Atwood Bee, 22 Dec 1893, p. 4

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* r ~ Taiko t ito perk packing esthblishments. . the thip sex thian oMm?rench make that! ant setlingcheaysy, | Torsuit allsights:. Tho Gold' Specthetes: l havea grind wssortinent, as low asss yaar: whet Takes aittiee 'present! for father, mother! or grandma: SILVERWARE: mmm. Siverware in abnndance, best inmake-and qquradity, | RINGS _ eet. | The Wedding: Rings: keep a lartet Stogk. all sizes: pure wold. Mareagement'| Itinvers: Lahways: keep a: lartre stoek ty lease everyvodh epiairingdorne promptly, Wishing youia Merry: Christinas well a) Hirpipye New Yeas J.B. GUNTHER, The' very The rst dose® greatly WS PRIUTAN, PU RLINSTIRR, | PRIDDY, DRC. rh. 1893. Waiivnaven vor may baw in the litie of Nanas cifts for your children and Tyritrvis;. baw something usefil ated sensible. Money spent for useless toys Ossie intoethe tire, Tue Palmerston: brewery property | has: been sell ton gentleman engaged iy Mereary, the the perk paeking bnsiness:---(aelph Hower be as blessing avere inthe eonntry turner Thre: lipe Werlps peomle of (his conmiry are beginning to tind ont fron expertenee that they need . braadiand iaeat whiskey. that which beeompanies the intoxieat: rine. inisery, wreteh inere than tneenyp edness and denth. poverty « . Wonktom Monkton Cheese STnnirbeetucing (0, leave tlerr ocepretead rreetinre Tretory dn Wednesday, Dee. Coser - Phe officers jvtnel rer] Ipart Pier will the and Lityritendy nM 'Sth Tine nemhers OOP Wane ceetrerree ry Snbt ratty yo lieteervel bolting at New VYuerrts Veet eutertiiige Inert oa theeip hare') om Mhoneayoerer- lheer, Veritas Pat. PRY : = Johny loelis late of Georgetown. wily figs deere yastting Mrs Toelis' parents Mose? Mr Placle iene bisptager thye past | repegret dy cies cessed athormnr cb Ferd <terrre Wi Wort itis] lees cederpe tay the Taertbaseryy tevtcrp fae respon "ye Oeerbank Sabbath sehoal intend cehehratioe the (tristmas stivifees | rapeceersteerDieteageveereh pay tle a hae Laer sre on Pissed ceria Pee Oth i laeers WEEE be oppee ceedderissqerry. fare Yo sthveer election webb ise taker: oat the close MON. ke 1 mfirdlery } Kaeax tustlernn ! rd ocnernber of the aes Costfecre Missionary Snefetve will oorenpy the pert beat Roo chapel next Sabbath Voraties*ian itl fee tubers cnr the Heli tlhe soefety oot whieh bie rs ou represen dative Phe imnicinal pet is becinning to Sinner We derstand omr worthy mover «df Whrretieta WAS eOnsenter Miter the enrnest sobettations of lis DEP Petes Ti tls seetlor ter leeorge Those ade ber panied pal ty onan ith, the towestipoot Lite Tor feet ol tps Visastipese cetdrty steorptet pars tity Thine ndtnirabiy For the daties devolvtye Leqnere Ae eter pey lhor Wye lesnenk fer pn mowereht\ stippart trom the this ~-etilon Wiihesday oevenmge oa throng assembled at the lame oat dineob lene and plassed' the evening very piteassuily deneug to the larnoenians +! produeed by Messrs. Staite, obi Ncidet ana C*ieasay abort] (dn thre terihowinee erVeeri Pte ge Hhotber Mery eeoiwel drive Lo The of Te ab Seottoot the Gorrndary ragtooned lad oa Dest eTepoveabebe Chae wwithay pteknaes, palevs, Muste, somes and oflet lanoecent TSE Te TS Liorither pecnliar inist Liv ct yonng bacheter of the idth con * "CMSSTOT, Leman. one ata last week Thecompank with) is enpbover's. wife, 'hows: desirons of obtatuma ao petrl from: Mis#® Maeptersor's lTleme in Stitford, drove dow go: that iostitue lien tor the sine, BY wilt) was ther surunise: when th mpdaliat usted Ofatairl thew lia omit Traore a Donner bor of seven simmets We thonehtvon were as better judge of yor apparently are, Pate ers happy stbeedtis Deeste berg (re ake wns ujade shirtinnie: 'Phe etection: of officers int Cort Rosewood! 