Listowel Standard, 16 Jun 1911, p. 4

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meer BICYCLES - CHEAP THIS MONTH U. A. HACKING. ListowelStandard FRIDAY, JUNE 16, 1911. _ NORTH PERTH'S CANDIDATES, --O-- (London Free Press.) The Conservatives of North Perth this week chose H.B. Morphy, %. C., of Listowel, and James Torrance, M. P. P., of Milverton, an their candidates 'for the Dominion and local contests, re- spectively. Mr. Torrance has alroady achieved a reputation at Toronto, and in in the opinion of his fellow-citizens. North Perth is typical of a certain class of ridings, particularly in Ontario, where a city or large town joined with townebips surrounding it has to agree on Though it shonld not be so, the average city man has the idea that he should be repres- ented by a city man. The er has a similar idea with respect to his ideal candidate. To bring about a satisfactory The choice should be satisfactory to both classes. Mr. Morphy has been in touch with the farmers of hia riding for many years, is almost as well known in Stratford as in his home town, Listowel, and the fact that Stratford has for so long monopoli- zed the representation makes this a very fitting time for recognizing the claims of the northern part of the riding. Ag far question of his ability to fittingly repre- sent his riding- That his constituents are solid for him was plainly in evidence at ob Milverton on Tuesday when they gave him an ovation. 8 nservative party in North Perth do well to be prepared for the contest. The uncertainty of the out look makes it possible that an election announcement may come at any time. With their men in - field a ae basher pag in the > provisoal, con- " teat and brightest prospects of r ing the federal seat. TROUBLES OF THE PREMIER. ---e-- Ottawa, June 8.--Certainly the poli- tical situation in Canada has seldom been so disturbed as it is at present. [es begin with no Canadian Premier has er been so criticized in England as ey Sir Wilfrid Laurier on the occasion of his present visit. The British press has discovered the suave Canadian Pre- mier and the name which one newspa- per has given him "Mr. Facing-both- ear , will stick to him as long as he lives. When it waa discovered that the Premier was io trouble in England ow. ing to the fact that be did not under- stand the effect of the reciprocity a- greement, and could not explain its terms, and when it was learned that he had called for Mr. Fielding to come over aap help him, there was the usual official denial and expostula- tion. "tt was given out that Mr. Field. ing had gone to Earope for o rest. It was a mighty rush fora man going to take arest. Most folk rest in some other fashion. And it is possible to reat in Canada. That the Government has Prepared its plans fora sudden appeal to the people shows anything may bo expected at any moment. The voters' lista are now being printed at the Gov- ernment Printing Bureau. Men are working night and day, and the lists will be ready in two months. HYDRO-ELECTRIC FOR NORTH- ERN TOWN -- Mecting of Municipalities to Make Ar- rangements for Supply of Niagara Power, ---o-- Harriston, June 9.--A mecting was held in Carnegie Hall here yesterday afternoon and evening looking towards the advent of the Hydro-Eleotric into Harristop and surrounding towns and villages. Listowel was represented by Mayor Hay, Hanover by Mr. Ball of OWEN SOUND STORM! © who will be acceptable to SWEPT. Fs ---- One Man Killed by Lightning, Two Others Stunned. CYCLONE CAUSES GREAT LOSS, Lad is Killed With Teast of Horses yy Near 'Woodstec 5 Owen Sound, Jane 12 .--John Murphy two men were about 60 feet away from him when the bolt descended, After killing Murphy, the electrical fluid shot along the rails to where the other two men were standing, Both were stunned and thrown to the ground. All three are well known residents of the town. Murphy was o married tnan and leaves a family, Owen "Sound was the centre of a curious phenomenon. Two cyclones, one travelling from the east and one from the west, appearing to moet. A heavy rain for a few minutes turned to hail, which beating down with great violence, wrecked thousands of windows in town, and Jifted roofson a nom of barns in the vicinity, In the county jail 150 windows were broken and in the chair factory no fewer than 600 Crops in the neighborhood were badly damaged, HOY AND TEAM KILLED. Woodstock, June 12.