CONSUMPTION'S STARTING POINT _/ \ies in Weak, Watery Blood. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills Make the ~ Blood Rich and Red. Bloodlessness is the starting Sai of pennoaiptios. When your and watery your whole ice 'asslines. Your face grows pale, your appetite fails and your heart jumps and flutters at the least exertion or excitement. You are always weak and wretch- ed and lose interest in everything. This is the point from which you may easily step into that hopeless decline that leads to consumption and the grave. What is actually neeted to bring back health and strength and energy is the new rich blood Dr. Williams' Pink Pills actually make. In all the world there is no other tonic medicine like them, and all who fcel" weak and easily tired should take these ills. at once, and regain new health. Miss Ada Burke, The Range, N.- B., says :--"I feel that I cannot say too much in favor of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. In March, 1907, I was attacked with whooping cough which clung to me for several months, and when the cough disap- peared I was left weak and run down. All summer [ was ailing, but when the, autumn came I seem- ed to be completely, worn out. For a whole month I never moved out- side the house, and could scarcely walk about the house I was so weak. I had no appetite, my color was a greenish yellow. I 50- vere headaches and would be almost breathless at the least exertion. I took several bottles of medicine, kut it did not help me,. and then my mother got me three boxes of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, when I had used them I was much better and by the time I had taken an- other three boxes I was again en- joving the best of health, with a nearty appetite. good color and re- newed energy. If you want new health and new strength try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, a fair use of this oe will not disappoint you. Sold by medicine dealers or 'by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for 2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. HE PEARLS OF TRUTH. Idleness is the key of beggar Talent is one thing; tact is or thing. never have occasion' 'eat their words.' People are always --_a for ad- vice but never taking it There is always hope for a man until he jJoses his self-respect. The first step towards knowledge is to learn one's ignorance. ips log a wise man gets the worst °. he makes the best of it. "Misery inves company"' he kind that is long-eared and patient. "Man wants but little here be- low"--usually is little more than he gets. Mind your own business--and let other people muddle theirs, if they tr." a Many a man doesn't do anything worth while because he thinks it isn't worth w ui c. er" ee ALL ON HIM. Towne--Yes, hard luck. Browne--Well, self to blame. Towne--Of course; that's the big- gest part of his hard luck. --_---__. ~ UNREASONABLE. One of the most unreasonable traits of a woman is the way she can think. it isn't her fault whie her husband cuts himself shaving. he certainly is in he has only him- ------------ They are Carefully Prepared. -- Pills which dissipate themselves in ach expected to ave mifgh effect upon the intestines and to overcome costiveness the medicine administered must influ. ence the action of these canals. Parmelee's Vegetable Pills are so made, under the supervision of ex- perts, that the substance in them iitended to operate on the intes- tines is eeraewnde in action until the bowels. idget -- ' lidade, mum! An' how ei was she in prison?" The Sermons flavor and aroma of It is surrounding odors and contaminating influences of ether goods as bulk or louse teas are. A teapot test will show the difference. THE PRINCIPAL LOSS. Mr. Sirius Barker had been cheat- cd in a horse trade, and the ex- perience formed his chief bape of conversation for some tin "Can't you get over "talking about the way you got cheated in that horse trade?' suggested a friend, who had heard the story ar times. . 