-- = -- = = = bbl = <a oh HICH OF Tm eK Heese wanted ree ron seul SHOT DOWN THE SPECTATORS| A09H, AND LmaRN. wee peme tt maldén she, Am Eminent Physician om the Valuc of | Oberging the Liquid Wish Pure .Carbente| : nun * ge i OE _., SERENE Sn' Makenes. id: thls, che ts founder ef the ue re The hours are wing shorter for the millions -- "peice bamesirnahataieen. | eulpeeal, depo all at maniensy tet | Masten steal ore rs brown Brasilia Rebels Charged With the}. Aoi iose vie ovine bie orto seed id ta ot a alah comm fy {im the United Sintes, is anid, bythe New By «millions yet to be | By lady Bath ou aye of bine, 'ies ae at all ve § York Herald to have a ed i 2 And the poor shalt jeara the lesson, how that Apd yarposstmoperoand'irus"" line\davkened room. Nob ons tne in ten Wee? il greatly improve the quality of Most Wanton Slaughter The fairest wad the finest of 3 grand Within her breast do lie de we enter = sick reem in the daytime te beer and it m more « humanity. ee re cent aria there = : y well az mere in ' It is coming! it is coming ! and men's thoughts Leth deup the bine as with a prayer. fied is biessed with the lightef the sun ' amie sn , are growing deeper ; Almost invariably, before we can get.a look cauve it te keep lenger in condition, ' They are giving of their "millions as they Midemining ¢ fulieg mint at the fon of thé paticat, we are obliged to] , oral niving ty y tite ta by| -PEIXOTO'S. FLEBT. GETTING READY. | rneyDovgrente Deters: ; 'i. aning 6 fallin mist ; request that be drawn up; is beer acd giving it the neceszry life is by} . : oo ats | They are learuing the new go-pel; man must floats adow'n her ers white ; iJ ng the fermented ' ; be his brother's keeper ; ey 4 tet nothing can resist, j order that the ys ef a much greater healer preduct with pure carbenio acid ae --_--_-- : Ant right, not migbt, shall triumph, and the When straying der ber toe ive ageh. webs aay 30 edad. Len pi the ames gate Ag chemtoally pare | The Rebels' Forts Short of Ammiunition-- Gs SS ne ' j com th this request oen- bento acié . British Citizens .Want Prot:ctlon-- $ stoves ga'n favor in Boston. fetes St word tht one Vid of the recng' wi ay la the stata of eT ae A to store Oe Bombarding Growing Moncteness. Aa electric connier rca'e is new. e : lar ge a , . ent Ltoe. ba is | inevi one of per' od gg ing petal for three, feur er Hil cinnensdl be-| Alsminum may yet displace iron, a With oot amie Bete tei bedcing misplaced dust, stray leay- five' mentha, 'These vate are stored in o> mi' tween the Government} Paper is mids of wid sunfla gers. so much music is it fraught sing Waineion Yy reema where s very lew temperatare, of A -/M\ ferta and theineurgents} Rese leaf jam is a Rvamsnian dis) I love my lady, not as those = [PR trick, there is mething vo bad as af ®bou® 38 te 40 Fahrenheit, fe main- la of dally occurrence} Ching had su-jpensien bridges B. O. Wor vert momentos Geko '| dark aick reom. It feas if the attendants) 20d by the wor of powerful refriger- the civilians in the ~-- ee In har auuee sur Wicks celess dower ; were expectivg the Ceath of the patient. car etanieaes At -- low ond eed the city have osme 29} © Vorilbuled street cara are to come, And if i ; a i f i : Speke tent Ad if she reton for It eked, the answer | 9224 seeded' tn tne? Beet hles ore crap nace El saunter ipeigapeericrscn Srvagt Livusesroan. erally sllrel by thah the patient cannet | °° frem tre fermenting tubs has time to = little more then ; asring pert, Mr., basa ane fi LEARNING To DIE. bear the light ; as thengh the light could settle at the bottom ef these vate, thereby --s--=-- comment. This mey, A ctto whalers report « big season. -- net be cut ff frem the patient by a curtain ding and ripming the beer. From these} nerbaps, be due to" another cause, that is,{ .