Listowel Standard, 18 Mar 1910, p. 2

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. your employers advertise for clerks ts eal = whole lo. this pric they Pilnod. Amo 080 'these Pills is Mrs. ci Chal. cured mer riley, East -Florenceville, N. B.,° who says: hay the. age of sha- the distressing iymptomsof anaemia. Doctors did not heip me in the least, and acting on the Advice: of a friend I began . Williams' Pink Pills. They effected a remarkable change ia my condition ; indeed I really be- lieve they saved my life, as I have been. well. and strong ever since I took them. T also recommended the Pills to a neighbor's daughter who wks similarly run down, and they also =o completely restored her health." Every woman and growing girl sheuld take' Dr. Williams' Pink, Pills occasionally, If vou are ail- ing from any of the many troubles which afflict your sex they will curé you; if vou are not ailing they will 'protect your health and keep you well and strong. Dr. Williams' Pink, Pills are sold by all dealers in medicine or direct at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Wilhess Medicine Co., Brock- ville, Ont. THE END OF IT. An Rnglivh gentleman travelling in Holland. on arriving at a cer- tain village inquired if there was anyone who could speak English. He was introduced to the village schoolmaster. ' The En«clishman said :-- 'Mv dear riend, can you tell me where Mr. -Whackhammer, the preacher, lives 1' 'ow. You just walk de road up to de creek, and turn de pritch over de sitream. Den you just go on till you gum to a road what vidds woots around a schoolheuse ; | bus von don't dake dot road. Well, den you go on till you meet a big bara. shingled mit straw; den you durn de road round de field and.go on til you eum to a pig red house ail speckled o'er mit. de. rderness. fa ae devoted American ats to} eTicaress Li'ble Que: What have a I done to thee? Why this silence after thy promise? I experience from it'a grief so violent that it ren-; aers me helpless. Thou are good, my Santusea, as good as dear; thou knowest how this makes me suffer. Why dost thou do it? Thou knowest how I love thee, that thou art my reli- gion. Have | offended thee { f seek intense occupation to keep}, me calm, but a thousand thoughts guaw my soul, Perhaps while you }amuse yourself you do not know how your silence agitates me. O dear Mayeyas mine, darling, dar- ling, my joy, do not forget me: hadley ae my life, all there is for me, my good antuzza. I could not lorger live without thee. Forgive me if I have offend- ed thee in any way, blessed little ird. Here all is as if thou wert to arrive at any moment. | seek to create for myself this most beau- tiful illusion, ever speaking vo thee, vainly expecting news frum thee with every post, with a vivlently beating heart. Do not believe me bad; I love ther. so much; | kiss thy dear lips, thy most entrancing little counten- ance, all infinite passion and ten- I am insane to hear once more thy dear, enchanting voice. There were eleven letters of this kind in the same issue of the Ora, about an average number for a Palermo paper. Such letters are found in all Italian papers, but they get shorter and shorter as you travel north until in Milan one line in the "agony column"' suffices to express the lover's anguish A style which seems theatrical to an American séems perfectly na- tural to an Italian. He will write exactly this sorb of Jove letter in private. BAD KICK FROM A HORSE. Mr. I. 8. Kelly, of Markerville, Alta.,. says: "We have proved Zam-Buk of great value 'on the arm. I was kicked by a horse and sustained a nasty wound, which finally~turned to an open sore. is caused me considerabl ul, AS SOON as vite, A gurcet upstairs. Well, dat is my broder Hass"s house, Den