« " i VOL. 4- NO. 47. ATWOOD.ON 7, FRIDAY, 'DEC. 15, 1893. Only 3 Daus BERORE CHRIST 1s NOW Goods at their ue and-save enough money to buy a hardsome present.' * PA your time to bay your Xmas We do not believe in writing long advts. fer two reasons, "Ist, We want ail the space for quotations, knowing that they cannot be beaten. 2nd, public want facts, not wind, mislead them. guess why they object? We want you to be posted in the prices of the_prin- cipal articles in demand for Brown Sugar, 25 Ibs. for $1. Bright Sugar. 20-Ibs. for $1. Granulated 17 Ibs. for $1. _ Tea, erty faverite, 5 Ibs. r $1. Maites edo. 16 Ibs. for $1. Currants, #6 Ibs. for $1. Tapioca, 16 lbs. for $1. Best mixed Candy, .33 Ibs. . for 23 cents. In this progressive age the with a few lines quoted to Why did some think that it was not bus- Iness on my part to make out a list of prices? Can you the holiday season, viz. = Pot Barley, 334 Ibs. for $1. Rice, 25 Ibs. for$l. ' _Lard, 8 Ibs. for $1. Syrup, Bright. 44 cts. a "gal. Canned Tomatos, Corn and Peas, 11 cans for $1.: Salmon, 9 cans for $1. - Peel Temon or Orange, 4! Ibs. for = XMAS PRESENTS. --Call on us for your Xmas P resents. Compliments of the Season. We keep a nice line in useful goods, which is after all the most profitable. - wish you ail the J. L. MADER. P.5.--Please do as much of your. shopping in the. mornimg as § possible to avoid the rush in the afternoon. i WE YOUR . Pint UT before we can expect it we must.carry Ube gvods you oeed aud be abie to seii hem ai pic | es a5 low as ibe luwest. There are three caniinal principles in business indispensible to suceess--to Sell good gouds, to make the pne+s mghit, and to guarantee satisfaction , These have been our principles ever) Since we. started in business, and the' resuit is we have doue 2a good. trade. We <aild Goop goods. Now; the rule' With us has eTer been to keep a class of gwoeds that WE KNOW WILL GIVE THE. BZsT OF SATISFACTION, whether it, be | - Dry Goods, Boots & Shoes or Groceries. | A goed arvicle is after ali the cheapest | j article. What we sayin tus regard is | apuy illustrated in our large and weheck | Stock vf "i 'Winter Goods, : --stcH ss-- FLANNELS, BLANKETS, SHIRFINGS, 'HATS & CAPS, DRESS GOODS, BOOTS & SHOES, FLANNELETTES, ETC. Oar,Groceffés are warranted fresh and the stock large. We want your trade, ail we are: s&tisiied that if you, will call and spend afew minutes ---- our goais | you will not grumble at the prices marked. | MRS. HARVEY. | ore Proace taken a cash ca C. "e kuulversity. H | aes. T. DOUGLAS, uw. 2B, 4 MC. Med2i Olle Menton. On- Bre MF. T. = COWAN, M.D, (Formeriy of ilarmston,} successor to" 71 0 J.K. Uanniten. Odice in Dr. Ham- ilien 's vid stand on Main sireet. HKesi- dence in Dr. H's late residence on Queen Street, Atwood Wiull be found at eith- ' er office of residence aiall hours when not necessarily absent 35-92-tf L. E. KIC EL M.D. AME Trinity University, Toronto : Fellow by exaiminativn of lrinity Medical Col- iege, Toronto; member of the € ollege of Physicians and >urgeons,Uutario;wem | Der of the Cullege of Paysicians and surgeons, Michigan: Special attention ' given to the Diseases of Women and Children. Otiwe and residence, next door to Curme's shop, Atwowd. Office hours: 1 to 12 am.:lto 2: | see and evesy evening tu S23). J. 3. Fus a DENTIST. Any anzsthetic Known to the pro- fession used for the Painiess extraction of teeth, satisfaction guaranteed. Otice--Over Fieming's cloitning store, Main street, Listowel. fs Mu. BRUCE. L. rite! paibolaon' Gas, cleetmcity, or local anxsthetics, administered for painless extraction. Artificial teeth guaranteed tu be of the, t material and of first-ciass :work- nship. Oihce over Thompson Brus. store, Mam street. Lisiowei Fe Will not Fisit Atwood uutil further notice. BAT, DARLING & BLEWETT. _ Fr) _--_--_--_ Daz ' Barristers, Solicitors, Notanes, &c_ Wallace street, Listowel Solicitors for Bank of Hamilton and Scott's Banking House. Office over Sept:" s Bank. C.H. MERRYFIELD, Licensed ductioneer for the County of | ei Monkton, Ont. ALEX. "MORRISON, | Licensed Auctioneer for Perth County | the state. All sales attended to promptly and at. <M et a eee mT crces ere > tual'cash val-. _ Business Eards. | tof Trin- | A Plebiscite Sermon: | [By Rev. G. B. Davis, B. D., of: Atwood. DEUT. XXI-:18-21; xx1:1-9. E see that the family, the ehureh, and the state ate} three divine institutions | ' to train and discipline. the rising ation and so prumote the welfare of all the peopie. The heads of the family |may use moral suasion and the rod, the 'chureh moral suasion and catting off fram the Lord's Sapper, the state