Atwood Bee, 10 Nov 1893, p. 5

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GREAT SLAUGHTER SALE DRY GOoDs. é Pa - t From Now till. Dec. 1st, I am offering a Large Stock of General Dry Goods and Ready- made Clothing at and . 7 r - . ban " "on ' . Below Wholesale Prices. - . . ; -- i T os " Cashmere - iw. 34e. All-wool F . - _-- Note a Few Prices , 3 AIL wool a hme re a now ro All wogl Flannel, worth 2e-., for 15 now 2c:., for Qe. 4 Double width Tweeds 40¢., now 28e. " " Military " 37c., for 3c. % " " De., now Be. Flannelettes, " 10€., for 8c. Dress goods that were 10¢., vow 6c. & We. Z , " extra fine " Toc., now 58e. .* *- 12b¢.. for 10c. A PZ lac, now 106. A few pieces black Henrietta, black Serge Teazle Cloths- ** 12h¢., for /9e. . ¥ vs '18e., now 12be. and Ottoman Cord at one-third Jess Heavy Lomond Shirtings " 15e., for 12 Doble width Cashmeres 25c.. now. , 18¢. than regular prices. a i ' A job lot of Flanne! ettes just bought, willbe here i in a few days; we start them at 5c., they are good value at 8c. A lot of Crompton Corsets, regular $1 goods, for 63c. Shirtings from 5c. up. Cottons from 5c. up. Bargains i in Collars and. Ties---all Ties at Half Price. Celluloid Collars, stand-up, 2 for 15c.; heavy turn-down, 2 for 25c. Men's Braces, 2 pairs for 25c. Men's Hats, one+third below regular prices. All our 10c. Prints for 7c. ; all our 12%c. Prints for 9c. Ali kinds of Buttons at Half Price. Ali Dress Trimmings at HalfPrice. All kinds of Spools, cotton, silk or twist, at 2 for 5c. All wool Blankets, 6% lbs., regular price $3.75, now $2.90. Bargains in Men's and Boys' Suits and' Overcoats. Men's all-wool Suits for $4.75. Hien's Overccats from $3.50 up. Ifyou are interested in Bargains, Come and See. ~ FOR THREE. own -- SS AMES IRWIN ° ee ancsenggeepemnie: Smt memgeet: ene. esenetetiinenanat & 3... Wee SON, whe ie attending the Beaty the advertixetnents. = <Z a fi| ffarraten [igh sehool, spent swnwlay Neyo it River _ fer get poverr fall anifia -Do ou Vant ad te every. - and ovetevata atthe Ping bhai, -- ; * ; CoteCcton Ss perk. i is ezid, is: prices are away 'iene low. ahyepeyt ." ina Disdenptnd BabbSE WR hay ge ex Keg: Lier Is Mix BE eve: nex. -- Distress: ng | 2 = "kts tie sehtler Siunsegs thwak tet" RE x besrs bry thee New dirend sven Ps é ' * Adage tevtx. fie pouty stgers, Atwenean Kidney Cure" This new | -- Ef yews chaste ™t believe he Oe el « Fetnely is a gteal surprise ated delogit Ase tig sestets awl stesll brothers. | fy physiciacne om amcoant of MR exceed = o . NEEDED whlitions have beep Pee procaptnens toy pelves sng prein i bee ; ; , made ote othe * Methewiat echoes biadder, kidmege at tack. Ff yon, . J ivege ro announce C0 Che shes The fence sasre wenberegg thee arul eg seek ceived anud evure thie Four , propecty is alee is peed of repair. retiety. swid by D. Catsptetl, drug: | ) . 3 . = ' - Lz gist, tweed. a iy LP . 7) - mw BER, « Pity, see Cawety - Ba ; { eT eT of Aewood and sur ; a ie sh es dis Bu (an "a vga hes # 49% Thagaday evening of mat week, | vied ee need | Boey pres. Pe wette a H wmaker tere Evidertiy (senrge eating, POUR tet. the Rev. A. Mendersen, Mi | p = Bere ie) a 44 RIDERS t i; i ae ' , *e 9 ibe Fe eeotne aeconk of a rounding Uistriet that | lear wltnexdt away trots Atwewm, *- ade , om f th ne } 4 "4 Workd's Fair, Chicago, in the leetare iF so, CALL AT j : th i af! Tewsg ot the Preebytetian churety> $t- PS Tes tot fi ba Eo Abs ; have bought the drug and - 7 a ECSRATY BOE STS ATE A ere. heginoing a 7B) The ehenr of riismale cvitend tts By tuttuates OY Wool tie etuuteh will render some beatiful , , , Fic * orrgretd Ln avai . Tivaa neses telertions Of mmme dating the evening. ; book