"The duration was from 'ero and » half to.four seconds. The e was felt as far south as Sanj Lu's Obiapo, but-did not extend far north of. San Francisco. No dam- age waa reported. The San Fran- ciace people were generally arous- "bratione were: long and undulstory; : ime TT a A Reward of $500 Had Been Offered for 'Their Capture A deapatch from Fernie, B. C., aava: The alleged perpetrators of the daring hold-up at Coal Creek a few daya ago, when Messrs. Quin- ancy aad Burns, of the Trites Wood Company, were relieved of some 81.200 in cash and several hundred dollars' worth of cheques and time receipta in the shadow of the jail at the point of revolvers, were clev- erly captured here on" Thursday night by Acting Chief Bowen and Coustable Gorman, of the Fernie police force. Nath Babcock, a pro- wpector and claim-staker, was the firse one arrested. He was stopping at the Fecnie Hotel and the police toukehim into custody at 11 u'clock| ion Thursday night. ing to the residence of J. bills. sions to the chief. brother of Bolanger, Bowen, and arrived in the evening train. been working on the M.F. and M. train as arrest of the parties. c. RR. GRAIN ROY TE, New fine From Bathurst to Victor- ia Harber. A despatch from Montreal says- The report was revived on Friday that the C. P. BR. wil) double-track the line from Smith's Falls to Bathurst, a distance of about four- teen miles, and will build the pro posed new lines frei Bathurst to Victoria Harbor, This would be the company's great grain route, and if thia were done, the benefit to Smith's Falls would be incalculable. Color is lent to the rumor from the Rat. fact that an engineer with a large "staff of assistanfs has been survey-|gunce of Virgin of. Pine come § ing in that locality for the past few pond pure and Sauheen of meee Officials at the neice of- pure Whisky. You can get these in fices say that nothing has been de- [any good drug store and easily mix finitely determined as to the date them in a large bottle. The mix- at which this important work will) jture is highly recommended by the be undertaken, but it is generally | Leach Chemical Co., of Cincinnati, believed that i will be comme nee whe prepare the genuine Virgin Oil] pails, i6'sc. during Gre coming suminer jof Pine compound pure for dispen-! WHOLE OUTFIT BURNED, CR Homesteader Loses Stock in' De- THE WHEAT RING HOOTED. straction of Car by Fire. | Patten Driven Pines A despatch = from) Woodstock, | Colton Exchange. a tat sn aig 2 i semday| A despatch from Londen bi od ue arden James A. Vatten of Chic ago was, barley, acked all this worldly goed~ in a: sux car and started for Saskatche- | where be was guing to take! wan, up luad. A tele phone inessage from | © him at Barrie on Friday stated that, the car wm whieh he was riding, 4 aleng with bis outfit. was burne thiough the upsetting of a lantern. | and everything in it was destroy ed The stock included six horses, theee head of cattle and some hens 4 furdined overcoat, with 840 in tg the pockets, was alsu lost, | Li . r. Murray himself very ter working Then proceed- Bolan- ger, in the annex, they took Bol- anger, and a search of the house resulted in the finding of two $50 It is believed that Bolanger has made some 'damaging confes- At any rate o a conductor running ont of Cranbrook, has been arrested by instructions from Chief ernie of J. Bolanger haa brakesman, running be- tween Fernie and Coal Creek. He is married and has two children. A reward of $500 was offered for the eee By beg: : | ged 3 the conflict. Four uf -the leaders were sentenced to terms o imprisunment during the trouble, having been convicted of obstruct- ing work at the mines. WORTH KNOWING. Prepare at Home. Most people are more or less