Atwood Bee, 1 Dec 1893, p. 5

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o = f é ' : # . Ps ¢ e " ' ae Re t . 4 , , ; r ¥ | "Se~p along the news: | Ger ready for winter. re , oP -. 'a | Miew swbseriptions for 1894 are rofl-' 3 ras. of ginger snaps fof 25 cts. at ° : 7 p ig im | Hamilton's grovery. ' , - a ; . : ' Banancr of [800 free to new sub | Mins. GA. Wenscey, of Woodstock. . sr a i ae i servbers 7. | iS spending a few weeks with Mrs. D.! ; " 'a . | CONSTDERABLE grain has beén eom- | Murray. * ." aa ing in faiely aud trade has improved! Carson & McKex's change of advt. | : ' somewhat fa consequence. } Came to bate' for this: issue. Watch for i . - ' . " Prem "Brows 'Killed two fying} i a ' . e » © ' q : , | HURRAH For SANTA CrLAcs !--FPor : P iw ges : aqninetr one day laut week: They act! seat nick Xmas goods, such as con: G oods ar e Goin Ri ht 2 " Ins, and sois my Xmas "rhs loving litte aumats, fectioneby, nats, figs, oranges, toys : ~ 2 " ' bs , ¥ i . : es | ne table on the Grand Trunk &e. gujto MeCanley's, where | Santa, ' "Railway tat there are nu changes th wt Clans makes his headquarters. For, . ce : ij Goods Look out for: difect Atwood. | partienlars see advt. elsewhereS | an ' e . " | ~ CONSTDERARTE hay is being -pressed_ | Your attention is directed to the' '< : 4 aaa TR a ee Ss briled and shipped from this. district adyt, of Mrs. Harvey in wt this issue. | . ' -- AG present. several gmgs are engaged soenda few minutes today looking. > , , them. AIr My Mma|s constantly as ic ia Elma ° lower her splendid stock of winter dry 1m one day last week we sold eleven (11). dress lengths. Eee ees | Wir pranG & Co. do not parposé®) goods, whieh are marked at bottom | 'ee dd: ' Id 7 (seven vercoats. . *... . e (siving a bonus for doing a business, prices. She talks good sense in her) In three days We'so (s © ) O ercoats , Goods will be sold as Cea ee ee ee) tad charge anu for bonus, see our |, adVertisement, , 7 ' oe ' ange of aityt this week, | Tire buffalo robe, reported to have | TH E R EASON " . | "Tis said that-ceflery will refieye and |) been stolen trom Arthar Robb's enther | ~, . - ' . Chean a3 the Cheapest. "prevent, if ng®eure, rheumatism. Rheu- | on Thanksgiving day, turned up ail CEE Sea Se ee Inaties hes always been supposed tejmvht, The robe belonged to Walter . ' be asurt of damp cellary disease, any- | Hamilten, and his. sen took the robe The Prices are the Lowest Ever Quoted * (way, . ¢ TF a ' Call Barly. '- You forthe same quality of goods. jand pat it away for safety, henee for Tx VE Pom seen the new books at the the time heing It was missed. Mr. Robtr Mevinwues' [nstituts iibeary? Tr nog | Simply drove the cutter into the shed already a member, jour at once. Yau ter Mr. Hamilton, \ eould nf invest a duliay more profit.) Ex@tisitSpavin Liniment removes| _ . )alidard,seft or catloused lumps and 'blemishes from 'horses, blood spavin, 'enrbs, splints, rmg bone, sweeney, sere Oo. CAMPSELL, »y. | | | Prowrmrrien WerrmG.-- A meeting j for the parpese of organizing im con- We have yet about Fifty Pieces of - Dress Goods to choose from. A /large ss - . and swollen throat, stifles, sprains, : ' ais Ff - . The Atwood Drug Stars. heatime, Sitl the pietweite will be held conghe, ete. Save 360-0y uae of one number of Men's and Boys' Sujts.