. A $10,000-Beantifal ~ Novelties sro "No use talking, I have the grandest LISTOW BL. Ghe Atwood Bee. -- &> (BES. PELLON, _ PUBLISHER. . fate at this time of the year should be ' accurate statistics on some of the bad The . systematic _ to meetagain in * ford, avlOso. a, ieee y NY REST i noes Dig a ai SEES a ~~ ~\ =a Holiday Stock ! EVER bas my store been more beautiful-or better filled with handsome goods than at this Very present time. Fine Art goods from Germany, handsome China five o'elock Tea Sets from France, beautiful China, Stlverware and other vice goods from "England; also a fine line from the U.S., that Lhave im ported and will sell away down accord ig to the times. Presents for Everybody Gold headed Canes made in New York city that cannot. be beaten, 200 Gold and Silver Watches to choose from, Diamond Rings a specialty: Oh, those handsome. Engagement Rings, rou should see them, and our ISK. pure / Wedding Rings--the best in the land. Jewelry. stock in the country. My work shop is A 1 and all work intrust- ed to me will receive my careful atten- tion, J. H. GUNTHER, ee A -- NOV. 24, 1893. FRIDAY, "Wort LEY w Road pits are still deine the gate act.--London Free Press. Girls that keep young men hanging on the reported to the Humane Society for their cruelty to animals. Tne Canada Presbyterian says:-- Femperance statistics have often beén yidicnled, but it is quite easy to get. as effects of the liquor traflic as upon any other subject. Nobody will dispute figures prepared by Daniel Clarke, | Superintendent of the lanatic. asylum | in Toronto. Dr. Clarke _ testified | before the Commission that out of | 6.000 cases of insanity he had examined, | a& per cent. were produced by drink. In round numbers, one lunatie in every ten was made a tunatic by liquor, hat means there are seventy hamian beings in the Toronto asylam who lost their reason by drink, and a proportion- ate number in the Kmgston, Hamilton | and London asylums. But that is not nil. As Dr. Clarke testified, insanity is often produced by combined causes. The hahit may combine ch drink domestic trenble, business trouble, Warry, overwork or any other of the) exciting ceuses that omake lunaties, | It is the sole or main cause of insan- itv in ene case out of every te and a | contributing cause in) matty others, . oan. } - _e . There then, we have one aaawfal fact and that, too, by one of the the pass Tide elear, most distinguished specialists The next time you asylum, just remember hat one meevery ten of the creatures tliind walls berelit of God's highest gift, was put there by drink, | Think of that when yeu mark your, bailot'on the first day of January. ae -- | » tae Additional Vocal Items. Mi. MAXWwenn, of Galt, was ti guest of Tas, Wilsen last sunday, Lreeren Rev A, Tencersen, AL | AJ delivered an diteresting lecture on the World's Pair inthe busenwnt of the Presbyteriaa ¢ hu 'cloom 'Thursday even lng of last week, It was much apprec- juatere?, Diyanstandard: "Bro. itor of Tie Arwoop Ler, paid Diyth a visit this week. Blyth is a fine place teovisit, especially fara goed Jooking | on Continent vv Joronteo those Pelton, ed- voping bachelor, We spent a few hours very prot ibly with oar brother. pubs lisher." We always had a weakness tur ivth, Dre. Irwin. STRATFORD PREsBYTERY.