Atwood Bee, 12 Jan 1894, p. 7

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ateach year thousacds ef dollara are lest from the pookez of the firm, depfite the leyivla.ion, brites and adzait duwo- tives. For wat avsil all these things a@gaiont unc hall-crezsd, half canning or whelly prifeseiona! trickeries ef a class of Wamen whe aro latersstirg te ths doctora,. moratiste and lawyer? Aa a lass, the Wotien are the produo.e ef feverish, ua- wholeaams mesial and phyeleal life ia our GREAT HYSTERIC TRADE CENTEES and they ars little cudsresead by even these whe have te desl with them. Hbop!ifting faa professien and dissace ; lesa a pro- feszion tvac it ug.d to bs, perbaps, because of the detestive systems, and more a dis- ease, 88 wa Casi with high preezure down the finide siecis tiops. Or; wo the detective said when toi »og;.st-os weasffared, the pro- feational s:cplifiur pxses-as a kieptomsntiac, kneowirg toa. it is ber ene sore means of essaps. And ii her baal is not toe big, and ff tao alaborste prépar.tives are net round upen her, he: chuncsa of éaaspe are exoel- lent The khiésicrisniac aote with wender- fal cunping tau witiens any precautions gavs these of cloverpess in binding the eyes of dytootiver, flesr-walkers and employese nov thre# feat diatant, THE EUINESS LIKE SHOPLIFTER is thorooghls*.qupped, with overy trained genss uped she sw', and her-ey-s on the goods galy whea their guacdians are at o _Fressonabie dt-:-nes. Tse klepomaniac eeizea onal: artiors,¢fcn valueless, The shopi:ferisow ire' big pulls," and can make off with $203 worth of merchaudise in & mormipg. A few day: sye a ol-rk In one of the best Managid «cp. in N ~ York leld three rolls of elix, vatu-d » $180, upon thse counter tousipourot'oes. H+» wascalled to the farsher enici ts.e coauier for a moment, and revoso d io Clscover iaat the card- board from cur-+ Cu:sy rolle of ai:k was all that rewaincd «J biisuipnen. There was mo distarberc, {2 Lae rvom, which waa Bou crowSed. F.voc-w-iker, shoppers and employera hal cuz ocled po'h:ay as some Woman eisai e:x y garda of slik upen »her psreon and walked cilently; eut of the 4 ¢ a] door, WOMEN THE WORST, Soarce€ bo ha wrth over thls bold strexe, tes 'et vtive lo snags waa moved te disesess:- os Of 5s ti :erceas of his lot. "Tne wiess dea te cr.asieal en earth," maids candle beeid a mild, ie bib of a waman, t esid bo, "tcant eheink'n:, resp otacdie Lit I've been >> every m-th-.. dauyhter of 'em wh» his brea ap te trek: tore iivng. Bat when a mew one cms' fn cosa Sound to swipe something usi-ssens of the two girls who work Wwi:b re hove the Inck te spon her as su:pioione, Our me rod of eapture la thie: Tass a womsa iter) neatly and quieply, waliring s owly turenc! !ce atore. Probably she carries « anopylic. bsy oa her arm, and wears sion,, fai: clesk. Sometimes she caries 4 b.iy, bu. ty snon ea store an this that dedgeo etcracts teo muoh a'tentien Bet there's sctutog like a bahy toe stow assay stuff ia §=6Wis>, orce in an East aide ators, where I begun my carver, the ssarcher teak nwel e ho'tes +f culogns, elx handker- eblefaand alutef joweiry from a baby's toggery. T-suppose tha: kid was what you posele who dost zno~ onything abheud ib would oaii a kleptereniac, because ehe YRILED AND KICKED and looked cu'priesG wien he took tho things away. Laosi's jast what you bave te expect, cho.) , wines yours cealiog with a weman., svefslew the woman antil she stepz at a cocoxr. Then one of my girls, ec bo h if n-co-sary, takée hor pasition close by uniua-xe the ssleaman, who is trained to «res: ber aa au unknown cus- temer, te rthow he-. certain geode. Toe fexy ehopii'ior s:me imes sea through thle, and then the girl buys outright and pays on the sper. Tha. is (he only ssfeguard known to deciives. For unices sharp eyes leek dewh intc her lap, the w-man can alip- a ploce ef a:ik jnve her fam pocket or over her arm while 'Le Aslésman calls *Cash.' Thess new're wosring are a great "gmap for shoplittera--aimest as good as the shaqlse. . Hew do we get the