TO ALL. rine Xmas Cards, Wax, na and Kd Dolls, Caps; | two, as formerty. * ae Saucers, Mage, gra 7eods, ¢ Games, Tors, fumes, Hair Brushes, Clothes Tooth Brashes and Shaviag Bb 'Foiiet and Medicinaf' Sozps, Ladies" "and Gents' purses, Hand Sicighs, ¢ic., all to be had of _D. CAMPBELL. The Atwood Drag Store. sabes = i Town Galt. 'Miss Maer Png ied of Montreal, ts the guest of Miss Agrie Luchhead. Miss Lizzie Breoxs, of Listowel. is belidaying with Miss Lime Graham. Miss ANSIE Wrisox, of Baffalo, N. Y_ is spending. her Amas vacation G under the parenta! roof. ReweMBer: the grand concert in 8. * S. No. 4, Eima.on Dee. 24th. 'A great program promised. Plenty of ac- commodation fur your horses. "Orem .duty in reference to the Probibition Vote on Jan. ist," is-- the subject of Rev. Mr. Henderson's dis- uurse next Sanday morning. Irc# ov humar apd horses and all animals cured in 3@*minates by Wool- ford's Sanitary Lotion. This never | fails. Sold by D. Campbell, droge, | Atwood. Wuat WittI Ger?--What an I} bay for Xmas presents seems to be the apsorbing problem with most people} just now, and itis no easy matter for fathers and mothers tao know just! whatte get for a whole colony of youngsters of graduated sizes and fic le tastes. Ecwa CONSERVATIVE ASSOCIATION ~The anpual meeting of the Elma | Conseryative Association will be heid in loerger's Hotel, Atwood on Wednesday» titi De-¢. 20th, 1893 at 23) p. m_ for the oie 'tien of officers and the transaction ot auy other-business which may come! before the meeting. . THe Auxiliary of the W. F. M. Society WH! heid their anntrai thanks ofi-riug meeting Im the tecture room of ibe Presbyterian church, on Wednes- Gay, 27h inst_ commencing at 73 p. in «AD luteresting pregram has beeu prepared. Music wili be furnished by tire eheir, There wili be no admission | fee. A cordial invitation Is extended | ever one. EvexRYBODY SUFFERS Parx.--lIt is' the result of violation of nature's laws | Perry Davis has done moch to allay the suffering of the people by giving them out of natures stere house "a balm forevery wound" Such is the | Pain-Killer; it 'Stops pain almost in | siantiv. used both internally and ex- ternally, and is of all other paim remed- ies the oldest and best. New size big | bottle, Be. THE (HRISTWAS STan--We have received the Chmstmas Number of the Montreal Siar, To say that it is mar Vellousiy beautiful and overwhelmingly superior to the American aud Engissh : The ; ° Art Supplements of the Chmstmas: picloriais is no exaggeration. Siar are perfectly bewitching and well worth framing, while the Canadian wild fowers form a sauperd partfoilo Asa Christmas present to send to: friends or to decorate the home at the Christmas season, the Christmas; Star is grand, aud te find that such a high lass art publication is sold at so small a figure as fifty cents, is a revelation | that is really amazing. Those of our readers who want to see the most - beautiful Christmas Souvenir of the 'present year, should s-e the Chnist- mas. Namber of the Montreal Star. It will amaze them. The publishers are Graham.& Co_ "Montreal, who \ will send it direct where it cannut be procured through a newsdealer. 'A Grest Orrern--The Globe of. Toronto is offering great indncements in connection with their week!y 'for 1894. To all subscribers who forward them ope dollar by the ead of Decem- ber, ther will send the W eekly Giobe | for 1S91, angyin. zudition, preseht them with a copy of ~Hints tur the Million." published by Messrs. Rand, MeNaliy & Co. the celebrated putniskers of Chicago and New York. This work Is an in valuable book of reference avd handr for the household, being a compendium of thousands of new and valuable re- tin: "More useful ay Siemrerne could not well be crowded in Manchester matiag." The book will be The offer is a most -" coo ag The | Gon are bills of the rarest type. New ¥ ook dun speake of the book