Listowel Standard, 18 Mar 1910, p. 4

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~.the od. a HACKING: Chemist and Druggist. TOWN AGENT G.T.R. ListowelStandard FRIDAY, MAROH 16, 1910.., THE LUMSDEN CASE. Defence Nominates the Prosecuting Connse! ---- Ottawa March 14.--The Government | ca side bas got caught in another attempt to manipnlate the Lumsden inquiry. They tried to foist on the Committee as counsel for the public a lawyer who had | ident already been committed to the contract- ors' side of the case, and sgainst Mr. Lumsden, The protest of the Conserva- tive aneepipes on the Committee were w and they resigned ina body from the Natrcatigin In the end the Bense prevailed, and The sitnation was that the Committee consisted of four Libera) and three Con- servative lawyers ; that the Transcontin- ental Commission was represented by an able lawyer, who represented the de- fence ; and that it was o to ap- point a lawyer to appear for the public, to press the charge made by Mr, Lums. den that there had been over-classifica- tion, First the lawyer of the Commis- sion made tus impudent claim that he represented the public. This was too absurd, and was rejected. Then the Conservative members claimed the right to appoint and instruct the counsel ap- pointed to represcnt the pablic. Everyone knows that it is the distin- guishing virtue of a lawyer to represent his client. Everything about hia atti- tode and course depends on who engages him. Now, the Liberals on the Com- mittee were desperately concerned to rove the charges fajse, t prove that Phere the contractors got $14,000 for s piece of work which Mr. Lumsden says was worth only $4,000, that §14,000 was the proper price. Con sahil wWerg. concerned: to fhe whole matter probed tb the fae Thus, if the Liberal members engaged a given lawyer, he would be commission- od by the defence ; ifthe Conservatives engaged the same man, he would be commissioned by the prosecution. Tho Liberals absolutely denied to the Conservatives this right, They insisted that the counsel for the prosecution must be appointed by the defence an bave the defence for his clents. There- upon the Conservative members retired from the whole thing. Then the Liberals went on to appoint Mr. Wallace Nesbitt, KR. C., with whom they had been negotiating. Now Mr. Wallace Nesbitt, k. C., a while ago was consulted by one of the contractors on the Transcontinental with whom Mr. Lumsden was at variance , and be gave an opinion cpeaeee the contractor and adverse to Mr. Lomaden, A mice person Mr. Nesbitt would have been to prove the charge that Mr, Lumsden was right and the contractor got too much monvy Tlie stir created by the protest made by Mr, Lennox, Mr. Barker and Mr. Croth- era, however, was such as to cause Mr. Nesbitt to change his mind and refuse toserve, Thereupon the Liberals ap pointed another lawyer--needlesn to say 4 strong Liberal. Thus the prosecution is in the hands of the defence. Puzzle: Find out how earnestly the prosecution will fight. LIBERALS FOR INDEPENDENCE. Two of Sir Wilfrid Laorier's Quebec Followers Explicitly Avow Separate Views, pe Ottawa, March 14.--Tho naval debate hes brought out some remarkably bold avowals from Quebea Liberals | of a de. only the love and loyalty of the empire But I ask of these men badly politiciana who have & great many yeats expe wi have soen- great events. and oloded tar i in 3 | ii | Ee ail! i ee is his affair. tacustomer. But if be is bound to do it, why go abesd. And sinos the question of tariff war ar is in the hands of should forestall the probabilities of o retreat later by retreating now,--Lon- don Free Press. FARMER'S FIGHT WITH MAD DOG Powerful Collie M: Made Savage At- tack on Him. RABIES IN COUNTY OF PERTH. Twenty-thrée Animals Reported to Have Gone Mad in Township in Last Year. --o Stratford, March 0.--A valuable collie dog belonging to a farmer named Robert Rice living in the vicinity of Fullarton Village, Perth County, was seized with an attack of rabies and gave his owner an avwiul fight before being killed. The animal, which had been confined over night, showed strange symptons on bo- ing let out in the morning and the farm- er followed it to the barn, It was equip- ped with the regulation metallic muzzle, but tore it off aud chewed it to pieces. It then attacked the farmer, who seized a piece of gas pipe and succeeded in reaching the house, although he had to fight every foot of ground, as the dog Securing was very large and powerful. his gun, however, he tans the Since