--ut- FOR T.J.MeDOWELL,D. DELDS Eevee. : Writing Paper 'Stationery Livingstone's ~ Drug and Book Store. J. W. Scott & Son, BANKERS, ESTABLISHED 1872. Gomera! Banking Business transacted, DRAFTS BOUGHT and SOLD, Payable in all parts of the BOMINION, UNITED STATES and GREAT BRITAIN NOTES D D. seliagion -- A with sn rg of re-paying ann Marriage Licenses Issued. ]. W. Scorr & Son, Listowel. Comes by Death the straight facts about fiving beings is that so ae as this and the ition is whether we ae hope to that this fact of death has a use for life. That would be a great dis- covery, for we are apt to think that Geath ts useless and cruel. Well, death certainly has a value animal, or vegetable -- would be sar" thing like what we know; and ther would be no more progress, for that depends on new and higher kinds of Mfe belng born in the world. without death, mankind could never ave been produced. The Parnell Monument The elaborate Parnell monument in Dublin, which has been in course of construction for a bp time past, at a cost of about $45,000, is now com- plete, and the unveiling will take place Octobe en tho cere- mony will be performed by Mr. John M.P. Parnell is repre- ted standing in oratorical attitude, to the march of a nation. No man has a right to say to his country, "Thus far thou shalt go and no further.' We have never attempt- ed to fix a ne plus ultra to the pro- grove =* -- nationhood, A Salutary Lesson An artist, a barrister, and a doctor, from Dijon to Chalon-sur- by a peasant who, out p> sheer prejudice against motor cars, threw a large stone, which struck the artist on the chest. The occupants of the car pursued and captured thelr assailant, took him into the-car, quiet- ty divested him of his coat, watch, money, and then, after proceeding in the broiling sun. and other property th hack to him subsequently. LISTUWEL MAKKEI8. Mov. 16 911 dard Dushe! ...... Standard...... "8 86 Wheat, per bushe os Oats, #0 8=640 Bariey, - & 80 Hay per ton -~4 0 us Beorta, i 24 0 Flour, o. «" Batter B x7 Bees goo at: ian 5.00 § 30 Bites : $8) 3 Hides 100 Bs. . % FA per 13 2% Want cent 300 300 Dressed Hi 9 00 JANE P. SPROULE, M.B., M. R. C. 8, L. BR. C. P. (47 Grosvenor St., Toronto.) Nose, Throat and Ear, Grand Central Hotel, Listowel, last Wednesday in month. Hours, 9 to 12 a. m. VETERINARY. R. J. MILNER, B. V. Sc, to Dr. C. G. Burger. and night calls at Office, L. Gabel's eet Mill at., Listowel. "4 MISS C. -EDNA SMITH, ORGANIST CHRIST CHURCH, Teacher of Piano. Pupils prepared for Guuservatucy of Music. lan street, near Pub- Residence, Rag 'P.O. Box 138. 'Phone 110. 33 ONS K. LEE, (Pupil of 2,3 i ety soreatey of ee) eae. eee Studio, Elma Street. race, Shipment of PATTERSON'S DENTIST. Graduate Royal College Dental Sur- gece and tate Graduate Detroit College of Medicine |8Pt Ear, Nove and Office over Schinbein's Store, same | Hospital entrance as Murphy & Carthew, J. i. aroo, Street, Seu sie Hotel," Listowel, Dr. R. F. PARKER, VWRTVADWNA fouradrars VLAVAA D afilconbie decueard many ier-i@ FARMERS pond sap atted. 18 ae yes g Hours : Mondays, and POULTRYMEN Saturdaye, 9 a. m. to 10 p. m. I have eight S. C. Rhode Island Red and four S. C. 4 Black Minorca Cockerels DR. BROWN, LR. O. P. from prize winning stock, all LONDON, ENG. food mae And ty color. Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat, will be|@ 'OF S#¢ ® at the Grand Centra! Hotel, Listowel, EDWIN G.MA TTHEWS, ein ay eneeber' gala <. LISTOWEL, ONT. 2e02tt @ CHOCOLATES Just Received, a Fresh CHOCOLATES, Well Assort- ed, Delicious of Flavor, Wholesome and Always Fresh. " A Matter of Good Taste." JAS. A. STUART. Druggist, ANNUAL MEETING. The Annual Meeting of the North Perth Liberal- Conservative Association will be held in the Library Hall, Milverton, THURSDAY, NOY. 23RD, ati p.m. for the election of officers. Other busi- ness im to the Association will be under ioe and the mee! will essed by MR.H.B. MORPHY, K.C.,M.P. an MR. JAS. TORRANCE, M.P.P. ard other Conservatives. Every Con servative in the county . entitled to be present to take par is annual meeting, and it is earnestly hoped that a large attendance will ey on hand. Main Street, Listowel. J. G. HAMILTON, Pres. GEO. WESTMAN, Sec. Boys' BOYS ! Get Your Hockey Stick from A Hockey Stick given FREE with Every Pair of & 60. Boots. RERAIRING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. IRWIN & CO., Shoe Merchants, Listowel. J 1 SCHNRer 'Saturday ai Next Week will see the Biggest © Clothing sale of the Season. $10,000 WORTH OF--~ . Men's and Boys' Suits and Overcoats, Men's Rain > Coats, Men's Fur Coats, Men's Furlined Coats, | BUSINESS COLLEGE THIRTY --_ Men's Odd Pants, Men's Odd Vests. Our Seven Colleges have been established during the past trainers We will start Saturday and for all next week we will offer bargains such as have never been offered in Listowel. tion we do beter for -- Men's reg. two-piece Suits $8 for $ 5.00] Men's Overcoats, in grey all-wool cloth, rads os home, < pay at Men's reg. $10 Suits for ....... 6.50 with velvet collar and tweed lined Affiliated with Commercial Men's heavy Tweed Suits, single Regular $ 7.50 for ...... .++++. $ 5.00 at gg og Me pgm | Rigel or double breasted, reg. $10 for 7.50) Regular 900 for............ 6.00 to investigate before c ' Recoil Regular 10.00 for ...... Tre 7.50 e gular $12 for,...... eceece ee» 9.50 Exclusive right for, Ontario of Regular $1¢ fi 12.00 Regular 12.00 fF cass cscisecus 9.25 oe bg System, which, is uo. "ee AF PIS 1OP...ccvcccvcseces A Regular 15,00 fOF ...eee eeeeee 12.00 eau Start to Finish, and the - Big range of Boys' Suits, many lines at Boys' Overcoats, all the newest makes, atodent ik ne or holee Half Price. from $3.50 to $8.00 sale Houses. Enter any time. Fall Term From Aug, 28th Write, call or 'phone for particulars, WINGHAM We want all the Live and Dressed Poultry, Butter, Eggs an I Dried Apples and we will pay highest prices. J. M. SCHINBEIN. GEO. SPOTTON, Pres. Chas. W. Burns, Priu. Daal AD ADA AMAL AMA SAS AS ADS ALD é 4 é 4 é 4 ( 4 é 4 ¢ 4 é < ¢ x ¢ 4 ¢ 4 ¢ 4 é < ( 4 ¢ 4 } GREAT BARGAINS AT THE Clean Grocery Store. Bargain Centre Black.and green Ceylon Tea reg. 35c to 40c for p New Raisins 8 Ibs for ...... 25c¢ New Currants 8 Ibs for...... 25c Fancy Cakes 3 Ibs for 25e All kinds of Soap 6 bars for. .25c RUPPEL BROS. have bought N. Krotz's Sock at a rate on the dollar, and will make this the Make this your shopping place, you will save money ia doing so. We take all kinds of Produce. Saturday, Morning, November 18th. Note a few prices : Tin pails of Soda some reg. 300, 7 & & Brooms, reg. for. Rolled Oats 8 ibe for ........ 25c Old Gold ys Bal 10 Ibs for 25c Maple Leaf S 20c "sass Sale will commence "Phone 64. ) > J > ) > ) > ) > > > ) > ' . d > : ) > ] > J > ) PY.) Uv te. BP -. Ue te ae ee ee eee eo RUPPEL BROS, PO ee OO ON a ¢ Main Street. ~, a ee he ee he ee ee 4 ¢ < ¢ . ¢ 4 ¢ < é 4 ¢ < ¢ < < ¢ r ¢ ' ¢ 4 ¢ ' ¢ < a eee eee ee NN OF FO FN FS VN VS 2. 