you dura) dat liwese around de barn, and you | oom poead det goes up oon de voods. | Jhon you den t dake dat read, too, | Jlenm yon goo right straight on, and | de firet vou meet is a haystack, and | de nest is a barrack. Well, he} demit dif chore en you will get | furdver, amd vou see a house on top| de hill about a ile: and go on in dere and ax de old woman and she vill tell you better as [can SLEEPING DRAUGHTS AND SOOTHING MIXTURES A mother should newer give her child a sleeping draught, soothing | mixture or upiate of any kind ex cemt oon the advice of a doctir who, has seen the child. contain paubsutis and an overdose may kill the litthe one. When you give your child Baby s Own Tablets | scu have the guarantee of a gov- erumeot analyst that this medicine doea not cuentain one particle of opiate or narcotic and cannot pos ably de harm--but always do good. The Tablets promptly cure all sto | mach, bowel and teething troubles, ; and give healthy, natural sleep. Sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 2% cents a box from The Dr. Willian' Medicine @o., Brockville, One. said a la ly wheneve: Ly dwar 'a 'that "5 aatice, to her liushband, ~vr salesmen _HeesRettpy iste "Thust be waned. ea; the old ty" rants, asserted Ideard: "they warl men whe are accustomed to being ordered about | "A Grand Medicine" ja the en- comium offen . d-on pare Act-Comsump "and when the results [ro i Madare consid- ered, at bore out bp many per- song wha have employed it in stop- ing coughs and eradicatiag colds, it iv qrore. than grand. Kept in the howse it is-always at hagdand it haw no a ready rémedy. If wou have sot triedwit, 'do so at once. A man isn't always cheerful when he docs a lot of cheering. Minerd's Liniont GorepBandeull. "AS USUAL. "Mrs. Parker, is ask 3 in. town." 'Has she pypsioemee hd "Not She's. screamin lit, All these things ,° | ¥un Tabere. woun nd. 'My father sustained a bad burn ou his leg, which for a-long time 'would nét heal. Zan-Buk healed and brought on a covering of new, healthy akin all over the we und in a few days.' Zam-Buk is a sure cure for all 'skin injuries and diseases, piles 'ele. All druggists and stores ut 50c a box, ur post free Toronto, fer Brie ec -- HIS SOLE R HSTING-PLACE. A precise teacher spent a quar- from Zam- Buk | \ Hes. When [ was" ed from Dropsy and my swell so I.could not-wen "My husband from taking Dodd*s Kidney Pills-1 though I have' takén only three nearly all my own not say too much shoes and do housework. I at Dodd's Kidney odd's Kidney hag make weal turn one evening fromthe office, a | have b-been d dreadfully insult- ed" cae exclaimed Harry: "By. whom *B-by apt m-mother,"' tae young wife, bursting into tears. She's miles away visiting a friend." Flora dried her tears. "L'll tell you all about it, Harry, | love," she said. "A letter came to you this morning, add In your mother's writing, so, of course, 1-- I opened it.' "Of course,"' drily. a was written to you all the way through. Bo ydu understand ?'" "T understand. But where de the pee come in?' = "It--it came in the | p-p- por. script,"' rotted the wife, bursting in- to fresh floods of tears. {'Tt -said repeated dia rry. NKS'AS DEVELOPERS "oF OUR RESOURCES. Without' the gnewa of war and the necessary facilities for doing business very little progress can be made in any country. Without our enterprising Banks ready at-all times to provide the facilities with a quick transaction of business; ready at all times to open Branches in the most out-of-the- way «places, the progress and growth of this country during tho last ten years would have been greatly retarded. ter uf an hour in impressing upon her class the right prunumeiation of the word vase Next day, hoping ty reap the fruits of hee labor, she aske Now, Johnnie, tell me! What do see on the mantlepiece at home!" And Johnnie piped furth : ther's feet, ma am "Fa- HARD LUCK. Caller--"'How pleased you must ieee ~~ find that your new cook ts a nm & Hostess --"My dear, don't men: tion it! She's a staver all right, ut unfortunately she's not a cook." MADE CREDITABLE SHOWING. Anuual Statement of the British Ameten Assuraace Company. 