fhe World's Fair-is Going On and a Grand Success, - Get Ready for 'another Xmas. ee _» abjections-raised against the forthcom- ' enorme - Come it is clase at hand. There is a time to buy. it's now. There is # place to bay, it's Goldsmith's, Hall. Evena litth money will do won ders in pu ing presents for your friends from our World's Eair stock. We want ace come in and- see the very best line of Novelties and Silver- ware, Watches, Clocks and Jewelry. No one is so old, no one is so.young, but what. getting appropriate gifts in abundance for them can be found in our splendidsdisplay of popular pres- ents. The virtue is value, the beauty of vp tentegal 5 yp and the power ir low prices make our store the best place to do your Ximas-shopping. ° Early and Avoid, the Rush. J.H. GUNTHER, LISTOWEL. The Atwood Bee. B.S. PELFON, - PUBLISHER. FRIDAY, DEC. 15, 1893. Tuk date when the Wilson tariff bill will become law has been changed from March I to June 1, Tue Wingham Advance (Conservat- jve) after summing up the several ing Plebiseité vote. by the varied fac- ons in tre eoemmunity,as well as the arguments in its favor. concludes. :-- lof farmers. That association sent one ' Half a dozen farmers met in a little' -log shooihouse in a western county, for the purpose of forming an organiza tion on lines distinctly in the interests ofits members into another county, and then into anether; until enougn associations were formed to send delegates to a central meeting that was beid in Londen in 1891. In this way we graduaily grew to our present strength. The platform of the Patrons wag formulated by the central organi zation, and submitted, every plank of lit, to every sub association in the eountry, and every plank had to meet with the approval of 90 per cent. of the menibers-oftevery sub association before it could be incorporated into the.platforin. So you see our 174,00U members are practically unanimous as ty our platforia." We have nothing whatever to do with the P. P. A. move- ment or with the McCarthy movement. The P. P. A. movement bas td de with questions of -race and religion; the Patrons of Industry deal purely in economic questions. We have thous ands of Roman Vatholic wembers iu our associations. As tothe McCarthy movement, we could not identify it with the Patrons for various reasons, but first and foremost because Mr Mectarthy could not, being a lawyer, even belong to vur association, much less become a leader. No cand- idate in any constituency who does not receive the formal endorsement of the Patrons of Industry will receive the support of the organization of the Patrons. Insuch cases Patrons wili be left free to yote according to their individual preferences. I- may mention that this wwas the case in. Lambton. The Patrons*took no part in the con test there as an organizatien, but vot- ed just as each man pleased." In reply as to whether the Patrons derive their strength more from one pirty than the other Mr. Wilson said:--"It is. a ooking at the matter from all these | hittie ditlicult to speak positively on Spandyernte _ ony 7 ae we can ithat point, because the character of ape Ht OF Ee aatinatey 1 glam = « the membership varies in the different fer the scales itis ae mss ten 'districts: but on the whole I should portant question that has come. before | say we had drawn for our membership the people of this province. This vote! more largely on the Reformers than on | means more than tongue can tell to} many homes. It is a chance which may | not be again offered for a generation, | so that all who have votes should ex | excise their franchise. J. Lockie WILsos, one of the grand officers of the Patrons of Industry, took | an--active part in the campaign in Irnee. On his return: to Torouto he was interviewed bya Globe representat- - ive, and, in reply fo questions put on, the aims and objects of the association, -- snid:--I was a strong supporter of Mr. Meredith in Ontarig polities and of sir John Maedonald in Dominion affairs. | No: [| have no more sympathy with the | b Conservatives than the' Reformers. am siinply a Patron of Industry. Patrons are organized soleiy in the | juterests of farmers an' labori@ mien. | It is not the intention «f the Patrons of | Industry to defeat the