StS TCE ERM aN ane cee Eee ea ee = ry > 5s Mise imag. 5 et = re i+ Roe * Ss 0 das "gee F ee a i é ' 7 ' Sirens € ps Fags, Wy y ----OF THE---- Parisian # Laundry LAbizs AND GENTLEMEN,--, - ¢ I have 'secured the Agency fur Atwood for the Parisian Steam Laundry. First class work guarauteed at City Prices. Call early aud get pric es. \Also Agent fGr Parker's Dye Werks. 0. CAMPBELL. The Atwood Drag Store. a @urwit Salt. % VERY choice new raisins, 20 Ibs. Sh, ui "Bila pot ib XX, Ti u sspay. Dee. 1, the school eouecert. next week, IF yea want to talk to the people of North verth, place your advertisement in THe Bre. Ti Exeter Tires has been enlarged to 55 columns, and is new the largest paper in [aron. Miss Hattie JACKSON, bridge, was the guest of Miss -Peltoun Wednesday, 'Turk Star Almanac of Mantreal for IMM isjust published. Needless to say there is a great demand for it. Rev. J. IL McBats, B. A., of Bos- worth, speutgeveral days this week With relatives and triends here. Tren er human and horses and all enimals enred in 30 minutes by Wool- furd's Sanitary Lotion. This never fails. 'Sold by D, Campbeil, druggist, Atwood, . 35 iv V enisox.--We are indebted to John Sauders fer a fine roast of venison last Frday, It was mach enjoyed. Johia's annual hunt in Maskoka be rewarded every year by one or for is the date of 'F ull particulars of Trow- Mina more eet footed denizens of the forest, | fabstain from all luxuges iy order | they may be able during this week to} | eontrivute Day.- Cure for radieally RiWEUMATISM CURED IN A South "American Kheuimatie rheamiatists and neuralgia cures ind to 3° days. the system is remarkable and myster Hierenoves at once the cause and | 1 { ; every member of the | Commissioner's | [is action upon; Tiotts, Dive clineuse linimediately disatppe irs. | The liest dose greatly benefits. 75 cts. Sokl by D. Campbell, dragyist, wood, 33 1¥ A Dirau.--How many -people have Veururd tor another Christiuas number | ot the Montreal Star, ove of | those Linings of rarest beauty that turned the heads of old and youu mo other years ? And ato will be lid) tidimes in thous aids itpen thousands of homes that there is tobe this year the grandest of all (tiristinas Sturs, forty-four pages Ow Shin paper wita five superlor gre suppiements of bewitching beauty. A Finke CaN v as --One of the tinest specimens yf erayon Work it has been our pleatisure Le criticise may be seen at this office. It was executed by A. A- Grav. ot Gray & Barke, West, Toronte, anid ipoint of eleganer, fone amd finish exeeis anythiag the artist linus dutherte attempted. The features of the portraitare weil brought out, tulbefanimettion and true ta lite, surpassing the finest steehengraving tn this respect. The genius and skill ot the arust are also discernable in the | >should make 204 Qnieen St. | -We ; development. Pat 4.30 p.m.,and at the Toronto post THIRTY-FIVE girls waited all day ove Sunday recently in a Chicago church to be translated and go ..bedily to heaven. They did not go; lw could 'they hope to go from Chicago? Rost, ANDERSON purposed erécting a fine residence on his -property iu the spring. Mr. Auderaun is one of the public Spirited men of this town, and he never does things by halves. $5, 310 and $20 genuine Confederate bills only tive cents each; 350 and 3100 bills 10 cents each; 25c. 'aud 50c, shin- plasters 10 cents each; 31 and 32 bills 2oc. each. Sent securely sealed on re ceipt of price. Address, Chas D. Bark- e1, 90S. Forsyth st,, Atlanta, Ga, Tif® BiBLE* ON THE BALLOON SLEEVES,-- Women who indulge in the prevailing fashion of dress sleeves» are advised to open their Biblé and read Ezekiel, 18th chapter, sth verse, which text Says: "Woe to the: women who sew pillows to ~ait--atm hules"-- Boston Globe, BRITISH Mains --On and after the 23rd inst, the British mails for des- patch from [lalifax every Saturday, will etose at the Hamilton post ottice otlice at 7 p. n., every Thursday, during the coming winter season. Lepters leaving Atwood will liave to be posted not later than Wednesday evening. ENGLISH Spavin Liniment removes all hard,soft or calloused lumps and blemishes from Lorses, blood spavin, curbs, splints, ring bone, sweeney, sore aid swollen throat, sufles, sprains, coughs, ete, Save 850 by use of one bottle. «Warranted