Listowel Standard, 27 Nov 1908, p. 4

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Law a SPECIAL -- PRICES 2 IN®: Finneran : EDISON AND COLUMBIA. COME BARLY J. A. HAGKING.| ListewelStandard FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1908. FALSE PRETENCES. oh No Marine Department Prosecu- t -- OFFICIAL DUPLICITY. --o~ Advising Economy *by Letter, and Au- thorizing Exiravagence by Telephone, Ottawa, Nov. 21 1--_T wo weoks ago the Minister of Marine made two announce- ments to prove that his department re- iments of conscience, notwi standing the declaration of the Roy a Commission to the contrary. Mr. Bro- deur informed the country, which had been startled with the fresh revelations from Quebec, that all officials who took commissions, and all the contractors who paid them, would prosecuted. He also was quoted as saying that the pat- ronage list would be abolished. This pledge of virtue was distributed by gov- ernment organs with high cditorial praise But nothing has happened. No official or contractor has been arrested, and no one seems to be on prow very con- tractors who were osecuted ar still supplying "socds at hehly c profitable monopoly prices to other departments, and oe to the Department of Marine. that some time in the future a 'tow " caboaiinabed, who have no party pull, will be punished, but no peril awaits the principal officials whé have been ap- pointed by this igh go and are im- plicated. As forthe large contractors concerned, most of them are important members of the government party. They will not only escape prosecution, but are almost sure to retain patronage and con- tinue their contributions to the campaign fund. They are fresh from labor and contributions i hy the party interest in the interest in the recent fight.. Mr. Brodeur has ob spurned their campaign offerings. It is true that Mr. Brod has writ- ten a letter to his denuty, directing him to instruct the agents * egard the patronage list." But this published doc- ument gave n0 instructions to purchase supplies in the opon market to the best advantage, and no hint as to the course to be pursued. Evidontly then private elieekoas have been sent out, Though this letter was written nearly three weeks ago, no general calls for tenders spromo since, and so faras can b ed no purchases have been mad rai dealers who are not supporters of the government. In short, if the old patronage list has been cancelled, it bas laced by 2 new one, When the accounts are seen it will be found that the purchases are made from the same favoured persons. There is now a pur- chasing agent at Ottawa for the Depart- ment. co has been at work since last spring. He was appointed on account of the Royal Commission exposures, but has gone on buying from dealers on the patronage list just the same asthe party did before it employed him. far as the department has goue, since it was convicted of lack of conscience, it has continued to justify the verdict, adding tho additional offence of false pretence nd hypocri oe oo AN EXAMPLE OF DUPLICITY. T wo incidents in tho Quebec inquiry are worthy of record. One occurred in connection with agent Gregory's evi- dence. Mr. Gregory testified that he had frequently reported to Ottawa that the patronage system increased the price of supplies. He swore that he has nev- ertheless, been compelled by orders from Ottawa to continue it. To offset this, counsel for the goverpiwent showed the agent a letter tohim from the Depaty Minister, objecting to prices paid an finding fault with the general scale at extravazance prevailing at Quebec. Mr. Gregory admitted receiving this letter, but swore 'that he had received at the same time instruction by telephone from his superior at Ottawa to pay no atten- tion to the official censure, but to go on satisfying friends of the Government who-had goods to sell. The department had explained to Mr. Gregory by telc- phone thatthe letter was written to show, but not to be obeyed. This startling announcement was.con- firmed by Senator Choquette, same judge, and lately chief government o Gregory, ye it, but did not place it on récord as With thi evidence of charming duplicity the public can understand the value of off cial correspondence touching vai of a patronage. No one knows how many of the:published official letters aloating coonomy are contradicted by telephone messages yt Private no same writers authorizing extravagance. A sited ESCAPE, Another provincial adminis- tration