a ff xk 4 : * a Fee ee "Is 3 ee eee 5 t fine = oa er 3 Sunday, Oct. 29, i911. et e ¥*: ion, ag hae SP zm Slag , 20th * ox Pa 53 eo ae " See teacher, 2 4 Ts ig pM. ¥.| Mr. 8. E. Smith, Reeve of Wallace 7. p.m. Byvensong and sermom §i $ ay hed tes Serta. to 5 All Free. - ore vibe fractared in a runs : ~ _ ; or in en and ; F oe ~-_- |p Reet confined to his howse, is E a METHODIST CHURCH, =." j= oA Cin ing favorably, and hopes to around L co. * Rev. F. Lovts BARBER, M. A., Ph. DS only by }88%2_ and attending to duties p' ; Pastor, i. =. | Shortly. fT : Sunday, Oct. 29, Ss eet ic ay - = be Li a, m --Sermon to illustrat- - Mite eg 22 'The nt a of the 3 ed with bird pletures. ome mo Sho te Hvad Eotersabe Bio Mais 2 . : ~ +f Councillor. A. W. Featherstone is j 2.45 p. m.--Sundazy School Anriversary. n hs 2S f ara | mk ca we 3idabe for at the 4 S O L. D O U T ° 7.00 p m.--Sermon to parents. 4 a cothing uiunicipal elections: Mr. Fea-' z ~ . Chetan a ES wee. pence fens ae ee spare ae : Saturday, November 28th, will-be ecco. in Soelliog's Barber Shop. | of Ma Raa | wil make» trong canto ; ' ' ; The Belmont cad Roya! Mint cane town aud ie fig Mey PaLMERstToN CHILD's DeaTa.--The - there Spt a feen months-old-.son of Mr. and a our last day open. The store will then Bev Noes it Once ~Flaton eel ient | hira. Paleh of Dolanppion set s sm Btag b ° . old or over, to act caretaker | =. ty oss ai death on Monday, Thé "little. fellow et return for a busi education. _ | 6" ee. while toddling around the house, ; : be closed for stock-taking. $ baehnees atecatin. 4, (TE Gpedasjee cn | "hile toddling sromnd) the hones, hig ; | el Business College. | the ; Spending | hot water, which was being used for y 100 GIRLS WANTED. = i , : ' bi < scald him severely the shock resulted , We wish to thank our many custo- i $5.00 per week to start with for girl Ranke. Find oa eighteen over. Apply at once D.| 3 cave taht F ' r imi gave "cet... Evectric Light at STaTIoN#s.-- : - ters and friends for their generous iiabiechiiaanitdenmaedens Ee Biiiveds will hota | Both the C. P. Rand G.T.R stations' j a bexsap-fe: fiat -od-the days | lave been wired for electric lighting tronage during our term of business MISS C. EDNA SMITH, | cz Novem é am 64 and are attached to the Municipal sys- 4 pa 1 ORGANIST CHRIST CHURCH. We kavex: : oe ie Shoes tent en a. arranging to Teacher of Piano. Pupi for te s ; ---- sed round home here and bespeak the same patronage 4 cheng 1 lala see: Y. Sewn. with electricity. The lighting of the : for our successor, Mr. Griffin, who will le Schoo eee rue wats | lamps wil] bos decided iceprovement 4 _-- P. 0. Box 133. "Phone 110. a3. | = EO -- 0nd aie nroreciated U7 car citizens ) endeavor to please and satisfy everyone. = be bet? 3 FE "t-"WiLL BuRN MorTGaGe..-The twenty- EDNA K. LEE, Mr. W. J, a Stratford fifth anniversary af Methodist PIANIST: oun aa) y With his | Charch, Listowel, will be celebrated on (Pupil of J. D. A. Tripp, Toronto Con- | parents in town, Mrs. Wm. And-| no. 3rd and 4th, for which event big rvatory of Music.) Teacher of Piano | eson, Bay street. os re a preparations are being made. It is in- 5 ' ying and Theory. Pupils prepared| py. young. of -the™ tended to have as many of the former - ae . 