Pa bs NO. 45. . - VOL, As RIDAY, DEC. 1, 1893. |The NeW United Stated Tariff Bill. - THE DIFFERENCE. :, a ° H ° High Prices and WOOL ON THE FREE LIST--THE BARLEY ATWOOD. ON neve dition. Anything tending to a selu- | tion of the fiscal difficulties. therefore, "jis welcome. We rejoice on genesal 'grounds that the, Democrats appear | bent upon making a serious and Vigorons effort to end the existing | Bnvertainties ' Gov Wm. MeKinley was asked Mon- 38 }day night bis views of the Wilson Griffin | Tarift Gill, The Governor said he had Hay' Mr. Amy was called away this i 1 , DUTY GOES DOWN CONSIDERABLY het bad an opportunity to give the. bill week to attend the faneral of his --SUGAKR DUTY EEDUCED BY ONE-HALF--ETC. Amt . | ; have almost dis-: After weeks of preparation, involv- C#refal study, and indeed had 'seen youngest brother 'ing av exhaustive study of the subject, Obly the brief synopsis. He considered Wiliam F Oliver, of Whonock, from a Democratic point of view, the the bill as a whole, bowever, a_ very british Columbia, an old Trowbridge . "tracted andruin-: one. The must radical boy. died of typhoid fever en the | new tariff bill is at last completed and S'eeping Trowbridge. 'Fred Adams and Stépiwn have réturnéd from Manitoba. Wm. Furtney, who has been lai up With typheid fever, is around again, Mes... E Connor> ef Utica. Mich.; is visiting ber grandmother, Mrs. Wileott - . MRS. HARVEY. e ~ and the stuck large. ed me. <a Saar SS up entirely. I have saved money the last 3 years by buying 211 my Boots and Shoes and Cloth- ing at R. Mi,Bal- .- lantyne's. 'Ican_ _¥% save 25 per cent. 437 and get more sol- "4# id wear out the "*x": vn i same goods. I am going to try "for one of those Beautiful Christmas Presents Given Away Free with $30 worth of goods. Have a look atthem. They will surprise you . : | WE - { DMOESDICATZ. WANT | T. DOUGLAS, M.D. ; CLM, FPF. TOM. CGC. Medallist of Trin- 'ity Uuiversity. Office--Moukton, On- | Lario, 25 Y3-Ut YOUR s. COWAN, M.D. EESS2LE | (Pormerly of Ularristou,) successor to Dr. Ro iamilten. Office in Dr. liam. LOT s old stand or Main street. Kesi- TR ADE ! denee tu Dr, IE's late resideuce on Queen , street, Atwood. Will be found at eith- : er otlice or residence atall hours when 'nol necessarily absent. 25-92-tf UT before we can expect it we, L. E. RICE, M. D.C. SL Wuist earry the goods you need | -- a : . aude able ty sell tiem at price | Trinity University, Turento ; Fellow es us low as the lowest. There | bY examination of Trinity Medical Cel- are Luree cardiual principles in wege, Toronto; member of the College of hisiness indispensible Lo success--to Physicians and Surgeons, Qutariv; mem svil gol gueds, to make the prices ber of the College of -2'lysicians and Night. and to guarantee satisfaction. , Surgeons, Michigan: special attention These have been our principles eyer given te the Diseases of Women and Sitee We started in business, and the) Children. Otlice and residence, next msaltis we have done a good ttade.' deor tu Currie's shop, Atwood. Oftice We said coop gagds, Now, the rule: heurs: 1G te [2 a.m.;-[ to 2:30 p.m., and levery evening ty 8:30, NS x X Business Cards. - with us iets ever Qéen to Keep a class of gouds Liat WE KRO@W WILL GIVE THE | ics OF SATISFAQTION, Whether it be: Dry Govds, Boots & Shoes or Groceries. | A good ariicle is after all the cheapest | article, What we say iu this regard is apliy iiustrated in our large and select) (DIT TAL. J. J. FOSTER, DENTIST. Any anwsthetic known,to the pro- if will pureiy a Democratic | i work of Democratic members of , The play of ad valorem duties was ove >, have to make a change or give "7? cents, The