0,' answered Mr. Barker. "I don't 'mind the man's getting my money 8 ch, but I do hate to think that I have lost his respect."' Lake Morat; in Switzerland, turns red every ten years, owing to the presence of a tiny age which is' visible only through LEOPOLD'S RULE IN CONGO MILLIONS OF HUMAN BEINGS HAVE BEEN KILLED. Missionary Relates Almost Incred- ible Facts at a Meeting at Liverpool. An outspoken address on misrulé in-the Congo was delivered to the Student Missionary Conference at Liverpool -recently by Association, regime lay in the claim of the Sov- ereign, absolutely unprecedented in African history, that the whole land and the whole marketable produce ct the country were the property not of the natives of the Congo, but of himself and of those Euro- peans with whom he was associat- 2 a. The next step was inevitable, and that was to claim the labor of the people. This was putting back the clock a hundred years--it was slav- ery pure and simple; and in the Congo territory they had two thou- sand white men engaged directly or indirectly in enforcing those de- mands upon the inhabitants. ARMED THE SAVAGE. A weapon was placed in their hands by the Sovereign of the Con- go, and the right was given to cap- ture relatives, to chain them-by the neck and hold them at ransom as guarantees that rubber and ivory would be brought.. The offect.of this had been to turn the whole, Congo Valley into an immense 'pawnshop, in which the ag were the defenceless men and th helpless women and children of the Congo. The white mon were sending black men into the forests 'to chase the natives. Weapons of precision were -- in the hands of black men, 0 33,000 were now per- smbplating "the Congo~ territory, striking terror into the hearts of the people, capturing hostages and tringing them in to the white men. MILLIONS KILLED. He did not intend 'to dwell on the atrocities, of there were thousands, flogging being the least ; but these men, arni with rifles end ane idges, ' were big, strong, brutal fellows, and they picked up a rabble as they went forward to their task. It was no- exaggeration to say that during the last ten years there had been done to death under King Leopold's regime on the Congo, directly and indirectly, at least three million human beings. 'You will-rise from the study of this question," concluded Mr. Har- ris, "as I many times have done with the conviction that it is useless tu carry the gospel through this and other parts of Africa if these things are allowed to be perpetu- ated, because you cannot limit their effect to the Congo Valley. ---- | 'Itheir son to take BABYS WELFARE : HOTHER'S CHIEF CARE. Every mother is naturally anxi- cus that her little ones shall be healthy, good natured and bright. Every mother can keep her little ones in this condition if she will give them an occasional*dose of Baby's Own Tablets. These Tab- lets cure all stomach and bowel troubles, break up colds, destroy worms and make teething casy. Equ- ally good for the new born or the well grown child. Mrs. =. Stewart, St. George, N. B., says:--"'I have used Baby's Own Tablets for my little ones for sev- eral years and have found them re- liable in all emergencies. can- not praise the Tablets too highly."' Sold by medicino dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, --- MEANNESS AS A MANIA. While thrift is one of the virtues, meanness is certainly a vice. t is narrowing, and stints a man's mind and soul. Although mean people abound in all parts of tho world, the champion specimen i§ surcly a man who was recently sued for di- vorce by his wife in the United States. In her evidence, she stated that, after twelve years of married life, he refused to increase her housekeeping allowance of 82 a week. He kept a pair of pailten: and weighed all the groceries, counting the apples and eggs. On cne occasion he even counted up the sticks in a boy of macaroni. The lim't of meanness was surely reach- ed, however, when he 'compelled | long strides inl walking, to save shoe- wee this, said he, the lad uld get along just as well, and wear out this shoes less quickly aia eee A LITTLE QUIET ta the Se ee all Wet, wit not make bone and mu: but " Feces bi ut Wa it. AU drug aml p dict stores, 8 WELL, WHAT OF IT? When a girl gets married she in| the whole- show. 5! sort of bride- practically man only plays a groom obligato. microsnope A the Rey. Juhn Harris, of the Congo Reform | jar The basic iniquity of the Congo: Jan of the middlo class is saturate W. men! NEWFOUNDLAND PILLS ate DOING. Fishermen Regard ' Them as 2 Boon to Mankind--Mr. Frisk Banfield brs How They Cured His Back- ec. + Garnish, Fortune Bay, Nov. 9. (Special). --Among the fish- ermen here, who throug exposure | ma to wet and cold gre bes to those pains and aches ch come from diseased: Kidneys, Dedd's Kid- ney Pills are looked upon as a posi: | tive boon to mankin ts They are never tired of télling how their Backaches and their Rheumatism vanish before the great Kidney rome: Banfield, after years of suffering, kas found relief in Dodd's Kidney Pills, sk ee is