Atwood Bee, 8 Dec 1893, p. 4

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CET TT "and a Grand Success. the Rush. J. H. GUNTHER, Selling Off | dowkthess be Wm. C. Moserip and Wm. | og ; r HE. Graham, and there are ikely to con, cits cme ene nieeeet | 8 LAT COST = ' Se at Hi am rh { bs " = | ---- OBT. MOORE, : , --™ "a «} . ATROEMONLA Thanksgiving 7 : oy eee ee ae ee ee Geldemnn's) tay Ber. D. Férvest, of Walton. pes: --prater m-- j Having leased | OM i.llantyae's Mew Sacks H Hail. ee atutio micoy win de wen | arm eemmanty ee, eee Te will si! * '5 "sa tbe of 1 Of | Stogdill, of Stratfor iss Sarah 4 ' ) ders im purchasing presents for Fee | gon, : Friends froax.eor World's Fair sto. |Site" 'The Depth on, a Shelf and Heavy = 8 We want you to . 7 the residence of the bride's mother, im $ " wage foe rs bere one, eee | "Hardware, Dry Gocds. Xo one is s¢ cid, no one is go young. bet | sseried>-semncal 7 * "er . ' what ting, gifts: im | Seaforth, brother of the groom, was| . "om oer apienaiod diel pana poe groomamam---~--The @edding gifts be| Paints, Oils, Glass, Table ~ cote The vite She beats |eaae oe ee ee held. Mr. and and Pocket Cutlery, aa of well choeen guods and tine power in| | Mrs. Stepdill tenk the naea train from Y io oa die nies Kentnitagy) the best Beusaeis for = ae ae im the 00t= eos place your ae pene Clase city. fellewrd by the -good Sil eed | withes off a large circle of friends. yerware, -€o Early and Avoid ae ! me ~ Trowbridzee, «8: Lamps, Cross- -Cut om. Getsp Exrertalswesrr.-- An en | itertaiaument will be heii im the Trow | hides Pw billie school om Friday evening | 'Dee. Sind, commencing at & o'clock | Saws, Axes, é&c., LIsTow Er The Atwood Bee. P&E BLISHER. | EE. 5%. & PELTON, - FRIDSA Y, DES. 4. 80%. --_--_-- -- Patrons of Nocti: Portis will couvent im the Town Hall, Aftwoud, ew Tuesday. Dee. 12th to momminate ; esndidutes for boc houses of pari | ment. The ¢ectiom of the Putreny' e2zordidiute in: Novth Banare last Seutardksay | has given the movement fresh Impetus, | gad a very emilaiastie comventiiom | eo aii ua neil nike OME | gunz. Tre betes Washingtow poademt sus: --Speewietion ak fo the fate of the oew tacitf bal. will un- danubeedlix eomtnunae im Canadcke writ): vo sinall be deimitedly knewm whether or; not it will) be enacted, Dn is qpomsille biat some of the very libeval provisions as to antivies un whet Canade taltes, gy great am feteresti msuy he moulin. vt thee eum be ,meo ediowtlt Ohruf tee bill' saubstiimtially om the form: m whieh at ass been pidisied will berwme & taw. 'Them is prodabig move dont as fe the provision whiel puts coal mpon the trewdist Gham as te amy atherc. Thus mensiure willl be opposed by Wery power- full influences Some 'of the leading radii ait companies of "ghe «= emamtry whirk ace onder Demeoevalic eominul will oppokte UL CHeTes- --_---- Oo Additiomal t Leeal Etenrs. Nirse Nowe (Lex tines famous Buses, Is Dolled fo give ene at her super quarents ma Listewwet oem the men mar et Der, 2am, Sow (yr ures, --Mirs Jotnsom @jas Baronet glock of day good amr cman: uitio Tee ley maw ibartesit aoenines, Wed trem. i. NM Badlamtone hie wid] tesute omer the stom, Ther Id fhe mone erga p me Buwe im fsa Gower: Citra PRL NL Biindicemttyinee. | ie is hamdieg atiene fer amother brick sieve, orthdedt: he tale of burdidima om his prop este adijountma J. iL. Miteder's store ani mew octupmd by Thompson's barler Swope i et ~~. Memkton. Wieser. Me (Bam acwd (er: ule, @& At. woudl were a the mili Toesdas Wise Maseme Fhecmms of the Midethell Maile, was Witine let pagent bese sbeathumcdacy aud) Saumetiey. DM Stewurt is assisting POLS Ror eqr_of WMitciel\ im tation the leveip of the Eliace Centine Drawn. The Patrons ef this seetiem