Atwood Bee, 8 Dec 1893, p. 6

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EEE Git nia. Jt * re fet this case {t did se. ' , A human life is nothing. ya . jtbe: ons in «| *Goviv endef your mind thas Garfield Se oe a eee eee terror thst pas auothior: fester Goey fell and tint rooment kis epirit wont Sed panpent, . Eavooniiothay levee ips then ths mind osuldl. | them) st threugh the smoke. His was! mere puppet in Blaine's bands, and, with- the time. One who , Hoffman's} ever and hiv lifeless bedy sank slowly te} ony intending it, was surely his fetere, at the corner of Jefferson avenue thie floor. Fors tims the window was ob-| country and A stration on the rocks of Bates streot, sbeut I o'clock, beard | scured with flames, but later, when the} disaster. Bisine was the Mephistopheles, swendsef commetion in the dry 'house | reef slowed them to sweep away befere and his intention was to rule or ruin. He of Eien, Meore & Co., screws the way. 'the wert wind, they could see theinanimate | 'did nop-care for Garfield, ub was using him TI loaked up," sail be, "and sew thet body blazing where it lay. = op for bis ewn ends, God permitted me toses slerke on the upper floors ranning Sbeut as} Mir. Dunntug m Humilten. sil this, and there was fastened in my mind wt. bad ee tings 3 or etl ago Brad. Dan- proms: Ay Garfield's removal as the a *- tenting B of the most ar young |S way ou ' Sotho, senting." Five in sented Yolowe | OOS To tetiven, He wesrhon employer} "Ifyou knew thet Mr. _Oarteld wes toy op tudowe an tie} tithe: general offices of the old Great' Wost- | Simply » pupped in Biaine's ' frem every crevice the windows on oe here: be. was great favorite, Mr, Blaine was conoecting treasen and SM fier. from here, and from} 59. did yeu not remove Blaine instead of "& scout Inter » frent window was} hg His wife was formerip| G*eld ? Why did youselect the innocent ------------ > eppesred! trp ibf Turner, whe at Gue-time lived | Victim for removal and pses by: the guilty fer bresti:. He lad! scsil' of rope om his} bere, ae , eet ono oy mn Pe ° beeea Goals inspiration acd net my amm, Leaning far cut over the window ail' ib "uid axe: atdil th "we J own motive. Bub reason eneugh may be THR AWFUL DISTANGB sod her mother lives with her. Mrs. taping surely to iudow. Then be Jone tartiwe as ill _ is female of}... Beoded-- In killing Garfield I killed ~ 4 gismeed' way Biaine's power and dethroned him er, E 4 Most to Hell, 7 : na and that's the _ of on " " ey: Beis: t omnipotent, t The Assassin's But not quite | j Sy He would be entirely omnipotent ' , Were it for the almost eq i ' The Devil, or One. THEO aia canna | HIS STRANGE THEOLOGY. pEapewer: exit i a r ' t + * 1 ; rs | "Thats, in hell! Mis Theery ofthe a Pup with God's power, _. pet im Bintne's Band--Be Was s God's ae amrtene AoW Bas, ._* Dead ;.Sure"'--The Preacher's They did not E Stery. , Believe in Christ And live. Rev. W. W. Hicks, who was thespiritual } For this they went below ! adviser of Gutteau, the assamin of oe met How did Christ know ; was man . --! a ee eee Co He font] it foun tie seatoe? His existence, . 8 Bw a en.\ef humanity. The following is He had no mone , and no friends. culled from the story : | tlons wou'd net juatify such an act, bat inj 'and yeb permivved hifh to live, te think and Ordinarily, sald' Guiteau, political oondi- He was hated, despired:a Finally crucitied, as a vile im Yet He never denied His div "My Father and [are one." This madethe Jews howl, But Christ stuck to it. and went below-- They killed Him Cc tabove, Because the Almighty Was backing Him. Christ's egotitm was stupondous His talk was, GL 1,L : tor, ty. eg talk and preach, . And tell whai grat things And that makes them egotis But time rightens that. --. Men may pat your vody in the ground, That ends their power ! Your. name and work will Thunder down the ages, And'God will reckon with them ! Christ came " Satan also." "* When 1 would do good, Evil is ; resent with me,' 'this shows how this world is run. . . Itis run - On the Good-Devil-Man combination ! God has a Devil to ight, So has man ! All the evil in this world Comes from the Devil, ees 6 ke, And