly. An interview granted by the Kaiser and intended for publication in the Deo- émber number of The Century Magazine has been suppressed. -The explosion of the boiler on Eee steamer Te miskaming, near Termia' ing Landing, resulted in the cathe = placegn Thursday laat,. Nov. 5th, to Fairview cemetery, Listowel, and was three men, the probably fatalinjury of two others, and the badly burning of six, Geo. Schell sponte few days Anderson were visi-. hanks- Saturday with hig brother, Mr. Samuel. Mr, and Mrs." gi Schatz, ae : t

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