goods back after we havs trucked tho thief? WE DON'? TRY TO anless we are ded sury cho has them o® her pereen tha moment we soosst her, I felicw ber into ths atveet- and ask her to kindly ec:ompsry ms to the reom where the stolen property ai. haz oa her person may:be removed. She threatens aid . biastera ant -oslts a policeman. -I show my badge and tell her che gstne fs up and she comes back quictiy eaough, What happens cex) thie young lady oan tell you beiter than I." A=:d the detective glanced at a handsomely dresed girl whe eat taping bor goid.eiged uzard ek no purse en ths lace osuuter near by. The dored looking aide rove, paticd her veil, dabbed at her exinentiy corrects gown and ad- vanced to be qu s-'oced osnocerning the qaser charsoters in har-charge. 7 OSM " Tt's a nard Iife, a respanaible at: and I don'sihiok ib werch the bi Si ske said, isading the way te « tiny reem ~mhe* ilfter can threw tha whole apparatas away. Yor, ib i: hard to know whether & weman laa kieposmaniao or not, but there are a few pretty gesd provfs. The profcssiona! oomss in here, cee! and celiectes, * very much annsye ab «the incigdity, and periectly everocome with eurpries when di-coversa She sebs and ebrieks and hurls herzelf against the wail, offers Jmmeare bribes, and Wants te draw cheques in ker husband's came. If we agreato that esbtlemend sho weuld bring a blackmail oass against the house next) weok, yva knew. Yer, it's GOvD POLICY to let the teaghest casea go on tho plea of kieptomania, because ws know their fuces ve well that they never. veniure te retura, ** Bao the poor wewen whe cows te me by ths dezen, half-orazed with tr ghd!- Ah, t& ig enough to make one wonder if the next generation wex's bo eafest behicd esyiam decrs!" exclaimed the osmpetcnt young' eynio whe is heneilf a typs of the tim ** The'men in this house and she detecthyss atpelloo bescquartere don't believe tnere are kleptemaniscs, but they know bettar. What earthly reason has a woman wie lb ens of ear, best customers for stesling spenges? And yet she was breught here ene day with cwe squeezed iu ber uandker- chief. ~ The detective had aroused her to her condivlen, svidentiy, for. when I tevk her she was cowering with sham Her band wae clesped, 20 tight'y thay [ osuld hardly op.nit. '* They wereu't worth buy- ing," ¢hs said, '* bnt vhey are ge seft 1 mnst have them for my bath. We les ner go, of course, bai new she shops with a maid. Her cieque fa geod for avy smonat. Meat etthem can'o reelat gthe jewelry ovanier, The glitter . SEEMS TO MESMERIZE THEM, and it's as easy to drop a haatkerchlof evers piser dracslet. The kicptomaniac never has soy professiensi apparaius absad her. Her muff, parasol or nacdkershtof ts eaoagh, becaass fi'a the little things she ean'? resletp. Do yeu ramoc.ber tna caes which godlato the papcra ns witile ulnca? The woman was su old ozalemecr ofa big firm, and a well-known klop«menias Fer a isng time netoing wae said; ouiy the tusms were Mat in ner Lill ani were paid without q2estion, F sally :ome friend of ober teld,- sad her réous Wers evarcoed. Under the carpets, bs drawors aad: ep shelves were dezsauie ood dezeus of ticy teye worth about toree ceuisapicos. Snre waca perfect miser on tay#, and she couldn't beip taaing theom--even from unucr tae doteo- tive's very'nowe. As a class, they are t.yetsrio ; woneo with ne aims io hfe. Lasy are weak and nervous, weli-te-do, withont much to long fer. They aren't bed or unpencipled, becauss ther eh>me and soxriery ter oxeir friecds' sake is greater tran for themselves. 