(Mr. McEvoy will write for this paper a s:ries of tetiers from tlie west. They will eppear from time to time un- de: the above heading, and will give a picture of the great Canadian west from the standpoint of a young Ontario man going out there to make hisway. These let- ters should be full of inte. est for every Ontario father. ] No. 4 Calgary, Sept. 4th, 1511. My dear Dad: You will sce I am still in Calgary. It ie mot that I am particularly taken with the town, but I have teen knocking about with Mr. Renwick and finding out romething about the country. You know 1 told you in my frst letter that he and his three sons xere on their way out to take up some of the C. P. EB. irrigated lands. I was out to his place last Fri- day and stayed overnight with them. It is what is called a ready-made farm. The Canadian'Pacific will break, harrow, seed and ferce from 530 acres ap, will put up buildings, and bore a well, so that you can go right on the farm with the crop growing and move right into your house. Of course they don do it for nothing, but as you can pay for it in ten an- nual instalments along with the ten in- er farm will carry itself after the firsi year. He is all enthusiastic over the district. The company has demonstration farms close by, and they have pure bred cires of first rate breeds of live-stcck, which are {ree for settlers' use. Mr. Renwick knew some people who bate located here, and that is why he came out. Tkey say that the rrrigation is like insurance cgainsi the Icss of the crop through lack of moisture at the growing time. In 1%@ oats were over 100 bushels to the acre, wheat © bush- ------.----- A GRADUATED SCALE. How Orders are Passed Along in a German Regiments. Criticism in the German army adapts itself to the rank of t criticized with an exactness which is illustrated by the following pas- sage from a recent book by L. A. K. yyte, entitled "My. German 'At the manoeuvers a certain regi- ment fails, let us say to distinguish itself. The general calls the colonel to him -Lisher Kamerad, a little more smartness is necessary ; the men are too slow. I should be grateful if you would see your way to cffect- ing-+an improvement."' ey shake hands. calls the major to him err Major, his ulllonss has expressed his dissatisfaction over the conduct of the troops. e wretched crawling and slovenliness particularly attracted his notice. I og you wi assist me in correct- ing these failings." The major salutes, and calls the | captains to him: '*Meine Herrn, the colonel is furious with the disgraceful man- agement of the men. It is unheard " I must request you, both by words and examples. to bring the regiment back to its old smartness. The colonel This sort of thing cannot go vn. It is the duty «f the younger of- ficers--' The captains to the Jicutenants: "The colonel is besides himself about yesterday ; never saw such a wretched performance in his life. els and barley %. Mr. Charleton, who has a place near | Strathmore, says that 1910 was the dri-{ est season for many years, yet all the | peophke round there had some sort of a ofop even without irrigation. With ir- rigat@@ in the fall they are sure of good! crops. Jeople diffir as to when the wai dl shoula be let in from the irrigation ca | nals. P. J. Umbrite, who has a place ! near Gleichen, says tome people don't! believe in putting the water on newly sown land, bat he mever cut finer oais! than where he did this. He says that tile best time to irrigate is Ate im the fall when the crops are and in the spring. Quite a few people are going in largely for growing sugar beets in this district. They gmow 2 good quality and cap sel] all they have at $5 a tom any- where in the irrigation block. This block fe no emall thing. It is forty miles porth and south and 150 miles east and west. There are 1,400,000 acres in it. You strike the irrigation canal on the train a couple of hours before you get to Cal gary, and it certainly looks a big work. They say it is the largest im the west- ern hemisphere. It covi §5,000,000, and there arc 2900 milea of ditches--imagine! If they were put end to end they wonld reach from Toronto to Vancouver and stick out into the oceanm at that! it is said that the company intend to spend $12,000,000 more in extending the irrigation system The winters here are quite mild- so mild thet theygdon't go in for any sports at