the resulvis often different they will do, ts. pe SCAFFOLD NOTES FOR JANUARY" Five Oanadian Murders to be Avenged im- That Month. oa 'SBVEN MURDER TRIALS YET. Man., on the same day. last E. A Gr«veer, » young farmer, Virden, wes, found d in his cabin. was suspected, and Dr. Young, ef Veter _-- "B pest-r-ortem, oor dis- y estrychnive,.. Hi the wale prone of the cabin with Graves, for some time. His stery wasse disaennected '. that the autheritios decided te place him under srrest. Ab the trini his guilt was clearly proved. -- Leblano was charzed with the murder of en six days and attracted a large amount of in They -were charzed with the murderof a polloeoman cvamed Pit- tendrigh.. Peter rebeile! sgalash Pit- tendrigh, whe was foreman a gang ef men, Peter teing ono of the pumber. Pit:endrigh threw Poter into the water, and Peter swore revenge. Pitten- drigh, while crossing v«cant jot at Weat- minster en the night of October 27th, last yesr, was waylaid by Pewr and Jack and murdered, Tne Indians are indignant at. the severe sentence in the face cf the fa that Sangster,a white man, who k Indian Tem at Vancouver in August, gob off with only twelve years' imprisenment. in addition te the above list' there are seven awaiting trial en the cherge of mur- _ two fer the alleged killing of 'their ves, of Rli-Tempered. Anyway, Devil and all! . But the Devil cannot be destrayed. God cannot doit. .* Men cannot de it. r P '4 A Wevld's air Relative. Fair Chioage toman-- Well, the last of my World's Fair relatives: bas gove heme, 'weman--Was be s near rela tive T . "* Yeu; he husband's brother's firs: Svadent--Princtpally te the fact that his came commenced with X and came in se nendy for headlines in siphabstical copy Sim ie 'had' no family, bub lived a ore thee Teunteoaions of tite » and teugnes of flame began te leap: The man ife at No. 10 Lebrosse street, | 7° Ge dipped by nil eon ao rt Ace From what the Almi_bty intends, Sir Francis Nicbeison, = he was, rent over pommead lost. ® bappy, contented couple. | oi ich T'pnuissked. [ tell you Blaine is the So long as thau is w fiee agent, by the English Government some 200- Ap later the ropes came whizzing: is heart-broken, and ber grief ' tis: the toed Me ee oe gay wise, as Lieutenant-Gevernor of New @ewnward snd out of the cloud of seks the Wr, Danning had been in the | 2*dest man world ~ Guutend Si slane, lefe behind bim a reputation fer man was seen descending hand over hasd, ef taking his neon-day meal down A STARTLING PROPHECY, If he is Christ's seed, bad temper. with ens fost held in the cull! of the life-lins. he decided to. chadge and en} 'I will picture to yeu the end of Bikine. Good predominates, He relured te consf"er 'he advice of mem- Before be lsd desomded ten fect, the for the first time in mouths he} His ambition is' unbeunded. He will step iF bs tabeane a Seren bers of his own council, and abused them 'window he had left was choked with flams at heme. me iv'was lone-} av nevning to gain btsends, He means te be To the Devil's seed,! even in session, His oaths end threats mad ib seemed as if the must part be} 'by himself "Yown tewn, and }-Presiden', and will fool his party into his He goes below. could be heard even ata die:anos frem the fere be coald descend. paused at the io: geod spirits when he finally} plens. But be will never be President. The Judament will fx fcouncil room. ext floor, hoping te enter, but the interlar puse, unconsciously to go te his|Sobeme as he will, plan as he may ; magne- rere tann's place | '© One might as well pretend to dercribe ws or eet uel tize his grandeat, he - Le prenatal bs hetber he go above, & a ri Mag that rever saw it, oa to ¥rem there he came with » rush, the short 1b may b»--bubt he wi C) viotim r below. think to descri brutsiity and sava; rope burning lic hands with the friction off __-«- Waeimg Out the Stomack, of his own smbition, broken, broken,| | 7¢,on¢ or otter all men ness of his netren Savant the * Mages. , kts -- = Pong Ai the greund in Pace a pr says oe . a like _ reed in the pee and : CHARLES GUITEAU. m ' American History" in discussing anfsty, and ow! so slender card | American, several physicians ew Yor} will never be President. And he will ewe} U.S. Jail, June léth, 1882. em ; but the cleverest bit o! characteriza- that had: mved him descenifed,, burned: tn} have tried) with a gratifying sucoes?, & | all-to me--te my yaapiration-- my inspira- I waiked heme trem this interview a very tion qomes from an Indian's lipe, While Swaie. 