Ae cc a ee RR a Sig Patan eae thas heavily opon me I swear te you that I 3 ." am innecen tenes were so full of truth looks aad feeling that the listeners besi- LER Es é rh a ber. Marie eagerly explained that the mosey jaad been given'te her by M. Germenil the seeseaied belplesaly vo ezca * Tv is w likely story," anid the brigadier, ** that any one weuld give se much men- to an utter strarger, a2 you admit yourse to have been to M Germ 'he added, «x-mioing the purse which bad been taken from Marie's pecket, '* ens-- ° #wo--three----four--five pieces ef gold, and a purve to carry them in addition. A likely story inde-d [" * Suili," aald Ramopd, with well assumed '"'we must not forget that that she accounted for the possession of this money in precisely the same way Ww P.erre found ber this morniog----" ** Yeu," sald Pierre, interrupting him, "+ whea I foand her trying to escape from the house before aay one wasup. 'That did mot lo+k very like.aa honest woman." "Why," said M. Daument, 'did you thus scek to fly from a house where you had been so kindiy tre-ted ?" ' ** Yes," said Pierre, " and after M Germenil, who bad been so kind te yon, that you weuld net go away till he hid esen *you agin." Marie remained gilent. She cou'd not anewer these qaesticns without d sclosing -all which she pad seught to oon. cal fight. She losked areund her despairiog'y, and seeing an expression of pliy on face sh~ appealed to him not te co ber witheut some further proof. *"*] know," she ssid, "'that sppesrances are against me, but icdeed--indeed I am iumecent 1" Charles had listened in silence to what had paseed, but though appearances were se much egainet her be did not fee! at all oon- visced of ner guilt and now said so beld-y, reminding these present ths: as yet th-re wee nothing prvved, and that mere sus hew-ver streng, could net condemn "* Be sare" he said, addreesi:g Ma-ie, " thet jestice will be done. There mast he a thorouyh tavest'gation of this affair. My father ard I will seé te that." | Remond ve think that matters were met goirg quite sa be wishd them, and obssrved :h=t himesif and his friend were alvo incerested tn the matter being satisfa >- ter:ily cleared up, snd thst there was one point which 'ors messieurs" had overlooked, and which might belp to alucidate: the ' mystery. Perbspse bis geed friend M. Pi«re would tell them ifavy of the rooms aj thea one in which the murdered mar hei slept bad been occupi-d that aight . Tre number of the Ismen'ed _-- reom was, hs unders:ood, 13. , ' "* An anlecky number," be added, "' was Ne. 13" * *- Yo," sali Pierre, "' she "--pointing te Marie--" she sl p= tr No. 8." : * Then," continued Remend, " ae such m deed ceuld net powibly have been com. mitted wi-heut some litle nolse, madame _ deabtl ss beard something--some Htt"e di«tarbance--cf «h'ch eho will t-Il us, asd 'which will perhaps give'some clue to the real eulprit." ' With' devilish ingenuity, did this { evidence fetigue +h» had sl-pt heavily, not awaking til} ane sue wae up, ani that she had beard mothing, sbeoluvely nething. The listened = increduleusl! her stery e~«med-te him quite uowerthy of belief --and he eaid thers waino ure wast has | eccurred. ent Let me see," | and hed | be released at ence. con reaien Bat walt--bub walt. Retribution crime se surely as the day thenight-- of God grind slowly, ** Marie Boaamont," inacdible toaes~-----. Roger was about te continue his interro- gatery when an | inverraption Oa the mentien of this name M. Dament and Cnarles exchanged startl-d leeks and the fermer eageriy asked, '}4* Marie Beaument did you sy your name 9% was? '+ Marie Beaument." With suéh hesitation that it led te uestions, and after awhile she adm.tted had been obliged to abanden immediately after ite birth. ** Yeu were then under the suspicion ef thef:" ; said