-- ~The | Presbytery of Stratford fret ip hnox ehureh, Stfatford, on Tuesday (lath)! Rev, John Kay, moderator, A' request from the congregation of Avonton to dippose of their old dhurch and build n pew one wis granted, Rev. D. Find. lay spoke in behalf of hig mission tielal | wud sought for help te bud churches | wid manses. The Presbytery resolved | "te commend the scheme, te the fiber. | wity of the congregations, . Reports an the A. & Q Min, Wid D. uk For. Miss. Funds were presented and adopt- cer. it Was nereed that the members of | the cougregations be-urged to vole for} the ppahibvition of the liquor traffic | mext January. Messrs. Pyke, Panton, | Igmilcon, Callin. and Ress were -ap- | poiuted to examine the -- preposed | chonges in the hymnal and report. | repressutation of | mission stations wis approved, Mestrs. Grant, Cosgrove, Craw and Wood were appointed CT minittee on be suelicence., A letter the Prisoners' Aid Association The Presbyter~ adjourned Knox chure'. Strat- remit in the from was read, 'TSBL. 2" Jagain enlarged and isnow among the fof Mitchell, some sitteen or more vears n, on i6t; JnUAey | i" Perth County Notes, Mitchel® has been mn made a port of entry, with J. W. Cull customs officer, Chas. Cornish, a bricklayer, of © Mit- chell, had his pockets picked and 320 stolen therefrom one night recently. The stratford Weekly Herald tas largest and best of the Provincial weeklie$. Mrs. Freeman, wife of Capt F..Free- man of the Salvation Army, Listowél, who has been-ull for some weeks. died last week. Messrs. Dufton, Christie, Davis and Alexander, of Mitelell, returned from Muskoka on Tuesday of fast week, bringing home with them eight deer, The St. Marys" Journal informs 'us that the-tong. loo for convention of the Liberal party of South Perth has pee declared off, for this year at leas Alias Elizx Gordon, graduate of the! Listowel High sch ool, hag secured the school in section No. 8. Wellesley, for} the ensuing year. 'Chere were 119) applicants, | The retiring members ftom: the} Mfichell public school board this year | are Messrs. Coppin, Kerr and Thome | son. 'Their successors will be apport. ed-on the day of the municipal elec. tions by ballot. "Be this as it may, it is secret that if Mr. Ballantyne the nominayion for the Commons, T. H. Race, of Mitchell, is almost certain an open aceepts | to be the coming man for the Legislature."--st, Marys Journal, Since the death of the senior pro- prietor of the Mitchell Advocate, the | interest held by deceased in the boild- ing, machinery and plant has purchased by W. R. Davis, who now sole proprietor of the concern. Jas. Perrin, of Listowel, has recover ed from his injuries andis attending | to his business again. During the! four weeks that he was laid up he drew! S72, being $15 a-week from an accident ; insurance company, and 83 a week | from the § 0, O. F. Ie 'is convinced | that it pays toc arry an aecident policy, Mr. Géebel's horse, of Whitehell, in| leaving fine trotting stock. The eolt, "Hambletoniam King," ty "Gasteer," dam "Volo," can go an eighth of a mile in 25 seconds, although now ony: six mouths old. Mr. Goebel is willing | been is to match the little beast agsinst any | eoltof its age owned in Huren or| Perth. ) Iby the will ef the late John FE. Davis, old, everything is left to his wife, Mrs Davis, to be divided equally among the children at her death, On the evening | after the funeral, while ali the brothers lof the deceased were present. the interest of the latter in' the Advocate wis disposed cf to W. R. Davis, who is now seleawner of the paper, plant. and all eontraets and book arconnts; conmected therewith Tt ois nol vets known What the late J. 1 Davis' jossessi0708 amount to. Spe®alation| is putting the sum all the way. from S25 000 To soir. \ | . MAIN ST, ~- Hardware OBT. = Shelf and He AVY Hardware. Paints, Oils, Glas-, "Table and Pocket Cutlery, Silverware, Lamps, Cross-Cut Saws, Axes, ane --/ LISTOWEL. --THE- T } TTT Store| \ The 777 Store is Headquar tersin Listowel for Dry -deoas Groceries, © Clothing, DRESS GOODS &C. Please Call and See Us when you come to town. JOHN RIGGS. LAWIE E AND RHEUMATISM NEURA!LGIA,PLEYRISY, SCIATICA 3ACK=5 CURED EVERY TIME "ue D.