--In' a terrific electric storm which passed .over here Friday night, Maxwell Redmond of Blandford, was struck and killed, to- gether with two horses be was driving. The boy, fourteen years old, had just gone to the field driving three horses drawing a manure spreader when the storm broke and people noticed the horses stop. On going to investigate, the boy's father, Robert Redmond, found the lad and two of the borses dead, and the other horse badly burned. Thomas Bell, a farmer of Eastwood, was also struck and severely injured while working in the field. He was unconscious for some hours, but is now recovering. DAMAGE IN LONDON. Lo Ont., June 12.--Lightning strack in several places during a storm which centered over this city about six o'clock yesterday Beersiirin but no person was injured. clock on the customs house was shattered and the roof of Bishop Cronyn Memorial Charch dam- In the neighborhood of Ponsonaby, on the Elora road, and nine or ten miles from Guelph, lightning killed three valnable horses belonging to Mr. Joseph Hall. The horses were pasturiog in close to the house, the same neigh- borhood the new barn of Mr, Tim- othySollivan was unroofed by the wind. Fences in the path of the storm were leveled and rails thrown in all direc- tions. : C. PR. READY-MADE FARMS. eo Contract Let for 99 More in Bow Yal- ley, Alberta, The Strathmore, Alberta, Standard ssys: The contract for 99 more ready- made farms in the Bow Valley has bean let by the C. P. R. Messrs. Hayden and Skene, Strathmore and Calgary. The location of these farms ia as fol- lows : 14 sets two miles east of Strath- more, to be known as the Namaka Cul. ony ; 25 sets 6 miles from the present Nightingale Colony,9 miles from Strath. wore ; 30 seta near Bassano. The work is to be completed by October Jlst of this year, and the cost will be in the neighborhood of $125,000, The build. iogs on these farms will furnish employ- ment to 200 men. Strathmore people will be glad to nee that a local firm has secured this oon- tract, The same firm are executing a contract for the C.P.R. at present build. ing 6 Swiss Village near Golden, B. C., and they ~--" also a oontract of the Bassano The Nemaki Colony will be the third to be built within a nine-mile radius of Strathmore, there being one at Nightin- gale, ¥ miles north, and one at Cairnhili, 5 miles south. There sre also Colonies at Crossfield, and Irricana, in the Irriga- tion district, and at Sedgewick, in Cen- tral Albera. THREE MEN HURT IN ELMA, --o-- Scaffold Fell and They Dropped T wen- ty Feet to the Floor. Milverton, June 12, --This morning about 10 o'clock, as a gang of men were putting the roof on the bern belonging Mr, Wm. Coxon of Elma, near hero, which was blown off by yesterday's storm, a scaffoldon which they stood rather serious injuries. Andrew Inch. anan sustained a compound fracture of the ankle; Frank Kerr received a deep sealp wound, snd sustained injuries to his spine, so serious that he is unable to walk ; Herb Doering, who fell witb his stomach acrosa 6 scantling, received se- vere internal injuries, but how serious is pot known. Foor others with a few scratches and bruises. Drs. er and Tye of Milverton were tele-- lading | phoned for and went to the scene of the aecident with all haste aca d ded. injuries of the woun sof | CANADIAN TROOPS RECEIVE WARM WELCOME, oA Lord of Liv and Civic Mparty Meet Coatiogeat --o-- London, June ato Empress of pay five whole cents a 66 pound lesa!" "No, honey! You only think you do. é Just order come DD Red Rose and notice how much further it goes!" 1 NEVER SOLD IN BULK BIG FIRE AT ORANGEVILLE. --O-- Hondall Novelty Foraltore Factory Destroyed. -- Orangeville, Jane 9.-- The three- storey brick factory of the Hundall Novelty Fornitare Co. was destroyed by fire this morning. The loss will amonnt to $60,000, The insurance amounts to #50,000, part of which is held in the Waterloo Mutual. The fire is sup to have originated in the boiler room ie only the dry kilo es- capetl destruction. About forty men will be throwa out of employment. NEW YORK IN STORM'S GRIP. -- Several Deaths Reported and Million Dollar Damage Done. ---- New York, June 12.