Atwood Bee, 1 Dec 1893, p. 3

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- » * Btéres the butanoe between tho: férsign' apd: -- Theme cin tial are mene: of thearvere * DE PRAY DY thise LL s-seb ntonke whee preter pbiaaon'of! shee Kesr'ch L4 -Vilistasy, whose Wi) WAL. BR PP -- j Po mater Sjrclios os Wo Will Suc Er Looe XUlL. ~ Sibert! s4* pibeTade@? as® ceo Naesonerity; EAéS---Chaeces® of Whee thssreceiags Piecemevec at! Piéetions-- Whe se EXégtbte Ls HH Héoble cheatth'of Leos os. XMALL,, the reeune! / chee ger Tr-thes O.hepe' | Ametein . enipprora® th saeurs" if % po+thle thecelsotien® of | B® Gerbtan se thee ners | - paeorreor' of St. Pete hkeS°oréevived divedsston of pppoe. ntd-personerityy ant: atiane bigs * of! thee fatoree sAvR'.bene! of! thes PU pat Thrones. Thee Pipe ntawelf is rep utcdemned a" 2 nd -$ prdS rive boty chief ' ntpprt: abve'frenvthefdet! thao! thetr' creation' ra- Téstfdnccer' inkteowhioh'scenied as one: time: terbt mbnaced, | Tf me comme! Laeiias Bénaparte: borauas| Rantes at nel labuny art Thomiun® 7 pines, bereoe Cordis? aeeFrenchineny. thérecanad ab'ppesent 4 1 he Raoreo College: . SbatAntissany 28 yoreiernRsy- Of 'theseneven® ares Rernoh' féur' Spaeth) fany Gernteny thiee Anbtre Ha npartsny . teo4 Perthecese;. vieeo Porivhp, viewe litany, two Nort Anvertéen; o88°E ehhh) and one: Bok pier: Ones ft! whe Pubies Ledéobowekt, iad Gertiab® sebjuct ;; thksother;, Derugiiewks ; amAnureine Tha verdimats*are: ceselyy all prtisess bus shoosrdidald wee ydawps. Thee Stoubtvhbpy of! Toure' 16°76) ae Logaeantt "Mi bipota) thetwe-5punpnet; Were noraia] 840) thoes bhivenoe Lreselyohinged' they charac: tar cof the SuoredOotldga; s 5 will yet beween {Pom The shoves hie inoite® aetitads, raward: Iditystherehiebeen" a change' dering: thet pest wWeeykara® Ad'thae tints Ryanves wae ioe hburetnddnt,. blempe ten" cardionter to: represents hers twos f © him betnp: Lavigurte4 and Ms rmulied: Bho hee' aipee® Dhin! blen'e teed? yidtohnimngs in ppwer! of cuefall peer'téhhr ties; aed Geriubyy D. oteati ne set nipfern thangh'shb:bb; bie tisenunthe' séales Naw Kr anvechue bus ceven cord inale | tdptond cot tani FRANTH'S* LORS CRRMARKY'S GER, - Gerhveny) -tongy veroent gad seriout, hae gktiedwhae KY. neethie' less, Garmany) Protestan® pewer' int Proweny, ia Cariotio owttpine Bavartaand Saroayy. aed whae- e0tr her réh\on nip beahe= [aefirnitedabls, eet abecboal the sn ne counted upes ne: (otloe ond ataadfyvons line vt ppliov: She: idiom aHyywarthbéeimpy ani' chee Vi.otoam covetlase bers Baw while bt 4e® ceney nied réppied) parppee' of! thw: Garner Pope should' bee raokbued® onty' by) the 'buress «t peesteiftidss Thes next Popes mbys bs apd denbbiess: will be frtandey: 0 Carman interest; birt onftesa ah whoaa Fa ot he tif cot clainta> birthplace: beyznd the! Rhine: ltiecmert Popes like hla predeoersors »fd~ cemeartie® pret). will ubdou f¢. be am! Tiatuny. anit' theugeatian of Paatest {ators em! ids. Which of! tha- [iain cantinates basi hh bess preeperot tT Amnenswer depuone! Ldacety vn pun® the® probusle: pe 'omb! «fame tH nouof Prope when thes nexs) Pup! feet tion coours, 10° WAR) DORE: NOP COMES rhe Ranier oetas wi Yoon! "tae dings and fSntiting?" itemOpesf! ao raworaefine of phe eemperstbppwer, lf) wir' contes and' the4 Tlatiinnmperiéfiared® thiea hoped wil bird stherrythined wed embotdéned) an tdtett hur chee tte Saered Colega wit prebubly ch ocge ! oe uf ite nines pr 4 bers! [ao thhee* -ondoudhe® Uersinat Merneod Vi + ttap aomuntof Lréae piite and thecoens Gli noL it! - denser" of Lee NULL, otuyy bed ehtssn? HA 18 eootenef Bpperottachsraover; sietpis ard' oget! whonm