Walte r Bro s. Listowel's SARONENTRE 50 pieces of wide striped Flannelette, all shades, good value at 12$c. yd. Our PONCE. x ca vecnecea ner gent eee enna «ax Sc. yd SEE WINDOW. 100 pairs of Men's splendid wearing Pants, regular selling price $z.50. On sale at. $1.98 §0 pairs $2 Pants on sale at.... ened ona |6b SG 10 doz. 25c. half Hose on sale at.....-.- -- +19 or 2 pair for 35¢. 10 doz. $1 Men's Shirts to clear at........ "75 5 doz. Men's 75c, Shirts toclear at....-.+- +50 500 yds. of 10c. Russian Crash Towelling on Sale at... ccc cee e eee eeee wee cneee 74 200 yds. of 8c. Crash Towelling on sale at... "5 WE PAY SPECIAL ATTENTION TO CLOTHING, SHOES AND FURNISHINGS. Walter MAIN STREET Listowel Bazaar Box Note Paper and Envelopes .. Tablets..... Envelopes...6 ss-s00« per package 2 for 5c, 5c and 7¢ Inks, black, blue black and red...... weveeeees€ach 5¢ Toilet Paper...... TT ee sc package 6 for 25¢ Hair Brushes.......... eee ee eeeee .25c¢ values for 15c Talcum, Vivlet, Rose, Lily of the Valley. Full line of new and fancy China at popular prices sn een 106, BNE 1.5¢C. sgeeeve aeenews COCh 56, toc and 1§¢ -.+.each 15¢ 244444444446 66666 +oeere papas arb isibibibbirbbtbéttép-tbtb++tt PTUV Terre es * a le i i i le i STORE THAT IS JUST RIGHT. SHOES JUST RIGHT PRICES JUST RIGHT TREATMENT JUST RIGHT fn tact we aré trying to make EVERYTHING RIGHT at this store. . SCHELL & RIB _.BOOT AND 'Suis STORE. bb bbdp bbb o-+-> ot bbb 444 bb} bbb bb Anan nh heed, in lilt vile tacadlaalid ree4 a es Teqauwsswueee 4 in ie ee ee were y. H "J a + t "ty aie FS 7; <3 :§ and. De +¢ ~ FOOTBALL. "and From Preston 1-8, eae 'Listowel Wins From Owen Sound 5-1 -- last night of Stratford Conser- _Don't 'in Cam. n lead of three goalé to over-| T METHODIST CHURCH. -_ } sda, lonly by LE anor Semve the Oran Bound teem elarted' poi | Monphgt K. O,, of Listonie as pensaat Rev. F, Lous Barpes, M.A.,.Ph. Dug} "* 5 KES recamage gt heme: Selicaee fand| With rush on the Listowel defence; | to meet tiie local workers, and the im. ,. ~ Me B G2 Publis School! +, walker. : however; they were successfally. atop- "he ce Et Sunday, aay 30, 191. principal, and & left on | ; and ball taken into Owen | agnalf present in the belief that North © 11 a. m.--The Pastor, Tnesday for the = Ayer. Roland Livingstone and Mrs.|Sound's territory. _ After about five | Perth will be redeemed m the vote | = 2.45 p. m.-- Sunday School and Adult "Ret; Mr. ee of he >) Living who have been spending| minutes play Owen Sound scored, but | comes on. James a a Bible Class. All are welcome. wilt 4 ook : in on +-@ month or two in town with . wel soon tied the soore, Coghlin | of Milverton, was also 7.30 p. m.--The Pastor. ; rm 2 Christ e's parents, Mr. dnd Mrs. J. Living- | doing the trick on a pass from Ratcliffe. | ceived'a very hearty reception. " Chureh on Saad «..° _ | Shoe, j., left -on Tuesday for "their | Although there were some nice rashes} Mr. Morphy is a worker from the Miss Ly is home from | home at Mel Sask, Li on both sides no more goals wore scored | word go, and the indications are that he We have a few _-- of Heavy Shoes | Toronto and is her holidays | stone spont several weeks in New" York in the first half. will 0} a@campsign in Stratford of excellent quality 7 a -- _| with ber aren xe ' hospitals while east. With the spectators calling on the | that will net big results on election day. > é sidiscinat' jn | Rome team to show them how they won Mr. W. J. MeGally, president of the " of 'este se edits _ ure. Geo. uzid-sorf Charles, | _ At the close of in | in Owen Sound, the boys started the | Stratford Conservative Association, was Pr sizes, co at J.M.Cumberland's | 9f x. at Mrs. Wm Christ Church on Suodey last the con- . yard, Wallac Bright's, oan ~ gregation was trested.to some selections peoond half with some excellent football. | chairman, with secretary G. L. Do you intend taking a Bussiness| Agar of also ar of dam- | % the pipe'organ by Gece rey, ted seat Steal wasted vies | Mode tat cee ee y Ing en 'and prices | Collina;of A "Bexas, who is . visit- © _te- ( Morphy and Torrance ; mae ga pn Let ge bet scquntaes. 