M. Damont, "and w.s on your of the gendarmes and °---- _ Waoare you?" she cried wildly--tor im the white haired, clean shaven old man she did met receguize the sorrowing un- shaven stranger whe had taken ber coild-- "(who knows all thie and speaks te me of my child? If you knew aught of him, tell me if be still lives." whue Mare toanked heaven and she would net now w of im pathetic tones, 'usable to preve i: new as thea. I am condemned te wear out my weary'i'e friendless an' alene." Decply meved, M. Damoot turned away to' hide his emotion, while Onbarles, whe could ne lenger restrain himeecli, sprang forward, and, te the utter amazement of those present, clasped her in his arms, cry- "* No, ne ; net any [Onger friendless who, woen I was nothing to you out » miserasle, guilty stranger, were kind and pitifal te ms. Bat," ebe added, tau:ning w M. Damons, " ia this trac? Is this realy tus ?" . M Dament explained that it was quite true ; that he was the stranger she bad scen take the child from before the shrine, where she bad laid it. Ths explanatien was listened to wih many exclamations ef wonder from those areund, on whem this extraerdinary révela- tion bad come like a tounderclap. * Traly,"' said the cure, anti: then silent, "* inscrutable are the ways of Providence. Be of good beart, my iriends. All mil eomm be made straight. [ne innecen will be cleared and the gullty breughs toe jas ioe." , Toere were two persons amorg those t who did not by any means desire rhe falfilment «f this prediction. Info, by | Remon: had for somelitsle tame been feeling anxious asto the success of his plans. He | bed not calculated on their being s0 log detstoed, and he knew very wel toat every minute added te tre risk ef their detectice. He knew the ge s wee locking for hm an1 bia com and if their iden- tity with the fugitives from the pr:sen st Lyons were cnoce eatabl'aned the breach of ses,icion would inevitab.y be transferred from Marie te them. Onoe arr-sted, 1: weu'd be impossible ter them to clear thea.- selves. Tney carried d.mning preets of their guilt opon them in the shep= af the stelen notes--which would ocertsinly be feand, as their clethes were sure te be evarchei by the en. He felt anything but well dispused to ward Ch.rles, whom he now regarded ss » treah etumbling block in bis way, and co whom he cast a very ogly look as he inat nc tuvely put bis hand on his koite, Yes if: suited : im, he would show as listle coasi«- @ atio. for the son as for the mother. A:l this paseod rapidly through his brai=, while the attention of toore present was «!! directed to Charles and his meber. 4. explained to his c~-mpanion that tney bed "e tr seik- the opportanivy ef endeavering to away. rerani nodded assent. He was tio frigh'ene4 te eapeak. He seemed te 'ex! the cord round his neck, while the notes, wnich were concealed in the cack of hb: cost, seemed to rustie every time br 'moved. Oas'ing frightened 'ea roun: him, be followed his panion, who with his uscal swsgger and so alr of great aseur-ne, and ssid with characteristic impaderc- that before leaving his h-epitarie neure, b+ waa anzious te ssrure bim of tre hizt esteem in which he be.d him ; tha: be ha dome an ect w rehy of the bighest pras-, aod whicw made nim, R-mond, semaible o his own shertcemings, cto. ' During this tirade ene of the gendarmes hed brooght « paper to the brigadier whic: ee med frem hie exp-esaien ss ne read it to contain lefermstien of impertance Remend, whose back «xs turned toward the offic-r, bad made M. Dumoct a sweep- in, salutatio:, uttered s pstroniz ng '* Boo joar, frend Pierre !" and now b-d his nan: on the handie ef che deer, oclesely failowed erder rang "eat in the brigsdier, « coup'e ef stardy fellews: on either side. ** What dees this mean 1" said Remond tm a biest-ring, bullying tone. " By what right de yout tnierte'e' with and detain twe inoffensive raveliers 1. 