v4 Time a} eh so superior to the make peatters worse the Prange of change - life [dllowed, eed & although I w er the care of one of our best » I was steadily growing rse., Before I was sick I had read of Dr. Williams' Pink ills, but thought no more about em. But now when I was sick \*: helpless and almost hopeless, and a no rig coming from 1 treatme I kept thinking of the Pills og finally saa d to try them. I did so and I am thank- ful to be able to say that they re- stored me to health and strength, and enabled me to pass through that trying period, from which so many ' women emerge with shattered health. JI hope that many other poor sufferers may read this eens and take fresh courage from it, as I am sure that what Dr. W illiamms" Pink Pills have done for me, they will do for others. I may add that I always keep Dr. Williams' Pink Pills in the home, = feel that they are better than o " These Pills are sold by all medi- cine dealers or may be had by mail at 50 cents a box or 61x boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Me dicine Co., Brockville, Ont. ----_--_Fe--__--.. WORLD'S COAL SUPPLY. Great Britain's Will Last About 173 Years. The dwindling visible coal sup- plies of the world are engaging the attention of the Governments of most countries where coal is found. Sir William Ramsay, the English scientist, startled the British Asso- ciation some weeks ago by saying in his presidential address that the coal supply in the United Kingdom won't last another 175 years if the wasteful use of material is not promptly checked. And 175 years is only a span in a nation's life. ow comes the cme technical Kohle und Erz (Coal and Ore) which. has made a general sur- vey of the world's coal production and says that barring the States and perhaps north Chioa ermany is still the richest coal beaiing country. America, with its huge production of nearly half a million tons a year, is, it says, rap- idly epronine exhaustion, and me may said of the coal fields j in the United Kingdom, where the production is also high and must end in the giving out of "2 Northumberland and D other English sources may wal half a century longe The first mines = that will have to close down will be those of central France and Bohemia, which only hare 100 years more to live. The north of France and the Saarbruc- ken-basin in western Germany come next with a life of between 400 an 500 years. Still better sithated are the" Belgian and Westphalian coal regions and the fields in the Au- strian dnd Russian parts of Upper Silesia, which may reckon on an uninterrupted output for the next 800 years. Prussian Silesia is safe for an- other 1,000 years or more. Nature has here vast deposits of pure carbon, with lodes of an average thickness of 40 feet. Some of them are 60 feet thick, so that coal con- sumers may take heart of grace. 7 Saves Worry and Trouble Post Toasties Can be served instantly with cream or milk. : fr veitkos a breakfast or inary, that it has be- e a. welcome pantry ssi thousands of Héines d adds to the fcom ort and pleasure of United | Ross and started down the Wye eo n dod ped in front of a dingy, low browed bakeshop with a sign, 'Accomm tions for cyclists.' ly, 'we stop. . '*'Not here,' she wailed, ere |" the eco! sibility of obtaining ty and bel. ter so inexpenseive and so excel- lent. These bakeshops with their cyclist cards, the shilling Sinners in all the market towns, better o course on market days, but +a rance hotels--they sometimes sell liquor but are gener- ally clean--the readiness of all the farmers to take any traveller in over night and feed him gorgeously, 'sleep him' quaintly under canopies and in bouncing beds,. make econ- omy ONE LONG POEM OF PLEASURE 'Indeed, before the summer was over, madam le to find her greatest joy in loitering up joa down the streets of some quaint old town, weighing, considering, until at last the very best and the very cheapest peayon and supper had been obtain "Nowhere save in England can vdatatee streets, stop- | and Pein i ; { i perched up in the pence) apiece in passerby morning" adi 'good night.' We had but one day of rain, that-is possibly ex- ceptional maps, cyclist maps, are fais, but a yr eens not worth joiming. gives ex- ive and always 'drink' hotels. "And the 1 .Wo. spent ex- actly $119.92 > per, «bed breakfast were generally either six or seven shi 'or the two us, three to six (six- ) . Dinner averaged from a shilling apiece to and ber gives one five slices nine pence dinner -- three, the two combined left room for ers re than in America, but the food is distinctly better. 