* « . Ee Ps ick Be ' a ' : - = ine komt . : ' . James Haryey, barrister, of St.|is opening atrap in which is a mouse; i ; 3 Holiday Thomas, spent a day or two at home|a cat crouches near by-to spring upon CRED % = last week. . #|the' captive, 'while, the ladies have a , ------------ itev. W.H. Harvey, B. A., of Hes-| flown forsafety to the top of chairs, : peler,spent several days at his home,| tables and couches. This picture frames with singular effect. The leading feature of the Christmas Number is The. Random Reminiscen- ces of a Nile Voyageur by Charles Lewis Shaw, being a*humorous and thrilling account of the expedition of con. 10, this week. He preached in Stratford last. Sunday, for Rev. Mr. Wallwir 2. * Some time ago eleven of the oung huntsmen of the {4th and 16th con- cessions despatch a challenge to 4 Presents ----------_--_---- ~ THOUIDATION SALE ! . 3 ALL and see our lovely stock of | jjke number on the 12th con. to decide to the relief of General Gordon, : Imported Goeds-Bibles, Hym- | their'merits as huntsmen by a friendly tho was besiged by the False Prophet ' nals, anaes -- "Poilet | shooting match, so that on Thursday onpe aren. en shared 7 . Cases, "Kerchief Sachets, etc. | 16th inst., the contestants. with a fair | UNer™s baie age A h G Id L ' L. : + | just received at , Share of their friends and: relatives, | tbe Perils-of that expedi#ion, of whom Tt t e€ oO . en: ion,. is Owe . armed with all sorts of weapons from a| Mf. Shaw was one. This: is one " i a A Hacki . ary arch | Ot the best things yet written by aj - ' ; ; ng's. catapult to acannon, set forth isearch |G oaian.' Illustrated by Hemin ; . . = of gathe. After spending he day) p1161 palin and English artist 8; "hunting" the party wended» their wa vel Palin and English artists. a 'Two Old Hunters, by Octave Thanet, one of the best shurt story writers of to-day. Illustrated by Feraud. ' Qld Dickson's Young Lady, by Evelyn Durand, one of the very clever- est of Canadian short: story writers. [Nustrated by Ferand and Ethel Palin. The Exodus to Centreville by Majory MeMurchy. Llustrated by the came capital artists, The Ronin's League by Helen Gre- gory-Flesher. 'This is a quaint story of Japan, illustrated with reproduc- tions from the paintings of Hokusai, Japan's first artist, ° With Murder in His Heart by Ed mund E Sheppare, This sa story of cowboy life in 'Texas, iliustrated by Ethel Palin. In poetry thé number is the richest to the residence of Mr. LitWe, 12t con., where the points were counted by impartial judges, and their decision was thatthe 1%h con, boys we# victor jous- by 70 points, whereupon the losing participants cheerfully complied with the rules of ihe contest by footing the bill for the excellent repast furnished by Mrs. Little, which the contestants Tickets, will' Be issued at first-class | partook of heartily. The young ladies of the vicinity were present, which SINGLE FARE, valid going by Nov. caused the boys to be all smiles, as they trains on Nov. 22nd, on all trains é were then ablé.to participate in the "23, valid to return on Nov. 24, "B3. J : HACKING quicksteps and jig-steps. Dancing, : e e 5 with refreshments at intervals, was? in- dulged in until an early hour, when all Ticlzeet Agent, Fs sistowrel, Ort. 'Thanksgiving Holiday ) a ~ EXCUISIONS: 20,000 F the finest goods ever brought to Listewel, all to be sold at SLAUGHTER Prices, by CARSON & MCKEE, without reserve ordelay. A genuine Winding Up sale, to commence on Friday morning, Nov. 2th, and continue util the entire stock is closed ont. Our store willbe closed . all day on Thursday, Noy. 23rd, to arrange the goods and mark dowo prices. Why. this Sale ? This is the question that will be often asked. We now answer it: Our term of partnership ig about closing, and the lease of the premises now occupied by us will terminate in a few months. We have cdeé- cided not to renew either in Listowel, whieh possibly means our removal. Cou- '"/ left for their several homes, loud in their praises of Mr. and Mrs. Little as host and hostess. \ ' : . ; Dy ; .--T Stratford : 'Iesuer Marriage Licenses. A Bear Srory.--The S&S ret : are: | sequentl ' : . flerald is responsible for this bear | Y°* Ameng those contributing are: | sequently 1t means the | storv:--Year after year inroads are E.~Pauline Johnston, Charles Gordon Rogers, Ernest Hawthorne, K. Wheeler, (ius M. Beers, George Moffat, Reuben Butchart and G. E D. Five full page engravings adorn tue number, one of which is by M.