7 Chorch will - social in the | pastors of the church present as possible, 3 Studio, Elma Street. vestry of the is Friday after- | and the quarter cen celebration will 4 ------ --.. | neon 2 mse by berning the mortgage on . me e ' the thurch. particulars = Dr. R. F. PARKER, 4 = or later £ ; PATH will : on ks- } All parr ,. | ei ic _ bea shoot-} ListowgL Deer HunTers. -- ' other methods , | ing ; pany. following parties leave to-day for Parry en . rented i a aemtyay ashen f aed ix iting advo- | Sound district on the snnual deer hunt ; - Hy FE 0 Eyes tested, glasses accurately fit! - * = of Merlin citi- -- --_ --_-- ---- Eee ; , Hours : Monda Thursdays and | gene 5 the in- | M- Camp! an vie m of town, is 5 : wi _ ~ ie -s Satandags,9 a. m. 1010p. po. Schisibein ce H yand Thos. Haddow and Thos. Mayburry i aia hos me ae aoe ae ae Block, ¢- - ia : ~hof Bla. Mr. J. A. Hacking, town, and ote: # oe eye ge vee 1a = phenom : ' ig: out of; re. J. Sanders, D.Grabam ané@ R. = aa g -- iste " x? ns = Sa Trg, Soe other. fowl At * and * possibly one. er " ct cee A : . a ihe a 7 . eGR ae PAE Ps hese : inteing going orth on ¥ i I uf BAR Sige > Hers Mapetone = ' Golden a Moorefield's splendid now on hand. well for to Hive " i Hospital, , Eng. Office 53 Wa- not men e alone, induced ; terioo Street, South, opposite Knox | Rev. Dr. Barber preachail on Sundsy | Miss Rosa Palmer of Listowel to share 4 Church, Stratford. At Grand Central | evening last to s large congregation. his lot with him. They drove to the : s & Hotel, Listowel, second Monday in discourse was on the Con C8 | parsonage at Trowbridge on Tuesday to \ each month, from 8.30 to 11.30 a. m. of the Methodist y held in | afternoon of this week, and Rev. I. A. a a 6 . ___ | Toronto. McKelvey tied the mystic knot = Dr. e, Ear, Nose and {| Though neither of them is now young = BR: BROWNS b= Be Bes Throat, wil be at Grand Central Hote, im yours sill Ute friends wish them Fs . owe tL. ours 5 @ m. many years piness . ; Before Buying a Range Come in and See the LONDON, ENG. yeo tested and g i - Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat, will be. plied. WEEKLY merosy, Room o ee 8 og 58 tthe Grand Central Hotel, Listowel, ' P /: 3 i =: ae Cham io Summit irom 9 c= to 12 noon, August 26th,| Dr. Rrtherford, who fraction' bot Cavell 87, Katie Cavell 87, Sid Bassett Fe September 23rd and October 28th. Listowel for s camber of years, 85, John Climie 85, Art Vandrick 85, 4 _ tT ine nian, Keriens Eropliale Lud Gabel 82, John Walker 82, Harold '4 --_____ | tour of the _ Winslow 82, Lyle Kidd 82, Hazel Tattle = Give us an opportunity to explain to you why we T.J.McDOWELL,D.D.S.L.D.S ia oo in his office Tucseday, n, Starnusel cintyre 77, Edna Schell A i i value h arket, It is a 74, Liela Taman 72, Carol Gabel 72 of noneider oe 'yor value ad ' d ar *s universal DENTI ST. HocKEY MEETING.--A meeting will | Hubert Zilliax 69, Hough McGillivray : high class range, fully guaranteed, and gives : CGruituate\Rieyal. Collage Dental'Ger-| ccicas ic the Liveaty 'benceneet om | 40, Coorg Scloll 61, Gladys McCallom # atisfaction. geons. Friday evening, 'ctober 27, at 7.30 p.| 67, Shirley Kincade 63, Alvin Calder é sonisaene Galkoes of Medicine | oT ge the purpone of ne-organizing the | 51, Harotd Large $1, Fred Jobuston 46, ana donno de Listowel y club. - All interested | Eigin Hay 42. cin Office over Schinbein's Store, same sade 3A er seasonanie \. envrance as Morphy & w, J. are invi . : xeTton Boy.-- =z ur Prices on ers all her $ able Goods Carthe aad tonite Honors FOR MORNINGTOD : --aainaia IviNG Day. --Single fare be- | 7 ooaon, Eng, Oct. 21.