Atwood Bee, 1 Dec 1893, p. 7

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a ie "al - terions reek Fraternity. A BLOOD -CURDLING = EXPERIENCE} Berve-Trying Neste-Saatan "Billed " anal Murled into the sea--Netices ~ im Bloed--Melted Lead and Keats, ee et Nowhere 'we discever an inter-) university erganizstion which eo unites under- gradastes of differenti: ca@lleg:s in iraternal ties, whose inflaences: are fsit loog after the college days them- anna have. beceme bub sll af the pas When the freshmen, than whem no mortal, unless it is the college sophomore, | has more of hayseed wirdem, eaters hihi... 2" ooliége. be fiada many of the upper olass- men are extremely attentive to him, and if be be of an observing tarn of mind he sces dispiayed ugon their ge certain my+teri- ous litte jewelied pine ef variens shapes . one B\Z28. sitiadiom ow ie allo mystery to him gener- ally, untileome ove kindl; informe him that there ucbane upper ciassmen are mem- bers of Grezk letter societies, the pins are their insigoia, and the purpose of their being sc courwous ta ths freshmac ts te get into his good graces, and, if so be he prove clizibie, invite him to become one of 'the mystic Greeks. We wili suppose, then, that some (iay one freshman will receive an invitation to join one of these societies, and, elated with the though: toast he isa nat tu be of the * bar- barian" bsa:, be e-ndsa hasty acceptance. Time prsece, pora-pa two week«, or even thee, be hea.» various rmmmora absent a ' goss" and --osner--esrange, unintalligiiie | things, bat conveyed to him by his fatare bothsrs ia such 4 way as te make tae cold chilis dance ajteudence to ope anotoer up and down his apiue. THE DREAD DAY OF INITIATION featband. Soe, nov many years ago, ina Massscrnsetie coliege town not « thuusan mities frum ths aab ef the universe, the freehm:n, whe, in cellege parlance, bad pledged to a certain fratraity wheee chap- | ters stretch from ocsan to ecean, received | the following noticeone morning : Copy of resolutions adopted by the Delta Chapter of Umega Sigma Tau. W herea-, ip the pre e-s of time it has come to pase thal the enemy have been put to flignt, and vigtory has percbed on tbe banners of the just. therefore be it res sly Firstly --That we do hol dour annual out," otherwise init Liation, OO Friday evening next, beginning at 7 o'clock and continuing in- ; detiniiely. ' Secoadly --That we do hold our annual ban- quet un Friday eveuing. beginning at such tithe as stall please tue boys aod continued as a Thirdiy--That the Correspending Secre be instructed .o inform cach at Bim af aforesaid chapter of aforesaid fraternity of his impending doym, to warn him athe error of tin way- aod fortiwithn lo Make such pre- paration. as will insure a swift and speedy buria! of wach corpoe after the afore~aid night. Fourthly -- bat the Corresponding Senpetnes be further instructed to -enu down .o Gohenna for @ special loud = lation | and piteautocks. Fifthiy [Phat the goa. of aforesaid chapter of afore~aid fr ateraly be fed on blood and w- Tnate can- until] within three dase of the afore- said mgnot, aad. further, that his horns be Suspenes by a file »pecually made for the occa- 'Sixt hiy -That acopy of there resolutidir be sent to eacn of the stecenaie Mcinbers-clect, and also spread on the «eco: Kercuum any KiLtem. None of }he smiies vwaich one may fancy sealing over the favce of my read:ce came to these "fresaies" aa they psrneed tals notiocr. Iteli bade terrible meaning to them, which made the gloom in th-ir hearse despen sad gsve turm to the nameless dread tiat had been growing in their hears af Isbe, Tow, then, was thé meaning of those sar- denic smiles and evil glances they bad seen bestowed upon them. Tney were te meet thelr fate, but like true Sparians they registered many in-nial reaalves ko dis game, if 1t came to that, as their distar imaginations would almest havc them ieve. Oa the tatal day they received another NOTICE WREPTEN LS BLOOD (1?) and protveely Gecerated