2.2222 OOO e enone eee nen en} Ladies and ARE YOUR FOOTWEAR NEEDS SUPPLIED ? PPP TTT TT eT ee eee Oe OO Te Gentlemen el To be comfortable you must Shoes or Felts. rer ee ewe ees ooo? Lots of flew Styles Come and See What WINTER IS Our stock this season is so large that you are sure to find hese just what you want. We have put forth every efiort to get The Best Shoes, Felts and Rubbers the Market Affords, and will sell them to you at very Reasonable Prices. HERE. have a new pair of Stylish have been Received. ooo POPPE CE We Can Do for You. |t SCHELL POUCCOCC CCC CCC CCC CCC CCC CCCCC POP SOP SS ST SOT CCC eC OTT e & RIEHM, SHOE MERCHANTS. POT IS vO CCC CTC CT COS CICTOCCOC TCC CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC CTC CCCE® PROCS T CSCC? C6 Bn Gn Bn Bi Bo On Sn Se Le Sn 2, 4, 2, POPOL OME Er eetrnregry aided alc acini Ah dha o > Having received TWO (i OF FLOUR a few Ks 3 CALDWELL'S MOLASSES MEAL. 3 * days ago, 1 will sell for 2 4 A Scientific and Economical Food for 4 4 TEN DAYS %|¢ Horses, Cattle, Sheep and Pigs ¢ ; Without thé dans edeance. of ard barrel. A + % For Sale by & tim s wis é 4 feces or is sure to go higher. I will KS $ : A. OL IMIE, z ' take all kinds of grain in exchange. & 3 Wallace Street. . Listowel, Ont. ? Sol ts for OLGILVIE'S © P5009 OOo Om OE Pon FLOUR, toe Largest Millers In in Canada. j SH. "McDONALD. IMPROVED COLUMBIA oe sateetedoatpetodeteeteeteeteny oe a] 10000000OSO0OG4 19509009 000006 WHAT ABOUT CHRISTMAS PRESENTS ? Nothing is more appropriate than a pair of Boots, Slippers, Overshoes, Rubbers or Mocasins, for your wile, your mother, your husband, your child- ren, or grand-children. Don't forget a pair of Cosy Slippers for grandma. An immense assort- ment is waiting for you, all kinds, all sizes and all prices, at the KARGES SHOE STORE. Call and examine the goods, also the prices. 'Hand -- and Repaj Neatly and L Promptly Done' : HENRY KARGES South Side Main Street. 4 fe fA SO GRAPHOPHONE ODODODODEDO -- a ---- . = -- ---- ------------ -y, A complete line of the Finest Instruments with two hundred records, the very latest productions, at Gunther's. DODODSHDODODODODODOS Watch our Show Window for New Silverware and China at Special Cut Prices. Special Railroad Model Watches, just received, at prices that cannot be found anywhere else. 65 af Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Watch Inspector 6. P. R. pevuvvewe voeuvveveveT blll dnd dy dy tytn byl lndindnd iy hb bk rt a> freee 3} MR, J. G. JONES, 4 + . Listowel Bazaar} Expert Watchmaker, t {| who is in charge of the Watch Repairing Department, will be , ¢ | found very obliging and pleased to meet all customers who may ¢ z ire to have their watches put in good order on the shortest Pa Wood or Wire Coat Hangers ...... . EACH t } notice and at Dd Salt and Peppers eneee BOnereeee peers P $ Castile Soap... ess eeeeereeeeeneeeeers he. $ Very Reasonable Prices. Ps Cups and Saucers ..... sre eeeeceweee z ; $| This is a Good Time to Have Your Work Done Properly. $ Strong Iron Handles «.+ «+-.++e+-- EACH ; PEFFFEEPE PFE FEEEEEEOEEEEEEEEEEEEEES t Kitchen Knives «0+ .s+ee.eeeeeeees t ; ft Side Combs.......e0eseeenecees C. t We sell the only genuine 3 Cake, TINS. cetacves seansesaceees t . F ; 4 i Bridal Rose @hina P M Platters ee Beene wees see eeere EACH q P ¢ eat' "= ~|Stamped (Bridal Rose) anything else is an imitation. We also Salt BoxtS o.seee ceeeeeeere cence > are opening up some very handsome dinner ware in the b 4 Fruit Dishes ....- Sees CONOR ER Sees 5 | white and gold, a stock pattern, always to be had z Cake Plates. aaeeuee see ese de weet z at Goldsmith's Hall. 7 : iJ. H. GUNTHER ' ¢ Jeweler, Goldsmith's Hall, Main Street, Listowel, é