thee Reauwn' pert y werd aeueph, prabablyyetih' cbrg: itt Atiobspyy beesntec ne weatd! biee hiaimeh! PP fae pes yotth" opiettow minttara: dewte py reshb Ramins 'al nies 'ers® réhieing.: téecths extéraur 'gaverawene «ff! thee Caareh). At ote aspirate thinae thy dae thee fk e® orareee! sHindne Ranieside régurditebban. Cardinal Maceeoouy Biwhipy f' O4ras and'! Velteter ddaconof > hi ShoredO.mper amt pacratary) tee thee Hiv Omoer Bae 10 °G4) cenratotl, apis a hav 'epkon of beateh' hue' the advan' véperot al hives ales. Haris ovgud fer the rOOrmittéin® ah irfasercil «bie nut' pweeter oat exrpentane' att ude: rather' than 14 . BOT] ety') coe theo nm rp 'atiief® seme fari efge Caabosis poner" {te Ft noe or' Ane orta> VAMOUL AxOERTRY Card fame MehemSo: ia mierqu fe; ant' beet fderone ton int tdweines. Ai -fanitty igen anorator' wie' hee ,reas kafyrt' «hd; GeandOMlerts ot theo Order's f! Maia; .. oo- cOserd y dee! nea Ma baS epatuar shee flores: Botkine Baflnimn I]) Tho Ourdisabiss pewertit thbotogimny apt an + xpert id oan ontjetiaw® Ha-nentes pp izics; and needs 04 bast thas however rsd teerppperse There: id* O@fréoper Hpareiy che'Ce Oau¥ bh! wheat. * Ad ochbr'o oan omadfdate 16° Cur. dGiet Bar'epiine, she Aoapblehs perf Beloges> Ha 48665; \ aramid' ann" soniewhee «f ae ine vEtdS bin hacid® seppprted? bey thee ntodér: wath! whbad nd?! LAvme! on? shee raetibabidn! -of f thee whbtec maenys of Petar;, bus] Ddeceféthesecis*a* prelate' ef! high? stind: mit yh? contend t bbnisetvas with' the: cones: | bepy wiv' seleewd by® thee Baered: slot of the ner aleds Leontas Oily) tovethor | alege; and Ist 'the -guvergsey. The wtth'astripcot Lerrtters: 18 neeees* tad} thie' ise a® : légnian" wheres thbwae;. -_ " Moti) aprelfation is *niershah Bich" caps Cherffvat | ) wee bore (aS. Ages: | fnel is wiidweds obave twenembers of bis | the cd Pitan Fybate* age: Therecied resdiénn hoasehbid® in 'personal att-n4s nve' ODEVERDY : rosette ab whe nie ré'recenth los * bb regen: faethe neo noninest Garman and) Sa gteran ec nipirors 7 Oossours the: chotoe of wf peens of 'his© " Adtbind Sprawtiend Pubroch? Prasttept of theoOoth - Soi omdéy pales. eradtfte-and seguctous,. Vigoros nd: even aigrorsty emnsennar afar) po"? dbus). et tata® Lhe veves® of' the' vent bis s¢ mushy) far" F¥inve asdf 'btedietke: for'Germatyiand Austria: This veryyfdet; however; wentd' be: lit efyte® Lintté und irresolute miemiburs of theo L tre» piontane® party; who eiPink® froma teens btreggle'wi-b ube Qulrinal ead wouldracber | bear theo ile»: hey) beaver thanofly téothers! that they kkow'vet of. When? Arésbisbop: bf Belogns he bed sach répytation asian ta- tiinetegesn® or anti-conothusion nian that | the Goveranient retaved toy ive 'hha ppuses: pion uf the ureblepisoopat "pelsoeand- rév- ¢ffirt to eeoure® the exiqyitor; but filed, férred'nievto Rome: He wae niade'aprinve' } pf theoCevuren i 1877, whens nty) 44 yeara) CTHERA WHO ARE ELIGTBLE: i tlon-wi shERS the papal sacces-ion are thore 4 eMerprismy« epirit; whieh ofgps! résort: wt the rebhbilivation of the Papsey, He-would, {| Kienon cordinate; f6r he nines 'ne secret of | arcey agate k bint net-only the moderates; bus opheq |pruawof the archdiocese, He mudeabeidd | bo Pope, rasogetzing: che sttaation; srane:{ | fen nientioned® in' cannes: 5 eh for the cardinate, or Lhe-pmrpoee of : outetde ' to ti < e pres4, wine and water, lant bal! cuntary)theriger of th a*rate been" niush® abated and modified: baes Bvers | bhe chapel, and a secret corutiny pf voting: papers tet netiteted, cous to as- perti'nif'any candidate hes obtateed thet required mbgority of twe-thirds. Muoh Loos of Life and Great