'My hosbasd ! ts aloes: 'he dress t: iag they aay vben they come beto-e me. I.'s LIKE THE OYIUM HABIT, We ought to bave phyeciciane as well as de- peotives in toese ebeye, I'ma womun de- tective, you know." A» police bgSGquariwrs fupi. Byrnes emited pacwtasty chen esked ler opinions. ** Kieptemaniaca, tf there sre any auch things, dent get dowa here," he sald. '"* We have the old «tayers and thelr plo- tares, atd the poer Wum-n whe lock at tometbing which would p'sass the joung- s:era at home uniil tuey jus: beve ve taze it. That's whsad thie ekell kieptemanis amounisa to--a poor WemMsan whe W«n:B Ww tubing aad tuinks ne one o:isa iz. Do you want te eestie photogiaprs ef the ehoplifveras who sre famecus al! ever che world? We've rus 'em in now, but «e had to have devecsives in the shops fore we could detect them. ° . Here's aemebody to lsok ou: for, bec: use she bas beeu pardened: our. Sue is Molite Helbrook, and she has beeu arrested in Ohicage, Bosten and New Yers, She werks with Jimmy Huey, wno disposes o! her geods. Mollie CAN MAKE $100 « Day. Chis is Sophie L:vy, whe is the wif ot Ned Lyons. She served iu Sing Sing, the penitentiary and the Michigan 8:ave prison. She has been' shopiifoing tn Eurvpe with Jim Brady, a netorious burgiar. Sophie was arrested in Paris ter piokipg pocketa, and pos:d as Mme de Varnsy. She piasyed the indy so well thay the offivers dis barged her, apolegizing humigly fur 'he mistake, She's, well, siy 40 years, old, tight weight, brown bair, gay ey@papre" y yet. She has joss beet arrested with Billy' Burke, robbing » bank 'n Sterling, Ky. Biiy bad $46 000 tm greenbacks in his hends when arrested. Thore are Maria Burke and Annie Herr- man, who work tege.ncor in ehepilifsing. They are the oleverest rbopiliters and \pennyweightera (jowe'ry 'aiev1s) In this Geanwy--wall koown wveryshere. They have a dezon 'aliases: ard rave been son tenced te prisen -in New York, Brooklyn and Cinclonat:i--tenga-'o Ling oustemere. Th:s is Kate Leary, ~bo ose worked with Sophie Lyont. She has jus: werted Eorope pretty thoroughly, and bas ome to Live' a) Bay Red '\ jadd a litsle legs than one part ef anilin biuo, er thistle tep ef tas plant dipsaous, and se identifi.d is ib with cloth dressiag, and so tong and so general has been the ues of the veazel for the purpose mentioned, that ib fe aven reflected in ite betenical name, dipra-. aus fallocum, or " faller's teazat." However familiar the teazel may be to persons familiar with weollen manufacbare, ot te thoss whe live in countries where Ib is extenalvely oultivated, the fecd remains that she gréat majerity ef persons have never heard ef each an article, and will be asten- ished to lsarn in what enormous quantities chey are raised, In France alene aix thonesnd acres sf land are «extensively devoted to the cultivation of the feazsL French manufacturers are snoually nearly $2,000,000. worth of the prickly heats, and expert during the same verfod upward of 60,000 tons, valaed at $2,500,000. When isis considered that a wazel welghs neb more than an erdinary burdeck the vast quantity exported can bo reslized in'part. , . Tn addition te the French crap, which is she mogi bighly esteemod, teazels duced ia ensrmous quantitles in . Anstria, England, Beigium, Poland and the Crimea. Uctil reosntly they did no? grow eatis- f.ctorily ia the Uaited States, but now they are qaits extensively grown in Oaoida county, New York Sbate, and posafbly eise- where, and it {a said return a felr' prefic te the cultivator for the outlay of muney. The ptickles cf the teaz:] have a small knob at the end, and this moun ed en an elasiic stem, and set with great precisien on the central spindle, which, revolving, claws the eurface of the, raises a nap which mechanical contrivances have always failed. in equaiiivg. He Could Bo it, Ta a church ia Irelaad a young priest teok for hia text, *' The Feeding of the Maliltuds." Bua bie ssid, " And they fed tea posple wi.b ten thousand leaves ef oreed and ten thousand flabes." 'Thereat an oldIriahman said: " That's no miracle ; begorra, I could de that myself," wich the priead everheard Tbs next Sanday ths pri-sd annozaced the same tert, bat be had it righ) this time, " And they fed ten thousand people on ten joaves of bread and ten fishes." He waited a escond, aad tnen leaned ever the pulpit and said: ' Aod coald you do that, Mr. Morphy Marphy replivd ; '* Bura, yoar reverence, I coula." "And how could yeu do it?' said che pricst. 