Calgary that require snow. Horres are wintered out. Alberia is still quiie a cattle raising place. The cured prairic grass puts on a finish. vo they say, al- most as good as grain. There is a big trade im cattle with British Colnumb'a and the Yukon, as well as a big export trade. The country is building up at a tre rate. Alberia has a population of 400,000, and when you go through it on the railway you wonder where it is all stowed away. You would think that there would be more houses along the railway than there are. But when you think that Alberts is bigger than either Pratce or Germany. and twice as big as the British Isles with their millions, it is easy to undersiand that there is p'en- of room for 400,000 without overcrowd- ing.- But just to show how the country is developing--in 1900 there were not acres in the Province sown to winter . while in 1909 ing with them in cash and settlers fects 23 much as $250,000,000. were about the same number of setilers from Great Brigain and . The _ussterp provinces keep pace with the growth of population in the matter of schools, and the pcople here say that The cities, of course, are growing just as quickly as the country. Why, years 2go Regina had a population of if FE Fe .| ed. smirking. "I'm obliged to walk The Jeading and behavior of the) men were beneath all criticism. There must be an improvement in these matters. " is the duty of ithe heutenant The outenaots to the under-of- ficers : "What's the matter with your men? Miserable performance yes- terday! Can't you bring them up to the mark better than that? Upon! my word, I'm ashamed of the lot of you, and if there isn't a change for the better in léss than no time-- The under-officers to the men: "You idiots, you dolts, sheep's heads, you--"' But the English language cannot keep peace with the under-officers' vocabulary. It's peculiarly rich. + CUMULATIVE. Little grains of aise weight, Little crooked twi Fill the land with mmnades And philanthropists. you Whether the corn be of old or new growth, it must yield to Hol- loway'* Corn Cure, the simplest and best cure offered to the public. It Testifies for Itself.--Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Uil needs no tes- timonial of its powers other than iteelf. Whoever tries it for coughs or colds, for cuts or contusions, for sprains or burns, for pains in the limbs or body, well-know that the medicine proves itself and needs no guarantee. This shows why this Oil is in general use None are so blind as those who are visionary. Minard's Liniment for sale everywhere. MISUNDERSTOOD. A man entered a restaurant and studied the bill of fare. After he had further studied it and learned it by heart, he impatiently rapped his glass with his knife. In response, a tall, angular wait- ress waddled tuwards him. Her gait was between that of a crab and an inquisitive goose, and it took her fully two minutes to reach his side. "Have you frog's legs?' he de- manded sharply "'Dear me, no, sir!" she exclaim- this way on account of rheuma- tism.'" Try For 7 Breakfast-- Scramble two eggs. When nearly cooked, mix in about half a cup of Post. | Progress. of the" Great West Tela} In a Few Pointed as 4 Point Ellis b Victoria, is to bo eg ridge, ria, is A lot was ese in' Hope the other day for $400 cash In Chilliwack 'the restaurants have to pay a Jicense. An outbreak of rabies is feared i in New Westminster. The building of coke ovens still continues at Passburg A wireless intrument has been installed at Sappe Vancouver is complaiaing bitterly of the smoke nuisance. Fort George citizens have organ- ized « volunteer fire brigade. A bridge has been built across the Bulkley river at Glentanna t Mrs. Bulyer recently sold a ranch of 160 acres near Hope for $17.000. Fruit from Kalso is being exhibit- ed at the various fairs in the prairie provinces. The Agricultural Society of Sal- mon Arm intend to purchase ground in the district. The electric line between New Westminster and Vancouver is being double tracked. The Dominion Government dredge Fruhling left fcr Nanaimo where she will be overhau The upper Fraser and_ the Nechaco are still rising, and the naviagtion is now uninterrupted. A new large three storey hotel is to be erected at Coalmont, in the Tulamecn district. Reginald Tate has ey appointed manager for Sir Shaugh- nessy's estate at Sanmeetiand. There was a potato