4 %. prices ing-his brother, Mr, A.J. Collins... Aji of game was mostly Lis- | the platform, v7 . id oe A ~ ee os | present greatly "4 Bjoyed - towel's, Ratcliffe scoring § Mr. Morphy brought cheering néwa ~ 4» = Ww 4 Mr. We Fe in 'the Interior | eet: "which | Raa Collins gave | Succession for a loots The ne from the north. A most cordial ey es 2 enced. Apply to Miss a O spending his score was 5--1 in favor of Listowel. | tion had met him overywhere in the. = % Dickey, J. in's store. vacation 'with in towns. > * Mr, G. Ducker of Galt refereed an ex-]| northern part of the riding. Nanas Pr 6 Ws me: oe Ps ars cellent game. The line-up, that, but already Elma, Wallace, Morn-. ~~ have gone. 'to nape ra investi Owen Sound--Goal, mart a igi and Listowel herwinen Pes. sie" bs misy something to interest them in | Atkinson, half-backs, Bon- | ly organized with full quotas of !oyal Dy MISS DIXON, Li T. C. M., three or fou, "ip -- lakenide. age... | the announcement an nell, arog y, Carson ; centre, Garvie ; | vigorous comm committeemen. 5 = , KE se 5 =Ledger for stu-fanothor pege. These lands have been | left MeDonald, Gilchrist ; right a the course of his address Mr. Mor- Es ; specially reported upon and offer a safe wing, Yous, phy ssid; "In this fight against reci- pateuetoe se § Pu (Papi prepared Fall " eoeee ee investment. Considering their favor- towel--Goal, Thompson ; bagks,| procity I ask you to then r examinations. Mr. and Mrs. ' amyve returned | able situation near two lines of rail- vale, een ; sar ks, Barford, Terry, | band Wherever you ean. wo several..weeks'| way, & rapid advance on the eee Anderson ; cen "Ratcliffe; left wing, | Mr. King, Dr. Rankin or any ether Terms moderate 154 Inkerman St. E. | holidays. with fr at Stouffville: price of $18 an acre is ass -- Coghiin right wing, Robb, <--e of the Government to talk that. The best time € Listowel - VIOLENT Winn StTormM.-- For the For si e@ among the mers of North. Cathars is "bth: LISTOWEL I--PRESTON 0. Pertb. Let us be Canadians through ing day, A is half the bat- oa ape time daring vn present season The largest crowd that has been pres- and through, Our as is against a ee x LEE, tle. was on Monday last visited Listowel won | Knox and American by a wind st which elmost - ent at any game since () . The finder of iat ¥ ms the junior football championship from Short addresses tooahing methods 6 tornado velocity. Limbs and leaves (Pupil of J. '- 'Taos to Con- | silyer, dropped ai aizeot on Moi- | were torn from tbe t i nttienl Preston in 1905 turned out to witness | ' saventy of Re 5 ee een day will blige - ai i al diceckions, but buildings the fffst game of the finals in the inter Seng ripe ant Shears, Pupils. pits, peypared : x: 80 ---- 7 have Traced, mediate saries betwoen the same rivals, or Conservatory 4 - | Preston and Listowel, in the rink park Studio, Elma Street. Misstia Freda: Seyrtte Smith lett The greatest damage was done to the |. Wednesday evening last, and asin on Thursday last? for a two mon frat, i yon mute 2 m4 1905 the home team won by Spaz ot tri means tons! DR. BROWN, L. R.C. P- we omen other rete many trees being nearly stripped. The | when the re LONDON, ENG. | sir, Gordon "Higa. of Toronto is Soolion, tha Seatrvotion of trail in tbe operat oie ancl Wie Segviae, holidaying at the ; of.) Niagara distri placed at from 10 : ; e, Ear, Nose and Toroat, will be} yi. a nd R. . every advantage .of "their superior Central Listow rand =: to 25 pear inal OS fr te, sa ng ob | Sauon menor Mach moee Greil te of fruit is be weight; however, the plucky lads de- ber 28rd and October 28th ee * roported from New York State, fending .Listowel'a. colors were out to Farmers 3 ze; a special . on, win, Se signal. for toi} SE tn Farm : : -- Ram. aND Harvest,--The hea' ce played a. { BBRTessivE. a T.J.McDOWELL,D.D. SoL.D.S. | Sepe oa" as, pop Cia "wank ave, interfored with game. 