'Sore, yeur roverance, I cwuld de it with what was left ever from list Sunday." One Way to Eat Orauges. @hese who take an orange every moralog msy like to try the manosr of ea irg them tast prevails in the land of oranges. Take @ thin-shinned, beavy orsbye, wiraet o fork to1ough 't from the semend,and witha eharp ko'fe cat ths riod sway, b gin icg a. the tork acd outtiag dowawurd. Piasa the orauge on ioe for a half hour and bring it to the table with the fork siti tn ir. If eranges are goed they can be eatsn' from the pulp with perfect ease aad with mach mo e satisfaction than will be experi:nod in any ether way of serving, ; "* 'Wase, Not Vawz. The later authorities in words have come 've the resoue ef the pablic. They asy toa? a straightforward Eng'ich prannnota:ion of the werd vase is saffici-n» and cestrable. In euoh a casd iS rhymes.withcass cr base; In rertain olroles the edjsot becsm+s a vane ; 'fio la a peach blow it is a vahzs, end it!' isin Boston it is a vawz. The new dle- feoary makers have smast+d ons anneying afvotution of language --New York Sun, Ink for Rubber stamps, : From a Gasman 'seuroe che "* Notional Dragglet" recstves thie geseral fermula fer an int free frem of] fer nse with rabber scamps: Make a mixture ef enft of dis.illed water, whi e vinegar aU alcoho', with seven parts of glycerine. Fer oolor, methyl violet or losia. Learning Frem Expericace. **Da yoo believe," bo saii,ae he tenderly stroked her hair. " De you believe thet a deep, abidieg love lize eurs can ever dis out?" . "*Nev now, George, I don't," she re- spended. " Batitalwaya did in my pre- vious engagements." 'About the Jamping Moiar. How iosiynificant a decsyed tooth leokes after itigous! Whatid is o> heme and basy at werk it felt as big as a "meeting hones, bad after it has been kicked ent of doors it lookase sma!l $nad ih seems like effrontery to tendst it te the deaties io pay- ment for his servic: s. a 4, r A lady who weg abeut to be married eoter-d-a printimy cffise and ordered a.num-' ber of invicatione to be pribted. " Ths pre- pris'or, & jovial sert of wan, thinking he ough bay somsshing, regierked: ** Ib scoms to mis test .anyene who marries tn y Rudge om her meney. She'll. give ds ander the etairs, whore many hundred women have been searched. *"' They scot semothing to de befero lex g. I guess. They dsn't lesk the rea! stylish thieves, do they? 4 feachihim by ethers' iocresses her 'happiness. much fe weaken her love and. respeot fer yeurself. ** If yeu would bs sure ef a pleasant hour and a cheerful wifs past year evenings ab theme with her, or take her te ahare soolal énjsymerts with = ** Never be stern or silent' in your own ae and noted fer your social gifts elss- wher Not could be better than this advice, and {b is too often greatly needed. For, I aek, docs the man fully appreolate the respensibility he teek upon himself when he indaced the weman with pledges, premises and many kindnesses.te go into a life nership with him'? If se,then he sheuld alee know that he has taken upon himseif a solemn duty to fulfil these cenbracta. No punishment is tee greab fera man whe has perjared himself in' the intent to gain his desires, and in so doing brings unhappiness to the one whe trusted him. If the man saysit was over eathusiasm, then it sho be his daty te repair the -- dene te his wife by every possible effort. RECIPROCAL RESPONSIBILITIES. 7 -- should be careful in his comments to wife in to her lous nature. Doss he think She is. too Senochentions ? Haz be nob learaed that if a wife's conscience is eenaitive to wrong-déing he can impll- oltly trusp her? Bat bewaro of making {t callous, fer there may ceme a time when sho is net werthy of for falling in your daty be her. A-man saya: "Oh! I'am a reugh brate. Ispeak eut what I think. I had no intenticn ef b ."' It msy-be the wife's duty that dhe, at first, ever ooks this lack of refinement ; bub is it net the man's duty that he try te govern that unrtily congue and not tax her- fergivenesa tee often T *But while reading the above oan one aveid the