sub- ject to coughs and colds. co} quickly and cure 'uo OUNCES, hustled off the Eveline on Friday, and had to| di . seconds, ake refuge in the offices of a friend) | pateats, until he could elude the excited | crowd by escaping down an emer- j ters, A cab was waiting, | lers. in bags, 82.40 to 82.60, Feed) - gBeney fire exit. strike Bran--$22 to $22.60 in bags, To- ronto, and shorts at $24, in bags, Tcronte 3 COUNTRY PRODUCE. Apples--82 to $3.60 per barrel, according to quality. Beans--Car lots outside, $1.85 to $1.95, and small lots at $2.10 te $2.20 per bus Honey--Combe, duzen, 82 to $2.- 60; extracted, 104; to lle per lb. Baled Hay--No. 1, 814 to $15 on track, and No. 2 at $12 to $13. track, Toronto. Potatoes--45 to S0c per bag of track for Ontarios. Poultry--Turkeys, dressed, 18 to fowl, 12 to Lic. THE DAIRY MARKETS. Butter--Pound prints, 21 to 2c; tubs and large rolls, 20 to 2ic; in- ferior, 16 to I8c; creamery, 98 to gue, and solids, 26 tu 26'je per lb. Eggs--Case lota of new laid, 27 Simple Remedy That Any One Can A sim-}| ple remedy that will break up a any cough that is curable is made by mixing of Glycerine, a half, Manchester | Orc: | No. 3 white, | to 23c per dozen. Cheese--I3c per db. for large, and at 13%¢ for twins. HOG PRODUCTS. a age clear, 14 to lie per Ih in ease lots; meas pork, 823 to $23.50; 13 shart 9.00 to. 16%e; do., heavy, mS fo ise rells, 14% to i5¢; or lic; backs, breakfast bacon, 16'4 19'4 to 2O'%e. pees Tierces, 16c; tubs, 16%4¢; ,BUSINESS IN MONTRE AL. Baled Straw--$7.50 to 87,15, ons lac per Ib; chickens, 15 to 16c, and 4 | expenditure, the Chancel: . | ler'e: buaget:] I ay the ugnal consoli the gra i ti esl of shoulders, 13°44 to c at $1. Ontario eat--No. 2 gee red Winter, 9p, white, $1.07 to $1.08 out-} "| sides aw Sea 55 to 6c outside ; No 3 extra, 3 to Sic; No. 3 at 50 to 3lc, and 480. outsid Oate--No. 2 ate 300 sabscag and ay nas h oronte, fox lg g, aa, mt tof N os. 3; Bay H cd dalle : Pess--ite. 2.for siigeant; 82 to iti ie: in pai Ste outside. -*. 3 was the Iu ye--No. 2, 67 to 68 outside. r paiuter ree Buckwheat-s1 to 5% outside for ieg ap ir a Bat 2 America, Tic, and rrtveg 7 3 yellow, 68%c, Toronto the value of Gelgkte. e. With bis as out on the ernoon when | | gray object in ) Increases- London says: mates for 1910- hows ¥ 3,000,000, or xeess Of Jast ce estimates old ha oa eae. Se "JOY: ie HER: , e year eres ie include $46, 100,000 f SiODS. if some property from: Bove wrt the! purchaser. As the bills were count-! ed out in her hand her face:flushed, ! and when the last yelluowback drop-| i Expenditure | ' at Buffalo on charges of 'being 'en- 000. d int fre sah a traf-| th Fcommon stock. gay, is ray to.an affection a = toed to An' English scientist estimat- ed that the skull of a-woman found "| at Gibraltar is at least 600, 000 years _ peo i The préparations ve 2 So kcor: ; e Empire "_ the Sheffield Illingworth, the new Junior Lord of the British Treas- ury, was elected without opposition in the Shipley divifion of Yorkshire. UNITED D STATES. Three men were killed in Pitts- '| burg by the collapsing of a wall. The railway equipment compan- ies in the Uni States are being flocded with orders Archibald Muir, formerly of .To- t onto, was arrested at Cincinnati on a charge of bigamy. The earnings of the Standard Oil Company in the last' twenty-seven years amounted tava billiondollars. The business men of Philadelphia} are making an attempt to have the; traction dispute arbitra wo Toronto men were indicted. n the S owhit "The combine of automobile 'com- panies which is being-organized by J. P. Morgan & Co. will lave a ca- pital of over $90,000,000. Thomas Edison + >and his associ- ates have secured injunctions giv- ing them control of the manufac- Montreal, March 15,--Oats--No.)