with skulls, etc., summening them te be en hand prompti at 7 o'cio.g p. m. io acertain dark curser ef the cofleye yard, armed with clear con- sciences and cbeir right enizte. There they sseemOled at the proper time aod wete met by an array of maeaed and hideonaly gowned figuces, who premptly blindfejded and bandied them inte an ex- press wagen and huaiied themoff into tbe country to the tune of such songs as ware in ne way caloulated te dispel tue ciond of apprehension settling over the heads ef the hapices freehm-rc. One vera» is qaoted here, (Air, = -- ing Thro' Georgia"): Swing out the grinning skeleton, Take off the coffio lic rew the Freshman i ib "Fil hie infant forrn ic For be must knew that he must do Exactiy a- he's bid, For Pha: Kal's jo her inctends glory. CHORUS. Hurrah. hurrah, hurrah for old #hai Eai, Harrah, hurrah, and geo oe never die, ' While luck beats pluck and Seto' " profa" are kigh and dry, We will follow ber to tire In freat ef an old deserved house far away the citg-ahere.. he cemmistes in charge had been at work for 'the laat weeken "off' hours " g. i ¥ 4m' mnat be .axereieed soihasoanedt . men should euffer any real blew « deafening | wn: fires victim was in. he is: iate midat < biings--firat, that he jenots member efany other os liege motives io sesking memberehip are i janet; and third, that if he fintis. himed 'anable to comply with the He is next told in @ sepulchral vaion:to | hgh cep gre ere to hose pea him, or seme evil tning will. befall him. | the empsy rooms' Upatsics and-throngh go, and «then dewn again, the awe-. atenok "'freshie" keep-ng tight hold.ef his waerder aniilat @ turo on the lower floor the piece of cloth be is holding sanddenk lips trom his hand, and the initiate any himeelf alone. Fer mamoni there fe ailence .anch " heare a ww ead vercible véloe. a ote the password ! Having been given no auch werd the be- wildered led can only marmar something to thie eff ot, ont befor: the werde have jeft his lips there is a ohorus of fiendieh yelle. bbe ameng ue, what does he}? 'Iben the helpless yeath feéle himself' teased itither and y+n from man te man. Finally bhere is ailance, and the awial vaice agains ** O, fresh 'we mant leon. Hf yon -pos- sess the conrage éufficiens to become a noble: Greek, and ae we have A FEW TESTS which yeu must undergo ; first, the sword of Damocles. Let the {reshman's eyes be, nabaniagra, and let him behold the. In the centre of the horrid figures abent him he seca twe chairs, aad tied vo the very tep of their basks, with its vroad biade gieaming in the blazo of red light, ie a fiendis: Chinese sword. Over thiebne voice tells him ne milst jamp.. His eyes are again jcevered. Whith theoghte bebier imagiced than wribien, the hapless youth Graws a ong breath, aummene al! conrage, and, with B® short stop aud prodigiouaieap, be clears-- fnething, fer tne aword aod ohair were re- mové he was bin folded. The veice telia him that he has done wall, acd that new the Tell erdealmust be nader- He is led to the side of the room and) placed with hia bead agsinat a board nalied to the wall, aod agsio the bandage ia re- move. This time he secs a horrid figure which might well pass fer the apirit of evil lembodied, atandi.g at the epp-site side of the room, hing sleft a0 apparent 'temahawk. oe ge bat « glimpse when bis eyes | again cevered, and in a --e be tale a little wind on his cheek CRASH GOES THE TOMAHAWK r- J into the bogrd-beside hia ear. Three times he feels this breath on his cheek and hears the hatchet cieave into the weod, and it fe aste to say at the.bhird stroke his nerves are rather hignly struag. batohet, it is nsedies toeay, ie need tary | by # yeuth who stands beside him and the breath ef wind on bie cheek comes irem a fan ir the hands ef anowzher. ** Now," aaye the veice, 'as all omegae must be gifted with wisdom, as weli - conrage, it la nec-esary that yon ah climb che temple of iccoelad te whie' all have atisined. Let him te led ap." Up be climbs to the attic, and then a