4 THE KUDOS OF KINGSHIP. Some English School Children's Idea of the King's Life. Some English elementary school- children, about ten years of age, were recently asked to write an es- say on "George V., King of Eng- land." The observations on his Majesty's daily life were rather sensational. One little boy tells us that his Majesty spends the inter- vals between his meals walking up and down his garden path; that he makes his laws up out of his ead, and that he has liver and bacon for breakfast ! "'T think he has veal and ham and thick gragie, which is trimed with parsly, and is on a silver dish," says another "After that he has apple-pic, straw- berrys and cream, and then forty winks before he goes to the such striking diversity of scenery be ldiscovered in so short a compa:s. We were six weeks from home and, | of course, had but twenty- four | days for tramping. As we carri everything on our backs we did pers { about eighteen miles a day, .yet we walked nearly the oath < of | England. Starting at somes | we came down through Shropshire to Herefordshire and spent one gusty rdiny day at Hereford. "The De himeelf, an author and the brother of an Earl, showed us the famous library in the absence of the verger, a was so impress- ed by discovering that madam, under her rough attire, possessed an ability to read mediaeval French and Latin that he invited us to lunch. 'From Hereford we crossed to Valley, going as far as Chensiow, then to Gk ucester, Bath and Wells and through Frome to the edge of THE WILTSHIRE MOORLANDS. Over the moorlands to Stonehenge and Amesbury we went. At Ames- bury we were assured by landlord, storekeeper ana carters that there positively was not, never had been, never could be a road onthe west Avon--not Shake- speare's, but as lovely--to Salis- bury. But we had read Richard Le Gallienne ard persi insi guessed and tumbled into the most penny morning walk. "Now Hereford is as cattle coun- try, crammed with ruined monast- cries and old walled towns. The cattle fly is a pest, but for some curious reason will not venture under an outspread umbrella. The whole place is so unvisited that we were never recognized -as Ameri- cans, and the farmers gave us the milk we asked for, a thing -- of away from our own land. French peasants do, however, ofies wine free to any : "The whole 1 pe is wide, with strange conical gen abruptly from the plains. The Valley of the Wye is the most beautiful thing in Great Britain. Indeed few countries can equal it. The steep hills offer magnificent views and are clothed with trees as in no other part of England. Every- where the legend of Aethar follows and poetizes the way. The natives speak of him as of some contempor- VICTORIA THE GOD. "Half way down the vale lies Tintern Abbey, that most picture- sque of ruins, smothered in its vines. We rowed one whole morn- ing on the river, going from some ten miles above the abbey down to the bend on which it bides. price of the boat and boatman was but seven shillings, and we could have had him for the day at the same price. "The moorlands are the wildest, the most lonesome sight an~uhac- can loo a ore theater." But perhaps the best piece of humor is furnished by the laddie who tells us that the King rides about in a golden carriage, 'sleeps in a golden bed, wears a crown on his head on Sundays, and wages every day which come to hgets £6,000 every week. It will be news to the Court that "'sumtimnes the King passes his time away sitting on' his throne reading" ; and it is edifying to learn from another juvenile historian that 'the has some children who do not go to Sunday-school, so be spends his time singing hymns with them in the afternoon.'"' --_ a A FINE NIGHT-CAP. The Best Thing in the World to go . to Bed and Sleep on. '"'My wife and I find that 4 tea- spoonfuls of Grape-Nuts and a cup : ot milk, or some cream, with t, makes the finest night-cap in the world, "says an Alleghany, Pa., an 3 "We go to sleep as soon as we strike the bed, and slumber like babies till rising time in the morn- ing. 'It is about 3 years now since we began to use Grape-Nuts food. and we always have it for breakfast and before retiring and sometimes for lunch. I was so sick from what the brain fag before I n Grape-Nuts that I could neither eat, sleep nor wor® with any com- ort. 'Il was afflicted at the same time with the most intense pains, accom- panied by a racking headache and backache, every time I tried to cat anything. Notwithstanding an un- usual pressure from my profession- al duties, I was compelled for a time to give up my work altogether. "Then I put myself on a diet of Grape-Nuts and cream alone, with an occasional cup of Postum as a runner-up, and sometimes a little dry toast. I assure you that in less than a week I felt like a new man; I had gained six pounds in weight, could sleep well and think well. "The good work went on, and I was soon ready to return to busi- ness, and have been hard at it, and enjoying it ever sifce. "'Command me at any time any one enquires as to the merits of Grape-Nuts. You will find 7 al: ways ready to testify." given by Postum Co., Battle Creek, Mic Read the little book, "The Read to Wellville, ** in pkgs. There's a reason.' Ever read the above letter? A new anvears from a te 6 Doe genuine, true and FEASTING THE DEAD. It is a custom in China to feed the spirits of departed Chinese, which must be done by male members of the family. The Feast of Universal Rescue is given from time to time in * as ee _ A. years, ** Mannheim, bs Oct. 9.