~- een 'dwg Pi " Plerre'e Hamed! aw i geort Miarte:sat speechlow: Wi berets while pibor abs ke y aamedd! Matis dom with wiintne ' Ac aleer listened! a: ma mawest,, asd!» disvilist) Chinanggtt: prea: tle granted! Ls Preeti:mirs, tisteed! | Opec dou't. steal: av. of Honest folks' HOUBeS: av: tite: Hour ot awake:. Biev tiie oti § lyou'at Grenoble: bie aber nmin Jonsinted! with: = certain Muocaire:?" lof! sae? ae eipotieudil Tan utentiiad) tease': ' You Bow met" TD amr sure," heewent on: 9 > y % aeckoud. for, and here forestof La cnenaiatsel go--t must She looked wildly round: seoking a means of escapes. Remund! looked) at' ber with a cynical) nig if} are now gern erst at the delay in) hipreturn). as we: him ** But what was! M. Charles doing at Sb stile,;, aud them heartog: Pierre outside the |) Maurice?" Ee wad cong em to hiss seat..[ Len Unaein ate 'Prthend), thine Di biever a Heed) oss) pathier® aun obiji-ctivar tes thie: word. Le welll coo by Remand, wii, ewrtiy "i voices: below, tid: icome: euv of! His: rowm: be: {Deusg:still: ip bedi. leet. take wita-+ expiring: -- Blass: #4 lorstt bite Lomunecs: hitoh |) | Lp oe pee He .uwever,, very' weil pleased |) seetned, wit woe be heard! aid) reventered) ie room with: quite: w olvertil! air, Bertrand votoe;, whiot Hw liad! nov. before: neard,,con- |) Yow forget. hb I!" emia: the evhier,, tat op bi a Youare:molever cling; Nosmusg: could! Have: fitted! im better with |) 'tiie plik. Martechad sireedy rowed: sum | piciom by ber attempt to ger seoreuly away wad) by rid am name of ae gold, fn & dmmnipg: oi iLdggepsr ll Otel , this: soft murmur of! Tame it Se ei, ens! ext} tie musty: off napare: wae > pejptotangd aver: thie sewberm Atl wew quiey wrth SS ee Beamer Arai. Clemseastttse,, wt » omile on herr rowy Ilias. Rieeased! of! Chartosy, ti waw: fiat ; terwrearcd? bere umiee thie : i 'etre. ate would be: ansble te' gl vemsywatlafatory: Theonly ching voume trays: vo ; ig tiie nitncante ge 9 wena fe Hane galt. She woulit!ve | tullowes; arrested). brought back, and' ties |) would tate het eppertumty ef! quietly || all wittouy exoiling stiepioion. |) goudartges!" adie! aw be fluistiva: bite explaustion, "You were: rigtht-enougt), teo;, mow aut; ,|! whew you sed) = women was alwaye usefti Ditieous: was very usefil! vw) me seme 18 or Tete eddy, pardie,' He: seit "they. ste steuld) tum op be: of ume iin the pr senv- emer Bea ee Grasge eee D apaar te Heer 'i tums Litboran tte ip thie ni Pe iitinessti ter thie: Limpert - sot gual, Hest ett llomast' obi" i eevee +i in off 'her sent Lin vbiattfienmert ' raed te tdi feureewtitott} ) you meen?" said Birtrand: De you: know hier then?" repied) tue dite; '*'so east [}) > tian [ festiprerty sure of it last: atitst, since: DT have heard: ber volo I aim certain. Sheeiemy wife!" Wher Bororaud' had finished! bis exc!ama-+|) tiogs off eurprise;, his Companion went ex ; btn)! hin mea wout on cating their] He then' --? te question 'en ts anv a ee ae be es | or hieg atnatied' nt tite ean nulecsuanye dictigy aetl y weated! te get) a i ow thet wad), cor hitrg: abastiod' st went. of! mor i&e aj temp f hi de got me ok mead ob 1 aaocenthaai of! Himecti! aud! his perform. | the of gold he had detected in her , ap ee glcord: veweerd! where Marts St0e,. Bat his: stave; lighud hie ppe, ion, © curty aw they were they were: nab) : His compauiow with » o} reless inge began to leok very black ajgainat | ret. * wit thas 'ows must svow be thinking ef) the tusortunsc women, * ¢ sound'of! Misris's4) 'bie seepioten of the previcuserening, | op the suddin entrance of the srmed