'where it head cromed the window t fer dyspepala and cancer of | tion--do you hear 7 y inrpiration. sad and sorely perpiexed man. he had cemmand of the a-my, Nichelson - * 'the stomach by washing a esi organ. | Guiteau insisted that I sheuld enter upen BYFORTS TO SAVE THE MURDERER, _ | fell Intoone of these fite«fraye wherein he man was Hdward Pashek, of No. 766} The precess alr + dysers amt not danger- Pthe systematio study of his theelogy. Te mm almest seemed te lose cemmand ef his screen rasamcy sesh ves Wan' Tene, mame Winch cdl om Seed rt tie ohecaae: Pin she ne ee ne ea atint atieed, $e. tho Pveasauuh Sevan ib wh tase 'shipping department was man unvll ene en ) the - | his views ins peem, written under ial } ™2 8 rreeident, aud as "* The general is drunk," caid the Indian te lane the fifth flosr alive. - 'The upper end has a funnel attached, intojinspiration. Here ib ie: epproval ef. Mr. Reed, one of his atteraeys, Ito an o on } : * He ren inte the lower floer, gave ths on het -- wopwot -- the oy whavee awn-diw ane ib was writven at his suggestion, he} No," was the reply ; "'hé never drinks alagm and » mement later was lost in the Ued. weight water the a esired me (o present it te resident, quer." . ezowd that down every avenue lead-j pipe and funnel givess hydrauilc pressures aove ee if ret coeaenii which I agreed to do, The paperischar-} J donob meanthathe 'sdronk with ing te the fwufficient to distend the stomach. The The Deeit on K-vil One. 8 " acteristic, but less co .han mest wf his writ-irum," said the Indian. " He was bora "He hed hardly teuched the greind'when}| pips has an aperture big eneugh to held a Te life of these ings. Here ib is: drank !" . amvther man appeared st one of ah a lead pencil, After the stomach has been ane hee aon PRESIDENT ARTHUR; Ermests Your Mother is IU. windows on the Bates street side the} filled, the funnel end of the pipe is turned Never will end. Mr, Reed has just informed me that Justi& sic ghenlenmiabicienie ia building. ae was abet bis hair tt until 1b i -- than hi re of Thi+ makes Heaven and Heil. penned poke pesos le, agin ma: foe a nanan Te Siewirg fetter {rem ao mother in and beard singed, he wrung hands} the stemach, the stomach is emptied as . OOrpuss some 5 search of -her miesing son js tent to the yh be law, that were blistered by the fire. Hoe Isid{s barrel of sny fluid ts emptied threugi o Soi a beeen Before Mr. Heed catnol bad just finished a | Press : btmeself scrom the windew-sill, holding hisjsiphon. The process may ba repeated But ha no power long talk with our mutuai aud very dear friend, Horsenmans, N. Y., Oct, 30, 1893. eed aw low as possible ve escapes the deediy| several times, The that the un- Or dispo-ition Rev. Dr. Hicks, 1 desire him to express to you scan. hel , gees frem within. These who sw his face{ digested food and mucus are washed out, | To create the Devil. iny views and ferlings as to my position, I am Dear Sin,--Will you be so kind as to in- ill the loak of d Land the hot water closes the blood vessel Ordinary Theology teaches entitled toa full pardon, but 1 am willing tof ferm me if thereisa yeurg man ramed Sued mn ag ce down upen tg eiplees| and vlabes y teaming. Th relief ts lap this tea libel on th Almigh ews ota: tenage 1p the matter, in the} 2tBest Bhulte known ip your city? 1 have | Bal : 8 ) rn "io a views an eelin n . 