what He is telling his friend "Y find "Dodd s Kidney Pills the Lest medicine for Backache I have through a strain: My father's back aiso bothered him, and he got some relief from one pill gave him. They were tou pheciows to give him more. All persons suffering from Bac kache ahguld use Dodd's Kidney ills. W hy do Dodd's Kidney Pills cure Backache? Simply because Back- ache is Kidney ache, and Dodd's Kidney Pills positively cure all Kidney aches and ills: - This has been proved in thousands of cases in Canada If you haven't use them yoursett ask your neighbors. ------_--_-- + RUSSIAN EDUCATION. Middle Class are Better Educated Than English Middle Class. The "Intelligonzia'? of Rusge, writes the Hon. Maurice Baring in "A Year in Russia," is, properly speaking, composed of every one who can read or write. But the term is generally used to designate those members .of the middle class who belong to the professional classes---doctors, professors, teacn- ers and literary men. The average the average English man or woman cf the same class cign classics. languages beside Rusetan, and they are conversant modern thought in the various Europea countries, so far_as it is allowed to reach them. school things which will be useful to them. Every. one f r of |} ladlot jerage Russian boy ws, ~more about English history fore the a¥ erage English boy, fet lone Euro pean history. A cu Itjtatod Russi with John. Stuart Mill, Ruskin, Morley and Carlyle, 4nd Shakes ed as Russian -- esa ia WHAT'S THE DIF? "OE course," said the optimist, "if a man gets into the habit of lunting trouble he's sure to find it." ' "Yes," replied the pessimist, "and if he' s 80 lazy that he always tries to avoid it, it will find So what's the difference ?" ------ a ee "T yt re fight, my eai 1¢ peacemakers. he called me a thief, sir!' exclaim- ed one of the combatants. "And he called me a lazy loafer!' cried the other. "Well," said the peace- maker, serenely, oo wouldn't fight over a difference of opinion; you both may be righ ht.' we Retains Old and Makes New ends. -- Time was when Dr. Tends, Eclectric Oil had but a small field of eget pinta but now its territory is widespre hose who first recognized its curative aualitics still value it as a speci- fic, and while it retains its old friends it is ever making new. It iy certain that whoever once uses it will not be without it. « Before a thunderstorm, the Au- s(ralian humming-bird covers the top of its nest with cobweb, which f a non-conductor o is RE SPREADS tn dry Migr A FL 50 {nflanimation in the throat grow down inte the PAYS. TRIBUTE] s TO THE GRAND ¥ WORK popp's cases KIDNEY Nad., -- it Among many others Mr. Frank man or woman of the Russian mid-|° ale class is better educated than. They are saturated with the for- They often speak two They aro tanght at] , bso Me la receives. general * The aes jy peare, Milton and Shelledy a ii o marry er. sult some. of the women of the most superior coast pra like the Mpongwe, riage with white men and Traaieantly attain to parents. on, both sides rule again with gifts, and the nd ever used, only used two boxes | oatis in ot members of the fa: and they cured me of Backache ily to view | gifts. On the baer had had for five years. It started} visit he carries trade gin, a sufi- ciently Li hans so compound, gen- erally from Ham vor In the old days it-was palm toddy or wine. On oceasion he pays over an instalment of the dowry. On the on visit he takes his parents ith him afd 3s permitted to see the girl hegself. When next he calls his pr@&pective mother-in-law |} provides a feast for himself ard-his rclatives, the host and hostess eat- ing nothing, but taking a hand in the drinking. Finally the man goes with gifts and the balance of the cowry and takes the woman away. On arrival at his village she is wel- pais med with singing and a strenu- us dance called "nkanja RS or three months the tee i is not required to do any hard work, but after that she buckles to with his other wifes at gardening and car- rying burdens. Polgamy is general and the number of .a man's wives "imited only by his resources in the matter of paying dowries. The twenty-seven ye » A Small Pill a - rupply, yous to her repor governess, tamer." ; rs. 1897, & -- . Seaford, Py Some of "the | 'bolts oe four and a half} inches in Hicenralareaee aiter lying on the' ground for fully seven min- utes, On June 24, in the sume year, the most disastrous visitation of the kind in modern times ravaged parts of Essex and;the adjacent counties. -- BOTH LOOKING FOR HIM. The