--Mr. R. T. --_--._ | tween all G. Tf ie and' Boffalo" N. | Hurst, of Stratford, Canada, has quali R R O S S eros = vewneet Port uron and it, Mich. }) fied as a member of pple College é 30% i tober iS od a Licenti ° > © YOUNG PEOPLE Good going ovcmber is." "| Royal College of Physicians, Edinburgh n Wattace STREET. ~ LisTOWEL, Oxr. 4 $ te ' -- The Dr. Hurst referred to in the above des F - $ We can prepare you for business New Brass age M aid patch belongs to Freeborn, Mornington = at memorial brass ke bas a siheetel practised in the West fora year or é : H. Martin of Chicago has presented ed, | *¥O and then went to the Old Country -- Listowel Christ Church, eae - arrivec. | where be took a post graduate course. i Sta aye =i we, awe We congratulate Dr. Hurst on his sac- Business - College ¢ | cated in the near we 0$-$-$-6-4-4-04-644$466666664-04 LPL LHL LLELPEPOPEEEE SEES EES : i --- NoBTON. -- Mr. Andrew 2 $0. eae + And place you in a good position @ CHAPMAN a Lily N Mr. F. W. Hay Witt Not Staxp.-- : $9 scarce S| capans and ioe Ely Ne. et ME; aaa : > e i 'for . t $ INDIVIDUAL INSTRUCTION @! stethodist parsonage on Wednesday | cept the nomination for the Legislature ( 3 Is O WW 4 evening, October 25th, Rev. Dr. Barber | tendered him by the Liberals of North + t You may enter any day. ning, the ceremony Perth in June last, giving as bis reason 4 bq . , . for his decision business considerations 7 q P¢ SOE St MATTE: Under the auspices of the W.C. T. | a4 lack of time to give the work the 4 Bq @ PRINCIPAL, LISTOWEL. ONT U., Mrs, Wright, Domimion President, | jtrontion it Another conven- H 5 J | 4q_reeeee. =--teeeen the Methodist church | t:,5 has been called for to-day at Mil- a S$ ecial Values if C C all C + _____| Thursday, Nov. 2nd, a 8 o'clock, also @| Joton, in the hope of securing a candi- q 5 q mass meeting will be held in the Pres- | 3.4, to lead the forlorn hope in this z 6 d ; byterian church in the evening riding. Tho names of Dr. Rankin, Mr. z 00 S. 3 T IRTY YE RS The Epworth League and Christian | McLagan of Stratford and others are = $ ~ . P Endeavor held s social in the Methodist | mentioned as poss! ae D4 -- z . Charch here on Monday evening last. wo new post office building is mak. ¥ + | . . Coll t A well p ing good progress. The stone and Fs t 2 Nail Brushes, 2 Egg Cups EACH > established during the past 26, SS buck work, with the exception of the F $ Fairy Soap, Shoe Polish 4 years. The larges back of wands crs iat the fold. tower and front gable, is almost com z Envel Kitchen Forks C. ' Canada. Owing to our connec- Cueese Farm. --At the Listowel | pleted and the rear part is about ready ? t 50 Envelopes, itchen Fro > = " over Ontario, = fair on Friday lest 1,785 white | for the m j roof. So far the work : P ou cheese * » a ft $1$ any other School You may §| 8nd 886. boxes colored were boarded. | has been a padarmperigess ni z . . ? , ts an - 2 z Cullenders, Rolling Pins, EACH 4 ed a a Tue = Leone Skilled aieenaas : $ Mixing Bowls, Whisks, 10¢ 3 |@ Affiliated with are on the job and their werk deen wet P¢ Scrub Brushes, Bread Tins ® ; ae Can- appear to have been slighted im any 2K bg » . + ada. It would te well for . The contractors expect to = $ ' $18 eichetve*right for Ontario af have the building closed in ie © . . . 4 i rs Flour Sifters, Granite Dippers, EACH $}§ the world-famous Blas Book- ter. a b * " > s which Lp New STATION.--We a. D4 Granite Kettles, Shoe Brushes ; 15 4 pe i hand Madan: SHouLD But ae ia >» that the G. T. R. Co. have rE. $ 5 Arm Clothes Driers C. $|Q from Start to Finish, and the eration the remodeling of Px t ; - ? student k ame De an the Li wel sation , patting in a ' = D4 = P sale Houses. Enter time. ing for ladies smoking we bd Be > Individual . for men, lavatories end other pa sages - < .