6 ° ; srowd below. immediate. The dyspeptic may have: bis 'Why should Ho create evi meautime I dies in banda age Datla. [lou ll teak dem thst, wor betes tile ak aVe C » ac | . i "Still another herror came. Tho glass| stemach washed out befores mes!, so thst}. pis world was created suggestion Uint $ou rvepite iy antl denuary, Deimmnantedtio' Cee, rictipiae omatlane was beaten from the -- window beyond ~ oan coe @ fresh --_ After ha lapse To ponatbe the Almighty hg the rsh can be head vy the Supreme Court} . oo. befere Cietaiainna snd Ihave watted ment . a "Vv ° " . = 8 r oy at of man lisy, "iinest® ove -- = in sufficient os be aeuet eat ean To rent : heir strength che I understand publie opinion ip, chen ng int ont watched until it-dees seem an if I: must : nu ma 8 r- ; marrew stene ledge that Iny bebwoen an 'This has been in use at the New Ger fouatt ites. t ther enilglivonca oa ing te tion I Spal ps My emg -- My o oe arg awial drop to certain death and the} York. Heepital, we are imfermed, for some The Aljnighty and Christ triumphed! willing to die for my inspirauon, but it wi oe bd y cere fer and den seething, crackling mass cof flames behind | time. They overcame the Devil, ea terrible reckoniug for you and this{ knew howto getalong withend bim. If --_ . | Man fal in Christ = Si awend-the: dienanivan 'e you can tell mé anythirg »bont bim please * There wae e panio is the strest below. Sone Seen ie Soe "~~. : great trouble, ana tin least sou can do is to ket Go so as seen as peesible and ota hin sick (Ths sppesling faces of those two men nice we! ne roe oo pat To Heaven or Hell, all men must go. me, go. but aBppreciale your Gelicatp position, me os ahi Ch ln s NY. lsoked down into s-ses of upturned faces wet wemen in tis world when | | Set eter neat and 1 am Willing'tostay here untal January, 1 » Chemor, Cvaty, N.Y, thet must have refiscted their coming ene sees the lack.of pains taken by parents; To Heil st alan " 1 am dolls Tan in this matter. That isdead doom. 'to instruct their littie ones in forms of ihe Thevlt anti wie sore. . Gus. as a Warrtor. : table and soctal etiquette that are so casi] : In Saturday's Stér I ublished a "polgn on uste: a m a taught te the plisbls infant. mind, rn Most people go to Hell, * God's Waye," to which 1 call your critical teey cowerioe T aen lige E en "* Hold os!' For Ged's mike, hold on!"| witch, left are soon supplanved "The w: rid lieth attention. It is true, every word, +o help met "#9 ee ams 8, re- venred' the crowd with ous voice.- "The! iy actions that becomes bad habits in oncaw is tee ar 3 18 eo ee ee agg tng ri sak the axa as hook snd Iedier truck. is ag to save ; - "Row indih ; See ee eont ,' very rhert time. Selfishness is fostered Few find-it. CHARLES GuITEAU. [that 6 beca: ' . facil . aa a , speily through a Isck of watchfalneer, The frie United States Jail, Washington, D.C,, June Hien Worse we Sfp pe pa ramos 'The sound anging Bearer} gentler courtesies that count for so much God ral 10th, : . : e.derp forma: i His pik and nearer, the mad clatter oping rules, LEEY. deep forma: ion s pikemen horses told' that they were fying" Whe the suabtbeusn er asm isomrit an The Devil! I -- ane che f Se ee NS Saeeee cate Saree ieee wad, Shieute of "Clr tls r eine ~ hey or woman {s regarded as thin world f ® baggars isc waiting ferme inite also. organizid both cavairy and a .-- = phy = Geod clothes sre net everything. ' Sametimer, God rales, , the gloomy cell on the 2let uf June, artillery,*and he made fied guns'to light stron': the di b ari Som. 'Even health is nob the only pont Sometimes, the Devil! Tintormed him ot «il-thao I knew, and{ithap two herses could d:«w thenr at a = abled dspartment on in w ohild'e make-up. Goed 'Six thou-and years particn.erly of .be sppeai av pad been or} gallop, and so effective that they could be- Manners ore . Dat ete om sey the power of the} sire in faye inal etter gare God und the Devil weoo ---- cn dem bearshare ip 'nore six times while » musketeer fired aements when once they severt thrir}iiet osunts fer so much. in th 1d? Thoir kind. Presidend porsesased--but that~ the . mae ) " might | aiuee te tow figuee ee saa No ene can estimate Soe skeet \, od reat Adam and Eve, was baved 'onthe -- ef insanity by "* Dough-Face." w factor imlife is the possession of goedp~) - iva fell 7 those who prebenied 11. Fer seme time he} {he opprobri sien: dana: » whele world was cramped te the ost} menere are the sesame to the pedig ! " was first used len cone sie -- ; ; ' Adam, too! was lost in thou, h., sud teen anid, * That b row spros ef a window ledge, whose beet of seciers. the mark of the} And there came trouble to Mankind. is ail wreng, eitbough they meas weil." dolph of el Mgr pom M wan of a ao a few [gentleman om lady, but they must be perils were Dope "Iv iw pard exouys," he said, '* to be Everett, of Mossschuretit "wile connie ' Meceste 'was drives and} soquired in infanoy. "Aalgiaee enreter branded » frion snd w be subjected te the | 4, iad the 7 tehtod: thoame rosring flames that. meant . " = --o-- felon's fate, Luv 1b 1s were ve be declared a -- -- plgenter! 