MEahayT 2 |p DEW ONT Uli far KL. os } || Rae: Bee peamiiags mo the taettiker dle i . & apMar met eat. |. Wat. Brasmow arlinue patbirtins James [hewn wihe will shonthy esteitiah | eevee a JBiisocdds jiu Hu Ghie [Patt Wawimninnn Baie ames --ihn this jis Se Wwe priiivtieke cour aadertiinage ced? OTIS sete ef the gate ss ab thie pdutis mitany de uiibahned tel ithe gueeet suk Op PUN they Age tk ies specie (heer fidence We thear Loe Slave ¢s.qrewé@ed ; Sivertyn tear deed! uaeagr, SNuawer ties tile Derry Sueth a steogesttiol sale at mmeedhan 4bise he Latstienwed] ee peereepihe eau ell saebishe | and Ghew wwe nveagtit de, ar dhe Shuck as cexudbeeut cand the goeniees are thay Cen aS wen cate Dudyge cow Wiktiel We pethurt "Dhibs Wieedk A 'Conran Ghapan.-- be Qlhave art Wovenebe a sifieneage goeeiet tithe nenris. Zi coontendbian worth: ified wwedighy dan Ista. We a autsentbess avtho demnware Chet aie dhedhur iby the vend ef Dhue hear, Tihey ath ied dhe Weichy Cehabe Gror SRyiad dete bu aetehiieen, pruesienet dilenn Wirth # coupy ved "iliaets (leritire NitHien:" pcb' by Mhesars. Rand], WeOweahy & Co ithe cole ornortied) gnitidshers at (Chicagse wud Sew Yotk. his aver as an in woilttaltle toeik af wekemegee cand Hraaardhy der the thouseivild, tenga cummed at Thusandds af aeeaw cat walnabile we eihpes aud slugyesttinns ae lbugiene, med dro, lheeness adifahes, @revediiinge dhe Welkibep, &abemelany, house, ikirlethen, Barden. atti ete. Whe megeter eelinugr gate! os Boe <itt s wonth ene 4httr™ Wie sew York sun apes cf ithe. edk cas "usetiul to an anguitime and ércononni etl bousHkenper? han Pieancdisee (bulie fae: "Wheve Yisetad iutenmetion «onic avert wet! be evowdetidn file eaurespare!" Manchester Uiaiier: "lo sa wenudertul cotipact fen a watt amennt af iufer- anetion" 'Dhe hwuk will be fanwanded fier ot ypestage. Riberal ave and dhould geeure a lhangre au 'aterse an fie chhwewketiion of thet aid es 'Gablished aud dxadieut mewapuper. Comoannr.--Dowit fail te attend the sattheoul concent. an Whuruday, Dee. cuch. Theres dhe yoragram::--Qhaimna's .ad- dhvése: cliunus, echilitinen: save, NMiiss Wi. Tlawkehow » diwieugue, ached! tbevs : -- Mesass Smit, Mean. 'ful Bet @nd CGodhe: tube, "Biweheard's wives; werentartiion. Niiss Wirtetheti ather- aS, "Beliiive Beles and (Dardes'" meci- tation, &. WP. Chante; guile, BDisie ondth ears; chab swinging, "gins. Pant J -- Vyolku anstinumenatall, BR Ganogibell: cher: aby, schicibars: itedlewn. "Twie wien "aut firammetliers ang) a. Tehy Finer?" lehenus, "wkarticng Gale?" wereirtartivas,, IR. IL Chante: Soig, Gerotige Cantie; cunnet sadly, dames ier: eile Miss NE. uitaaketianw:; chen, Gree Chub: pamionmime--Gigypeay seepe, "he anges af the Pamest'" Whe |hastbonwmber on the progmam --_--. tits 2 Gonypay sueme iby div y.. vwihich BS ithe theme ef that wan ~~ wuee. Woe characters reposenied ave the * Kang aod Quee, sou and ciiighter, aw eid on and ume igri iietlers, thedicies fihe audheany G wes. AM till the axttion- etn megler Gay eastume. 