repe ia pa: inte his hands, which seema te come from abeve. ; *' Tajis repe, O neephyte," the voice cen- tinues, * je the on'y way to thie temple of knowledge. sese not thy grip, leat thy banes be dashed to pieces on 'the atreet telew. Olimb f"' Up he ges, hand ever hand, until it) se:m- as if be must let go, aod all the time he hears the voices below getting farther etd facther away. He mna: be at an awinl height, be imagines, and on he alimbs desperately, but apparently ne nearer that hated tempie, he thinks, when anddealy he heare o crash of breskiny wood, a shent from the distance: " Caich him! the atay ia breaking." three inches, landing on hie feet. Tne rope was en'less, end running throngh « pajiey bh 10 the coef of the axtic. The bey oerner of the . which gave tie iovpresaioa that he was. jfeaving the ground, while two strong fellows, not five fe; from bim, patd end the rope whenever be pot near the pulley. Ano ber atandi.y pat broke a ashiagle ever nis koey, and that was the 4 1 for -- paying out tbe cupe Wo let ge. Voila " The reise again the voice. and mnet te tleed," comes ** Leb him bs led below vy tHE BON CASKET." Down staizs he is led, wondering the while what. new machigiation is awaiting him. He reaches the rvem which he knows is the kitchen, fer he teels the heat of the * Hold on," 2ome one heute, " sou have] made amistake? Thats not the casket, it's one etove !" Bat before the victim hae hardly tims te 8) he is seized in atreng bands, raised lenddadly feom the ground, the heat af the '}stove growing more evident in the mean- the same. "Ig the iron hented sed bot?' he heare "Yon, towhitencas," comes the reply. "'Let afen Sonm ote oe the een) af A amen i siaeate, then the Sitiate feal the heat af the iron being ia. 'here is the alakly seued ceremenies his:initiatien he 'will quietly withdrawand| | never reveal anght that he has seen ol res dreabman;" anys 'the voice, "apa | ns [rooms alain belongs to the grave, and than' within ptaroee 'box. The repe alipe. He makes a; frantic clutch upward, acd fails--about ibn @ whiel or two.en makes mp the pxindipal phe trnah oly (pass thy lips. How We wontlers what disbolio engine 1b :ma: }be, bnt te nodilefs'} 'ie dienbs, for sey batches ifalithe shaundetbalts af he makes. wild 'leap dor freedem dang peeloansla otater enwhich be has beenseatet,. ivehile ee amen of grt iage 9 cannon oracker | Nexthe ised into « distant room ond again allewed te lovk abaut him. - Be fiade himseif in the middle «fan! japartment'hung-allin 'black »nd lighted by, enr h akulls pleoed in the corner,' ab wow eyes of light wppear to leer abihim iin' sermi-tiackness. THE BLACK: 'HOBRD ROBRMS all abont him.eeem aif geaven from black! } marie. ecaied on « ralecd platiorm iste ing him intently theongh tne eye- heles in that mask, «0 bnat the gazs irom those shining eyes even.s piercing 'hie very) son!. Banind shie,fignre the dreanman dis tinguishes theawinl ontiines of a gallows, & gaillo\ine and a chair with cacious wirs'} abentit. He wontlers what new series this oan ibe. Woe bennto the hapless weuth, if, at thir janc nre--ae was the case--he tadtiges in w iittls levity, and replies ""Seventy-fonc,") for then tt. eeems to him aa if fer each af! chair, and the "'maniei-piece meal" again, comes to his aiind with renewed frre. CLnefalee bottem of the cpa, atad ied with wicked litile pins, has agawered to a gontie hin trem-the fest of the waider, and) hae promp ly gotiin its work. I, hewever, ad some imes happens, the tack lees: Youth le cantivuas and ans wore tae: tlens, e30., correosiy, his tate ie dulayed til the qnestiener comes to palision ied then be asanre(l there is some ene in' tne orewd about wie the ** freshie tons. isnce. ** Ho, without there," says the voice, * is the lead melted? will! diffar eaengh from) to tonch the lover witb clear | ** Aye, ib munqnesth like milk," is the fanawer. "Tis well letit be bronght. © freab- Man, your next teat is to HULD MELTED LEAD IN YOUR HAND for the apace ot tiveecoonids ; falling in ania geu die! Remeve the bila. ful 1" The awrtled eyes ef toe freahman seo o plomber"s pot, fall, apparently, af meliec lead, before him. His rignt baci ie teised, apread oper, and the rnoning fluid ie punted from midair into bis palm. As it fieat tonohes his hand he stenggies frantically te,eagmpe, but io vain, and before. hia time ie np he realizes that cold mercary, or quickallvec, is barmless when taken ex- terpally, and breathes again Lat the neaphyteatsagain, my 'brothers, for ne is faid to reat," he 'h-ats, and this ' I reg ne sper tae poe floc 7n --_ the appreasive silence ie broken, the. ja "Oo neophyte, well and bravely baa? then. thos far ateod onr teste. Anawer me this. ene gneatien, and if thy reply be finsing, | thon shalp ily be mde one of our myatic baod. {Lell me, haat shon ever tol! 'ap untenth 7" The hones! freshic's heart je io hie mouth, | but he manager to let a faint "Yer" alip by it. He nears w deep groan feom the' fignres about him. Had hie anawer been! "No," ench « lie would have only haaboned his fate. " Brothers," ays the jniige, "ib ie nat fitting that euch an one sb it ibe of na,' and geb he knows too musth .of,onr ways to 'be allowed to higneck. (Uhere ie amoment of awful ana- pec. The drop falle, and 20 doen ghe freahman~--abent 10 inches. "Let HEM BE ELEcTaocerap !" comes the word. He je.piaced in the ontiens chaic. A queer cap is put on his bead andeeme tic show .on his feet, then be ie atrapped in. Furat be feelé curians prickly sensatians! running over him, growing mere freqaqnt and alarming aitil toe full power of the docter's gaivanic 'ba' used js reached. it'stepa, and heise gubenad. "Tiny body te very tenedions of tte ean," Hels iaid on the guillotine eack and' feecurely tled there, hand, head and fent. "Ateve him he sees tne tin blade af the dreadiul kutfe, which, to his tevered imagl- diccomfitare fram') bis 74 asenmed yeata a aepstate pin was rising io presen) through whe sest of the |}: ficas few qneestions as tw age, wealth, oy oe hence. He moat tie zane | lant, 'the perranal j pear the Jerdan- & his eyes. He feale the cord tightened abent, | Government, ae t pian ah phe. Jardan 0 deal ttate commn- {Lhe diosing pact«f <the apeech conaiasedl ---- 'the jntige. ' Thon mnat lose sige = 4 Pierced he 'hook ms Won, fr He as Bon at Tien Macling, Some Fact) Worth Remembering. De. Willuame' Pink iPiiia for [Pale Peaple are maver sell in:bulk, .ordn .any:manneri} excep: inthe ; 'apecial poem, 'the one Oe Withee' o pulls ca ie Br ea People, which thoes not :bear-enc orate matk | rand wrapper, ike gullky df feantl cndabecitl : be avoided. j Remember that the fermula.of (Pink Pills}. ie Known oniy to.onredivea.aat one whe palatenne ihe gen anpply yen wien a ve Saab | apo a nowe she HW teemstie ie: tal en. mnnash, inventing 10 deveive bacanse he makeas listiomere profit other remetiy "jam me g 48 Wullems' 'Piak Palle. hla a iprow by the theasantis of scemat anes ie, | weonghs iby their wae iin #lipacks at abe | 2 Duminion. ~ When « desler anggeats shad') yt tke something tee wie alia gen' 6 jas 06 ywod, he does 20 -becanse he maken | mv © mousy on the imismeios he is wezing te | dudnve ratio te take. Kepeciatly ibaware of all ether ao-nnlleil loon /buiiner ant nerve konies pat mpiine, le gesembling the gennine Himk |Piils.' ate chuap, werthice:, enitl ns imiiationa, whose, makece hogeko s@ap \pronmiary ativan ifrem the aoe sao itn posatlltty fier {te ea femme, me lve this inseotios- rtion wetbatim, ficem ithe .etiginaltey andl + ale 'homer af ifneae -- ethy at 'if (the apeech----dimat \ie,iif they ting themediees to think thatitt thed tqpniation epjoyed iby 'Williaa' | Lany ibot petetastion. Path. at shes inttatioas mre pRb.inp wie Llehbeeaight matt -: s 'Comtemas in» closaly eaembiing | seauaiee' Lend Silents iD glati ke ike there. Wen, Pink Pili package. as She itmtiaters dare go ag lad tovbe therm. i ilike them wishens Vomting she ame and (the pubilo |: sentiment ahuoid o'ways be aard ayetna