Listowel Standard, 29 Sep 1911, p. 5

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ress pm, ee at Guelph 1.42 ito 6 45 p ing leaves Froronto at 7.20 a. a, Gash, eee, arriving @ towel Leavi ving Toronto 420 Ay Saleh 6p m., arriving on Sees mando ak Linwood Junc- tion Se a trains for Goderich. Lis. | 88° "POTATO FABMING Sens, eight hundred 'bushels of countries not eo well suited to their cultivation. The farmers of this country are missing a splendid chance to make big money. Potato-growing on a targe scale, with scientific methods |!s vastly different from the old method remem -- from boy- , hood days, when hoe w the i chief implement neil A short Ume Prot. . H. Campbell, be of dry land farming fame, gave a splen- {d talk on potato culture, which scale, and prac y | horse power. It is a eorttin crop, H. B, MORPHY, K. C. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC, Solicitor for the Bank of Haunilton, Ni Public and Commissioner. Mon- ey to " GEORGE BRAY BARRISTER, - SOLICITOR. NOTARY PUBLIC, ETC. LISTOWEL, OnT. *F. R. BLEWETT, K. C. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY PUBLIC, Gordon Block, Upposite Post Office, OnT. STRATFORD 3. Cecil Hamilton, B. A. Barriste -, Conveyancer. Solicitor for Imperial Bank of Canada ONEY TO LOAN. Once. 9 rage! Lp next to Dr. Foster. Dentist. ce in Atwood every LOUIS GABEL LICENSED AUCTIONEER, LISTOWEL, ONT. conducted in any part of Perth ounty at moderate charges. Satisfac- on guaranteed. Sales may be arranged for at al ard office. FRED. VANDRICK, ---- LIOENSED AUCTIONEER For the Coun'ies of Perth, Huron and te Township of Maryboroagh, 1 am prepsred to to handle all kinds of sales « Girst-clazs mann Orders left at A. J "Vandrick's store, Lis owel, will be given prompt attention ENTIRELY NEW STACK OF Pure Drugs and Chemicas. R. A. HUNTER having acquired the sole interest, will in future attend to the want xt his Customers personally Family recipes a specialty. R. A. Hunter. CENTRAL Ede dhe y STRATFORD, ONT Our registration greatly exceeds thai of previous years. Why? Our school is the best of its kind in the West. Best in courses giv- en, best in teachers employed and best in asisting graduates to posi- ----. Our graduates are in 3 ier 'Business ae state that they the "ae oh ue we had aren npplica- con for help which we could not supply. We bave three departments-- Commercial, Shorthand and -Telegraphy. Get our free catalogue for full i Commence your ednesday a HON. ADAM BEC K, The well-known horseman of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Beck have taken between them more prizes for horses and any one else in not only because of the good sum of money recelved for the potatoes, but ' also because of the good the crop does the land. The farmers of the Leth- bridge district supply the local demand, at least, and prevent the necessity of bringing potatoes from Prince Edward Island to the valleys of Washington State, and practically all intermediate localities as Is the case at present. Not only that, but they should aim to supply the enormous demand in the mining and lumbering districts of British Columbia. The market 1s right to hand and a splendid return awaits the man who will undertake to supply It POINTS IN BARN BOOKKEEPING There are still comparatively few farmers who keep all registered =< with definite names e and to these the problem nt keeping track of the nameless cows of a large herd is often no great source of vexation. Recently a dalryman told me his plan, which seems very simple and which he assures me he has used successfully for several years. Each stall in the barn Is given a number and the cow occupying that stall is given the same number. Ag every cow Invartably Is forced 'o oc- cupy the same stall day after day, records of the milk welghts and testa of the Individuals are very easy to keep. And whenever a cow 's rold, {ts stall remains vacant unt!l a new cow has been procured, when that cow is given the number of the stall Another difficulty that comes up - keeping milk records is that the eets, to record the number of wounds of milk each cow gives, be come quite solled under the average barn conditions. To have their per- manent records clean and neat in ap- pearance, many dalrymen make the barn record for each week on rough sheets of paper and take the pains to copy into a book specially prepared for the purpose, the record for eaeh cow month by month. A Norel ineghaler is a ranch tn a Co'orndo Valhy a chickens are in that section many artificial) wells bored for the purpose of fur nishing Irrigation. One of these wells for the purpose of submerging an tn- eubator in which chickens are to hatched, The eggs are placed on stra in the bottom of a can and are turn out and placed fm brooders when two day Papering Whitewashed Room In papering room which has hitherto been whitewashed it {3 nol easy to make the paper adher- atis- factorily. The experiment should be tried of forming the paste with skim milk instead of water. The milk must, however, be car ly skimmed, so dbat every drop of cream bee removed, the