re | Strietive or prohibitive legislation and when necessary the sword. aye. it may break the neck of the rebellious law- | breaker_. W here the family and the church per- form their official work well, the work | of the state will be comparatively light. | , Yet therehas been ard ever will be | some stubburn and rebellious sons to 'be handed over to state control and even state execation. We haye such a (ease im ourtext. Moreover, the prime cause of the whole troubie is land bare by the accusing parents when they say, |"He is a glutton and a drunkard," or 'better a debanchee and a drunkard. His drunkenness has bred prodrgality jand seif-will and weak-wiill. He ts led | captive by the wine demon. He is a ' dipsomaniac. Netther the family nor 'the church can do anything with him. By throwing this concrete example i Of Mosaic legisiation inte the abstract 'and by deducing general, principles from the individual case, we fave in-; '$truictions as to how we should deal | With the gigantic evil of drankenness | 'in ourday, and it is, admittedly, the | morster ctirse of modern society. Fer | ; mnented liqners have largely given piace | f t tw distilled Lquom and the tiirst me 'aleoholis raging. There 13 a woeful' tery in the fand = [t is filling ali ecrream- \ cised ears day and night. It comes up| ' frogs paaperize! sod horribly abused | women and children, from homes tarn- edinto hell upon earth. If cumes up) from broken-hearted fathers and moth- | ers, Sisters and Oruthers, Weeping over the bodies of their siain found in al! / Our Gelcs abbat all our cities, Whe ts) ~ pauperzer? Who ts the outrager, of the home? Who is the crime pro ducer? Whe is the orurderer? We) 'have found himout Here beis. His namie is Abeohel Moreover, we have used-ali the power - Of the family and of the church and,of (the numerous temperance organiza- Gens. We have sent cul great temper: | | aber evangelists, abd given iustruction, | and used mural - abd still sis | stubberu and rebéllivas evil holds on Us | way. Finaliy. we have determined to indict | 'this uneentruliable desiruyer of ail peace and bappiness and prusperity to theusands of eur homes before the eld 'ers of the pearest city. We shall cali! 'apen the Mate to put this great nation- | ai curse to death by total prohititivg of : _ the liquor trate. We are chalienged by some who say' that the state has no right to make and | enforce such extreme iegisiatien as te | totally prohibit the manufacture and | im portation aud sale, asa beverage, of | alewhoie drinks. Ik ts gving too farto teila man what' he shail not eatand dink. Canadians) (wil net be slaves. So, we reply, would | be offenders ery out against all mght- | 'eeus iegislation. "Cut your thisties | before they g0 to seed, cut down your | black-knot cherry trees." says the state. i -Pwill use my own liberty." -Wili you ? Then pay the fine." ~Take your slaugh- | ter house outof the city," says the | mayer. "I willdo as 1 please." says the butcher. "Will you? Then pay) the ne" "Clean up your yards and; clean out Your outhouses." says the, _bealth officer. "Don't interfere with * my hberty.~ "But you must do it, or, 'we will do it for vou and send in the} bill" Modern civilization pays little | i beed to individual liberty where the | welfare of the whole community is at! stake. We know that a prehibitery li- | quor law ts a mghiteous law, then let us) go ahead and have such a 'aw and oper- ate it. But, says another objector. allowing - \ that the legisistion asked for is right enough, it is more feasible, more exped- | leut to have the state control the traffic by beaty exeise duty and bich Tieense. | Thus ts all the prohipition that 'can be! cared out. We repfy that legalizing | the sale of alewhole drinks by license | high or low is to make the stale an ae- comnplice in the evil work ef the fell! 'destroyer. The state does in any! 'measure prohibit drunken by so facung. It simply ¢ monopoly. | | The legislation ts simp! levisla tron. The destroyer does his work and : the state shares in the spoil. In thirty years 2 poor man becomes a rich dis | tiller with property walued at seren million dollars. He pays the Govern- ment ¢ fof dollars yeariy for, , the pravilege of robbing thousands of bomes' throughout tbe Province. of | comforts and even the neccessities of / i life and filling them with wrangiing and heartache and blood. His middie | men are the saloonkeepers, and these P are said by the 'state to be doing 'a piegitimate business. Thus the vice is, uiided over and made. The whole beense syst _from stem to stern is a rotten ship. by | em moderate rates. Information with re-} There is not.a plank in it fit for a right. been en RON Ay Sapizing st ce /eous man to stand on. Onur legislatares | thise ce. a Se ae eee may 'ets Teenit, the Jews never became a nation | ' tien does prohibit and will protribit. 