'Iie Aeehe willl wepivesendt dhe Gypsies aravand Hheipeitunp itive, ecctiing, dihukinig. dane: Sng arnd imag manny. - Nhe entrance of aqtew soured with ae Auastinian Cenut eat Corsey We Wheeler, au DLagtewel 'he! W5E0k Dah ypeererpibe | he offer isa mest Wass Nem frown Prrcwtiiy. ||. Bikes taays andl gtitis veenow || lee: Chagas hil! Climates. we | AL Y.. howe tidiayedd with Rew. J. ML. Wheibivarny, 18. A.,, of lina. Dust now, Thanemeer iis ihseme | COAT WLeusreztts fjord jlort cof dens ere aetheanting | pantie thw at stiomte ypape tuanuitiies :all lee evel nacessany doar ae Hansen, aor (Saverd) mewms der thet amentar. cand, thes tp al filer costlier diner ad? ithe itor. Tit gay greet tim and nis atid aet a sri ew figsveme! caet UNeagrent'ss '(heawdhwerace attend. fitsnuree Semen 'Taweat. itt HLethiess ort SNe: cas comeneaqeaeti fay a pce reeset feat at prays the alk indi jess ie he operapile ad ier thhaenrydtin 'rote athveniit cagihenas at Diane Roe ; Hibs trewesed] apace av iis asaue Tut Ts jfiknmas ie cesientinen. [ike thas oa hethaek art Suuras gowutis on tls hethwes tthe ees yreadis anaeer ocon aay gn andl MRA ty ns ccamitter iin Sew will ee (inves: wel! apeeret Wir atheremtivdhy aereethe tho ttre ergy est tat ifihoe iPiueaviberentedl [Plueass Maapeentieackenadierert! cet hee VC IP ID the patted tive agntivale: eittinied "ile Wine Warees" and vertu (ihe chathemuenriagr wuseke eae 'thee hadiinaur cart the wieke aan ihe [Aveta | TARANa) oqpebestitivengs WEE! jpihine caine eegesvornraditle DATO at apace in Ohi paper at ihe My ly yess TL Opes as meytetis ithe Treritia ot ie question, thar aud satieit pwezth ies ame sataptiatiiony. itheet tie ceypy thei] be ite thas artiee an (tie J soattinandbany cot earthy an Nhaudhay mnanedinge. 'Hrerfowe ihe jisaue nn which it is dlesived | thee) tap apoersare , | A Pome Dteptauy.-- a mapesseurtatiine wf this paper sthoutiod timongh the how mwamnsiof DD. a& WwW (Traportiem, Listowel, hast Ssathuthey, and wees mere diene defigteted woth the ieerygre dard atiiraeive echiirt cof '@nd rangers af ithe (Clanatia. 'Whe {eet wes | Noeraretiiindl" if (tho Win US WHeav huthe fhe grades af Cin laviian wndiec jlowers. -- Besities ieetiing fina iin emily thitt anf Pathiowhety <thtitivg and y i" iis dlecitietthy 2 owenk of cant. 'he | Lamond ine div @ tirementions theatie iD dnettnameats of all demnds, ant we coaid meat mecemmend aur weatincs to thrige peas Chisyprenoad! et tile athe aay theater tip ax. aN Lttwowetis Niue; (Udheretigge iis Rusttnemeet bids fair filer 'Hottie (ial howe, dhe ecttotitige ia case hore Chemeugithy we petiie meen diy div inis- ese with. ak nutie pratthors wend chetligtiet hey ave ewer pikeasetl tip ttletmwgth and excpiharn eT ONS iAH | Bie Piovhtuitiion meetings iin he | Wvestbytertian chauecth heat Pinrthay after. peer antedl peigtiet wee eaitthy welll' carted! ved], and wens qpeeeies wake ditiveverdl 'thy Hews. Hlerdeean, PMisther and (ilrep- ver air! Mesos JRetht. shat, af honk: tao; 1. aS. Uikemaiitien. 