1, O) BP took plaee int their lbdteecroagion Milrsday evening, 'The ener are elected: for. ie erisuing « 'i Adair: AL \Alner: It dae: Adair att Manton: i, its agit acl Fis: Wilson: . Hanimnondy > Wo dt. Gill: LAN, ie Cotigthe s Ik). TeSherwiti: ay! I V. Retly: court! piysiviat, Dr, ey detecestio to' high! court; aod The above: ofieerss will - 'JST [eet on Thoreday eveaiig: by ny 2). iti Call Merrytietdi inet able to -ocen pry his prtyit (wath, so Rev Re Paul preached) morn. alimals cored in 30 minutes: by | foril's: .Sgnithry | The system is oworedety "eonyaet lea jto-the thiker, a special Temperance one. The Gospel Temperance meeting on! Sunday atternoon ws: well attended | | Exvetlent addfesses from: lev, Ruex-churebland it Mi. Jewitt, of! Warwick: " Music we furvished by the? choiror Merville church Christian En- deavor! Owing to cot, Rey, Cobbledick wis last Snrb- ge and evening, The evening dis | COUPbE Wasa memorial: service for the late Hy Oliver and the lev, centlefnan fornde® his remarks on the words! foandin Heb, ith ita and 27th verse, Naititional! foc: i" rtertis: Tronion human ave aned all: Wool- Letion. This never! fils. Sold' by D. Campbell, druggist, Atwood, . 3 1 ve Be warise Curep mo oa DAY South \ineriean Rheomatie Cure for) rhenmatism avd neurileia radically | euresin too} days. [ts aetlon pen' remarkable and: myster- [Cremoves at once the canse and distase imimediatety: disappears, benefits. 75 cts sold druggist: At wool, so Ly RNG Spavin Liniment removes Wbhand soft or catlonsed lanips and blemishes: from lerses, blood sspavin. carbs, splints; rffig done, sweeney, sore nnd swollen throat, stifles. sprnins, comehs. ete, Save Shi by use oP Sone bette. .Warranted-the most worndertil . itemish cure eer Known. Sold by 1). Campbell, druegist, \twoarl, BS IN Rian in Six. Loris. Distressing kidney and bladder diseases releved in sixthenrs be the "New Great Sornth \merican Kidney Cure 'Dis ew remedy ist great surprise ame detieht too physicians on aeconnt of its exceed. ite prompthess in retievillle pain in Che ihadder, kilhevs and baek. If yon wiftt quiek relief and enre this 1s your remaedy. Sold by DD. Campbell drug. eis Atwood, BO-LY Ve Gregan Oprrn-- The Globe of) Toronto istfering ereat idiecements In connection with their weekly tor IATL. Poul subseriber® owlo forward Them one dollar by the end of Decerm,- ber. they ean ange the Weekly (lobe for TSS) ad it addition, present thet Wilh eons af 'Tlints forthe Million." pyitbelisteeet ley Meessrk. bared, Men: liv & Choy the ccedeteriitec? peleashers cf "leer mad New York. "Phas work os an oan Vothitadele trmok of reterenmee ond liservat Het. being a Comypercdinon of pew sad vieliabde cles aid steeccestlons oo tividlene, med letue, lastiess alfairs, (haveing the Wworkshen, (aboritery, lense, kiteherndé stubble ete [}re pecrirbar sellin Werth one dotiar. Mhe saspeaks of the week as Dquisative cid econo horses ions: the by De? Campbell, tor tlaee feesres oof UlpeoiaScagpeds ie hee is hye oth as New York "ceSeetaad tan copy cal onsekeenper" San Prineisea pide : . ae ine Nhore isetul ciaterination corte ret owell le croweled ta the smirnme Spee" werlertty} of pater. forwarded 1S ft nest uo LAre Tp es "i rebryeornat tryst ieory ae will be OF pestuge Phe offer Libomrse] corre conel strode secre ereeuse cm the cipeimbation of tpt ote Tab hist) and eceed lent newspet per, Lo syteanys ib Veen? \Innehester ferrin book a ke fo News of tie Diy. Ravmond's faetory, Guelph, was badly damacend bw tire Venday night. WoT. Howland, of 'Roronte, died Poesy, Dee ith. trom the etfeers aenute [UVe DETECTED ot Nii lodian wos murtererd pea Heed oat Coigarv oon Stiday. Invriderer las been arrested, a on half: Nhe The Gnetph school Board tas decid. ert thrat all seheol pop IS uty that