| prd Mra, Hendrick gave 2 sigh and ture of moving picture films in the [s Canadian Western, 44',c; No. 3.' sank to 'the floor, Ontarte No. % white, 43!4c [Ontarm No. 4 white, 41 to 41l4e. Says: | Barley- No. 3, Gc ; No. 4, 58c¢; feed Doc. Flour -- Manitoba Manchester Cotton) 'Spring wheat patents, firsts, $5.50; 303 Winter wheat $5.50 to 85. 60; Manitoba struug bakers', 86.10; straight - rol. $5.10 to $6,25; ant Patten drove straight to the| --(Qntario bran, $22.50 to $23; On- station and touk a train tu Liver- | pool, /wilmnessed on the Manchester Ex jchange since John Bright was eject- ed for persisting in making a puli- tical addre&s when asked tu desist. narrowly escaped death bs burn- | IMMIGRANTS For 0 ONTARIO ing GREAT COAL STRIKE OFF. New Seoulh Wales Miners Retorn, A i to Work. A deapatch from Sydney, NSW, pny ¢ strike of the northern coal meaers, which has been in.pro- gress amece early in November, was declared off an Friday, tbusemding | buildi the difficulties in the New South Wales coal fields, The southern ninees resumed work Last month.| Thucing the strike,-which affected 12.000 miners, the price of coal jumped from 87 to #16 a ton. The | ae Sailing From. Britain This Month and Next. A despateh from London = says: sailing in March and April are go- ing to Ontario. It is rumored that tae (. P. R. Empress steamers will nse Fishguard as a port, rumor is that the C.-+P. R. intend ing Ago -additional steamers of greater size and speed than the | Empress boats. Sox irae ge a la yf pee aaptis | "The at is in question of higher wages and bet- quarantine at Victoria, B. C., on account of a case of smallpox on board. | eed | --New Jaid,-24 ta ade per teem large percentage of the emigrants Another AN AVALANCHE AT FIELD , Remarkable Bscape of of a Locomotive Crew! in British Columbia. A deqpatch from Vancouver, B. eyes Bo descending avalanche ee a Idcometive | and bro protruding from the vke-shaned embankment 'of snow! ty feet high, extending across the, y to a ¢onsiderab le distance 'tario middlings, $25.60 to 624; Ma. Such a scene has not 'been | nitoba bran, $22; Manitoba shorts,| $23 pure grain mouillie, 841 to $33; mixed mouillie, 827 to B20. Cheese --Westerns, 12', ad 1234c, Butter hoicest creamesy, 2554 to 26c, JU fresh receiptd, 24 to Se. Eggs UNITED STATES MARKETS. _ Buffalo, March (*® -- Wheat -- Spring wheat, steady ;-Nea, | North- ern, catloads store, @1.217,;~"Win- ter, No. 2 red, $1.92; No. 2 white, $1.22, Corn--No, 3 4 yellow, 5a',c; Na, pring. $1.07 to°B1.13. Minneapolis, March 15. --Wheat-- May, $1.13'4; July, $1.84 to $1.. 13h: eash wheat, No. I hated, $1. 44, to 81.1514; No. 1 Northern, @1.13', to 81.14%; No. 2 Northern, B1.11% to 1.12%; No. 3 Northern, $1.077; to 61.10%). Bran--In 100- ly. sacks, 822 to $22.50. Flour -- First patents, 85.40 to $5.60 ;- sec- pi pateafs, 81.20 to $5.40; first clears, $4.25 to $4.45; second clears, $3.10 to 83.40 : --- LIVE STOCK } MAHKETS. Montreal, March 'YS. ~- Choice steers brought $6 to. $6.15 ; fair geod, $5 to $5.50; $4.50 t 95.25. Hogs, . Sows, $9:10 to -$9,25.° Bheep, $4.75; : Tambs, $7. Térunto, March 16. =A tew. steers and heifers sold at $6 25; phoick, batohrors! t ae a R- eens 85.40. Sheep oot tombe anche. 3 the hig leno to $6 ae pi read} ' dv straight: rol-|: ie yellow, 635) : evidently $10.10" to: $10:95: She never spoke | 'or moved afterward. den dotbner| action. Hendrick, who was 50 years old, Teft a large = well knewn: family. HAN GED AT. PRING Ed 'ALBERT. | Joke Mesei Pays. ihe Triple Murder. A despatch from Prince Albert, Sask., says: John Mesci walked to the scaffold on Thursday morning! 