Dam- : age to: Shipping. tuieh. The firet pantd isa vensrable wan' ant enable préiite: Bemp: Arotblsnop: of 'ariny the dhirthy lice of Victor Ea. eaust, be sent riapdty teria' with nienihers'«f' the » uss of Bavoy; ands quently Ov the" a°"]iburab view of thee Sardietind pffendes apetnut tha" Vatloon?. This' te the poe thing that ls tpt te weaken' hie fon' pe acandidate; San Ke hosts Archbish} pot Naph'ny and is fairly: worcht 'by vhin pee* ph; This pentieund séiarly men tareed out pa be a bbreo whee' the: cholera® ravaged Nipies* Ha wens ahowd! fderteseby? amiong4 he'dyispend dead, working night and day, HS exbunsted btw' private fortaneen them' bait sold his' jyweled@ creeter' in® order' to: bf Oardfnate Almonds: Sin Fepoeand Van: 1 pp), pee! ports to the: foundering: cf' the steamer Boleae, a veasel of 1/330 lonping to: Cardiff. « bad' »' perfons: The'osptain ond 16 of are'betteved to have been test. Koer man) vipttbo-peor, There sre twe pointe againgr fe eeest Ban Fue ble wee and bis' well known literat! views, Vue bee ricentlyy deve considerable: etrength. Hd- ee' beew Papal Nanete too Viens; is tHiendly te: Anvtriay addy miereover; ise: LEARNED AND HIGHTA ESTEEMED prelate: the dist of present} 4 Bat be au ites pn'-iaotion" ceties' nore' of them will be: bhe° honora® of Soveratgn: Pomeiff nawe' a: pirat pe habis of deeppearing: ae*vinte' gues ¥y end che [tahune havea" popular' saying bhue® hewmen'who pees into che convistery pe aoPopp penerdhy comes: out) of id acer. 'nat Thecprésens Pontiff! wae *never 'dte! ued as" a cindfdéne before' bie" eluct 'on: Broutd w garerat'! Daeapi ae war' be ragine4 when the next Pe pat election .is*beld, 16' 10 net (mipleaibie (hee! uno Amerigée" prélate4 nay de oboven Pope; ard the lite Osrdfasl Luvigurieteuvid shortly eferebis death' '04 husnexuréeead the convivtion shee O«rdinul (3 bbine;.f B-itiniore; weukd saveded: Lo NiLL om' he Papat vhrene AN INTERESTING PROCEDTERE) The procedure nbtend ing: thee chotoe of a! new Pope isfatt of lavereet: wees! lime swhen' the ulation of cheuprane baad of' the Church wae vested ia the Cardinal 1 hop, "f «408 cae cov eent of 'checouber cers fl owle® aed clargg and people ot 'R ne, eav- pete the honor deste the' Kooy: of ibe4 -maes" Bab this recognition of evkctogty of iaspedab rib' te iavertére with tbe! Pe pet cleotione® wae' thé" cuane' of -ndives! réubls) 16 'prev' d cebee fértile source ot pat! Popes eed oo rivexanionn® and fine dy! hetenis 26° intelerable* thee' Afetander 11]. sak eway from the iasperiat lime the" /oru» prandé: ia: Papah eleguen', asd a yenecal p-uBolt later on) beld'at the Lateran) decreed he eteotion ehould: henvceferth® reat' with he cacdinaheetone."" hiv Lateran 'arree 4 wae conGrmed and: ped at the counofl | p° Lybne,. préstted' over'oy P pedieegery NM, end iaval sabdstamtial (daneres' of chi meivlt e then tatd down: eth ebtatge in all Papal elections: Themed tate bodg or canvent{ in owhtab phecres the head of ' be O-ureh is *catled's povolave the Lulidtem oro hal imo whtah: pach 'cenvention® ie hed s alee designated by) the seme nama conolere; ° * TRE ELBOTION ova 'POPB: pitst begin'tén'deyy after the: déath of thes J -st'invunbens, [6 is previded (has thi thootion® hel! retther' be delngyd nor' pre "phtie do ohae the ebictera' ehh beta' bo féa* for thetr perros eafane, aed thas t hey) minke 'not besabjicted toapyiext-rpal pr - Paieinw incoseting thitr vote: = [ omedively nyon thedessh of a*P. py one of the: secre: artar ef the Sacred' O llvgg nerifiva® eaoh' Dardtnat of | he Ponoifs® iemtue - nd sam none bimo ha offy" in' whieh the Popes réanhed his ope tm Theetanctenimuun