TEV mst he caeeinated before Sarmmiury 1 The totket debe of the Dominion or the war of November wrs saino48 - Tel am oimerense of 404589 for the erst hy, It is TTT et heel in Winnipee the "Manitoba Leeistatire will be ealled' to tether tor the despateh of basiness on Jitnary 11, There are staged on Cheaeo mere than of owlent. ca coment Whrehanse records: A a. the @levators of JY AMP UIEED borestrels ahead Mh 'heen his at Middlesex lrotelkeener lias fined for allowing gambling oon premises, Phe offenee consisted playing cays tor the drinks, itis sald that Arehdake franz Perdi.* nand, betro to the throne of Hungary, will shortly be betrothed to the eldest dangehter of the Czar, The Prinee Keward Istand [)oea! elections last week resulted in asweep- inf vietory for the Liberals, wir will ri have vonatority of ten in at TLeegisiature of thirty nerrbers, Ni Tendon eable gays that the [rftish | Cabinet' has yielded to the demand-of Kart Spene@r, first Lord of the \dmir- alty, for aw new and frirly large tayal roeram. Some 310,000,000 will lie ex- pended under the new proposals: The Chicare Postoffice, loeated 'in the; heart of the cit¥wasthe scene of'a botd 5 robbery Tuesday, 1th: The cashier'! 'ofthe wholesale stamp defartinent and | AA aRRRtANE were'stiot by a burglar, and 37,080 carried 'offf There iano ¢ tive Miller; ot! Austria. Both: clerks-willirécover: ' _ Annual Meeting, , 'HE annual meeting of the Share- t holders and) Patrons of the Monkton Cheese & Butter Man- ufaeturing Co. will be heid at the fae. | » tory, on Thursday, Dec. 28, 1898, Att @cloek pan. All come atone, sharp. AV ERSRINE ec retary {7-2in* ROBT. MOORH, ----PRALER IN------- Shelf and Heavy Hardware Paints... Oils. Glass. and-Pocket Cutlery, Silverware, Lamos, Cross-Cut: Saws, Axes, Elev, MAIN SP, - LISTOWEL. ATWOOD BAKERY AND GROCERY WING to the inereased inv store, To daave diseosstin- ec thavelling inv Bakery wry- will hereafter supply all iny at the store. O ae customers FRESH BREAD BYERY DAY. 1Te. I keepoa large and choice stoek Fresh Groceries and Provis- ions, tn this line, Fruit and Gonfectionery A SPECIALTY. Fresh Oysters Always ou Hand, ~S Farmers' Produce Taken as cash. 'all and see me, R B. HAMILTON. A MERRY And a busy time is what we | Phree: Weeks supplying you: with > + want for the Next your CHRISTMAS (roods. We fresh stoek of 'Oran Lemons, Nuts, Dates Toys in We wish you -TO ALL Call and see our fore > 'you order your Pies. also ways on' hand, S"Parm produce taken in eaten _ for goods, | 1... MoCAULBY.. are invited to) yand full as usual. Table | 4 | | DrISTNeSS | at | We keep everstiing you need | e are sec@ring gs. Hivss, and 'all kinds of € onfer tonery; abundance. zoods be- sup-- it resh Groceries: al- or ST ee ee ee eT Stage gen Me AES" what Try, BS TE 5 a * : Pa : ? es omar f 5 Brussels: Lia PSOE. Siaxizet. rex ( ATWOOD I ht}. Leatherdale spent: Sunday ite }? allay. heat... epetiorner BS 53'S t BALLANTYNE Ss BLOCK. . bi | Witigliam Spring W leat: i VaNe Aah are At) , ry <i Mt. Drowyg; from Brigtatid) isvisiting, Barley ..5. eR ab noes ath ou +y hissconsili; Mise M! Howe, Oats bus ct ha's vv wera cane zB . Mise T. Gerry iscontined to'thetionse: ee dahlias * P aoa Oxi mil faurive pei a fine) With inflammatory riedamatism: p wi Ra . ile de kaliet he «25 e Toad innakes it mvp, that is iE) phe: Toes: and! Itovt!. Armstrong' a ets bed Tae YOR Ate ROTO AMEE TY LAYS YOUN sire with, In ari wpe: J Gilpin is of Bloat, yer ewes... ses, fa Llbhiday: Goods apd! Presents: Then! tye: Hoorly list: Betty saretrin renee . aia 12 ot ~ Ray new TOO y best! Pati ' ' J) _ ; ' - ~ ine icin Peyndiatt Akay Rent dit At Ont' sethiobl teactiers® are allloff'Tor' Hides per ib. Bey ae tLLeSs Aticl Wrexxr 3 Sains: tlat'arisetling: peu zo, worth. and Mei holidays: -- Miey liayeall been re- | Sheep pkins, eae... 4 0) | : j * Sol everywhere for S809, and! they are | Sigaged for another year, | Wood! Sota da. Teds 160 1 Ths setae beso cee + 2: werent serliiglike loeticakess | Owe Sabbath tev. Ge Hi. Cobbiediek : Potatoes per bastel ...... a0 od : 'Then L havea istueR Soo jiairs of the? i, D2 isto preach: a) Nmas ser: Butter pertbo... 