7. aX. Weemuiinall, aud eters, af Awe), andl te cilrair- Wret), Aas. Dickson, af Diem. "iWre itl, trl Aiow you he anette af the au partinnl setiron = Hhonat's wtigtt fe dihear Wirt ian dah aud all a@ Meany Cintstimas ddl & Hkaypy Skew Vern. G. H. HOLMES, Newry. Taertitiies canter ibietiayge thee deem' wbtkert, | HE Whes. Hiker Sonartiiy. * Jhoaps Bron, thondear, Lacan. is mem | ° - Titeeerd! ates at traadindtumee far ibe Darwell | \ _----~------- -- "Y* omen alain ne ote meee a ~ >, 7 A¥ires Wort Romar aunt! thenggticee kane thaw SNotttih RU esi, Whe. Bec: et corte dt Misi. Whaay, Hfbeawitediaw, dl! dbs theawiar. So. SM and BW) greuvine Chrnfletiaree faitis anny nr ati acl SSD aardl Bykoe) HHvtlis eb cetbs adhe; 2he. aaedl Ste aha | pukaataers TG) cores asactic: SNL atl RP hs She: eereeethi | steuth ieretuamethy sealer] aan ie cerengpel vat parties. aetidhessg (Cres (Divan vel Hist. Blaatsasttihs sett, adsiibernttiay, Gea. Rania Cob mx a Day Web Werte Rievmetie Chav far teenage tant] renatedigie = meathecaddhy | cares pf the 3B odhaws. Dike avetiion uy ttikne eayanteertal (hs eriveeatitcotlile aaadl manystie: | iene. [tt peeves att come tlhe cane andl ttle cise inomertizatdhy «disap eaens. hve diet dle gouenetiy tenets. 7b athe. 7 Fora Neat Fit and alidl iby ID. (Champibelll, dimugygitt. dd | o - . "Rsiotr ce hor fon Aiko Prices Reyne mix Sax [flats --Diistivesesiing | 1 4 rl om" ditiney andl tilitier cligeases mdliewetl iy |) . fbx Hides iby tthe "Skew Garnet hsuttl | Rametican Biidieey Cia" Witie mew) omerierthy isle gaueaet suamprtiite: tend deetiytiet | the» yptlnysiicrtavees cop teerermeenet cont kt eaaceteeeet- | VUE Tepes it) mee ewig pate ied thee), ikatitier, ides amd thadk. ff san) weenurt qpulleds uvetbeed? caved] came this 1s We will sell you Good Goods at. Very Lowest Prices. fn memeathy.. set thy 1). Camptell, dinuge- | ite. Attend. Sh-ty | Thine Shewark anmegpontiaid of tthe || ernie Geametttee. ji Hus meegpentt ott the Whetiredist cieedh aumnesany ip tihet | Neill seas af a finer welll lem | Athwanrtitie:-- "Me = fiat : Was | | Dr. Tanvey,. of Shamwieth. wise tems: | "ns emis captivate! His fheemene: cart | times antl ett containentiimany preatiieal, | suite seeayinags, Bile wees gihatl tap thie | ppmesierert canned) the geet tkergpreeanacetedl with | fhhae? peenypihe cod chiks saeetiiien:"" Ax Opmx MR -- Bt m iengettitaus att thee D. .G. T. wetes thasfidl | ; Wertiveattoy might i tie lintige, and) ' the arteridiaree wees ail! tiet crevtid] the pereriendl. Padlkowiing iis he preegeenics-- | \CHuamna, ethsiin, weeitheationy, BL Y. Bh icthuett, Nhisaes Ristbentigwn: dlethume, asiheerti hed Piesthitbiniion alot | Hareetiniie! th tthe onnutny cig seomnll deeded i tems of the ; renting, | Whee. 2. 1. Bkwer andl DG. kratier- | F mae! re . Some mem im business pretemd they aure giving you a # Pietwre, while the . same oully emt $1.35. Dio you wish to be falked geeeertadl theming in his. geetiion iis het sunt), hee meeyrertinve Henge sauteed] Hy |) « 31 WW T Kot hn rn' Piet * fhe ihe Mietbianie will canny iby 2 ihengse |) Wkesers. RB. Bamnitien antl exe out he Micha id a Meee ics ees y Matjenity.. fit deters eaveny lPivetrhi || Hikemawanth:; eating, IR. 2B. fiLarniitiany, | Or Wwe Wil TUR TDS YF nw WIM ai We U Gen suinpatiiver to dio ditir sha! iuetmmertiall, Whess Witmie ethertian $1.85, and sell anything yow wamt im Cloth 'owmends gettting ut 2 Wig. wierke cn |! mertitextiiany, MeeDNaiik: -- uaittacticom, _ = shes tulle _. : a ad Haan. Tet. Riigss sthrouiel ihe ganeticierd! 