'We demand to This delay ts most in- t te us." "« Yeu'll what it quickly," mid the brigadier, "aad you abe replied in almost j , The auswer = che affirmative was given 8 further q that sne bad had » child--a sen--whioh she} ), "He dees," answered M. Dumont, re-| °° ted stralaing Coarles, who was en the point ef bed M. Damen , HY : Tere eed Phe 2 -s 3 E e. 2 i §8 5 i li "¢ '* That is 'my mord impudently, trand, his arms with o being held by the gend- as the ¢ o-r pre wr haga weet . ----'* the tatter disguised "4 black bandsge, which dovers one- his face." -- Exclamaticns of dismay and herror were heard from jall as these netericus names were prenoun Masi lean forward, gazed with / 2 'o faoe cod 20 the 'CHAPTER XVIIL Macaire and his cempanion being thus identified and captured weuld at oats have been c-nveyed back to Lyons were it net fer the questi-n of the mord-r, which stil: remained :o oe cleared up. Their p-evious bad character, as Macaire exp-cted, caured eus tara on them, and is was decided that tney shéuld be det-ined at L-s Bons Aum's till the fol-owing dey, ia.erder toaiiow of the matter being fur:her investigeted. Taney were ac ordinglyY in a ema: lo't over the stable and a guard of men sta- tioaed a} the doer. : Olemen'ins had been with difficulty re- stor:d te censcievencss after the terrible -hock ehe had received at the sight of nee, father's body and knew nothing ae yet the sorns which .had taken place in the salle or the strangs discovery o: Charles' perentagy. He was new sit vith her, endeavering to soo he her grief, while sh- utils susp cted thathis own waseo much more :itier. She had lost a father, it ts vue, and by a terrible death, but he bed died reapected and beloved by all, while be --be brd fcund a mether, it is trne, bat uoder what clroumstapces? He did not for a momont belteve her guilty ef she verrible onarge breugh>sgsinst her. Bat anless it could be peatitvely disproved, hew sopld he ask Clementine te beco-ne his wile wile auch a stigma waaeon his methers aum->? Teo many people had beard what aad passed to allow of ite remainiig s sorres. The poor young man's theughte were very s-4 iodeed as he sat heiding his fiancese hand. - & Cnaries b»d begged ro hard of Roger net to treat his mether with the same as had been shows to Macsire and Strop, bat ts allow ter te remsin in the bouse ; that toe brigadier, woe onder his officisl crust wea ft tear-ed enough, had cocs-nted te bls arrangement, thocgh, as he said, he was exore 'ing his duty and mignt, get inte creuble by it : "D> vet fear, sir!" sald Marie. "I "ave oo wish to go now that I bave fcuad my -on. Bevid-2," she added, "* 1 am inae- veat«f this crime, and God, who knows it, +i! prove it" Her first anxiety when she recevered con ec ourness wae whether in b-r surprise she a1 disc osed tre tact that Macaire wes her hasbend «ni Craries' fath-r, and it was s great re'inf to hes te pero ive thas he hai net h~ lune: suspicien «f such a thiny,nor bad M Damoat,who had n~ :d-e tvat she h-d a viains wo ony other name than that o B-ea mont H~had beard the missixg woman -m he any ped te be the moth-rof the it le w-if epeken of ny 5 mame, =8 ameng the cou: try f-lks married wem-n «tre as often oalied by their u atden names «by their hastband's, acd ne conc uded bat the "* werthiess fellow," the '°c quin™ b- bad nea. d mentioned, bere the name of B-~amonr. ? M care hed bad'ne time to and « one xou'd have listend to hin bad he av'empt dtedeso. And poor Marie hoped ~neat hs m ght bz able to s her sen sach » terrinie bi.w Ses this kcow.cdge would be, she d-é:mined, however, to tel alito M. Daoer*, »h+ she veons dered had a rigat to -pow, eno who she fel sure woula be p n-r te he p Ubir great di- grace from felling m