tate 4 pises* ni the: efme ti where' thedeata' poeuray Should "L-o XII. ge -oMaderd tor annoy hati) sedhee heer peehn le mino ed, and) fite-there, cho conelsve toolset hls saovesser| pr afd therefore be beld' noMaderd, Wants hen'déys theverclave oust be censtranted' nvbe Vartan at Rogie; or vente ether ealt: pole bulidimp-if te birhaid in anacher city; HOLDING THR ConOLays! he'renolieton'+f' whioh' the cardivaly fora la jontaed® niroh! bo" the cepolave: The vesslive ts eprn'te® the pubite: dertay, prboters wpe do te-vintt than A? 94 pcleck thud cvrning: he conotaes ds closed; Every bode te taveed ont exaeph the ward' pel anti Lhetr ininiedtate attendante;end ne | vistors ure sHoWed® to" eater" the: beatin" abet thee clmction® of' a» [peene dectureds: he: absolutes charge of nwe° puardtann' pad nition" offbisle' arentse° therein' bho wmeene ined' ideest Hi-ierce afeotions be hiwen>. Repateely strang: capdsdures® ford | D1 phat year ae Oat heténeh' diy wolsnncassae® is°satd) a6 | hewhele of the fret "ty) and filends of the {| abe! * bee | The compbive: is° under | ppee bia. A' newer' of other setendante4 have-been saved. to beve heed sank of Landy isle: | The British barque Lowestoft wae cked: im' the' Tyne-this*mornieg, The' * were' saved by the" life-saving crew' ant't he const 5 were Jane Dou | The: 'is ashore | pt Hatyhesd, Her' crow were taken of by! p° )fe-saving-orew) _ Many: niimor casanities' bave' been re- ported. Women Are Getting: Tatler, A generation age forty-two inches wae the' averige lepgth of the Americen woman's! with sge le 'New York the improvement' +f the sexds quite remartable: Wohoile the! middisepged women shew as an | to grow' breader acrovs- the bi asd phoulers' and through the » fre quently oubivaring divizuring ocerpera- jens through indotens and indatgent! beblta of Ife, the college graduate; vhe' pAtverstty: wentam spt the debutante' * fsore like' the lady every year, Nov onmty te «be frem two io four ie ches lepper from t hewa'et down, bat her witet is petting longer; her ches? fatier and ber Hatbs' nerrower, Sue is' eupple, agile: and compact, and light and graceful of movement. This 'long watet) long skirt ped athletic beauty is duc te physics} exar- ct-e, pertioularlyernie-p'aying: To quote pn observer' whe bae consderable ob de with the dressing: of the new tien, genera the women of the period bae jumped herself Into. peod condition, and cvid' baths 'have' kepp her se. Awstratiam Neggets. ---- re er gold buve been found in New South Wales: Among the principal ere a ntuse' of guid foued on theTures' Breer gal Gelde'ia Jate,. 1853, an@ whieh! weighs 1064-8) or 1/272<2/) Tao Nevem- ber; 1858°e* Barrandeny, near' O "anges; ae- pther . uuget wae f-und whtoh, when melted) bo the Sysney mins, gavel 188-21 GAwt. of pure yet, of the value of £4,389 84 104. A'htrd' pupget;. "atted® the B envan) one peid ta Bodine 1m1 852 for £1,156 Le 1880! pnd 1882- several "nuygete which were: on- rarthed at T! mora weighed: {97m 59 te 139! iz, endian 1887 vapgete were found vy foe prikerein vertisve perte ef the ceonbey; four pt which, weighiev resp: ctiesty 357 on, 260) pz', 47. of', aed 32 on, were oA ad Hargravees ord another, weighing: 30 of, bt L-otestone Orsek: The: Jahilne' nugget, wetphing: 344° oz, wae' alse discovered 'in 4 ' istrict, end was-werth'ebeut '£1 236, Etately Homes of Kégtaged. Netwithutindivg the nember of impprt- pa° propertics that chanpad hase' in the eighbles;. {6 may safely' be asserted that pever' were: there: niere histerio henkes: the-martet then at the time. pre kbown te all statente of bistory; hhey\are'onty a few of the anvisnt