tariff on spirits is "tthe - Tates higher than the committee desir- "was Monday last given to the public, Change the Governor had voted The ill, it should be explained, is thedeing away entirely with gpecitic measure. Jt. jg / Giuties and changing to ad valorem 'the committee, who have jealousty | that had been condemued by all Ad guarded*its details even from their | Ministrations, and strongly 80 by Mr. Congressional ussociaties. Manning, ex-Secretary of the i reasury Mr. Wilson, chairman of the Com. | 'tuder,Mr. Cleveland's first Adminis Initlee, reports the following changes | alien. -- in the tariff which are of most interest | Phe foronto Erpire says:--But this tu Canadians: «ft | Whole bill is merely an interim report. A stroug desire among some mem.- | !t a recommendation to Congress. bers of the cominiltee was to put an | Cuder our system of goveroment such aud abolish the bounty at ouce. After) Change of Ministry would ensue. much consideration it' was decided to) When Mr. Foster rises to propose the reduce by one-half the duty on refined | t#Fiff changes in the Louse of Com- sugar and to repeal the bounty one | MOUS Hext sesssion he speaks for the eighth each year, leaving raw sugar) Government "aud, - inl the tain, the untaxed as at present. (alterations will be asseuted to. But In the tobacco schedule those rates | #t Washington both House and Senate | were sought which would) bring Most, nay radivally inodify the measure, and brevenue. The present taxes of $2 and" 0) the latter body especially 'the modi $2.75 a pound on usedpper leaf have Healions are likely Lo be numerous, viotted out amie Cine establishments | We do not propose to prophesy what and actually impaired revenue. We) tbe outcdme may be, but certainly, so | make the rates $1 and $1.25 per pound! far as Chairman Wilson outlines the }on Wrapper leat aud 35° aud 50 cents | rif, It is\g reduction,but net by any ber pound on filler tobacco, unsiensmmed | eAus @ free trade measure. -- yind stemmed in'e ch. Manatactures) The Toronto Giobe. says:--The- new 3 ottebacco are put at40 cents. Cigars ff bill, with whieh the Democratic are redueed from $150 per found and Patty will seek to redeem the Pledges (25 cents ad valorein to 83 per pound | ade to the people dang the Presi- aud 25 percent. whieh is believed to) dential campaign, has at last been | be the most productive revenue rate, made public by the Committee on land is higher than the law of less. Ways aud Meanus.. Apart from finan { Live animals are put at 2) cents, Cal eBects of the proposed measure, i sarley is reduced trom 30 cents per which will be important net only to bushel to 20 per ccut., which is about 12! Canada but to the commercial Dreadscuuffs, of which we are @t large, the fiscal revolution -- is 'immense, exporters, are made free, | ibleresting in itself as a more import- lexcept Whep imported from countries #t event than any change in govern { pulling duties op oonr like products, j mental fornis and S¥SLFPMms. rhe turiff fin Which Case the duty is 20 percent. . Which the committee were call on to | Fresh vegetables, frmits, eggs and Teferm was correetiy described -- by Nike food products are untaxed for the) Chairman Wilson in his report as "the 'benefit of our own consumers, largely CUlinination of $0 years' control of the [ihe working peuple of the cities. pen , ! | salt in butk is free. In packages, S#tthering into their train a jthe salt is free bat the petty toll patherers |dutiable at rates prescribed for 'artucles. ' host of coverup i triumphed with the suecess ~of the | Coal and ores free. Se nucatic parts a the cee vf ; WUirmanufactured lumber free. AMY