¢_ Only 3 + | WS fed v4 ? "aay 3 - s e * al : - " deay at > pm. and = Hy D mm <pwited oe Warranted the,most wonderful) -@ afew of those C heap Flannels and Flan- heals ir sas ; ; a emish cure ever known, Sold by D. ' . | are 8 . jAddvessesfrom a namber of speakers | Gon bell: deurgist. Steood 35.] nelettes. If you want them, Come at Qnee. Cowit eaik. pare expected. "T : ; Asie Ne ran The Cl ¥e . - mai. . ~ > ee MPORTANT NO .-- - erk oO Sop ES sire anty five ne a | the municipality of Elma wiil attend at ; 7 é Pere RARER, 'bills Le cents evel: 250, 'and ot. sirin- =e ORES, on Monday, Dec.. £1, for the Pina deiching just new. plasters JOcents eaen; 3h and 22 bills | tee wavlaia walter gions art ak te A number of people have come and looked at goods Cipustares three weeks from Mon erpeetibie" Gieboean Fis Mag wis 'final running up of the votes by the | and went-away to make up their minds about them. _ In an PIPL mn -\GTeSs, i . art . : a 7 . H . "4 ding. ler. one Ferayth st. .vtlanta. Ga. Clerk on behalf of the persons advocat- | a day or two they come back for them 'and find them Peta Conaty Conneil meets on | ; = jing the attirmative and negative of the! | Taesdaw, Dee sti. at tek mi , +X auseenly row took place between | vote to be taken on the Prohibition, Fone. ie ; i twe weil Known citizens at Coghtin's: plebiscite. Ib will be necessary for | Wem war arivertisig enliamns | hotel Menday night. This" kid of | representatives from both sides to at | these days for special holidiey bargains. | nee ie Betting a - enn gs | tend at said time and place. Viney efoiee new raivina,.20 [ha for | ONS Tow of lite, and it would bel ocoon Concent --The school' con. | G ' l h Sf. ot Sse -per box at' Hanaiiiton's in teueen the saulaiaite ace tae cert, in the Towh - Hall on the even. | oods don t stay ong on t e grorery, a at ne "_-- ' ing of Dee. Lith, promises to be an} , rowow hamaw and horses and all enon am --_ ie dae ies ; _ event of absorbing interest to both old | Shelves at Our emintals cured mse minutes Sy Wool: | Tn 'aan eth, inca buttvidwat 'ie this! and young. The ehildren of the local: , . : . fara Sunitavy Lerion. This never | ee ig ited oe ity, whe arete-furntsirghe gredter part Prices. tatty Sete by Dy. Canypleth etritegist, sp ee oe om a weet _ of the uniqne program, have been , cusmend ssiv |) repeater aun we are Informed that! making. elaborate preparations for aan a . a adelegation will wait upon him and | several weeks past, Other Outside | . oa Wie overtonkerdt to mention Mise J.) administer aecnat of tar and feathers talent will alan contribute to the interest [Rarvey ty conmeetion with: ear report! and otherwise remind hint that sach of the program, and one of the. Ou an s at the SS eouveniien last week, adiss evonaduect is net permitted ma civilized most pleasing arid entertaining enn- [Larvey rendered: exeeilent service a8 | community. certs ever held in the town may be PX | s ees. "wnitthaate oo Basic Make a Nore or Tris.--Ponltry peeted, The admissiow fee has been | Bar alns coun or al ie d euneees of ies anes sfeuld be starved at legst [2° hours fixed at le. fer adults, and 10e. for " eum ae a 7S" before being malied and should not be chiktren. Get a program. oy 8 --Wellvet dyawn as they dook better and keep presexration.