-Hearn and another by the talented Eouis Wain, The price of the number remains as as in previous years, 5 cents per copy. Buy it of your bookseller, or on receipt of thatsum at the Saturday Night office, 9 Adelaide street west, Toronto, acopy (along with premium pic will be sent,postage paid, to any address in the world. Buy it and also sen i Greatest Sale of Dry Goods, &c.,ever Held in North Perth, As the stock is decidedly goods--all new gdéods---boncht at the closest prices for eash. The Public may look for SWEEPING BARGAINS, All goods will be marked ip plain figures, the sale 'price being in RED, and no change of that price will be made. Produce will be taken at its cash yalue in exchange for goods, at sale prices. made upon the swamp which stretches across the fourteenth concession of 'Elma and with one er two interrup tions extends into Logan and Ellice, covering many hundreds of acres of fertile land:*but notwithstanding the constant encroachments of civilization, the wild cat, the lynx and the bear continue to infest the fastnesses of their old haunts. A féw-years ago the larger of these ferocious animals was thought to be almost extinct, very little being seen-or heard of the shaggy brute which terrorized the early setller and NEWADVERTISEMENTS. Locals--R. B. Hamilton.- Prices will tell--Jas. [rwin. flardware and tinware--John Roger. The Perry Davis remedies--The Dav- is & Lawrence Co. on Dbooks will be closed Jau. 1, 1894. Afier that date eredit can only be | obtained\py special arrangement, as our entire business fs to be wound np. Orr business Nas been a good one, a decided success. We attribute this to the ble &s- Country Calk. A a en OO Ethel. menuacéd the home of the study pioneer. | to your friends as a sample of Canadiap ing of Pre bear te ag ap with ouf own diligence and the generous patronace . san $3 a. * Eas wel y of our maky to whom we now convey our sincere thanks. We can ¢ *o9. Sproat has r . In the meantime hunters and trappers | atl. : oN pai : : = nihil can © Geo. Sproat has returned to his home | oo their vigilances®and devoid -- -- among you abont 22 years ago, and have lived to see matty~changes in the per- 'here. August Eckmier wears" a ~ broad smile. fe is papa now. W.K. Whaley has taken a position in J, 3¥. Henderson's general store. sonnel of the business men of the town. Now,.as we commence liquidation, we must emphatically promise you the uenefits of our profits. Remember ~ > their attention to skunks -and cotton: "--<" Dairy Notes tailrabbits. The English sparrow, owing to the rapidity of its inerease. and great destructiveness, has likewise claimed mMueh attention in. many Watertown, N. Y., Nov. 18.--Sales of cheese, £000 boxes at 10c, to Lic. ; This is not like the Spasmodie Sales that some intro London, Noy. 18--Twenty six fae duce to relieve themselves of pressure. We shall con- The Canadian Order of Foresters quarters, but the extreme cold or last | teries offered $0145 boxes of cheese. | ; vince you later on that what we say is correct, and talk of having a grand concert in the | Winter thinned their ranks immensely.) September and balance, prevailing | YOU are to investigate for yourselves, Don't forget, this sale commences PRI- giving much-desired temporary reliet DAY MORNING, NOV. 24th. Come eftrly In the day. tu tillers of the suil, The skunk, how- ever,is not meth affected by | the) weather and save for the efforts of ai near future. W. E. Sanders has opened a butcher shop in this place, Ee is duing @ rush- price 104;¢.; no sales; niarket dull. Sales. Soar teen mt rea action > ang PORTE 7" . --_-- few hunters, who make it their busi | . . ' ; j PROPERTY FOR SALE. 'Thos. Strachan organized & COM-| ness to entray and kill him = for the f TUESDAY, Nov. 28.--Farm Stock and } . oy ; mittee to canvas for the coming plebis value of his pelt, the conntry ould | implements, on lot 25, con. 10, Elma, W e also offer for sale a fine Two-storey Brick Residence, as well as the eom- ' cite vote on Prohibition last I riday | soon be overrnm' with this very dis. | Alex. Morrison, auctioneer; Miss -E. | modious and comfortable Home owned and occupied by J. E. Carson. For par- evenlug. agreeuble.animal, A hunter at Ros: | Little, proprietress. Uculars apply to us, ss " The trustees have re-engaged | tock hassecured !8 pelts within the | -- |" . Prineripal Dobson at an advanced! last few werks. Many people enter) ee 'salary. They had over 60 applications | tain sneh an abhorrence of a skunk, Toronto MMeritet. GARSON & PACK EE for the position. * that they would sooner face a Wild |} Pall Wheat..............