leveland, w pulling down put at double Process must spreadfrou one industr¢ internal revenue rates op = th 7 af ; }spirits, aud some slight rednetions are? bY" the removal ot restrictions. _ | nade on still wines, mak liquors, gin-| PT Vileges are not readily sfelinguished, ger ale and like beverages in the interest | and the tariff reformers ot the I nited fincreased revenue. The daty on) "lttes must expect to meet opposition {sparkling Wines is likewise slightly re. @t every pornt. | duegd tur the Same reason; that on! champagne being putat S37 per dozen | iquarts, as against Ss in the McKinley Dill and S610 the law of pss. Huron County Notes. )} WIT. Kerr, of Broekyille, has open- | -In cotton manufactures substantia! | ed up a new bakery in the shop recent iTeduetions are made, pr yr on. ly 6ecupied by Mr. Jones, Wroxeter. cheap cloths and prints, and the exist-| . . a a . 'ing system of taxing by count of | went pas been ghar said | -- threads in the square iuch is retained.) ° Bleu Isa poor leeture Lown," ane | Hemp and flax are made free: dress. | Xperience hits unfOrtunate.y denon- 'ed lines of hemp and flax | cent and 1-2 | strated the saying to be true. cents respectively. Burlaps and cotton | and grfin bagging are put at 15 per: cent... but when imported fer coyering of articles to be exported are duty free. Woolis made free. This takes the 'stilts from under woolen manufactures | and begets the hope that they may re + cover from danguishing condition in | Which they have been a quarter of' a 5" ; century, a that we may get woolen | LY tie former, . goods at reasquable rates insteal of at} A'convention of West, Tfaron Con- duties that on the common grades | Servatives will be held at Goderich o1 frequently reach 100 per cent. and in) December 12, at which it is likely .a 'causes two or three times that merciless | candidate forthe Legislature will be | figure. . | nominated. . Cloths and dress goods are put at 40! Wo. Me¢ 'all, 7th coneession, Morris, 'per cent. clothing at 45 per cent.-- | has purchased a. 100 acre farm in George Dobson has been re engaged as leacher in Ethel schocl. His salaty is to be $425. deseryes more Luan he gets. The partnership existing between A. Ilunter and George Henry, as hardware solved, 'Mie business wili be Contunued ped, but deemed temporarily necessary, | for his eldect son. because our manufactures have so loug | said tu be SB S00. Wiis 'ad valorem duty of 25 per.cent.on sugar ; 4 Measure Would substatially pass or a werld | taxing power by a few great interests, The McKinley | like Dil stimulated the new movement, aud | like t abother, each in-taurn seeksog relief, But) Ile isa good teacher, and | mnerchants at Ferdwich. bas' been dis- : | bruce county, six miles from hipley) The price paid was ninth of this month. Mrs. R. Jobnson bas perchased the .corner lot lately owned by R. MeLeod (and purposes having a nice brick house erected on it in tle spring. = = DH Ferguson bas returned" fran Manitoba, aud We understand he tas 'rented Mr. Ausitan's farm. We Wel such Men as Mr. Ferguson isto Tvur , heighborhoud. a e. - _ e -- A Milvélyon. | A largely atteuded meeting of Pra- /hibitioutsts was held at Milverton igst 'Fridav. The afternoon meeling Was /Well attended as alse the evening sederunt. The following officers were tlected? President. Rev. J. 8. Fishers Atwood; seeretary, Rev. A. Henderson, Atwood; treasurer, Thos. Male. Listo- | Wel; press reporter, Rev. Ro Wilhams. | fowuship Committee: Wallace --Rev. 