these. Wher yan a 'ae . \Willsame' ; Pink Piutie dor Pale Peaple, wee tha: ane' deertene teg.atered 'trate matk jje.en the package, | : aud fuder ne dironmetance: aecepy ang- "pee glati te: Laing clee. D. not patronize any dealer whe tloes mat (in ihar Robdesliiaingly gwe you exactly whas yen for one.cemmen.ent. J iltke these nee atk for. Toere ate other tlesiere owne will. i\Lam glad toibeihere, "anr it yon cannot oa W "need Pink pnoneainuniemaan gant ddante I angel mrncn. WYenrmehay | nee Ven ard o« dias Panic | 'Dheee mentings. Never mpeagiiing the ibetle of babies, ont Abe, batitde wisdom '0 heap ithe bey bo ge ike ithe date. San oor eh dressed night and day: in loose maracial, : a0 oan like: 'to faite. (Great! | "Yom an Leclest on akin as the lnnge Tao gadibens heen shiing tn aheatapptlodly eign organs. Tnere is decide! warmilin guile in y egan. 'the iaab weorthe tf itis and comfortables, fait, akin «nga, ileather, } peraration were,' Jilike these meat- --_---- waterpreat, br) ancn enpe sina dings ' ae, they keep in the emanations f atvempbe the boty ; bianketa, on the other hantl, ate {the chairmaniin thhe - Carn loosely woven, ant bsing perforated allow {show who Bre itis originalthy ntl pom ge Dalioare tie mnilienaes {in ihe opps ny clashes, an cs 'peemantd 'them pm port : img any ng aleap. le -- nese wemen who gab mpiin the mern- | .cesaaetl, | eae eer ing ger exhanatet and tired will tiepense *' Where wauitl wee tbe wtithend:the ladles 7 with qgnilw and comforters antl exoddy When the epplanse dianke, anbatiwating ao all-wel cilanked »@pientliti and tis ot ani @heat, and leaving | wintiew open * hadi «belted, : 4 tep anil bestom, they will soen gob reat.and the tattle, and deciaif ihe wae me reonperation drom aleep. the cond i Eathechtld's Cal 14 Baron iKdorond de ant ae ine wehoes ab Oanataaitinap rise ~ oxt. + = nt owbh ant s¢hethet cues teow Gin one, Ros | untuatrer ities. pact st ) iti eatea ® fiaver dntos ani the wal meversl ; om the other shad civer, hence be 'he: ng bene . Haly City obtains moat fiiite careile.. AD the . og ma af ithe enue enjoyed icon 'britl,e is now ag Re ae eee 'the ani! Mr. Cantied an the road iberween the fermer torn hook Dw seat, b great appilanse. Wic. Patler wae the maxt Jaenediem road fram. J «ffs to 'Rhechegg 4 the road has been imprevetl. metiesd enoxiptien cvom smacitings (that ewer wilied 'te 7 site: Pina (Cornbes. wes noms debeotinestl, omil mean nea all the saps id 'jon "i oe ea ' Pt wal one rice ateci in * t, - 3 rit at @eOD ts: i Tnere te one _ tation theo' at mae dee eager ane ena aces pine 'the auttionos chav it wes mma the knits dalla, and am fnch frown ibis ore, to «email arg Nee a : a Gig | dann va ed ae He te bronght tthe } ; ip antl foot " We cannet kill him," says fie guards] A party af 55 p Mr. ay feaiatetl. Veten of thacths te "what eball we do sith 'hit 1" iners are abantito pay fieam $00 to S00 | everybeily | ont igi " Lat ihim beibennd toe thoaed and cast} cmdb te gate Akicing, wthame they expant ito |, fhe Chateman thes thaliwared ihtke from yonder window inte the wh: floed | make lo af money. ~ iI apeenh the eventing, muti the low, and, op the breatl bosom af the aca, espe average <wedk shou 30,000 .cprtain fall on the finiitit's" tenn guile and kittiwakes may makes feaat of iieniecs on which the posiage thes jmmenting. | s meaute rent home pecless carcass," comes the seply. Be} paitl. or | tly 20, eee }wontlerting wthether 'that as menting fenle himecl! again . pret 7 ta are ttanedl 'to 'the amount ees the chnech any gent. 4.8 4 7% SERAPPED BOARD, ft about 37 ; . ° . ie The aermen wich appnen to Gas Law|, Me amangt Apogee maney ieennl U5 one fidlivered trem 'o ile anid to contato eename "Dy genome mot" ell Se pee bes sido ine apie, 0a Lam Jae MEE Benes I ams iting! mncmneed tthe pager tang. R Fg es ay the} Dhemew Site o Walia See ee oe the | 'Mp from | finced oe were en ee ee On * ep tiocibes ip atie- natiae you 'been " ep

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