For the Seo; ; aie "for a ae and Japan. For 'berths and tickets* call. on J. LIVINGSTONE, mais ah tig Town Agent C. P. Ri) J. W. Scott & Son, BANKERS, ESTABLISHED 1872. Qoweral Banking Business transacted. DRAFTS BOUGHT and SOLD, Payable in all pests of the DOMINION, UNITED STATES and CREAT BRITAIN AOTES DISCOUNTED. DEPOSITS ne vurrent rate of interest allow A large amount of private meu to lend curity at current rates, ith privilege of re-paying annually. Marriage Licenses Issued. ]. W. Scatr & Son, Listowel. TOWN COUNCIL --o~ -A Lot of Important Business Dealt With, --eo-- the regu nuenees was transacted at sen ayor Hay occupied the chair an@ business was transacted with orderliness and despatch with an spire absence of acrimon- ious debat gon 2 minuies were duly read and firme letter was read f C. Tabberner, Sec of 'the Water and Light Committee with copies of two resolutions asking water maing on Elma Street, from bo uate Street east, about accounts "The following were poo allege cer, for » $30.00; J. 0; R. Ross. $3. 25, board of works 60c: J. A. Me Intyre, liv- ery, $4.00; R. T. Kemp & Son. coal Mrs. Harvey, $3.65: J .A. Tremain, teaming, $16.80; John Keeso, lum- Louis | _ divery, ning, blacksmith ac., $2.50; Tremain, teaming at pumping sta- tion, $16.80: Bamford Bros., $51.20; Fred Howes, $7.00, $12.88, fire, wats er and light, $1.20; Tremaino. watering streets, $26.35; John Gew, F. Howes, tile, $4.20; hy Mary Ann Porteous to London, 8.7 The Treasurer's statement for May was read, as follows: Bal. due bank, May 1st, $12,237.: 52; paid for 3834.93 * paid re electric light construc'ion, $1,162.77; public school, $400.00; other acoowhts, $363.12; to- Receipts were: C. Tabberner, arrears of taxes, $83.- 7: F. Vandrick, sale of tables, . F. Phillips, reels return~ 9 $8.31; dog show, per i Morphy, $5.00; hall rent, per Kibler, $3.00; total, $101.18. ance due bank, $15,897.17. The following statement of the debt of the town was submitted to F. Bal- on the first day of January last as follows: waterworks $33,901,23 For Electric Light 15,894.15 For Piand Co, Loan 24,203.10 For Foraitng Co 6,445.00 For Chair 6,905.00 For Suse be entures 933.34 For er idened debt 83,532.62 , $180,814.44 A letter was read from the Southampton Board of Trado cursion poin' The ceri suhaitted some cor- respondence between himself and the American Pad & Textile Co, 4 Port Arehur, Fort be. the making direct.connection a ais .and that the | pageant f. the to pecceuioen: ts 3 6 'ollowing accoun' 4+ Jae. nae watering vite to sray-s0th, ;. Bamford Bros., "| contract shed eg $40.00: K. . accoun ey Chimie, sprinking 'BL. Ado ae account stre wre wate ing hydrants, ars sons wens work at power Howes, lh nage at power ae oem of the tobe 'Rngine > $61, we there is a te ity for at least part, if mot all the claim an end commit- = be authorized to compromise n the amount, if possible; as to tne claim of = Kilmer, Pul- len and we do no see that there rs 'any ability un- er their postrent. All of which is respectful toa Ww. mie. F The report on ---- was ad- opted, A, motification was read from J. a lawyer in London, construi tract, and La gee cag i took his account for contract and ---- Moved by Mesars. W. Climi J. A. Hacking that the Fire, Water and Light committee be authorized to employ a competent construc- tion 'man at least possible cost to check over the pole line equipment as to wire and material on line, Carrie A ecaiiey report was presented by the special committee on telephones, the purp2tcf which was not favorable to granting the Bell Telephone Co. a re- newal of its franchise without securing a quid pro guo, the committee -- that the:Bell.Co, pay a certain yearly for a franchise and the Son ow pay such 'phones as it n A motion was passed ay Bell wees: ecapunt of top y . Kibler and ieee we pay the by Messrs Morphy, tullbwing accounts as read; James 'tremain, $16.80; Wm. Spencer,$3.30 Surried. rag by Messrs. J. McKeever d A. W. Featherstone, that the be paid, aslo account oe Lennan for $30.00; Carried. Account of Munictvel' World for $8.05 was on motion ordered and Licenses. Your committee on by-laws and licenses repor the receipt and payment to Treasurer of 00 license fee, dog and pony show, that aomn Municipal World $8.05 be paid Also that Sproat and Chesney have pecatven govern ment license to operate moving picture "show good till Ma * 1911. This license appears to be at --_ low a figure, viz., $15 pe ye H. B. Morphy, Chairman. On 'motion the report was adopt- - o-- ty J. A. Hacking, sec- onded by A, W. Featherstone, that this council would respectfully urge upon the government th necessity of proceeding at once bic the erection of post office ud customs office, as the present citices are entirely inadequate to the requirements of ihe town,and that a copy of this resolution be sent to the Minister of Public Works and to Dr. Rankin, Domin- ion member.