famine in Rossland recently, and a few old spuds brought five cents a pound. Mosquitoes caused 25 men engag- ed in railway construction on the Kootenay to quite for three days. Two hundred and fifty men for railway work presented themselves at Lynton during the past week. Substantial Government assist- ance has been promised to the peo- ple of Kootenay for the zinc indus- 5 "Fowler and Lawson, of Merritt, hate secured the contact for the hospital there for the sum of $19,247. The old wharf and cannery build- ing at Queensborough, Lulu ag ey has been totally destroyed by fi Efforts are being made to ronan the Government telephone line ex- tended from Fairview to Rock Cree Five hundred men are presently employed by the Kettle Valley Rail- way on construction above Rock Creek. the effect that smallpox the work of J. D. Yukon survey. estimated that the total pack of salmon this season in British Columbia will be between 700,000 and 800,000 case Miss Maggie Mackenzie, of Kalso, was attacked by a bear cub, when returning from business. She es- a ie injury vital statistics for Victoria dorieg the month of June sbows sixty-six births, forty- -four deaths and sixty-six marrisges. A disastrous fire has occurred at Powell River, destroying the --_ cipal business structures o| new town. The loss is estimated at $15,000. In order to meet the growing de- mands of the traffic on the B.C.E.R. two new eiectric locomotives are be- ing secured and will soon be in op-} eration Westminster riflemen made a good showing at. the meeting at Rich- mond range. Five local men w.re shooting and all came up in the in- dividual scores and aggregate. A brass plate with a suitable commemorative description has been crected in the Prince Rupert Hospital, to the m of the founder of that institution, the late John Houston. Vancouver's hoard of license commissioners have ruled that a in tak- ing a meal at the stroke of mid- night is entitled to finish his re- past, despite the 12 o'clock closing ordinance --_------_--k__ __ THE KING'S PHONE SYSTEHN. Wie Can Reach Any Court Official From Buockingham Palace. Although - Majesty's telephone number, "832 Westminster," can be duly ame up by any of his sub- the arrangement in the palace at Advices from the north are 'to is delaying | all "Grae 8 upper | ; that afflict the are os by fon 3 en mail a medicine 4 Et.) Dr. W "ilians' Ateneo, Br Brock-|- ville, Ont. '3 -- Ff EDIBLE SNAILS. Paris the Great Market, Distribrt- ing 100,000,000 Annually. Snails are not so popular as an article of food in this country they are in France. They are not very easily digested, according a writer in the Dietetic and Say. gienic Gazette, thuugh he also says that they are "'s nutritious and wholesome. food, especially when kept a little time after gathering and purged of possible injurious vegetable substances they may con- tain present time is Paris: More than 100,090,000 are distributed there - nually, of which over 80,000 pass through the Central Market < that city alone. A goodly num- er are 'exported America. France of herself cannot supply the demand but looks to Italy, Switzer- land and even to Germany to sat- isfy i in part her requirements. "Those experienced say snail breeding is easy and inexpensive and that fortunes have been made out of the business in France. If one takes up snails commercially it is inféspensable that he breed them, and this can be very economically done -- the customs of snails nothing can be easier than to estab- ish a pen or snaillery for whole- sale cultivation. A plot of ground in the aged a little caleareous if Pp or easily irrigated border the pen at the bottom with tarred planks, preventing all pos- sibility. of the young snails anecial: oving cool and shady spots plant little shrubbs, of box or enything similar, in the pen. Some odorous plants, such as thyme, ser- polet, &c., will give a good flavor. the flesh. In different places have vessels of water where the t!snail can bathe. Satad is the best food for them, lettuce, romaine and on." 50 -- 4 LADY LECTURER Feeds Nerves po Brains Scientifi- lly. A lady lecturer writes from Phila- delphia concerning the use of rant food and how she is enabled to without the strain and wear and tear " per arduous occupation. She sa able boon t to me ' ** Almost immediately after be- ginning the use of Grape- Nuts I pi 3 gratifying