butld jachecouptry that are now' for' sale: Be po° misses" phe: jenny ise peaion ef the® Bivhpe' of Buth and Welw sinos "the® time of E> werd the® Confdeser) the 'reige'of The Leeseta® bia"avery ae ; deck; wR oS ewer. beet Trews Balwore? becey: Brasitines fiolale'at Londen have'ne is- formunion'es'.te the: ims'ny - of Prince Pisrre'd' Alceutara: ér of Beértl,. Wards Nataral S:i-noo: cetle-tion'at the! Wor:a's Fils 'has brea eld tothe Cviambian Masons for $100 000 cach) : Pope(a sn pers ans rheed ingly" nePutes \emdcid gheatiys \eee ss * * ite . é + |W IE Meet Yeu ta'the New Jertusiem," ' upon] Bet during the! Morphing aad evening the cardiaals meet ind GREAT STORM! IN BNGLAND.| "2 we, | At covivate and: preyer-meetiogs they were' | pohec! house 'and otter bviidinys ia which: and 4 réligious' experiences; end coll upon the' '| Lord te-come down there and then.and bless | 4 The steamer is believed) Pa Matclend: Bar; in*™he Med gee Haa4ingbent, Stadtey' and" Goodrtab4 | | eerie rem eof a few yearg' durings Edware VL oO , |_ The Qicen-rerarest' to Windsor" Castle |: Me Tel Wis Brother. 4 Victim of He. ligious Lesaeity- im investigation. Rewborur, N. Y,, Nev. piTHIN two mille of | he pretty village o: Phonicha,. . Shas , 'dark " bee pale they' wen tell, robust mien, whe were giants in well as strenyth os jasize. Among the leading ree dente of the was' s family named Krom, some of he' members' of which bad lived ia tbe} vi 'Mferhelf a centers. Toey were re od ae's qerer,. religions set, end be-} te the *' eheuticg Methodist " olese. plways® in the lead, em the little frame the meetings were held fairly ebook when one of the Kram brethers arere te relace bis SAVE HE WAS TOLD TO PAST, In one of these' visione be wae teld that if he weuld fast forty deys be wovld be given' rte walken water. He starved pimeelf and died yesterday, having refered ' te take? ny betrishment or Le' attended by | physician, Riobaré Kram, oe brother ef the religious! enthusiast, dives om the ide of » mountete, pod it wee at his heme hed . lease: Ofed. Coréner Faller, of unis city, who war' mioned to held an inquest, found the Har state of regions uffairea exteted in yder Holiow. Tbe exeminetion wee beld Btap ue bmentiea Pioenica, and fally 2600 persons, ahose been areveed, crewed the +mati spartment. Rictardé, who leatso an eptbustert, ssid bie brether came to bim in Aupest apd! eeked te at bie , oo }the same time seying if he would net ; him be-would ,o inte the mounteins, paid bie brother need have no fear thet be! would bee burden «n bim, ae the Leré teld him te fast forty days; end he intended tg Ge eo. permitted him te etey, aod he The brotter began bie long feet. CRIED TOWALK ON THE WATER» | » Every few dega Richard advied bim te eat, but he poritively refused, pm he in- ' Atter forty duys be ate s- 'ew meals; snd preceeded to's emia!l stresm near the beuse and at'empted te walk open the wearer, in| pocerdunce with thealleged revelation. -- Weak and +mucisted from the lorg fast, and drenched te the kia and ebivericg from his abtemph ve wetk u the weter, he bineself in «+oom and begae to pray fer- rently. His exhortations: be heard a! along the read near the heuse stepped te make inguirive pete the cease; Tae next | day the neame' man' toid bis brether thet Ged bed anewered bis priyer, sod bad dicected bim to fast filt-en devs lorger, and his wish would be granted, wee op the oa dey of the brcend faet when be DID NOT LOSE Hisar ATH. The enty prrsemat bis bedside was his brether Richard, to whem bis dying werds were - * Diok, I am going, erd I will meet you pifal etreste of geid." a eal tceunt aaa ct t