Atwood Bee, 22 Dec 1893, p. 5

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taking a eutter ride, ete. Mr. and Mrs. Cunniygham will 'reside in Atxvood, | we undetstand, carrying with them | - through life the best wishes of the eommunity for their . happiness. and prosperity t ' » * fumes, Hair Brushes; Clothes Brushes, Bhat dite Acie a aoe ORT ae ass PR a os ee ee v<« pe VaR cin 9 eae yee a. Lace Le oN a aS xT ses Re een clk aee es ee eS @ + TO ALL. GOOD "eer of Albums, | Vibles, Amas Cards, China aud Kid Dolls, Cups and Saucers Mugs, Japanese Goods, Ganies, Toys, Per- Tooth Brushes and Shaving rushes, Toilet and Medicinals soaps, Ladies' zum Gents' purses, Hand Sileighs, ete., all ta.bejad of DP. CAMPBELL. The Atwood Drug Store. a ATE AE as ¢ A Town Talk. Lots of wood coming into town, NEXT Monday is Christmas day. Wer wish all the readers of Tie a merry Christmas. R. M. BALLANTYNE pays cash for hive bib. rel) batter and 'egps., R. B. Wasiitow~ has got in this year already 1,200 lbs, ef candy fur the Xmas trade, * Tur Herald will be the name of the new Brusseis HEWSDAper, so Mr. Irwin tells us. ELMA municipal nofities will get an airing today in the Town ITlall, at 12 Oclock, neon, "Tre Mitchell REE Advocate caine ont W aX, i 4 being prepared. Wilecen. -- Butter, eggs, wood, cedar posts and cedar stakes, at i M. allan tyne's, 4.LBs. of mixed candies for 2c, .at Hamilten's grocery, Get your Xmas goods here. Santa Claus has made his headquarters at I[amilton's. for candies. "RICKETsS are bought up rapidly for thé Miss Nora Clenech concert in Listowel, on the 29th inst. All who possibly can shotld hear this talented young lady. Seats are soid at Lamont's ; music rooms, Listowel. G. A. BELL, of Knox College, will preach in the Presbyterian chireh | Wie next Sabbath morning, in aid of Knox College omission fund. The | pastor preaches Prohibition sermons - at Smith's Hilland Auburn next Sunday | for his brother, Rey, R. Henderson. FeLicrry: * She sitteth silent, dreamy-eyed, As brooding in unending peace, Aud seeme as placid, satistied, As if on heaven she hid a lease, Andnow dad then she hummeth Some ditty such as lovers sing, And from heractions well 1 kKaow, She wears her first engagement ring.» Cunistas Tree.--A Christmas tree entertainment will be beid in the lecture room of the Presbytevian church, on the evening of Tuesday, Dec, - 26, comeuecing at 7.30 o'clock, No admission fee ,charged. The parents wishing to give their children any preseytg are requested to send them wand they will be put) ou the tree. A geod programm of entertainment fs "T don't eateh at 'every bait. Where have you people been buying?" low bal swim. Tuk Sous of Seotland concert is the attraction for next Wednesday evening, Dee. 27th. Dr. Campbell, of Seaforth, Will talk en "DBurns;" Pipers Ballantyne and Stewart, of Brussels, and other talent from a distance will combine to make this the 'best eoneert of the season. The well-known 'and popitlar gentleman, D. D. Campbell, of Listowel, has kind!y consented to occupy Ue ehair, The Colonet is a host in him- self. Admission, 25 cents. No reserv- ed seats. Everyonesturn out to the Scotch concert next Wednesday even They Prices. class general store. A specialty, Elma was held at- loerger's fall, At wood, on Wednesday afternoon and was largely-attended by the represen. tative Couservatives of the township, The chair was taken at 3 p. m, by the} president, S.S. Rothwell. Young Coul ter, secretary, read the minutes of brst | P resents. Toys in abundance. than we are, there having been several deaths tn that town during the past week. | We Wornp Like ra Ste good sleighing continue. Everybody happy nt this seasan oof the year.--same af the trians keep better time.--~People make a big effort te pay ail their debts before the commencement of the new year The plebiscite receive arn over. wWhire i minjoritvee- A fat geose or turkey lett at our heuse for Christmas dinner,--Several hundred new -- sub- seribers for Pk64---4+iood times for IS8t4, and everybody prosperous, Pars-KinLer isa purely Vegetable preparation, safe toa Keep and to use in every family. The situplieity attend- ing its use, together with the great variety of diseases that may be entirely eradieated by it, and the great amount of pain and suffering that can be alleviated through its use, make it 'imperative upon*very person to supply themselves with this valuable remedy and keep it always vear at hand. for the new big 25e, bottle. Ove Fiesps ARROAD.