change in my The terrible weakaess erable from which I used to suffer so much. ""] find Grape-Nuts very palatable and would not without the crisp, delicious food for even 2 ee make is impossible for anyone tojon- any consider le call up his Majesty. I the high] always earry it with me on my lec- functionaries, from Lord Knollys|ture tours." upward, to say nothing of minor of- ficials and servants, are, however, in touch with his Majesty, w can Toasti ¢ Hi zt A 2) Re EE ittle book, "'The Road to -Wellville, 5 Se pkgs. "There's arts AAP OW acres to 3,000,008 as | 900 capital in et local boot factory. Armagh to | South Tyrone are having one of the "The great snail market at the i a ter?" asked the clerk. Dares 1910, 32,457 natives of Ire- nd emigrated--17,737 males and 14,720 females. A big decrease in population is reported from the "Waterford and Lismore re districts. . Since 1841 a cultivated area of Ireland has d from about >: Through being struck ie a ballon the chest, a boy named Hickey, of 'The | Kyris Square, "Cork, has died. Bip clase evicted tenants on the O'Brien -- at Mullenahone, Tip- e been reinstated. Not a single case of intemperance has been tried i Pettey Sessions districts for six months. The people of of Drogheda intend starting a tannery and to put $25,- ruit growers in Mid-A and best seasons they have dh for many years A schooner was sunk ir collision steamer f ago was 4,458,778. In the has intervening decade there been ad of practically ing, 70,000. . . It is proposed to have long boat- hooks available to fish children out of the Antrim Road waterworks, Belfast. This is owing to the num- ber of accidents, which have hap- pened there recently, At recent poor-law elections - Limerick, Ireland, six women cons elected, this being the first time wo- men have were returned for erick city war The taxation of Treland, far from decreasing, has risen by nearly two millions a year, though the popula- tion has fallen by 260,600 The cost harmiess. Be sur Westone Soothing Syrup." and take no other ea Mats -five cents a bottle. An amusing incident happeued - some time ago in one of the Paris courts of justice. A vain, haughty woman was called as a. witness, ! -- the magistrate inquired 'her, ne Twenty: five last August,'; P rz yOu ae Dawsons we 1 a oe ihe VY Zo" watt to bay fara, Lesa ' RAVE some of the bout. #m ran Laer The next witness was a youn: man, w atkno jodacd pg he was twenty-seven years of Tee you related to the last. wit- i. queried the magistrate. Yes; I'm her son,"' he replied. H."s Ww. DAWSON, Ninety --Colborm "Ah!" mused the magistrate, "vour nF must haye married very young." - The destruction of the house fly is a public duty. Almost every | American State pic of Health TNEMPLOYED MEN OR WOMEN, you wish to make Five graiars for balance of pth If.so, conrult Nichole. "Coe Limited, Toronto. is carrying on a ainst him. His filthy. pm and habits. and the fact that his body is gen- erally laden with disease-produc- im one of the ; use Wilson's Fly Pads persistently, this peril would be' tremendously reduced. MUDDLED. "Can you tell me (hic) where B-Brown, he _ sh-schoolmaster, lives, mis ' "Ken" you're Mr. Brown, sir." but, Pee it all, I Sen" t know where I am. CLEANING LADIES' WALKING OR OUTING SUITS erit'sh An ametiosn Oy Dysing Co co. Montreal, Torento, O:ta solately THE LAWYER'S CHARGE. Defendant's Wife--"Dont wor- ry, dear. The judge's charge was cercainly in your favor.' Defendant (mocdily}--"I know that. It's the lawyer's charge iat I'm thinking about."' i of home government bas risen from £1 4s. 6d to £1 15s per bead of the population. Accidents, Burns, Scalds, Sprains, Bruises, Bumps, Cuts, Wounds, all are painful. Hamlios Wizard pe draws out the inflamma- ves instant relief. Don't wait for ths accident: Buy it now. THE GLOBE BE TROTTER. "What did you do ae your three months in Euro St. Joseph, Levis, July 14, 1903. Liniment Co; ted. Minard's Lim Gentlemen,--I was badly vicked by my horse last = afier using severes oud s On do. My leg was black se jet I was Iaid ' up im bed for @ fortmight and could not walk After using three bottles of your MINARD'S LaRIEEES 1 wee cured, so that I could start e "Most of the time I a. around waiting for my vvife to get rid of her headaches." No person should go from home without a bottle of Dr. J. D. Kel- logg's Dysentery Cordial in their p ssession, as clerge of water, cooking, climate, etc., frequent?y brings on summer complaint, and there is nothing like being ready wih a sure remedy at hand, which oftentimes saves great suffering and frequently valuable lives. This Cordial has gained for itself a widespread reputation for afford- ing prompt relief from all summer complaints. Sometimes a man fails to accom- plish any thing worth while because he is too busy criticizing some other fellow's work, Every packet Wilson's Fly Pads will kill more flies than can .