is in treat ds mig tet The Haszard Government of oe Edward Island are | quarantin when from the| © 'milla of the United States, Island had not been this question without federal interfer- way vi be ere without opposition. ------ A SURPRISED } MINISTER, Hyomei has been a veritable ao --Rev. Charles Hartley, Sardinia, Obio. --~ Thousands of catarrh sufferers have given up in despsir. They have tried stomach dosing, snuff, spraysand douch- es without success. and now believe catarrh tobe incurable. But J. Livingstone, Jr., the drnggist, holds out hope to all distressed. sells a remedy called Hyomei pry ra guaranteed for catarrh, colds, coughs, bronchitis, asthma and croup. Hyomei (prono ofinced High-o-me) is modicated air, fall of the healthy bag of the mountain pines, You brea' the delightful antiseptic wir, and as 't passes over the inflamed and germ rid- den membrane, it allays the inflamma- tion, kills the germs, and drives out the disease. A com a hard rinber inhaler, costs but $1.00, and ap extra bottle of Hyomei, if after- wards needed, costs but 50 cents. See J. Livingstone, Jr. about it to-day. ASE. New York and Pennsylvania Quaran- tined Against Inter-State Shipment. -_o CHILDREN AFFECTED BY CAT- TLE DISE 7 Washington, Nov. 20.-Alarming results following the outbreak of a contagious foot and mouth disease in New York and Philadelphia, causing those states to be against interstate shipments of cattle, were shown to-day in advices that reached Sccretary of "Agriculture Wilson, stating that four children in Dan- are Pa., had contracted the diseace. A rigid investigation is in progress in Danville and elsewhere to determine whether others have become similarly af- fected. The--officials believe that the apread of thé contagion will be checked, although admitting that the situation is grave, and will require energetic an concerted action by the state and federal authorities. New York, Nov. 20.--Shipments of cattle to foreign ports from Now York and ae were brought to an ab- rupt close to-day by a cattle quarantine established i in this state and in Pennsyl- vapia. The quarantine does not affect ports outside of New York and Philadel. phia, except as to cattle from the two states affected by the ruling. Western cattle may still bo shipped abroad from either Boston or Baltimore. While there is not likely to be any scarcity of beef or a raise in prices aa a result of the cat- tle quarantine, the foreign trade will be undoubtedly seriously hampered for a 5 "Byes Cansdian cattle received at these ports in bond cannot be reshipped to England, and dealers with such consign- ments. on band will be forced to send them back because the duty on Canadian cattle makes thvir uso prohibitive, A GOOD s STOMACH, Means Good Health th, Cheerfulness, Ambition, Persistency and Success. Mi-o-na will cure your dyspepsia or avy-other stomach trouble by building up the flabby walls ond making ti stomach 680 strong that it will diges food without pepsin or other artificial In other words, Mi-o-na cures dys- persia by removing the cause. J. Livingstone jr. is the agent for Mi- o-na in Listowel and -- of the Standard w stomach 8 weak, who has indigestion or dyspep- nia, that Mi-o-na is guaranteed to cure or monoy The price is only 60 acta a a 4 ox, and one box is al to prove that you are on the right -- to health ard happiness. Mr. Geo. Linder of ae heey Bad Park atreots, a he or about ten years] ha on verely troubled with stomach 'trouble and in- digestion so bad that 1 could not retain after eating. I conld not eat meat,or scarcely anything and had a aches end constipation. I secured package of Mi-o-na with the result that now after having taken two boxcs, I am entirely cured and can eat anything, digest perfectly andam feeling Mi-o-na also overcame my constipation. Tam only too glad to publicly endorse and recommend Mi-o-na." TRAINS COLLIDE DURING DENSE FOG, --o-- Two Engines Damaged and Two Cars Burned in Yards at New Hamburg. New Hamburg, Nov. 21.