&L. MENTHOL PLASTER usée. I s OU Have Lost \ Renenesr that the GZ} 1S WHAT YOu Have a Very Bad Couch, Are Suffering from Lung Troubles, Are areata with Consumption, J -" °4 Flesh through Iilness, COTM ACQUIRE. Pers For that Bad Cough of yours 'S. apache Fe pee aioe cae Pea ne pene Ban te et 2, Allen's Lang Balsanv s, yug HIGH LY "RECOMMENDED eae or Eta ay SE - . m! --_- L>- RHEUMATISM NEURALGIA MUSCULAR STIFFHESS, PAIN IN SIDE & LAME BACK 77 wi\*D aU" MENTHGL PLASTER ufo MUST GO 3A tees 2 ONLY 92.25. hiev rement *Nox outof sig cht, Stem-winder, improve ments. £o time. Makers have spen in experimentiug i to produce a W price, the 'result "Wonder" whic aT ER and price, guaraiteed an aceurste trne-¥e sainple Silverine Stem-winder ** Wonder oer W alfove described, forwarded express charges prepaid to any p: ut of Canada or the Cnited Staves, am receipt of ; 5Q. For 75ets. extra Mowe willsendan Elecant Satin bined Plush Case, con- 2.25 or four witches for 88. taining this Watch, also a handsome -- ® Chain and Charm thatis warrautel Al A Cash withorder, No Samples sent C.0. De § fre not found exactly as peprepensed + homage iM say if wanted fur either Lady ors onanza for agents and ot he ree simply enormous, as it is the only reliable Watch on the mar' dials, etc., and send your order direct to S ware of all free offers for cheap sun a value = xo0r mney: You may have the 6a '@ extra. 192 Bing NOT A CLOCK. ! . * wo > £3 . a or) ' PAPERS OIE OF Ass va a ut OAR, eee aes: Lethe BE - io jONDER st rioude rful ¥ a ' 2 j= 2 cific feo 'of ry ATCH. |e untest ac- ff @) of .mechanical skill. High-prieeg W ate hea ty RN "ig No Fake that takes al! day to wind vp, & al or a bie clock-watch so extensively advertised, but a hand. BE sume, ordinary size Watch that Is warranted for five years, a A je welled movement, containing all the latest M4 lid Silverine case of the best quality wincx- FR 'celled for dural ili ty ond pervicn, susranieedPto wear a life- Ry a ' sean Wate % 7 atch of MERIT at the lowest possible marvel ot cheapness, durr- bility and excellence, that le ads inquality, style, nish eihing our ""Wonder" Watch. FLEMING NOVELTY CO., Toronto, Canada. Se an pate SOREL. aT OB ml iae * adie t ye a n order is the Le) yee wNO ** FREE ee OR CATCH h is a " hl One atch as a ey Plated 'ao .00. y will be cheerfully refunded. In ordering Its sale will be f et for the price. Be-@ us and get big Watch in a fine Gold Plate for 25cts. & . me W St West, i NOT A TOY. SELLING OFF AT COST Having leased one of R. M. Ballantyne's s New: Sines I will sell rag COST my entire stock of . Dry Goods, Millinery, Boots & Shoes, Etc. Ete. DEXE 30 DE 7S IVIEeS. -ieademmanblieed ate WM. FORREST. Atwood Furniture Rooms The cferoed has on hand all kinds of House Furnishings, such as Bedroom Suites, Lounges, Mattras- es, Springs, Mirrors, Window Blinds, Curtain Poles, Picture Frames and Mouldings. Call and eet Prices before buying elsewhere. Prices to suit the times. Fun- erals attended.to on shor rt notice. RECEIVED - KA Large $tock of CO uN alk Which I bought at a low rate on the $; and which I intend to give my Customers.the advantage. Our Tailoring -_ And Gent's Furnishings TAKE THE LEAD Ang you can depend on it: Give yr °UsaCall . > s é: R.M. BALLANTYNE... Fancy Goods, -. N IN QUALITY & PRIGE, iI - *