-- Bpecial).--How ly and easily Bheumatism can be cured when ee Son ae en ey Ay Ce the case of Mrs. Mary A. Cook, her cure, of which . all the village knows, Mrs. Cook says: ; "T had bad that night. "I first thought I would $7 os doctors, but luckily 4 decid first tre Dodd' Kies, Pa ma "They cured me, and I didn't have to try the doctors. And just to think that afte: fourteen years of suffering one box of Dodd's pod po ls Pills should cure! I end Dodd's his f Kidney Pills to | 'is Pl f anrone pi suffers from Rheuma- yes, it is eas¥ to cure Rheuma- tism when you go the -_ ray it. Rheumatism is 2 urie acid in the blood. Tt the Kidneys are working right they will strain all the uric acid out of the blood and there can be no Rheuma- tism. Dodd's Kidney Pills always make the Kidneys work right. _----- STRANGE FRENCH RIVER. The Seine New So Lew That Boats Have Their Troubles. Contrary to last year's freak, when the Seine threatened to engulf Paris, the famous river |} now gone down so low as to sec! on the point of drying up altogether. Will it come to this?! When one looks at the plates recently affixed on the walls and the ends of the piers to mark the maximum level of last year's flood, and compares it with the present level of the water, the difference is almost incredble. The bed of the river can b y seen, through the muddy e boats move along with a ent difficulty, pe propellers churning in the piles and bits of ml walls can be seen that once formed part of dams or prepaartory works emerge out of the water. If the river should dry up in Paris it would, mean a new disaster, a it is not altogether impossible. There have scarcely been twelve Howpray, the to supply a slight the disaster will averted. ee A Remedy for Bilious Headache. aun and most likely be S --To those subject to bilious head- | © ache, Parmelee's Vegetable Pills way to Taken according to Fae ig they will subdue irregu- larities of the stomach and so act upon the nerves and blood vessels that the pains in the head will cease. There are few who are not at sometime subject to biliousness and familiar with its attendant evils. Yet-none need suffer with these pills at hand. Whining women and children are bad enough, but deliver us from whining men. Minard's Liniment 'for sale everywhere. TO BE KEPT DARKE. Little Marjory--Mamma, what is & spinster ? Mother--A spinster, my dear, i woman to be envied, but don't tell your father I moult = so. To Men Who 'Lal Inactive Lives. --Exercise in the open air is the best tonic for the stomach and sys- tem generally; but there are those, who are compelled to follow seden- tary occupations and the inactivity tends to restrict the healthy ac- tion of the digestive organs and sickness follows. Parmelee's Vege- table Pills regulate the ae liver afid restore healthy action. is wise to have a packet of the wills always on hand. HIS ECONOMY. The children in the Blank family were taught habits of neatness at the table by being compelled to pay a fine of one cent for every Bi they put on the tablecloth. One da: Harold, a boy of seven years, ae discovered rubbing the overhanging part of the cloth between. his fin- gers, per' when taken to task for it, be said: "bys Mummy, I was just trying tO rab two spots into ope!' 3 a| aware that danger is near. avert hi stroke, the * ing J s with fresh green leaves, which ef- fectually shield his brain from Phoebus's darts. No such protec- tion is, however, accorded to comes an ~~ of popular rever- ence, as iclan on whose behalf the super-natural pow- = x meee deigned to inter- "But clouds seldom interfere with the admistration of justice on the day selected. ae WHY NOT? seeing & Dr. Sargent, of Harvard, "woman is nature's fa- vorite." She's everybody's favorite, isn't she? - a CONSTIPATED CHILDREN Constipation in children is the surest sign of danger--the most convincing signal that baby is go- ing to be ill. to and actually causes more --- ing in little ones than any o trouble. To keep baby well his little stomach must be kept sweet and his bowels regular--Baby's Own Tablets will do that--they will do it safely, surely and without pain or griping. Concerning them rs. S. 0. an en, Bergland, Ont., says:--"My baby was both- ered almost "continuslly