Listowel Standard, 20 Nov 1908, p. 5

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fi Y beens cea awn TIME-TABLES: 'Trains Leave Sn Stations Daily WIARTON. OWEN SOUND famine PORT DOVER ger 858 a. m | eyncnit ted Pp Gelng Le serge ety hed a.m.; passenger 11. 31 .20 p.m. * PALMERSTON -AND KINCAR- Passenger re sae 7 a. m. ; -passenger 1. 10 p. m., and 8.22 a Express leaves Listowel 8 45a m., F: nz at Guelph 10 18 a. m.,and To- ronto 12 .m_ Express leaves Listo- wel 3 p, ae ave at Guelph 4.28 p. he Toro! : Returning leaves Toront o at8a. m.; coera? .55 a. m., arriving at Listowel 11. .m. Leaving Toronto Guelgh 6.12 p. m., arriving at Liktowel 'Se nections'made at Li inwood Junc- tion with trains for Goderich at 10 43 a, miv an Morphy & Carthew, BARRISTERS, SOLIC. ai hogge Solicitors for the Bank of Iam Nyvaries Public and 'Commissioners. YOON . B, B. Mopar, . J. M. Canturw Blewett & Bray BARRISTERS | AND SOLICITORS, Sotaries Publican © " Money soucitors for Scott' siiakae spo pars and Ont. Perm, Ridg Loan Asa MONEY TO COAM. AT 4 oa PRE: CENT. PF BR. Ruewerr. Guo. Bray. &. ¥. Cecil Hamilton, B. A. Barrist *, Coaveyancer. MONEY TO LOAN ar 44 PER CENT tice, Main St., noxt to Dr. Foster, Dentiat. ai ofiice in Atwood every- Wednesday R. G. Roberts, ee ee nahi blerest, 22 easy termina. FRED. VANDRICK, oes LICENSED AUCTIONEER e Counties of Perth, Huron and the Tow nehip of Maryborough, lam prepared to haadio cll kinds of sales na fists nar fo Orders left . J. Vandrick's store, Lis towel, will bei rs en prompt attention DAVID N. WATSON, LISTOWEL. LICENSED Sa FOR PRREE GOL COUN * ato conducted in 2 in any part of the 'erms oe spe Satisfae tion guaranteed. Sales can be arrang- ed and dates fixed at Standard office. LOUIS GABEL, ---- 3 LIOENSED AUCTIONEER, LISTOWEL P. O. * -- Sales conducted in any part of Perth or Wellington Conatics st moderate charges, Satisfaction guaranteec Sales may be arranged for at Standard 36--«. ENTIRELY NEW 8S7ACKk OF Pure Drugs and Chemicals. --o- R. A: HUNTER having acquired the sole interest, will in 'futuré attend to the want ot his Customers personally j Family recipes a suucialty. R. A. Hunter. BUGGIES FOR SALE Top Qugygies, Open Buggies, Road Carts and Wagons If vou want anything 3 in eH vehicle line now is the tim Jarge stock*on fants tet will sell at areca price, A-call at my carriage shop will couvince F WILSON, J Main Rtreet- I intowel .60 YEARS EXPERIENCE Trave Marxs SSIGNS rv UW' HTS &c. Anyore sending s sketch pecrintion may favention js probably a oa Soeaprarion: pete a iittok sr seas unt Co. rec receive inthe ocr without ob ebarg ely i ation of aay ,acientite Yours, saree oe cc on sais ¢ Dusincss of Banufact urers, t ste ses a eTetenn t we 3 teatacted e enh neces Sai by minary advice free. Cha mole Adviser sea tupon re- st Marlonte Mari. Regd. wow Sort Gidg. aoatreals and Washington Sct BY-LAW NO. 594. (Continued from page four.) hereafter be 'agreed upon between = said proposed Company with the con |went of the said Corporation and the "contractor or contractors who may be | engaged to re-erect the said factory ' buildings | 14. That j in the event of a | the ro-erection of the buildings aforesaid 7 Mew insurance licies upon' the new buildings shall be ecetion. and deliver- ed to the said Corporation to cover such : interest as said Corporation at such | timés may have in said pr way of security under their said mort- gage, and in the event ofa fire in the said pou if the proposed Company shall willing to expend moneys received pene the insurance policies of buildings destroyed by fire, the Cor- poration may, if they so desire, employ the said moneys for the purpose afore. said, or retain the same to apply and apply the same upon theirsaid mortgage security as to the said Corporation may seem advisable, 15. That the said proposed Company will, while any portion of the said Ioan or interest remains unpaid, keep in Hood repair by way of a sinking fund each and evpry year all the said build- ings, ~ plant and machinery, and that they shall and will allow any person or persons, not exceeding two, gaid Corporation for that purpose, at an reasonablo times not oftener than twice a year, to enter upon said premis- es and inspect said buildings, plaot and