questien: " De not wives' need such caution quite as often as thelr hus- bands 1" Perhaps we may be semswhat behind the age, bat we plead guilty to some Little sym- pathy for husbands. , Suppose, geod wives, while you read thes above adyice again, you permit us to ask you a few questions : Did you never praise seme excellencs or virtue in your friend's bueband with great enthesiasm, purposely te remiod yeur hus- band of some fanid planty essen in his character er habits, instead of gently re- minding him of thsm when alene with him? Da yeu never trast your hasband, when im company, with inattention er neglect, while pelitely and cordially acoep'iag the atbectioas--perhaps flatbaries--of lesa nebie men ? Have you never impatiently blamed your husband in the presenos of wm third party ? No man la more senaitive .to blame, -in the presence of ethers, than a husband when the censure comes from his wife's lips, LESSONS FOR WIVES, Ara you never atlent er irritacle {tn your own heme with no ene bad yeur husband to enterbatn, 'but full af life, wit and amia- biliby in company 7? lt is quite right that husbands sbonld re- ceive the counsel thue given, and, taugint by the ievsen itis Gesigned te teach, endeaver to augment the jays ef heme. Bat should not wives also be equally ready to take the 'casens inte their own hearts! Are we net equatly linble te treapsee in the eame way? Aye, more so, Kur home is our kingdem' where we may reign supreme, if we are wise, and held the scep re with a gentle nand, praying for that gu'dauce whion will ever ensbie us to centre] our acte-eo that the law of leve and kindnvss shall ever govern eure h. . Every wife feels a thrill ef pleasure in hesriny words ef praise given ts her has- band, and the rer she sees accorded te Thongh a msn may pretend te be ladifferent te what others think éf him he should 80 | oxrry himeolf in theught, word, and deed, thas no blush of stame fer bis luck ef prin- ciple. shall came to her. Aod she, for his sake as well as ber own, sheuld nob be weary in well doing. " We have seen young pesple begin married Mfe with every promise ef the moxb happiness and ina few months make ship- wreok of id all be, Does own unguarded words, impatient looks and ungeverned tem- fer spicy and brililant repartee re, A 'alend may Soarm and enliven a party, give amuse- ment to eectal intercourse and endow its ose-eser with a certain position, enviable or otnerwise ; bat in the-heme oircle it is a dicgereus gift, unfortacately mere fre- quently noti>eable in women thas in men. O BRAR AND FORBEAR, - ' We have frequently¥ecoled as frem a hiow on hesring, in coupany, these whe sheu'd be one tn heart show their wit and britliancy in this lineto the discomfort and annoyance of their companion ; and we fear sub remarks are quite ae eften made by the wifé ta by thé husband." Do husbands trust. And through whese fault? Yours, | 3 . 7 i! . 7 ? ry --~ - ss - ees - - ~ | like fends when I undress them and work | When they de appear the matren upstairs | herieh made thet oo the least zign ef mercy. Last week a Ger- manta, ; R - Jon the one passes ever te and is shared by eS , | man--just ever--cams in with diamonds en 4 a>" ° ~ | the ether, and all all -erters and die- S : her fingers and an 1830 gewn under ber} { THEY DEFY IMITATION, Mrs, Henry Ward Beecher Writes on tha' are Ghenged $0 thie one are oqealiy trie Watch Kept For Them in the] >isck setts onpe, She. was foot cong. Se Cloth Dressing Knows No Substitute Fer} -- Marital Responsibilities. injarios te the other. They are * . wear the shoplifter's peoket in her 4 ten ; become of Inte fashionable to talk ena , Big Stores, af aa With "all our boasted _ aber saving sca teld bh ber boleene " bg * . A PUNISHABLE OFFEN' « : are © are. om vendisin, Sin 2 pre inery and medera inventions there are] HOME THE WIFE'S KINGDOM. [her right ignored,' the poibllity of Ear att ' = of her round belt, and nee fall pnlate numerous articles which enter into the Septet ~ any li eminence er standing T . be ther There