'have | challeuged them to wash -- the slain. electors In view of the cami * John Hicks, of: Chisethorst, who " 'at present ' Filmote County, T tonto,Canada, The | News of the Day. -- Grant wa was elected to thé wash their hands in innocency are simpty joining the party Pie | | accessories the erime, oe ee What would we Cana- Commons by acclamation in Ottawa. osep eathiy legislation to provider Kingtton MeRerthyites . wil! ask and mspect clean vice for Print Grant t eandidate for peice oe ge at l@galize and! ure. one ® make respectable the brothel? Alas!) Loniion " tled alas! our land is poliated with blood | in 8. , es senten er ae beede crying 'aloud to heaven cal vine vetigeance not ibit withoat 3 aa ni matic | | Hensal on Deccan ate nominate a sentiment behind rt Let as wait for! Candidate for the Legislature. sentiment, appoint a royal commission, | The Halifax Herald advises the gauge public opinion 'a ite_; Canadians not to crow too much over Let us draft our prohibitory statates/|the new American Tariff Bill. and leave them to be ratified by 4 There was a deficit in the receipts of miajority vote of electors. "Stew - a! 'the Collingwood fair, and prize,winners method of legislation in un-British." had to take 7 cents on the dollar. Ase, and it =m unbiblical also. Israeli Walk ' is bothered with a "Jack Was put ander righteous and fully the Kisser" who has been Anndyin ) ratified aws fromthe infancy of the. € ite teenat idents late. * /nation. There was no waiting for | some of its female residents o F 'sentiment. The law was given to Oliver Wendell Holmes doesnot ap- - |powerfully educate sentiment. The Prove of aftergjoon tea, which he des- sentiment in a father and mvther was Cbes as "gi gabble, gobble and never known in all the history of Israel] | Zit." to rise high enougn for them to thus' The Patrons of West Middlesex -hand their rebellious son over to elders; have nominated William Murdock, to be stoned to death, but the statute! of Adelaide, a8 their candidate for the of Moses was many a time shook over | | Legislatare. the head of a drunken son: and as ai Eighteen Chmese who were stiuggt- ed across the United States border either'of drunkards of of prodigais. | f "ll ot Jahonaiab. the father of- the rom Mexico have been arrested abites, did not withhold legislation for | bo ding adore Seath Norfolk Patrens have nom- Joell gs ap its déscend- | 'inated M. Walker, Walpole, for the to day, a tribe of Arabs soath of -ommons, and J. MeNally, Townsend, re lem. exist as an exact fu flment - I ; of isolated prophesy, and can 'yet | fos: _ . = say, YWe have obeyed the voice of | Jobn Chariton, M. P, was unani- Jahonadab, the son of Rechab our fath- | mously renominated for the Commons er. in-all that-he hath charged us, to'4t & convention of Seuth Norfoik drink po wine all our days, we, our. held at-Vietoria. Wives, our senMs, nor our daughters." William Hooper, brother of tbe Mohammed did not wait for sentiment. | alleged wife murderer, wad sentenced but commanded his followers neither' tomme@ months in Central Prison at to eat the flesh of swine or to drink Brantford Monday for theft. ine, and two hundred millions to-day | ghty-eight United States tanks went under in the recent panic ' wait for sentiment bot commanded | have resumed operations. 3 is | the Lacedomonions toeut down etery ghout half the number that collapsed. vine im fhe land and his state was. . A short time ago, twenty-five of, the \saved from drunkenness and = ruin: ' Shall Christian civilization continue to zens of Mildmay appeared before a ' magistrate and paid. Si.) earch fur hav- bear the chain thatthe Arabs of the- 'east have long ago thrown off ? Prohibi- | '®& Participated in a rafiie in that vil- i obey that statnte. Lyeurgus did not) a». ' + A enroner's jary has decided that ' Prof. Tyndall died from an overdose 'of chloral given to him by Mrs. Tyndall, _who mistook it for sulphate ef But what must I say to the | magnesia. plebis.; -Atthe Local byelection in East cite? Our text says, "A the men | Lanibten the other day 4955 votes of bis city shail stone him with stones' ¥erTe pelied. At the last general elee- that he die" -The civjization of oar / tion 4204 votes were polied in the same day says. all the elee in the Prov-; coustitaency, ince of Ontario shall pelt drankeouess |. North Middlesex Patrons+ met to death with their,sotes and bezin the Ailsa Craig and