4 fs ditécted ta the annu- al financial statement 'of the Brit- ish America Assurance Company given in another place in 'to-day', issue The prefits on the year's trading amonnting to $213,111.50 give evidence of the satisfactory condition of the company's affairs. The surplus to policyholders stands at @915,967.55. e premium in- come was $1,658,239.65 and owt of this were paid fire losses of §889,- 04.26, and other expeuses of $000,- 6t7.04. Interest and other.receipts are given" as 723.15 and this brings the profits tip' to the very satisfactory amount mentioned The British Amorica Assur- ance, Company was incorporated in 1885. and since the orggnization the fire lesses paid have reached the enormous.cum of $33,620,764.61. migigpenenin- ESCAPED LIGHTLY. An old BeBtOy taken ill, called in a physician of his own race. Theré pecs no 'dant of improvement, 'he h ask Everyone can-reeaill how quickly tie Banks responded to the need of stable progressive Bankimg condi- tions in the Yukon when that Dis- trict was opened some years ago. A latter and more recent example exists in the new ranch of the | Traders Bank recently opened at Pcreupine. The Porcupine Branch of the, Traders Bank was opened before! even proper transportation facilt- ties could be had--opened at a tume |: when regardless of the future of tne district nothing but a heavy lors in doing business could be ex {pected by the Bank--opened uaa lwhen the need was greatest--when it was most necessary to facilitate Mining transactions, property transfers and transmission of Cash, Deeds and Documents in connec- pore with the opening of this Dis- trict. The Banks may truly be said to be our nation builders @nd™to cir 'credit if may also be stated that" ree better Banking system exists at present time than that, that at nee seot obtains in Can In the North portion ct New QOn- tario the Traders Bauk has string of Branches that afford paren opportunities for prompt and safe methods of conducting rer They now have Branches at Sud bury, Sault Ste. Marie, North 'bury. a = -- WILL IT BE A LAP BEHIND? We're hopeful that "Tween now and coming spring e ancient gap "Will not be filled . By. winter's lingering - im that old lan, a," ALA again the doctor tol hme 1 oe i eer decided to give them & trial; and} sca boxes I am well-and-can wear iy], w answered "My mother, Flora! Nonsense) Mbritk aad the od Porcupine, Matheson ard Hailey- Kidneys atfeps an sick 4 ele ; SRT gee SS » er in 4. Riven a t |sure a of j THE STING. oh amb . 'Harry, love,' exclaimed Mrs. he returned it, Krowsey to her husband, on -- of ti hese" two two e ee needs to we the mining regi posure, r a lubricant will HOT brain food: to medical science Bracious ! Fine: feath birds. -If 2 guise the fact, fair, try Holloi ain Accomp eaty porform- ed; ""it'w the length 6 Tule and thunbs over, with piece of ba ma py Bend j@od arm, and fom my Sastre, bae'@ finger." \) 7% Sail Hesirebla: qualif ca tions, pleasant ito the taste and vd ne Hse eff comin Tyke' at." Momtbel Piastte af bet stood the text of years, If Pr quicker than amy plaster, . - JUST SO He--= "Wail you be my wife?' ~She-- "Why, we: ve just met."' pa siae you don't need to know She--"'That' s # consolation.' A Medicine tort the. Miner' --~Prospectors and others going into are few and drug stores not at all, | shuuld provide themselves supply of Dr. Thom