TERT ET ee e ; ~ « ~ 1A a es MOS STS "| : "Tet ee APT PE EY val a * A aa ' { H I i | i rye yy & the custom, and alwsys gite thess lates vans the right sf way, and all the way they want. , Ef you en wr the treasury amy of 'he -obrence:, slither the greund | or main fleor, ym will motive & Watch- vishters. Tne role a oud USED IN ARMING THE FORCE ef 68 watormen wo day apd night are on 'ebedirmoce a1 a much eterner school. side the treasury other watchmen are perrel duty curing the entire 'fight, ee thst amy «pe who ma- be om the leckent fer a Ghance te tuspect Uncie Sam's s rong bex will Gad every avecuts of approach eughiy avd -eours'y guarded. . If TOU ARE O8 A BEIDAL TOUR wast te go own te tbe vanlt where the wast ameonot of aillver is stured, net be- ' f j Scterested in yeu and what you have to corbtaine a large quartivy of heavy revelvers. b Thuse ure , Het Hi Hid iy f if ' Woile the secretary of the treasury is im & gencral way contifer:d the rapresemtative | be is of manner that jeade pen to f Aninonygb i in M* ie. 54 thet. wb all cenuting aif. The is grebabiy foomtetre' itn al of the arithmetic fe g ae if F i i Z "That iex"t the warstef i. He's been etedying the pert of Eisolet for toe peers --ené pew be can't go on the singe." '| rom fellow " ot lest came te signify axy ome nahin. ~ marrim. ' ewan Bee' Eiebarts om She Biects of Mebody oe Whee I compas View peat with the pre out, it makes oxy eed reel whee conten ee 4 1 | fH 1 F ! F . i ' H & A f J i; i \ if iH are Ik ape : Tt 3 i i tEFE | Ae jakepebtt mks & him, and , . REGAZD Ei S45eRTEe Whe Cery Merry tet fe End of 2 Pickin Butvhess, pace ~Mir. ui athe, atrourdiinghy wary wae seized writth a Gt af onngitieg snd fell QGewu. Ep felling be © rock ie eed eget af its pect flee tbe ed expats of ork em iei- Gest, ft weld cerndy te of inoeret we brew what story tt wee with wae of tigh yp miicttitiel s kind es tio geedone thee imate reales ene cimeng sod) oxen. Mioemer of the " killing " Georigtian = oorteln to these enpagrd % euorgied ane areai mer: Thr tides as B. B B., Moc, DAHER. Bans. + a MEW BEPrakitge Al. BESS, | ag " "4 pew me ~ Cam Rech Bridcemeldé (Red as Satie' Mier Btyhr = bat of jam, tie Cutaier the Wedding Cake. ina, ing Sp by Siva, Mneun." At o reve isehioashle 'the oere-j Joanie gem Gsecersd® aie om farmed the might before snd was made the] °"* walling aan ; werk, Bacing exgtiied exe af the jot, ne ences on af = . fn by § Lomdem Quncrapye = ol te! esi ide ccihead penn!) snd wrone mie ti the tmmeitiate wadding party only, bridee- Daen't. yeu think thet \emmontidie : amaiia, ushers and tibe ke. tte be could idee tike pinch of Mies Flere § eo: Anam boy Jatheriie Mise." Tite Sea revival of um old-time custom, | 267. whe bes burt, fm thelr meme, che which msy be destined roe ite course oe a -- inv 'SorpeEr. ageic in these days of s oreee for resuress- neve ap dong * Tiisene af the stmayest of of steerer eginors. ail the bread be cam preomre the exec? fievor by a= ceeenne of ---- Saint cdahatater' Gea of my i tz HEingbes exiy te dsscendects progibe, Seow Acmernury. Ett. Hughes wes a widew, aged 26. and] whem ose etyied Eloi, jot a tie ce Waster Senden tehanier=-0Phaitinie hed berm op tetimet: terms with Ines for] bono: is --- a 8! os pring w pore me? eum time Sne died on Saturday, and op | cermin rece by '> Eimer | sqgentt--"Tien Wiigihtts im = Bac- ber destbb<d oumfited ber secret te thejace mow found smemg Torkieh smd Amb! : e tomes een ipang- ae a otis Gomuat Soom Wentars Se y gpa * Z s deca. ie 3S yours bun eee; : | Adres egpectt--ary 1 Wibs, ait, omar wile, but bes met Biwed with ber fer a cougie | the pregmet is to weer gym én annie Se ee mechan : ef bis costume, 'the tuthen . : ~ : oe ae a sees weer ted tack cemegh gt eee tn Batvony, tent itp --o tind tite gitche wie deme seme niigrtt 7 a stamp being token put. whee Tiere ix ab lf Gaslio groverb Sxl af tet rapt Sie an the bend, fling tom Scatentity. 'Tee he ates wave the deel" Ae | 'A buniel af whent is = bell aie serroemg family heve the heartieit que = ged: " your sxigume ds te eimai aay weekly . peaby af the eerreund ing cecmumtry. wile as you wish your aiiidres i» ba" paper Sn ths Sate.