the "ey he loved and Bad #0 locg treated +s his soa. . Sea-e+ im the reem wheres only a tew .0ar- nefere -he jovous party had assembi-d b> sign the weed-ng coacract, she told bim i --ll 'bat we know already +f ber early hiut-ry ap to the time when be feard tre n.d @ ere ae bed place. it, at the fves.f he shrine. Sha told nim, too, ber sad afcer hstory, tull of mie+ry aod suffering. _ Sne had wetzbed nim take the child 'aod nad lia en-4 iu the lass ech - hw horee's onfa hid ded away .Tnen sheh-d ser act agen ead wits mach 1 suff-ring ~ad dragged hereelf back te house whic abe bad left. Soe hed accomplished ver bj-c. The chuid was essed frem th- -ugms of being born ins prison, the ef- -pri-g of « f-len, and ber great de-ie now was thet ber friendly guardiac chould net eufler on her socovat. Is' would te ram to him ff tt were {oa d tha: hie 'acoees ned led to b-r eacepe. So, at all costa, ehe must_re- are. Onsce th-re, sh« cared ro" hew soon -he died Doth, i-d ed, woold bes wei come' deliverance from her misery. Bot 5 nd Saag always come te these who ~g for tt. Hee sbh<ence bad , discovered, and men had been sent in diff-rent directi-ns to look for her, thaa,h ind-ed th sergeear h'meelf was serry to ree ber reture He wife did ell she ova'd f-r tre poor breatare, «ho was ina pitiable con (itien, pod toward Ber- | net | way safely back to the farm and had iurked soul ! ; Ic was seme days before 'state to be She was then teken Grenoble te be tried fer stealing her father's his detectien. Uader cever ef the darkness he made his round until ali wesquiet. His kn:+wledge ef the house had enati d him to effect an jectrance witheut any d:ficulsy. He had found the old man busy behind, | staaned him, er, as it turned out, killed him with a blow on che head from a heavy iron- beund savot, and then made off with his beoty. Toe outrage was not discovsred. till the merning and then ite perpetrator was net to be found. There were traces found, hewever, which preved his guilt reyend a doubt--among ethers the g-rm-nts be had taken from Marie. in order to disguise himeelf, and which he had ieft in one of the outnoa-es. These facta did net tend te impro-e the -- of the anhapyy girl, whe was be- to be in collusi«n with ard screening busbaod, wih whose previous h'story This dreadfal punistmen: the innocent weman bad endured, and since tts termina- tiem had been a wanderer on the face of the earth, hom less acd wretched, flying from ing her villai>-us buaband. H+ had purened bis evil career fora long time with impu- pnity, bat some time previously he hsd been captured and proved guilty of thecrime ef which be wasaccusd He bed oven con- fined in the pri++n at Lyons, and there she buliaved him te be uatii bis evil fuce had appsered before her that morning. Sash wae the story thet M-rie teld M. Dament, telling him a'«o «bat bad passed between herseif and M Germenil when gave her the money, andhow it was to avoid telling hs ea story whic. she bad just re- lated that toa hod Wiehe to leave that meroing before he ceuld see her to renew bie Questiers, M. Damont was derply moved by the story she told nim and asearcd b-r of his be- lief in ber ianwcence, eay convinoed now thet Mscsire and hia cunfed/ erate hid mu. dered M. Germenil, and that they mas: le.vs 20 s one untarned to h rtan-cence. He ayreed thatthse was no need tnat Crsrles abou d kaow who his feather wie, Aod he wreat on: *T sm sare thst o keeping this kn«wi- edge from. nim and lettin, bis marriage with Cromect ne ge en will be best carrying ent the withes of my friend. 