--aA collision, the result of fog, occurred in the yards here, at 8.15 thie morning. A way freight was being shunted and wo cars, wit e engine, were stil! on the main line when s heavy freight from ce west, with orders to run through, resulted. Both engines werd 'y dam- aged, and the twocars of the first freight were destroyed by © New Ham- urg firemen prevented the fire from do- farther damage. Over 1,800 square miles of woodland are stripped fdr phat gg the paper whilo a mil- lion cords of pulp wood are imported an- nually from Canada. ba, Chicago, Wilson, 465 West nplete Hyomei outfit, including } ; th eps the fog, and a collision ¥ R WAS MARTYR TO PROFESSION. '{Dr. Thomas Wilses, Former Atwood. | Infection, and 'Died te Chlcage. Nov. 21, 31--Dr. Thomas M. Monroe street, who died Friday morning at the Presbyter- ian Seo gare wae victim' of his upre- strained zeal for scientificresearch. Like so many of his colleagues in the medical an attempt to stay the ravages of dis- hich rarely attacks the pos eh ati irene of the mout a t and stubborn-known to med-* cal science, > Sees is the dis- ease, | eames, ©. belief is th eo = seakjeed toit. He was attended by by Dr, Arthur Bevan and Ly For twelve oath Dr. Wilson had devoted all of his leisure to experiments in the laboratories of the . McCormick Memorial Institute in an attempt to pro- duce a serum that-would counteract the effects zal ho glandera oil He_ bad made m progress and was preparing to publish the results st bia investiga- tions when he pomard found that his system had become impregna with the cultures over which he had been working. BATTLES WITHOUT HOPE. Familiar as nature of the disease, he must have known during the three weeks that he battled for life at the hospital that there was little hope. Yut the only regret he 'expressed was that death should come to him in a way which might bo' attri- buted by other members of the prafes- sion to carelessness. Little igs known at the oo a the infection took place, and if Dr. son knew he failed to reveal the ion te is supposed 'that he inhaled some of the bacilli while he was working over a cul- ture in the mens of the institute more than three The first intimation Dr. Héktoen had of his un- fortunate plight was when he received a telephone message from the Presby- teria Hospital scquainting him with Dr. Wilson's preliminary equipment _ been exceptionally thorough. "ay a graduate of the University of ronto and of Rush Medicai Uollege. He was about to receive the degree of tor philosophy from the University "ot Chi icago, He already h assed the test in his major subject, physiology. and was preparing to submit to examin ation in pathology, which was his min- re . Dr. Wilson was a native of Canada, having been born at Mitchell, Perth County, Ontario. He practiced for some time in Atwood, prior to coming to Chicago. PRINT BY BY REQUEST, Mix the following by shaking well in a bottle, and take in poonful d after meals and at bedtime : Fluid Extract Dandelion, one-half ounce ; Mg ony Kargon, one ounce; Compound Syrup Sarsaparilla, three ounces. Alooal Teogsinn | is the author- ity that these prey oee harmless ingredi- ents can ined at nominal cost from our hcg druggist. The mixture is said tocleanse and atrengthén the clogged and inactive Kidneys, overcoming Backache, Bladder w ess and Urinary trouble of all kinds, if taken before the stage of Bright's disease. Those who have tried this say it poa- itively: overcomes pain in the back, clears the urine of sediment and regu- lates urination, especially at night, cur- ing even the worst forms of bladder weakn Every man or woman here who feels that the kidneys are not strong or act- ing ic abealthy manner should mix this prescription at home and give it a trial, as it is said to do wonders for many persons. CHILD BURNED. --o-- Mitchell Child Sustains Severe Injuries When Clothes Take Fire. -_--o-- Mitchell, Nov. 21-- The litle five- year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Adam Eisler, of Logan, was badly burned on Ss were at the barn doing the chores, some way the little girl' et -- firo from the stove. Pye d alone in the house, and ran to the far to her father, who quickly extinguished the fire, but not before ber arms, from the shoulder down were badly burned. Dr. Smith of Mitchell was-quickly call. ed and dressed the burns. The little child suffered terrible pain for some time, but at present she is getting along nicely, and it is hoped that no perima- nent injury will result from the burns. There has been filed with the registrar of the high court a petition by John Ham Burnham contesting the elec- tion of J. R. Stratton for Weat Peter- boro, Stratton was returned with a majority of 850, The usual statutory charges of éorruption on the part of Stratton or his agent wero made. A deposit of $1,015 accompanied the peti- tion. Two Owen Sound hotelkeepers have lost their final appeal, and must