* zs $ JOHN L: SCOTT. ig Fat-term From ang, 2510 se ee oat b of . P4 Write, cail or 'phone fer | atilized to advantage for z Pon 4 666666666666 wevvvvere & particulars. Ji = ai poses, P hoeee ooenet --s ee AM Eecorp.--Mr. Aloe. , som of Mr. | modern ; WINGH | J. Ei ° ab the twelfth an- | with our = = : BUSINESS COLLEGE neal : ae ete mort of 2 bavect St Mi ; - of drain tile, differ-|$ GEO. SPOTTON, Pres. $} 702 08 LS. Eewcaerl Useaeliprateaagtiied) Be you intend taking a Bussiness} THE 5 rome 5 » Pres Oh on § pole | suggest that our Sccouree.. Let us get acquainted. pened gt As eeiets Chas. W. Burns, Prin. vault re d. the nee a, AE aS Se Tai eee --o, ee ees Speci % i can count on s big house when- 'ever they retarn to Listowel. i i Ff ! | | ii He i Z| i Fy LEU RER iE AEs fil i F 5 PES e ges Bt tranger this hood, he being an old Trowbridge bcy. He intends to remove with his family to iness here, in which he has been en- gaged for a number of years, and during which time he has been ono of the town's most progressive and enterpris- ing citizens, he retaips the good wishes of all. BROUGHTON V. ROGER.--Orders have been granted by Justice Middleton in the High Court quashing four convic- tions made by Magistrate Davis of Mit: chell in Jane last, against Albert Brou- ghton, George Broughton, James Brou- ghton snd Edward Broughton. The magistrate entered convictions against the four bruthers on as charge laid by John Roger, township engineer of Elma, that had interfered with him while in the of bis duties as an Ont- ario land surveyor, and fined each of them $25 and costs. The Bronghtons applied to a judge of the High Court to quash these convictions on the ground that there was no such offence known to the law as that with which they had been charged, and therefore magis- bere Hel i g 4 2 consequence it is a difficulf matter to flour being $9-= -40¢ and great expectations of the fmtare of that vast country. BovuGuHt OvutT WaLTER Bros.--An other importan t i of this season's make of cheese has been sold for l4c per Ib, Farmers of this vicinity are now busily engaged finishing their fall Miss Jenkins of Toronto ia the guest at the home of her uncle, Mr. Jas. H, was appointed Chief of Police of Winnie peg _ Sir Wilfrid Laurier has decided to re- The Duke of Connazght will spend a couple of days at Montreal about the middle of December. Thomas Cooper was found guilty of i in the recent Dominion election at Chatham, and remunded for sentence. A court-martial will be held into the Halifax so as to supply officers for the court. Preston's population is now 3,883, an increase of 72 per cent. in ten years. This is almost identical with Assessor In has been 1,634, ora little over 72 per cent. Out of 150 barrels of apples picked on the farm of Mr. A. W. Sloane, near' Porter's Hill, Goderich township, 1498 were firsts and 2 barrels were seconds. This is certainly a good showing, and an object lesson on the results that can be obtained by proper care of the or- chard. on! R. sufficient modern rolling stock to the public reasonable i South Bruce Conservatives have nominated Dr. R. Clapp of Mildmay as candidate for Legialatore. Dr, % AUCTION SALES. On Tuesday, Nov. 7th, Mr. Wm. Me- Keever, lot con. Elma, will hold fan enreoeryed sale of a and series ote» unio Sih incloko ef uunber