the most wonderful blemish cure ever known. Sold by D. Campbell. druggist, Atwood. . Be ly NURSERY MEDICINES--We do not believe In dosing children with drugs and medicines from the time they artive in the world till they are grown, xs some do. We huve found a httle castor oi] and # bottle of, Perry Davis Pain Killer safe ana sure remedies for all their iittle ills, and would not do-without them. Get the New Big Bottle, 25e. TAX CoLLECTOR DUNCAN 'was. in Atwood last Friday gathering in toad skins. He reports collections slower this year than4ast, many farmers not having the ready .cash in hand, The holding back' of cheese in the H@pe of better prices and the little grain moving accounts jlargely for the scarcity of money just at present, Every day now should help the money circulation in this district. COMMANDANT Booth, the Com- missioner of the Salvation Army of Canada, has fixed the date of the annual Self bewial Yur Nodember 25th to December 2nd. 7 proceeds of the Self-Denial efforts in Canada and other countries is a remarkable testi mony of the Army's progress and) During = this week | Army from. the latest recruit) along vith the thousands of. Army friends, ! that more liberally to the | various operations and 'institutions _ of ithe Salvation Army. The saly: ation | Army's Self-Denial efforts in Canada | in ESSN produced S2.828 93; 1889 eee ed S3.993.16; 78:1 'produced $12,257.18; | At jitnd last year the steady improveme nt! | continmed: any produced the magni- (ticent total of Si4,08U.85. Hoarnps Dairyman -- congratulates | 'Canada on the suc cess of hercheese at | Clieago, and says: "There is: noethipg | in the climate, the soil, the water, 4 food, or the cows ino Canada, that | j Canadian cheese superior to Lreted States cheese. The fanit is notin these things but in ourselves | that our cheese averages so much! mferior totheir cheese. [tis the men-} those men whe produce and deliver the milk to the factomes and thdse Who receive and manipulate ito there, that makes the difference. These Can adiano men lave been more teachable, | Inere Willing te adept and = follow) im- proved methods, than we. That is all. Their suecess should be cour en couragement, and if accepted and! acted upomin this spirit it will prove, in the end, aiare valuable to the cheese | interests of the United States than | to The winners of the awards." Mercianics' INsTiITUTE.-- A meeting minttest details of the canvas, whetein of the Directors of | the Mechanics' isthe soul of trae art. Every shade. dustitute was held in) the Library fold ard. @rease and the fine tracery" 'Poesday evenmg., Members present, | of the lace and brecaded satin Of the «Rey. AO Henderson, M. A. Dr. Rice. costiine Worm are set forth with sare qjeo. Thompson, Jas. Planimond and prignug gw accuracy, This feature of detail paw, MeRain. Minutes of fast meet SU eantifully earried out in MM jag read and approved J. W. MeBain Gray's canvas is sadly deficient in most gave a report ot the book committee, eTayon portraits, hence dur special Spat: ithiutefthe sto order sent Svs mention of it. Phe faithful likeness worth of books have been received, the and delicagy of tone and Gnish combine to make this one of the tinest pieces of erayen art that has ever graced the easel of a Canadian artist. Mr. Gray is nmoative of Eima,a son of James Gray, : of ik niecal, « - Will be sutliciently large 2 :ospreer For Diessep The Toerouto Chobe SaVvs : packers do uot look for suc h hich pric es in hoes as ruled-fist year. Pt isthe epilation Chat the exc: sptional prices paid Jast Winter beck a wine nd im any to tneregse the usivd asunber ef hogs ted for this year, aud that the present season's ¢ rop to keep dawn mnid) weather has been 'back to the market during Qwing to the warm weather the bnik of the hogs seem bo have, been shipped to this market, and that has helped to pnt down 2ke prices to $7, while if the Weather had been colder more hogs would undoubtedly have been shipped east. thereby redue- ing the receipts in this narket, and having a tendency to maintain prices ata higher gange. Local packers are not beving largely at present, some be ing inched to the view that lower pric: es will soon prevailand that they will, soon be able to get theif supplies. for less money. The