| possibly be caught on three hun- dred sheets of sticky paper. After lunch ri a while, after din- ner walk a mi Minard's Liniment Relieves Neuralgia. A man went into a dry goods store the other day for some lady's gloves. "Are they for your wile, or shall I show you something bet- Many mo ethers 'tore reason to bless Mother oa Worm Exter- minator, t has reheved the little --_ of ilove and made them healthy. NEEDED AT HOME. Brown--"That ix the worst-be- haved kid I ever saw. io you know his parents!" Jones--"His father is one of those scientific management experts It's wit, to-pick 0 lock and sie |a_horse, but wisdom to let alone. SpODDS " KIDNEY PILLS uy Mrs. Dashaway--"Yes, while we were in Egypt we visited the Pyra- aa. COLLECE REOPENS FOR STH YEAR SEPTEMBER 5TH. Catal 33 tells of work at Chatham. Catalogue 2 toile of work by mall (Either Free. D. HeLACHLAM & Cc. B. Cotlega, Chatham, Ont mids. They were literally covered with hieroglyphics."' Mrs. New- rich-- "Ugh! Wasn't you afraid some of 'em would git on you?!" TRY MURINE EYE REMEDY for Red, Weak, Weary, Watery and Granulated Eyelids. sg erage Doesn't Eye Pain. Druggists Sell Murine Eye Remedy, Liquid, 25c, 50c, $1.00. Murine = Aseptic Tubes, 25c, $1.00. = Re ind Advice, Free by M urine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago. TRULY LY IRISH. Mrs. Casey (sitting up in bed)-- Moike, did yez put out the cat?" Mr. Casey di Mrs. Casey--Oi don't be!ave it! Mr. Casey--Well, if yez think Oi'm a liar, get up and put 'er out yerself. The Bowels Must Act Healthy.--- In most ailments the first care of the medical man is to see that the bowels are open snd fully perform- ing -theig functions. armelee's Ve sctabhe Pills are so compounded that certain ingredients in them ract on the bowels solely and they are the very best e avail- able to es Me healthy of the bowels. Indeed, other specific ~ 50 keeping the digestive organs healthful action. Beauty is potent, but money is omnipotent. Minard's Liniment Cures Dandruft. ENCOURAGEMENT PAYS. The Young Doctor--"They iell me you are noted for encouraging your patients." The Successful Old Doctor--"Yes. nothing the matter with ae aee i ange encourage them An Easy Pill to Take.--Some per- 'sons have repugnance to pills be- cause of their nauseating iaste. Parmelee's Vegetable Pills are sc prepared as to make them agree able to the most fastidious. he most delicate can take them with- out feeliag the revulsion that fol- lows the taking of ordinary pills. This.is one reason for the popular- ity of these celebrated pills, but the main reason is their high toni- cal quality as a medicine for the stomach. A pound of care will not pay ao ounce of debt. Minard's Liniment Cures Surns, Ete. CURED. "T have cured myself by learning . to chew my food." "What have you cured yourself "The belief that if I remained away from the office for more than ten minutes at, lunch time every- thing would go to the dickens." ------_+------- THE OLD WOOD SAW. Essau Wood sawed wood. Esau Wood would saw wood. All the =o posi Wood saw Esau Wood would sa One day Wood's lars would "8 ae wood. Wood saw a wood-saw saw wed a no other wood-saw Wood saw wou bg In fact, 'all' of the wood-sews ood ever saw saw wood, Wood | saw saw wood would saw wood. Oh, the wood Wood's woodshed yan ee shed, when Wood would enw the wood-saw. Wood saw No man may 'even kice how ritiel wood the wood-sa' _|saw sities ses SEF : Mother-- 'Johnny, what ' w Wood saw would }: }eaw if the acta nr ee saw saw '|would saw all . wood Wood =| would #aw, ~~ i se ~ i "| we Yas They Keep the whole system in the pink of condition. Their singular curative pro- . Portion Sigcoveqed ly we maul tribe nearly a century ¢go-----com- pounded since 1857 in the Comstock Labpratories at Brockville, Ontario. Dr. Morse's . a _you doing 'out there Johnny" Gett-ag eet