stran a advanced towards or. O'Toole stood in the doorway with & rough stick in ber tele hand met a frown on her bro "Good wseeinn,' " said the stran- ger, politely, "I'm looking for Mr. O'To ole. ; pre vmptly | with a colt ae with o fire,| "So' said Mrs. O'Toole, ant wi hen you begin tu cough use Allea's Lung shitting "4 elub over to her. other han There are in Qube to-day de- ---=-- + scenants of Wolfe's Highland-rs, " who stormed the place; but, though eee lineeab en tieans epaions seniors enmay | Scottish in everything else, they! saythereis, Heoommeouded vdoctorn pitas | speak French, and donot. know | 'ly avd everybody, for sti plierisy English, 'i - | 'What is the matter?' said the! _ The of Mother souyer to his coachman. "The hors- "7 dineite: m rOVOS Exterminator 1 i + shown by i Good effects on the} t ehildrea. Par'! a bottle and | c it a trial. mse | Two young ladies were t: alking the ether day about a third who had! ust become engaged to a widower, | who plays the corvet, and has four, ';nmount of paint is saved. | "Wh: iat could be wor exclaimed one, 'than four children| and a carnet!' "Nothin £a*( the other, "except, perhaps, six children and a trombone.' childvea Black Watch _ The Big Black Pings. Men should or over $1,600,000 a year. Last look for this year 1,925 sons were arrested for Ta g on begging in the streets, of whom Ch i more than 1), were sentenced to ewing terms of imprisonment varying from Tobacco, It one week to-three months. cin Aravl ata rate of 25 milo on » are running away."' 'Can't you pull them up{"? "I am afraid not.' ren"? sai the lawyer, after a eae ial delay, 'trun into something cue { intolerable pain. Cure removes the Try it, and = sce w hat Corns cause Holloway"s Corn ( trouble. ~----- + BEGGING IN LONDON. It is calculated that 4,000 per- scnos make a-living in Londo ion by bi: 'gging, ang that their veTage-in- | come amounts to about $7.20 a wee ey, se even of a books showing very handsome deposits. ------ salmon, for a short dintaus As a re- | The abelian in the matter of marri-|'f MOST POPULAR BABY. Kaiser's Two-Year-Old Grandson Who will he German Emperor. The most popular: baby in Ger- many to-day is the Kaiser's eldest &andson, who is now two years old. Pictures of this tiny boy who, if he lives, will be Emperor, are scatter- ed broadcast throughout the coun- 'try. hey adorn countless thou- eunds of postal cards and are mail- icd by hundreds daily, His father, 'the Crown Prince, is an expert horseman, and one of his delights 'ig to take his son for a gallop about the castle grounds. The youngster | seems to delight in it, and is a t favorite with the grooms and stable- men. For his years, the heir pre- sumptive is said to be unusually precocious, resemblin in - many ways his illustriuus pepe who is very fond of him and wh spends much ot his spare time with - -- -- THE BUMPTIOUS INDIVIDUAL. 'There are in every community a number of aggressive, loud-voiced people who should not be 'allowed to have their own wa¥ too much. In -- BRITISH AMERICAN DYEING CO, MONTREAL 1,000,000 Sx 00,000 AAW FURS WANTED Highest prices pald. write fur price list, Address Stieeae scleobeneartel Fl Dove Broek, apolie Co, 4.8. "THE FARMER'S ADVOCATE = Mention this paper. MOTHER AND DAUGHTER PRAISING PE-RU-NA. |' MMi GERTRUDE McKIERN- gic Neosho street, En Em- 'i Kas., wri I salicred very much with & 5 @ se- vere cold in the head and was al- ways complaining of feeling tired ond dro When my mother suggested and insisted on my tak- ing a few bottles of Peruna, I did ee and in a ae time I felt like & new person y omy 2 raises | li it Nery highly and so do I.' P common parlance, want sitting on. greedy and bumptious, and it is a want to ask you, sir, for your--er --er--daughter's her in sections, but I'm willing to ARE YOU SICK 2 Shoat ay natural re cure in er, fay is ants ell -fngland gad and canada =the Ontari "4, these fellows (, They are often not heart, but they are erie 105: Desto bad sorts at most salutary thing for them to ve Large Manufacturing FLAT TOLEASE 67-71 Adelaide St. West sind Smeets come PA WAS WILLING. His Daughter's Beau--I--er--er-- rand. sir Her Father--I'm not disposing of isten toe any proposition involving sir. 