with his stomach and bowels and was great- ly constipated. Baby's Own Tab- lets quickly reiieved him and I would not now use any other medi- cine.' The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box fronf'The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. -------- e___ -- IT WON'T WORK. Be wer nih is a jewel.' "That's all but you can't work it off on ay irl instead of a diamond ring TRY MURINE EYE REMEDY for Weak, Weary, Watery Eyes and Granulated Eyelids. Murine Doesn't Re Murine ve Aseptic Tubes, 25c. $1.00. Eye Books No man can hope to be happily married'unless he is a good listener. Minard's Liniment Relieves Neuralgia. UNAVOIDABLE. Owner--How did you come to puncture the tire? neato over a milk bot- tle Owner--Didn"t you sec it in time? Chanffeur--No; the bil had it under his coat. Cholera and all laints are so quick in their action that the cold hand of death is up- on the victims before they are If at- -- do not delay in getting the orer medicine. Try a dose of Dr. D. Kellogg's Dysentery Cor- dial, 7 you will get immediate relief. It acts with wonderful ra- pidity and never fails to effect a cure. summer com- SOLVED. Willis--I wonder if there will ever he universal peace All I they' es got to agree ore, Nov. 1, 1903. eer imites. al iver Typewriter Co. x P. --Kindly answer at oncy, : an < eae SNE g DODDS BEYOND HIS KNOWLEDGE. Constipation leads |. Public Utility Bonds to yield 5 per cent. . Proven Industrial Bonds to yield 534 per cent. to 6 per cent... * GREATEST OOLS fitied In past L B HANN, from~ tins. Milling Co., MITH. Steno. FARMS FOR GALE OR RENT. ASK SAwse ae Knows. ra want farm. ]* * weet @ ber © farm, consult me. HAVE some of the best Heal, Mock. Grain a an Parms in ntario, prices ri and Hi Maser Dawsow, Oe. Ninety Colborne ACENTS WANTED. Ken MEN oR WOMEN, fe ou wish to make Pive Dollars da for balance of year? If so, consult J. z Nichols Co ited, Toronto. MISCELLANEOUS. Peabody Ores 2. ROBINSON Bkkpr. re Ca, Southam pt et Fiossix ANDERSON, Steno. and Chatham. MitbkaoaNo Pay Ws ott Pays position one where tne gpa offered. ar Aah jun Seas tote a. i oe telis of our noon courses Satu > Me CHLAN & CO. Cc B. College, Chatham, 0: BOYS and Lees 'le'. Ge Ohristwas Gabe TOROATO. CANN DA Home Study Course | Good Weekly income Wonderful Opportunity Constant Employment Diplomas Grasted Royal College Of Science rerliter? St. West AT FARM SCALES. Wilsdn's -|H ay Works, 9 Esplanade, Toronto. AWMILL MACHINERY, PORTABLE 1S or beary Lathe Milla, Shingle Mille, Engines nee Boilers, Mill Sepy* E. nufacturing Street, Orillia, Ontario. Y TO FIFTY BARBERS aDVER- teed 'tor. od Toronto alone, al- ost every let us you barber, ream capert. Tdetrect 5) n prae' tice; tool free. Write for catalogue. Moler Barver College, con Bast, ANCER, TUMOKS, LUMPS. t ternal and external. cared 's pines G 72h, ScaLz, GUARANTEED. Wilson's Reale Wor 9 Esplanade, Toronte. eee peices FEEE Consuls S': y dissese. 'Lowest ices sepa meneyee pitted on mail. ment for eee = FEATHER. 2 DYEING aan. Sry age wl be sont Satyr peat, to per ane BRITISH AMERICAN. 'DYEING ca ; MONTREAL ; H. H. NIGHTINGALE sTOcK Te ail Member Standard Steck LISTED ioseon canmieD coon wancrn 33 MELINDA ST, "TORONTO [PORCUPINE GOLD FIELDS A FINANCIER. Boss--There's $10 gone from - eash drawer, Johnny; you and were the only poate who had the || keys to that dra Office Boy---Well,. a we each pay $5 and say no more about it. -- Minaré's Lintment Cures Dandruft. HIS BLARNY. Maid--But why should a great po man like you be found Beg- o Way farer--Dear lady, it is the only Tpaniadhoe I know in which a gentleman can ress a beariitel woman WHORE Am 9 an introduction. Tis a Marvellous 7 Thing. -- bios speedy teousht t to the suffering wherever it has been used, it must be regard- ed as a marvellous thing that so tent a medicine should result from the six ------ which en- ter into its compositio will convince the most skeptical of its healing virtues. a SURPRISE VERDICT. Mether Whe fockea Her Son Was The acquittal at Teschen, Silesia, of a mother who wilfully strangled had-to sustain family of eight children out of pea poor earning#. All her children gave her trouble, but Gores, a béy of to despair. Fortunes Are Being Made Let us send you particulars FREE. WATERS-HARRIS SYNDICATE #43 Victoria St., Toronto, Canada Seven Princes of Wales have been christened with the name of Fd- war Pts Warts will render the pretties hands unsightly. Clear the ex. crescences away by using Hollo- way's Corn Cure, which acts thor Loughly and painlessly. Office secking seems to be a chro nic disease i some men Minard's Liniment ¢ Gorm Burns, Ete. CLEVER, INDEED. "He seems to be very clever."' "Yes, indeed. He can even d the problems that his children hav te work out at school.'"' Set eS