Listowel Standard, 29 Sep 1911, p. 1

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VOL. XXXIV.=NOs 35. wen garment by 2 y- ~~ =e ee TT Oe ' 1.00 Shir Some 50c 15c Excel the days. = Me me a we ie 8 Bi) Be Eee Se foe bit th Mien hte i Neh tht, ae gt ed oe, Ol me hae ee ee tet et yy -75:Shirts to clear at ....... All $1.25 Shirts during this sale at 10 per cent. discount off all Dress Goods. Flannette to clear at 4 boxes Corn Starch for 6 bottles Extracts for .... prices cash or trade. days a week, Tuesday and Thursday. Kitten ft et == WALTER BROS.=2 pecial 15 Day Sale TO BEGIN Saturday September 39th And continue during the following two weeks. his will be a money saving opportunity for every- We will mention but few of the many things you will find on sale at prices that will appeal to the keenest buyer. 10 per cent. discount off all Men's & Boys' Clothin§ 10 per cent. dis. off all Mén's Shoes, Hats and Cap® $1.50, $1.75 and $2 Odd Pants all going during this sale at per pair .. $ $2.50 Odd Pants going at .. 1,25 Peabody and Walker Over Smocks during this sale ee ee eeeee . seaee ts to clear at .... ...-..00.., lines to clear at ......-..-..- 'for . da Hundkurchiefs © on sale 3 Ce ee You will do well to visit our store during next two weeks. Terms of Sale, Cash or Produce. We buy poultry, live or dressed, and pay highest We ship live poultry two Don't forget ee 8 te ee, ee ee, | alls, und ----_ et ll a >» owl oerl err l Se ee mt ate Ae Me Me de Ed ie eee 1.39 1.98 eee ee a see eS eee ees q ; 3 tn i ae ie SS 3 ae ae Eto ot > baa a. Listowel Bazaar a. » --_---s » att of 4) elgg =) ss -- 2 > CHINA FRUIT DISHES. decorated with roses and fohage EACH 25C. 7.00 p. m--Rev. J. C. Reid, B.A.,B.D- e have a few ay ied pt ge Shoes of 'axcellent weity sale cheap. , A. SEWELL. You can oe Chewing | n, jee ~-- Tobacco in Barber a. ame oe Belmunt snd Royal Mi Mint -- Mrs. W.J. T are sold there Symonds, o Highest cash price pore for a at the home itry by T. G. Anderson, V Raines. *-. ] street, 1 block south of G. T. M 3.8. | on Tuesday, Wednesda and Thursday peasy waa of each w Hours from 7 a.m. to nes Pp. resume the -- -- a -University. AUCTION SALE Mrs. and . Of wagons, buggies, cutters, harness, week end in robes, pce he aud household for Regina, wh at Vandrick' 8 -- room, Listowel, | take up their on Satu vy, Sept. 30. Sale at one m ; Se ear ut, se a he Fol alin mame e ope. wir 7 gett ng ed as taking 1st for gen- 7 1 purpose colt iy two years and R. F. PARKER, D.O., D.B.O.A. | under three. OSTEOPATHIC. PHYSICIAN AND EYE SPECIALIST (London, Eng.) The apanal Graduate American College of Osteo- 7 » under the founder of Sie eience St:atford on A. T. Stull, M. D. eek. Al Schinbein Block. expected to Hours : Mondays and Thursdays 9 to 7; Saturdays | to& " sr tee 5a eafo i rs of Mrs. Paul's DR F. J. R. FORSTER. lict of th ceased vas one GLa Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat only. wali House Surgeon New York Opthalmic | the districé = and Aural Institute 1904-5, Clin. Assist- ° as ant , Nose roa: ital, Golden uare, Hospital, S | Hotel. to 11.30 (Pupil of servatory oe + Playing and or Conservat Examina' | Was Studio, Elma Street. | Joseph Goodheart, whose car: --_-- ---- -- ------ -- J ried on a cleaning and dyeing works DR. BROWN, L. R.C. P. | e time ago and was [ly drowned at Niagara Falls, died at LONDON, ENG. P the other day. The boy . had no friends in Patmerston and was Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat, will be at the' Grand Central Hotel, Listowel, , buried by the town suthorities. 