--Carried. Several appications were re- ceived for the vacant position of constable, but to give other appli- ecants a chance to ap for -- position and give the council tim to investigate the applications ns hand the following motion as passed: Moved py W. Climie, seconded by A. W eatherstoae. that the application fay constable be referrea t6é by-laws and == h- same and that may come in and report next meeting. Moved by W. Climie, seconded by H. B. ed tel ool that omic account of J. A. re Good Roads AE Nag $2.06, be --Car- ied. ried. ere by H. B. Morphy, seconda- g. A. McKeever, that the courting be a look-out commit- tee to secure industries pursuant to the suggestion of the Mayor in his inaugural address: H. B. Mor- phy, J. A. Hacki.g, Jno. McKeev- er.--Carried. Moved b by Jno. amount Climie, seconded inekcever that the votes the Victoria be paid and that' Finance issue his same.--Carri as received Gem the i the Children's» Aid Society ie the a aa iggeesy of a officer Dob: fp delay. law pro ting young 4 egos 'pool rooms be The Mayor read the correspond- ence between and the t, boys under 1 age et brags Ped ie enforced. well (eee eS ot rare books bi Sim's cial train will leave the a 'o There are three races on = program for each day. Jun a there "vill be: t. 220 Pace or 2.16 Tro "4 Farias Pace or Trot. minion Day the eS a is bey 2.25 program: 2.19 T and Trot. Free-for-all, and Trot. A QUAINT CUSTOM. Passing of Winter Marked by Burnirp of the Boegg. uaint a in rush a op the memory of an affals that must date a to L fasonnie times But every year for Ing of such a 'festival called the "Burn e gg,' which traditional ks the "Passing of Winter." |i "Sechselauten, -- asaning "six o'clock ringing. feast,' commencement is an sounded by the cathedral chimes si that early hour. The festival this year began with a procession of boys and girls toward the hel public square. The b ierrots, dragged the car on which the portly toy snow pine stood. The pierrots were follswed b knights in armor, members of ts ious guilds in their picturesque cos tumes, cow herders, fishérmen, clown: pa others, a a as a huge covered with pt wool, and "atutfed bes crack ers and gun powder. @ processicn wound through the etree on gither side of the river its way to the a he figure, lematic of spring followed-and was greeted with the welcoming cheers of fhe throngs gath- ered to witness the ceremony. ens in sppropriate costumes escorted. the triumphal car bearing the God- dess of Spring The procession ending its march the Boegg was placed on an immensv pile of wood. An intermizsion in the commen occurred for lunch. In he afternoon a more important pond ey and function tuok place. The ay guilds, in quaint attire, formed n line, each member the comtmne of his craft, as in the medie- those the Ceres, and the Goddess of Har- vest. The citizens played practical al on each other during the day. yhen the procession reach the square the throng was immense. Near stood several men, ready, at the prearranged signal, on the --_ of six o'clock, to blow up the figure after it had been set on fire When the sound of the : ee was heard the people cheered, for it was an intimation that winter' 8 reign was ames up and were re- flected on the placid surface of the lake, where, from the innumerabla boats, oo . ale to the liveli- ness of t The iid hesees; of which Zurich bas many handsome exam me were thrown open to visitors, and the even- ing was devoted entirely to dancing and barfqueting. Then the celebrants retired, cet aia morning to resume their usual b Would Run No Risks. Mrs. Crestfield's telephone bell rang the other evening, and, putting the Br ear, she heard the ci said -- oice, "isn't va -- Ann mae fee "How ful!" 'was 'tbe response. "Is she in the i" "Of course," replied the voice. "y r e Crestfield, "I must ask the receiver at once. children of my own, you know, and diphtheria is so contagious! I don't want to seem unsympathetic, but I will not run any risks!'