of the same, and that the proposed Company will repair upon notice, and that this covenant shall be construed in the same manner as though it were a covenant by a tenant ay his. landlord under a lease made in pursuance of * The, Act Respecting Short Forms of Leases," and in default of repair accord- ing to said notice, that the Corporatian may enter upon and take possession of the said lands, premises, messuages, buildings, plant and the same manner as though the said coven- ant had been contained ina seane pur- suant to said last mentioned A 16. The said: mortgage betinbaor referred to shall be a mortgage mado pursuance of "The Act Restocking Short Forms of Mortgages," and shal! in addition to the covenants therein contained, contain such covenants as the Corporation of the Town of Listo- wel may deem necessary to amply se- cure the repayment of the money and interest thereon so to be advanced and to protect the said Corporation against default or defaults of the said proposed Company, or the breach of any coven- ants or conditions herein,' or in said in- tended mortgage, and to provide for the acceleration of payment-of said moneys incase of any default or defaults, or breaches of covenants or conditions, a. ci case pecan ae shall be tak- en by v- ing jurisdiction in that behalf, the full amount of the said loan, together with all accrued interest thereon and costs, if any, shall forthwith become payable notwithstanding anything hereinbefore. contai Th he said mortgage shall among ' otber things contain a provision securing payment as aforesaid at the time and upon the conditions in the last preced- ing paragraph hereof mentioned, and in said mortgage instrument the pro- posed Company shall become the lessee rom the Corporation of the mortgaged premises during such time as the said loan and interest thereon or ayy portion thereof or other moneys secured there- by remain unpaid and unsatisfied. 19. The said Corporation covenants with the said proposed Company that immediately upon the completion of the said buildings 'and commencement of operations in the manufacture of pianos the said Corporation will instruct their architect to certify and report upon the erection, completion and equipment of the said buildings, plant and macbin- ery, and upon the said report or any subsequent report being satisfactory to the Council said Corporation shall and will immediately thereafter pay over to the proposed Company any balance or sum of money to which the Company may be entitled by virtne of these presents, 20. Unless the parties of the first part shall procure the said proposed Company to be incorporated for the purpose, in this agreement mentioned, and otherwise in full accordance there- with, and shall commence the erection of new piano mautfacturing © buildings asin this ugreement provided within two months from the date of the final passing of the said By-law to confirm this agreement, then the Corporation shall not be bound to its agreements hereunder or any part thereof, and the parties of the first part shall pay to the Corporation all its outlay and disburse- ts incid- ental thereto, and of the pablisetion and passing of such By-law, provided how- ever that the time for said purposes may be extended by a resolution of the Council : a said Corporation 21. restricted use of all stistinetive tiaiaes and styles employed in the manufacture and marketing of their pianos, then the said parties of the first part shall stand in all respects in the place and stead of the said proposed Company, and shall be entitled to the said loan upon the conditions in all respects under which the said proposed Company would have been tape to the same, and shall be "boun to carry outall the agreements for which the said proposed Company is liable gros der. 22, agreement, shall be by such Company or by the parties of the first part hereto fire and to duly performed and fulfilled according to the true intent and meaning of these presents. 