00.0.0... on 22) . 'ho vers: 'eat iieset silver reared Spiec cles Thon tH the morning nid inthe ev wating Bagh yer doz... 2... 2... 15 15) Store Large, & SOCK Large: and | See those Lamps for your Xinas Presents, Kine new Fruits, such as Prunes, Cranberries. Raisins, Currants: Su! tain: is, Lemons, Orange s, ( Peels and Mince Meat. iF verything to make your Happy. ies, Utren Nomas In Dry Goods and Fur nishines our Stock is ¢ 'omplete { Remember the place, Ballantyne's "y Store. wAY wath e rots J IN | Furniture. | | WI, FORREST , AlWood Furniture e Roving, | { : The undersigned has on hand all kinds of House 'Furntshings. such as Bedroonysnites. Le unges, Mittias- res, Springs. Mirrors, Window Blinds, Curtain Us les, Picture Kisumes and Mouldings. Call and eet Prices hefore | buying else Ww here. Priees to suit the times. Fun- erals attended to omshort nokice, . For that at Bad {Cough of yours: Res 0h Se 9g - phd "ht aoe a re | (Allen's Lang Balsani- Sy l HIGHLY RECOMMENDED aa re | As a Preventive and Cure of all Throat and Lung Diseases. -- O IS WHY DO YOu 1 UNACCOUNTABLY LOSING FLESH REFUSING TO TAKE ITS FOOD y STLESS AND DEBILITATED EMULSION? it ---- HELP WONDERFULLY RHEUMATISM . NEURALGIA, MUSCULAR STIFFAESS, (V7) MUST GO PAIN IW SIDE & LAME BACK men Dad' MENTHOL PLASTER utp ' % Have a Very Bail Coug'h, F Are: Suffering: from Lung Thoubtes,. Have Lost Fiesh through Hiness, Are Threatened with' osumption, i Remember that the -- i 1S WHAT YOU AEQUIRE. r ae = The moet Ff wonderful J ® i] bet * ~~ . ATCH. hievement of mechanical skill. Highepriced Watches & * Nox ont af sight,' is No Fake that takes ul! day to wind 1 or a big cloek-watch so extenstve ly advertised, but & hand- some, ordinary size Watelmthat is warranted for ive years. Stem-winder, jewelled) movement, containing ail Use 'late "ate improvements. Solid Stlverine cuse of the best quality, unex- a for durahility and service, fuarantecd to wear a life- time Makers hate spent: years in experimenting in order to produce a Watch of MERGE at the lowest possible price, the resnit .is the "Wonder" which is. a marvel ot chenpnesa, dara- pity and excellence, that Gniis porn, Style, finish and price, goaranteed an ate: urate time rr. One j Soarapee Stiverine Stemeowinder "Wonder" Vateh as , above degeribed, forwarded express chafges prepaid 7 cary, part of Canada or t or the United States, on receipt of four wieches, P) for Thets, -- Pwe vill bend an 'Hiewant Satin Lined Plash (nae, . nthining this Watch, also a handsore Gofd Pratar Chain and Charm thatis warranted. All for $3.00. he Cash with ardgr, No samples sent C. 0, Do If foods pare not tount actly as represented your money will be c hoarfally refgnded. in ordering m™ say if wanted for eithe Muadv.or Gentleman. '| nrafor : 8 and others selling dur " Wonder" Watch. Its sale wilt bef i¢@ shuply cnormpus, asitis the only reliable Watch on the market for the pers Bes | AP ware ofall free offers tor cheap sun dials, ete., and send your order direct to us and ret big: i vnive ter your mgney: You inay have the same Watch in a fine Gold Plate for Sets. a extra. Addresa; G NOVELTY Co., 1S2 King St West, NOU A CLOC K. | Toronto, Cz nada. stage Whe Chi 84 54. redeigs are eee é ei ™ COV "ye NO aes FAKE" Ol NATE eaatara , tat 7 3¢ 1+. Ee 4 - ! NOT A TOY. § res <tr 5 , * . Mex ae

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