'withott a quiver dr the least sign of fear. angman Holmes of eR- gina officiated. Mesc: was in the best of health and said he was ready to die. He weighed 189 pounds, having .gained 40 sin¢e his commit- ment. He murdered his employer an | the latter's wife and mother-in- law at Gull Lake. He killed Mrs. Geo. Thorburn with an axe, He then killed Geo; Thorburn, the hus- band, and Mrs. MoNiver, Mr. Thorburn's mother-in-law, Static hem -POUR MEN BADLY HURT. Fell With a Staging at Ragged . Chutes. Cobalt. ey despatch front t Cova Says: Several men engagéd .at Ragged Chutes, by. the Cobalt Hydraulic Power had a harrow escape from a fatal accident qn Wednes- duy morning. eur foreigners were badly injured, -amd removed to Cobalt hospital, one with a broken Jeg, another With @ broken arm, and all badly cut' about the boat and y. Onty meagre de~ ails are known, but it appears thé}, aoe fell with the staging on which they were working, the" eer eee. been: defective Penalty tor: '| pital. Hes United States. The papermakers employed by 42 to 1340 5| states that joy Stopp@i her heart's, the International Paper Hie nage 'at Saratoga and Niagara Fails, N Y., have gone on strike in sympa- th: with the men at Glen's Falls aad Corinth. GENERAL. ¢ "Fire did considerable damage to the new German battleship Posen. Henry Farman is working on a racing aeroplane which is expected to travel sixty miles an hour. a (. PLR. MAIN LINE BLOCKED, Are Namereus'in the ecky Mountains. A despatch from-Nelson, B. says: The main line of the Snowslides C, numerous, sa siecaes a and all traing ray go round by, the Crow's Nest. On Thursday morning a slide oc- curred at Glacier, seven telegraph poles in length, or over 1,000 feet, and thirty feet deep, and .so_filled with rocks and treet that removal is difficult. General 'Manager| Bury's special. train: is now some- wher in -the menaieinss but it is} entirely cut" "off by" 'shi ~ pyNkuIn "EXPLODED. 3 Prank Frammer Nearly Blown to Pice A "We eak from Sanephver says: Flames from a fire kindled under a stump..im a vacant lot at the inter- section of Victeria and _ Wilson Frank Hammer, "n ing. was-étruck by debris and lit- erally 'dut open; bat not killed. He was brought into the city in a West- mister car and n to the hos- € is forty-two years old | oP 7: "Hints. they home. re Sone. but is ,. BR. | in nok completely blocked by the!" {seen 'WHAT THE MILLINER SAYS. "That the woman wha is losing the youthfal, contours of Ber face and her delicate girlish complexion can 'still wear hats in white and light colorings if she will have the under side of her brim faced with black velvet: That if the under line of the brim at the back, where it joins the hair, is not satisfactory, crush into the pace some maline, preferably ra- ther dark Vi Do not use a The brown maline leaks more i ike a shadow than any 'material, ard for this reason is beet. And this ruling holds good with almost every, shade of hair and almost every coloring of hat, That the woman whose -hair is thir and whose hat wabbles should stuff some -soft tissue paper inside the crown, beneatlr the lining. This seenis to 'steady the hatpin. That the "why lavender hats'are so" ult to wear is be- cause : casts such trying purplish shadéws and makes one wonder eh she abeata jook so de- licate and_ ill, when she is feeling perfectly well. It is an axiom that lavender beneath the chin--in a gown, for instance--may be a most proomsin forehead can. only-be. worn by ote ored pei who: haye tied, it} pa, this season - and th may éasily"be "lwundered: at Let lie-in lukewarm water, rub the soiled spots gently between the palms, rinse to get the soap out then rinse again in a little slightly bived water in which a little cold water starch has been dissolved. Rol! softly in a towel to absorb the superfluous moisture, then pin in- o shape on the dining table or on dfs bed. 