--New York City and its immodiate vicinity bave beun experiencing torrential storms for the past two days with intermittent thun- der and lightning and the same weath- er may continuo to-day. The storm has interfered with telegraphic communica- tion to Canada, which was only partly restored to-day. Five persons have been killed, and five sre missing. One million dollars damage to property has been reported. The tax rate for Wellington County this year lias been fixed at threo mills on the dollar, the highest rate the county hes had to pay for the last thirty years. This is due tu the in- cost of county roads and build- ings, to the construction of the now jailand jailer"s residence, and to the high expenditure on education. The Department of Pablic Works' statement, just issued, gives the Ontario railway mileage as nine thousand and eighteen miles, Thero were three poe dred and fifty-seven miles built year. There are also 722 Hg of electric railway. ; The Toronto Methodist Conference voted in favor of Church onion. The vote was 241 to 46. A vigorous three days debate preceded the taking of the vote. "Oo The first report of bar receipts shows that the revenue for the Province will be b envy. Sheriff Reynolds of Goderich has de- cided to exclude the press from the hanging of Ed. Jardine, Col. Fred. White, Comptroller of the N. W. Mounted Police, is to be superan- uated after 45 years' service, Dr, McLaren uttered a warning at the General Assembly regarding the growth of Mormonism in Canada e storm was very destructive throughout Ontario. Several buildings were wrecked, barns burned and stock killed by lightning. Flossie Whitmore, a Kingston girl " sixteen, took ison cause #soreon told her that her soldier beau was a married man, and died in the hospital. George E, Colebert of West Zorra, whose death was reported some time ago, has been heard from in Vancouver. The motion to grant Qneen's Univer- sity entire freedom from Charch control passed the Genoral Assembly by 182 to 40. The Boy Scouts were entertained and shown the sights of Montreal and in- apected by Earl Grey before embarking for the Coronation. Pringp Rupert bas made an Ra ac ment with the Grand Trunk Pacific by which the company ai start some big industries in the tow The iil of Curvnii was received by the The an troops for the Corona- tion received a warm weloome at Liver- pool. TRALEE. - The severe storm last Sunday did 'y: Quite a number of our young people attended the lawn social at Linwood last Thursday: night. Mr. and Mra. J. W. Barnett of Macton spent Sunday with Mr.and Mrs. Sam- uel Burnett. About fifty of our citizens, including e school childran, took in the excur- Goderich last the mystery that ever récurs in each new violin. : Then the wood is of so much impor- tance to the riolin maker--none of century old house fs demolished some musical maker {fs likely to appear on the scene and make a quiet bid for some of the thin old rafters. To the novice they may seem worthless, but the violin maker may find in this cen- tury old timber fust the wood for his beloved instruments.--Chicago Record- Herald. PATRICK HENRY. Themas Jefferson's Opinion of the Ora- tor and Patriot. When William Wirt was engaged in writing the memoira of Patrick Heory be turned for tnformation to Thomas Jefferson, who had been associated with the orntor for many years, ask- ing his ald in furnishing blograpbical material for the work. The correspond: ence between Wirt and Jefferson, pub- Ushed In the Pdinsyivania Magazive of History and phy, from the manuscript collection of John Gribbel, has o decidedly interesting passage showing the opinion Jefferson held about his famous colleague. Iu seein to Wirt's first request Jefferson plies with an assent and-adds a an eral and unfavorable summary of Henry's character: "He was certainly tbe man who gave the first impulse to the ball of revolu- tion, were I-to his: aspect. I think ~ the best bumored man in society I almost ever knew, and the greatest orator that ever lived. be had a consumate knol- edge of the human heart, which dl- recting tho efforts of his eloquence enabled him té¢ attaln a degree of pop- ularity with the people at large never perbaps equalled. his judgment in other matters was inaccurate. in mat- ters of law it was not worth a copper: he was avaricious & rotten hearted. his two great passions were the love of money & of fame; but when these came into competition the former pre- dominated. Lf the work you propose is not destined to come out speedily I will endeavor torecollect what may be of use to it." Modern Kitchens at Sea. The term "son of a sea cook" is no longer a tithe of reproach. The highly paid specialist who presides over the kitcbens is a chef with on Iipterna- tional reputation. The menu at the end of the longest sea voyage gives no indication that the ship has not been supplied from land. Immense stores of fresh meats, vegetables, fruits and even flowers must be carried. The kitchens are pancill clean, with thelr tiled floors, glass tables and sbelves, as are alsp the cold storage rooms. To keep a kitchen in order is a far more dificult problem at sea than on land.