Pink Pills will do in this trouble. Chas. Phipps, Pelee Island, Ont., says :--"At the age of fourteen my eldest daughtcr, Edith, much run down, and the trouble into St. Vitus dance. side. She grew so bad that she actually could not hold anrthing in Ler hand, and could only go about with a sliding. jerking motion. Not- "withstanding that we were giving her she, seemed to be growing speech became much affected. became so much alarmed about her that finally her father got a supply of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and we began giving her these. In the course of a ee weeks she was much better. and before all the pills were gone she was again enjoying per- fect heaith. This was in 1908, and as she has not had a symptem of the trouble since I feel justified i in s3y- ing the \ Be sure you get the genuine pills which are sold by al! medicine dealers cr may be had at 50 cents a box or ix bexes for $2.50 from The | Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock- | ville, Ont. a SUFFICIENTLY PERMANENT. Mic, tameron was seventy-two sears oh bur she was so well-gre- served that there seemed no rea- sun to think that her days might not be lengthened to reach che fam- ily staundard--ever eighty-five. When her trusty maid of all work fell ill, Mrx. Cameron, saying that she sheuid pensicD the faithful Nancy. tet abuut to obtain another. She advertised for a girl who wish- ed a' "permanent place,' and offer- ed hich wages. The first applicant was 2 grim Scotchwoman, who looked Mrn. -- over, and then spoke her "You're well- t Sercecdl, msa'sm. she said. "but you're fair old for a' that, an I'm lookin' for a pair- manencs "You stay here till after my fun- eral." said Mrs. Cameron. with an appreciative twinkle in her eye, "and see if it asn t been pretty permanent." '*Aweel. [ll trv it," said the wo- man, after another survey + future mistress: and she ¢ Led became / of river and yeti, tribe. and finally = le pairmareney " for fifteen years, at the end wf which time she attended | and | the funera! ef her mistress, after it learned that a geod!) ¥ sem | had heen left to "my Tina. «n the receipt of which she retired from active service. oe FROM TEXAS. Seme Ceffee Facts From the Lone Star State. Frem a beautiful farm down in fexas. where gushing springs unite to form babbling brooks that wind their sparkling way through fow- ery meads. comes a note of grati- tude for delivery from the coffee aabit. "'When my baby bot came to me five years ago. I began to drink Postum. having a feeling that it would be better for him and me than the eld kind of drug-laden roffee. - I was not disappointed in it, fer it enabled me, a small deli- cate woman, to nurse a bouncing healthy baby 14 months. "-- have since continued the use of Postum for I have grown fond of it. amd have diseovered to my joy that it has entirely relieved me of a bilious habit which used to pros- trate me two or three times a year, eausing much discomfort to my family and suffering to myself. i "My brother-in-law was cured of ; ehronie constipation by leaving off | coffee and using Postum. He has become even more fond of it than | os he was of the old coffee. "Im faet the entire family. from the latest arriva!. (a 2 -year-old whe his ' * first head of the house. think there is no 4rink so cood ur so wholesome ss Postum."" Name given by Pos- -tum Co.. Battle Creek. Mich. Read the little book, '""'The Road bo Weilville."" im pkgs. "'There's a m?? Ever read the abeve od &_new pom apeears from thee fe They ar Temuine, Wwe aad Tut! of woman interest. coerce. Lueck seems to Lare a mania for Dy 0 heel gor iccanpalamaa -thered 2 movement of emigrants to te apoly pawens 's Corn Cure and he saw was a reve known. Leichardt never saw the book he wrote, which many readers, for while it was being printed in London the restless explorer set off pever The mystery of it was the talk Australia for years. He was swal- ments offered large rewards those who should reliere Leichardt or learn his fate. Every exploring party in Australia since that time | has had in view the possibility of oe the mystery, but no relics of the party mye ever aced. and the rewards offered for tidings of the explorer have never been paid. As late as dvi a small party th investigated port that Lei chardt relics had 'to found among one of the tribes of northwestern a Nothing was diseover- The expedition that has now left | Adelaide has been instructed to make 2 thorough investigation and ; if convinced that it has solved the | mystery of Leichardt's fate te mark the scene of his final sufferings with astone monument. TEETHING TIME WORRY. Baby's teething time was once 2 source of worry to all mothers--it is yet a time of worry to many, though there are thousands of m>- thers who have learned the secret which banishes this worry. Mothers who worry, who see their little ones suffering frum difficult teeth- ing; who are worn out by day and kept awake at night by the cries -f the baby in distress, should follow the example of the thousands and f ry the never failing banisher of baby's ins. Concerning them M.