Oil It will offset the effects of ex- educe sprains, and when taken internally will prevent and cure colds and sore throat, and as in guod céndition. NEWS. Eminent professor says fish is not He has evidently been listening to some angler's yarns. Huvsind What « a debt we owe Shoal ydo. not make fino fcathers in the world will not ~ ie teh ie ete: 'length. known to wit thousands of Australians and globe trotters, and at his levees will chat gw freely with anybodys Among his 8 recent visitors were Lord and Lady - 4 Northcote, Sir Harry Rewson aad ; "my m0-| Miss Iawson, who were delighte did, be-| with the ancient bird. doe ard. was one -foot rule to mea fon." fe. Not being wh the rule | minard's Cintoant Co,, Limited. Cowasting §&| wave used MINARD'A LINIMENT for fea = soa Croup; found nothing equal to it; sure sat the fore- | oF HAS. K. SHARP. : ain of the | Hawkshaw, R. B; tage let, es. a rewatil; and ' Pack. ous where doctors with as' Rolectritl keep the muscles Wife--"Good Haven't you paid that] ¢he doctor's bill asi wis a jey all the "18- -- When all other corn preparations |: Corn Cure. No gad: nv "inconveni- | Gibut he can-pick up and crack his "| wonder----"' ph Yes, it'® coming. eaaee me ai all." Stumps--you co Bete Tu sell, "rh oi aH this . ru a palpably men-' dacious stateme "His beak is fally four'inches long, fayorite maize as easily 'as ever. Mis. Bennett has besides three Pieces' of *'beak--cut off when it grew too long--each about two inch- q OUTH" APRICAN iad Ss rants ms and sold, 320 » Dickinson, Room t Gt., Torants. For the baby often means rest for both mother Little and . ones like it too--it's so palatable to take. _ Fee from opiates, : 26 coms. A bad draft--on oa bank--usually causes cold feet. Minard's Liniment Cures Béras, Ete. _-- DOES she means OH, ~Rwidliam," 0) goody "James HF Yt "means said, beloved. Ac flush mantled cheek. "I wonder,' she murmured coft- ly, "what' George means?" "Ge means business, I looking up _. wedding announcements her powdered A Pill That is Prized.--There have been many pills put upon the mar- ot and pressed upon public atten- tion, but none has endured so long or met with so much favor as Par- melee's Vegetable Pills: Wide- spread use of them has attested their great value, and they need no further advertisement than this. Having firmly established them- selves in public eéteem, they now tank without a peer in the list of standard vegetable preparations. HIS RANGE. F "At what is Piker working now 1" » "At worbody he can do.' LES CURED IN 6 TO % tig Wine c OINTMENT ts guerantesd to any erw of Lichiag, Bliel Riseding or Protceding Piles in € to i4 dayw or money teteste is, Patience ia what the other fellow Iacks, nobody possesses and every- body needs. NOT LONG Now. Sunshine pleases 5 Ls inter" teases ; - a breezes; aws and freezes ; Colda and sneezes ; Coughs and wheezes--: "Pills That Aas (eo Renefited Thou aure indigestion and all derauigements of stomach, 'liver "and kidoeys, Pa:melee's Vegetable Pitts have' found superior to all other the treatment of the» anes for which they ere 'preserib OUCHED HER: NEVER 'Bridge sity Mrs. Young- bride, timidly, Sop t suppose you would~er- my getting ocho", "Not at alf- laxy--cook, 'am rh eh ied the 'chings never A blunt man is amanlis pointed ia his remarks. Minard's Liniment Relieves Neuralgia. MAY YET WIN OUT. The United States America Na- va. Affairs Committee may give Peary a chance to beat Cook to the Ananias Club. Dr. Morse's indian Root Pills are pot a new and untried rem edy aodfathera used them Half ¥ 2 .MACHINERY INBRY Afra 'and wood-wo itn. Montreal, "Vancouver. ACENTS WANTED. SYMPATHY. Ct ANY ABHRES WANTED. HIGH GRADB : Alfred Tyler, Importer f- "T feel sorry for Squinchley."' "What's