Atwood Bee, 12 Jan 1894, p. 2

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é * > 2 . a aang --_-- : = ; 7 eee ---- a | coun NEW RECIPES. ma mage mee | ISSUE NO 2 1894 pt matings 0. faiture The Art of Cooking Them to the Cynics! | Mew the Fameus Stddens' -Fertratt Wealeets _ vere cecteinly Women's Tastee . Em replying te any of Cheve afvertiee aoe «Marae "ng Lan Hh: Some SS Hah Reeth matte enor pain Bape macs Man is a cocking animal, and up as examples to teach and to abe i~ the lone widower prompt to C.vilksed man ; Sd quick to take notice, acosunts. For this reasa, Thea why is the' widow, [simple secipss may be Always waiting around to ¢ Make a Modern : 3 did bot --Take am American, ene pirt lady, te ' "Bas goes parts soubretts, dressaxtravagantly Forget fix dear in the dampness and inte millienalre old hen iy 7 screen ecaene ; thew 948 Slddons was 28, The gress actress failing i Why did cot good Lot, in his flight from Go Te Make a Modern Gentieman.-- | o first te 2 vert ef embreidiry ee . marrah, Wash a large, red sveck- 3 beuah' and ; Yes, but feed it with Scott's Emuision. Cry "Ratal"--s0 : ' which the artist added Ae the edge of} | : ets her horror trim ; baste all ever with meney ; arrange her robe, scan thet i Feeding the cold kills it, and no ome a Solomop, w wer jaa luxaricus West eS Ss "wenden é ot -- lee Ring arm can afford to havea cough or cold acute Se David a man with a fair stock of brides, vure, the money wi returned. @ eee teen + eee Seve 2B we 1784 ;" whereupen Sig Jeshea assured ber § and Icading te consumption, lurking i : menthe. - woald be to have his name : Why did be desire poor Uriah's besides JacKsox, of Barbreck, St. Lax ~_ | that he (pread €°9 + a -cund him. | @ur own Brigham Young, who might well Py tong 05; pe ick fo- Make a Fashionable M Reunn $0 on the bem ef her gar have beea wiser, <a Eliza} Ome time wit) + complaints, and all th | Put inte afew small reoms some 300 over- | -- Otero' this pictare, Why did he wed op till he caught Ana Bits} medicine my friends gave me did me no scot [dread men and under-dremed wemen, a/ .. Goatead ef posing the alter him- a SEER, oo death was spat ewe: 0S Fucsr eoeaer miner. and twe or three alien go cemted Mra. Siddeas te give him her. . Martiage still wil? be one of our howling Pl oticlon. aaa t be ht two bottles of it milliseaires ; eprinkle ever a teaspecnfal of own idea of the Tragic Sais" ood oho 'bere ' : . successes. and E=fore 1 hed taken lasr. T got entire: pay a Aone armed, so asrumed the pose in which the - wel ast | ring good 4 ex tablespoeafail yension ; mediately P rs . , ' snni« aoct Lo praise pour mediane every where 1 co then aac rapper and Samana pistare ag ees aauaaeaees Keppel = Her eyes are shaded deep with prayer ; = --_----_-- Tot the whole stew 7 Sorbner' ae. -- . Ayound her forehead sotuy Claes, GREAT SKITAINS BIG CRTISERS To Make a * ™__First catch a aan bine Sheet . Tuc golden glory of berhait. et teman, thea ficece bim ; stir oatine- With painfal cerns? Puteam's Palales |} Of pure Norwegian Cod Liver 1, [TeMe Fave Mandrea Foot K-nz, Wich Hour. jelly With sEmNSNyS ane Welt: Set will remove them pain-|§} Oil and Hypophosphites ° ; then Cern Extracter ypo The wonder on her face is strana, tren Theasand fens Bplacement, Se Bankraptey Ovart, pat lealy io a few days Use the safe, sare - a To look wita wad blue eyes beybud A descriptiea of the first-class cruisers finte the city. Hut | 224. palaless cera care--Paimem's Goth strengthens Weak Lungs, checks Tre bourne that closes mortakrange. | § Powerfel ea T.rribis, to bé balit by.con- Te Make a ae Oetebeii aie Extracter. Atdraggisu'.. . Wasting Diseases and is a remarkable one wh ght else