were.a lob of littl | °o2emy of man esem on an equ wit mam svelled'eh ond dhe STEALING AS-AN ART. Sinkets th ani, sen discovered! and simple but which defy improvement. -|[Demestic Mappiness Dependent Upen [every oct that fe made te raise the sax Ts es ahe bh T Ssdeed setiat 7 Ne one, fer instance; has ever been able Mutual Regard fer the Peace and Com- | Meets with ridicule, 7 | ; had to call-the detective." He cenldn't a.substitute fer whalebone. With fert ef the Houscheld--Wisdem of Fer-| V6 are far frem indifferent te such effects The Class of Women Whe Are Amitetea}de anything with her, and before. she} \ -- aye - geting g Sgr bearance--A Werd fer Wires Also. © j that have for their ore A reece = Wh Kicptomeais st . Lmpulstve) left the svore three men Almost literally | ooo of tewentors dsses Garned shale athen" that with aoe axe greatly and tm Eusanity".-Snould Preachers, Decters = upen hér while we an her to tien te the artlole and attempted to supply their efferte to rnise weman cannet a af or Lawyers Treat Their "Malady ? [°° The. cutes> ket Is along piece of f° 220stitate, but up te the preient time weman's rights without seme ungentle fling --teme Noted Criminals. cloth fastened Bas Rew ack = T side, ;2%thiog as durable, tough and pliable as atman. Fa brothers, husbands, sons f a ~ r : Pp whalebone has resulted. ; are they net bene of our bene, ficsh ef eur C iz trae that the gev-| Through the lower edge is a draw-atring, | 4. ther article witheu! which no wosllen While we eagerly press ferward in -- ernmental system inthe -- "3. gigs tener Bom -- panufacturer could prepare certsin goods earnest endeaver to stand aide by side with nit 3: 'ara+ New Yerk etores | '2 ake, pil i tho strin sel F th for the market is the teazel. Itis abso- these dear relations, why ned wish te werk i bas been brought to a } oer in ng 'ately essential is ralsing a nap on cssal- Y Thand in hand with them instead of standing as mimetire peyseotion. TUMBLE £0 THE FLOOR meres and soft woollen fabrics, and although en the defensive an if corfi:cting parties t Exch big house *haa ite ; s2eres ef imitation teszela have been in- ** It should be the eld etery ef the twe i ex\cuilens, ita pslioe, }ander her ekirts, and i have sbsslately Do vented nsne are found to giva the satisfao- bears, " Boar and Forbear." Alse, the lev- \\ os _ is tswe and ite people. fevidesce aguinet her, sinoe neiiher packet | tien of the odd lt:le barr, with ite atiff Hb- ing command should be remembered, " Bear Sg There are penalties and j nor goods are found'on her pureon. A com} ile hooke, which is so extensively exported with the 'desire te} Ye one another's burdens." bear Gig Pui ments, rewards | men trick 's:to sweep small articles into an] snd onltivated fer the cloth finishing trade. ; remind : f some HOW TO LIGHTEX EURDERS. Sw and promotions, while} umbrelia ; another {s to lay a jacket or any Poersens whe hava never seen a tearel can fanls of her = years 6 were peony is accounted for to the pewers ether wrap upon the counter and pick up}imagine w far cone, sb all over with Ubele an wife Ss oncom "--: inattentive - ae i the duty of the wife to keep in view which mote ¢us rosompenscs te the jes; and | with ft clwsb, ribben, Inca-er almes) any- t ; . thing t there are many perplexities in the opjast. ; e thing. Then, if worst comes to worst, the me Pree es fac tate-ig meng eye woman's pride more keenly er tends 80} nese life that try a maa's patience enduranoe, and she is the safety valve. . Et is ouly a momentary hissing ef steam. Lssrn the lessen of nod being tee senal- tive ; it will eave many a rtache, There are many burdens the husband cam help bear. He can lighten the wife's, by net com 'om her petty ecen- emies that he will not take upon himeclf. Strive te become interested in that which interests the ether. "I wish yeu would keep your business affairs ontbef yeur heme. I care nothing Oa.the other hand, ne man has a te deprive his wife ef that which adds te her happiness and only needs a little