the matter with him? "GENTE = * DAY Bells TOE eae sae cage "A f hi * | amas" necemsity ' forme are : Dore wo k eel sorry for him, i . Pays for itself in one hour. Sa ° he's as disagreeable' company for +g REE) Se AERIS Oe BREA himself at night as he is for other *{\HE NORTHERN LIFE LiSTEXEES people in the daytime." Company have good o for imaurance wri --a we f Test Termenting ab indie Sok weiguaiod erat m0 " yiines Mar Director Gola chat made re ohn Milne auaging Director, fast winter will not baok (f you take Allen's | Norther fe. London, Ont, Ueng Balsam when your arabe Ue w and sore. | por et "GeN PLEMEN AGENTS TO This remedy ls (res from opium. Take sell "ie ng Jap. rugs at $1.2f ts in tue. A. Conway. She cosenkh Que., ont aries Bold 30 the firat Sar. 2 the tite for exclusi rae can do aa we ecritory, aud unique selling plan, B Condon. "Rug 8 ecialist, Stoni o, Maine. FARMS FOR RENT. O. 6289-100 aorres in the Townahip of Caradoc, in Be County of Middlesex, sell, rich sandy | nam, actos atore e house, 2? frame barns and other omanatinines a few achoal, elose to chure Strathroy greece and R. 0. 6272--50 ACRES IN THE 'ord. crete h with stabl- dine ander. other. outbuildings, " huildings nearly Man bs a in ated en Gra road, 4 miles tro D Woodstock market and R. 4 Station. This advert over 20 newspapers. Laauteert will Sass state the paper in whioh they 'orig thie advertisement. Weatern te Exchange, Limited. 78 Dundas St, London, Ont. Raise Thom ¥ om CALVES ' ea ret ae Stools, Briggs Beod OPe FOR THE ounr- Lag ae citha' wace 7 tes opus ricen. ase "Terosghent tex ne ros aie for Sess Yoe ma e "S Writa eg particalare Boas Tis Dar, (her ay Montreal. AN, * The a + gett ct will gives ze the food benefits of aring Seod ter tree booklet, giving sesticotee of @atisfed users, Ala Special Ofer for a Month's Home Trial. THE GRAND ELECTRO OZONE LIMITED, ld Spadina Avenue, Toronta. FEATHER DYEING Carling sed Kid Gloves cleaned oon sane ite inten pve parrisn AXMERICAM SYEING 00. Mariatt's Hair Promoter @ata 'On-anle at so eel Bipot - ke 1 h vstelry | Se te "pent Syduey)} wt Ramsay's Paints yee to, Can. or Le bunetats Ca, Sorte. Capada. rigeal, Beir Protant' og Blind, Bleeding, Itening, rotruding Piles quickly PIL LES*: nad param ntly cured by alent reabas the inost scientitic and econ LYLE'S cOMMOR seuse, FOR PILES Price calpt of price. a Py 1esne co. Tis Queen Wi pu} sia TORONTO is. AN who are af wish to be y ead quickly thio remedy, permanent cure es o effect --_ £2 Airten A Ty. Walt, thle sebe- 'a iemeoss Pharmacy, Weil, thts' Uirarid wane makes , sae uhGusd & prince anenyget ils ncighkers. {i will tealtone and 'Prosperity About - yourselt,_ It will mate ioe ter eit in your home, at bring: hapetiinns § to ot bom 'They 'Basing tie established, sr ciies is pars ex india y! no wees ae ce : iz oh! ae "he mn b ov 'of | , '6 a callie: Witte tor ie Coad ts : LPO ds, Meas Wutahiling tokgteeg PLE AB in: (3 | our ee ' ae ee ibe at | 3 i tof be agg Cant. oy gh "cosa Cook landed, as where 'the first| Wess to The pe ; Tew shirsevareae Scie a P anchoted out the year of ho basen myer an ite Cauda on om eaay torah Sepia Ho. has never been in better fea- secnrition "Apply for paticelar bo | ther for the last. twenty years than © BE TORENT, Bee die, London, Ont , antls'the few tattered |. z} at fluffs that he wears are white as fs = ye cow oe igri sy: gees is i a Lede a, Z w 6 is as loquacious ce f ARBER TRAD: é. Ar youngsters of his tribe who may Ctawtacsks Semester" there a hundred years. younger. "i In }toals- free: eraduates earn to e dilerions sigan ie. kof Jab Trem Moler Barber on Goll, te Gene 'tos fer $5.0), malled on ro ~ APPENDICITIS es ' Is Your Hearing Good?

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