-- 8S Hos 61) ° Firt.--Early last Saturday morning | cat or a bear, To such the Elma swamp, spring Wheat. sa ehuenenis "BS re aS ae -- the people of our httle village were iaffords a grand opportenity This season | Barley ........0...0-66- 2 37 87 | 2 ny ; alarmed by the ery of fire. Lt was] Residents of the outskirts say UNS} Qats 22. cee eee eee By B2} j soon found that the saw mill owned ; almost trackless preserve 13 fuli ef} peas 7 54 Be | by Reeve Milne was in flames, The them, Several very large specimens | fay oo... 00... eee eee Ai 9 SO W / fire aad gained such headway that the | of the bear family have beenencounter | pork 0... 2c... s. 7m 8 an | / building was soon ivashes and nothing led recently, and, timid people are a) Plor oye... .. 295 3 ty! -_ . ° could be done te save any of the con- | little chary of exposing themselves to} pray! pér ton 000 0.00) . \ ) tents. Luckily the wind was in aj the danger which they apprehend to be| Shorts, per ton...........; Oo 0.008 _-- es favorably direction for saving the lurking in the vieinity of the swamp. | fides per Ibo eee, 0m) 0 00) lumber buts great many bunehes of One large fellow crosses and) Tecrosses | Sheep skin each. eee, 000 on | TH E P EO P LE @) - EL i shinies were destroyed, llow the | the sth concession every fitle while! Wood 2 ft 0! 000 0 00! " fire originated is a mystery as the null and is said to have steod up on his) Potatoes per bag eo, Ht) DD - had beemeinsed from 5 o'clock of the hannehes on one occasion On el- | Batter per ib... oe rv 99 f~+ preeeding day. The loss js partly countering a resident of. the locality | Rygs per doz.. 0.0.0... 005: 17 18! . . ~~ covered by insurance, Mr. Milne wail | Who was passing along the road. Old . Just two weeks ago issued a circular showing: the rebuild at ouce. Peters sey When a bear ses. ere | eeeEeeEeeEEzmSmSouo Fs . ent pe = ~ Co civit i Hin creek fawea oped andes . -- . 'public how low goods can be sold for cash, and from 'the - Pe: Oe ta aaatilon | pe 1d/GRAND TRUNK RAILWAYS «|. . *. \ Grey. red, and his exes flastting in fury at), _ rst day we have done a spféndid trade. You have done : you from the enormous head which SOUTHERN EXTENSION W.G.& B. '! well for us ~warhy; ' The union Sanday school meeting in| towers abuve you, Is something . only , Ne ees * | Wwe Or us, for Ww hich we tha nk you, but remember, We asl thy selivul Juvuse bas closed for the | oS ba algioote ara; baee ai a Trains leave Atwood Station, North have done well for 'you. ' W e have fiven you roods er. \: akes a man with lary quantity ands : es 8 . 1 re P . ' -_ > : ae : Mice Wella smith has returned from (nd the best of quality of Auantity jand South, as follows: a 'cheape! than yau could buy elsewhere. Our motto is : Trowbridge, where she was Visiting pia - FR elles thee Express 7:25 am. | Mixed "B95 am "Small Profits and Quick Returns. We give cood value ss ora few weeks _ Bears wve 2? eUrious lad! oO "y Yaa 90 > . 9. | ; 7, * . = is t ye "a . sot ji measaring themselves against a tree.) npr es -- | Spleen ty Lara throughout our whole establishment. J uniingham, who purchased {-ppey peael ag far as they e: vie}, | Mixed .. 9:08p.m. | Express 9:15 p.m. George Crook's farm, moved to it) last) reach up as far as they ean with | i week. Mr. Crooks has a clearing sale | (oeir forepaws making marks in the Plas : . Ss SHY bark by digging it with their clawa.| -- -- of farm stock, implements, &¢., of |p, ey Mount a grizzlies are recorded - Vises heper ' +. ; PIOCKYV . : ZZ1ieS ar : = ' ! a slity, aie -- _ jas reaching a distance of 20 feet above STAR LIVERY. SPECIAL. "The "Banks farm, 7th con., was) the ground, Elma bears are of course . . oe at on ee "a Seine }much smalier animals, though Edward -- BMG. AL Lowel, s Was bid in at' Cleaver has discovered measurements | 3ty very i i " BARGAINS IN 2.550. There are: low acres ip the in the swamp adjoining lis farm thao Pa Ba bg i 4 Fc ih ie with } , - ; = hari. were higher than he could reach with> class rigs, fast anid gentle drivers, and intvery way adapted to meet the i Nine tatafdne tooncun - pieced aris i ol pao Eegotentaasits of the travelling public. This wet, slushy fall weather makes 'it necessary for emaeetion wiih the Prohibition As- to take the measure of the big fellow | tCormer'o hotel Atwood. opposite/ neople to buy good,-warm Boots and Shoes. We_ have sociation of East Haren, is holding a he enconntered recently, Sportsmen |" * aa ; some SPECIAL bargains to offer you in Boots and Shoes ' / ra hb ' ' « ' De hnomber of ormaniziation issmecting with encouraging: success. WIE HAWKSHAW,, meetings and Ivho like Minting for game worthy of | ' * We do not purpose quoting prices, as we could. not do 41-92-tf 'the same will tind ample scope in the) . which is just appearing on the market. Kyvery year that enterprising paper issues a Christmas Number, and every Stheon.. the tiguvre being ft \rk is the new propfietor. A few weeks age a lady tiving_on the B2s00, J. " 'ly Star, of Montreal, for one year for This o@er entiffes the sub- of the two The trustera of 8. 8. No. 3. Grey Eimaswamp, and if all reports are} : ert Hs enue have engaged das T, Dodds, of "Nie trne should have little ditticulty in} A Great Offer ! justice to the goods. Killop. as ther teacher for Ist ata capturing something worth the while. | 5 ie «¢ salary of R425 Mr TieddS has oa ----- | -- * ee: : ppratesstentnite Zid class certificate and What Canadians Can Do, | « a ee a Phere -- 'Two Great Papers and Two Were 35 applieauts for fhe position, WHERE THEY BACEL [IN ADVENTURE, Great Premiums ve John Clark has soll duis So aeres, STORY-TELLING POETRY AND PICTURE: | : ' -sonth half tet th, Doth cen. te Danid p MAKING. f Yavior -for the sim ,et S250 Mr. ---- - i és : ' (lark has purchased a larger farm in We take pleasure in directing the, ; . ' " s , . Morris tewnship. Adame Turnbull attention of our readers to 'Toronto We are in-a position to offer THE . ] | has also dispose lof his 50 aere farm, saturday Night's Christmas Number,! BEE and the Family Ilerald and Week- . : ' bf xz 'only 31.75. tth eon. ef this township mised 2 yeur the production is superior to all iseriber toa ms great I on 4 0 a ae ava: sik , 2 on , gouse froth her poultry yard, Sinee Pirro = and to anything similar | premiums give y the publishers of ' - reaig pte . i ee ae ' ques TM, ned a then it has been Jearned that 'the ee hoa P a ( -- hg 'the Family Herald. These premiums nice stoc in ens, Louths and boys. hey are very ner { , wr pi > . 34 9Ne SS 18 « ye 5 >it. =| ~ . ° -_" = a ¥ " partot hal Aa i t held he pa nen pictiire this year is : arse /are the "Star" Almanac for 1894, a su- nice patte1 ns and Pr US Bottom. Although we have had ' : uv eas 1! iv Ww . a } Ge Ss ¢ ale . ? . . pS . young ladies "and two ye. oleograph 20x 28° inches, entitied a | perb book of 450 pages, or if preferred a| a large sale of our Coats, still our stock is well assorted: voung. gentle 3 nien, net tar from 8.8. No. 3. | Moment of Suspense, very fine, pur- | copy of the great Family Herald Sou- Th . =P ° - * . ° ' . [ ? jane Suspense, very | ose who would rather. have 'their clothing .made_ to chased from it owner in Germany at! oop pj . an : . » . . 7 > "> . ae |a,ters large sum In reproducing this | vn othe eoniwes A ceoeie il order will find our steck of Worsteds, T weeds, &c., very |pietu'estwenty colors are called vinto' eam ERASE : 4 rhe: ' wi j irct-class ctvle- 'use ly the lithographers. 'This infor-| Pietare--will bé ready about the end of fine and cheap, and will be made up in first-« lass St) le. ee wa Mima. Renew for Tike Bee for 1884. *- Young Coniter, Newry, went to But- _ falo on Thiarsday last, _ Miss Calin, of Shakespeare, is the guest of the Misses Graham, sth con. _ Miss Jickling, of the ith con., spent Saturday and Sunday with Miss Mary Taryey. : Moses Harvey, 10th con., day with bis son, Dr. E.E. Harvey, Norwich. ' 'pietnre represents a group of,!adies spent San- | tails into play' the subtle art of the of | colorist The gentleman, witha stick, lenat on is technical and only those Who | November, and will be forwatded in So ee ei enero ieng | the order in which the subseriptivns are received. Subscriptions to- the paper may begin at once. {Remember the offer of achoice of premiums holds good only to people who subscribe during the autumn. Afterwards the choice will positively be withdrawn. and one gentleman of the f€riod of 'Leuis XV of France, dressed in the | Superb attire of that time, in a splen- 'didiy furnished room. Everything - 7 4 \ No fit, no'sale. \ 2 J,.L.. MADER. P.A.--Good news! Sugars have taken another drop. Brown, quoted 20 lbs. for $1 in our circular, we now sell Z wt # 22 lbs. for $1. Granulated, quoted: 16} lbs.now 17 for #1, Yours truly, .