'The forward line worked voll) ENTRANCE harvest, as »- bali visitors" 'defence, . after DENTIST. . vencit |-whest and most of the hay:was in and| Playing e short time' Ford scored for| ny, " 3 Ss :0 may: te fae: r > e results. of he- att ee rere Dental Sar- ; 2 of the barley. cut;-the rain did Listowel ona close, low #hot, Preston ce have "haa ae eG bE ¢-damage, and will doe yast. ee ee aie by, the board. of, ED ee Px 2 rag , on-: 5 OEE D = as fe 43 fe recommend Terhune and Dr. ' The Bel nont and Royal Rg : Se Teeons tn thts ee eeechcod wards 'hard on the Preston foal, 8% sureaastul sec é . : are likely to be up to the average. In which had several narrow escapes, hdw- an) Oo mav now Mr. Georpe Lochhead, township clerk | some localities hay has been light, while | ©Vr 2° =n goals were scored, the or 7378 he es = miss ae oe HAWKINS | of Elma, has been appointed by the| in others the crop is a good average. | Score being 10. habetically. '0 page oan yu rad High Court of Justice for Ontario «| Fall wheat is turning out considerably After Bees at half time, both teams | each pupil is required to 40 pital, Roches ate, of Hahneman i commissioner for taking affidavits. better than was ex and the grain | § : pe oe with frost per cent of each subject and 60 per pair We, : is an excellent sample. Barley is fair, . Fora while the play was about | cent on total or a to = ---- nou A enc of pare. Bs left gen pron eee peel pei though short in the straw. Some fields poi divided, bot the Listowel team | marks ; Honor marks require 76 towel, or at the Standard Office will re- | 7.25 Og! eek The tone! waiae res of oats are ready for cutting, but the | 8090 began to gain ground and pressed | ber cent or 487 cvive careful attention. "shown ao oa ease BOO," | bulk of them is late and will no doubt | well in on theif opponents' defence, but HONORS "Phone No. 106. pmens amoun nearly pick up considerably yet. The late| Were weak on the shooting. About the} anna All ce eceeeeeeeee ee BBR Mr. Clifford Law left on Tuesday for | tains will greatly benefit all growing centre of pd ar wie -- pate Lewin ener 605 Ottawa, where he has taken a position | CTOPS- son was making fast rush 0 e usa moetereereeeee £06 DR F.J. R, FORSTER. is a : store. clit many young| pecapep PORCUPINE FIRE. -- Mr. pestis anioned ihe ame = mr Bins Large sees sn . @Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat only. riends in town wish him every success. | Pisdale Vipond and family, of Hailey- | time, but he soon recovered and play PASS. y, House Surgeon New York Opthalmic The Milverton public school board berry, arrived in town a few days ago| was resumed. Listowel made many at-| Edna Aitchison = ~------------ | 4179 and Aural Institute 1904-5, Clin. Assist- [05 op the se! of Mr. No! and are the guests of Mrs. Vipond's | tempts to pierce the Preston goal, but| Margaret Allan --------;!---- / 463 Ear, Nore and T gaged rvices rman / et oe d ee pores R. Boyce of Blake, Ont., as axindipal of | Parents, Mr. and Mre. Arthur Ellis, | to no avail. Towards the last of the | Hartley Allingham --------~' $97 Ho seal oe = O° fee 88 We. the school for 1911-12 at a salary of | Main street east. Mr. Vipond, who is} game Preston mado their most deter- Charles Bennett = -----~--+---- 404 terioo Street, South "9 te Knox | $800. an old Elma boy, has been engaged in| mined effort to 'score and at times rare ane canbe iemleaiaiiiad pn Church, Stratford. At Grand Cent mining in the north for some years, and | locked dangerous. Just beforo time | ~ CONEY. rrresreeeerene Hotel," Listowel, Au lth, from 8.30 Mr. and