-uver bus a 225 ponod locomotive. . AMlecting Scene at the Execution of Marshal | or ssrecn, and as theugh to darken ene _ im I Setar a large ery or ee that it is net geed policy te too openly diz-} C ogne bas a 302-yoar-uld rese tres, Ney, the French Seldicr. - of the reom it were te darker the stage of fermente- | cong political «pinions. fr, : whole of iu. 'The real eacen Ss ten ts added te produce 'a lively after-| Rurt Villaignen, béld bythe enemy, has Lecte Kas anconsionmh cs. . a to tht coufesser," raid Marshal Ney, samacsticlitih dap, "chich ais peauatiol go | ermentation, which gives the beer a high} 10+ replied ote fire diréeted rgainet it} World's coffee «utpu : 65u,0Uu dens, Te ae the tage arene Deed of black | tc senecis, that the ack, euflering frem the, Proemtage af carbonic sold gas, -ca'led| with ite aenal spirit, Ibis snppesed that! §-, Leute fe to have new Bolb Line oouts." Av this last phrare, one of the twe grenadiers in charge, rising, sald to him - "You are wreng, Marsha," and showing him hie arm croamented with ssveral obevren:, added : '* 1 am not aa Illustrious ea yeu, bat I sm also a veteran. Well, wever hive I berae myself se beldly under Sre as when I had previously recemmended may seni te Ged." Thess few words, pronourced.in tenes of emetien and solemnify by this celossus, peace to mse a deep impression en the bal. He approached the grenadir and paid te him with a, tepp'ng him es the shentder : " Yeu are perhaps Fight, my geod fcliow. Thatis good advice whicd yeu have given me." Then turalng te Col. Montiguy : *"* What priestcan I cause to be 7" "Abbe de Picrre, Care de Saint Eulpice." "Beg himtocome. I wil rective him after my wile." The counsel of the old seldier had was caused by the Adjutant de ha be give the sigcsl fur firing, ho "arungennel tbeve words, which I heard very distinctly : " Frenchmen, I pretest against my son tence, my bomr--" At there last words, he was Placing hie hagds em his heart, the detena- Sten was heard. He fell se if struck by High A reil ef drums and the cri' o! "Vive ce Rel!' by the treaps fermed tn square breught tex cleze this Ingubriocs coremony. This Ene death male a great impromicn om me. to Augustos de la Roch-jsquelin, oelonel cf tke grenadie®, whewas by my side, and who d-plered, Hike myvel?, the death of the brave des beaves, I sald to him - "* There, my dear * friema, iz a grand 'essen in Pearning te die" --General Rochechouart Sew Ask fer W ' je Geran. Tre sasunterer was talk ever college ' dsys at the olzh the ether nthe. *" Yeu remember Profeseor Heintzmann, den't yeu 1" asket Biake. "' He was the eld German pref- sser." Tae other fellows smiled, nedded and wsite*. "" Well," Bleks continued. "*T shall never forge: bow baa dey he tried to ex- pinin te us the diffarence inm eaniag bstween the German werd 'gis' and ' tassen' A® fires be didn't erem te knew just how te get o* it, bad finally he ealled in. , "Voll, sheo " be eald, % der, Seefererce is sbuct dees vay Ef you rbould [> vant some cefisee you vou'dray: '* Vaiter, pring ms xeri taseen cafe, siresdy P Bar eet yeu shon'd vant socom vater you veuld my: '* Vaiver, pring mo zxel «ls. beer, se quick lik- yeucan f Vers'echen, aie, shen themens Y "-- Boston Budget. A Gtri's Best Studies. E feel convinced, and this fe-iin, based mpen cerefol tequiry, writes Ww. Bok in the Ladies' Home Journal, tbat four princips! braoches «f study, with one er tee of the arta, are enfiicient for the healtb- fal eteorptien by any girlef sverzga mental e-pecity. And if I were asked io cutline these particular stud'es they weuld cpnaic*, Gret. of a thereugh English courses, oovering ans); sls, grawmar, tsinpodtion and rbste- rio; seoood; histerr; third, literature ; ard forth, mathematics. Andedd te these, rmasic Prefeesor Al soars m-esoddemly immave a few days age. - gies pre sprecgen the table and -- the voics lend ** Ezea, egrs me eggs keep me frem 'starving 7 be to break chairs and tables be was sverpowered and pata ews He ts ore of the meet physictans in Italy. These Engagements. 