faat April, of >» Gne 'BOW, 'Township, in addition to seven othor dogs reported, but not owned: in themeighborhood, only four bave been shot, the others escaping. GOING TO TORONTO SATURDAY NIGHT, -- ee Mr. Hector W. Charlesworth Leaving Mail and af Boyes Mr. Hector W, Chentaswoethy city edit- or of The Toronto Mail and Empire and ope of the most.widely known of- Cana. dian newspepermen, is shortly going to Toronto Satarday Night as associate editor. [t waa in 1891 that he started his journalistic career on the publication to which heis now returning, Youthful as he was, the journalistic instinct was even then well developed in Mr. Charles- worth, combined with real ability as a writer. From Saturday Night he went to The Empire and later on was on The News and The World, finally going to The Mail and Empire, where be has been city editor for six years For a considerable period he was dra- matic and mngical critic on the papers with which he was connected, and his nom de plume, "Touchstone." familiar to many thousands of interested readers. On sasoming his present posi- tion he dropped thir nom de plume, though continuing todo considerable dramatic and musical criticism for The Mal and Empire,--The Globe, Feb. 24. MAN AND | HORSES PERISHED. Mr. Arpold Toole Found Dead Near Omemnes. --o Omemes, March §.--<Arnold Teole wes found dead this morning in the road near his farm house. He had been to Monnt Pleasant yesterday afternoon, hanstion and exposure. Coroner Blan. chard of Lindsay was notified. After viewing the remains and hearing a few statements he decided an inquest was unnecessary, Mr. Toole was a good musician and will be gfeatly missed. 15 YEARS FOR DR. FRITCH. " ----_-- Former pprake Physician ---- to Thakcbipe Peleos - Detroit, March 0.- 9.--Dr. George A. pla ieee of Teen, Ont, was part was enabling anaes conspirators to Cromwell's was dué to the fact that be never 'felt secure, He was al- spent the night in merriment and feast- ing, the English in. became | and prayer. in soul, The confident and overdusty French Do the low-rated English play at dice." Despite thoir vast superiority in = ap bers the French, through their sense of security, their over-confidence were de- feated by the watchful English. Itis noto to goto ancient of over-confidence. A sense of security sia and treasure in Sout se of security had much to do with the dale of the Russian Goliath by the Japanese David. In business life it is the same. manufacturer is su He has built up a prosperous industry. He grows over-secure in his own mind. He forgets that reversed may come. spends extravagantly, building palaces and purchasing pleasures that cnervate. en reverses come br has nota suffi- Tho self rnined, Even the Log " Dabh grows DT while ths ail descends upon night the product of tha labor of months is destroyed. But his debts do zo cease to grow. Through security 'se chiefest onemy," a burden Oe debt has been laid upon his shoulders, s burden that it may take years to shake off, Every individual has witch-like voices speaking to him, endeavoring, with siren tone, to lull bim into a feeling of security that will ultimately cause him to be- cone shipwrecked. The penitentaries are filled with men who have listened to the "get-rich-quick" witch, An alluring voice is prompting to bet on thia horse or buy that stock. The victims yield ; he greater the risk the more secure they feel, and in an evil-moment often mis- appropriate funds in their control ; and the witches that hover over the stock exchange and the race-track laugh de- moniacally as they prepare their hell- broth for other victims. So with sins of the flesh! Secnrity, over-confidence bas been the downfall of thousands. Men feel secure in their strength of will, They indulge in pleas- ures which, in moderation, may be harm- leas bet which, if practised to excess, are baneful. Unless they are continaal- ly on their guard, ever watchfal, their feet will slip eae their powers of resis- tan ened. St. Paul gave excellent givin to mankind when he I Men subject to tempta- for one moment to the tempter. The ® phynically and nom- + itis to the watchful. cessful ones in who keeps his body in training before a raceis the one who usually wins the POTATOES 10c, ec, PER BUSHEL. to conspiracy, ' Carelesaness, lack of caution on C s8ar's history for illustrations of the evil effect | caused the British tremendous _ loss of |) Ha}: escape the evils of over-confidence. He | bis toiled and tolled Sesless Ease ound, crop is.