'Before it tek-« plece, bere-er, your innocence m2-t be proved. It weuld pet ma:'er se much did oe oce but ourselves know. but it 1s n»w iod:sp-osab'e bist you should be olear-d. Cementine knows nething as yet, anc we wil. ke-p the knowi- edg+ from her as le:g sa po mbl-. in the b+ ec thet she aa; hear the cherge and its refu'a'ton at tb- same time. I fear, hew- ev-r, we wi] be unable io conceal what has travspir-d end your e'a:ionship to Uharies more than «. few peace. ' Aa be fitiehed speaking Casrles inte the rovm leokiny very sad, rut he quck:y cheered cp sten M. Dument 'weeured him be wss qaite satisfi-d of bis me-ner's inn-cen-e sod repested te bim wbat he had jast ssid sccut his marriage te C emen' ine. ' * Ast ve," be vex" on, "* you will al- wayshe my sen, my bey. You wilenty be so much the %« ter «ff b-weaaee you will have a mot er te.' Bat the proof. +f Marie's tonccence and of the gut-tof ».- resi caiprite w-re seen arcrat and the «'« ov ry the' she was real y sabe c Obverof M.° saree. He f-it thst it wea prinips! y nu f at ches susp ciom had stt-c.-droner, sui on fe th weaid Hke, { pow ibe, te be p t I-or ber of the charge. R Hs wes ang witn cimeelf for haw? | ben @: -s8'5 '=p +4 on by 'the b stranyera, wn "cr ey a te be such] vilietre, aud worm *- ns te,an te suspect of being (heres. ma': <r. . Whs, ye, b + -rem -re! cow that thes rad nad «co + f-r » f-w micuves to the ou choot dupes) &- »--y vie lm g ee omy --and netfee" 2 .: (6 «ae, rad n-ver eue- pecied anti'. « eor ly th-y who nad taben "me & hebures Tier if he sou d tose com & he weat to th- rorm 6% . a1 occ-p'ed and Phere treta at is fer ugne ana | Toe e «sn * *&¢ ror of 'ne room be tid me* or uly 4 3 ce every to'd o the wi dewic. ai +, f ne &-d- eur teics, them-t reas , o> i+-% He tarped up every ru. «ni ~s 'a d row 4 the ree: wtev ry fatr doen 3 Xcnined renind eery.icta', pros. botned out eyv-rs rawer end .e, a st oven, and di; beaterehacids pi vd he-pe d toek- ing vague,y r ac bin tone di-order he nad oreste i, se scr, thay ns beed won- fered whe. te = '9 1€X , Ween Bis ye linet o: --+ Srepi-e There has oe: po. tire, Ms | theagh it had ben. d sig b>. He did sot quite t-k iv in 2: Ara, and thee as th omg fermals:+? fee: in bie wicd he ran te Ube ater, exgetly t.> oe 7-d oases piece of cos: afer aso erssn! (reety, With ap eXclama fon cf ji-, prong 1@ Dl fees thy mm ae Bg te 5 UD Cie oo. He ren do~> » ir- end barst inte the room #5 re M. Tuo t, Coares a 1 Marie were ovt with arguish boh.of soul and bedy. Of course her: ho-t-es discovered whet bad happened, but Marie refused te place te plece te avoid the danger «! mest- | and thas he felt they would f E [ : { i and Strop searched te see y ef the -stwicn money upoa short abeence he retarned, stelen, notes, * Charles on E e fe af iit BEE ce i : F been han,ing «ver ber bad been lor her overwrought nerves. She ved, hewerer, and then came the of the wretcned man whe would te enffer the p-naity of his crime, life had beev such s tissue of evil bad so blighei her own. Bhe as she thought t:at oven row a d t reveal all to Charles. feread that be should new 8 te remove the two privchers to and to that ead he should at once send ene of his men fer a cart and an i E i 1] 4 43 time they had get all Macaire had submit:ed in sul'er silence to be searched by th» geodarmes and bad not answered se much a- by a werd whea they had told bim it would be-us-lese any utter con'+mpt at his mi-ersble companion, whe ested oo tee floor ac thew feet, growning and im pleri:g mercy tn the moss abject terme. Bud ibere was a movement in .be long sinewy fin,e:s and a gleam in the evil e,e thas weaid bave buded itll for them had they beea fe « number er had they met alresdy taken the proecastion of the removing the knife, «h«se long, cacved back blade could de such deadiy work. He knew very well tus al was op fer him. He could no wiger expect t escape the end which h.d teen so long for liberty. was suong wi:hin he pond: the p-ssibloy +f cecape. He Bad heard tre yeniarme ride off and gt pre ty welles what errand be was gone. He