'Take 'plenty of pins, stretch the veil gently, putting a}. pin. in each scallop at the bottom Mee every two inches at the- top, Also every two inches at the énds. LTE vill dry, usually in ten minutes. It ia understood, of course, that one is pinning the veil to the table-} cloth or. the bedsp FBO read. That the woman who chooses a hai wisely tries it on before a full length mirror, for many a hat has geod lines when seen on the head perfectly grotesque when seen with the full figure. Wit- ness some of the short women in wide hats that make them look like human mushrooms, or again, some of the tall pre in long, high tur- bans which m them" look i long necked Dott es with high corks That a veil should be worn trig ard tight under the chin and in the buek, or not.at all. A sloppy face geil can spoil the best looking hat. Twist the extra fullness into a knot under the chin and tu in back against the mesh. Then pin the back with the barette-or veil pin. Also pin the veil to the hat in front pnd back and at least twice at each stuart than when the hat must car) ry the color alone. Thus 5 scariot iat requires a scarlet cravat, para- sol, and handbag, a vivid green Aik 1 quires the seme ee , and. sc ek blue soit oe one of the black | grazed the wheels of. as color, but lavender above Mr > Street Car Fender Grared: Wheels eee. A despatch | Bt. . Petersburg says: ane Nie had a -mar- row Pi from "an "accidetis om Tubsday evening while driving te the'dowages's: palace «to visit hia mother. His car proceeded | &-rapid pace Front.a side street in- to the Nevsky ; when sud- denly a swiftly street car appeared, the fender of toh carriage. oh wom AX RATES BURNED. Lighted oil Lamp U Upset Over 'Mrs. Benjamin Steck's Dress. A despatch from Ottawa says: Through the upsetting of a lighted cual oil lamp over her dress, Mrs. Benjamin Stock of Riverdale aven- ue, Ottawa South, was so ba burned on Tuesday evening that she diec shortly afterwards .in- the Gea- eral Hospital. In endeavoring to extinguish the flames Mr. Stock waa severely burned about the arms ani hands, Both are aged people. They lived alone in a small house. _ ATLANTIC LINE. Mr. C. M. Hays Intimates That There Will be None Just Yet. from London says: _. ays,. interviewed on ¥Y! Wednesday, said the Grand Trunk scan ooaiit wait pa the line was: i eh G. T. P. _A despatch Cc. there will be 25 per cent. increase in immigration into Canada during 1910. a DRANK WOOD ALCOHOL. ~ Pound Dead .-Two Indians in Their Camp. A despatch from St. Stephen, N. B., says: There is little danke. that the two Indians who were found dead-in their camp..at Lawrence Station on Wédnesday were ichionk: waids is largely wood alebhol. The: empty bottles were found in camp. ene eee NO REWARD FOR PEARY. Until He Furnishes Further Proof - c - 6 Houst® Naval Committee on Wedn codty O¥ee decided against bestow- ing any on Commarder until Lg the beat 'furnished fur- ther proots that he discovered the Narth Pole. ------ WIPED OUT FAMILY. Searlet Fever' '5 Terrible Devasta- tion in London Home. A despatch from. London, Gnt., aa paws children déad withia ible. oe Stee i te ne terri ton searlet fe- ver has im» family of K. H. Giese, cri a The third death took. place @n,< night. Of five who-we the children hospital, only o8 vat = re- cover. <= BRITISH NAVAL BSTIML Five Lage. Armored - Ships. oh a _ Protected A despatch; from Léiidos gays: | The navy estimates, which hdve just |, been issued, amount to over £40,- ch ate lp is, an" snctraae of 1 thers. will, 'he sti con Teevde _Daitleships, three' Herd Dine. pretdcted' ? CHAEOre ein un ms ed at Po