| growing. There comes a blighting frost,' b his felds and in s-} és "Presoott, March 14- _ load of Pole is week A Rooting ot U Betore And At. ter Meals is Ce Cared With Ner- vilimey the stomach and di- gestive organe.") - wm 6 The above letter RVILINE |. comes from Mrs, P. RESTORES f- 8. Steteon, wife of an WEAK - important merchant STOMAGHS [| ip Brockton, and still umniee.( fortber proof of the exceptional gouge of Nerviline is far- nished, ; Rossman, the well- mae Newiline' andIam sure there will be {ow sufferers left, 1 used to have cramps, _ femabling noikes, gas on my stomach and severe fits of indiges- tion. Nerviline was the only remedy' that gave me relief, and I found it #0 entirely satisfactory that I would like to have my letter of recommendation pub- lished broadcas§ in order that others may profit by my experience." You'll find s hundred usea for Nervi- line--it's a trasty household remedy. that sells to the extent of a million bot. "s the best peed abst tion. Refusq anything pro re in place of N 25c. per bottle, five for $1, Alldealera, or The Catarrh- ozone Co., Kingston, Oat All That Saved Him. He was telling thrilling story ont of hig wallet ofa thoosand and one hairbreadth escapes, and his pretty listener was leaning sniously toward him, hanging on his every utterance. - 'The wolves were upon us,' he asid, 'howling and roaring, as I have so often We fled for our lives. I 'misfortui heard them. ° the battle ot te don't deny it; Mi but every second we confident. ' come the | knew the ravengus pack was gaining on Intter and Rony is house he will | At last Thed § were e ace wt we find thet be hes builded on shifting og Shejs muzzles ag sands, Only eterna! watchfulness makes are my fi secure. The nations who Ah!' gasped: out the any. 'How glad you must have been thoy bh muzzles on |' A lawyer abowt to furniab @ bill for costs was reqitested by his client, a to make it as light as possible, body is laid away in the cold ground, no matter if all other friends pursue their and true even to death.--U. S. Senator Vest. teething with fect success. soothes the child, softens the ! pain ; cures wind colic, and i is st zemedy for oe: id f the worl he balbageert ih a other Dror in eve Be gure sure ands = for sing. Eyre take eae weoty five pn a bottle. FARM TO RENT. t, lots 3 and 4, concession 10, Wallace. ere are hich 185 are cleared in good state of cultivation. Fall ploughing is alldone. On the f is a frame house, weil finish a k barn, cattle ted six gpod cemen pens. There is a first-c orchard water. Possession can be EE 2, 9. OAMPRE 5 er es ey BRAN CH HAMILTO ON " . Agoat. oe (Jur Leading Brands : aX aXe a o, +, Jewel, Three Jewels, Five Jewels. tagy fagesh a mares - el geet be enein nd ye Golden Citg, Soegeeg LISTOWEL AN 0 MILVERTON. ood : SSCP OHTHON witohiibe oder ooood xox CANADIAN | FACIFIC $41.90 LISTOWEL To Vancouver, Victoria, minster, B.C., This cheap fare any day from West- Seattle, Tacoma. arm | Wash., and Pacific Coast points, March {st to April 15th. For tickets and berths apply to Ata mass imeetingin St "Andrew 4 Hall, Toronto, a resolution against dog- muzzling was adopted The body found inthe river near Montreal! was that of Albert Masse, aged twenty-one, His father identified it. He had been assosiating with evii com- panions, andit is suspected his death wus due to violence. For Sale or Rent ---- Several rib farms in Indian Head, QuAppelle and Regina districts r , Seed and a iplements ied to ten- ALLENS: ue Boag atts. Apply Ticket Agent - - Listowel. '2a ao le ALBER Canadian In the. TA - IN THE Pacific. Irrigation Block Famous Bow River Valley. 3,000,000 aCRES | FOR SALE LANDS Unequalled opportunity for investment in Western Lands in the GARDEN OF SUNNY SOUTHERN ALBERTA. IRRIGABLE AND NON-IRRIGABLE LANDS ON EASY TERMS OF PAYMENT. One-tenth of purchase down and balance in nine annual payments. $500: Will Secure A Half Section ~ Good Water. tae fa to the ete Coal in Abundance. . : A "°K folder' opportinity for Oiitario' peor to ponte a portion of 'Canada's ; -- Me oning are. flocking in by. i be vastly greater than ever." rik = (20 teri) of-choice non-irrigable land. One season's crop will pay balance, . GPR. Main Line rans directly through the Irrigation Block. Stations and eleva- tors convenient to all sections in the district. The. Largest Irrigation Block "on the Continent. - Unsurpassed Climate... "A i 3 greatest ds. The tide*of migration this year y not get in before all pe eeicent holdi

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