«. fi Monette, Jr.. Rapide de YOrignal, Que., says:--"My baby cried dar and night and suffered from his teeth. A few doses of Baby's Own Tablets made him healthy and mae py and his teething easy and pa less. I would not be without them." The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicice Co., Brockville, Ont. a eee HINDUS IN CANADA. Retigieus Congress at Chieace Start- ed the Immigration. The present Hindu popi lation of Canada numbers about 5.000, all men, for no women are allowed to} accompany them to Canada or to | follow them after they have arrived | and settled, says awriter in the Victoria, B. C., Daily Times. ese are resident entirely British Columbia and chiefly in the cities of Vancouver and Victoria and on farms in the neighborhood, where they are industrivusly em- ployed in the many forms of man- ual labor, for which they appear to have both special adaption and de- sire. I am indebted to Dr. Sunder Singh, the aééredited agent for these people in Canada, for the statement as to how the eyes of the Hindus were first turned toward America and Canada and the first beginnings of modern emigration rom India were inspired. He says that the visit of Hindn religicus re- formers to the great parliament of ; religions which was held in Chieago in connection with the Workd's Fair first aroused these people to an appreciation of the adventages Op» 2 - ? o att @3. and . mocratic institutions. ; The edneational work carried on, by American missionaries in the_ high schools of India also prepared | tony way for a sowing of gnod seed i a ready soil. the frvitage of | at turned the eyes of educated | Hindus toward this new Economie conditions in India far- Canada in 1905, when and continu- ing until 1907 not a few came to this country. never used. wT beiig ateak from giass gust toukions § im stiver holders. Only the sninformed endive the agsny ef cerns. The knowing ones get relief. of the collection was put at "Por two years I was ---- the doctor's care, but he never seem- ed to do me any lasting good. Tro boxes of Dodd's Kidney Pills made a new woman of me."" To save yourself suffering cure your Kidneys at the first sign of trouble. Dodd's Kidney Pills are the one sure cure. ------_--_----r_--___ LEFT FORTUNE IN BUTTONS. Cellection Includes Specimens from Nist. Century. A great surprise has come to the heirs of a man who died at Ghent, Switzerland. It was found that had left a fortune im buttons which he had valectal all his life. At first the news caused much laugh- ter, but an -- of the col- lection changed th The collector hed div ided his but- toms into series. They dated from the ninth century. The collection was started with a button from the | nuded | (Otter or Persian Lamb Co! robe of Charlemange and ¢ with one taken from the uniform of Napoleon. There were buttons from all the regiments which had existed in France, from the archers of Charles VIL., to the Alpine chasseurs. The collection included buttons in wood, rass, $13, - 000, while its artistic value is worth considerably more- ~~ Some persons have periodica! at- tacks of Canadian cholera, dysen- tery or diarrhoea, and have to use great precautions to aroid the dis- C of water, cooking, | " would recommend Dr logg's Drysentery Cordial as being | the best medicine he market for all summer env sc leg If a few rie are taken in water when the sym are noticed no further OrmDs Soslie will be experienced. "How did you happen to lose out?' 'Some of my misguid ided | friends got up an automobile pro-! cession for me,"' explained the can- didate. "Most of the voters, how- ever. have no automobiles. Diphtheria, Quinsy and Tonsilitis begin with-sore throat. How much better to cure a sore throat in a day or two than to be in bed for weeks with Diphtheria. Just keep Hamlin's Wizard Oi! in the house. STATESMANSHIP. "Why did you declare that you were _anxious to retire to private life f *'Becanse,"" said the statesman, "T theught it was up to me to sar something to remind the public that I hadn't done so." Hope for the Chronic Dyspeptic. --Through lack of consideration of the body's needs many persons a!- low disorders of the digestive ap- paratus to endure until they be- come chronic, filling days and nichts with suffering. To these a course of Parmelee's Vegetable Pills is re commended as a sure and speedy way to regain health. These pills are specially compounded to com- bat dyspepsia and the many ills that follow in its train, and they are successful alwars. The man who knows he's in the right need not : ee Sinard's Liniment Rell Retleves Neeraigis. NOT HIS nS FAULT. "Oratory is a gift, n quirement.' ae enderatend. " said the matter-} vfi-faet chairman. "We're blaming vou. You done the best you could." a g F y i | j rt cf 4 i: F tah FLGTIERYT viel ; ¢ Fi : : Ladies' Muskrat Lined Coats sso The Iadies lining is 38 inches long and trimmed with Genuine Alaska 'Sable Collar and Lapels. The Gents coats ere --. with Upon receipt of the money we a ship to any part of Can: If not satisfactory return at our expense. Coais made to your owr measure- ments, same price. A. J. ALEXANDOR 