knew abu: how long he would be gone. Odoe creck ali chance of escape was gene. It o.u+. be now or never, He sat with 'his eyes fix+i on tre little square windew whi b lished the lof*, when b s attention was cangh: by a rope ewin ing in frent of it. Hs went op to te- witdow and found i: waea rope belengihe he} to « pulley wnich was festen-d above tS window and was preb. ly oved fer stores inte the lens. Ber axectuks cadest the idea of s«inging tiorelf onte the roof means of thie repe aod perbaps escape-- wh+conld teli? H«roce-d bis oompanion and teid him wha«t he meditated doing. Scrop was fuli of fears, If -hey were seen, ve shot, or if trey fell they t be killed: ' ** Ailthat may bappen," admitted his companion, *' but wret =i!! happ-no if we remain here is that we wil gie on the gui:letine. 1 for one prefer a meeth: r way, so I'll. try thie chi: ce. Y-o perbapa prefer to sit bere a rat ine irep" The thought of the gut o.ine gave Strop courege, and he deci:i+ <o 'eliow Macaire. peer] They iistened bre-th es-'y at the vindew til prea-m'ly the tr-o.: «-f the maa whe was en guard blew ovasd. Macatre ivoked caati. usly out of the win- dow, and sedi.g ne rad half cissppesared mte the embr-sure of he deor made = sign to Strep, acd movn'i gon the wiodow sill be ceugh~ hold of ihe rope, swurg bimreself loose, ard teea wits. one d-eperte ¢ffort swang himself opear¢, cstcbing the «dye of th- parap-tandee pulling bm H enth: roof. He wes canticu::% crewliny up th- face of tae reof in ord:r 0 get to tbe ober aide, which was sheite: +d trem t eviewof the Yard, when h- waz ster iced by »p agonized yell. 8 rep bed tuth.w.d bim_out ot the windew, cetchivg "be reye and 6 apres. © swing apward as Mac:ire dwae, when juet in midair toe r pe gave way, and he fell at ihe fe-t of the seatry--- steme dead. His neck was or ken. roof when the g-ud-rm, who, quickly realizing what hed ba.pried, tounard go the -centre of the "courty-:6, sod i-«king Bp ceugh sight of ~he :cl' kneelug figure of Macaire »p ia: reief ey met the sky. knew what his ordecs wert, ard ieveliing nis gan ke fired. Tne figure on t e reof threw up ite arms, tetrered, fell, erd rwloy evr end ever sown thesloping-o f«c b. ucd: g over the para,et'ellw.that cd aod R, cr: Macsire 'ey ceed beside :¢ "retched pa:iner of * ° * s YI was long befo « the horror of that day fsomewha, faded {-:m tue. warts of the househoid at hs Bene Acie Bt all thirgs bave their se-s na, and oo day thcre was = guiet weddiry te *n- 1° 'e chu-on, sere wes an oti m-n's grave in the weman si b dark, wi+' a ¢)e8 never fsiled. © tey fr-sb fl:sere, ad oy aid by she ne tomger came alene, tu icd by toe bead twe itdle" tedsling chi¢res, wh» called her gtacdmere. THE END. Perteds of Mcoursiu-g. In Engiacd ne er:.d f.mourning for a father-in-law is 'twe v- moaths--:en months 'ack, apd two piqut:« » 4! mourning, Crap' ts séidem worn, s heagh the c ape .eriod was f rm-rly «x mouths. Fora psrent the .pericd is tre same se above. lecg-as period 'cor » -brgsher is six The o-sje pet d- was tormerly chree won he. I: is n+ w almost discardet. Tre sh cies period is: ur months black, ne ralf m«arping». The » father in-law igceficn.sto-tened. to six able distacce from each ele. The farmers of Iowa are iid te have 'pough money in bsnksteo p y «ff all the form mortgece- in the Siate. Toe exact d:stance from either the north mest < lenger te deny bis gni't, giving « giance ef - awaiting him, bat, nevertheless, the desire -- Mecave hed ju-t r-ecnes ih ridge of the. pretty chor hys'do: «hi h« white paired - month:--five monte bs k, ore mont+ half rie of renrningfer . months whea relatives res'¢¢.at a censider- or south pole to the- equator, mesercsd - were, and harcly able to spesk with excite- | slen, the earth's surfrce, is exactly 6,000 oaried -: . miles. aos .