Listowel Standard, 17 Nov 1911, p. 4

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We are sole age: a WET Every Prescription is Guaranteed. Secure complete stock of BOOKS, ' STATIONERY, . SCHOOL SUPPLIES, -2 SPORTING GOODS, - WALL PAPER, ETC. J. A. HAGKING, Druggist - Listowel, Town Agent G. T. R. ListowelStandard FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1911. OTTAWA LETTER. Preparing for Opening of Parila- ment. -e Ottawa, Nov. 'Ti.--No session of Par- liament i years been antici- to open While it is not expected that the new a will eg to put through a great deal constructive legisla- tion to ore i it ie is pledged, = the esti- mates | next ear and the i arising thereon i indicate to some extent what may be expected members of the cabinet have all been extremely busy since the day they assumed o arrived 8 One of Mr. Monk's firot duties was to find some competent man to take charge of the work. The present situation, however, has again called attention to the necessity of a new residence being built for the Governor-General. Mr. Pugsle~'s ..ian of selling the present Gov- ernment House and grounds, however, does not meet with approvai. The present site is convenient and attract- ive, but 8 vew Government House ees be erected more in keeping with the dignity of Canada and the rank of its distinguished occupants. The sale of the Chats Falls power site and other Frank fall and he has. been working day and night solving the various complicated problems which are constantly coming before him. The other Ministers of the Crown have been kept scarcely less as the Council meetings held al- most daily take a great dea! of time from their departments. The appointment of Hon. Dr. Sproule as Speaker of the House is universally He not only has to his credit a long, honorable service in the House, but he bas been a tactful mem- ber, considerate of others, and his rela- tions with his fellow members have uniformly been pleasant. No man is versed in the rules and proced- ure of Parliament, and unless all anti- cipations fail he will become one of the most popular and efficient Speakers who ever presided over the Commons. he Government will present a pow- erfal phalanx inthe next Parliament. Nearly sll the Ministers are trained de- and accomplished pariiamentari- ans, and they will have behind them a number of men no less able or well known throughout the country. Any of these would be almost lost were the Government an c'd one, and with the @pposition doing all the attacking, but with the large nomber of questionable transactions involving the Laurier Gov- ernment likely to come to light during the next session or two, private mem- bers on the Government side will be fally employed in committee and on the floor of the Honse. The present Oppo- sition will for atime at least be mainly on the defensive. Hon. W. S. Fielding, itis said, will come back to the House from Yarmouth, N.8., ing the present member elect, and Hon. Geo. P. Graham hopes to get a seat in South Renfrew. Neith-. or Mr, Patterson nor Mr. Templeman is likely to re-enter Parliament, and al. though Hon, Mackenzie King, like Bar- at "Mr. Pugsley is not likely to remain long in the House and pry er my spring up _and the old regime is to some extent forgotten. Major knew and proposed to transact it without any foolishness or - waste of e was the 'rst man @ caller to one of the messengers. "Act- ne i rE * i - | end, but The Youth's Compan ¢| Livingston, Harve H zt i i ¥ Ee Pe fe E ject vo which he desires information." = ---- bas an analytical min as boon a student of 'public ques- a 'a his life. No man in Canada is ith trade berals have no one who can take his A GIFT WITH A THOUGHT IN IT, What other Christmas present costs eo little and means so much as a sub- scription to The Youth's Companion-- 52 weeks to any Canadian subscriber for $2.00? Itisa gift which benefits not only the onc who receives it, but every member of the same hgusebold. With many Christmas presents the sense of novelty wears off by the -- ion new and sought after the Patty. at week of the year as the first. It is elas- tic in its adaptability, too, for it does not matter whether the present is for a boy or a girl, young married 'People, sedate couples, grand was one yet who did not set store by The Youth's Companion. You cannot make a mistake if you give The Companion-- and it is only $2.00 a year now to Can- adian subscribers. On January 1, 1912, the price will be advanced to $2.25. The one to whom you give the sub- scription will receive freo The Compan ion's Calendar for 1912, lithographed in twelve colors and gold, and you, too, as giver of the subscription, will receive a copy of the Calen Tue YouTH's COMPANION, 144 Berkeley St., Boston, Mass. New subscriptions received at this office. THIRD LINE WALLACE. Report of S. S.No. 1, Wallace, for October : Vincent Torrance, ' Edith Manning. Jr. I1V.