had sufficed tract, for ths commencement of which pre- | educate ® vain yaks Ae iberature ; Flesh Producer. Almost 2s Palatable as To tli the longine of her heart, vis'on ia made in the avy ertimats of | gros j wo ae the | _Sencoa waa not a) half-christian " § § Milk. Prepared onty by Scott 2 Bowne, Ballevitin. Till God bad draws' the veil. aad the 1893-94, has beem prepsrsd and presented ane ene -- feemall, log-rell esopher, wt eresp'ng ang: = . ' looked witnin » Christ. ree Parilamen'. hole. Give gretsqae then usirer died werth ever £3. = Stuart Livingstdh. The 32, which ws cage ot aces Sep 00% sheek SE ope Sherflan and 'oe. ar be ered as still e seme modifica are akspeare. ; ' a ' The Angels' Song. as follows : "Tanai 500 feet; breadth,| Te Make am Art Critia--Open the tep | --FOR SALE nTbe ut wa = ) sient 7 fan y ' Geplencnent' shoe | 14.00 seer) ait wp wi b 2 beg , cs No ndition f owders like -- Farms ior Sanna each. The shepaents bend their heads To catch honk Whe conthweeen bee epeed fer smooth | brach, and trim ; reb agaiseta haedfal cf Dick's Biood Purifier; - « « $3000 "* Tue shy grew begat, with Wondrouslight ; water tteaming and with e clean bettem ia jatmilar obscure and inexperienced wg ig an Se eng oa. 14 " - « $4000 " The aw was filled with song . to be twan:y koeta QOaan eight heurs a glast of cheap sherry oa Press view 3, Aine Wid nated That came fcom heaven to earth that night ca ural drazgh? centrastor's trial the speed then serve up ceid im the celamna ef the . i im Chatham, naleccoete tame prom While-robed ange! throng. ail be about vwaeats-tac knote. Peany Pasitiviet. A maigre dish. . . / Trenios. . * 4 Et'le child is born to-day, The ste-] hu] will be woed sheathed and ro ir | TERRS Te SCIT PURCHASERS . God's gift from beaves abore, ee oeppered, ve thst tbe veatela may keep the Gave r) bec pessicuiarsaem:y te Lae sea for Inog perieds wisheut any serioc®] Rheumatiom for years, and Nerviline is the 3 . a ucoor, pray penceto men tonigre hora [Want sped, A ona! Danke, apse fet] ealy remedy that her done me say prot ---- ei Ls. " Peace, peace Vo wen, Une cote of Jey, end at the atove etated draught aad dis-[) July 24, 1880, and hin testimony is The celebrated Segeaaey See See pesrmant a>dsat teas welzhs Will be ousted supported by thousanda ef aan wie ove Lansdowne -Farm Herd of Hol- @iceicil wh a eree WEST BAY CITE The mes- of geod will to men, ne armstient wiil inaluc'e twe BY i the wenderfully stein Fresian Cattle, AS at no ae : > sang that night ; ine --the i ALT j te i pete eh (oly egg Lm creeds DARE [See ARTs cay Sia chilies and repeat the song willbe' capaule of firing right ebead £m! peo te take as te rab ca and is whe best J. CG McNiven & Son, Winona, Ont,# LIER best tera in the Biktes can be Sit That through the starlight rend ; feus cthera right astern; e'ghteen 12- family remedy ta the werld. Nearvilime is , will be sold by auction and without reserve at it ae cs Yery rescousbie Sing. sing fe at = pounder rapid Sters and twelve 3 poundert, | ,o\d by dealers everywhere. Brown Bros." Sale Stables, cor. King§ <-- Sure cus wsy paid om ths purchess a Aron worbtectios will Se provided for ali wi Clerks at Washingten. and George stree's, Toronto, on Nt Ct tow ia the time te get home 7 Tma¢er Kelso emta A . o En rarer fat ego oat 9 Ll op gg | eae eialpoainnl | --- 9 aias S -- iat shite and her fi poapcer en the cppet Gevernment te The herd's merits alone secured their selec ; . ear were white aad ber face S®S}tcrebhed wth atrong 'chieldr, reyolving | yeare. The firet woman regularly employed tion a Haleia Representative Merd . for ' ; And a sunbeam toyed with her nut-brown hair. geet es , » tactile ot wh. ra agg anime r we -- = FAIR. CHICAGO, . ; . 