e advertising dodge; ~ just what 1 say. - are dangerous, x. S. PEL ron, mJ WE. Sain you A Hayy New Year, On Saturday, December 30, at 8 a. m:, we commence our stock taking sale, which will oply last for three weeks, ang in order to reduce our splendid and handsome stock so as to make # good showing 'of, business for 1893, have decided to sell my entire steck at LO per cent.aboye: wholesale cost. This is no but a /pure and simple business transaction which will be carried out.to the letter. f So I say to any intending purchasers'to make it @ point tocome and see me. I mean Come aiong, delays My alarm cloeks are My work gives entire Wishing you the Compli I remain, yours the very best. satisfaction. ments of the season, Tespectfully, LISToO wy EL. P. S.--J. Hie Gunther hes a good Pony for sale cheap, in good condition and nice driver. A Dbirgtin for some- body: He will certainly sell it cheap. i --$ a --------E New Advertisements This Week. Local---R. B. [amilton. Eima Ins. Co's annnal meeting. School supplies --J. A. Hacking. - Atwood LDakery-- R. B. tlamilson. Bankrupt prices--J. W. Duimage. Patrous of Industry open meeting. Drugs and statiogery--D. Campbell, They have had their day--J.L. Mader. Annual meeting Newry cheese fac- tory. Now is your chance to save money-- W. J. Ferguson, North Perth Conservative tion's annual meeting The Atwood Bee. Associa- --_---- ~~ -_-_-- PU BL LISHER, --- ------ LL -------- ---- FR iD ty, JAN. i, 1864. WATERLOO is an oasis in 4% 'prohibi- tion desert. --Woodstock "Lines: Wat" arloo is rather a lager beer saloon in a Prohibition paradise. RetTuans of the Prohibition vote, up to date place the majority in favor of Prohibition at nearly 100,000. This is a@ warning to politicians of eyery shade that Prohibition is a liye issne and 'not to be trided with henceforth. This' de- cided verdict also reminds the Mowat government that the Ume for action bas come. 'The question of Pruhibition wWst now be faced tairly aud. squarely by Mr. Mowat and his colleagues. Ouce it is decided that Ontario has, the right td pass a profbitory law, then lhe yov- will be (plain. 'There mind as to ernmnents duty can be bo guesiion tn oar the Onutarkee govertinent's rreht to pro- hibit the retain sale of liquor in the pro bat as regurdsgthe power to pro are vinee, hibit the napertation of qaor, we inelined to belleve that this) question is the coneera oof the Pederal govern roeut, however the censtitutionality af the whele question wil fe settled and We diepe da a nhanteer satis haetory te all Asta whether or peta probibi tory las can be enforced Is Not the The majority niast rte, publie sentiment declares so unmistakably in suevessftilly question Just now, and when pe Wood Wanted. Business Cards. Tenders will be received: by the undersigned on or before Wednesday, Jan. 17th, 1894, For the sdeliyery. of Thirty cords of sound beech and maple §. wood, two feet long, atthe Atwood Public school, on or before March Ist, 1894. - WM. DICKSON, Sec'y-Treas., Atwood. NgCLECTED ae , Coughs oe o Lung Balsam. * DOBDICAT. T. DUUGLAS, M. D, F.T.M.G, Medallist of Trin- On tf c.M., ity University. OMice-- Monkton, turio, = 2d- 8. COWAN, M. D., (Formerly of Harriston,) successor to Dr. J. R. Hamilton. Office in Dr. Ham- ilton's old stand on Main street. Resi- dence in Dr. II's late residence on Queen street, Atwood. Will be found at eith- er oflice or residence at all hours when not necessarily absent. 