2 a en, Bes , , . : * 6 ri 3, b ! Nha ¢ : Inztand denth. & tsinvory came freny . > CGharlemague's Roscbuah! = cane, ; fool, » lunatic 1 It wee an insult to Goo ary choy. oe in ae a as "debate rs uu Vive se of jute beneath Him| _ The oldest rosebush in tbe world ts st But oc better! end » humilisicn wav he resented and} ome time, and {tis s cn}ious comoldence avd carned away their headk. The 'msn ae oe eae by Otartenaes Pain eened tule kind, a aprhedeer we ater wines oppcsition, and, -- -- a ag -- er lowered 'usttl be bung" by bis hands ths son atin off @ visit cnedh. teens 2 From Noah's time i ' teue other day ie the sen -of the Mag ; 5 "le }pereusding him t etrewh bimselt on hisoot, h teama ie shove sefal gulf, but the window si} the sm ador of the Cali Harounai. Se igen thdus 1 eat bes.ce him, ,ut m: cand on his throb- cr arlage = ulin simian am ' pow roasting bet. One hand shriveled) Roch, After ib ind Tes fi-urtesht due aterights, undies ; tle, tenpie, and in iow moments I was re- ii aitahaaaenen ; ; . ' 4 8a Ge ignty, un . Mais e and lost ite held. = He swung slow' y) vine » onthedral was built over it, It 1 Sent Hix only 3on Heved to dnd my dis'rackd charge in thef | An Orange 75 Years Gid. sreund, still clingfsg by the other, known, however, that s coffin, shaped vaclt To atone for man's wickedness, merviful arms of sicep fies: * tliat and the man wan tite > Lg Fools and d: vils ; pop remeplagings me tha | Benjamin Hubberd, of Wells, bas an with jn of 4 j sroupd ite sacred roo w in the This Son crucitied, 28 4 ying 6 fac hat { 15s a I F mee pam ---- foron, mak tale striking } 818, the vault and bash surviving » Why was Christ crucifled? in its quiet repo-e, wills the guard im the POPES that is 75years eid. t was found headin' ' Bonsai } my dome -ay: aad emreng the valuables of an nvile who died oO} fire which destroyed the cathedral in 1146 'i <n Ovrrider ceased bis m-rob and wondered. A ; tate the alr egein and wasosught ins deurn} The bush iy now 28 fest high aud oovere 30 The Divine economy required it, ohild could nvt r-st mors peacefully on ite |? the West Indies in 1818,,and frem the sroogerms as he suit te the pavement. | poy a ' , 2 : éesocixtl cennected wits it bas been The of 4 i of the wall. The tem, after 1 000 God had nd power ¢ prevent 1tf eDoeem :hao be sermed te en that, area br the farily all . bereicen Bredley A. Danning | yearw' growth, ix only two {nohos in disme: Man bart power to kill God's Son, rude csp in toe murderer's cell, while a. | Totered by family all \bese youre. Ib wes ploked up sad burried te Hoffman's}. *. , They dia is, to, shows no marks of decay, 'bu a dual ' hig -ber.-- Worthwngton's Majacine. «: 4 «© ' 'And paid well forit! ® murmur, nod a beriten, nob an audible cf ee. ~ meormen ? ene. well for itt wal béeast gave sign thas lie was uod asied me a being now sbeut bhp size ofa . | - Live reaftioenskes are sold for $1 a make If they harm His je ferever | 0 N en 2 P * One ihe was still left. hovering shove} "¥ peddlers in the streets of Southern Cali. Mie Almighty. had power If you did net know that you were look- What is Fame! partth fains Corsten: On ome tisghrels towes Bayete ace. found mong]. To raise © Jems of Nazareth," ing upen eee be pager a Professer--To what did X:nophene swe beek and indidiers: were | PoTSeus whe want e * And He ; easily say: ** | iret beleveo his oe, : , . ' - a P : Tepa Mr. John Garnett, one o the most widely: «nowa aud highly respected business mem wile's mother's son-in-law." ot Tilsoaburg, Oot, died there on Sa: urday,. at the age of 73 years. "s 4

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