as) Sohal to al eo and economi | calvhousekeeper." San Francisco Bulle thing for the 'imas trade, are attractive featares of Mrs. James advt. Read it. THE new 8 cent stamp issued by the 'time-saver. One lick will do instead of } EXGLIish Spavin t removes Per- | aif hard, soft of, _callotsed, lainps and 'blemishes from hprsa," spavin, S| carbs, splints, ning bose, sweeney, Sore and swollen thrunt, stifles, sprains, coughs, ete. Save S50 by use of one bottle.. Warranted th aneat mendioctak THERE ts guing to be eT in Etbel on Wedne evening, Dec. 2th. The'Canadian Order Foresters | of that place are having a grand con- | cert in the Township Hall. The Ethel people are sparing wither time nor money to make this concert a success. Try and attend._as some of the very best talent has been secured for tbe evening. A EEVISED, edition of we is in this community. It b&b and not contagious, and is attacking all classes of people, bearing seme resémb- to old-fashioned influenza while it is thew SO serious 28 Ofiginal grip. There is throat trouble zeperally and a cough, besides the usual of a hard cold in the head "Aged are the greatest sufferess. Mes. Mappocr, President of the Goelph W. C. T. U_ will addrese.a meeting in the Methudist charch, on Sunday morning, and tu Presbyterian | church oa Sanday eteuing. On the following Monday evenivg she will) address a mass meeting in the Presby-| terian church. Mrs. Maddock is and experienced worker in the Tem cause and all its point te bear her. Tue Sous of Seotland concert, on | Wednesday, Dee. 27th, comes to! eclipse the concert beid by this ss ilast year. Dr. Campbell, of Seafurt hao promined to be present and ee bis talk on "Burns? J. Mewart. gold! medalist for violin playing. will dehght | the audience With stiections*ef music. and others will be present and contrib | ute to the evenings enjoyment Set | ulars. | posters for failer parte » | A NEwsPaPeERr is defined by Bill "Nye a {as follows:--It is an encrcloperdia, } poem, a histery,a dictionary, a time - GOOD assortment of Albums, letter as well asregistation. It is a), { ; ' "T don't catch at' every bait. Where "T, too, have had have you people the wool pulled over. been buying?" = my eyes." Dont Swreareg "I Thought I was Buying Goods at Cost : Wherever they hold out the alluring bait you may depend that youare not "in the- swim." If i you want Good Goods at Fair Prices call at The Busy House, - Main st. Newry. They are always very busy, but not too busy to show you Goods and Quote you Prices. Just Call and see his stock. C. H. keeps everything usually kept in a first- class general store. Stape and (Fancy Dry Goods A specialty, You ean get an A 1 pair of Overshoes for $1.25. Boots & Shoes in pro- | should wake | portion. A Fresh stock of GROCERIES always on hand. Sugars away down at 'Rock Bottom Prices. But Never saw suc ba quantity. the qual- : Our Xmas Goods Caps Them All. ity equal and prices low ou can get 'Toys in abundance. Fancy Goods of all kinds, suitable for é hristmas and Wedding Presents. And don't you forget it. 3 Ibs. of A 1 Mixed Candies for 25c. Nuts of all kiuda 15c. per lb. g=-C. H. 'takes all kinds of farm produce at highest market price. oe eae nee SAO: AF Rane een ee eee eee ee and solicit a con- : tinuanece of the same. table. a romance, a guide, a polirical | 'resume,a ground plan of Ge civilized | i world, a jow-priced multum in parvo. $a sermon, 2 song, a Circus, an) | obitaarr. a ship-wreck.a symphony in: cold lead, a medier of Hife and death, | 'and a grand aggregation of man's igiory and szame. It in short, @ ! bird's eye view of all macnanimity | | and meanness, the joys and sorrows. | births and deaths, 'the pride "and pov- ,erty of the wurid--ali fora few cents. ! | AN adjourned meeting of the Pat-. ;rons of Industry for the North riding of the connty ef Perth was heid bere | t last Tuesday for the nomination of ! jeandidates. The selection of a nom-; |inee for the Dominien Parhament was: further postponed, and after a long, | session Samue] Weiderholdt, of North | SwEETox.