Dr Williams Pink Pills are good men and women, and growing "and avs; but they cial way. for woman. rT 2 ring. bat Df; Williams' Pink "Pil th-their vee in Sood Aye sher fe ee | ioe are 'not a , boon They help the 'o the woman of le relief and bring tes that lie between Pik Pills fill a woman's hfe with the happiness of health, agens her strength and energy r Ore furction. A woman's pro- tection against oe the i is that E come to her se of hers we, is 'Se to set her blood ight rie once. Pink jet. & course ¢ Dr. right by caktan the Pills occasi ally. Mrs. Eliza Pater Jerome, Que., is one of the many yulortunate sufferers restored .to Eealth by Dr. W acryed Pink Pills. Ske says: "It would be difficult.for = to say how meh I suffered. £ > b daches an Sackechoss my appetite failed and I was away to such an extent that 1 was unable to do house- werk. I was constantly taking medicine, but it did not help me any. ne day a friend urged mé to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and I procured a ccuple of -boxes. By the time these were doned felt some improvement, and thus en- cc vraged I continued the use of the Pills, gaining strength day by cay, until after I had taken six ar seven boxes.~ 1 was again well Gana strong, and I have since con- tinued in the best of health. I can. strongly recommend these Pills to "all weak and ailing women." So , all medicine dealers or by mail at 50'cents a box or six toxes for $2.50, from The Dr. Wil- jams' Medicine Co., Brockville, nt. ----4--_--_------ HOW LONG IS A DAY? If you meet a man, and he casu- ally remarked that he ate vlad ag yesterday you woul r be amazed at his appetite, or ee him for a hardened romancist. But probably the man may be from E pabergent, where they have a day three and a half months in lergth. And on the whole it would ~~ be wise if one should undertake to ' : so much} a day in payment, to imdaretatd > just where the work is to be done, or one might. have to labor 18% hours at Stockholm, if it happened to be the longest day of the year, or all the time from May 2ist to i *July 22nd if in some parts of Nor- In 8t. Petersburg, the long- In Finland there is a 22-hour day. In London and at Bremen the longest day is 16% _ hours ; at Hamburg and Dantzig 17 'bours, and at Washington about 15 hours. ezt 5 hours. a DON'T DRUG CHILDREN, When you give your child a so- ealled "soothing™ medicine you are not curing its sickness. You are merely drugging it into tem- porary insensibility. The so-called socthing medicines contain opiates, and.an overdose may kiJ] the child. When you give little ones Baby's Own Tablets you bave the guaran tee of a government analyst that this medicine is safe. And you have the word of thousands of grateful mothers that this medicine will p'cmptly cure all minor ailments of childhood. Mrs. Alphonse Roy, Scott Junction, Que., says: "My little one was weak and sickly and tsed to cry day and night, but since giving him Baby's Own Tab- ets he has thrived sple odidly, and ig as good- natured an I could wish." Sold by 'all med- cine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Me- icine Co., Brockville, Ont. * * Metis One of the worst enemies that the South African colonists have to combat is tthe brown lpcust of the Kalahari Desert, which periodical- "sends forth devouring swarms settled regions on the 'existence of such an organiza- shows the 'seriousness: of the pne--gives warning that gerat will be required duting the & summer to destroy the in- Nothing, it is thought, evuld ne to combat-the locusts in Sdesert _ stronghold, and at- p minst be concentrated upon our corns is coves bkeder te remove aman © at 'ethers have had? Mave ve they: not had the same kind? Have they not been cured by using Helloway's Corn Cure? Try mot: Ur. Den't join & eave choir Gast ou are prevent. to take your. ot a wheelwright by trade. learefully kept secret. ei two boxe