'We have been using Peruna for some time and have no hesitancy in recommending it for the thou- ea and one ailments of human- I y 'From a personal test I shall not hesitate to recommend it, especially tc all suffering women. "Peruna has. gained full confi- stave and a permanent stay in our A Greai 'Tonie. one R. or ten times f given his evi- ay as to satisfy ' court that he was perjury, being caution- hstice, said at last: pr I have been wedded to Ry. infancy."" "Yes, mr "but the How ong have you been nti-Consumptive Syrup e taste, and & 8 : itation e pauses hacking coughs, prding to directions it he most persistent cold, the air passages to 1 healthy condition. e i@need to recommend 't Brymc '"aailiar with it, but to begs who seek a sure remedy and tn doubt what to use, the ad- ie--try Bicklt's Syrup. MYou and Jones don't money 1" al' of her, s About 40x200, lighted by Pe Confidence ia Perma . thirty-five windows, the en- 4 rs. 4 Jones, -- tire length of three sides, also prings, ¥-, Wwrices: from ten large:skylights, most up-to-date manufacturing flat in central: part of Toronto; rental includes power; steam heat, water, electric light, at 10 per cent. less than city rates; lowest insurance rate; immediate possession ;- rental to high-class tenant. §, FRANK WILSON OWNER 73 Adelaide Street West "TORONTO; ONT. ARE CANADA'S BEST AND EVERYrO SY KNOWS IT PAYS TO BUY THE BEST cathe ie our Froe 0. 73. Te Bel Pi pan & Organ tt, it. GUE 0:1 Sell Pianos, Bell Organs ai wed Fors! essa FREE TO | You-- -MY SISTER curt _ se nomenrs URES Tam a wom I know a woman's a aaBecieige. I have found a I will mail, tree at chatwes my home treat- ment with full dts pr to any sufferer from women's ailm I want to tell all women about the cure--a9ot, my reader, for yourself, vour daughter, your mother, or or your sister. want to tell poe how to cure yourself at home, elp | of a doctor. Men cannot un- that my home treatment d sure one. for all female weak- nesses peculiar to our I want to send nd if you shoul continua, it ost you aly about 12 cents , or less than two cents a qo It will not inter ere "with your work or occ upation, Just send me your name and address, tell ¥ you suffer, if you wish, ard '. will send you the treatment for, en irely free, in plain wrapper, by return mail. MAN'S OWN MEDICAL ADVISER," with showing why women suffer, and how they can easily cur themselves at iome oo woman should have it, and learn to think for herself. Then when the doctor says--" You mu can decide for Thousands of women have y home remedy, It will oxplate a simple home ures Painful ond Irregular Menstruation Plumpness and healt always result from its use. fherever you live [ can reer you to ladies o own locality who know and will gladly tell any sufferer at this Rome Treatmert really oures all woman's dis- cases and makes wo:nen explanator J every head Tasca Se: is now Seer, ped cuts, bruises, Every head 'cf ever father, opport the finest hougehold balm't the worl places, eczema, ulcers, scalp nc for the delicite skin of babes. burns face bl emishes, never gocs rancid, never stains, is free from the usua! A ee are healed animal fats, and mineral poisons. It is used the world First it soothes the pain; then its anti- very local septic casences Lill all disease germs on « wound. 'Then vorld keno to heey it buills up new tissue, Mothers have prove. it Lest It is purely herbal, Bend thisadvertisowent, 6 rand ics amp ro cami ber wo will mail ts over! WhyTt Onco* you try it you will know. All stores and druggists, 50c, box or post free, Zam-Buk Co., Torunto. ' nam Tam _-- . NOT AT ALL PLEASED. ce teacher of a class in a cer ro ph soe had been carefully €x- plaining the parable cf the prudiga! sen, and was now testing their | knowledge of it. All went well un- 'ti she came towards the close, 'when she aske "Now, tell me, who was not = to see the pro- dizal when he came home TA. J. PATTISON & 33-35, SCOTT ST., TORONTO, Stosk Brokers and Financial Asents COBAL and other stocks bought and sold. on commission. Correspondence invit- ed. Orders may tbe wired at our expense. again?"' she § received the pildwing reply from a youthful 'scholar :-~"'Please, ma'am, | the fatted calf." SAMPLE copy FREE Would you like to have s sam- ple copy of The Farmer's Ad- vocate apd Home Magazine! THE BEST AGRICULTURAL AND HOME PAPER on the American Continent. No progressive farmer can af- ford to be without it. Publish- ed weekly. Only $1.50 per year. Drop post-card for free oe copy. Agents Wanted. Addre {I London Ont. if" A CAMPBELL PRESS Will be Sold for $400. Cash running onan as it has just been thoroughly overhauled by a competent machinis The Wilson Publishing Co., Limited - PRINTERS rwwo REVOLUTION 43x56 inch bed, cost $2,300, n order to make room for larger and faster machines. It is in good 73. Adelaide St. West, Toronto. |