---To myr- iads of people it will be geod news that there is to be a Christmas number ofthe Montreal Star this year. All| over the world the Santa Clans spirit gets into the air at the beginning = of Tece mber, no matter whether times aré geod or bad, Friends away across | the seas, over the broad prairies or even at nearéf distanees, look for a message, and glad will thousands € tliatowe are to have a glorious. Chyist mas number of the Montreal Star laden down with fascinating gems of art. ASK Mave HMaprry.--Rev. G. B. Thivis, B.D. made two young ee ttatee | exceedingly happy last week. Rolev | Cunningham took to the'altar Miss 'Maria Nichol, daughter of Wm Nichol, on Thursday evening of last week, and | Rey. Mr. Ravis, Bf ptist minister, made | them man and wife, in the presence of | afew relatives and friends of the! eou After the Siac the: party | sat down: ta a wel = prepare' bridal | supper, and the remainder of the even. | ing was pleasantly spent by the couple | jing card to the other | farmiles represented. deal for their generous patronage. The Busy House, ing. see progr: aims, : THE ANNUAL MEETING.--The meet- poe tion. AF resh stock of GROCERIES "nf the Conservative association of Rock Bottom Prices. But Our Xmas Goods Caps Them All. Fancy Goods of all kinds, suitable for And don't you forget it. "T, too, have had the wool pulled over _my eyes. Don't Sxwx7ear?e "T Thought I was Buying Goods at Cost ?" ~~ Wherever they hold out the alluring bait you may depend that you are not "in the If:you want Good Goods at Fair Prices ¢ all at Main St., Newry. are always very busy, but not too busy to show you Goods and Quote you Just Call and see his stock. C. . keeps everything usually kept in a first- ' Stape and Fancy Dry Goods You ean get an A 1 pair of Overshoes for $1.25. Boots & Shoes in pro- Sugars away down at g x Never saw such: L tity, t] Atal - é 'quanti Y: le (pa ity equal and prices low. ou can get i hristmas and Wedding 3 lbs. of A 1 Mixed Candies for 25e. Nuts of all S always on hand. terrC. H. takes all kinds of farm produce at highest market price. In conclusion T have to thank my numerous customers and community at large for past favors and solicit a con- Wishing you each and all a Merry Christmas and a Ilappy New Year. ~G. A. NOLMIES, Newry. last week ing a new dress of brevier Hmeetung, which were approfed. The | iype, aud looks much improved, following otlicers were eiotted for thet kiuds, 1d5c. per Ib. Mr Srovenr, of Mt. Forest, and his} eysuing year, viz.:--President, Muses | hephess, lawyer Pdewett, of Listowel, bik urvey; Vice President, W. 1). Mit- | Groanes at the anne. give ns a pleasint' call Tuesday, Chell; . See'y-Treas., Young Coulter Vis. Conserr ound children, of | O08 Motion of Thomas Smith, seconded Dirde, Manitoba, formerly of stratford, iby Wm. Graham, itwas resolved: Tlruat are guests of her sister, Mrs. L, | the Conserv: itive Association of E Ima, Mader. . jhereby aflirms continued approval ot | > Mo Winprane & Covare offering Lie. einer es i we ond | tye ape] nid.tee cites act Lene 2 Ding BPArty and expresses Ss entire eon Tht - foal atts In clot laig at t a adie dence in the ability and wisdom of the| Tir: Listowel Baptist church will | this week = Administration at Ottawa to earry on | hold anniversary services on the aig © ee as ithe government of the country im a) Lord's Day of the new year, Rev, Mrneuasrs report: Christmas trade | ager ty enlumes the eoutinued unity.) J. MeKay, B.A. BOD. will: preach 'at very fair, "Plre past Tew days has beet prosperity and stability of the Domin-| Tha. m.. 3 and 7 p. 0.; offerings for the | rather tao stormy for people, in the lion" No nominations were made for! Chapel Fund will be taken at each | comitry to de inueh shopping. municipal honors. ; service, * Mir ann Mis. (LL Winsex (nee Miss . , ' _| Ahies Daan) oof Tivde, Colorado, are A CRowDbEeD Hov sE.