--In Elma, on Der. llth, the Masthope, carried the convention for | the Locai Legislature having a major jity of votes over T. Magwood MP. P_ 4 i Wishing you each and all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. iG. H. HOLMES, Newry. . Reveer ix Six Hoves --Distressing | siete kidbes and bladder diseases relieved in | lag six hours by the "New Great South | American' Kidney Cure" This vew 4 remedy is 2 great and delight Waddie % Orme te physiciars on account of its exce<d- \ing promptness in reljeving pain in the bladder, kidneys and back. If you ; Want quick relief and cure this is your remedy. Sold by D. Campbell drag- gist. Atwood. iF i = : CHAD E=. Borp.--In Elma, om Dec sch, the wife of sam. Bord of adamghter. °- wife of Wm. sweeton of a son (sull bort. and otbers. After the arnva! of the| |afterneon train a mass meeting was. Atwood tfiarket . , ' eld a2 which addresses were given Us+ Fall Wheat. -.-.--------- ssss hora Neat Fit: and | Jas. Donaldson, T. Magwood, M. iSpring Wheat ............ 3 : 4 A Samuel Weiderboldt and Grand oe Marley 2.222222 - +e 3)06USDS ' ; ' | ident Mallory. lUats sn OB OS i 3 | Toe Laue Markey--A correspond- Pea8.--.---------------0-- RI ht Prices ident bas this to say about the lamb | Hay ...-.--.-------------- €@ 6W * | market:---"Not a few farmers are com- | PPOEK as wine nnan seneionns ne 6 2 4 ca . piaining about the way the drovers! Flour, per cwt....-.-..--. 1s 2 . 'have acted this year,in decking them Bran, perton ....--.....- 12 @ iz ®@ &) cents and in some cases one doliar Shorts, petton -..-- 14 OF 14 OO per head, or else leaving the lambs on | Hides per Ib. otee 23 «63 'the farmers' hands What makes the | Sheep skins, each wean aeeee- $3 * buyer buy so early in the sping? The | Woow =. ®- ee J '= ' tarmeérs strould not selia lamb antil it otatoes.per bushel . - sss s Goods 'is Six months old. Then the buyer can' Butter perib.........----- a» 2 We will sell you Good ak: 'see what the animal is like. If is a Eggs per doz..,.......---- | ne eo ,queer piece of business for a man to! lambs at 34a head, then come in the fall and 'elf you to throw off 3} cents, ; 75 cents. and In some cases $1 or Keep' ithem. The farmer cannm warrant the 'lambs to be a tig prnce in the fall. Notice when the drover gets a tig pnce for lambs at Buffalo the farmer zets no come early in the sezson and buy up) more, neithef should they throw off a. eent if the market ts dull 'warning note. A Hree PILE or Conenmere Monrty.--Eighty miiliea dollars in pilis were shipped to Atlanta yesterday, | the mamouth of money Gli- fug tive large dry goods boxes and mak- ' ing in all more than a dray load. None | ef the bills are current however, as! they repres#ht "noting in God's earth now and naught in the waters below .Tarest type. The boge pile of genuine Confederate mopey was shipped here from Richmond. Va, the former capi- tal of the C onfederacr, and is sy the Poesy of Chas. D. Barker. S. yth Street, this city. |departed nation! and in the bE Bulle | valuable as relics, Wut the great nam- oF coors been Bais sa ber of them Mr. Barker has on hand ae _» oa FN ee ern aca as to tone | Please Call and See Us --THE-- : Very Lowest Prices. 777 Store . "es , 'The 77 i Store is Headauar-| wer sore teatawar- WB are No Fakir. . for | : Dry Goods, .* . t,: ---- [=~ Some men in business pretend they are giving you a 3% Picture; -while the same 'duly cost $1.85. Do you 'wish to be: faked Groceries, out of $3,152 Why not buy your Pictures, or we will oe yas, with all you went 2 thin g $1.85, and sell anything -- want in Cloth-- Clo 1 _ ing at its value. DRESS GoopS 4c. | ----SSSS : Try the Pg ati Good Value, ML. WILDFANG.& Cl when you conie to town. ! 'JOHN RIGGS.