1) | Nikes hoon: diemiiggy. almetther ype || . mgt ait Diss Wail, oo # comey tthe aies--wtho threweandies tio iy tag jis- aati fier fer. Beth! ; : Renn he mpettig, een iif he seqpense meetion Chevewith the Picbiicite Campaign Camiuetiee 'Whe feitlowing artlioars wage etkeetietl tio egy wer the carnage i linea: i James Dickson, jir-; Wie Pre 1S. Biante; sermettaany, reteett} kD sD De diranses tie the Lianmed Pindetithertt,. of tohe tet. HR. A. Tanti; a hi temgeacenede ffitienutis -3 oud i muamibess aniedl arith | | _ SS * ¥ x * = Try the Ping Hat ior Good Value. | _ f ' , | .? f secseibineomnseas Sere en Ss: = or etl iheudisemehy tho tie gum . mH dete was at course the ahied fleataue 1 , @udl the weuthett ; mengietetl ty the jiuetigean, Piet! Chattiia. | Alex. Camptell andl Sitges MiecKeit|, wes) #8 @ pmisener, the anger of dike King at Tiveas,, Authur Rattb; aet-an exeoutine | sigan! th aexpypl beans. ( - erring him howe iby (his attempting te 'eset f > petiing stb diimis.! _ ee \ - Seat him, aud dike daughter divenpos. jiien. Pane Biot thes heen given tire « . - ce : ang Ou "semiug the Counts illite, ame to pprtint tthe ieliots fler the Pictoracine || CRATE. ; | fewtiuues of reese A iL. he wate, ae attiber ee or' Tr . Ow Che Tit et ' moudtic accompanying dhe play iis woiigue meganting igen fewer - wie ort. Netiene of 2) ai ens attmadiime, + _ pihwllly given iby apis te his coffee. dhanpiitesrr, ihe ae ee , " ye WW now, athe iias teen wotkiings | ie : P 4 (AME ite Moeaiteed fer sume veneered, Laks gi TO AL! ~haetaedl the Artwwondl, | | Jueene, Raven ani dhingiter, are * og | Nis. Hasta Uesngtear ihetfitonat, "UH evesthay tur ao gg - eke ee Thamedkiyn, whee they will wiidit fisteeriediss. | tiles, Sumas STWR, ato qqueaititty af Mnietker, ages omutliny 45 Cine aud Kod Tavilig, CNP andl stile cine jnxodiuge tuen wat 1K. |4 \ tg ay aon Pee (ae Patinatmusis titeatiuuge fer gromtia.| icth S ; fr 3. ' ' ae am Ihe pada peed. } . Strmres, ikair Boushes, Cilaties iBariaasdiness,|| aati _ . ' : Uusik Beusies andodheving Joushes, | Freatvn lawman autl theewes aut! all 7 * Weilet aud Medietnal TLotedhiess? (SUAS cured! ty RO -cmrMtiess ty Wong. ane (Gents puss, Jikand lates tthe: boing alld ie De ae alle would ad | kon tt eatteh att : tee , " ' - , my al i. Sniid .* . »/| "- 4 . All eo ibe iad vif | addon: ' Bay" eweny lbait.. Wineme "TL, tow, hhawe Thad! . c AMPBELL.| AietenP aL matters aire griting dung | Anvie you ° tihe won pullled Over : jegpveeerGhy,, Havet itt ibs tivemmdl ch ceed wwtheert thee 'hk uerwimer?" 