existing Govern. | speaking . ment, said Mr. Wilson thoughtfully and deliberately. They will support the Government of Sir Oliver Mowat in whatever appears to | be for the interests of the people. They | do pot propose on a technical quibble | It will be a) policy of give and take between them | They may yield | to upset the Government, and the Government. one point 'to the Government if the royvernment yields another 'to them, Wei shall not indulge many factions opposition to the party in power, We . lay particular stress on the importance of mortgages, bank stocks, railway as any other property is, and we strong- ly favor -the appointment of county oMicials by the municipalities. -- Tariff reform is a very prominent plank in our platform, and we intend that the Dominion Government shall carry out out wishes in this respect, tariff for revenue only, so arranged as to fall on the Juxuries, net the neces- saries of life. We believe, also, in the abolition of the Canadian ,Senate. We most certainly will not ravert -to oid parties when the Dominion general elegtian comes along. We have 175, 030 members in Canada, of whom over 150,000 betong to the. 2,500 sub-ussocia- tiers of Ontario. 'Phe rest are scatter 'ed'through Quebec and the Northwest. , We have 53 sub assotiations in North. 3ruce. The members of these sub associations ar@ terribly in earnest all 'over Canada. . The cost ofthis move- mat iggeery little. The entrance fee is Ouly 5)cenus. Thea there is ten cents wt faarter to be paid to the central or- ganization, That~ makes 40 cents a 'yerr. Desides, there is whatever the sub associations require to meet the expenses of light and fuet- tul of about &) cents a4 year. P.utrons originated in consequence of &tye success of the movement of Farm- -#g3°, Advocates in the United States. | wood. E y i |Dulutthon Tuesday. We The he purposes . ; | Weaureagiad to state that she bonds and debentures: being taxed just, . : We want a the Conservatives." ----_ Monkton. Miss Lizzie Huggins is visiting friends in Mitchell. Miss Annie Seott is plying the needle for friends in Donegal. { John MeEwen had a wood bee dn | Saturday and suceeeded in getting | about thiry cords cut. . . i Mrs, Maddock will lecture on; Temperance and Prohivitiou in Knox | chur¢h on Tuesday evening. The Presbyterian Sabbath officials have decided to boeid on enter tainment forthe young folks in their) church about New Year's: i Archie Scott, son of T. R. Seott, of | muiodary east, arrived home from | understand | until after | schoo} ! remaining New Year's. The party, at Haugh McEwan's on} Thursday last was a "howhng" success. | Dancing, games and social chat were | the amusements, Mr. Matthews~sup- | plied the music for the occasion, We were sorry to Jearn that J. W.| Baird, ex-teacher of the village school. | was forced last week through lilness | to give up his studies in Toronto) University and to return to his home| in Motherwell. The members of the Methodist! Sabbath school intend giying the, young people a sieigh ride to Mitcfiell | Dec, 27th instead ef the usual entertain ment on Xmas evening, a lunch te be] served to the pupils in Mitchell. ; Mrs. Wm. Cruse, of Detroit, who has | been spending a few weeks with* relatives and triends in, this. neighbor: | hood, returned to hec home on Monday. | has | faily recovered from her recent illness 'Fhe Rennick. photographer, who has | been working In Cleveland, Ohia! 'during the past summer, 1s sojourning | 'under the parental reof, Wills return | cavses the blushes to appear on the} tace of one of the fair ones of the 17th | culm Rev. Mr. Finley, guperintendent of, the Presbyterian phisSion stations in the districts, occupied Koeox church |pulpit last sabbath. He gave an, 'interesting account of the workings | and needs of the missionaries in thos¢ | remote places, ' The Ladies' Auxiliary in connection | with Knox chureh held their annual tWuiksoflering services 'on Monday eventing, The program whith was performed by local talent consisted in addresses, recititations and reading. | The amount contributed was $17. | A party of hunters, consisting of L. Pfrimmer, L. and 3S. Brunner, of | Sebringville, Moore. and John Henry, | of Wartburg aud Wm. and Jas.