--The pnpils of Mrs, © Oo 2. Following are the baltieed longer imomild weather. They should Wpesads' <8 elasa met the other day and | ome OW om ma beep of gg Reniging R | he thanongily bled oF entirely remov pregnted their teacher with a beanti- , . » tw eae uae" ee : ica j ag the head aed in pieking they should 'Ful aibum and the foilowing address as . We. FE Wilken, W. ©. Rc TP. Pullarton, | he picked dry and never seulded for? asight reeognition of her valued lab ° Es. fen, Gordon, PLoS: Jas. Long | they soon get dark in colonafter being' nen in their behalf - ~-- " : = Peown, Ss Wor Cen, Coghktny, Wi: ~romvcr Act. --We all know what Ws. WB. Neads. ? ' e . = Mothegats, Fa: T. Taown, J. Bi; Dr. iT IS: Wwe wennived a. perteet knowledge DEAR FRIEND, [tis with much regret : Cowad,Conrt Physietan, * of the "pet" in 6ur youth. after a raid, We learn that your are about to separ- , <i -- Porper rs see Flor re. -- Pistressing on things we were expressly f rbidden ate yourself from us and sever the eon- " kietn ys anel bladder diseases reheved om) to teach. Our mother gave as Perry | nection which has existed between von : ae ete the "New threat seath Daews' Pain Rider then, and strange and us as tercher aed pupus, We feel , 4 ta Kidnes Core." Thiaenew) to sa%. no other remedy has been dis that we have protited much throagh ¢ -- O98 2 great snrprise® ane delight | covered te this dav to equal it ond your teaching and kKindneygs to WS and o- to siivemetins an aeronnt off ite exeved: | POpthar price, He, fer big new bottie ferl deeply serry that the gentle . opr oromptness py pefieving pain ww the THe Woy) Bogee Co. ef Chiearo, relatingyship Whictfup " this ome aaa Widder, Kudoeve and paet. Ff gen wanta good Wustane bey or aeh i: existe! between HA must anon be broke | Wael qenes relief and enre this is pour levery town in the United States and em, We contd not let you go ena na remerty, wird by PD Campbell, drug Canadato sell they famous weekly + dienes show M6 ™ Papal Way how east. tweed 35-19 iiastreted papers, the Sarnred-yy Biad# aeepry pidebted we are bo you, and beg --~ "dans : and the (hieawo Leorer, They are To of vou to rerept this album as a smail "tery E wie ow Pring Phere's My i ia the streets. in e y oat ree SKA of the love and esteem we have for an ee eee 2 seta Che streets, ino shops, stores, : oy ' fo Roney give me a enink' Lhetes the Jeo Phonsands of boys are now mak YOO. We wonld ask to be kndly re . eb tring and fowd aad fre of my Wile ie money doing tis, aa ig is an easy Membered by yon and hepe your r ' and casuiren verve me a drinks Phere 9 acer afer once fairly started. No Miture sphere will be as nseful to othefs H A Cae eriertion of the faniy 'ened v4 expense to begin. Send name te above #8 1% has been ta ns, and be assured | preter of Fhe hease give The a ane address, and receive instructions and Sat we will bear you in loving re- There's phe rent Po obave rotbed from atationery ; mMenrrance. 1 ' hi ianstiored Quod invameysalide artieles Miss Merrive.