serve six months in jail. wsoems to be of some effect under W. bitesy. And yet the Premier makes no pretence of being a tomperance man. Just honest, and a believer in law and order, it seems, This Combination Always Wins, How often Reis ee of people who have had an aching joint or muscle for Atonce the mu: i resumi their wonted vigor ll exibility. In- flammatory sym and disap- be worn Ne ¢ Plasters can oa moat delicate child or son. are in Hine are guaran' drive out muscular ¥, stiffness. Try these remedies for youre 2c. icingeton Ont Se Dr. Wilson lost his own, life | pro he was with the doadly | gar security rca with v mpany; to secure the Pebuilding re restoration of the Piano manufacturing 'business in Listowel, and to. authorize the borrowing of sald sum by this Municipality cae ics debentures for the said p Provisionslly slog adopted the third day of November A. D. 1908. WHEREAS in order to restore of the manufacture and the re-building of the premises tofore used therefor, and to prevent loss to the.ratepayers an atom of property within ¢his Mupicipal- ity, an agreement been provisionally entered into by the Mayor and Clerk of this Muticipality with the -- - the Municipal Council, and the named William Rutherford | Tadhors Edwin Carmen Thornton, . Albert Ed- Windsor, and Patrick syivestos pee pa to aid by way of loan in ion of new piano manufacturin buildings and machinery, and the an ation of the piano business in the place | ,, of thone of The rage Piano Company, Limited, recen destroyed by fire, which serena is as follows, that is y 7 THis INDENTURE, made in duplicate this third day of November in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred Botween William Rutherford Tnod- hope of the City of "Toronto in the County of York, Gentleman; Edwin Carmen Thornton, Manager ; Edgar Windsor, Piano Maker ; Patrick Sylvester Connolley, Book-keep- er, of the FIRST PART. And the Corporation of the Town of Listowel, hereinafter called the " Cor- poration," of the SECOND PART. Whereas the premisos of the Morris Piano Company at Listowel have recent- ly been destroyed by fire, whereby great loas is threatened to the property ae ers and others within the xaid Tow Listowel. And whereas the said parties of the first part are willing to rebuild the said premises and to restore the manufac- of pianos within the "od Town bed on an equal or extended scale upon r ceiving assistance from tho al to the extent hereinafter provided. And whereas this agreement is enter- ed into by the Corporation subject to the aapacrsl of the ratepayers qualified to vote thereo: And whereas it is the in- teresta of the said property owners and others that the work of rebuilding and reinstating the said piano business and premises should be proceeded with with- out wg th nt wit- neaseth, and it is heteby agreed by and themselves, and their respectivo heirs, executors, administrators and successors as follows :-- The said parties of the first part stall forthwith after the final passing of the By-law hereinafter mentioned, pro- cure the incorporation of a Company under the Joint Stock Companies Act of the Province of Ontario, for the ufacture and sale of Morris pianos at Listowel aforesaid, with an authorized capital stock of not less than $250,000.00. 2. The Corporation will advance to the said proposed pany by way of loan the sum of $25,000.00 at the times,in themanner and subject to the conditions and agreements hereinafter contained. efo: y portion of said sum shall be adv: anced, the said proposed Company shall acquire bs fee simple without incumbrance o jand and premises heretofore | 'ecupiod by the "The Morris Piano Company, Limi i upon which they carried on their business at the time of the destruction of said prem- 'ises by fire as aforesaid. They shall also acquire the good will of the said busivess, and full power and authority to car on the business upon said premises as piano manufacturers in the name of and along the same lines as the said The Morris Piano Company, Limited, and to employ the trade marks and piano marka or pames used thereby. They shall also commence the erection upon said lands of a new factory suitable for the manufacture of pianos, the same to be built of brick, and to be of three storeys in height, and basement, ench of eaid storeys to bave a superficial area of not Jeas than 6,000 aquore foet, and they shall also for se- curing the ropayment of the said sum and the duo fulfilment of @ agreements of the parties of the first part herein to be by the said pro- posed Company assumed and. fulfilled. executa and deliver to the Corporation a valid first mortgage free from encum- brance of all its lands and premises in Listowel, or to be thereafter acquired by it, including all buildings, plant and machinery fixed: or unfixed situate Teceon or then in course of erection, or which may thereafter at any time erected or placed upon 'said promises, and of their good will, trade marks and corporate name, to the intent that on default under such mortgage the Cor- poration shall have power to enter upon and lease or sell said mortgaged idan buildings, plant, , piano name, good will and name or style of the business or Com- pany. id pri Company shal] from time to time as the work pro- greases, | and a8 Boon as the condition of eep insured to the fall insurable value ender for the benefit of the Corpora~ tion to the extent of moneys thon owing to the Corporation undor said mortgage, as such buildings, plant, and machinery m or in in the course of erection, and all such other buildings, plant and machinery as may be erected placed ie rp thle, a ss dé ferth ppon id. Hl y 4. Thereafter the p h shall time to time as the work of to assist it to carry on the said work, to - extent of one half and not more vf the val certifi be aeppciian by the Town for that par- men architect shall have been first sub- mitted to and adopted by the Municipal f a pr of certifying thereon within one a depreciation in the Lig between the said parties hereto for }. op Alma street for the purpose of giving the factory posed factory upon said immediately after the final passing agreement, and shall thenceforth push on the work of erection and completion with all due diligence. Coulpany neglectiag operate the business of the said Com shall forthwith become liable to pay the interest upon the said loan, commencing on the first day.of the month next suc- ceeding such default, and shall continu- ments for the balance of said term until released by the Corporation therefrom upon resumption by the Company of their busin no such liability for interest shali be in- pany for their factory during depression in trade, or on account of labor conditions, which plant at a profit. owed te or any part thereof being des- qe the said term during which the said principal money or any part thereof remains unpaid, the s2id Compa: and shall erect similar buildings on the same site as those destroyed, and if destroyed by fire, as so0n as said build- ingsare incourse of erection the _ Corporatio tho said proposed Gn rc P ance manere as shall have come to the Corpor: gamc manner and 'proportions as may ied by an architect or valuator to pose, after the report or certificate of Council of the Corporation in regular meeting assembled ; . provided however that i in case no per! eek aftér such a is demanded by th @ proposed Company, then such advances shall be ala and payable up- on the report and certificate of the Com- by's architect, but = advances shall in no caseexceeed um of $15,- 000 until tho buildings po fully com- pleted and -- business in operatio any moneys shall be hand- ed over to "the proposed Company by the Corporation by -way of advances as aforesaid upon such progress certificates, due evidence shall te furnished by the Company to the Municipal Conncil of the Corporation that all materials, ma- chinery, plant or other property of the eee are free from lien for purchase wages or otherwise, and the iapianicrs shall have a lien upon all materials delivered ov the ground for the erection of the = 'buildings and ced therein in respect of advances Ls ees by the Corporation. 6. The said loan of $25,000.00 shall be re-payable within twenty years from the date of the final passing he a By-law of the Corporation to con this agreement, at the times and in man- ner following, together with interest on the unpaid portion of the principal moveys at four and one half per cent. as follows: the sum of $1921.90 on the fifteenth day-of December, in cach and er year during the said term of twenty years; provided however that during the first ten years of said term or during such portion of said ten years #8 the proposed Company shal! continuous- ly operate the said business within the meaning and intent of this agreement as hereinafter set forth, they shall be re- quired to pay yearly the sum of $796.90 only, being on account of the said prin. cipal