whey of separated = being the best for the purpose. paste must be scalded bt and shone on no account be too DURUM WHEAT UNPROFITABLE me req in the 21st report t of the North Dakota Experiment Stati also brings out wheat makes about two per cent. less flour. ~~ FARM FOR SALE. Beats: Wheat Growing for Profit. . oo and poked it Into his left He} "was hurried the' Sebastian : aand Capt. Anderson started: Bella. Bella, wh - : "was understood to ide. When the Se- bastian arrived it was found that the of c was found at and re- Branch Banks Curtailing Loans in . West. reports from the West In- that the leading Canadian already caused quite a little disturbance at some points be- cause has affected real estate booms. To say that the action of the banks idedly unpopular through- at an. io curtal!ll their lines of credit During the next few weeks the payin of the banka will] likely cause ood of inconvenience, but, as thay figure it out, !t is more Important for them at the present "dime to get cout to handle the actual needs of estern ccuntry, even at the cost of a temporary setback to the land boom that has affected almost every section. . . THE MINSTREL BOY DIES AT A GREEN OLD AGE An aged wandering singer, oe ter and story teller, who was sald to be a descendant of one famed in the days of minstrelsy, died recently in ce hospital in County Meath, Ire- d. He was the last of tho old menoo 1 of su-called poets who 'jved by story telling and verse making at farmhouse firesides. His name Was Thomas Smith, and, according to re- port, one of his ancestors wore cap and bells and served as a jester to a prince. In his boyhood Smith, tt is sald, wore a faded doublet of alter- nating stripes of yellow and flue, which had been handed down to him as a relic of his great-grandfather'a fame as 4 countryside funmaker. His stories for the most part had to do with th presen. the of straightening tangles and cas! the path to happy marriage. His visita throughout try were made'}- coun! acheduled regularity, and an Like most poets he was not thri an LUMBERMEN ORGANIZE Consoliiate All Coast Manufacturers' Associations--Presidents to Work Ont Deta At a recent meeting of Lill (Pacific Coast Lumber Manufacture BS80~ elation a plan for the conuotilaticn of all the lumber manufacturers' a¢- sociations of the Pacific coast was ratified. The new organisation will be formed from the Pacifle Coast Lumber Manufacture¥s' oclation, the Southwestern Washington Lumber Manufacturers' association, Oregon Washington Manufacturers' association be the West Const M . lau Tho presi- dents of the three assoclationa are given to work out the detalls of the wnion. As a preliminary st@p Jn the uniting of these associations thé ex- of the Pacifig a inspection bureaus bad been joined. LONG ODDS FOR HL. t, the horseman, had a jockey who was sick. He told the boy to go to town to a certain doctor for some medicine. When the jockey got back Oolt "_ him: "Did you go to that doc- "No, sir. When I got there I found it mats 'Hours, one to two,' on doo ow ell, what difference did that make?" "Why, Mr. Colt just across the street there was another doctor that had on his door, 'Hours, twelve to one; and I took the Jong odds." Not Too Healthy. Client--"Before we decide on the house, my husband asked me to in- quire ff the district is at all un- House -- afraid tru that the district is What's a Poor -- te Del when mine has not kissing me. a sae tin ie | Not. Provide: . P Baie " ore ni ys "thst "the: new Grand fic railway panies - "was designed. on a. to. g@ccomme a" = eae Ps Ge "rapid inor business has far_ex« ceeded « ions, and nltimately it" fs planned "1 four more: stories: which: wil & total of 200,000: suite the 'Union 'station ta} eo avery little reneipe 18. be 1e tO: 2 ¢ parts of the: ry wetg n= 3 'et 4 on, .. oii : iotee ine Sel | to,be : i ing mo 5: 4 <= Fhe new. nals and depot have been... t to pre for the accelerated: t of Winnipeg as a tra and throughout the. B ig- a credit to the western. n Heroes. During th days of «first week in April® of vent, big steamer Iroquois went who are investigating the wreck of the .stenmer ca gaa The three heroic braves st in court and heard the praise of Mr Justice Martin upon their conduct. "We will recommend that 'hey be given the Humane Sociecty's medal 18 a token of the appreciation which all must feel at such an exhibition of bravery." X-Rays and Consumption Every year medical covers a new the early detection of the presence of consumption In the human body and the Jocation of the exact position of the disease the X-Rays are new con- sidered indispensable in the London hospitals, Before the sounds ob'ain- ed by tapping on the lungs, IMstening through the stetroscope, and even the wonderful tuberculin test can prove e presence of the tubercule bavillus, says a London medical the examining physician of the undermining process now the routine treatment for all new lung cases, and don pitals alone over a thousand consump~ tive patients have been examined by this means cases where the disease is only suspected Its presence or absence can be readily ascertain and presumably also this examination will enable the physician to form opinion as to whether the progress of the disease has been arrested. They Lore Bach | Other 7 Bodotk~ 'was talking: in Indianapolis about the stage. "There am the star.' 