--Jobn Binning, Edith Swift, Morton Torrance, Archie Chamney, Welling- ton Treitz, Myrtle Chamnoy. Sr. III. Chamney, tcheon, Oscar Hymer, Cumberland. Jr. ImL-- Gertie McDowell, Charlie Binning, Bes- sic Chamney and Josie McCracken equal, Earl Marks, Lawrence Kritzer. Sr. II.-- Luella Livingstone, Georgina Hollinger, Jennie Hymer. IL.-- Sylvia Kritzer, Alice McCutcheon, Ver- pa McDowell,Harry Marks. Sr. I.--El- sie Bender, Thelma McCracken, Janet Livingston, Gordon Gabel. Jr. I.--Roxie Smith, Nora Chamney. Elmer Noble, Mary Chamney, John Hymer, Stewart Clarence Marks, Roy Gabel, Cross, Louis Livingstonc. Average attend- ance 89. S. Hanna, Teacher. ee BRITTON. Britton L. 0. L. No. 677 celsbrated the anniversary of Gunpowder Plot by holding a fowl supper in the Orange hall on Wednesday evening, 8th inst. There was s good attendnnce of the brethren and their ladies and friends. A splendid spread was prepared and enjoyed by everybody present. The supper was followed by a good pro- gramme of addresses and vocal and in- strumental music. Bro. S. S. Rothwell occupied the chair and excelled himself. Bro. John Hamilton, Reeve, gave a fine address. The evening was altogether very agreeably spent. The presence of two veteran members of Britton lodge, Bros. James Alexander an Jobo Sproule, of Listowel, added to the inter- est of the gathering. The thanks of the brethren are due tothe energetic Wor- shipfal Master, Bro. John Cain, for the complete success of the supper. Hon. J. J. Foy and W. K. Mc. Naught were nominated by North Toronto Con- servatives. Ono woman and forty-four men pass- ed the final examinations at the College of Physicians and Surgeons. George Knight was killed at a _-- crossing at Brantford. Lundy' s Lane Methodist Church cele- brated its 117th anniversary. The J. R. Booth Company of Ottawa have refused an offer of thirteen million dollars for the business. G. W. Toombs, teller in a bank at Lurenborg, N. S., was found dead in his box with a pistol near his hand, Mr. daikon: Bonar Law, who is a Canadian, was unanimously chosen as leader of the Unionist Opposition in the British House of Commons, Russia and Britain are mustering troops in northern and southern Persia roapectively, The City Council decided to submit to the people the question of annexing North Toronto. Commercial travellers complain of the hotel accommodation in the Province. PP re Arthur Hawkes has been appoint- a special commissioner by the De- sald of Immigration. The King and Queen left Portamouth on Saturday afternoon for the Durbar at Delhi, India, ' THE CARE OF LAMPS in. places where electric light or gas are not available if lamps be good and have proper attention, oe cannot wish for a more satisfac light; but if badly cared tor they wilt a source of mu mfort. The ; great secret of having lamps in good working order is to keep them clean Have a regular d lampa Put a folded newspaper on the table so that any stray bits of burned wick and drops of oil may fall upon it. Wash and wipe the chim- neys and shades. Now take off all loose parts of the burner, washing them in hot soap-suds and wiping with a clean soft cloth. Trim the wicks and turn them quite low. With a soft, wet cloth, well soaped, ig = the pomyens thoroughly, working th cloth as as possible more the burner, to get off every parti of the charred wick. Now fill the lis within about one inch of tho top, and wipe with a damp towel and then a dry one. Adjust all the parts and return them to thelr proper places. Whenever a new wick is required in a lamp wash and scald the burner be- fore putting in the wick. Withla student lamp, the receptacle for wuste oil, which is screwed on the bottom of the burner, should pal -- off at least once a wee Sometimes a wick will nt Be dark and dirty before it is half consumed. It is not economy to try to burn it; replace it with a fresh one. The trouble and expense are slight and the increase in -- and brillian- cy Ww the care. When a lamp is lighted "it should not at once turned up to the full --_ walt until the chimney are often Beau shad " broken by havin