~-The Frown ~ " | spending tuei Nos holidays among Hall could: searcely' accommodate the | CRADLE. | catives and friends in tins locality, It People who gatheed wd to hear the pro | Inabout two years since Mrs. Wilson )S?aim at the school concert on Phurs- | Consienick.--Fo Brussels, on the 16th wis home. ° We wish thema very ;Uty evening of last week, Dhe very | iust.. the wile of Rev. G. II, Cobble- pleasant Stay among old seenes. and a ai bal ee tes -- ek oF a son. USSOCTALLONS, pA t : = -------- -- , . od) that teachers D. GG. Anderson and 4 as a La civrre is getting down to busi-{yyisg Xiriam Dunn were resolved te! ALT ER. ness in dead earnest in this loeality |) ape ata suecess: (2) they spared neith- CUNNINGIFAM---- NICHOL.---On the justnew. Nearly halfot the people ol) Wine pains rior "expense to achieve | evemug of the 14th, inst. at the the town either have it, orhave recover: | nig end: and lJastly. the fact that: a: residence of the bride's father, ed trom if. Our good neighbers, Of | legion of youngsters und aider prothers Atwood, by the Rev. G. B. Davis, | Listowel, are afiieted even more sorely | and sisters of the community participat: | 31), Roley Cunningham to Miss ; edin the program, preved a great draw | members of Marta Grace Nichol. the | : Apart from the! ~ large _ attendance, and copsequently | STAR LIVERY. financial suceess, the program Was really good and rather above thaty apy, 'verv j j 'usually presented at affairs of this! peat baie gt oat and caninpet rivers kind. 'To mention severally the many | , ' ; K ; , : , way adapted to meet the participants and say the mice things of | and inevery way tay requiréments of the travelling public.| yisit here will convince the most ske them tuat their efforts deserve would take quite a column of THe Ber, which | perme Lorena ~~ opposite | is mote space than we ean afford at) fOCF nr's ote iadaia | this senson of the year, when there are c WM. HTAWKSIAW, | so many concerts to Teport and our news 'columns taken possession of . ; by Christmas holiday advertisers, The --TH E-- pantomime, however, is deserving of special mention, as it required a great of study and preparation, The represented a Ilaag riin Gypsy sevne, and was rendered true to life, ore the costumes being very like those which distinguishes this eccentric race | of people; while the tragedy itself 'tost | none of its realism and terror for want! of daring Ota part of the actors. | The stage eff was very good indeed ie ig ie Fa "24a ys q;P- and. the pantomime as a whale was! Lhe (¢¢ Store 18 Hi adqual pl ly pronounced a sieceess by those who | ters in Listowel were capable of judging a good thing, | i James [Irwin filled the chair with hits for old time ability and acceptance, and ; . * said lots of nice things just where thy | Dry Goods, skould. be said, and Kept splendid order, | * Groceries which is a neyer failing test of aj suceessful chairman, The -- proceeds) netted 347. Phe teachers, under whose zuspices thé concert was held, desire to heartily thank all those who contributed to the success of the program, and also wish to thank the people, generally. DECEMBER. « DRESS GOODS 4&C. Riding upon the Goat, snow- white hmir, I come ae Lei of afl. with This crown Of 'Is of the holly! in my hand T bear The thyrsus, tipped with fragrant | cones-of pine, I celebrate the birth of the Divine, And = return of the Saturnian Please: Call and See Us ~ "when you come to reign ;-- town. 'My songs are carols sung at every. shrine, Proclaiming "Peace on earth, good will to men." oJ OHN RIGGS. --Lougfellow. | Clothing, | / | stock is equalled. by few and exc -elled by none. THE © PLUG * We are never tired of telling about the beautiful goods we show at our establishment. One visit to our | shop will satisfy the most exacting customer that our But one ieee that The Plug Hat Leads the Trade 'In Merchant Tailorings3--uaie- We are always pleased to see you and show you ihe Newest Styles of Goods and latest fashions of garments.' Now, gentlemen, if you want a Nobby Suit_or Ov ercoat,. Teréember that the right place is the Plug Hat 'fora fine stock at right prices. ~Gustom | Work a 'Specialty. Porcini uvipe cloth -- to make up. at home will' get the cutting Aone free of charge. M. WILDFANG & CO.

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