'Yes, I know you're the star,' the other retorted, eyeing with an amused smile the leading actresa's long, slim figure 'but you'd look better, my dear, it you were a little meteor.'" Ancient Greek and Automobile ' people owning or driving automobiles realize how much the magneto of to-day owes to the ancient Greeks," said Charles Split- dorf In a recent Interview. "Th llth century coming Shepard Magnes, sheep on the sides of Mount which w t and the 11th century comes magnet and magneto, known to every aotoist of the 20th century." Not Up To nl Sir Patrick Spens, Londen surgeon, praised at a dinner in New York the sbandatit and timely r.ading matter that American physicians have their waiting-rooms. English physician offers his patients reading matter, but I am a! it Isn't always up to date." Sir trick amiled. "One of your hein millionaires consulted me in WlBur Wright, can actual'y fly.'" Why Not Let Him Gramble? right*to grumble. le aare with their graévances, but mon are bitesfully contented over them. Give A man a@ Fe ad a comfortable chair in which to air of clubs or othér male g places. be! it eR Pe go ray Lad unpopular "monareh; "Get in gba = MORPHY, Listowel P. O. - Executor of said deceased. FARM FOR SALE. nf ~ pian a shi twice 85 acres cleared te to NG, Wallace P. O FARM FOR SALE. 100 acres, heing lot ! lot 33, 3rd concession all cleared and in pada sta eof itrvation ; well fenced = wel] underdrained, well watered bv three springs ; solid brick house, two stories, bank barn 50x70, with stable under whole, also pig 7 aan" Wer fusthae:porticalars seg ip. For er ny on premises, or address apply GEO. MAYBURRY, Jr, Britton P. 0. TROWBRIDGE CIDER MILL is now in operation and will be run- ning each week THURSDAY AND FRIDAY until further notice. 38 JAS. McCRAE. FREE. For short time only, one Cabine -- to any person over sixty age. years of WATGH REPAIRING Prompt. Prices moderate, all work waranted, S. M. SMITH. FOWL WANTED. The undersign pre; to all kinds ef tow foul heat, ee ae -- ete., for which t market ices will be paid. Anyone ghost mer fowl for sale kindly "as word tome and I will call forsam M, IZEN, 26C Listowel, P.O. Listowel Sash and Door Factory. BAMFORD BROS Buitders and Contractors are prepared to contract for the erection of allciasscs o buildings. and catious drawn, and estimates furnished op application SASH, DUOR FRAMES, BLINDS, ete,, furnished on shuit notice. Planin doae to order. Everything ip the pea ay will be given prompt attention and First class Workmanahip guaranteed. Charges Moderate. Bamfcrd Bros, WATCH Display Window for the © NEW Photograph, SEPIA ANGELO PLATIRIUM The Latest to the Minute. |New Supply of Kodaks and Kodak Supplies. LATEST MOULDINGS in the picture framing department. C, A. LEE, - Main Serest. . ~ . -Mstowel. as i teigak = eee! Ons, 25 ary Pars: an ; : aa hoe plas ae oan in life. N Nos need yome being' t Stingy " pore should you be.a spender. sensible and easy method- of creating's fund for your needs 'is to open an' ac- count with this Bank ; deposit whatever you can ¢ach Miaperclirgaaas Stick to it, Sap SR Fone eacoete will Better start now--you will never regret it. em 4-- LISTOWEL BRANT: DAVID G. ROY, Manager OUR SUCCESS A Is based on Full Values, Reliable Merchandise and close attention to business. ROGERS TAILOR. MAIN STREET. LISTOWEL. The Home of Good Shoes Where the Best Values Come From. An Inspection of the Goods here will post you in regard to the Styles you ought to wear and the Prices you ought to pay. . - - A Complete Stock of Travelling Bags, Trunks, and Suit Cases kept in stock at the Right Prices. Repairing Carefully and Promptly Attended To. SCHELL & RIEHM, BOOT AND SHOE STORE. New Shoe Store. We have opened a new Shoe Store in the premi I Occupied by Grosz & a os next to Walter Bros. ee . "e) € have a complete assortmeni of the very latest sty] Boots and Shoes, which will be solu at remsnaabio orken, " sof Trunks, Suitcases and Telescopes, mae in and inspect our stock. ull assortment of Shoe Polish just arrived. given away with each bottle of ' Black Cat "a " sis ish, Seribblers RERAIRING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. IRWIN & CO. Shoe Merchants, Listowel. In Our New Premi- ses. 5. L. KIDD &SON Are now installed in their new premises on Main Street, | |One Door ast of Post Office where they keep Only the Choicest Meate. Our stock will be found the larg- est and best in town and includ- ing everything in the line of Fresh and Cured Meats, Sausages, etc. J. GABEL Issuer of Marriage Licenses. We aim to satisfy our custom- = = : ers and to make new ones we =a | keep the goods to do it with. mi Orders by phone or o:herwise _ promptly filled and meat delivered Ss L- KIDD & SON "PHONE 31.

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