4 « He--Yeru are very provoking! Yeo talk <& if cur engagement, were ppt gzeing te resu!ttn ~-arriags, a Sbe--You are mere proveking ! You wlk ~ ao tf te were. os firet wor 4s of the phy --were shut up ia darkoess, their beds sur- rounded with red curtains curing the whele of thelr iliness. The red curtains are new pretty nearly given up, but the darkness is virtue. A." more injurious praciice really could not be maintained than that ef dark- nese fn asick reom. Ib iv net only thst dirt end diworder are results of darkness--a great remedy is lost. Sanlight is tha remedy leat, and the loss ismementors Sunlight d.ffused through a resem warms aod olarifics the air, it hae a direot influence on 'the meet preclous--and ft bass cheerful eff»ot en the mind. The sick shenld never be gieomy, and in the presenca ef shadows of gloom fly away. A berpital ward, notwithstanding its many defecte--and it has many--is se far favored that It is bleezed with the light of the san shines. In fam sr surgeon on reem sheuld bs the ** Mere light ! emists' Gazette. AN IRISHMAN'S WILL, It Dispores of a Large Amount of Preperty . . Not His Own, In the name of Ged, Amen! I, Timothy 'Deelan, of Barrydownderry, in the county of Clsre, farmer, being sick and wake on hrart---Glory be te Ged !--do make this, my fi-et and last will, on Onld and New Testament. ' Firss--I give my soul to Ged, when it pi-z22 Him ve take it, sure no thanks te me, fer I oun' help it ; avd my body te be huried in the greund ef Birrydéwcderry chepel, whire all kith and kin tha» have gone befere meand these who live after, delenging te me, are bariedi--pace te their ashes, and may the sod rest lightly over thetr bones. Bory me rear my godfether and mother, whe Ite sepefately altegether at the other site of the cliapel yard. « 'I avo the bit of ground, containirg eigh> acres--rale ould Irivh acres--toe my eouldea! sen, Tim, «fter the desth of his mether,: if she lives to survive him. My daughter Mary and her bas>and, Paddy O'Keagar, are ve bave the black sow that's to heve 12 slack bonifa Tediy, my escend bey, whe was killed in the war ib Ameriky, might have got hier p'ck of the poultry, butas oe bas gene I':! tave them ve his wife, whe disd a week befere him. 1 bequeath to all mankind fresh alr frem besven, oil the fishes ef the sea they onn teke ard thse birds they oan shoot. I lave them the sun, moem and stars. I lave to Perer Rifferty a p'st ef petbeen that I can't finish, and may God be mercifal to him,-- Exchange. Tre Eugenic of the Present, The Empress Eugenie has settled dewr into the selitade which best enab'es ber to endure her memorable and cumulative rer- rows, Her tall, ead Ggure goes tn and out us with. enly the recogaition ef silen: sympathy. The Empress lines to have commaunicaticn .with as few ae possible. Fer instance when she shep= on their, skiris, be R "4 ' & | me a Christmas present this " | don't think my wife ts i pon i at fer thing? that she needs BS aie face SE a, at wer Re a seas ae most terrible disrase--sma'l}pox,-fer instance | stillcredi'éd with seme mysterieus corative} wheoever the sun abe prac- tise the same remedy