--Cassiler's Magarine, Located It Exactly. With his jaw swollen so as to nearly close his eye, a_sailor rushed into a dentist's office and told the dentist to extract an aching tooth as soon as pos- sible. After getting the man seated fn the chair the doctor asked which tooth be wisbed pulled, and tbe sallor, nearly crazed by pain, lost no time in saying, "Upper deck, second one from aft, port side."---Cincinnati Commercial Tribune. It Often Happens. "Ob, I don't 1 Bie? added the itmople mug. "A man gp Aacsg atl ip of money and a serve time.' deipbia R A Sour Gritle Miss Vallmore--I was told to FREE For short time only,. one Cabine ol Pho ver sixty yearned aoe bad person 0 WATE REPAIRING ail. work peas, Puig seers sae wand Rm gp E HA E & 2. i th = B F always havi in raight the main pur- pose--the st The Eggs We Buy. anada imported $98,334 dozen daring bo decal "March Fe 3 5 a oO Hong Kong 31,245 dozen, whil quantities came from Great Britain, Hce Ati » to Britten Guiana, Chin Dedueting our total exports of eggs from our total imports of eggs it will be found that Canadians consumed 728,489 dozen more eggs than the ttal production of eggs in Canada. FARMS FOR SALE. Improved and unimproved in the vicinity of Melville, Saskatchewan, a ears old on the Grand population over two Now is the time to wn 4 Mexico and rices send terms of i farms. --11 ------- Notice to Creditors. Advabetiaeion's Notice to the Creditors of Eliza gone Poole, Ve 1, ' Teotaect arenes ia a hereby i giv e thet beha <9 all tsi e estate of the said Eliza Jane Poole, deceased, a writ- ten statement of their names, es and occupations, with full particulars of their claims and of the securities (if any) held by them nd notlee ~ farther given that after the said 22ndday of June, 1911, the said administrator will distri a ~ estate of the said dec So only tothe claims of which be the time of such doteiea ated at Listowel "tage 16th day of GRAND TRUNK.2aveay The Popular Tourist Route i" Muskoka Lakes, Lake of Bays, Temagami, Algonquin Park, Mag- anerawan River, French 'Rive ver, Georgian Bay, Lake Couchiching, Kawartha Lakes, etc. Muskoka Express leaves Toron- to 10,15 a.m. daily, except Sun- day, making direct connection at Muskoka wharf for all Muskoka Lakes points, ROUND TRIP Homeseekers' Excursions To the west at Low Rates, via Sarnia and Chicago. Literature and full information from any Stow Trunk agent or A.E. Duff, D.P. A., Union Station, Toronto. J. A. HACKING, Town Agent. 4:4 ah BARS SMITH, i, Dept / Agent. New Fast ast Traly Service BETWEEN LISTOWEL AND TORONTO. Leaves Listowel at \7.44 a. m. and 8.06 a. m., arrives at Toronto 11,10 a.m. _Westbound---Leaves Toronto 5 p. m., arrive in Lito. wel 8.15 p. m. Through vestibule coaches, Par. lor, Library, Cafe Car (serving erie fe la carte) between pane ston and Toronto, BANK OF HAMILTO You cannot comm hse if dg too early ae a npn 1. up- GOOD TYPEWRITERS. LITTLE MONEY. Every business letter should be typewritten, Most are. Are yours ? If not, here is your opportunity, For ten days from this date we will hold a clearance sale of rebuilt typewriters. We must clear out the stock. We need the rovm. 'TERMS TO SUIT. tivery Make es hi paar ee Vv ery Typewriter Carries Our Guarantee. very Typewriter Caretully Rebuilt. Write to-day for details, The Monarch Typewriter Co'y, Limited. 46 Adelaide Street West, Toronto, Ont, Father Morriscy's "No. 10° (Lung Tonic) is made of Balsams, Roots and Herbs, and is absolutely free from Opium, Morphine or _ any. similar dangerous drug. "Ne. 10" quickly relieves and permanently cures (Conghs, Colds, Bronchitis and other troubles of throat and lungs, including even mild cases of Consumption. Moreover it strengthens the lungs and the whole system anne further colds. Trial size 25¢. Regular size 50¢. At your dealer's or from Father Morrisey Medicine Co., Lid. Montreal, Que. J T4 ALi. 65556 apa nbn hb dh db hh bb bb bbb bbb bbb bb bd) b +) Sob oso) bb ADA Perr errr COMING PROF. Dorenwend of Toronto, the well kuown Hair Goods Artist will-visit LISTOWEL at Grand Central Hotel On Tuesday dune 20th Switches, Pompadours this visit he will be showing the Cluster-Curis a St pi and New York ae Kereont Biase e you are particularly invited to ca Transforma = specs and try on any of these crea- Waves, wie "Etc, é Dorenwend's Sanitary Patent Toupees. is For Gentlemen ate risa DAT ONLY. | R, OND DORENWEND CO. OF Retort 0, Minded. FO+O 53 Yonge Street. © REMAMBE 4 weer eT eee were | eee eee eee ee eee ee eT eee ee eee | hn ee eae eae ee ere Se ee PP ee ee eee ee

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