stock of M. E. Neads, ts sid by D. Carupieil, dmget, qpece will he nd admission fee, bat a Aimed. tONS -- sciverenilection aill be the! 1 ' : Ress. THomrees, of Hickson, form | door in alot the fands of the ¥. P. x», ° and a<k your kind patron- eciy chememaker im t the Kirnx faetery, ( EF. Ail are cordially invited to at | RP , eemibend cote vad friends ors thie beast totud. ' In< 5 ot cage be pers saturkay ane org cua * ths ~T¢ *eerse rn ¢ 64.7 --En ' age and inspection of stock. = 7stort eruthatian' He wae ~The Pasee oF Ixpia"--In te = ft choewter ah Le Siratballen factory (1680 » epeme te many inequities receipe from © eabsceomty. ! Sartore semmrers regards Z this mew wens Wouts's Farr assemidies will be by the author of ~Ben Une" we take k aT Pantie Rave pre The . pleaarare orp stating thak oh he never ty Che | By CA RA Se SE LL thee geterg se winter, The : ad ° dancing will open with the Columtian Atwood Merhanper' In setitiste bhivary. | Maret, atl gemeainder of the program Li ce * General Wailaers preceding | wii ineint+ sock dances ae the Ferns, Works, "The Prince of India; or Why! a ee Tee Liveed Drat Stores. Wierd Polka and the Chicago bay ' omstantinnple Feth~ te am buiatenrteat | ° ss Waltz. romance, The story begins tm f305: ita | we 3 3 . . i = » » Vert gr t 5 > * tee " , we Butera. whe has been ining" tomtrnons movement howeser, w in) Having reduced our Prices in all lines of Suitings and' » on ah engine which Pane itty Chateken 2 prbod from 15 to tic. the date of Overcoatings we are now selling Cheaper than Any. We casas "loca wie -- é. a Rhum mapepegitneety, a the lef Byzantin Cow Ealk. foe past year. hat regard eee Sobeememed Ih. Tae aeeanit | DAVE the Largest and Finest Stock 'in. Town of Imported DA e -- a. = gpa a ' LY i") B25 uae evoteye fey tlhe Cnty : -- wat Capads 1% Bok wach 2 sod! tack of theeuty and Maheormert's | -- A SN a is PAR Soe Lal ie FV z S Po Pi oF sa ah 4 " hi Bc -i Sins 1¢ Peeing wp. read evy cary to 'sce in after aif %_ "MAtY into Saneta sophia (the final . 3 ' oe 2 woul eb abi Vie rows are beeinning te get pqies. oe nn hae devided te slay here OOo? ralation of (terbetiansity fim the Bast) 3 Ae i" i Raw ture 4 4 ee! + j A VERY pleasant sei al Fitiecnnx ¢ ¢ dangaiy 4 211 Pigrut Any tigers whey Lo a lily aa eplrert re mpi: et tle tic. 'ates wf tor xanng people of Atwood. ram werk, amd re willing to werk, can - = ae nero nets a fact. the ;, Z a = Try 3 r evry Tt Pn i e poorpeds tiem crs of tae Preehytet quake a gol faoing in the countey PY AEWSOTLENE SEW Fb BE CUEUTELY CASI : Lan t: wat joed 2h thee ges Suet siwe tof eae. hie priileoseoptey of fhe eharacter : We eum. om. Plas test Foudas Foca MATLRM CC Re 6S 2 DAY hewny thas eometant dealing wrth muen+ "NS 4 A ; migriit oes i " Feeraiiy ere ieumatie Cure fet thre eentariet of fife neeeaaar My | - » ™~ - L. - Tear it eavwedi op tie It yt Pes Mae 0 amd teres Teebpealyy Seetieleotis Une ceeeted writhewvh chur zi try | rm r Octutes: tithe sear the fret anus SUT iol Ler 3 daze Ete action spe the moralt of the man." Sv we | hae | ) : 7 fall was on pet. Pix: ti Thue ~ayieg Tee ty Sete Be reuarikatde Mi gOS Feces fury here an atleyt tm fur icon rat rece, | . ae DER TAS eH enon a Ub ata nahn poricke 6 anyhoo Bio Our line of OVERCOATINGS ie 5 ee See er y.. MCs hipdis Abb a ' 7 7 : = é 4 - ; _ 4 brave leet wr: ten: # TRAE LE ee TH ihe Gieeraer Linthentiatets = Cinappeact. ar a riers. Pras master. Bi reLigrye f Y . Pare See TOS Wowie Ete. T Le te Een he Me , ¥ "a ' : I . hy 5 2 Ghose act af the Ppocimer Pie fret date gueacig heretite 75 cba segetentoons he wes to € " ater aryet is! complete. and are the est In the Poe oan a senam anel te