ough' te bé, extended | te tke patients of the housebelds) and the my kegs, but ef senod mind and warm] time. beer when it ie poured inte gioss. Thi: carbonic acid gas of water with carbonic acid gas, as is dene im the making of soda water. WAT WOMEN CAN Be. Likewise Some ef the Things the Average Man Can Accomplish, Hore aro gome shings « woman can do : "Pp and net ni more thee: SD eante," 7" Walk the floor with the baby half the night and nob be bad tempered at breakfas: Make her msther-in-law Ifke her. Tatk abent servant girls and weman suffrage in the aame treath Have a nerveus beadsche and go to mstinee and ferget all at ent it. Satsi:t on a died composed ohiefiz, o cakes, bans, pickles and tea. ig tied, os ee z to] > t Tp: 58 to crimp the hair. perp m- being Wear thie-seled shees and wonder why abe ha: neuralgia Do, fancy werk for four montks befere Christmas, and yet enjoy that holiday when it comes. , Kecp house, raise the chilfren, attend churob, sew, belong te several cinba and then feel sorry fer " peor John" becauss he kas to work so har?. . Here are seme things a man can do: Starpen a pencil Drive a nail Take his sweethesrt{o the thiatre and never once leave her side. Tate the sawe sweetheart to the theatre @ y ar afterwards, wh<n ehe has broome his wi ¢, aad ge ont betweea every act Be tice that he knows mere absat the wiver question than any ef the ether fellows : obrysanthemum the siz> ef a cabb-ge and net feel -- Make mere treuble «bout a tl!ght celd in the head than a woman weuld if she ha' the hints a'cut a new t and tell all his men friends that hs % felt the at all -- this isdus te Iack ¢f ammaniion. The Gavernment forces replied britki; to she firieg, but whetless, if any, was inflicted upen the insurgents is nat known. : On Deo. 2185 several insurgent duuches cruised alosg the shere of the Sande dis- wict and directed a bot fire agatnay the spectaters who had gathered there chrongh riesity. The latter soattered in over divectien for shelter, bat msny were killed. The launches cruised up asd doxn the beach fer an heur, inflicting all the dsmsge they pessibly ceuld. The exact number of persens killed cannot he ascertaine', but raomor has it that two cartlesds of t-odies were carried off. Itis pretty certain that the Government soldiezs pi.ked up sixteen, dead. Jadging frem the outlook it {2 tafe ts ray that anether engagement b2tween the Gov- ernment forora ard the /nsurgent vessels is imminent.© The Amerioan warships are acder erdera to be ready to meve cut of range of tbe fire eat am hour's notice. Sa far as can be learned no answer hae yet Ressbery, the Britiah Fere!gn Secretary, by a sumber of British merchant ocsprains) oo ae P against the actien of Cap. Long, B-itish mayal. effiver here, and W yndbam, the British Minister, whe, the osptains claim, refuse te protec) them in discharging thelr cargees. The propert Se by the s'goers sf the protest is estimated te be werth $15,000,000. ° ~ An spparently epen despatoh in Porta- guese has been received by ean inturgont sympathizer hera, but it conreys the secret information that the dynamite cruiser, Niotberoy, haa left Pernambuce, her desti- mations being the Island ef Fernanda de N 125 miles off the eastern extremity of Brezi}. Her object, it is aaid, js to moot the terpedo beats that are expected from Europe. The insurgent troeps -whe, ib was. pro- mised, were to come from Rio Grande Do Sal to invest theoapitel, havs net appeared, and if ee = pended ib mere than likely that heir puirths ups required there. The de- fence of Bage, in Rio Grande Do 8ul, egainst the insurgent attacke, fs ting with high encorfilams frem the uilfitary