nominated, W. hew year with clean hands. "so shall | Taylor, Metrillivray, for the Commons, ye putevil away from among you." | and J. Fi. Alexander, Strathroy, for the The elector that. fails te bart bis stone' Legtstature. (against this monster evi joiesthe com tion. Edward Blake, in a special pany Of these that are for it. The de cable is credited .with the inter Finally, I have laid some serious | 'charges against our saloon keepers. I: hands in imnecenecy over the bodies of et H. sheng is one of sach momentous impert | tion of returning to New York before that there can be no neutral ground. Christmas in connection with a mission The hand of every man in the land will | for the Insh party. either be clean or stained with the Breach of promise cases are becom blood of the slain at 5 o'clock, Monday, ing se frequent in England that the ' January Ist, 1834 , London Spectator propeses a law for | declaring ail promises of marriages (invalid unless put im writinz. | A Watford despatch says that eom- Miss Nora Clench, the great Canadian plete and revised retrrrus 'of the Voting 'vielinst, istoappear in Wingham on ,in the. bye-election In East Lambton the 23th instant. 'reduce Mr. Met'allom's tajerity Peter Barr, of Mortis, has parebasea Ofer Dr. Kinnon to #8. Mr. Me: 'the farm known as the old Kippan farm ; Callum was:the P. P. A. canddate, in Morris, for 33,408. { [tis estimatéd that the number of Hugh Lamont has'purchased lot 5. unemployed men in Chicazo ts nearir com. 10, Grey, owned by Hobert Me- 115,000, The lLiltnois Conference of | Nanghton. for 31290. ; Charities has appointed a committee of West Haron Conservatives met at eT a ciaray foe .r Papi JOO. Goderich Tuesday and decided to post-. i 5 oe pone until further notice the sélection | Rast and Seuth Middlesex Patrons of a candidate for the Legislature. met in London and nominated AllaA samuel LandsSorvagh's farm on the | | Mia a ig for Bust _ ae iddiesex. whi or i x + eal to Aickander Schema WS Metieadie and Wan. sire were of stanley, near Varna, for the sam of nominated for the Commons and Legis Se, "| Brant Conhty Patrons met at Brant- Wim. Dynes, of McKillop, has pur-/ férd Tuesday and derided not to boring chased the property of.D. MeGrecor, ont candidates against Hom. A. = jin Harpurhey, for 3425, and intends Hardy and Wm. Patterson. M.' eoming there to reside when he ae im the South "Riding. Candidates for h.s farm. sooth Houses however, willie nominat-- iu North. Brant. ; atjending the Goderich! Herp tae Team Warite's Cartp Modtet School, has seedred the situation | was Born.--Dr. Radford was called te (of teacher of School Section No- HM, the CP. RB. station about one o'clock Hay. for [8G 'om Sanday morning to attend a Rus- Editor Todd. of the Clinton News sian emigrant roman whe was about Record. is in Toronto being treated for to give birtito a child. The women an affection .of the ear, which bas had taken Sick dowti the ling and medi- troubled him since-be had la gnppe, a'cal assistance had been, telegrapintt 'couple of years ago. pew oe and apo = mg ' the A uniqte inenrrect address was re | | train here 2ason was born e train ealved = the Exeter pest offce the ™23 detayed during the birth, ami as @ther day from Englasd, and read as 5" 33 the child was bern ft started on 'follows: "Mr. eter Post rOiSee. its journey te the western states.--4jait Reformer. The World's Fair buildings and 200, (0) in money were given to the Southe | Park 'comimissionets Dee Shy the ex- position directors. The buildings and the accessories of landscape gardening, Water mains, boulevards and statuary, . Fepresent about 315.000.0000 taptash.. bat they are reg as so many while elephants now, and the $200.00) that Went With the gift was intended to pay 'the par' commissioners for removing »or caring for*them In the Huron County Notes. Writer undoubtedly Was DOtewel! versed | in Canadian geography. Walton people will be pleased > learn! that clay of the dest. quality, suitable | for making brick and" tie. has beer 'found on the farm of David C apie en the third lot from Walten, arid" negotiations have ¥ heen eomplet- / ed for the opening of a: bnick tile. 'yard, by two practical men, whe have | porchased ettgine 2t Downey's saw | *; mil, with to run thetr erushing | gift the Park ..Béard informed' "tie di- , abd. other machinery. © ' }reetors that it would proceed to wreck ~ t/: ithe towering palaces fer the money St/ Marys. ) there is im them. No = ee. This fall 27a ; eggs have serve the Winte City" were made. f rom the st. Marysi none were asked. The World's Fair for expert to ibe British mark- | wanted to abandon Jackson Par¥