28. The parties of the first ds agree that they will not nor will proposed Com: aforesaid in the erection or re-building |-°5" machinery and view the state of repair |. pany or any Onaree re- ceiving the benefits of the said proposed On Friday tho 27th day of de ae arsed sagt! coer the Mare of tbe a the Orang trade marks, copyrights viscriaas the use of any name or style or Chamber at 10 o'clock in the forenoon or label employed by it or which it is to - to attend. at entitled to employ in the marketing of | various aforesaid and at the final up of the votes by 24. The said parties of the first | Clerk on behalf of the persons interested part shall be entitled to negotiate the | in and or opposing the pass- ae of all debentures of the said Cor- | ing of this By-law respectively. poration to be issued under said intend-| 9 T Clerk:of the Council the of loan to it of the said sum of $25,- 000.00 as in said agreement provided, it is necessary for this Municipality to borrow upon its debentures the sum of $25,000.00 , (which is the amount of the debt intended to be created by this By- law) the proceeds of the said debentures to be applied to the said purposes and no other. and the said debentures to be repayable as hereinafter mentioned within twenty years from the date of thé issue thereof. And whereas itis desirable to issue the said debentures at one time, and to make the principal of the said debt re- payable by yearly sums during the per- iod of twenty years, being the currency of the said debentures, said yearly gums the aggregate amount payable in'each year for principal and interest in res- pont of said debt shall beas nearly as possible equal to the amount so pay- able in each and every of the other years of the said period as shown in schedule "A." hereto annex And .wher total amount requir- ed by the Mnnicipal Act to be rai oneal, by special rate for paying the aid debt and ee as hereinafter movidadia is $192 And whereas the amount of the whole rateable property in the Town of Listo- wel according to the last revised assess- ment theroof is the sum of $894,125.00. And whereas the amount of the exist- ing debenture debt of this Municipality sthe sum of $147,085.62, whereof no portion either for principal or interest is in arrear. Therefore the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Town of Listo- wel under. the authority of the Munici- pal Act and sued other enabling Acta, soa ee as follow The a of the Town o biatowel may loan to William Ruther- ford Tudhope, Edwin Carmen Thornto: Albert Edgar Windsor and Patrick Sy!- vester Connolley, or to a Company to incorporated by them, for the purpose o rebuilding and restoring the piano man- ufacturing business in Listowel hereto- fore carried on by The Morris Piano Company, Limited, to the extent and in the manner and subject to the conditions in the above mentioned agreement, pro- vided ' upon the fulfilment by the parties of the first part thereto of their agree- ment therein contained = sn of $25,- 000,00 to be advanced said agree- ment provided and not cliettaien and the said agreement is hereby adopted and confirmed by this Municipality. 2. The Municipal Council shall for the purpose of raising the said sum issue the debentures of the said Corporation to the amount of $25,000.00 and the in- terost in sums of not less than $100.00 each at such time within one year after the final passing of this By-law as may be fixed by the said Municipal Council after the said parties above named or the said proposed Company shall i commenced the erection of new facto! buildings in accordance with the wai agreement, and said debentures shall be dated upon the day so fixed for the issue theregf, and shall be peyable within twenty years from the date thereof at the office of the Treasurer of the said Town of Listowel. . Each of the said debentures shall be signed by the Mayor of thesaid Town of Listowel, and by the Treasurer there- of, and the Municipal Clerk shall attach thereto the corporate seal of the Muni- cipality. . The said debentures shall bear in- ime at the rate of four and one half cent. per annum, payable yearly, at the office of the go pie of this Muni- cipality, in each and every year during the currency , thereof, without coupons for inter ~ 5. ing en currency of said de- aban there shall be raised annually by special rate on all the rateable prop- e | erty in the said Town of Listowel the sum of $1921.90, for the purpose of pay- ing-the amount due in -- ofthe said years for principal and interest in res- pect of the said debt as sa in the said Schedule A, hereto annexed. 