23rd and October 28th CULLENDERS, strong tin EACH 10C AND oe - 'JUGS, fire peodi ware, light and dani brown EACH 25C. BAKE PANS, sheet stee!, choice of 5 sizes ' EACH 10C. FRUIT SETS, --_ 'china, 13 pieces ¢ SET $1.25. , JOHN L. ScorTT- ++4++ POSS OS SST Cy +++ ore STOVE SEASON. Before Buying a Range Come in and See the " Champien Summit" satisfaction. Give us an opportunity to explain to you why we consider it the best range value on the market. high class range, ad guaranteed, and gives universal Set Gur Prices os Heaters and Other Seasanable Goods. R. ROSS, It is a ---- Onr. T.J.McDOWELL,D.D.S.L.D.S DENTIST. cemmaaie Royal College Dental Sur- geo Graduate Detrant eee of Medicine (Dental Office over Schinbein's Store, same enirance ps ie a & Carthew, J. EL, Terh Moore. YOUNG PEOPLE we can prepare you for businees 5" ¢ | ; Listowel Business - College s We place our graduates in Itions Our Graduates are successful. Two --"* Commercial and horthand. EDWIN G. MATTHEWS, PRINCIPAL, LISTOWEL. ONT tie Sevevwes a= 6eeeennu | ia Ten Pas! 2.45 p. m--Surday School and Bible | spent Classes. GEO. SPOTTON, Pres. ' Sidney Bansett 20, Cecil Cavell 78, Fred Jot i Td, tyre 78, Ejna Schell. 78, 44, John Walker 42, Elgin Hay Th: death of one of pny rh residents ocearred a fined to the honse. The funeral on week be att Gi was Jargely att eods and citi- zens to pay a last The last issue of the Gazette contains official notice of the <verninent of James Morden Cartbe , as Law Sag of the Logisla. F ue "Ansombly. Mr. Carthew's many d friends in Listowel! will a learn cf bis appointment _ wish him all stocess. | THANKSGIVING SERVICES. -- The anpua!l Harvest Thanksgiving Services of Christ Church will be held on Sun- pleased and will | ab 2.80. m. wel, vu ioe for repairs with this gentle- is well up in the business, to ' ook oe that branch of the work. | CHILDREN'S Day. -- The Schoo! of the E i Sunda: Canada's greatest charity and is well worthy of the hearty of Canadians. The organization neeks not only to check the ravages of the white plague, bat to effect a cure of those cent towards their maintenance, and 19 others only contribute from $2 to $4.90 per week. Mr. J. G. Jones of Brussels is a new- comer to Listowel and has taken an interest in the business of Mr. J. H. Gunther, jeweler. Mr. Jones has been in business in for rome and has the reputation of being an ex- in all branches of the watch and jewelery trade. He will have full charge of the repairing department, also attending to sales, Mr. Gunther look- ing after the buying and will have more time to devote to the extension of the telephone . Mr. Jones comes well recommended, and as he is a good Bowler, cornet player, solaist and chorchman, be will be a valued acquisi- tion to both the business and social life of our town. A very enjoyable time was spent at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. soe fea on Wednesday evening, whengthey en the members of Christ Church hospi ot the happy gathering broke up. DEATH OF HENRY ZILLIAX aT EL- veteran bands | ter sarvi tiel, und Samuel, Listowel; Davi ;and i i F sit family of five sons and one daugh- ves. Joseph Gilkinso. 'liam Barja, Fergus; a James B. Shearer,John Thos. J. Sproule, RG. Alex- Boyd, Adam C ander, Wm, Park, Thos. Shearer, Wm. Keith, Walter T. Forman, Geo. Cleland, James Simpson, McDowell, mm. Ezra Beihn, David Greer, Clerk of Wal- lace, D. N. Walter, Rev. E. H. Dorch, B. Bender, J. H. Bender, with many yet to instal. Anyone desiring to have a telephone placed in their sone should make immediate ap Gunther, local manager of the Bell Telephone Company, aud every effort will be made to have the connection established while the construction men are bere to do the work, otherwise de- lays may take place. October lst make each ringing code, the present system. GoOLDSMITH"s HALL ANNOUNCEMENT. watchmaker aR) ba bx ES HE lt Wm. ! game closely his Walter, H. Hemsworth, Reuben Nickel, | solv all country subscribers will get a new a dian referees eminently superior to them in every way is a problem hard to 8. A protest against the decision has been sent tothe O. A. F. ar ciaigge but what eo aan association take is hard to LETTER a THANKS, To the Electors of the North Riding of the comity si of f Perth: Gentlemen : through which will nomber and code much simpler than ones e

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