Mrs. Fred. Carthew drove | intended removing from Haileyberry to | was u Thompson mado a beautiful Clarence Coghlin = --------------- 406 : e- ; P pec hia Jeman eee 444 11. over from Moorefield on Friday evening Sor clare the ~~ after the | stop, the shot being a close one. hie Ashton Curtis -<s<--------- &84 ee last, and were interes' spectators at was wiped out by fire. Fortun- | final score was 1--0O in favor of Listo-|} Edith Diamond ~-»------------ ~~~} the Listowel -- Owen Sonnd football rie he did not decide to move before} wel. This is Preston's first defeat this | Wellington Donagan ---- ito pu enesenttetees og m: : | the fire, as he would have lost every- | year. Cecil Fallis aroma 390 . ; thing and possibly the lives of himself The game was an excellent exhibi Aubery Fisher come = 485 YOUNG PEOPLE Mrs. T. E. Waters and little dangh-} and family. A number of the fire vic- | tion of football, abounding with thrilling Maitland Fisher © ~~. ------ -- $04 fi ter Alice were the guests of Mrs. Wm. | tims were persona! friends of Mr. Vi-| plays. So accurate was the playing foo Fritz ---------------- 408 9 by can prepare you for businees Ellison last week. Mr. T. E. Waters | pond, and he in vering | that not a single corner-kick was taken BrOld Fritz --------ee-- 435 . . visited Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Ellison over | some of the bodies from the West Dome | during the entire game. Mr. Rae of bo Listowel Sunday. -- also eS Oe shipping of | Woodstock refereed the game impartial 30" the remains o r. an rs. MoQueen, | ly, but was rather lax on rough play. e Business - College r eel ay' s has geen which he accompanied to Branchton, | Following is the line-up : oH a , Maggie Tipping, owned | near Galt. Marshall Morrison, nephew | Preston--Goal, Barkas ; backs, Free, We plac grad by Hy. Nesbitt Listowel, won first 426 2 e place ponttiton wates in @ a Ms re rep vesgaiag hy Bastions of James -_ of age ery remains | McGrath ; balf backs, Bernhardt, Kin oe * = 424 , were went to Preston, Was an sala der, Smith ; right wing, Sullivan, | Bessie (411. at oeateesteateateen >< gant Gestestte es succesaful , Dan aa: a he -- a mate friend of Mr. Vipond, as w Franklin : centre, Bowman ; left wing, Gordon Johnson = -------- -- 462 - wee an 'ime, @ track w&8S/ woics and family, who lost shake } lives Wray, Burns. Holes Eecuie Pa wed eengpeenness 895 heavy. in the Dome. The Vipond mine, the] Listowel--Goal, Thompson ; backs, Rarle M -- ae re Fall Term opens September 5 Lawx SoclAL. -- The Lavies Aid | claim of which was originally staked by | Yule, Roos : half backs, Bamford, Sherwood i Maen ee EDWIN G. MATTHEWS. @| ot Knox Charch will hold « lawn social | Mr. Vipoud and partner, is now owned | Terry, Polden ; centre, Ratchiffe ; right | Cecil Mor nso Sil PegniN LISTOWEL, ONT on Mrs. Donegan's lawn on Thursday by gl and his personal pong wing, Robb, Ford ; left wing, Paterson, Warren Morrison --memem 28 o ¢ ening t, Aug. 8rd. Refreshments re were not very be e bas | Coghlin Jean Clellan -- --------- ABE. Laveceeeece ee and amusemen Band in attendance. | ™uch faith in the mining country and Listowel will play in Preston Wed-| Marguerite McDonald =~ 438 _ _ l5c. or two for 25c. All| expects to see Porcupine rise from its | nesday next and will ron a special train | Marjorie McKeever = ----.