idgais based on the high price of dressed hogs compared , with fresh 'beef. and «mutton. "The, prices. ##lie qriite a draw Ahe past fortnighe. fresh meat is better than the cured hog | months. * said a local packer, "and you | Dr. gannot expect people to buy the latter authorized'to select the remainder of when it is hes -- 'of the twy, und by | the books. t" | mest again at the call of the-President.' uct,' ne-pena lies. | Local 'billed to take plaice during the balanee of the order could pet be filled by the firm in whose hands it had. been placed. In referenee to the proposed entertainment for the bene- itotthe Lnostitute, Dr fee ceported nothing done, and since the holiday season ts at hand and in view of | numerous other entertyfments being next few weeks, he thought it wise to. defer the Institute concert until after the holidays at feast. The Dr's. decision | was agreed to by the Board, and the concert will in all likelilfoed be held | sometime in Mareh, next. President | Leuoereep read the resignation of | M. eads as' Secretary. By nogn- | imoud vote Mr. Neads was tendered | the sineere thanks of the Directorate | tor his eflicient services inthe pest, A copy of this motion wiltbe forwarded | Mr. Neads. It was moved by Dr_Rice, seconded by James Hlammond, that RLS. Pelton be Secretary of the Insti | tute. in place of Mr. Néads, resigned. | Carried. Eunrepty to a letter to the | Education Department re government, grant, the Department stated the grant was for three months only. Mr.* Me- Bain asked to know if anyone could join the Instithte for three mo.iths. In compliance with the constitution, which is regulated by statute, no one /ean join for a shorter period than six On motion, the President, Rice and R.*: S. Pelton * were The meeting adjourned to ' drain con. 16; | pairing road con. 16; HL, i grading con. 12; T. 'ing award drain; | gravel; }eou. 8; D. Melotyre 332. gravelling con. | Gilkinson now adjourn to meét in RELIEFIN Six Hovuns.--Distressiiig | kidney, and bladder diseases relieved-in six hours by the "New "tireat~ South} American Kiduey Cure." This uew remedy is a great surprise and: delight tu physicfaus on account of its ex ing promptuess in relieving pain in the biadder, kidneys and back. If yeu want quick relief and cure this is your reinedy., Sold by D. Campbell, drag: gist, At ' ° 35-ly re Agricultural Hall, Atwood, on Nov. 1l.. Members all present; minutes of last meeting and special read and signed, » Moved by Mr. Hammond, seconded by Mr. Tughen, that in reference to the requisition for drainage of J. Ginhold- er, owner of north half lot- 81, con. 17, he having failed to get a majority of sizners to allow him to file his resigna tion, therefuré the Clerk be authorized to notify all concerned in. said scheme t» attend next meeting of Council to be heard in the matter. Carried, Moved by Mr Rothwell, seconded by Mr. Hammond, that J. Roger, Engineer, be paid $40 in full of accont for work ow Wilson drain award, 899 for work under Engineer's awards and letting aud inspecting drains and plan and specifications of bridge con. 14, and that the said amounts be charged to lands and drains interested. Carried. Moved by Mr. Hammond, seconded by Mr. Dickson. that W. Frier .be paid $135, part payment. on 14th.con. bridge. Carried. Moved by Mr. Dickson, seconded by Mr. Tughen, that in the requisition of A: Peebles, owner of lot 9. eon. 8, of the township of Elma, he haying failed to get a majority to allowhim to file said requisition, therefore the Clerk be authorized to notify all persons con- cerned in said scheme to attend next meeting of Council to be heard in the matter. Carried. __ Moved by Mr. Tughen, seconded bys Mf. Rothwell, that a committee com posed of Messrs. Dickson, Hammond and T. Fullarton be appointed to ex amine the petition of J. Hanna and others and compare the same with the last revised assessment roll and report at next meeting of Council. Carried, Moved by Mr, Hammond, seconded by Mr. Rothwell, that W. Frier be paid $309, being payment in full for the, erection of a bridge con. 14.) Carried. Moved by Mr. Rothavell, seconded by --- Ejma Council Meeting, HE municipal | Council "of the township of Elma met in the Mr. Tughen, that orders be issued for the following accounts :--A. Baker 87. 