ane pe lament oer the cetemt wittiery ef theur arethinen om Sortiy iBaee the srt 2 ftamisome miueriuly Tie flames. af! thi coumitiry thimt--and) thank mytatiiy, fom--that they sient hace cepeeseuties yes im Pantiawment whe will supp memes of vital! imperium Sa flaunt ens, 'Thie viettarv om Nerth Bruee wll, we hope, be the tices of mamy -mace fp fiadtiomr. The Epworti: Leagre im convertion , with: the Weoltdiant efaumetp Read theo apimtiiiix literary meeting em Toresties wren, James Sbeswadt "poesictingr, 'as poagmun on Prebibution was. sendened) iba Uhhaee thd ronmermaae: pamtiapangs: -- hean- man's Phperem "Alevive:" mieten, Henny Newry suum, Wen Memnytietat 'dome. Mines Annie Smith, aud * actytimesies ibe Rae. WetCullioet andi Rotert soa. The' cio was op attendee and! weve seem! aieet poate witha" enlimened aud wuiiiedl inderest tw the pouceedings, The feilowing is the. standing of the senage pupiliset the Pintiie setiged flor tie month: off Sogemiben, as edketiermmin eed! iy the emg loedid) dhurimar tbe mont, Sane ep ender of merit: -ith dua -- Yury MetCantiiy Kate MetCantiin, Senger til) cines--Ideilie sbewcart. Fiat. ier ph c--Gm Golbghtin, Faany sec, Seite MeCaptiin, Thos pope, Wee Tolnmrem Senter --_<" clit --B iin Gollwhav. Benny Biettighr.. Wy. Betiger, Juae: Dowtin. Jam Heinen, Bessie: -- or] dus, Adar. Junzer tod ches--Pper MeCudlbeth, Wim Rathextiricn, Wim, ong wim, Bese - Siienwin, Jae, Gallic, fergery Rtiimy,, ti Evgitine, Mary Buaoeruan lether talewt. Everybody come. Don't | | Week She has the grip. | eviwed ,appoimtiment is a greed T ) This pooosises to be a grand treat. The | young people of the seriien are petting | hsm Merge' effort toe male this the! dest emtertainment ever held im the} host * Ar exeeilemt progrant is being | E pateeedl. ennsisting of conve arp a recitations and dialagwes--grand s | tine --eliomises froma pupils, and ver daets and qwartettes by others, Music | by am evetestira, consisting of § imetriv- | ments, Alse clu) swingmg bys papéle| of the Listewe! tifeh shen, besides | MAIN ST., LISTOWEL. 1) FLX. -|-THE= 777 Store ---- =, a annthas Foe va pa SI A ED ate se" TOSI TSORr. ee a Eurr:i itwure. forget the date--Der. 2nd. Adinissien | ise. Plenty of acrommedgtion for horses tm the village a Stratferd. It is probable fiat, the \ Marvard | Quertet will wikit Stratfoud agaim some | time im J lanaeny Miss Moras Clencin was anabie, on Laernant off tllapss to fill..amas tm st. Catharines amd [amiiton inet The 777 Store is Headquar- | ters in Listowel for | | * Harry NS. Orr. ef Mivatterd, has re | the ampeimtimenti as excise, ottieer, fo be located at Listowel, wer the late James Caven ottiviad ina fine young nyen ene im every seer puominent Listoavel office, but i came | fespert. pep ple sommint othe Sturenttioned!s tuaan: W. E. shaman, of Gadsby. d& Shur DRESS GOODS &C. WML FUKREST, AlWUiKt Furniture ¢ Roos, Please Call amd See Us Mmasera, ancearto de dewiers, Stratifierd. will when you come to The pratt Yah ned hes cD hand ¢ all kings tf House . leave im @ fiew weeks for sam Diewo, IP sees - wet as Bedroom Swites. | oe s. M: - Cxutomiy, with hae famgliy where thes town. = 'sa. "wife sO UTE By TY Be is ura ts toneme: es Sp Mirrors, W imcdow Blinds x. Curtam Poles, Hie experts tin wae fowuads the dint ef the year. Mr Pactwes' maa amd Mowld i "all and get Prices ' a Sharman has been a resident of Strat. | JOHN RIGGS. ; DESH - ferd for araiy years amd has served; « befdre | Wr! gh ee Where. Prices to swat the thmes. F ubh- Wt attepdane? on the Pirbiie seieool | =e Rem for seme tine. Bbe has "ise TO eras attemsed tot ie ad shwrt notiee. ber 2 puontinent supporter of thie opeeeneeemnatineenmeedianen Ragtiat eiaret, a = amacjannanantata