money, and not the interest there- on. 7. The said mortgage shal) contain a covenant by the proposed Company that they shall continuously from a date not later than six months from the fiaal BIG | sui Sal HIGH CLASS OVERCOATS Now Going on as A Poems GRAY, BERNIE & CO. LISTOWEL. Bought at a Low Rate on the Dollar. Come and See Them. GRAY, BERNIE & CO. The Low Price Makers. passing of the said By-law carry on the business of piono manufacturers at Listowel upon the premises aforesaid to the extent and capacity of not less than the businees heretofore carried on by The Morris Piano Company, Limited, al venants to carry out the agreements of the partics of the first part bereto as to acts and things to be done or -permitted by-the said pro- posed Company herennder, 8. The said Company shall invest unborrowed cash capital, in addition to the moncy loaned to them under this" agreemcnt. 9 The Ts agrees that in addition to the advance of said sum of $25,000.00 it will grant to the said pro posed Company full aye from taxes (excepting school taxcs and local improvement taxes) for a period of ten years next after the first day of January A.D. 1909, and shall daring the said period of ten years give to the proposed OUR~_ Photographs are betrer this year than ever, New Moulding in our PICTURE FRAMING InAny Walk of life our Classified Want Ads. DEPARTMENT. : will help y: If you want 4 jusition, you can reach the best employers. If you want help you can get the most efficient. \Joncy to loin of money to bors row Want Ads, cover the entire field. KODAKS. and gered oF BT Betires Company a fixed assessment upon their business premises at Listowel aforesaid SUPPLIES © Hi always in stock te be covered by said mortgage of $10,- 000,00 per year, provided however that such exemption shall only take effect upon the passing each year by the Mun- icipal Council of the Corporation cf a By-law authorizing the same, after be ing satisfied that all the conditions aud covenants to be carried out by the Com- pany under this @ereement "haps been substantially performed and fulfilled by them, in which event the Corporation shall be required to pass said By-law. 10. The Corporation agrees to pro- vide and Jay an additional or larger water pipe attached to its water system to the street adjacent tq tho factory premises, and also an additional hydrant of the proposed Coim- pany efficient fire protection to tlre sat- isfaction of the said proposed Company. 11. The progee Company shall commence the re-ercetion of the pro- 'th 'ec premises afore- f the said By-law confirming this 12. In theevent of the proposed to continuously any throughout the said term, they ously thereafter make such interest pay- siness ; provided however that closing down would not wartant the operation of the 138. That in tho eventof the said THE GREAT SCHOOL ¢ Raita stirhigni a" 24004740 ROBO 00288800298 'ee ed : t . DER Ary x Votes i ae b "4 £3 'Sf, y , of L Ne" pes STRAT? ORD. CNT. Our past record and our present grade of work stamps us 48 the Great --. training school of estern O We have. Mires departments :-- Come =i aaa Telegraphic. Our gra eee are in demand as Business College teachers as well ns office aasistants. Individual in- struction. Enter NOW. Large catalogue free. Write for it. ELLIOTT & McLACHLAN, Principals. QO6244SSETBEOEES WATCH OUR WINDOW for the latest designs in dewelery, Fancy Goods, Post Cards, Etc. We Always Endeavor to Show the NEWEST STYLES. J. GABEL, Jeweler, Optician, Engraver, | Issuer of Marriage Licenses allace Street. e ue CLEARING SALE OF WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELERY, EYE- GLASSES, SPECTACLES, | First-class Watches from $5 up, | Gold Glasses from up all waranted. Repairing . prompt, reasonable and satisfaction guar- anteed at old stand. LOOK INSIDE | ed by fire or otherwise, at any time ny shall allowed areasonablo time to erec' nm shall poe over and pay to pany as the work such netions of the insur hands of th e said in. the (Continued on page five.) The Hew Lacan fre --_-- $2.50. Ss. M, SMITH. The name of the maker is most important. All good makers have reputations to sustain. The KING HAT is made by Lyons & Co., London. "FOR I bal Preah frame pn tains. A shed sind anne kitchen. There are oa aati ead on the prem: the the late 'ra. ni For' further partiogiers OPP 1° Ww POLLOCK, Cone of Fairview Cemetery, | 'JENKINS, . Hatter and Gents' etn

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