t chimneys them. Now, when lighting a lamp be careful that the chimney is set perfectly straight and does not touch the shade at any point The shade should be placed on the lamp as soon as it is lighted, that it may heat gradually (science of insects) will lead one to observe and micro- scopical objects, all insects are not small. In size the Hercules beetle Is probably one of the largest Insects in existence, being about seven inche: long, including his snout. He is s native of the West Indies, where he must look a most formidable foe tc the insect world, though his pro- minent proboscis seems to be nseed chiefly to "lock horns" with the male adversaries of his own order only Among insects are found many In- stances of structures present in males and wanting in the female of the same species. Many of them have enlarged jaws, some with horns, and ~some antler-like projections with which tc combat their foe, and probably many a desperate battle has been fought in insect life that would be worthy o! record by so:ne Homeric bard bE] ONTARIO Provincial Loan of $1,000,000 THE GOVERNMENT OF THE PRO- VINCE OF ONTARIO, under the auth- a of Chapter 4, of the Statutes of 1911, invites subscriptions from the publi for a on bonds of th "ag a ent S bonds will be dated Ist November, wit o payable on the lst Noven.ber, oS in denominations of _ $1,000 each, th. the vate of four per cent. per annu' - able haif-yearly on on the Ist May ane t Ist November in year, at the office of the rer, Toronto, or at the offices of the Bank of Montreal, in Montreal, © and in New York, N. r., at holder's option. Bonds wi be made payable to bearer, but on re- quest will be tered in the office of the Provincial Treasurer and endorsed as payable only Pin order of a ns, and on req' il Ulster Unionists express their deter ey agli home rule by paasive r Sree ist oe tore partment will not be paid for it. wnire me study of entomology} 'le . iebPedd back. , became that if the cuendical reactions of a living organism could be suspended without causing any organic lesion, the phenomena of life would disap- PROFESSOR CALDWELL, A McGill man with a big scientific reputation. must not be carried down too far in the case of fresh water fish, otherwise the fish will be killed. However, there are other animals which can stand a much greater amount of cold. Frogs come next {n order to fish in this respect, and can be frozen down to 28 deg. C. below the freezing point. Some water lizards or salamanders will stand more cold, or 50 degrees. He finds that snails will resist the below the freezing point, and eit then come back to animation. COLOURS OF THE OCEAN Tt has been proved that the blue- ness of sea water is in constant ratio higher latitudes. For about 30 degrees both north and south of the equator the waters of the world's oceans are of an cxquisite azure. Beyond these latitudes the blue fades and changes to green, and in the Arctic and i. tarctic Oceans the greens are almost as vivid as the tropical blue. The extraordinary. blueness of Mediterranean has causes. Is that very few large rivers of tresh water run into this sea; the second, that the Mediterranean Is practically land-locked, and, being exposed to a powerful sun, evaporation is ,reat By actual test the waters of the Med!- terranean are heavier and more salt than those of the Atlantic. But blue and green are not the only colours observed in the world's seas and oceans. In January, 1909, a river of yellow water, three miles fae and of enormous length ed running parallel ing the Gulf Stream. It stretched from Cape Florida to Cape Hatteras, and was undoubtedly caused by some tremendous sub- marine upheaval, probably of a vol- canic nature. Again, about nine years ago, the sea turned almost black off a large portion of the California coast. The whole of Santa Cruz Bay assumed this extraordinary inky hue, and fish- ing came abruptly to an end. In this case the darkness seems been caused by millions of tiny animalcules, known as whale f The dull reddish tint which ts occa- sionally seen In the Red Sea, and which has given that sea its name, bas a similar cause. The water be- comes full of microscopic algae -- tiny weed. China's Yellow Sea !s usually sup- posed to owe its origin to the flood of muddy water which its great river pours into it. But here again modern science has proved that living organ- isms are responsible for its pecullar tint. Occasionally, and for some cause as yet undiscove ocean turn milkwhite. 