itis a ai Alber West Take os. Tees. aot 13; 'West of 4th Mer. : 'Tie Tnicestads resiock dar Ui half 'ecctio agit "Class, good ; sl 8 to 1 inches lack. oa: sub-soil, excellent clay ; level prairie, some poplar brush easily removed, no Btones ; district thickly settled, many Ontario people ; would add that. in my opinion this section is hard to beat." Price $13 anacre, --... i N. W. 1-4 Sec. 33, Tp. 38, Range 13. - Inspector's report : " First class, "el heavy black loam, sub-soil clay, level, some poplar groves, no stones ; settlement of district A No.1. A first class quarter section, very cheap at $13 an acre." pil ti j nice sét _ We have If you want comfort and Scarfs 72 inches | 2*¥!e get_yourself one ee Lab Presto rereoats, $1 af us. Long $18 and $27. match drum shape at $20.ic,L UB BAGS AND SUIT = Mink Cravats from $12.59 N. E, 1-4 Sec. 35, Tp. 38, Range 13. upwards and Muffs 4 $25 CASES. Inspector's report : *« Class, first ; soil 8 to 12 inches black loam ; subsoil clay (very best) ; upwards. n . High grade Club Bags i " pyioe some poplar groves, possibly ten acres ; no stones; thickly settled with}Americans and meena walrus, cow hide or fin¢ a ae fine quarter section, no better in the district." Price $13 an acre. a BLOUSES. et, neal -_ 4 = ¥ > In Silk, Net, Linen, Se . me | "i E. 1-4 Sec. 27, Tp. 38, Range 13. when, fie Oo, % 111 - In the Spee Light teen and Lawn. Special Special values in Trunks, * : Inspector's report : " Soil heavy black loam, sub-soil good clay, level, little brush on one corner, | Peas," ""*"***! = By Values Friday and Saturday. A no stones. One of the best quarters in the Lorraine district." Price $17 an acre. Baia a - 3 mt: Cin the stage cf Genmin the agit . TIES. 4 "The above lands are within a few miles of Castor on the Lacombe branch of the C. P. R. Roria, ; Hi & fue . na --_ " aiesiace oe Men's 36e, 38 and 40c : lou, 2 Yant will 125 pairs Children's Shoes} lies going at . All of Section 27, Tp. 40, Range 19, Beam dv 2 place you -- lime traveller's samples, all new Inspector's report: "Class good, soil black, subsoil clay, level, very little brush, a few stones, | (em>«- go) ye you have not tried'thens, the goods, going at first cost. |RAIN COAT SPECIAL. district all settled. This section is a good one." Price $13 an acre. Bbeepakinn . *B illuminating power will surprise you . Special Veiuce = Ladies' Men's eave Rae a per cones ta 0. © neue elts or 3 abotsjextra fine finish, reg. $10 Section 23, Tp. 40, Range 19. Wood short yen ais 25c for 19¢, 'Saturday for $8. Inspector's report : " Class good, soil black loam, subsoil clay, rolling, some brush, few stones, | . % a a ; : district all settled, section good." Price $13 an acre. Ladies ait cing ackets, j iepeginn s Bear Skin 4 LOSSES OOS S SOS OSOSHOIOO OOS i ees ieee : Section 25, Tp. 40, Range 19. oe. at Inspector's report : Same as for section 23. Price $13 per acre. p 4 Having received TWO CARS OF FLOUR a few | SPECIAL VALUES FOR SATU RDAY Section 33, Tp. 40, Range 19. & days ago, | will sell for = | ieee" sreport: "Class first, soil very good, subsoil clay, fairly level, very little brush, no | % oe stones, all settled. In my opinion this section is very good."' Price $13 per acre. os T E N D A Y S ¥ Township 40, in which the above lands are situated, is immediately north of Stettler in the Buffa- = Without the last advance of 20c per barrel. A + : lo Lake district, _ of bose ---- reported on being within two miles of Red Willow station on the p 4 good time for parties wishing to put in winter 4 | C. N. R. line from Vegreville to Calgary. stock as flour is sure to go higher. I will > If lands are bought for actual settlement purchasers can take advantage of the ten payment 4 take all kinds of grain in exchange. p4 = -- WANTED a RS or crop payment plan. A cash payment of $311.65 secures a quarter section of $13 land. Theterms for , , . investors are one-sixth down and balance in five yearly instalments with interest at 6 per cent. pA Don ty Bes hse ta oe =, eel -- ee Ss 4 a sehe mn wicenhentse 5 ail he TROWBRIDGE ( CIDER MILL As these lands will be quickly picked up at the prices at which they are now offered, intending | ¢% ' . oe prepared to pey the chighest price for le -- etetion: ond will te sme purchasers should lose no time in securing some of them. Don't delay. Call on or write ee J HK Mc D O N A L D oe or the I Palmerston Creamery, Palmers- ning each week = . e on cream recelv wi . A. SI . GEO. HAWKINS, 3 e ' ai eed id secemaker i no each = -- AND FRIDAY Agent C. P. R. Lands, Listowel, Ont. lated a es as es oes | RE AY A"TRELEAVEN, oot Se JAS. MoCRAE. eee ee $20,000 "STO CK OF Dry Goods, Mantles, Clothing and Furs to be Slaughtered. in Listowel: H. S. ALEXANDER & CO. have bought the stock of Messrs. Gray, Bernie & Co. at a rate on the $, and Will Open Up on THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 2nd, with a MONSTER 19 DAYS SALE. Everything in the store reduced for this sale. Stock must be reduced at least $7,000 during this sale to make room for new goods now bought and arriving. Payment for new goods must be met to buy to best advantage. $7,000 needed. LOSS TO US. GAIN TO YOU. WATCH AND WAIT FOR OUR OPENING DATE. CLOTHING. MEN'S SPECIAL. . , 50 MEN'S FINE WORSTED SUITS, Gray Bernie & Co's price $12.50, our price...-. $ 9.98 Don't = Miss = This = Chance. 53 ONLY MEN'S WINTER OVERCOATS, new gvods and up to date, presto or velvet collars, G, B. &-Co's price $12.50, our price only ..++...eees a. sinew we areTRNRe « y wees 1O.1Q Prices unheard of, profic not considered ! If you need anything in clothing come ! BOYS' SPECIAL. $3,000 worth Men's and Boys' Suits, || 68 ONLY BOYS' SUITS AND OVERCOATS. stylish goods, G, B. & Co's price $5 to $6, our price only ...... preview » 6 olib W¥ UREN)S ¥ Coe wee see sene, eeestenoess 4619 your choice from Canada's best Mantles and Furs. $3,500 Worth Furs & Mantles All new stylish Women's and Girls'--all clearing at 20 per cent. off. Come in and look them over. You never heard of such a slaughter of new season's goods and just at the time you need them. All $16.50 Mantles ....eesssee+$13.20 All 12.50 Mantles 9-98 makers all at hurry out prices. S dozen pairs Men's Odd Pants G, B. & Co's price $1.40 ours...-....+ vue x aenee All 10:00 Mantles ......se0006 7.98 All 8.50 Mantles ........ sees 6,80 STTLE Ss All Lines of Clothing at the Price You Like to Pay. All 5.00 Mantles ......s..045 3.98 - SOx. ° ' ALL SILKS 1-5 OFF. 25 DOZ. MEN'S HEAVY WOOL SOX best 25c value ...seseesseeeee veeeereneacs eon +19 Girls School Coats soc values for this sale..ccosecesns 40 We will buy them back at full price if not gatisfactory. ' 25 only, not 7 ees S, good ae service- fe hi 1G: «a c0eed soe 60 able coats at $1.9 is is less than value of Ge oo valwea for this sale ssessecs 11180 HATS--All Men's Hats to Clear at this Sale One-Fifth Off either cloth or labor. DRESS GOODS. : FLANNELETTE SPECIAL. G: B. & Co's entire stock of New Dress Goods, the kind they built their trade on, at one-fifih~off. Flannelette, 35 to 36 inch cloth, G, B. & Co's special at 12 1-2¢, our price for this sale only 9c per yard ia - & GROCERY: SPECIALS---We intend making this Department a live issue. 'SURPRISE and COMFORT SOAP all 6 for 25 cents. CORN STA 'Ganada Corn Starch, 400 packages, regular 10 cents , while the lot lasts our price will be 5 cents a peenes. NEW RAISINS, new fruit, this season's crop So | everywhere at per pound 12 t-2 cents, out price 3 for 25 cents. BOOTS AND. SHOES Everybody kiiows Gray, Bernie & Co's ae for Good Goods 01 Remember she Date. of this kind doesn't come 'ottem take advantage of it. Let us get acquainted aj acne mn pe TERMS CASH AND ONE PRICE. PRODUCE TAKEN as CASH. "hive Poultry Bought as Usual on Tuesdays. 'Cash or mere Yours for Low Prices anda Bie ae Price 'Makers, Listowel 3 ' ea teal? *RBDUCHD FOR THIS SALDH. This Big Cut makes the Copeermnny Golden. Everybody Come on Our. Opening Day. A Chance ti, atte onan is Fae. Sn PS SS 3 ie at fos > Sea ee gk pate