authorities t . The Government {fs slowly bub sppir- ently surely depriving the insurgents ef their sources of su Itis reperted the Government has nege- point te ever $12,500,000 -held by the Bank of Emiesien te sevure its clrou'ation. The damage dons tothe city buildings by the ineorgest fire dees sot amoun's te mere than $7 500. Daring twenty dsys of December thera have been shipped 129,262 begs ef coffee. During the correspending twenty days lest year the ocfiee snipmen's amounted to 201,868 bage. These figures show ons of the' effects of the in:urrection, Amerioan aoe te bere on = invargent 8 ars nob manned, an that the sete, om the several islands held by the insurgents'are shorthanded. Wemea's Fixings. by the little rosettes, which can sherter inches under 6 feet, and several are well ever limi> 'They are all fair te leek upon. All ride in the park, and the whole ciub is¢e mest ence « fertnight at-the diff. rent .members' heussa. $ been received from the protes} send to Lord; _ el tiated a loan bsaed upon deporits amounting | ina Si Paul street oars are to be heated, C.liferoia ranks first in eilver ont pas, Ta» ciamamon orop i: 16,000,000 ions, Japan's importa {a 1892 ; $63 430,785. Murine is the eldvst to:m ef insurance. Mosiclans \'elosme typ: written muzic, Postage eta aps are of 13,000 varietics. Cwlerado ha. 3,030,000 acres irrigat-d. American flour gains {aver in Germany A 8s. Peteraburg room fs 620 x 150 fest. Comatock allver.mine is 23700 feet deep. - Grewt Britian boasts 17/430 loosmotives: - Calferaia precnoed a 256-peusd pamp- 2. Ubina's exporis reach $100,000,000 a year. , mingnlars $500,000, 000 in U_8. rail- Funds, Coal fs dearest in Africa ; "cheapest, in Chins. A Baffs'c-Niagara Fal's trolley ts pro- jocved. , New Engiatd schools bave eleotric Onicage is te use cempresséd ar fer power. Pestsl cards use 720 tens ef osrd-board 'yearly. There is an elestre-hydrogen oigar- oe match eubfut is werth $105,- Ao gasometer helds 12,060,000 cnbis feet. A whiskey. straight is very apt te get inte_a tang!e. The mas who wou'd have dons se and so if he had been there never gets there. In bettling pickles er cateup toil the carks, and while hes-you caa preas them in the bettied, and when cold they are sealed tightly. ngs The fellow who starts out fer a sta:ing good time eften bes a b:rrel ef fan before striving st his home in a badly banged-up oonditisn. Tem--Have you read '*Two Men Girl?' Whst do you think ef in? Kit-y-- Ne ; but I think the girl must have had a good time. It is a noticeabie fact that the melanchely vidual whe iaya ke decan't care whether he lives or dies siways wears a chest pretec- tor acd gum shoes. Patient--And you atiriiute my treuble teemokieg? Docter--Yes. 'f Oh, dooter, mast I giveup my cigars?" '" Yes, and get a better brand." Whenever a man falle his' wife tells the public that he is 'too osnacienticus" to succeed. Whatshe telishim in private is sometimes diffarcnt. A large rag of Mnen crash under ~ owes 5 machine nent catoh Me clippings cuttings, save-a deal sweeping ard dusting. , Ruil hao focoe.theelt to s0W Pasture and grain or ncisome weed. Bided Her Time. Mr. Goedlive \(to, his boarding-house kerpe:)-- Yer, mademe, we ieave be-day to g0 bo heucckeeping. My wife and I can't etard tozgh stesz, streng butter. sloppy coffes and bluse milk a day longer. We want tender porterheuse, gilt-edge butir, pure Java coffee and cream, and ws are going to bave It. Mr. Goedlive (s year later)}--Good morn- ing, Mre. S'imdiet. My Wifeand I would uke to have cur eld rooms, if they are vacant. ; 7 Mepe Deferred. Cleverton--When de yeu expect to be married, old man! . Dssha and a ~