} |Stewart, of the 'swamps ia this vicinity~on Saterday | and succeeded in securing a nium ber | 'of fabbits and experienced consider- ; | able bunting. : } RHEcMATISM CURED IN. A Day.--) iSeuth American Rheumatic Cuge for | irhenmatism and neuralgia radically | ' This might ' enres in1 to 3 days. Its action upon| - sn to another 40 ceats, making a to-| the system is remarkable and myster- | The | ious, It removes at once the cause and | [Sold by D , MAIN ST., O village, tramped the? a TO ALL. . _|Call and see our goods be- 7s cts.} Wi No. 4 untal Mr. Hemsworth is convales- cent. grand concert will be held, howeyer, on Wednesday,,Dec. 20th, at 7, p. m., under the management of the ple of.the se€tion. Excellent talent is/ being engaged for the evening, inelading the clever musicians, the Nichol Bros. .The company) have more than a lecal reputatiop! and the management have gone to considerable expense to procure thent. Whatever else you may attend, don't fail to be present en the above evening. Ad- mission, loc. and 10c. HE annual meeting of the Share- Annual Meeting. holders and Patrons of the ] Monkton Cheese & Butter Man- ufactaring Cv. will be held at the fac- tory, on . Thursday, Dec. 28, 1893, Ati e'clock p.m. All are invited' to come at one, sharp. A. ERSKINE, 17-2in* Secretary, Hardware | ROBT. MOORE, ----DEALER IN---- Shelf and Hea Hardware, * Paints, Oils, Glass, Table 'and Pocket Cutlery, Silverware, Lamps, Cross~-Cut Saws, Axes, &C., LISTOWEL. ATWOOD BAKERY AND GROCERY. WING to the incretsed business in my store, IT have diseontin- ued travelling my Bakery wag- on, and will hereafter supply all my custumers at the store. FRESH BREAD EVERY DAY. Lkeep a large and choice stock of Frésh Groceries and Provis-~- ions. We keepeverything you need in this line. Fruit and Gonfectionery A SPECIALTY. Fresh Oysters Always on Hand. t#~ Farmers' Produce Taken as cash. Call dnd see me. - . R. B. HAMILTON. And a busy time 1s what we want for the Next Three Weeks supplying you with . .. your CHRISTMAS Goods. We a® securing a fre Lemons, Nuts, Dates and all kinds of Confectionery; also Toys in abundance. -We wish you fore you order your sup- - oe ' : plies. Fresh Groceries al: ways on hand. | #7" Farm produce taken in exchange 1, L. MeGAULEY. -'the disease immediately disappears. | for goods 'The first dose greatly benefits. =e . Campbell, druggist. At- | ; Sh ly, 1. sh stock offranges,Figs, | ' | BALLANTYNE'S BLOCK. . NEW STORE ! % i Store Large, Stock Large and Everything Neat. See those Lamps for your Xmas Presents. Fine new Fruits, such as Prunes, Cranberries, Figs, Raisins, Currants, Sultanas, Lemons, Oranges, Citron Peels and Mince Meat, Everything to make your Xmas Happy. ! In Dry Goods and Furnishings our Stock is Complete and full as usual. ~ d : Remember the place, Ballantyne's New Store. td DIES. FOEIDTSONT - ee Furniture. AN, \y WM. FORREST, Atwood Furniture Rooms, The undersigned has on hand all -kinds of House Furnishings, such as Bedroom Suites, Lounges, Mettras* es, Springs, Mirrors, Window Blinds, Curtain Poles, Picture Frames and Mouldings. Call and get Prices before buying elsewhere. . Price 's to suit the times. Fun- erals attended to on short notice. Have a Very Bad Cough, . 4] Are Suffering from Lung Troubles. Have Lost Flesh through IUlness, Threatened with Consumption, -RHEUMATISM NEURALGIA MUSCULAR STIFFNESS, MUST GO PAIN IM SIDE & LAME BACK wen"D) & L" MENTHOL PLASTER ufo F ! a € fignty a UNE ee As a Preventive and Cure of all Throat and Lung Diseases. 'UNACCOUNTABLY LOSING FLESH [S REFUSING To TAKE.ITS FOOD LISTLESS AND DEBILITATED or a big clock-watch so extensively adverg:sed, but 2 han some, inary size Watch that is warranted for fivé yearn. Stem-winder, jewelled movement, contsining all the latest improvements. Solid Stlverine case of the best quali celled fie Gurability and & service, guaranteed to an bility.and excellence, that n leads in quality, style finish snd price, guaraliteed an accurate time- . One sampie Silverine Stem-winder ** Woager" Watch as above descri forwarded express charges to anafa or the United --. on receipt of watches for $8.50. For Ticts. extra 'con- ated - withorder, No samples sent G.O.D. xt tound exactly ada. ce " . te.NO 'FREE FAKE" OR CATCH-PENNY SCHEME,