a eren Pille fad 'ihe, "oaly things that a and 1 ¥ too much leorrugations running 'tion ; apparel hite = 3 Beh ch i gold-work '@ multi-cof- Rak holds the inevitable re- ene wide trousers are gath- eréd at the is He into a pair of pa- tent leather 'bo ' Herr. Bebel, Othe leader of the 8 }eGrman Socialists, who récently celebrated his seventieth birthday, Al- though entirely selheducated, he is one of the finest orators and de- bators in the Fatherland; and whenever he addresses the Reich- etag he is certain of having a large}. ana attentive audience. In such esteem is he neld by the Socialists that millions wifl obey his will be- cause they have implicit trust in his integrity. Herr Bebe! neither ri nor smokes, and, besides being a celebrity in the political world, has gained fame as a writ- er The Duke of Connaught possesses gO unique collection of pipes. On}? . }one eccasion an American billion- fire asked him to do him the hon- or of presenting him with one of his treasures, a favor were conferred upon him, he added, he would never smoke another pipe till the day of his death. The Duke wpe @ little amused, but he gave the pipe. Some time after His Royal Highness again met the Am- erican, who assured him that his pipe was the sweetest he had ever smoked. "I'm awfully pleased to hear that," replied the Duke, "be- eause I found, after I hed given you the pipe, it was not one of mine at all.' One of the largest coal-owners in England is the Marquess of Lurdonderry, who has been disput- ing a statement made by the Chan- cellor of the Exchequer about the profits of coal-mining. Practically the whole of his huge income is de- rived from_coal. As a landowner me draws royalties and .wayleaves, and .as raeftlway shareholder te takes his percentage of the cos» of serding the coal from the mines. dinch of the product of his seams - brought . te Lendon ships , to be dischatg- property, and from there to be dis- tributed in carts which bea' his coronet. As a@ matter of fuet, there is no profit in the husinssa of marketing -- of 'which he dots not obtain a There is nde the slightest loss of girlishness in Queen. Alexandra's figure. Walking with, the dowager fempress of Russia;" youthful as a schoolgirl. Her viep| is light, her carriage erect facet her form is lithe and graceful. [ne preservation of youth she far sur- passes Bernhardt, looked up). in this respect°the world over as ao wonderful example . of physica! youth carried into old age, Al#x- andra's face is without a line. Ier cheeks are rounded and almost plump. Her chinsis as smooth us if she were 16. She attributes her} perfection. of complexion toa cold: cream, the preparation of which is any titnes she hus been inclined to give tne preparation to the women of the fashidnable world, but.so.far che bas contented herself with doing «mul only enough for a few inti nate women friends. only Royal doctor in the world is Duke Karl Theodoce of Bavaria, who is celebrating his! seventeenth birthday. tended for the army, but being fas cinated by the study of medicine he abandonedmilitary life for the hes- pital ward. He devoted aime f} particularly to studying diseases of | the eye, and soon became one of | tne most stecessful oculists of the} day. About two years ago he per formed, with the assistance of |.is w.fe, his five-thousandth operation | for cataract. The Duke makes no charge fur attending poor people and only .asks*payment from thoce 5| who can easily afferd it. His fame! has spread all ove Europe, and) th: demands for his assistance are xo numerous that he has been: obliged to erect a large ho pital: at Tegernsee, where he visits pau ents. CURED HER KIDNEYS. only ey after taking woman. and Rent va ecmees and ful pain in tie nh rheuma Chemical «| are? saan, box, 6 for : pata Dr (Dept. W.L), Toro aonseat size at dea -_- --~r-- ---- STEEL' BARRELS. Not all barrels are mace wood: there