6. This By-Law shall take effect on and upon the date of the final passing thereof by the Municipal C incil of the Town of Listowel. 7. The votes of the electors ns the said Town of Listowel shall be ta! on this By-law at the following 'ines and places, that is to say, on Monday the Thirtieth Day of November Next, Commencing at the hour of nine o'clock in the forenoon and -- till five the afternoon of o'clock in the same day by the following Deputy Returning Of- Distaatck Ward, at Vandrick's Auction B Gladstone Ward, at Town Hall, A. W. Featherstone, being of such respective amounts that | - Repo f ton, to be { a.c of the back. bentures | the said Town of Listowel at10 o'clock' of de negotiated ei by them or by~ the | in the forenoon of the first day of Daec- id Corporation at the face value there. | ember to sum up the number of votes for vf, without allowance to them for loas, if | and sesinst this By-law. apy, in the sale thereof, and without be-| Dated a ing entitled to est fi misao of any prem- : iom ae efor. SHESSTE se? Sd witness wharout the parties hereto & of the f first ont have Betgants set their Year. ares rere Total. hands and seals,and the Mayor and| 1. 1909. 5.00 1921.90 Clerk of the Said Corporation have af-| 2+ 1910. 333.78 1080.14 1921.90 fixed their hands and the corporate seal| 3. 1911. 870-24 1051.66 1921.90 of the Town of Listowel. 4.- 1912. 909.40 1012.50 1921.90 r R. TUDHOPE, 5. 1918. 950.82 971.58 1921.90 E. fon THORNTON, 6. 191 928.81 1921.90 A. E. WInpsor, 7. 1916. 1087.78 884.12 1921.90 P. 8. CONNOLLEY. 8. 1916, 47 887.48 1921.90 Signed, sealed ana delivered in the| 9. 1917. 1183.27 '88.68 1921.90 presence of J. M. Carthew as to EK. C.|10. 1918. 118427 787,63 1921.90 Thornton, A, E, Windsor and P, S. ties 1l. 1919. 1287.66 Bf 1921.90 ss a ie ies Sean ta ne sheers . | 14, 1922, 1412.82 509.58 1921.90 WILLIAM BRIGHT, 5, 1928, teleaa pate eat oo i 16. 1924, a .67 A921. Clerk of the Town of Listowel. 7. 1995. 1611.68 810.27 1921.90 And whereas it is expedient that the 18, 1926,' 1684.15 287.75 1921.90 said agreement be adopted by this Muni-| 19° 997, 1759.94 ~ 161.96 1921.90 cipality. 0. 1928, 4 82.76 1921.90 And whereas for the reheat of aid- ----- ing the said proposed Company by way NOTICE, Take notice that the above is a true copy 0 flitstndabel which has been taken in- to consideration,and which will be finally fe the Municipal Counci Town of "Listowel, ( (in oo event of the electo: the a the elector of | pes ity upon pro Brew will be held o vor are and at hours and in fixed. pail ae BRIGHT, Clerk of the Town of Listowel. The Emperor iad dowager- Empress of China aré both dead. Prince Pu Yi su i gone Thomas Lawless was appointed Supreme Treasurer of the Independent Order of Foresters. The movement in opposition to the personal rule of the en has spread ised | to the German army Eight persons were killed and ten wounded in a a ae hr a negro desper- ado at Om "It takes a a mos' two learn years to to talk," said Uncle Eben, "an' den it takes de res' of its lifetime 6 loarn to keep f'um talkin' too much." The inquiry into the Marine Depart- ment at ene was adjourned on Sat- urday, and the commission will meet next in St. Tobin at a date to be fixed. rts from New Ontario state that large numbers of moose are being slaugh- tered for the heads alone, and the car casses left iying on on the oe to rot, SAMPSON'S 5 STRENGTH Will Not Resist the I Polling Down In- fluence of a Kidney dney Aching Back, The strongest man or woman with a back constantly aching find daily exist- ence a struggle. Its the same way with urinary troubles, Booth's Kidney Pills cure these ailments. Listowel people sae this statement. Adams, of Inkerman St., Listo- wel, Ont., says: Booth's Kidney Pills ponent at The John Livingstone, Jr., Drug Store cured me of a trouble of long standing andI givethem the proper credit and tndorsement. I had serious ed meth pains over the kidney regues and small I could not bend, stoo: p or lift and when I caught cold the pains and aches were much increased. is whole trouble was stopped by my using a treatment of Booth's Kidney Pills. Sold by Dealers. 