--~A meeting of the Your loying pupils, . La 7 BN . i if ie Prowy. Soy Keepers ee Me a Patrons of Ladustry, wid be held in the Erste K LUMP, . drip k Pour mie ont at drink, and yet Pewn Fail, Atwood, Dec. Ifth at fa. MAREL. Porrrst, ; s ; nee =F will paw fog tt. Phere s MF oy to coomder the advisability of se lata albania OF a Ca ] ah heavenly inberitaaeee and the) eterns levling 2 eandidate for . the T, wed . EFFIF TrRNBULL. i ~ ; friendship ot fine retieeniert, There, there S opel tack and ELouee of Commons Atwood. Nov, "8rd, ISOs. ' 5 . is ati none af civation Five AD MV O eoegent the asrieuifansta and Te ~ = s , . Ged" Dove npail that in great and ey wth Perth Lt 2 pma Pairy Notes. geod art glorisas im the a@niverse! | nactniek nesting will be heid. to whieh the a . } rices rest all forever that fo aray bedrunk' oie ey enedsaals anv iter La ad Listowel, Nov. 24.--At the cheese fair a. ' * tatiyadre fier tea, dress by the Carand Presitent of P. of hell here to day 24 faetories "boarded | , (reowiwe PFras.-----The steamer foc oy) Mallory. on the questions of Tei boxes of Septem der and balance. | Fay ye "hrogekt fownon areeens trip rie day. wilh be one of Che interestina The sales were :--- Wa) hoxes at rue: In uereapro wiaat fap tens at fax seed, fevoiyes of the provram Apother ch boxes at bO 15-1he., oom boxes at Tie., : -- ie coasted te khe Arm of FT Livia meenmng will be held in Milverton op % boxes at ll ble. and 76h boxea at! - . + ' : ston, oof Haden. the fos Kings off On' Der. ith, at 2 p.m, - Itty] se and iblye. wae ret by tire. Ping marke the devet pment of Fortowtnue is the standing of the *e ef the factory men, who did not - ; . anemworntetest pn VPaniteba farming be kes Pisce Seana veavanrehiin aac ' name their price There were nme WwW will Il VY G | G ad t ; Tie eal oof senthern Moin. hes been Po tieadien ™ mir = i sallp- = Lec buyers ese and biduing was freely e€ se ou 00 00 S a ; ; . Wie see Names ba order of merit : . ' . foamed te fe peeuliarty aneted to the wh elass--Edith Robertson. shiek ade ap to Tle. . grew thsgs tax and the farmers have Inheksen, Wagine FPavlarten, Hoeh "Por. Co -- 7 oe _ Very Lowest Pricss. Seneialy The Hox PeOw IN ~o heavily ter, Floren Stacey? Senior pu elass-- oz wan walle . (eo / : that the Livrogsten lirm hive enntract Wary Matray. Edith Parris. Figin Rob. Prrrir.--in Grey, on Nov. 21th, the: Vi ed wi' Me salticetet P. Cn. 1 " the le ertson, Bea Dunn, Annie Giddins, Eva wite of Wm, Perrie of a@son. f . Shih the ™ caine aeenes at "Mowere Priest. aan) he Phompens, Melvyn tra Kenpatr.--In Brusseis, on the 22nd . egies Ts ; Fiwi weten hive Mewehnemt thie aeaamn elie Petton, Hannah Priest, (et lust. the wife of J. If. Kendall of a ¢ cee : Livivgston have parehaset thi oe tie Lammasen. Punier th elass --Sen sen : Zam Thy | ravers arma . Motion, nie Murray, David Dunlop, Faniee swig . In Atwood on \VIonrlay IT th * P Garetoe ang Flam Comer, . 08 the pret "pean, Bertus Murray, Jennie Me Ality- inst. the Wile af Ohents Maite at 2 e ° ent prices iter pave muah better Pha ae ge Cprahaun, Alfred"®hailenzer, | a oe v . 5 wheat. ame? orf the eourtitpon enttinue orien) 'orvie, Maerie TrAdail senior [Tot ae -In Elma. on the 2th inst : the srw, fe wil sean beeeme tee seg efass--Sames Peksen, Aerie Diett the wifeot Wm. L. flulmes. of 2 . Thee: Wehrle tent of export from sum, bt ty m. bfaar, Wina ticahana. Annie, daughter 7 os 3. _ ' e genthern Maritoha, 7 "vromme, George Brown, iste Kdamp. eisai : + . ZS WF stead Colin Cameron (Jnnier avd lana, sen. oe fhe Weill Rian Peveticun Renin -- the : aacticn.,, Sales. - - . . i lay part-- Lrthar Poerger, Ada Wilson, Frroay, Dee. 4.