8 terpede srmamen 2 fo $ . 2, waa a young wide > Sesend bails en: 1a8c. | "Samunthbe 22 the Wert pokey tt ape tng or deg dade wi = merged terpete Girchargere, placed in twe tne afc considered itan awfal problem | pirat Ged Prtarat Toreuce Dipiowa and SGERTS hay re A -- lar moet To gue ab Lhe cau-2%y the worldly wise. | "Pe contre, beilare, we ---- hew to dispesze ef her. Biaaliy Soar rie a Mamtreal and ten prines at Ottawa) fe, Gx 230 sane ;' suc counieahowant ocwartand tack... Jet partieat of the ship will be Bled | wan contagious Gacae and elated ber in | jim tt rmincehges HERR Sgeaked ret teen h poder tient agg em . t goel t: sed é revarned | For hich give a fall descripté wanYae ff you want 0 make ---- soos Borel rack! [Sicinoes otticer: cokes fer a cae an "i wa ulavuae ty Bad cre Bat tbe dis- | of each and every animal germs of wn, oh. ' 3 : The den'!s: he gouged and hammered and} jor:un of ths lengts, with a alight A al case caught on, ae te speak, and to-day write toJ CG Me wie DEES YOu ARK ; ed eapen Each turast was as sharp as a double-edged dee ef thickress toward the exwemlties | there are 1 000 women in the treasury alone. 'Auctioneer. .- « Torceac sword, Tn's deck will be cssoctnted with minutely | There ts one woman te every seven mex. Oakville, Ont. And all uf ber sighs were underscored. sebdi vid -d osal burkers exteod'ng up te the . ; : $1 AN HOUR New Wondertad Gur ssmpeiiie. sion forthe tenderer, [B Ssciof he sale Cocky Mews Racares f] | Vitter I nes mom grieved eoas | See gt aaa WA 4 sh oe | secre nae cars en Seno ane 1nbe> co so torme a re-eetioa belug identical with those whi rt mistress' "id EM -M. E: w ; craiser of the Reyal nivy. teh: d that woman acd dropped a tear, . 7 bei pete toudsy i fenced saad hear, Mees earefal stedy bas doen beetewed 'ami readily gucced what her seniimentafapon al! mat 'ers relating to thé pretectien KNITTING MACHINE 'were! : ef the arm-oentard ef gas' crews and the . a. Tam pert of ~ tien trom the m ines She thought. and I knew it, reclining there, bat P\et Oy. RD . a With the caiien beaim on her scintilant hair; ]to the tgh't-g peditfensef fhe guns. Az * Ob, Loli ! if a woman could only swear." arcore. egh.cog towsr p'sced st the after my" THIS {S GOOD FOR $255 SENDTO ""REELMAN BROS Mfrs w= -GEORGETOWN,ONT.. = end of ;) ¢ fe riosatla whl sive protecticn in The Foci of the Future. actien ts the commanding +fiew. O, the Poet of the Future! He will come to as A grvat height ef freebeard bas been pre- as comes . ] vided ia aexcciation with a leng poep and The beauty of the bugie's voice above the roar} +, o.srls, cpoa which the bew and stern] .& The bs a.ty of the bugie's voice abore the rov | chase: gans wilt be carried. This will secure 4 ain . nt merely the power ef Sghting the guns tn Of batic drum= that pulse the time the ViclOT) ne. .y weavhar, bat alee that ef maintaining marc Ss In, - pedro gS seed uthurized Capi $200,008, Pure | ife Inmeurance at popular rates, Agents wanted. sperd a5 asa. : 2 lane. STHMA CURED! His hands will bold no Bara in sooth; bit] Ta ender te moare the een speed mentlon-| FETT, S Gck a chee Bhileb's Pacem (adi: W give instant relic? tm the _ "hiftest acres wil bear ed it t-s bees neccesary te provide fer ex- 5 esfacts cote worst cases; insures oronet of kaurel--aey, DoF symbol any} (See acd betiere capable of developing a Sate that his palms are brothers to the-wiler's | wey Licye Sores power. At oa . at the cee. sitn-nticn it tas been Gecided to adhere to His face to heave, and the dew of duty on his]. .:,,«s ad net to adapt the triple brow. ecrese. Exorfence in the Bake and Bisa | He «ill -ing ac'oss the meadow, and