----- 441 wel -- immediately on some, ~ : starting from Adwoed rdonring basa} ' P. est oar pease ---- 7a better more substan y ut} m. articulars wi apnoun stilcosic aa UU ---- sit oe Mrs D. Collin Eelam town eas lore the fire, er. ean rage rary at & spec, a ae < . Collins' la: -- ---- coach w ttac: or ladies ard} annie Seott ---~------~---- eo . SUMMER Aid Sh Epworth Lange pastes their escorts. The town stores, we Percy arb alin pdf brass band will furnish music. Ay WALLACE. understand, purpose closing early on Lenora Stevenson --------«----- 471 Millsou of Stratford will assist on the Editor Standard : In regard to last Wednesday afternoon, and the factories {Hubert Strachan = -----~------- 463 'welonune. Don't | week's correspondence Pam Wi are endeavoring to allow as many Albert Terhunb <--------~-- 436 the date, July 31. ville, we wish to say that if the previous possible of the employees to fo, so that ol a mvescnstecnione -- '$98 - "Perhune had a bu article was not written by the rogu it is expected there will be a large Staniey Whe --po aT ida: seat' ihe correspondent we are not at all concern- | crowd accompany the boys for the final en Willo ab a a rs orning on F 7 : e- | od about it, as the writings of be and | game, which promises to be a most cx-| Russel W A aconsanmeerca = Students may enter any soocar duct. Fie tangas his are onety "¥ of hts mit Oh Litowel " 'tt. - 'ee scien another, nor do we care expec 8 wel w day. O entire « year. _ #2 to $10 ----_-- basin ga one Pooreit and « Ps Dis. | round, but it will be a glorious contest. TOWN COUNCIL». Rew is a good time to "enter. satisfied rate payer," as it is simply So --O- Largest tr traloers in Canada. @ | © % jovial banch. another effort roaders of| . DRAYTON CARRIES BY-LAW, meeting of the Town tes get best positions. The ladies of the U. B. Church held | this paper. 4s to this discussion, this 'ouncil was held on Wednesday Th ds studying at hom . 8 g on | is final as regards us. Thanking you Drayton, July 22. aA by- cou was | Morning week re coun - oni ying c. a C the sessment, nt the t Exclusive right of the ""F Tharsday night last < the lawn of Mr, | for space, im your Paper, Bolow find | voted on here yesteruay for chair; ths Heeve aad' Cons -<----- Hallman ini we urch. The | statement on for publication by { of granting a loan of four cinachianal dol Me J eve, and rs ous Bliss Book-Keeping Sys- ia ' : Gunther, Morphy, Feather- cry ' . | our former lars, a free site and exemption from " tari A citizens' band was pres. at and furnish stone, McKeever, and tem 0. ctual ed excellent music daring-the eysning. TRUSTEES or 8S. S, No. 3. taxcs the Canadian Flax Mills, Lim- Toe Reeve then explained that i tart t0 Fin- | The proceeds amounted to about $50. To ths Editor : In regard to the ar-| ited. The by-law, 'was almost | the -County ,Council - ap- ish," . ticles which appeared in your columns cnantmoosiy, the 'vote being 172 for} pointed' asséssment valuators and Write for particulars. -@}- For rx West.--The following par- | concerning the trastecs of S. S. No. 8, and 1 agains that they had per- ties left on the Homeseckers'. excursion | Wallace, I wish io nee jen the ree = " ties and combined ene gw preted : "Tuesday, J. Livingatone,. 0, P. R. | that I, as former said section,} H. CURSION ed 29---81,-- our assesame: re : LONDON - ticket agent, furnishing : : $ : trustees made gatisfactory final ; As The Stratford Herald did not run an than done by the assessors. He i we ~ 8] J. W. Norse, Mr. Eaex ua Forse. artangemepts. I also hereby state that excursion' last year, more than went over a list of the pro- -- : able increase of salary for the coming | °° y to July 29--81. oved by H. , second~ . : : dlcar to | Features as formerly. by John McKeever, that the da Winghem terin, but I did not seo my way to opuelal to Saini, a¢-griect wn of Listo- ie ty vie ne | accept such. I therefore consider that | stations Palmerston to St. Marys, Boat réc and the . ap- eee ee = further comment or discussion on | ride Sarnia to Detroit, Tickets roceedings and 'now 'GEO. SPOTTON, Pres. ~ matter is unnecessary. fpr three days 'See placards and pending against the assessment of Ss es Miss A. oGomme, ?/ ¢ . ' Continued on lagt page) = os =" at pt a . : 5 > 3 ad « en ' ae wwe" Sep wre Rika r2 Wee ts vd ft es j te. a wat ' te . : Se ur : Om. ses , : ae = vatives in their new -committee rooms. 2 +a