7m - {NeORT he weeds wail! cto. "Theme wai) | RECN Loy 2 muy yen. The tment! Deng Store. jilieethy te pilewty art agpuactionn wither | * , . [menitnation diy ox as vanes atte sm t Swearé . {Ae aY methine is likeby too mke aa, ' } i} - | >) cnet a | "I Thought I was Buying Goods att Cost 2" < ; | Tipiiremanyet:--ithes. IE. HL. haditiadk, | - *% ieee uci, DPbessaethenrt at! \Wiethiivaggiann Ci.) ' . - . a -- [NCCE TE treat an esate Whenever they-hold out the alll buat you may depend that you are mot "im the - Sie Awad a diay cane) Whovethiay, 4) ae i " ' a. a wal ' . ; (Dere. (0200 shad Robe: ji Whovdktion an eal SOWIE. Af you Wrautt Good Goods att uD Prices eal aut '\ Kew Adivettisomants This Weak. AHO te Wigertimidige an ee ately } , oe CL. ae Ss leer gpa? Ca Loved) AR. WL Billartine. | Daneel amet af tthe nin BAD B HH - uM St. MM wry a ~~ -- ap ates toga fe sew -- (he Mee iin e us ouse, ain + e = W AMS fee -fD). (Camabell. jhe Town Wal, Atweatl, aan "Witess aa, ; . 'Dhe \Wiemi¢tis Fate. fy | tbkere. reathaet: || | . ~-- Exar. Neer siignidamnn ate |usiante sce eee They ane altars wens busy, butt mot too busy to. show you Goods and Quote yor z ona metenateMe ul aR. . Whatrar- Katiher dees eg Tay Germ! heerlen |! Pinker. Dust Call aud see ies stock. Cc. HL. keeps ever wal kept Im a first wnek. _ -- sy due eating. hee Reales Cathemn dar!) dle ox emer Peg Minvicipa! Diectivn--ies. Pul- prantioutias, -- . - ---- ell lhausis mre wall stiome.. MANTL. a . i NK OND) ATT CHIINECSS EP Tithe) . Fe Ayikeee thw! flor sale |mencenetene witli ek thommdie at Pain RGRler. | mW ity. Deere. HS kat, sake aunt! awe key) I y kn IReettarnees Assdivtion anual | many itis. _ yea FARE Wan tt OtApP e an \ ancy , oods meeting Jie. Dickson. Mies. ad we wil ind itt as Sieve | . iwathiatiiie than got, [Be sie want thay | ' AER -- meno PO sF i 4} * iat? Jexs mata aee ee . - ¢ , C mi ya eg | land take mpattherr mutts at ME onecialtty, Yow eam get am A 1 pair of Overshoes for $125: Boots & Shoes im pro- _ sown Talk. "adbvexyprtlvnstonr's (hitlL 'portion. A Fresh stock of GROCERIES always om hand. Sugars away dow att einai Syvevin Linitent memowes | [p ' anes ss Nive Dora HELmon, af ghunerkiep, te at Hane ait ell eee mne and Rioxelk Botttiomn Primes. Batt : -- AOW in chunge alge etittat's . ic Miamishes irom ibemses, Hfloutl saqpaantin, "a -- Pee: <- , ase ea Be wal gie ertirtuns dhomestix cous, a iis unas sie Our Xmas Goods Caps Then Newer Bat AL swell quuamitit Fs tthe wall Done Chtaxcnp, "De dutte of the pall sagen Pain Reap a i g-veu| ; , ! . nitty erga] amd! PACES lhonw. OW Cam get Fee ee eguneualey MCearnneuinn one ihnrttile. Waanraurtet! thle yet weautanting Toys wm) aubruumdamee.. F MMO Croxordlas otf alll Kida, ruta lle Biow Turistimais amd! W edidiimg: i wine aaaiee frshannil yprtndet Alga ara ped ay DD. Present And dom't you forget itt. 3 Ths. of A 1 Mixed Camdies for Me: Nuts of alll , ; : ' jee f » Mihwiendl. Gi). - seer os > _ , "A & Sine Onmnn. I. stew. a tlt eeveny Hooeg --flkeneny Zimmer as Kids, De. per lb. eC. AL takes alll kinds of famm produce at highest market price. WEE Kuen and iwetiiltle din at Gravatt 5, i af 8 canit 1 rtilrast ; P + ' : itty il i Hea gs son,, Garten litiaess' Rnpar Tensile tee in ral cap egy Meg fh crmmdhiaiivn fT thee tep then my t aril comity att lange fur past Rao andl salluit' @ con: Peer ee inet bn gullet rove aes it ies atliniet Ghee feet saith adh when "Sramanse at tile sei. é .