the wo [teim,za wel os ia the large twim screw mean at the well ; th veame-t of the mercantile marise, have = ne beckeR with a smile). i bitshsi tie complete efficiency ef sash And ihe children ia the orchard will gaze wist-} 9": pellors xt Ain the limits ef power and fully uhe way ; 7 dreaght contem ed. . hyn 7 ay eng tem, with the {raz I: bas been decided te the com- rane . * : ss eal 'answer, and the pasture | Nencemcnt ef the Terrible unifl the next ied al S Pages' |Gasoctal year, bat terdare wiil be invind Will caime wih belts, and send responsive j for the cens:-actien ef the veavel s dow md; : " " And all the echoos of the wood Will jubilantiy | §# 80cm as the cerigas have been completed. te ASSLICTED WITH sje CANCER OR TUMORS = ? es £rsv OUT THRs OUT. Siem your mame and seed K with ene dollar te Dr, Samuel Ginner, Treas, of the Anti Prokt- call Tole csarse bas been reselved apea in asso- bition Association of tataric. Encorpereted! In seer 'imicry of that ons sweetostjoiaien with an arrangement te advance mt Mensing Avenui: nt '. . , during the corrent financial somewoat : Q, the . oc cuture! He will come to ts more rap'diy than was Greed intentded the as man to man, cometruci#en ef the fourtecn new". * With the Asana. atm of shar: and the honest} beat deetreyere previded fer im the pie- ve s ove rare kind abouthimana} Ifa bedy mset a body whe ts dreadfully mee -- -- -_ tertared with rbeumatiem ft would be a His hands will hold no harp, in sooth ; hislifted jerns] thing net te tmpart the : brow will wer, vew: that MuUcllec's Rheumtio] ts --_------eeee a. ee ee sat coves neuralgic er rheumatic pain People in this 19th, century are bound 'to have the best Save that bis palms are brothers to the toiler's |ukereaghiy,_ Geld by wheleiale @rme ef! that can be had for thMoney. That is why - His face to heaven, and the dew of duty on bis | WWiSSiS2 aod by retall draggiste generally. Everybody Wears cine | nv ecramrtie|GRANBY . RUBBERS. . Far sale by aii Oregenieen 26 Cmts a ben, Ry way pliment and common chai-- It's very well to wish me a New Year, in "He tied « brick and flatiram te ite hind = eo Hut wish mes new hat! . ' _ Jlege, evwed If cp im « bag, and threw it ' course a longer life I won't refuse; came down svalre the cat wae sitting en the , pur Zale yorte wishing. wish mon tf youlhees in trent ef che otove Licking ber paws}: | AND CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC, oe trea, and they made ee heavy th: 27h ts that makes the 'tencher ta the "W. "is an honor Qe posent, Hee Oe. weight barsi thegiag. She swam gute we of e University of Collage "Tee Focal contains Moar ina the Torents ean T cack cas tail war ah Che 400s, ° athere, and br bag hime with her ae spe, Ladies Soating ts mong <ake ond ot Sean, oe fall time 8 Te ring new trousers in! an a memento. -- Exchange. Art and Ex age go © Most scholariy tastraction Se ehae ot oe 'To, be alive is very nice indead. A man may be rish in relatives: and yet | gladier Colleges ot Oneate, and selon at ex ae ae eine aa ocithongh soother Trontha Irscher necd | st relatively rich. svadents may be found inthe best homes of aah ae) a IE A dese of new shirts! .. erncrs. : cultare, Those * Yes, yes, 'tis very tfae and clear, By way of compliment an? common chai-- It's Very well to wish me a New Year, , Butwist meanewhat! * # --Tom Hood. Abandon each mM, : = a . Oa January Grat, . .t q AP >; \. And on the second thes begin _. : | See 307 ee RAS ote 4 4 «,~ ° Pa * Ne ' : Aes z fe 4 : be ete St: PSR. oe UR Te EN ie RO eae TS SP OE Gem hg Rane eee 4 2 Sea emi at, Sa cata eae tees OTe MET ree ST ee ag te, RE eT : isi : i ai |

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