are barrels uiade of! A -eteeh barrel that comes ny in impor< tation' of? aniline dye. in powder form, ig made with a flat band of the metal, perhaps eight inches = width, arewod the Iniddle, -at bulge of the barrel, while the awe ends of the barrel, tapering from the middle section to the heads, in the ordinary barre!' fashion, are made of corrugated steel with the lengthy ise. 600 or 700 but the steel ' carries its The dye stuff is heavy, : s to the barrel ; He was :n-/ It: tiway ; Amongst tourists the glories of the | Mrs. John Pettigrew. of Central Econ © omy, N.Siyv.wak practically hetpless from rheumotiem. She could net stoop. and her Jimbe ached ao that it was torture for her to be up 2B aroun + Mrs. Pettigre pu 'T was all crippled up. I San din. Pills advertised of | Sa sce wap "30 ter Women in the West from pains cal times in a woman's life, Mrs. Arsene Vinet of this place has giv- en the following statement for publ*cation :--- me, have brought up a large fam- y and have always enjoyed g wait until the last two years. I am fifty-four years of age and at the critical time of life that comes to every woman, I had pains in my right hip and shoulder. 1 could nit lie down two minutes at a time without suffering the greatest ag- ony. Sometimes I awnkened with a feeling as if one had laid a piece of ice on my head. Another time it would be a burning pain under the left shoulder. "TJ took many medicines but could get no relief, till reading of cures of -- cases to my own by 'd's Kidney Pills, led me to try them. They did wonders for me. "T want all women to know what Dodd's Kidney Pills did for me." od Pills. cure the woman who has is safeguarded against nine-tenths of the suffering that makes life a burden to the wo- men of Canada. a SOUDAN RAT'S FOOD. During the season of drouth the arid parts of the Soudan jeiboa (a small jumping rat), lives | entirely on preserved melons. He! under it, so that it sinks below the level of the ground. The wind soon covers it, and the melon is thus preserved until the jerboa is ready to eat it. One jerboa will bury 40 melons in a season. --------_4.--__--_---- G00D NEWS FOR THE DEAF. A celebrated -- York Aurist has been selected to.demonstrate to. deaf people that deafness: is a Cisease and can be _ rapidly and "easily cured in your own home. ve; this fact | trea iverd G West ee ay third Kerk City, and w ' m that they will pen dies by re- ite mail, absolutely free, a "Trial Treatment." A REMINDER. Querierly--"Did you enjoy your voyage around Cape Horn{"' Lukbacher--"No; it reminded me : too much of one cf my boyhood | days Querierly--" One hood days?' Lukbacher--"Yes, the day when I smokéd my first cigar. of your boy- a MONTREAL AND QUEBEC. A yeritable edition de luxe among railroad pamphlets hag been issued by the Grand Trunk System to proclaim | cities of Montreal and Quebec. The i Lrochure is beautifully printed and generally aftranged in the artistic stvle of earlier days, when the or- namentation of a volume was re- garded as an important incident to _its presentation of reading matter. It gives an interesting descriptio: of the two most intéresting cities | in Canada, with many illustrations froin photographs. Sent = 4 'a y address. Apply to Mr. J. McDonald, District peo 'cent, Union Station, Toronto, i Cnt. ee eee "I have discovered a great labor- | Saving device.' always said you were a genius. What is it?" am going to marry Miss Bullion, ' the heiress.' . | The healthy glow disappearing | from the cheek and moaning and restlessness at night are sure symp- toms of worms in children. Do not fail to get a bottle of Mother Craves' Worm gaa | it is an effectual medicine EASY SCHEME. Gunner--"Every time he comes hee my house ona rainy day he nts to borrow an umbrella. Con- \r fe ae that man, -T-hope I never see iim again. Guyer--"Oh, that's easy. er J ust St. George, (£pecial).