a SS ° =caom Sales. UNACCOUNTAS _---- 7 = ' ¥ tWG FLESS Ferma, imac, 4, --Pamn sieek, an jot! AND GROCERY. REFUSING TO ~ haps FOOD a4. eon. EY Ema, at op. im. Alex. | ; --_-- ae } DEBILITATED Jlormaon, alieteueer, Won Buchanan, | WING te the increased business Piopewetac. un my ateve, [ have disevwiin f cassia -------------------- ved tiawellong mg Bakery wig ZZ, BN (iy Sion? Acree Lfarket fern, and will heve:uiter supply all my ' Pal)' WW ent $ 52% Sn eustumerrs at the steve. _ | "pring Wheat .. r a+ ay aie 5'PRESH BREAD Y DAY. {! peaTist 24 af Sipe , ' oe I keep. a lange and ehoice 7 of Lay i Dae Ee : aBian es a resi Guo rOwis-- Diowtit . 6 2h 6 Ge Lome. Re keep eseryihieg eu pettl Phowr, per ewt. T sth 2 Ge j ' : im this lime. Bram, per ton E2 Oy 12 Qe shorts, per ten LE Wh) Lb QR) Hides per ch ..........-,.. hy, 4 sheep sitins, emel.. 4) Wh need pit fit: ' t aw I vi! Potetiors oer boxassitee! at) Raunter per lib at) His per dog : tS Township of Elma. Municipal Election. ME munivipel Electors of Bima: | am heneiy motitied, (St. that the: ii Farmers' Produce Taken as.cadh. | meeting for the Nomunation ef | Cull aud ste me. Cnndidates tor tie offices of Reeve, Tat | R. B. HAMILTON. ant and Deputy. Reeses and twe Ceun- eiinrs fer the tewnshtp of ima, fer | the geno Ph will be held) im the 'Bawa | 4nd a busy tigme is what we want for the Next Three Hail, Atiwoud,.at © o'clock, neen, en Friday. Dec. 22, 180a Midi that showld! more than the aeces- sary namaber ef caadidwies be nenrnat- "df, the pooveedings = oe adjourned aati Monday, Jam. 4, 1so¢, § Weeks swpplymg you with ' When pails will be epened im eacin Bep- your 1" meat oe toca! Dineen ot the townetiip, at the | . | itevement mechanical sit tigh-pricen "Waichors hour of Weleieuit iy the TOUT, aaa! | ee et pike ieee be -- meg cooing ya ba: dial ceutina open ust 5 dele im Cc H R i S T MAS tee aditiermnedn and noeionger. ard thas | : z improvements. Salid' the: piling: plates aad Betnrag (tt 3 ponlbed for duratiiticy om eurdite, pectin to wear o ime. Huropean Watch anu uMeteis Dlevtece Duvisieh ave as Goods. We are eure a, vijaoAMg, ¢ Pt) So D--Cowens" work shop, Trow 'fresh stock of € re FI ige. bimitkre- Co contns,, Return Otficer. f OTOL, N wns. ates and | So 2 Grange Tali, tot By, | eon. 4. 1 I; cy roe . Jas. Misehetl, Becuming: € alll kinds of Confectionery: So, 3:--Mevenson's henge; "Thomas: 'also ID 2 De , Toys <prewl, Betamming Ottirer. es Yo. £---Onange all, Fewry;, Te Ful We wish you marvel ar cheapness..darn- bility and 'excellence, that headlsinog melito: atoate jfiriah , auuurate Dime "a a a j "Weuader'" W ' and. price cme: oi 6 "iarantveed' an lsum: 'Stemvwindier jauntian, Ruertianaaage (Otter, No. 5 --Utange Hat,' Donegal; Wim, |. "FO ALL | an wrthe- Cintudl Ef. (aidaaner, Betiuamang: (Onfiver. eck Biewdut: "Satin Lined Flush: " ay. umes sehenl douses DF. ww taining this Wich, also a dsome, Gr Chau ee harm thats TOETERIONE, wll ae #aeh witherder. No sampies sent C.0.D_ Df ge poor nibesactly as representedivour money will be sue i ted ifardith ete others acing our Awan ae Riywtaned apa e dypereee _ 'Call amd See OUT goods be- 1 A --Laamipent's gee : 'duals " ru o Runes. keting officer. 'fore yon r your suip- Sa --Tiempsan's: slap, Atimaod:;, Se 'ples fF res (Groceries al- MeBain,. Retumuinea Otfiver. ways om hamd_ ind at the same time and places: ta" Tamm produce taken im exchange the vote of the elketians: wall be: tuibem au. | fer wouds, | TL. NcCADLEY. ontuly eftuacdut. Liondering! ~"Wonder" ME ators. "Tie wecie. will 'bel wyenab ant lan one for she { ; wit tae Protiintien: Piebiscite. THOR. a a * Ehmay. Der..&, Ban. wg «i | Loromt t

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