504-606 St. Paul St.. Monfreal Bear im wind that yeu are dealing with Whelesalers. | Mexico acd is a tough fibre, but as flexib I thread."' A NEW INVENTION. The attention of our readers is called to an advertisement, in alt r column, of the Alsddia Mantle Lamp, which burns ordin- ary cua! modern inveative genius that must be seen to be fully appreciated. Oa ner cighty-first birthday inmate of the Old Ladies' Willie-- "Who put the pin on teacher's chair? JUST SO. "What was a Wise just saying --that he loved his wife 'No; he said that she was very dear to him." The Mantle Lamp Company, ge omg Montreal, Can., are giv- ay absolutely FREE one ALLADIN MANILE LAMP im each community to introduce this won- derfal lamp. It buras coal oil, and is revolutionizing lighting every- --_-- odorless, safe. economi- !; needed in every home. Don't fail to send them your name and address. = VERY FULL. Figg--"Brown can't fill his or- vate He discharged a lot of his hands because they got full.' Foge--'I see; and now he's got his ans full." RINE NE EYE REMEDY Manr a man apparently goes to pieces before he is broke. Simar@'s Liniment Cares Surns, Ete PROBLEM. "There is one thicf who is al- ways anxious to restoré what he stole, yet when he _ it bac makes double his theft. 'Who might he be 5 "The man who hs a kiss."" A Remedy for Earache.--To have DUDDS KIDNEY the earache is to endure torture. , considering it | Dr. omas" | Eelectrie O2 oes a simple rem- edy. A few drops upen 8 piece of not lint or medicated cvtton and placed in the ear will work wonders in re- lieving pain. PATS WIT. Pat being brought before the re- corder for the first time, the fol- Reco Pat-- ensued : r--What is you name? peocorder-- Whee is your oceupa- ons ; Becorder--A sailed I dont be be-f Tieve you were ever on a New York, recently skipped twenty- one times with a rope to celebrate the occasion. children everywhere. It 2 fails. SINGULAR. *-Talk ym luck !"' "What happesed ?" "I found 4 or bill in my last summer's suit." "Gee. Why, I thought you were married.' Such industrial issues as: Western Can- ada Flour Mills Company. Limited, frst mortgage 6's; P. Burns & Com- pany, Limited, ferst mortgage and frst and refunding mortgage 6's; William Davies Company, Limited, first mort- j gage 6's. h We have extensive 'markets for such investments both in Canada and abroad. * Cur position enables us to extend to those interested in established Canadian enterprises and thei securities all the facilities of an experienced and con- servative house. ~ Safe Bonds are obtainable to give an income of from 5 per cent. to 6 per cent. Famous Rayo Lamp les ny a aaa you can find of your no eee of leanies.* Its white . Aadit a 7 strong light has made St co walag hind-=k Sie yee om te lamp tbr Eee cae Eiger ate ee odermerey apie ant se Ad a ee A Sensible Merchant a Island, Aug. 76, 1963. Mizard's Lie Co. Limited. Dear Sirs. omy traveller is bere today and we large q ty of yeur MINAEDS NIMENT. We find it the best iment om the market, making Sd We have bees in businces 3 years and ve bandied all kinds, but hare them ali bai yours; that selle iteelf: the others have to be pushed Th Gee iy 04 Comp Limited FARMS FOR SALE OR RENT. . ASK mee ag Nig Knows. SS consul' J oe Pett & te farm. - consult HAVE some of the beat Fruit. Stock, for ertene tle or Lug Farms in Ontariq Hi. "are Lg tac Sieety Colborme ACENTS WANTED. 3 CANADA BUSINESS COLLECE will regulate the action ef a d-- ranged stomach and a disordered liver. and make you feel like a new man. Nope need suffer a day gut at apy drug stere. Peace often costs more than a ; fight. mera Lintment Cures Dandruff. EYEN H ARDER. "It's hard for a man to get along | withent a woman. from debilitated digestion when sv; simple and effecvive a pil! can be; 'There' s only one thing harder." _ ATMA AFRAID OF HIM. OSE OF AMERICAS GREATEST Beg a he OR WOMEN. DO es BUSINESS SCHOOLS ) you wish to make Five Dollars das 'You never go to banquets with! over choice positions Giled in past | for balance 1 aeons husband Beme others og B HaXN -- 'No. I'm always afraid that Newt with Milling Ci. @o Par SaLARt asp . UP- Moon they" li ask him tu make a speech."" aces x i tice, immediately: pymanen paste And can't make one? experience rap advan-e "That's it exactly. He can't. meat: spere time accep Ric , Tc But if he were asked I just know Limited. Publishers, Toronto. he'd get up and = Sa" C GENTS WANTED. -- A Like Oe R asc of agents supplies _ We a ee the evire the jetel Condition. -- greatest agency Pp ition in © x oS A B. When energy flags and the cares as maf fm albert St. Ouawa i of business become irksome; when the whole system is out of sorts an? MISCELLANEOUS. there is general depression. try al aed FAR SCALES. Wilson's Parmelee's Vegetable Pills. The: H Besia Works ? haplamade, T KARN THE BARBER TRADE RIGHT-- L* Meler Barber College is the ort- oe ge founded in 12355; pearls are now successful barbers all ever the ; you. "What? "To get along with one."' ! Cerrespeadease istited ES MELINDA ST., TORONTO}: BOYS»GIRLS = CH RIST MAS GLOBE "YOU CAN MAKE 15 CENTS + Om BACH COPY VOU SELL