'R. Williams, G.V. Poole. Rev. Maurer. Thos. Fauiker, G. Weidehamer. and (Griffin. Lintowel--J. H. MeDonald. | convener; Rev. J. A. Morrison, Rev, (E. Bo Davis, I. Tremain, Thos. Male ,and Ul Dilabaugth--tima--sa5. Dick )80n,R. Hamilton, J. RB. Code. Rev. /MeCulloch and = Hugh Rielmoend. . Morningten---Rey. J. OW. Cameron. Kiev. J. M. MeRKivbdin, Thos. Mazwporl. MP. P., and BhosWatson, Milverton | ev. Loupe and Messrs. Acheson, Dierlamm, Kay, Grosch aud Torrance. _Ethee ---Rev. Meyer. Messrs. Beeker pand Jacob Litt. North . Easthope- | Rev. Pyke, D. stewart, Rev, Baultbee, | Rev. siewart and S. Rieder. Stratford »-- Revs. 1B. Wallwin, Mo L Leiten. FE, 1 W. Panten, G. F. Salton, L. LL. Waguer, (.J.W. McKay and Geo. Fuller. Com | Mnittee on Literature --~Revs Fisher-and Henderson. Thos. Male, James Dbickin- seu, J.G. Turnbull and R. Hamilton. -- _ News of the: Day. The pueumatic. wheel is very tired. | Ratiway. passenger trafic is very Slacks ' 'Tbe Ottawa by-election for the (com mons willtake place ou Decéinber 14. Ji. B. Beard. Q. Cy Master in Chan jeery at Woodstuck, died Nov, 23, aged 62, ' Over 20,000,400 people were 'at the: /Chieago World's Fair grounds and only 113 arrested for drutskenness. ; During 9593 84.422 cattle, and af ' '7iS sheep were exported from Mo: 'treal. the pourest showing for sume i years. Canada took 27 medals for butter at ithe Wo7id's Fair, according to. infor- (mation Which Prof, Robertson received last week. Ataconvention of North Grey Me Carthyites in Owen Sound on Saturday, teeve ROA. Clark, of Derby, was novi inated for the ( ommions. an 7 The Milverton s¢hool board has re lengaged Miss Georgina Daly as teacher. ~ of the jiinier department for §1s94 at an increase in salary of 225, IIon. Thomas MéeGreevy and Niche las K. Connelly were Nov, 22) found guilty of conspiracy, and sentenced to ope years imiprisonment without 'hard labor. The report of the awtlitor of thre | World's Feir was sent to the Board o Directors Satupday. It shows that the Het assets.over aud above allliabilities, amount Lo 1862 453 The annual winter meeting of the Fruit-Growers' Asseciation ef Ontari> ; : ; ; é ; "d fr . i i be held with the Peterboro' fF ruji: AL , fession used for bie paiuless extracjion een excluded frem two thirds of the | . . 5 : 'ha ic will , : : o Skee stuck of for Wweth saleetanatse guaranteed. Wools of the world that they) Wm. Reid. of Irishtown, who dispos- Growers' Association in Peterbore (Othce Over Fieuung's clothing sture, Will have to Jearn the artof nianu. | €d Of lis Sacre farm some time ago, beginning on Tuesday, Deceuber 4, at Main street, Listowel, Winter Goods, W.M. BRUCE, L. Ds. DENTIST. best material aud of tirst-cluss woerk- facturing with free wool A. sliding | H#S purchased 100 acres in Grey town- ~ . a = ie | é nt ~ . ¢ 2 scale is therefore added, by -which the | 5!!p 4yd intends moving there about rates in the woolen schedule are to | the last of December. b pg. ° 'a AtetPatford" on Saturday, Dr. Me- hinnon, Liberal, and Mr." Metlatlan:. . ; { * : come dowf five points with the lapse | Deputy-Reeve Beacém, of. Goderich 1. P. A. candidate, were nomiinated.fe: "SUCH AS-- : Gras, electricity, or local anuwsthetics, of tive years, | township, Was Inarried on Wednesdav 'the yacaney in the . Legislature caused . j administered fur painless extraChion. Carpets, an industry in which we |opiist week to Miss Patyick, of Lup? by the death of Hugh McKeuzie, FLANNELS p Artifieial teeth guarahteed to be'ot the willsoon be independent of competi | don towuships@ daughter of one of the M.