salf- denial on his part te 6. He may aay, " can, have aJl the she desires. She can de d chs sheeses 5 DES Sinee nee Dueed, 09 a0, and [ have ns interes what she does. I must be lefveut." Can you nob see yeu canned be lefteut? You but place year wi'e in am embar. peosition--ene in which she a te befils the ensver gern. THE SICK OF TYRANKY. It is yeur duty te guard her from oll the cause, heme, anda man bas his in bis business; but hew abeut the duty te eagh.etherat the end ef the sepsrate day's work ; the duty in the social world that broadens strengthens yeur own, for each néeda some help the other cannod give ? . The o scx--to whem we bslong ard who belongs jasd as eurely to us--will ne ebsiasle ta retard eur -pregress, while seeking te rise, te stand om greund, every ycaz, we retain the bezuti- tul characteristics trus, gentle, leving womanhood--a much nobler type and far mere sure to gain the exd soaght than the imperious, foul: fiading kind, which can only bring ué reproach. We fally understand sll that ia said or may be sald of a man's rough, abrubt, ever- bearing ways. Pocrbaps there is a Libtla spice ef tyranny in every man's compesi- tien ; but it may be alse that ever sinse the days of Quoen Beas, if net frem~ the: very beginning, carcfal investigatien will find eneugh et this same quality in her own sex te establizh our claims ab least te alsterhood. But, admitting that theese im- perilous traite are purely masculine, de we not krew hew these uncemfertable un- desirable qualities may be softened, if not entirely conquered ? TO CONQUER BY LOVE When the traveiler wrapped his cleak abeut him to withstand the tempest the storm desconded in great wrath ; the wind reared in fury, rocking him te and fre, whirling bim likes feather aleng the reed in the vain endeaver be tear the cloak frem abeut him, while he hugged it all the more clesely, end they could net cerquer him. uteoon the sun came te him--gently, nelseleesly--and the iron will and el frame that se suocessfally defied the sterm: and fierce wind buwed befere the genial and oomferting rae and acknew- ledged nis cenquerer. oe , Acd thus, msy weman, tf she will, by leve and ge st, fi tng subjects, who will © iza her power and give hearty sup and enoe ment te all her sspiradi@na for kno ig, be te ho:d her in fall equality with themsslves. «Yee First Thought, A woman whese enly sen is about 16 months old lives net fer from a big mil] in which there was a serious ecxplesion a few days age. A gevtleman, calling. upon hee shertly afterward, inquired about her expe- rience. " Dd you really feel the sheck 7" sald he. ** Yes, indeed !" she replied. '* It shook the house frem cellar'te garrst." ** And what 'did yeu think was the matter ?" **] theught the baby had fallen out of poe was the unexpected answer.-- Toronto * Mai Oremwell and Hampden did 'ned attempt te sail te America just befere the ou of the English revolutien. Tha Wife--Oh, - doen't ext, dear, Tce Hus I den't want te go eut, bub I thought I would take a ros down téwn fer half an hedr ; the boys are beginning to say I am ticd to my wife's apren string. The Wife--Well, what harm fa there in that? Is {t wrang fer a bus bard te be attached to his wife? ., The largest magted in 'the werld is at "'Willet's Point, Li. Ibis made of two can- demnad Dab calibré, weund with cable and charged with electricity, | and wives sufficlenjly bear in mind "that when they prenocnced the marriage yows theese hard sTmes bas considerable "oaurage." ** Well," yeoplied the lady, "' wo are all oui , of work sind we've got ts do semething, you 'know."" they toek the care of each other's bonet and respectability inte their ewn hands, te' Jaweron--Are you geing refurnish yourhouse? Fitz--Ne. Jame Well, / Ieaw yeur wife in a furnitare other'day pricing different Fits--~ Yes, She did that so as te 6 what Brewn's new furnitare oeat, ° ~ It my be sald a weman's duty lice in her j jembsrrassments, espeolaily where you are -- f

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