man, ey woov. very difficult: to outwit ttiewe |" to? expla tiet? he would! insure Miorti's: ls | Fight by levting: her Know thay. he reco , 'Up tothe teble teside them im semtoh of ° Bp Titer Jumaie Losi) nest on reqoa, That was neatly done, Really a bad} character is al' t one sometimes in: ee from wdifficulby;, Mow;, if DT had g 5 HT Hi : % rE i the bastie and talk of the had .emiied ba wage ab 'His Mavauvre to get Marte from- vhe Finally, the party having gone down sgain eee he decided iat row was their time to make s move o get eff ino natural, ---- way. He knew very weil they have te give an acocant of themselves to the goudarmes before tbey could hepe te Sareea and se decided that the rest way would be te go down quie'ly, as if they suspected nothing which pad b: ppened, and ask: Pierre it their bill was ready, aq they wished to leave. Hu had sme frotie in making his o:mpaniun» opderstand and agrees te this, aw he was mre desd than with sheer terror, However, by Le Marche. roffiants;, too,' | quite perfect, while os jtimisted- Pierre. " Toe brigadier haw ord: te he6t pleaded te bad state of the roads jo bring them imelive or dead." So-seying;.) tor bis ng @ Little late, adding, ss he be vuroed away to sitead tesomethi there was ne lost jwhen: Bertrano, frightened: ouv of [by thas, since M.. Germenil bad' nob: yet Onmtrol,. started te: tis het aif! te rum. come down pt wirt:. * *'Toiame," muttered hig oermpanion, "would you ralipust! Sitdows,; I tell'you," Aud! he tied! only jnuettime ts :orve him pack} Fy y was o fatiguing inte: he semv whe tie dotr opened,.and' the, (OM gOler Clattered inte Une room, armed te} with." lube vetb,, bisiprofisswnal eye taking in the! ream go0 ite coup nis: at o glance, raat, Who, sunk im thought, had heard}: soubinig of Perry's: converestion,, was roused | law he had knocked and got no answer, and audigeve bim seared lool, whiou he: dia oe feared' Mi Germenil' mast: bo ill. Pierre mov fail vo perceive. But bis sye passed' on ff upstairs with the keys, followed by o-rest- more rearobingly omithe twe men, | Ciementine. |whoee appesrauce d.d'oot atatl pleasetium: |)' Qoiok, Plerre, quick, give me the key !" To secme vo me lL have seem them: before," | cried Chartes: he eid: .o bimeelf,, as te 'looked'st them} But the key was notthsre, What waste more inguiriogly theo they found et sil} be done 7 A,resabie, [or Wiey at once recoguim d: him 1 es ung geudarme whe bad) {ospected them | ond thelr p-ssperts se eusploleusly the pre-} vieusdey.. Tue vrigadier very soon recailed') crew iwhsre he nadissem wiem sud decided: thine: jhe Would kwep his eye en them, 'through: the house as Ciementine fell sense- | © Now, Pieire," He weid,, "hurry with Lesa bestde ibe bed where lsy -_ bedy 'Hreswtist. ond don't forged some ham. [ner muroered tatuer. jsuew of'ud new good your bam- is. And} M,. Dument, fellewed by the reet of the hell my, men te bury with the 'heres' sud (party, rusted up stairs to see what was the wome in to breakibe:.. We have not much ame: te lose." Pierre burried off te' execute his orders; \while tbe brigesler, still keeping: au-eye on | he two mer, .ong out hiepipe sud! begen to iy pare itfor iim afier urtakfaet: smoke. iMirie, »ho baa been watohing: for am op reer, pertepity w lieve the romm were beteit ber in charge of Marget,, who ow gov. Up otidi supped quietly eut,, muot did all she could for ber wii bh many compas; 9 the rea fief! R-mend,, woe felt. that: Her istouate cxolamations of Pauvre mam's let | ||sveerioe vast y: unproved the olfexoes off bit | pauvee p'itte 1" self and mevempaniva.