-P. P- : 0 js i) { - tion are put at 39 per cent. for AX | wealthiest aud must popular wen 'in During the summer of (604 the mai: jimauship. Oilice over Thompson iros. minister, Moquette and Walon: 30 Per) that section. i expibition builditigs wit. staud, in BLANKETS, rstore, Matn street, Listowel, [9F" Willseent. for Brussels, whife common | Michael Dorsey, whose farm is situat- Ftekson Park. The publie Wil be: ad- SHIRTINGS Hot Visit Atwoud until further notice. grades godown to 20 percent. The: - . a? : Tuckersmith, mitted everywhere ins the park fre." ; -- ee BSS At. 9 a DAKLING & BLEWETT. Darristers, Solicitors, Notaries, &c., Wallace street, Listowel. Sonciters for Bank of Hamilton and scott's Banking tluuse. Ottice over Seott's Kank. HATS & GAPS, DRESS GOODS, BOGTS & SHOES, FLANNELETTES, ETC. Our Groceries are warranted fresh AUSTIOCONSZ=SEsS. CH. MERBY FIELD, Licensed auctioneer for the County of erth, Monkton, Ont. Hates moderate- For particulars apply at this oftice. ALEX. MORKISON, t | - We want sour tilde, and we are | Satistied that if you will call and spend afew minutes €zamining our. gouds | you Wilke not grumble at the prices | iearked. , savition thes se whe . ,¢d on the Iaron read, Lill provides that the duties tan ve an "a short distapee.east of Seaforth, has moved from wool ou Mareh 1, , | Soi the @ast 3) acres to Richard arry, , diced on woclen goods July. 1. | Cojlars and cuffs and shirts and all Of Deal rth, Yor S220. The buldings f particles of Wearing apparel o very .Gescription bot speeially provid for, | ,composed wholly or in part of -lipen, 35 per centuin, . PRESS COMMENTS, ' Hall. ' The London Times says editorially 40,440 Ibs. of butter were made 'dunug ofthe new tariff bill prepared by the) the season, which svid for $4334.78 -- Ways antl Means Committee in| an average price of: 20 SL cents. Washington :"The tanff bill, as drawn. | The Company's earnings for the season ais a bold awd' Comprehetisive measure | were 2613.57, balance frou: last season of reform. The Free list would 'pro- | 8617s. making a tutabot 31,591.23; ex- , bably be more pleasing to Dritish éx | penditure, $1,449.7u; dividend of ¥ per the , porters if it contained more substan- | cent. on paid up capital of S200 Sts, pital reductions .on = mamtifactured leaving a bilavee UMband of sisu5. are (alr. On Ssedesday of last week 'annual meeting of the Londesberu | Creamery Company was held in Bell's. The aupual report showed that. The work of beautifying the park wi | progress Steadily. © The celebrated stables of T. ID. [fod genus, hear Londen, were destroyed by fire Nov. 23 and about 3 of his tine thoroughbreds and standard--breld horses perished in the flanges. The lusy = is placed at 330,000, » At Port Elginon Saturday nomina- ' tions for vacancies in the Legislature were tande as follows:--J, Viersongey the Liberals, Jehn George by tive . Conservatives, aud D. MeNaugaton by sthe Putrous.ef ludustry. The inquest into the death of Lucy Denning came to aclogeeariy J hursday , mherning, Nev. 24, resulling in a verdict im articles, although there is room for! The quantity of butter €.is jess : " . ' | L§censed Auctioneer for Perth County ! hope @f materia relief Tegarding ; than last year, owing to "he extremely of murder against "Doc" Andrews and Farm Produce taken as cash, Ai] sales attended to promptly and at many of these. 'There can hardiy be | dry weatherinu the lattef part of the a declaration of his three. companions: moderate rates. Information with re- gard to dates may. ve had by applying at this office. = . \aby general revival of confidence or | season, aud the fact that the: factory \réform of prosperity in the states while , closed nearly a month edtlier this year birsiness is in its present stagnant con-! than iast, . "4 to accessories. On the advice of the coroner two of the witnesses wets sarrested for perjury.