Swhd by D. Cacidporil, an wgeuet, AS at the ert of fing peace Peta. Lavin M = 6 W ha "nm. « Is id I ) ; Exc Lists *parins Bans rigs TOMBS OE Wig enh 2 iv emewyred the idee of -etfeeting 2 arket. ehave also added to our ; ware. a ote «ye Tle Lege aS of . ¥ te at " al hare. apie Pd emettas Tix Bev. 80. Plenderesi, MOS -- Sf raversal Brethetivewd with @sorl ac stock A therm shes from forest. Biko aperea ae a -b. Li EL, b- -d., te , . ¢ ; & : oe . na uA ii > oy tit ofagl 2 hy, 2 i aoe oe ie Byatt pit panty pid yh PERE erty ifr «veri &. stviisiis. ¥ lyons eaeemed teeter DRT TRG cbers ace pel ee dy Rha SD lat) TRACY WHE, Sy das oe siberian " @ seeaticaini th, # a" >» tears Lite pr Lyn t tama te Mere fatefs. ated sare le? '! teak: "stailes, epracne. Sevens De pupils ay Sew Mg ing setintied ~that "Tolan Ws * ihe yt', - $ re ' > vinaiion at of ame @ OLE. of t bee Preateetevian etuamrty, OPOOrerte see rah bunts Reony =I CURL, CLE. "ETE sae pa il ine . « Pale? oe e4 ae acd tee fewely towel fey Maihenvutiiver ad = j W arcamterd tise tacet ga sty £m \ ee Ae feeRe ee, BTS Naas 'ate Revranlige af Ouried par Pete . pe : ip veeunemiell he» ey te), Pie Rew. Aah MM ries Ble sa sip -_ é edlaithear ie Paty Ree, biew ooh eure ever ken yet. Swit * s , wa . i » beefaisong butmertf toy Canmataimé wie rl f ~ < ade gig tt Ltd. re iy A vob, «rt pee ve erasers. Paimetatac.. Wiis enone " oe att bg 4 -_m ei Ae anil drusge. - "Fn niente evandimel €: toes tty the Phete te atopte a child, the dangttet . Si eee bE peng BOVINE criwiet tine servers pty the . Tes Clinton News -- rd AS peek rein terian eharches of Atwonmd ang Of ® Fewmh merehast, and erinwates ff onanes drse of brerier tyme. and Lem Om Het bvath tm' ap, wets tat ome day. while hur te preaching + jexvigs quite cate amt "attractive Srv of. Aiyekion on next sabbath, in the ty ike agrtvetne fey Comacantote, tie Enuper- The get ap ot the News Rieord of bate " ran ot, adsseek abiivets the young. 6 oman a ie credit Latele te the pealblgeteer. every he A\ - arise gt the directors of the whermupgr im an a2hancdenment ot 7 = % Sw setting forth hue marked alaltvand Elsa Farmeta "NM: atnal Bire Ine. Ce tage, the Prince fies to Mahommert, 2 mae ig bse editrurise. Not only is was feid al Aiwoed om Tueaday tise aenuel. as a Messenger of tite Sure, age ot Cc: uatativte of C ndere lothing, Top Shirts, Hats & Ca ap, the News-Record the act sre eigerd ith wit. Agpiieatzons for ineutanee ihe ambetinne Tork to mndertake the! . . _ . beading MRLTT BLISS organ of Heemom: were rereiver zai acreptent Hote baat Crete aa, cyt Constantinople Cyt = tibie Hose , Brac €3, ete "f° of the hate st 'style and he st quality. copty, eat #2 is -- eegeronige be the beet sepeort asvunting ° nil Sif. On actor tp the yy moe bre and cangot » excelled. Call and. see them at the Plug: newspaper pabin im the Province, In Aion tale and eartiert i wae denid | Canatantine, and the herome Pete, whied is susing 4 lot. (ire feet MI ed to levy 2%, per cent. om all preminm aredracn from history; while Wirz, Hat, c urrié $ Old Stand, Atwood. be meanognized im cons Det jem with the motes-im fone com the Bith Oct. amd the the emir: Sergio, the eerie: Eg Lack f ; ee prosperity of the Clinton amd gerretary was inset ractedt te made the the adopted daughter of the Prince of | f as thas ig the were . literal cul coudinaed aepement im the memal way. Meetivay Inelia, are inventions Speaking { extented to them by the 'adjverned aptil Tuesday, the ith of | generally, the book is 2 tale of love, | - M WILD G 4 men of thas town ~ 'Deormber, next 'war, and religion. ; aad FAN & CO.;. + { ' « a > - \ .

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