25-42-tf 40-4in® L. E, RICE, M. D., C. M. Trinity University, Toronto ; Fellow | by examination of 'Trinity Medical Col- iege, Toronto; member of the College of Physicians andSurgeons, Ontario;mem ber of the College of Physicians and Surgeons, Michigan; special attention given to the Diseases of Women and Children, Office and residence, next door té Currie's shop, Atwood. Ollice hours: 1G-to 12 a.m.; 1 to 2:30 p.m., and every evening to 8:30. _--THE- 777 Store = The 777 Store is Headquar- ters in Listowel for DEWTAL. J. J. FOSTER, DENTIST. Any anesthetic Known to the pro- fession used for the painless extraction of teeth, Satisfaction guaranteed, Oftice--Over Fleming's clothing store, Main street, Listowel. W. M. BRUCE,L.D.S., DEN vse Gas, electricity, or local anesthetics, idininistered for- painless extraction. Artificial teeth guaranteed Lo be of the yest material aud of first-class work- nanship. Otlice over Thompson bros. store, Main street, bistuwel. (7 Will uot visit Atwood until further yptice. Tor AEu. Dry Goods, Groceries, Clathing, DARLING & BLEWETT. ' Barristers, Solicitors,, Notaries, Xc., Wallace street, Listowel." Solicitors fur Bank of Hamilton and scott's Banking itouse. Oftice over Scott's Bank. - a UGHIONEERS. DRESS GOODS 4&C. | O11, MERRYFIELD, Licensed auctioneer for the County of > sa" {' a : 7+. | Perth, Monkton, Ont. Rates moderate- l lease ( 'all and See U S| For janaaemaaie apply at this office. when you come. to ae aw omic town. ALEX. MORRISON, Licensed Auctioneer for Perth County Allsales attended to promptly and_at moderate rates. Information with re- card to dates may be had by applying at ' this office. J OHN RIGGS. | ----- % 'CARD OF THANKS. wt ™~ till Sickness Comes before Buying a Bottle of PERRY DAVIS" PAIN-KILLER the this. early business) 1n + trade, I take opportunity 7 of *y 'thanking my numerous sua mney need if to-night 'customers, and the public generally, for their liberal Scientific American | © : Agency for ..| patronage and continued : confidence, and solicit a j . a continuance of the same sar now enter- favor of # great moral reform it should be the mim of a respousivle covernment | to respect the mamdate and to put it | self in harmony with the Gov | Hrninents are bat the creatures of public | opinion aud should therefore be subjeet | to its decrees. Prohibitionists must | bot put eff their armor until che last) battle is fought ana the denon, strong | drink, is forgver banished from our fair | Masses, Dominion of Canada. ' " [- Ponegal. J. M. Vipond, & student of the Ontar- | i Agricultural Coileg-, and san af S. \ Vipond Donegal, has written a seusibie! aroele for Tue Bee this week on "Win- ler Datiying." Damel Me Kenzie, sou of the proprie tor ot Lie Donegal cheese factory, will) leave DeXxRWeek lo take a course at the | thirtario Ar: vrieultaral College, Guelph | tle isa cleve r'tellow and will no "doubt | suceetee, 'The a vote In Milverton was | very q- There 152 votes i the mun- | apatty and of this number 12 were} volled -5t for, 46 agasust, and two | spoiled b allots. i} semen 5 --| ouNeed It! The D.&L? ---- 3 Emulsion. EVN Cough, Heal Your Lungs. PutFlesh onYour Bones Prevent ConSumption|} ae | | during the y . CAVEATS, traps markxs,| ed upon. It will be my aim DESICN PATENTS,| | , ; coprricHTs, etel dtiring 1894 to give even Fon information and free Handvook write to MUNN & CO... 31 Broapwa FORE. Oidest bureau for securing ae io Amenca, Tery PRALeENL taken out by us is brought eadore the pubic by a notice given free of Scientific Sinerican | t circulation of nd reciente paper in the Splendidly illustrate No intelligent better satisfaction than in the past. Wishing one and alla Happy New Year. : $L50 six months X cL BLISHEAS, 361 Broadway, New. York City. A. CAMPBELL. ene te Furniture. WM. FORREST. Atwood Furniture Rooms, The aiferstieaeal has on hand all kinds: of House Furnishings, such as Béedrooni Suites, Lounges ;Mattras- 'es, Springs, Mirrors, Wjndow Blinds, Curtain "Poles, | Picture Frames and Mouf dings, Call and get Prices 'before buying elsewhere. Prices to suit:the times. . Fun- Having had a good year's: harness | heartily | Paints, |WoRTEZ PERTH --_ Farm ers' Iustitute WINTER SESSIONS. The W inter Sessions of the North Perth Far mers' In-- stitute will be held as follows :-- SMT Bre TOw7 aL, On Saturday, Jan. 18, 1894, At 10.30 a.m., and 1.30 p.m. PS a yt Tan 1b ony Monday, Jan. 15, 1894, At 1030 a.m. and 1.30 and 7 p.m. ~ annual election of officers will be held at Milverton at 1.30 p.m. ~ The following speakers will take part at Listowel and Mily erton : wM. RENNIE, oa O. A. C., Guelph ANDREW ELLIOTT, - Galt, Ont. J. Z. FRAZER, - Burford, Ont. AND OTHER eee een adh, a seas aanbonal RENNIE F arm Snperint endent) 1. Root Growing. @ » 3. Rotation of Crops. Cleaning the Latid. 