--Farm stoek, op lot E Pevjiewe" and late editer of Tony Tharst, karl switaer, Else strath oo ° i a ve aes . a -_ . AYE . Tarnte ferntiy m which Ie gave Privat. Gvtege Hows. Haward DEsgingy, come ns giving you a 35 Picture, while the same Ca eee San part Fray Robertwr. Elie Genk Moxpay, Dee. ek ad : ouly cost 31.85. Do you wish to be faked i, Aaa pil gal egg gh ae fadér. Winnie boamiiten tarsein Mblements, on lot 25, econo To, Eima, at ed P= VV wheat. Piedras wicht te pray. and read the Pinle, oe aig pice " acne -- lL pm. ©. EP. Merryteld, auctioneer; | out of $3.15: \ hy not buy your ICTUTes; few where mle that the ext tfofal of INert,; Neile AMarmey, kd: astings, io. Fae, oo . an . a . _: ; : . Lp lesen eit fly sem orn of Sota Contig tae Hiebem, Genrge (0. Taylor, proprietor, er we wll furnish you with all you want at ty feat the Lord." "Go out and work) Green, Pokiwing is the Janter Dept. -- se ccd Afarizet. $1.85, and sell anything you want in Clozh- suid Ie. "Go throvwd¢h the stums of second ¢class-- Mary Cuthbertson, . ms see | , at Its Vv: lu ; 7 tire cities, hat vp the Andes of pov- Mabel tobertson, Myrtle Ferguson, Fallay heat..... Paces eeee se 3 of 3 - ing at Ifs Va we. : . erty onit neviert, and mingle with" the George Klamp, John Johnson," Jennie ~pring,W heat ............ wu we ' wus * eviminal efasses" [f you know nothing Dickson, Mitide , Richardson, Freddie Serkgy ce... oe ee eee : a 35 | : . . a ak abont them, ow are you going to raise anna, Echet litown, Eliza Richard- ats panache Sale atk he Tie Mie. = Rois 278 2 8 a them? Pf [had my way about it, [ son, Lottie flarris, sara Montgomery, I IS news caren ex se 5 eo we a0 BU) ) ' aT wonld hav' every preacher serve for a Mary Montgomery, Lily Smith, Samnel Hay .... 222.000.0000. cree e pe 6 a! hae oth police foree." Afr. Stead is May, Cameron Dickson and Mary May Porks,..........-0..-.606. 6 35 6 iM) TT the P| Has Or () : He vight. "Nowadays, it.seems to be enn- equal, Maggie Stuart. Part []--fda: Flour, per ¢wt..t......... I 80 2 Oo | { ; . . mt" s e sidered "the proper' thing" for our i: Eero Robertson, Belle Camp- #8an, perton ........ vee 12 00 [2 of) : f ' ; preachers and elders and .deacons do beik Pear} Voghiin, Littie Johnson, Sil- | Shorts, per ton Vesna BE GO T4 00 | - ; , . a elurehwardens to steer ei@ar 'of the vester Coghlin, France Corrie, Willie! Hides pe¥ lb, ..........-... oe rd é hangts of viee lest contact with sin Ffonna, Flora Campbell, Mahe! Forrest, ) Sheep skins, each.......... 5 30 | ky iN shgild ai! the" suered efoth, "What Cameron Forest, Lizzie May, Ella Nieh- | Wood. 2 ft................ 1 a0 I '3 | we want" said a famons Freneh bishop, ol, Cherlie Blair, Eddie Cuthbertson, Potatoes per bushel" ...... a0 ;, "i~ a new religon---the religiom of Annie-Reid, Jimmie Struthers, Gideon | Butter perlb.............. 2. 2) ; ; a : Cnitstter mstanee." i Zieman. i Begs per doz........ cece ae . B- wh L ; ' ; , ;

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