1904, the passengers and crew of a Japanese merchant vessel steaming at night between Hong Kong and Yoko- ama rau into a snow-white sea It was an opaque, phosphorescent sur- face, bu n pure snow- white, ja ae a dazzling effect upon the eyes. The phenomenon lasted for six hours, and alarmed the passengers so greatly that not one slept at all that night. Eight thousand gallons of fresh ; F a ir ig ailiat é 2 5b 8 '| Peels 10 Years Younger "DOWN AND OUT," After Taking % No. 14 Bloed Tablets lets. MONTREAL, P. Q., May 16, 1911. I was all rundown and felt all out of Sorts, My appetite was. bad--my com- goes sallow--my spirits low, "tnd as seem to have arty ambition to ork I was in this co condition for about a year, although several ay prescribed a Jus: L3 wish I could tell you how much woe I feel. My work is now a pleasure to e, and I feel 10 years younger. certainly have the best Blood Tonic --_ ------ that I bore f, ° other ice, Gc. oo box ot pene ae Father orriacy edicine Co. Limited. Montreal. ¢6e0 Executors' Notice to Cred- itors. Of Robert Homiinn, late of the Township of Elma in the County of Perth, Farmer, de- ceased. Notice is hereby given pursuant to Statutes in that behalf that all are or before the 17th ~_ of Davesber, for to deliver to us to our Solicito undernam = stetenent ma be liable for the 'proceeds of the esta' so distributed to any person 0: a oo claims =e eer nct notice at the time of Fated a at Listowel this 12th day of Octo! me o « Das By H. MORPHY, Listowel P. OQ. Solicitor. meet err HAMILTON and ALEXANDER GLENN, Listowel P.O. saa Executors of said deceased. unforeseen needs. inderach pelt ae Oe posite of $1.00 and epwarde J. M, CAMPBELL, Agent, Listowel, HAMILTON, ONT, . IBUY YOUR FUEL HERE.| i We handle the famous LEHIGH VALLEY sual, all sizes. --- ITY AND WEIGHT GUARANTEE also have a full supply of th vest Hard Wood, Shingle Lumber, La' i i, Gene. Ete. very Orders delivered promptly to all parts of the town. OLIVER & ELLIS Coal and Wood Merchants, Wallace Street, 'Phone 4. § STOVE :-: SEASON. Before Buying a Range Come in and See the "Champion Summit" Give us an opportunity to explain to you why we consider it the best range value on the market, It is a high class range, fully guaranteed. and gives universal Ssatistaction. Get Our Prices on Heaters and Other Seasonable Goods. R. ROSS, Waxtace STREET. - ListowEL, ONT. CALIFORNIA, aie MEXICO Return tickets at reduced rates now qas sale at any Grand Trunk ticket of- A To Spokane, Wash., Nelson, B. yancouver B. C., Westminster, B, aC Wash » Portland, Ore., San Los w rates. 'ull particulars from | J. A. HACKING, Agent | A. M. SMITH, Depot Agent ! oraddress A. E. DUFF,D.P.4.,Toronto | é < € ¢ 6 4 < é 6 é e é ¢ Es € ¢ < ¢ g et ss i es i Oe Oe a a Oa ae ae eoatoateetoetetectoete do stoatpeteateateatpetpetetoates x x CITY MEAT MARKET3 OLD STAND ON WALLACE Sree "i ed the services of an experienced butcher and will carry a full supply of Fresh and Salt Meats, Bologna and Head-cheess, Sausage a Specialty. Everything will be sold at the LOWEST to Your patronage solicited and satisfaction guaranteed. Goods delivenen promptly to all parts of the town. S. J: STEVENSON: WALLACE ST. "PHONE NO. 26. cooking results. ows fuel-saving device the confronting the average housewife--a problem of vital importance to the home, and one best solved by a trip to our store and the purchase of For the Woman Question is not only what to eat, but how to cook it, and you find the answer in Gurney-Oxford--first in con- struction, as well as convenience; first in facilities for control and readiness. The Divided Oven Flue Strip assures perfect baking because of its even heat-distribution, - and in every detail the perfect construction of this Chancellor Range assures satisfactory Another phase of the question is economy, and we invite a visit to our store expressly that you may examine the marvell- Economizer F. HOWES, Agent, Listowel. This is the pole ------_= Gurney-Oxfords are the only stoves licensed to sell with this wonderful patent. It needs only to be set at a proper angle to hold heat for hours without attention. No fuel is wasted--a saving of 20 per cent. The Grate is Reversible with strong teeth that save accumulation of clinkers and waste. In point of appearance--nickel trim- mings, beauty of design, etc.--the Gurney- Oxford has not a rival. Come to our store and find the best answer to the Woman Question--a Gurney-Oxford stove,

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