5, bean- ti tying the Farm. ANDREW ELLiotrT : 4 Sheep and tlog Management, 2. Grasses and aes Managemente 3, 'Turnip and Barley Growing, 4.-Siles and Ensilage, Ilome Education, 6. Llome Making." J.Z. Feazen: 1. es Husbandry. 2. Farming and@its Protits. 3. The Frture of Wheat Groww- ing, 4. Pork Raising for Profit, ©}. Cleaning Grain for Seed and Market. 6. The T : 'sent System of Road Making. 7. Success in Life. 8 The Canadian Farmer----his comparative condition, 4 URBIJECTS --Wm. Clover Growing. The farmers of North Perth and the public, generally are cordially invited to atte d the above meetings. the ladies.are sp-cially invited to attend the evening session. The evening session will be enlivened by choice selections trhoy the Milverton Literary Suciety. Me Adinission, Free. TAS. DICKSON, JTR., PRESIDENT. si a> WM. KEITE, SECKE TARY, veer ATCH. (it: | & av hievement of mechanical skill. High. "priced Watches F | Ze OP ett ry ' Nox out of sight," is No Fake that takes al! day to wind up, A é ; Re Ae or . big clock-watch so extensively advertised, but a haud: 2 e, ordinary size Watch that Js warranted for nve years. & Stem- winder, jewelled movement, conteining ail the latest. improvements. Solid Silverine case of the best quality, unex. B celled for durability pees pene ice, guarantced to wear a life- time. European Wa Makers have spent ye si ry : 2 in experimenting in order to produce' a Watch of ee aa ble . P pr ce, the result is Sa V sa pepe which P a . marvel or clicapuess, dura- STEM-WIND. bility and excellenée, that leads in quality. at Style, Snish and price, guaranteed an accurate time One sainpie Silveriue Stem-winder ** Wonder" W atch as above described, forwarded express charges prepaid to any part of Canada or the United States, on receipt of - 25 or fourwatches for $8.50. For Ticts. extra we will send anu Flr scant satin-Lined Plush Case, con- _taining this Waten, also ® handsome God Plated Chain and Chart thatis warranted. auf ret 00. Cash withrter, No samples sent C. ¢ B are not found ex: actly as re presented ' sone 1... wil be ch cheerfully refunded. Igerdcring & say if wanted forevither Ladv or Gentleman. t onanza for agents and others sciling our "Wonder" Watch. Its sale will be ; simply enormous, as itis the only reliable = atch on the market for the price. Le- mB ware of atl free offers for cheap sun , etc., and aend your order direct to us and get hig value pt eed money. You inay have the same Watch in a fine Gold Plate for v5ets. dress, " "FLEMING NOVELTY CO., 192 Eing &t West, Toronto, Cian ee ; The most wor re rful watch pr duction ork ' ihe age. " ONLY. $2.25. ve. NO "+ ee FAKE" OR merece SCHEME, - NOT A TOY.§ ATWOOD BAKERY si GROCERY. ---- NOT A CLOCK. | Hardware | ----DEALER IN---- Upon entering my tonrth Yiyear of business mm your midst I desire to take. this ~.| Oppor tunity of thanking my. numerous' customers for Shelf. and Heavy their continued and hearty Hardware, |patronage in the past. My business has_inecreased in a very satisfactory manner Table and 'an now be ecnsidered~ 'as well established. J have | 'brought it to this state by , istrict attention to business,' [by upright dealing and by 'handling only the best lines. 'of gooda: at right prices. 'Trusting that by strict .at- Oils, Glass, and Pocket ( 'utlery, Riverware, . Lamps, Cross-Cut. Saws, Axes, © -- &e,; merit an increasing patron- age this year. Yours truly, erals attended to on sho,t nqtice.. MAIN Sh. ~ LISTOWEL. R. B. HAMILTON. aes sie tention. to business l--may--