60 eg The R. T. Booth Co., Ltd., Fort Erie, Ont., Sole Canadian Agents, WORRIED TO DEATH. ARR OROC TOTO PROTO ----- ne " Shep, Heait I | mperial Bank - _ OF CANADA. D R. WilkiePres. Hon,R. Jaffray Vice-Pres, A Case ae is Wise When Heaith "At mats I won --_-- up with vague feeds "and citer paris et toe mace CAPITAL AUTHORIZED™ - §$10,000,000.00 are a pa E, pe pearpe a te = ne CAPITAL PAID UP - $4,990,000.00 wn an , and atn < ' it ve very aificals to its 0) REST z i mice $4,990,000.00 in my feet to get asleep, My ts : ; , d ite ie ; ances a The. ri iorm S nero oes ' General Banking Business Transacted. 4 we most was s ig be every little thing, which resulted i ii sack Savi b patel geet mace ae date of dpe cent 4 violent heart action as sometimes fright- ngs rates and added to the ee 4 times a ened me. Vinally 1 bad oem - my B : corer may be wn by cheque, Tithout ats work, W Was Inside o: wor. Ianguid, nervous and weak had I es Bank. ey, forwarded to "depositors by mail on friend ieee A ior igre se ; N Note f vespiaaibie nd I was indu use ne, ; g 5 otes oO : Discounted. ify spstite aprared st secs, sircale Farmers' Business a Specialty, Sate no Earners Discounted. Sapp iated mth seemed os my pees ss 8 On any bank cashed Merss egpetagl on de- natural warmth seem me back my limbs, At the same itice Ferrozone |" Cheese Cheques posit without charge, built up my constitution. I became quite strong and resumed ce occupation, In brief, I a well," LISTOWEL ihe NCH, H. C. SECORD, - 'errozone, What a change Fetvoaiine makes ! Your blood sings through your veins, carrying nourishment to every nook and corner of the body, you feel the exultant thrill of abundant nerve force, you learn the luxury and rere = oe at your best--in perfect good SPECIAL SALE IS. GRE S "Saturday, Nov. 21st, »~ Following Week. We Will Have SPECIAL SALE of all FURS,. Every Fur Must Go. Special Discounts Will be Given. CLOAKINGS. 4 All tines in -Cloakings The inspector wasexamining Grade I., and all the class had been specially told beforehand by their teacher, "Don't an swer unloss you are almost certain your answer is corr roped was ie subject. Now tell me," said the inspector, "eho was the ~~ of our great Scot- tish hero, Robert Bruce ?" He ted rset feels o ton! : uced. Several short ends of Home Spuns, cise Benen and other Weaves to clear at and BELOW COST. enti ie the top boy, then Z : : around theclass. There was no an. Boots and Shoes. Family Groceries. : swer. .Then at last the heart of be teacher of that clags leaped with Farmers bringlyour butter,eggs,apples and poultry to.the bargain stores, The boy who was standing at" the ace - i, foot had held up his hand. Be . 3 "Well, my boy," said 'the inspector, Ss GHEm ao oe - restate! FRESH MEAT encouragingly, "who was she ?" 1 Roef on charges of graft at San Fran OF AL" KINDS, ease, sir, Mrs, Bruce." cisco an ee was made to assassi- oo S- LKIDD & SON, nate Francis J..Heney,.. Assistant Dia. trict Attorney. having purchased the Geaiediee Business of S. J: Ste tevenson, are PLAYING AVE WITH continuing the business -in' the "T tell you," went on the old lady at a hotel, Guiting quite Avery, "I won't have this room. I ain't going to pay my money for a pigsty, and, as far as sleeping in-one of..them om folding beds, I simply won't do it." The boy could stand it no longer. "Get on in, mum," said he, with a weary expression on his face. "This ain't your room; it's the elevator." PATENT MEDICINES An Old-fashioned, Home-Made Mix: The Allments 0 of Wonien. the Is and wo women who _ suffer ture which Cures Kidney and Shop on Wallace St., 4 with what th ey think is "FemaleTroub- Liver Troubles , les'? would look to their kidneys, they'! where they handle only the " a The dn the caption of _ -- os ee pretoans ical aa states Ch t i ie neys are closely alli wi the! that since the celebrate prescription . female organs, and if the vitality of the | of a distinguished specialist has be- oices Meats of all 3 kidneys is interfered slate xen vel er-.