20, gravel; Mrs. Harvey S38, for 52 weeks' allowance to Mrs. A. Luddington $1.50, J Montgomery: cleaning award | Broughton 31.50, re- | Richmond 36. Jiekling So, covering | repairing 2 culverts and clean. | G. Cleland Show, re | patring culvert con. 4; E. Ilunt $1 50), | gravelling and plank for culvert; W.) Séolt 35.35, ditching, and $4.65, cle "aning | award ditch; T. A. Stevenson & | grading T. LL. bE. & W., Elma's share; bridye, | Johnson $5.25, clei ining award drain; | Moffat 339.55, grading and culvert 'I L EL& L, Eima's share; C. Fronghten S200n account ere ding con. and | 30) 12, cleaning drain con. 17; G % hap- man $5, outlet con, 10; Mrs. Erskine | Sar, spikes: J. Rowland 35, grading | cou. 12; G. 'Chapman SU45, cleaning | award ditch con. 8: R. Parker "2, clean- ing diteh gravel road; A. Baker $2, for! J. Log: ip Soc., repairing bridge | gravel road: TT.' Line ham $3.80, grave \; | lH. iors aka gravel; S. Smith 81:50, | one dkiy with Engineer on Logan Mait- land drain: G. Hame 8%, for 2 culverts 10; A. J. Keillor $1.38, spreading gravel; | J. Mann $5.50, approach to bridge; C. | Breughton 4oc., cleaning award drain TLE & Ll; T Jackson $20, grading jand approach to bridge; J. Horn 31.2u, i gravel; Ae Code 35.65, approaches to | bridge; W. J. [olmes:33. repairing eul- vert con. 18, and 35-work con. Wi; J. $17, approaches to. bridge con. 14; J. Hinks 81, work on gravel 'rpad; D. payis Toe, repairing culvert icon. 14; A. Morris 828 06, ihe F J. Fentyn $2.50, spreading gravel; W.Mar- tin $50, repairing culvert gravel road; 4. W. Taylor Stoo, opering sideroad, con. 13:8. [liles 2, repairing culvert con, 14; J. thorn $5, culverts and awards; W. Noble 85, culvert con. 12; G. Daniels 310.25, work co, 14, W. Frier ae Wing i approaches to bridge con, 2: John | son $3, Lauling plank and repairing | -bridge ; J. Dickson S150, re pairing | bridge; 1}. Melutyre 50e., gravelling: T Fullarton $4, deed and bonds Melitels 7 'bitration and one day om arbitration; Frier 33 50, work on culvert gravel | aah Carried, Moved by Mr. Hammond, seconded by Me. Rothwell, that By-law Nos. ae a} and 316 as now read * a third 'time be passed. Carried. Moved by Mr. Dickson, Mr. Iiammond, that W. Hammond, seconded | that tins Council do Moved by Mr. by Mr. Dickson, Atwood, on the lth Dec., T. BULLARTON, CA Caerk | tlall, Carried. Atwrood Sdtacinags. Fall Wheat...............- 8 5: Spring yo) ee 50 Harley 6 sae ews CNR CS HR 30 er i moh Beet 28. "29. PC AB ios oe wig Sie a Sage aed ee 5U oH Hay c sale Wve Bs BERNE Oe Om € 0D °6 00 POPE. onic cecs cevennenenenes 6 2 6 50 Flour, per cwt.... ..:.-... 180. 2 00 Bran, per'ton *...........- 12 00-12 OU 'shorts, perton ....-:...-.. 14 00 14 00 Hides per ib. ...... 2% 38 Sheep skins, each........-. 45 50 Wood. 2 ft........-...-.-5 150 175 Potatoes per bushel . .. 50 865 Butter per ib.............. 20, 22 EQS POT. dQZ.....--. 000005 15 18 seconded by | Bailie be paid | $20, the amonnt of arbitration award. | Agricultural | "next, ees Wil Tell ey ERD Goods are Going Right: and Left. In one day last week we sold elevet (f1) dress 'lengths: In three days we sold 7 (seven) Overcoats. THE REASON: The Prices are the Lowest Ever Quoted. You for the same quality of goods. We have yet about Fifty Pieces of Dress Goods to choose from. A)! large number of Men's and Boys' Suitsy Only a few of thosé Cheap Flannelsand Flan- If you want them, Come at Once. ' nelettes. A number of people have come and looked at goods and went away to make up their minds about them. In a day or'two they come back for them and _ find 'them. gone. Goods don't stay long on the ' $Shelves at Our Prices. Bargains, Come Now. Jas. Irwin. nanny ae? De-Fou Want a _Nobby Suit OR OVERCOAT IF SO, CALL AT THE - - - 5 % Having reduced: our Prices in all lines of Suitings and Overcoatings we are now selling Cheaper than Any. We have the Lar gest and Finest Stock in Tow nof Imported Tweeds, Worsteds & Serges Our Ya of ove eC arimad istcomplete, and are. the Best in the Market. We have also added to our : stock -- Consisting of Uriderctothing, Tap Shirts, Hats & Caps,. Hose, Braces, étc., of the latest style. and best quality... and tanfot be excelled. Call and see them .at the . Plug? Hat, Currig's Old Stand, Atwood. M. WILDFANG & CO..