--New York Times. Lord Morley as a Waltzer. Like Lord Morley, Sir Charles is a scholar as well asa polit ' d les rapier while the late Lady- known 8&6, an such a with "ares ly "ppecial 'train service sis el re. c "4 ar- ranged for Dominion D me = Gran co Trunk station for Stratford about} lock in the smel. ; 350 Pacé br cherr bs 9.35 Paca or Trot or Free-for-all Be and made } 0 jen, it forms eb aye gk the" body fe i he mi ; : hardest element to of, and a=, ie bécome atom of nitrogen, so et and a less, combined with another atom of though there is #o mush alt" poi us, the wee - , lowly starving to death for lack mals must have it in ro oanined form, and it must be giveri-to the soil, if we want waegt, snd corn, and other Man hassgone there after this ay thi if it does not and no yee? natural deposit is found, or mo o of fixing the nitroge' n= 8 ihe. "air ring soluble form so that upon it, all earth life though it lor hundreds of years.. The-time is surely coming when our descendants shall suffer from a nitrogen mn famine, although liv- ing in a sea of, it... ven t6-day..we are feeling 1 and the countless abandoned farms a New England are silently eloouent of the nitrogen that ee irs rag but is now theirs no- ly, nitrogen ueer iene! 4 sand it beheo es gas so abundant; and yet so obtain in the form, needed Ww plants. a ete In 'Three Nations. nglishman loves liberty as he awful wife. not "Cat he-knows how oe de- berty lentes fend her. like an sthanoad bride. He et com- <p a---- wae Drown. All" Sounds. _) sr aco Rpertanent hocee a iid be ruined," said the sitet is Sak roms Dot we as" nattin's," d the Hie man f in: itd Spor ret et cap. it | of the political +f attempt to avert a constitutional crisis. "| of South Oxford -- court | bas been sued Wellington for Fes ~ Jackson induc- ~} wheat _| that they should share. losses and pro-. Birg. Beode. haw al called 9 conference leaders: in Britain in an ids B: Jackson, trades ato pe i ed Guthrie duis the money into 's Chicago on the agreement and 5 giveD Gathrio for. the 'fall pete a the claim with interest. - SST OW EL M2 E FE FS, Jwe 1, BORN. SUTHERLAND--In Listowel, on Lage iY June 7th, 1910, to Mr. and Mrs. Alex Suther! , & son. i heey 7th, 19 eg Mr. Kidd, a on Tuesday, June and Mrs. Garbutt MARRIED. --OS BRIDGEFO Marks.---On afternoon, June l» 1910, iv. J. W. Mann, Mr. rold Bridgeford and Miss Alma Marks, both of - merston, were united in marriage. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over fifty pi mil- Sf ¢ ee ect success. lions of mothers for 8 all pain ; cures wind colic, and i is at remedy for diarrhoea. nd re nn = or a ay "* an take eee wepty Bye po a bottle. POSITION VACANT. - We are desirous of 'appointin za Local Lady Agent Here. Address SMITH COMPANY, P. 0.: Box 587, Johns, P. Q. LISTOWEL BAZAAR NEWS. Cur Complete 'Lines of Heusehoid Goeds are at Your Disposal. The following are a score of the sterl- jpg values offered : Large Granite Kettles and Sauce, Pans, handy size Fry Pans, strong tin Dish Pans, bardwool Towel Rollers, heavy tin Pails, granite Wash Basins, handy Sleeve Boards, glass Butter Dishes, strong round Vegotable Dishes, Scrub Brushes; China Fruit Dishes, well filled Stove Brushes, Coffee Canisters, Milk Pitchers, dainty Cake Plates, Wash Boards, Mop Sticks, Mirrors, good qual- ity Clothes Brushes, China Cups and Saucers E ACH 15 CTS. Apply the "Acid Test" to These ¥alues. JOHN L. SCOTT. The Champion Clydesdale Stallion, ee yor tr (3021). Imported by T. pee, Ont. Tn fed SSYSSSSSSEesSlSSSSGE ne Fe Gitcame Mey 3 $1 and Jone 14 5 x vid 'in- 'Saria eee risth. B00 May a natural wood. painted oilcloth ae Sy are in good. order. but sim: d Iustreless a 2 ee canis clear "Lacqueret."' -- | --"L ACQUERET"' is sold ln fll Imperial measre packages only For Sale by J. SEBURGER, Listowel Peeve CCOe | ooo orr? 544444446666 6664 i VERY SELECT. We have just received another shipment of very select Suitings, bought away below their value. Pre erre rene eee we . el You may have the bene- fit of this exceptional val- ue by placing your order. 44444444 + Suits to measure $14 and upwards. 04454 -b65456060+4 DEPP PS SESE PS OPC TTT TTT TTY JENK I N Ss, TAILOR and -- FURNISHER. bid dS bd DD bb DDD DDD ODS SD ae id ' ppb tbs sts 4tss 4444445644 +++46464646446464646464 Terry 4p o> id I CASH FOR WOOL I! The Listowel Woollen Mills claim they will pay the Highest Price, Cash or Trade. Having an extra large stock in all kinds of Woollen Goods, Blankets, Sheeting, Tweeds, Flan- nels, Yarns, Flannelettes, Shirts, Ladies' and fen s Underwear, Stockings, Sox, etc. Ready-made Clothing Having decided to sell Blankets at wholesale price, now is your opportunity' to put in your stock of Blankets, also allow 2c. extra in trade. B. F. BROOK & SON. Threshing Outfit For Sale. + : White ine and !aeparaton, with blow- : gs class sh er; in : mes byl. bs be pe heap for quic' 'ale C 5 W. Muise's, .; 1st con, oes borough. 'Teaiee URSE & FAULKNER. - ean cure the worst case of Rupturz from in- fancy to old age, withovt operations or loss of time. Act at Once and remove the daily dan- ger of strangulation. Fill in coupon and send to | Roun Trip Summer Tour- Ast Tickets at Low Rates JUNE 1ST TO SEPTEMBER 20TH To Portiand and Astoria, Ore.; Sean | "wt "Return es Oct. 31, IgTO. -Homeseekers' Excursions TO WESTERN CANADA 'ed. S. SM ITH, * 88 Caledonia St. Dept. Z. Seravford, Ont. Naine... Addréss....... sopepennesinenns On bat i Re : _Stcore hata and fll information|