--Hoping to save her -sis-| -- and aches 'which come 'at the criti- } engi bites off the melon just as it is! for. ean 8 'and co ripe and digs away 'the sand from | cine obtaina The World is : Full 'of Pain.--The bee mag See edical Need Supplied.--When a: te found that not only 'acts. spon stomach, but is 50 er that certain 'ingredien to find action in the bow- a? Sal there is available a pur- ve and a cleanser of great, ef- Pi tivontte: Parmelee's Vegetable Fills are of this character and are best of all pills. During the years that they have been in use they aches and peek 2 that afflict human-|}-ave- established themselves as' no ity are mstant, arisifig ic, other pill has 'done. from a mGiheale of indistinguish- able causes, but in the main owing gligence i to of -his lertric Oil was the outcome of & universal ery for some specific which would speedily relieve pain, ard it has filled its mission to a re- markable degree, Teacher--"Jobnnie, wheve" is the Scuth Pole??? Johnnie--"Dunno." Teacher--"You don't know afterall |. my teaching?' | Johnnie--'*No. If Shackleton can't find it there! $.no use of my trying."? _|¢ipally 'because Minard's -- ts oe. mn enta,--I ha' evs ENE t in my family and aleo in' pea stables sider, it the medi ours truly, ours UOLFRED ROCHA Proprietor Rosthe Pond Hotel and Livery es. a Bones--"Who w. ie greatest finangier ever Euown? - Exchange --'Noal; because he floated his stock when the whole world was in liquidation." preset win. ell You ; E>) . Weak es "a t fitart,- | wa Pe easiiand eselving the publie is . tise i weit Enown "the, eects later ng. ob are doin, .D De 2 a Se " ee ae Blinks --You don't.mean to say you've found a sure way to make money at the races#' Jinks-- "Sure as. aE, _I never fail." Blirks--"My ! you buy tips?" Tinke--"No I sell them The change an diatacy that -- with spring and summér effect in weak stomachs of eetting up inflammation, resulting in dy- sentery and cholera morbus. The abnormal condition will continue if net attended to and will cause an exhaustive drain. on the system. Tie best available medicine is Dr- J. D. Kellogg's Dysentery Cordial. It clears the stomach and bowels of irritants, counteracts the inflam- mation and restores the organs to tealthy action. Aa'a gentle hint to the mercury in the thermometer, there is plen- ty of room at the top. Minard's Lintment 'Lumberman's Friend. FREEBOM IN CHINA. Imperial Deeree will Emancipate Millions, of Slaves, The Chinese Government by im- perial rescript has abolished slay- ery throughout"the empire and has Pp h°the purchase a sale of human beings' under any pretext. The reform, however, is not altogether complete, as by thie reseript certain forms of ng ery will still be tol report made to ba Depart ment it is stated thatithe retainers of Manchu princes not emanm cipated, but it is fo to call them slaves. tag have aged ea cyed 'educationa Kpet, sions» al baund to Mheif reditary mas oe household rane of the Mah- thum-are also not emancipated, but SMALLEST HUD HUMAN RACE. The inhabitants of the Andaman 'Tsiands are the smallest race of own human beings--that is, tak- full-grown Andaman islander sel- cm exceeds three and a half feet, and few weigh over sixty-five pounds. They are said to be mar- ary endurance. ler. who visit the islands edntact with the dwarfs as far as possible, partially on account of their extreme filthiness, but prin- of their warlike disposition and their handiness with poisoned spears. DEAF, * LISTEN! ! You have used Horns, Trumpets and other Mechanical Dewices in tie hope of being able to hear, but always found the expected satis- faction was spelled "Disappoint- ment.' If you write to Ernest Pratt, 468 Yonge Street, Toronto, yo will learn some good news. Do it to-day--better still--do it now! 