- Se much op. chat} M. "Damont sssured the brigadier that jgeving fished hie breakfast be te} the murdered man had) nob w stogle enemy WU + Vane; 0 hie'leg> ashe lay baok jis tbe wortd) {owohmir diling his pipe sud looking wt the}, " Had be any money is: bie posession 1" lortyadler with am str of easy' assurance | mek: di' pie officer. which vook: Bortrend's breath away and] "He ned 12,000) franc', Clementine's jaeerly mete bins choke with's!.eer terror as{idot, which was Ww have been handed over te ine'swellowed tis set meawiful my wens te day ae SCT as | "goootract wos Just-then' Pierre returned). Sringing the : bamsud' 'ollowed' by ube: other four.of (Hem. They oil sat down to vabiet| the verrtble rpeotale,. Roger, the moment 'bese what rad happencd, gave the order ite bis mew), '"See that no one leaves the, nouse."" Unen ve returned to the room te examine further, Coartos bad in the mean- time: carried Clementine to ber owo _ ere said Charl wubook," catohing sight of the ae st 4 mt! Her real! Makesatyy | wad pro-eedid: te discuss: their breatttast'| 10 under the pillow aod are * Bat eb Headley £ ef thine off this}, "1% excelent appetite. The brtyedier} itimempiy," he orted, * Luere has been. eatengatting \.wtiny Plerre i = low tenes where: ttese/robbery as well)as:marder L" ' '\ Bat suppess stis: recognizes you | men had come from, tndlosting the: palit im) '* Rave /any suspicions ! 1" seked the Bin! Alwege affraid! of! son satis Jct oercer. by o stigbd mevement medica ay i) > fear of! her airy: ata eibew, Pierre: infirmed him thas wort || -- and M. Damont declared Dhitis"" vowotiing: the horresyers;, woo hid step. tiet sipht at Lew) had ne 'Bnew Amis, and tet he Knew nothing) | further sbout vbem, exosp> that the vail ose} Wee en o8t ainusigg obep sand a! beautiful {ages , i [ wish uid heer him," he added, fe wih which st once gratified as Rem nd go up from bis » at aud ssuntered * Baw bawe," said Pierre. « * You?" they all exclaimed: '* Whe, 'then, do yeu suspect 7" "Tho woman who slept bere last night." | "If you mean s peor looking woman whe wee lm the salle, stie lef. the neuse a short, ime ago, I -.e«ber pass out of the oourt- yard," said one of the men. . - 'Bus why should you suspect her?! said | M. Damont, *Ta-eoy cave we must try te find her sud *[ hear whet scoount sbe gives herself," watd Roger,. destring two-of bis men w go after her in difereny directions. "She is eb. lous 'gene, we pe el ber." pmetih re light hep p. sinuipg, Jaiser d'etr- eni Voyage oe ata sur VOLre PaKsago rods tabi nouveaux, in saat Pierre, err; penati ye, esd | tenting, Winle thie brtgad who did no. aha go ohiarwed,, utvered » dry Bath, oath!" growled! Plerre;, svowlling startling; oud! that they baal! better gosud| As the brigedipr eid it would be neces peor Miiete. 'Some folks: have pean put eibetir citing teayocaseer, while Mi. Piorre{28ry te male » written statement of what owe reaver: for westling too be thie firey: Wer making cut their little: bill! whtoh they | ooourred aud of Pierre's evidences, they Didier tila) wt te quell: Siting," tine elite! pee titey cme: Se a] new revurned to iho eslle, where writing |... ; swyit wad beugivg: Pierre: te: be: sure aud] macprials; were placed fore two meat seated themvelverat-s table cot p whey: cbrery' bead the: 'evensii: g: Having beard all tia: Pierre bad to say, fhethior cud' of the rove from where before, be rluted the musk: ieee vedi pre igi is Dot ay yeung os he wav;, any m0 than mmyaetf," said: M. aud where malin -- "Tr matter,. sud steod »peechless wilh berror