}. come more or less known it is: inter- Kin ds, ing occurs. tter medicine | fering with the sale of secret medi: late and strengthen te euey -- cines, especially the patent or a enon iim 68, ate an Bethe en the neys, is! Nagi kidney pills. The prescrip- un -- jo Nature's work, |! tion, which first appeared in a lead: i ss eo Sy as he cleanse thee peenued thereby maintain | ing health journal, is reproduced here, bage, Fe Meats, Etc. perfect health. Great benefit and cer- | just exactly as originally written:-- Our stock is alwa the very tain cure is guaran or all women | Fiyid Extract Cascara....... % oz. | best, and prices ieoderate. who use Dr. Hamilton's Pills. Carriana Com a et Be Giv trial d Syrup Sorsaperitia eae -6 oz one Me Se and you will The Provincial expenditure on colon. Directions: One teaspoonful after gain. . cach meal and at bedti ization roads and a this year to Anyt: good druggist ean dispense talled about $750,000. this, or, even better, a person can The license- holders have selected buy the items separately and mix A.W. Wright to conduct their fa them at home by shaking them well together in a bottle. It is stated that r in Tor against license reduction i oronto. the ingredients being vegetable, are S. L- KIDD & SON Garbutt Kidd, Manager "Fa Mr, C. C, James says the value of harmless and simple. It has a gentle New Telephone Ontario's farm products could be dou- | and so rages and gradually ; 2 di i f i y. | tones up the climinative tissues, bled \ a gael option of improv caving the 'kidneys in a_ perfectly Directory. . healthy conditio on, E Returning Officer Ingram of Brandon An rchant well known in public et affairs stetes that this recipe cured was committed for trial on a charge of ; his 'thounsalisti: Save the prescrip- tion. ' posed substituted a name in the list of elec rs im been discovered that of the six Chinamen recently drowned at Buffalo, two were from Toronto and four from THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA _ Is about to publish a new issue of the Official Telephone Directory For Over Sixty Years Mrs. has been used syd Mice ot mothers. 'an thele flee the way she should bake, en marri '*My mother taught me how to' bake, and told me why she always used a McClary Range. "Now I have a 'Pandora', and, as with mother, my troubles started, I simply bring thermometer to ~_-- the oven After fire is are few. desired heat and in charge of the baking. It's built for faithful service. 4! While housewives with other ranges are poking fire and changing dampers, I the 'Joy of Kingston whiletecthing, If bed at nightand bro in your rent by a sick child suffering and ci fe h with pain of Cu SR dat once and geta | or the Children Teething te wiltng igre Deer litue | thin, t will relieve the poor le nuffere' wnedintsiy. "Depend cyon it weavers) District of Western Ontario, there in no mistake Sisal i Bt pet Diarrbas ; - % regula' onthe Stomach and Bowela, cures Wind including ° a softens the Gums, rod apes io ars iiation; an ives tone and energy tot ole aya rar inslow's Soothing Syrup" for children L / Ss TE: oO W E | tines scription of one of the chiet, aea' bn at foaraie ac molone o! 6 Olden: an 6 Ome. re viclans and nurses in the United Sta Orders for new Csesbpper ros ry rice twont -fiye conta a bottle, Sold by ail ne firm names, chan of street ad- one fers roughout he world. Be suro au or for dupltate sation should ped ied nh pel biurishs be "handed in AT naranteed under the "Food ane Divew 'hot, mee MMHh 1A Rertel Naw Wallaceville Chopping Mill. The undersigned h hes recently. replaced the old chopper with a new up-to-date JOLLIETTE CHOPPER, and is now in a position to do chopping, J. H. SUN TEIER, Local Manager, eae AND) TRUN CHICAGO ---- AND RETURN -- "SYSTEM anti Ocichor isth, er 'after sae very until Uc r e Monday and Thursday. Price Se- per BS 7 A : 3 5 | W. E. WRIGHT. - Tee ae Listowel LISTOWEL. ---- AOCOUNT OF ---- International Live crocs coun trons) SUOCK Exposition, wn, and estimates Pat Good going Nov. 29th and. 30th, application. ec. 1, 2, 3 and 4 Sash and Door Factory: BAMFORD BROS. Builderse and Centractors Cl SASH, DOOR FRAMES, | Return Limit Dec. 12th, 1908. BENDS) he pisseica Saskatchewan aah to. sae Wiarpikingtirkhs and real The attractive route is via Chicago an 'St. t. Paul, Minneapolis or. Due Full information from J. ~ HACKING} Town Agent. A. M.S H, Depot eee nt ices aaa Werkinenahiy piareniasts Charges Moderate. Bamfcrd Bros, : aS ae is ati Sepa mee

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