'Better late than never" is poor consolation when you miss the last train A LONC gr pl OF SUCCESS in cur- ing all cates cuts, burns and bruises, by sS ae ff 'powel complaints, is Poecr' ain il ep years. Av tu there is but oa "Painkiller"-- lecture to-night!" one. "Yes," returned the other. "Take my advice and don't. hear he is an awful bore." must go," said the other. Barkins."' nerves. If allowed to persist, nerv- ous debility, a dangerous ailment, puny ensue. getable Pills. ing nervous disorders, vices under his virtues. Ask for Minard's and take no ether. Prosecuting Attorney og)--'Your honor, the the court Bible!" oar Ga man, are you. mar- en on an average. The height of al. The two men 'talked for a time in in: "Are you going to hear said Pills for Siston Troubles.--The stomach is the centre of the nerv- ous system, and when the stomach suspends healthy action the result is manifest in disturbances of the The first consideration s to restore the stomach to proper etic, and there is no readier re- redy for this than Parmelee's Ve- Thousands can at- test the virtue of these pills in cur- A man always tries to conceal his (Frozen Dog) sheriff's bull pup has gone and chawed up Judge--"Well, | make the witness kiss the bull pup, then. We can't adjourn court for a week just to hunt up a4 new Bible Piano Action te Your Hearing ( Good § ta ane en sod, or ree soistia Whey sors for a 'jonas Home Triat. ge BRAND ELECTRO OZONE LimITED, "238 Spaging Avenua, T t DAY a moHLER, 115 King .¢*. w. -- Toronto. Flies on Your Stock | DECREASE THE MILK YIELD. . COOPER'S A GREAT DEMAND FOR PAPER STOCK WASTE PAPER OF ALL GRADES. Also Rage, Iron, Metals, Rubbers, Ete. E. PULLAN, Adelaide and Maes Site Phone for particulars. Main &* = will keep cows free from Mies at a cost of less than one cent a day. $1.75 GALLON .tcK, Ask your Mardware Deater, or WM. COOPER & NEPHEWS TORONTO. : Tt ts for you, because it is you who wants it good. You know it eosts more to put om poor paint house should be painted with good paints, with AMSAY'S PAINTS to keep it Jooking' bright and clean for too much but just' right for right paint. painting, * for-copy of our Booklet "W" free., _A. RAMSAY & SON CO., " Established 4 The Paint Makers, Montreal. 'Sick Headaches are fot Caused by an ything wrong fn the need. p put oa, Tconee! a i ree drug, safe and sure. When you" - the headache coming take Dr. Morse's 4 status under the law is im- wee 7 yoare to be regarded Bs nts, but their servi lend him the umbrella." - F DODDS -KIDNEY PILLS 1 indten Root Pills ed THE 'ROYAL' LINE TO EUROPE SAILING From Montreal and Quebec to Bristol TRIPLE TURB:NI EXPRESS STEAMSHIPS Royal Edward »- Royal George Triple Screws, Murconi Wireless, Dsep Sea 'Telephoues, Passenger Elevators, 6 Passenger Decks, 12,000 tons. ° . ' SAILINGS | FROM BRISTOL STEAMER FROM MONTREAL 'Thursday, May 26--Royal George Thursday, june 9 " June 9---Royal Edward june 23 = June 23--Royal Geerge " july 7 " july 7--Royal Edward "s duly 24 ry July 2+--Rayal George sis Aug. 4 an ug. 4--Royal Edward "a Aug. 18 ano FORTNIGHTLY THEREAFTER _ The twin sh paake the * *Roval Edw ard' and the Royal Geo gy" are the fastest triple screw ture bing beals in the 'Canadian service. The British portis Bristol (two hours nearer chan Liverpool). Special trains alongside steamers within 110 min- i The steamers are driven by the : poo of turbine engines, insuring a maxi- of peed and minimum of vibration. Their tis the finest ever seen in the St. Law- Large «staterooms, spacious social apart- decks, artiétic furnish. jRS, perfect service, and ventilation by thermo. seem aryiei tbe fresh air being warmed or cooled as required. For full particulars, rates; booklets, schedule of sailings, etc., apply any steamship agent, or write to. H. ©, BOURLIER, Gen Agent Canadian Northern S , Limited, Toronto, Canada; or vg ote Acting General F Big oie Montreal ; Best Appointed] . Steamers. Stapleton, General pao than to put on good paint. Your i ~ ' ' =e 2 i ae i. - ny Pee ae Sal me <i * ae