were a map named eH and G. M. Miltham, who belonged to tbe same church end were jotimete friends of the ineene man. .Hav- ing pourishmsest, bus be ratined vo -de 89, While engs ia cemverestion™ chimes y ee anon teek 'fire: '* Dick' said te bis ** Let is burel If it burns dows Ged wili buttd us another tei" lt wae near midsigh® last 4 wher the jury reached eo 'verdtot that wae canred starvation frem rel gious > Krom wee buried te-dey. therevghty: in' a dry: best erd theo spread 10 light'y: overs smooth serface: Wi bebrasb cubis ts painted over with stbin i--pieavy allowed between cach fer tbe pe wixtare of one-four 'b_ peal \ } @ pint of weer gently bested until) peer the belt: g. , aad ing toth's a «mall quantite | of liquid ammonta,. ie painted over the eor- face. i root 5 echr- '"istound « e: The: colortr g4 rietter; ibisvaid, cambe used in mixture i. Gate be im Catro a uew English atied the Sphinx. that | Lives bY bie wive."" pon ' revarned «oe his brether's beuse, ard iocked} ,, poostdersble: distines; yews persons 'ditvi«g4 in the New Jeraestem, wethiog in the bean- of | were the pwreched (rew---& ad by the Be ace, ¢ . New Yorx, Nev. ---- The U States efoiecr Bue Frenetsoo reported, ta week ege, ite dreteneion of the lue ber- 'eden, water-l-gged + choener Driske, off «he SA Beuth Atiamtic covet; by the nevel me! nod + ram om4 teld tut the sequel of « thrilling tale of hardship ia which & woman, pod a bride at that, bere the * of « storm end destitation thet oeariy prove feted te ab'e-bodied s-a*.en. I+ wee on O-'ober § b thet Ceptetn RK. B UD) iske, fom Janerport, Me. tekiog on oa go at Charleston, 8.+O0.; for Jacmica, plane d te eke bis newly wedded wife on Vhsodev, wihe crew of rix mes, im the f.ce«f fatr weatbery indiv«tione, but #hen ® »hd came ov, fb bropgbt (ato 1 quatle which cd \ctoped inte s storm thet mude necessary is sniny down of the betebs and reefing »! o& bh ests se-were carried te steady the ebiy. THE BRIDE DOXS MEN & CLOTHES. At midnight there wae s burricsme, an@ cul-y, and permit to soud. under peices: Then the csptein went betow, ; giving bis wife a eid them en, knewing thet the worst woe likely te Leppem, and that che weuld be 'ess hampered by wind and water if bis Jeare were te be realized. She had 4 devned ber strenge costume when a wive strack the ship acd threw her sround | broadside te the ces, which washed ever her decte anf inte her cabia. . The captetm' clambered eut em deck, Crapging bie wife efter bim, and then, byleg a r/ ps eheut ber waist, be mate it fast co an iren rafi, which ram aleng tbe wave ab wee etill fast, bewever, aed he wee uble te Greg her back, brotsed ard « rheu+t-¢. ALL HANDY LASHED TO THE DECKH@" SE The, satiors managed to chimp w the wes rafl,an@, under direeuons of the capteia, they cut eway the wea wer rizging. Ai onoe ali the mavte enepped und went iy the board, the sebeen-r ov che same time rege'ning her eqeiiibrium. The cabinew> re fisode@, however, and sii bands lathed themselves te the top ef the d-ckhei s-. ard there they eteyed witheut tecd, and tuff.t-d pbout by the «term, which centinesd with puebeted faryuntil the fourth dey "", when it quieted cowh, Then a sefler, w Orleans to Lover- SAVED ASTER SEVEN DAYS. The sb ef peeple were takes aboard, were -berdly wore thas made cemftortable whee anether which made the anotsters. || Cntda ge Set abd tobe $i 200,000 behind ta! fineness. _ The nescseed valuation of New York city | {a4 SOB wae" $1,928'264 275. The olty tex ite ver ge for a wed dir ¢ trip. They sailed ANEH: ENDED! HS ast: [4 HONEYMOON IN A STORM "~~

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