at! ais 2 ae t * here: is his Ot: sank inte the chair. wermentéliy Lin thiee rooms vga ny ome contrive tegesivgwould' not Have: been ae suxious to got aud persuasion he get ibe beter of sant thee dort , i peak: off! bite } - ~. Pierre: cenne: tiv witht Sita eal ttsey went dows, and as we have sf DD rougl: word: wore: thie: last straw bavi Kop: theem waitdi . e seen met Pierre as he was icv the very act of thie: nates caret > amsg ac te poor Marie's: everwrought: ' bead Hemen cieah ath sat ae leaving the reem tv leok tor them. ctitths. Dine bie did! withh w obverfil ste ruretiite tere. 'Terug: hor Hastie sifioerr of! Cyt , hineane " Aw | friend Pierre," ssid Remend as he adi, ae oft rea th HimeelE foniitieuvof! Her pocket: im order ve wipe: Rint et a ee swaggered into the room with fis usual i Hee yoruped: a mvenenst: tip biti - ati pallid: ous: withh itethie puree 'Saeed hem et gt! pe mit effrontery,. '"isour litele bil reedy which crs » wae ee bites ovrey eters pH gang ang vt 'proveut ly to tieir reatefhats : i. wessked you for? Ibis gettiug iste, and tet dedi tenenmcu:. - th: oa aun a obit, maxi. Pierred) 'Hie: ir onpital! company, Belly: Were: Drigedier bere interposed and eaid * Biise for w while witty), Crandt pokiditeuy,, looking: from it: ve mt js . : inal! innovenve of heart. Aw be speke the 4 they could nap go at preren', a» he required oui: Hr wud ftom Herr te ib more: suspiotounty}{' or sure you'll' get-em capitally tegetter:. sien emmwmrianthcer wit. Unie fret. Soa, you! wasting: vine forr?' That eves - # pity, you-are- nob mounted, (Or ; Hein!" esid Remend, witn an air -as om ber diame weil! ontmde. Tiiwre: ii Diese: 1?" 'herent, 'as puree fill! of! gota! | are stretoh-of' the road! Shongt he-ceuld'not conveive what the man thins teelbue:. 'The mijgtitt is y sR: YoU'sre tod. palo me yeaa lea ry re ou ow duty aad must: burr ' .wosd wee must: bee muany miles frou) you gould: have iit: lke ov they have had! vemething: to eat aud} joyful! indeed war the --s brigadier went on. 'There has been ewes a n comme: ! , murder commi ; «ee 1? reli thin tio. ' _ by TU potted! the = ee ea ieet dinates nes 's 'tie: past ight 1? toed in this bouse during. =m thie olroump "aad Honestly come' b. 1: hiwy Decenivet ed, sh eviews: 1 ow " tisterra aa 9 Hien: [i mamma tao tiny tall mart Hr ome ae gave: ween: of geechanae. : tgon of ae geataeameeee. [sit pom A ge ll ngage A -- ne Weal piney amon ot tad mad ed'itsliy very unplessand'to think the. one has bn pms ) mill! thine you: - se my By wediting 'ail! tne ate rOpe;.st-cavend! of whitoty they' pur sel pout the night in a house where such things . 'Dey wtlliseasdi fier: thie a senetigtlow tie 'Mf, Germenil has been murdered, and J diareses;, and: thier --ebi |" ee weart.oxp witan » Shieuuiy Marte followed! Hitm liste thie: salle] 0! Her: wees tavlied' ve ot! must ey that, your mavner ix most :nde- sthuiter,, ""ittmetiee my Lived) rum oplit!* po table near the: concert -- ae ae ae a cent in spesking of such » terrivi« eoonr- Cer tornibg:fecosly om lite bap: se ana - wrteftal lip eut,, thinking bow Be ere Ut were: ey sal ans - renos," said M. Dament, reverely. He was 8 Foun chitin yoursenf ow lever yuu willl! ready peupe: yy were: to cred! thins erre: went: om te Well," be wid Isugbingly, lapping) vost unfavorably impressed by ihe »ppear- : maboatietis © tifertad |) is mnery with: beongompableofiall! sere of! berm that Rog: r,, the brigedior,, aud' his Chartes'on the shvulder,, "* you are a pretty) sos of the newcomers, wiom be bad nob willbrtbg ato tiegeilows!" § = lortines:. Perresmesuwtnie- went: shout. bu] net wore ohe after sovaple: of foroste who} bridegroom te keeps lady waiting, noticed: this:evening before, xnd observed to wi fitteam, tans hhertiwords;, asd) aw thes: vw Hitmeeifi sud} tad ecaped' trom the prison: of Lyons,,aud}) Clementine shod revber au indignant Gitlin, wie mood: beside bith, thet he for-thie-- Woilj, you know whine!) Dhore}/onsiinganyoniig: bau feevedll¥y lbokie: {in Her: | 700). avourding: ve: the latest intelligenos,, glance sv hun--ss much aw te say how dared | (ia not imagine why Perr bed given » iemeoneed! tes putt it tin evideuow. D have: dtkeethien aw tie ountlod: im aud! oup. of! the{|/ Were Uppesed to be jurking io the forest of] no insinuate that Charles could do anything room to such susplolove-ivoki: g Oigracters as these men, in which Chari+e quite "agreed. The brigadier then demana-d to see the passporta of the two men. Thee were uoed and olovely examined, tut seemed te be quite en rege, und in suswer to the questions:as te where they rad come from they were going, --_-- that they bad oome trom' B-sxncen and were-on vbelr way te Ly. ns, ut whtoh -awraeaas eee pearly osllapred with oe eune M. le Brigadier," ald with an air of muh ypolteneas, you have nothing'u: berto ask us 'aud ss our papers are ail" en regle we may new resume eur journey ' ** No," replied the offiver, shortly. '* You cannot leave here st prerent. Till bhe mona iw finished no one oat bs allewed bo leave. the bouse. We uow await the arrival of the woman. who si+p: here lawb night, and of whem my men have gone in search." As he finished epraking 9 voire was beard euteide, and presently Murie wae brought in by one of the gondarmes. Shetad' been evertakén bifore she bad envy great distence. - Indeed, not bav- any reasen te th ere would be fel- lowed, she had «at s moment by the wayside to reat, and ther he gendarme 'bad found her. He-bed refused o tell ber i why she was thus brought ha ker of what wer s0cu The name «f her terrible' husband, se resently epeken by the sinister locking strauger, bed filles ter with terror, j feared he wae in sem: wey again | about to cause her a wv vuuh: ppness, | Or most likely beth be poor creature: } trembled in every iimb, gd the mental jagony the was suflering ahewed iteelf in feature, erattenuated farm, her wan' "take: and hollow eyes, with the wirtr', avxioae leok is them of adamb anima! wh» dréais and yet exptota sblew, erorted Charles' com- 'passion, notwithstanding 'be (terrible ao- cusation whic' wee hanging ovr ber. He saw she was hardly sbie «* rte: d, wed ad- vanoing he gave ber » obair, ssyivug in o gente votoe : vw ¥ou bad With w= leek. of wnattrab!« yracitude she The (ctie eindip acd peor dertnred neart, (To be Continued.) better sit down, my poor was balm to her © Fin-de-thecle Railronding. . Railroad oenduotor-- Hive: be eurgeons arrived ? Bintienne-- Sei; sir. - Se the bespital tem: leaded?" air. " Piney ef ohloroform, Spethgins lint and mage In the baggage oar ie Sive-pou telegraphed -to the doctors: along line ? es air," » wir, " he i a fall stodk of pine coffins?" ae Al Prooilen A Woman's I Latebrat. The Royal Humane Beotety bas nwarded ite testimonials on véllain ta the crew of Mrr.. ae Vartogtaininiies beat at Burde- Wilunee ty Danegei, fer raving Sidney Williams ym in s heavy sea. This: was the second life saved hy the beat this seasen; while from 200 to 330 wememn, bathing from the wild weg betore 9 a.m, wt pa a have been watched and pre- ataanuatel Reme nd re . Me, Te the wreckitog. train ready to tell Some men aim 1 ot aati cian 8